Is it possible to eat boiled corn while losing weight: calories, benefits and harm in the fight against extra pounds

Corn (aka maize) has earned the title of “queen of fields” due to its high yield and unpretentiousness. It is used for making flour, cereals, porridges, canning, and boiled with whole cobs. Corn kernels, sweet and filling, are loved by many.

The question of whether corn is considered a dietary product is being discussed quite actively. She has supporters who believe that, due to its low calorie content, it is perfect for those who want to lose weight. Opponents of this product claim that yellow cobs are too high in calories and are unsuitable even for a light diet. In the article we will talk about whether or not you can eat corn when losing weight, and what specific properties this product has.

Composition and properties of boiled corn

100 g of boiled corn contains:

  • calories - 96 kcal;
  • fats - 1.50 g (cholesterol - 0.0 mg);
  • proteins - 3.41 g;
  • carbohydrates - 20.98 g (including: sugar - 4.5 g, fiber - 2.4 g, starch - 7.2 g);
  • saturated fatty acids - 0.6 g;
  • monounsaturated fatty acids - 1.12 g;
  • vitamin A - 13.0 mcg;
  • beta-carotene - 66.0 mcg;
  • alpha-carotene - 23.0 mcg;
  • vitamin E - 0.1 mg;
  • vitamin K - 0.4 mcg;
  • vitamin C - 5.5 mg;
  • vitamin B1 - 0.1 mg;
  • vitamin B2 - 0.1 mg;
  • vitamin B3 - 1.7 mg;
  • vitamin B4 - 29.1 mg;
  • vitamin B5 - 0.8 mg;
  • vitamin B6 - 0.1 mg;
  • vitamin B9 - 23.0 mcg;
  • calcium - 3.0 mg;
  • iron - 0.5 mg;
  • magnesium - 26.0 mg;
  • phosphorus - 77.0 mg;
  • potassium - 218.0 mg;
  • sodium - 1.0 mg;
  • zinc - 0.6 mg;
  • manganese - 0.2 mg;
  • selenium - 0.2 mcg.

Corn contains amino acids necessary for the body to function properly. Fatty acids are useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

The vitamin composition of this cereal is also rich. Maize provides the daily requirement of vitamins A, E, H, C and PP, and contains almost all B vitamins. These vitamins are involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and contribute to the removal of cholesterol. In addition, they participate in the activity of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems, normalize the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

The amino acids contained in corn help keep the skin fresh and slow down the aging process. Corn is able to stabilize the hormonal state of the body, so it is recommended to be consumed during adolescence and menopause.

The abundance of fiber in cobs improves intestinal function and also helps to effectively cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.

Benefits and harms for losing weight

Those who want to lose extra pounds should pay attention to the following features of corn:

  1. The grains contain glutamic acid, due to which fat is broken down and burned more intensively.
  2. Corn contains slow carbohydrates. They break down gradually, so the feeling of fullness after eating lasts a long time.
  3. The abundance of fiber improves intestinal motility and stimulates digestion.
  4. A complex of specific enzymes, the production of which is promoted by this cereal, accelerates the process of losing weight.
  5. Corn is hypoallergenic because it does not contain gluten.
  6. This cereal contains proteins involved in the formation of muscle tissue. Thus, the maize diet can be combined with physical activity.
  7. This product has no age restrictions.
  8. The products included in the diet menu are available all year round and are inexpensive.

The benefits of corn in the diet are undeniable, but it also has a number of disadvantages that, under certain conditions, can cause inconvenience..

Of these, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. The menu for the maize diet is quite monotonous.
  2. The products contain small amounts of fats with polysaccharides.
  3. This cereal is not recommended to be combined with proteins.
  4. Diarrhea may occur during the diet.
  5. Diet can provoke or aggravate hidden disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

About corn

Any dish that contains corn is, by definition, tasty and healthy. The Mayans and Aztecs became the first people on earth who began to cultivate it en masse. What is surprising is that evidence and signs of the existence of wild varieties have not yet been found. Despite the fact that there are several thousand varieties, they are all created by human hands. For a Russian person, it will be an interesting fact that it comes in different colors - not only yellow, but also dark blue, red, and even white.

What benefits does it provide, besides its gastronomic properties?

  1. Cleansing. This vegetable helps to gently remove waste and toxins from the body. The milk variety is most suitable for these purposes.
  2. Laxative effect. It is mildly expressed and is used as a folk remedy for the treatment of constipation.
  3. Vitamin treasure. Residents of Russia are lucky, because domestic varieties of corn contain a huge amount of microelements, such as vitamins D, C, K, B, as well as copper, nickel, phosphorus and magnesium.
  4. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, stabilizes blood glucose levels, restores affected joints, protects against cancer by removing carcinogens from the body.
  5. Facilitates the course of pregnancy: increases general immunity, gives energy, smoothes out nervous feelings, alleviates toxicosis, nourishes the fetus with essential microelements.

Is it possible to eat boiled corn on a diet?

This issue gives rise to controversy, but most nutritionists confidently classify corn as a dietary product and recommend a maize diet.

This kind of diet is tolerated without severe discomfort for a person and is gentle. Moreover, with its help you can lose about 4-5 kg ​​per week. Such figures quite convincingly demonstrate the effectiveness of the corn diet.

Maize grain contains a complex of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, macro- and microelements and vitamins. Corn contains almost all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Thanks to the unique composition of this cereal, the maize diet is balanced and easily tolerated. It is suitable for both strict and gentle diets.

Important! Opponents of corn talk about its calorie content. It's true - 100 g of corn contains about 340 kcal. But do not forget that this figure refers to dry grain. When boiled or canned, the energy value of this cereal ranges from 90 to 110 kcal.

There are several ways to lose weight using corn. The most popular are fasting days. This is a simple and quick type of diet. It is useful not only for those losing weight, but also for those who want to cleanse the body.

Of the more time-consuming methods, as a rule, they resort to three-day, four-day and week-long diets. Such diets can be both gentle and strict. In the absence of contraindications, a mono-diet is allowed and can be combined with physical activity. This will make the weight loss process even more effective.

The two-week diet is considered the most difficult. It requires attitude and self-discipline. It is quite difficult to withstand it. Therefore, for most people, a loose diet with the addition of other foods is more preferable.

Corn overnight

An important question: is it possible to eat corn at night? Nutritionists do not recommend eating this way. The fact is that at night the human body, and in particular the digestive system, rests. Metabolic processes slow down at this time, so it is better not to consume a product high in complex carbohydrates and coarse plant fiber. This will create extra stress on the digestive tract and ruin your sleep.

Before going to bed, it is better to limit yourself to lighter foods, such as yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese. Boiled or steamed vegetables are also recommended for dinner: carrots, beets, cabbage. It is better to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Important! If during the diet you feel a loss of strength, malaise, or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, immediately contact a specialist.

What's the best way to cook?

The cooking method directly affects the effectiveness of adding corn to your diet for weight loss:

  • raw corn will be the most useful, since it retains all the beneficial substances;
  • boiled cobs after heat treatment lose most of their vitamins and microelements and add calories;
  • Canned grains are not only taken from sweet varieties, but also contain preservatives.

Raw cobs will be the most useful for losing weight, but eating them is a dubious pleasure. If desired, they can be boiled and eaten without adding salt or sugar.

For weight loss, corn silks are often used - the same strings that envelop the cobs.

Drinking the infusion half an hour before meals will help lower blood sugar levels, accelerate lipid metabolism and metabolism in general. The drink also has a pronounced diuretic effect, and removing excess water from tissues is the first step to weight loss.

Rules for preparation and consumption

On fasting days, it is permissible to consume no more than 1 kg of corn per day. This portion is divided into five parts. It is recommended to drink about 2-3 liters of water, since corn requires a lot of liquid. This applies to both fasting days and long-term diets.

On a three-day diet, eat as follows:

  1. Breakfast: 200 g of corn grains.
  2. Lunch: vegetable mixture of one tomato, grated raw carrots and cucumber. Add fresh lemon juice to the mixture.
  3. Dinner: 200 g corn kernels.

For a four-day diet, the diet changes slightly. After the first two days, reduce the amount of corn from 800 to 400 g per day and add other products. Diet for this diet:

Day 1-2:

  1. Breakfast: salad of 200 g of maize grains and one grated raw carrot. You can add fresh lemon juice. Drink unsweetened tea, preferably green, or coffee.
  2. Lunch: maize with stewed cabbage (no more than 200 g).
  3. Afternoon snack: fruit, for example, kiwi and 200 g of corn.
  4. Dinner: salad of 200 g of corn, one medium tomato and any greens (dill, parsley, Chinese cabbage, arugula).

Day 3-4:

  • Breakfast: salad of 100 g of corn grains and Chinese cabbage. You can add olive or vegetable oil and fresh lemon juice.
  • Lunch: soup made from 100 g of maize grains, half a bunch of stalk celery and two medium tomatoes.
  • Afternoon snack: salad of one corn cob, sour apple and half a grapefruit.
  • Dinner: salad of 100 g of boiled grains, 50 g of champignons, Chinese cabbage and cucumber. You can add olive or vegetable oil and cranberry juice and any greens.

The maize diet requires a lot of fluid. You need to drink at least 2-3 liters per day. Still water, tea (green or herbal infusion) and weak coffee are allowed. Sugar should not be added to drinks.

Recommendations for preparing boiled corn

Dairy corn contains the most enzymes that help break down fats, so to combat excess weight it is worth taking young cobs. In old ones, the content of substances necessary for weight loss is lower, so they are more suitable for cleansing the body than for a diet.

When preparing maize dishes, follow a number of rules:

  1. Cook milk corn for no more than 10 minutes. Large or overripe cobs, as well as some forage varieties, are cooked for about 50 minutes.
  2. Most of the useful components of the cereal are preserved when cooked in a slow cooker.
  3. When boiling corn, try to use as little water as possible and place the cobs close to each other to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients that go into the broth during cooking.
  4. You should not cook corn in reserve. Over time, the taste and benefits deteriorate.
  5. Boiled cobs can be stored for no more than two days in the refrigerator.

Combination of corn with other products

In order for corn to fully reveal its beneficial properties in a diet, you need to know which products it can be combined with and which ones are best excluded from the menu.


  • all fruits with a few exceptions, which will be discussed below;
  • stewed or raw vegetables;
  • greens: parsley, celery, arugula, Chinese cabbage;
  • tomato soup – you can add grains to it;
  • mushrooms.

It is forbidden:

  • bananas, grapes, apples (sour varieties), melons;
  • meat dishes;
  • fish dishes;
  • sugar;
  • salt.

It is recommended to gradually exit the corn diet. As a rule, returning to your usual diet takes 2-3 weeks. It is important that the serving size is no more than 200 g. In no case should you overeat, otherwise digestive problems may begin, and the lost weight will return very quickly.

To prevent lost kilograms from returning, give up fatty, highly salty and sweet foods. Before your next diet, take a break of at least six months.

This is interesting! Not only corn grains, but also stigmas are useful for getting rid of excess weight. Tinctures and decoctions of them have diuretic properties, rid the body of excess fluid and prevent swelling.

Cooking recommendations

The maximum possible amount of nutrients is contained in grains that have been cooked in a steamer.

Algorithm for cooking corn:

  1. Peel and wash the cobs. Remove rotten parts with a knife.
  2. If they are large, cut them into smaller portions with a knife.
  3. Place green leaves removed from the corn on the bottom of the container. Place the cobs on top of them in one layer.
  4. Young grains will be ready in 20 minutes, mature ones in 1 hour.
  5. Cover them with a lid and let them brew for 15 - 20 minutes. Grease with butter or sprinkle with salt.

The same algorithm must be followed during normal cooking. To make the grains soft, it is necessary to place the cobs in several layers, but be sure to cover each of them with green leaves. Do not salt the corn during cooking.

Corn is a nutritious grain that can be consumed for weight loss. Sweet grains quickly satisfy hunger and have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. For diets, raw, boiled and even canned corn is suitable.


Corn is a great helper in the fight against excess weight, but like any other product, it can be harmful. Therefore, a number of restrictions are imposed on it.

Contraindications to eating corn are as follows:

  • this product is prohibited for patients with thrombophlebitis;
  • corn can cause stomach upset, so people with gastrointestinal problems should avoid eating it;
  • maize grains are prohibited for duodenal ulcers;
  • This product is not recommended for use while breastfeeding;
  • People with bleeding disorders should avoid the maize diet.

What are the benefits of corn flakes and popcorn?

Corn flakes contain a large amount of fiber, which has a positive effect on intestinal function, microelements and starch - a source of energy. So cereal can really become not only a tasty, but also a nutritious breakfast. They also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin. This is why a person feels joy and pleasure after snacking on corn flakes.

However, it is important to remember that only natural cereals that do not contain sugar, preservatives, flavors and other chemical additives can be considered healthy. Therefore, it is better to give preference to unsweetened cereals. And in any case, this product should be consumed in moderation. Corn flakes are not good for diabetics or overweight people.

What about popcorn? If you take pure popcorn, without adding salt, sugar, syrups and flavor enhancers, then it also has beneficial properties. For example, the product increases the amount of polyphenols - these are natural antioxidants that prevent oxidation and cell aging.

Canned corn for diet

When asked whether it is possible to eat canned corn on a diet, nutritionists answer positively. This is a good alternative to fresh cobs during the off-season.

The canned maize diet is for the hungry. This method is quite effective - you can lose about 5 kg in a week, and even more if you combine diet with physical activity.

The main problem that those who choose this method of losing weight may encounter is the composition of the product. During the cooking and canning process of grains, manufacturers often add sugar or flavor enhancers. They significantly reduce the effectiveness of the diet because they increase appetite and increase the calorie content of the product.

When choosing canned food, pay attention to the composition - it should contain a minimum of additives. It is recommended to take canned food made in season - from July to September. This suggests that young corn was used to make them. Also on sale you can find not grains, but whole cobs. This corn is healthier.

When dieting on canned grains, it is recommended to reduce the amount by 25% compared to fresh corn. With a four-day diet, in the first two days, 400 g, divided into four doses, is sufficient. You can combine them with green onions, vegetable salad without oil and several fruits. On the 3rd and 4th days, the portion is reduced to 200 g, and at the same time greens, vegetables and fruits are introduced into the menu, but not more than 150 g per day.

Calorie content of corn depending on the type of finished product

Corn is a product of average calorie content, which cannot be said about its derivatives. The table shows the calorie content of corn depending on the cooking method.

Calorie content of corn (number of kcal per 100 g of product):

  • fresh young corn: 84–90;
  • frozen corn: about 90;
  • canned corn: 104–119;
  • boiled corn: about 123;
  • corn flour: 330;
  • popcorn: about 330;
  • corn sticks: from 353 and above;
  • corn flakes: from 360 kcal.

How many calories are in canned corn must be indicated on the label. These data may differ from one manufacturer to another, depending on the composition of the syrup and the preparation technology.

The calorie content of popcorn may increase with the addition of butter and other flavorings. The same goes for the calorie content of corn sticks: the table shows the average figure for sticks without sugar and other additives. These two products cannot be classified as dietary, however, it is incorrect to call them useless.


Not only those who decided to lose weight with it, but also practicing specialists speak positively about the maize diet. Here are some of those reviews.

Evgenia, 36 years old: “I experimented with losing weight and tried many different diets. One of the most favorite is corn, because it is not hungry at all, very effective and tasty. With her I was able to lose 5 kg, and now my weight is 58 kg. In addition, the swelling under the eyes has gone away. In my case, the corn diet was very effective.”

Ivan, 19 years old: “I began to weigh too much to dance professionally. My choreographer and I looked at different diets and decided to go with a light corn diet. It is balanced, and also allows you not to interrupt rehearsals and constantly practice. It was necessary to return to normal nutrition gradually, and this helped to consolidate the results even better. During the diet, I didn’t feel constantly hungry and was able to lose 5 kg, as I wanted.”

Y. Karpenko, nutritionist: “Corn has earned an excellent reputation in fasting and dietary therapy. It has a small list of contraindications and does not have an immunosuppressive effect. The best effect can be achieved if you combine diet with exercise and cardio exercise. The stress from this diet is rated as low, so there is no significant impact on the functioning of the hormonal system. But still, you should not neglect the advice of a specialist doctor, who will explain what aspects of your health you should pay attention to so that the diet does not bring negative results.”

Z. Chernovol, family doctor: “This diet refers to methods based on healthy organic products. Her diet supplies the body with the required amount of nutrients, ensures the norm of proteins, fats and complex saccharides. It is believed that corn is a difficult product for the stomach, but this is not true. On the contrary, it is easily digested, improves intestinal function and has a good effect on its microflora. Even with a mono-diet, there is no acute lack of nutrients.”

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