Is it possible to eat oranges while losing weight, the benefits of juice for weight loss

General rules

The citrus fruit orange has many advantages that effectively help in the fight against excess weight.
It is well known that orange has a very low calorie content - only 70-90 kcal per 100 grams of product, and does not contain fat at all. The carbohydrates contained in orange citrus are not able to be converted into fat, and the feeling of fullness persists for 2-4 hours, depending on the amount of fruit eaten. Orange can also be used as a snack. Orange is also famous for its high content of vitamin C. One fruit covers our body’s daily requirement for ascorbic acid. The vitamin allows you to fight free radicals , stimulates the cleansing of the body from metabolic products and harmful substances, and prevents the development of early aging. At the same time, the digestive organs are not overloaded due to the easy absorption of citrus, which has a positive effect on metabolism in general. The intestines are cleansed due to the dietary fiber of the orange; fiber, like a brush, cleanses everything from the lumen of the large and small intestines, and the feeling of fullness remains in the stomach for a long time due to the swelling of dietary fiber, allowing you to not feel hungry for a long time.

Can you eat oranges on a diet?

Orange citrus fruits are useful for anyone losing weight to include in their diet, because... In addition to the above advantages, orange is also an excellent antidepressant . The sodium and potassium contained in citrus keep the body in good shape and control blood pressure . Folic acid improves skin condition during diet. Freshly squeezed juice with pulp prevents the development of constipation due to the abundant pectin content and normalizes the process of bile . The rich content of organic acids stimulates fat burning.

Orange diet for weight loss

This diet involves the use of orange citrus as the main product for weight loss. At the same time, there are practically no restrictions on the use of other products. The orange diet has many varieties and options.

General information about oranges

If you are not allergic to citrus fruits, orange fruit can help you lose up to 10 kg of weight per week. It is rich in micro- and macroelements, vitamins that are beneficial for the skin, hair and general condition of the body.

Chemical composition

Oranges contain a rich set of vitamins: fat-soluble alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, A, E, water-soluble B1, B2, B3 (PP), B4, B5, B6, B9 and C. They speed up metabolism and normalize digestion.

Vitamin C is necessary for humans for the functioning of the immune system, redox processes, and for the absorption of iron. It helps the functioning of blood vessels.

Silicon is one of the components of glycosaminoglycans that synthesize collagen.
These properties determine the value of citrus in diets and for preserving beauty. Among the minerals that are beneficial to the body:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc.

Together with fiber, they help cleanse the intestines and reduce hunger.
The sunny fruit contains 18 essential amino acids, but their content is minimal.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 g of fruit contains the norm per day:

  • fat - 0.12%;
  • carbohydrates - 11.8%;
  • protein - 0.94%.

Almost 12 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of fruit is 90% of the total energy from the 47 kcal contained in a serving, 86.75 g is water. They contain no trans fats, cholesterol, sugar per serving - 9.4 g, fiber - 2.4 g.


Orange diet for 5 days

On this diet you can lose up to three extra pounds in 5 days. The diet can be extended up to three weeks: for 5 days you eat according to the proposed menu, and on weekends you eat your favorite dishes, with the exception of sweets. Try not to ruin your weekly weight loss results by overeating on the weekend.


  • 1 orange;
  • tea without sugar;
  • diet bread.
  • boiled egg;
  • 200 ml kefir (can be replaced with unsweetened natural yogurt);
  • 1 loaf;
  • 1 orange.
  • 2 fresh tomatoes;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 1 loaf of bread.


  • 1 orange;
  • tea without sugar;
  • 1 loaf of bread.
  • 1 medium orange;
  • 1 diet bread;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 200 ml yogurt/low-fat kefir.
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 loaf;
  • 150 grams of baked/boiled lean beef;
  • 1 tomato.


  • 1 large orange;
  • 1 loaf;
  • tea without sugar.
  • 1 orange citrus;
  • natural yogurt 400 ml;
  • 1 diet bread;
  • 1 boiled egg.
  • 200 ml natural yogurt;
  • 1 orange;
  • beefsteak 150 grams;
  • 1 loaf of bread.


  • 1 citrus;
  • 1 loaf;
  • tea without sugar;
  • a cup of coffee.
  • low-fat cottage cheese 150 grams;
  • 1 fresh tomato;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 1 diet bread.
  • 1 green apple;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 1 toast;
  • boiled lean veal/beef.


  • 1 large citrus;
  • 1 diet bread;
  • sugar free coffee.
  • 200 ml low-fat kefir;
  • 200 grams of steamed fish fillet;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 lettuce leaves.
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • four lettuce leaves;
  • two tomatoes.

Egg-orange diet for 7 days

The high effectiveness of the diet is achieved due to the low carbohydrate content in the diet. The absence of salt allows you to remove excess fluid from the body. The main ingredients are chicken egg white and orange. The egg-orange diet can be carried out with the addition of vegetables, but the reduced calorie content is of little importance.

Diet on eggs and oranges. Option one.

In three weeks of the diet you can get rid of 5-9 extra pounds. The rules are quite simple. In the first week, you are allowed to consume 6 oranges and 9 eggs per day, dividing them into 3 doses. In the second and third weeks, fruits, herbs and fresh vegetables are added to the diet. For drinks, you can only drink still water and tea without added sugar.

Diet on eggs and oranges. Option two.

The result can be achieved faster, but the dietary restrictions are stricter. This option is suitable for those who urgently need to lose weight before an important event or important event. The diet differs from the previous menu only in the number of products: daily you can eat 6 eggs and oranges (2 eggs, 2 oranges for each meal). The duration of the limited diet is a week.

Carbohydrates and proteins can be eaten at the same time, or alternately, as desired. However, many consider the combination of eggs and fruit simply unacceptable. If desired, you can eat a fresh vegetable (tomato, tomato) once a day. Consumption of green tea with honey is allowed.

Fasting day on oranges

In this variation, you can consume exclusively orange citrus fruits during the day - 1.5 kg of oranges. Be sure to follow a special drinking regime - non-carbonated water and any unsweetened drinks. By removing excess fluid, you can get rid of 1.5-3 extra kilograms per day. The reviews are positive: saturating the body with vitamin C has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system.

Snack before bed

Orange is probably one of the few fruits that can be eaten at any time of the day, on an empty stomach, after meals and even before bed. This citrus is enriched with fiber, making it an excellent snack. It can be consumed either in its pure form, cut into slices, or in the form of freshly squeezed juice.

More on the topic >> Menu and three effective diets for a month for weight loss

Drink a glass of this invigorating drink in the morning before sports training and restore the tone of the whole body. If you eat one orange at night, it will not only perform the function of fat burning, but will also prevent stagnation and rotting of other foods that a person consumed during the day.

Authorized Products

The orange diet, designed for 4 weeks, has a fairly strict diet, from which you cannot deviate. Every day you need to drink about 2 liters of unsweetened liquid (water, coffee and tea without sugar). Daily consumption of soda is allowed - 200 ml. You can improve the taste perception of dishes by adding dried garlic, onion or ground pepper.

The meat needs to be grilled or boiled. The varieties should be low-fat. The daily diet includes eating oranges, eggs and meat. The menu can be varied by adding fresh vegetables and fruits. For dinner you can eat steamed fish. It is allowed to eat low-fat cottage cheese and toast (1 piece for each meal).

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens




Nuts and dried fruits

dried fruits2,30,668,2286

Flour and pasta

low-fat soy flour48,91,021,7291

Bakery products

rye crackers16,01,070,0336
Rye bread6,61,234,2165

Raw materials and seasonings



skim milk2,00,14,831
skimmed soy milk2,50,03,928
skim milk powder33,21,052,6339
skimmed cow's milk kumiss1,50,12,115

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0% (low fat)16,50,01,371



Fish and seafood


Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,099,00,0899
olive oil0,099,80,0898

Non-alcoholic drinks

green tea0,00,00,0
black tea20,05,16,9152

Juices and compotes

* data is per 100 g of product

Calorie content of oranges

Not the last positive quality of orange is its low calorie content. Medium-sweet citrus fruit has from 70 to 90 kcal per 100 g of product. Considering that after eating an orange a person feels full for 4 hours, this is a very beneficial product for those who are on a diet to lose excess weight. If you compare an orange with chocolate or chips, after which you will very quickly want to have a snack, then they will contain about two or three times more calories - up to 200 kcal. And these calories come from fat and sugar, which are not very healthy for the body.

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There are several options for the orange diet, we will look at two of them - a simple one and a more complex one.

Fully or partially limited products

During the diet, you will have to give up sugar and all sweets due to their high calorie content and slower metabolism. Salt, which causes fluid retention in the body, is also prohibited. All alcohol-containing drinks and fast food are completely prohibited. You will have to remove fatty meats and fish from the menu. It is not recommended to consume milk. All smoked meats and beef are completely excluded from meat products.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Bakery products

Arctic cod7,99,455,5339

Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189





Raw materials and seasonings

barbecue sauce0,60,739,4166
mushroom sauce1,24,86,282
sweet and sour sauce0,30,839,7167
nut sauce23,437,510,5473
fish sauce2,91,74,843
teriyaki sauce5,90,015,589
chili sauce2,50,330,1120

Cheeses and cottage cheese

smoked sausage cheese23,019,00,0271
smoked perlini cheese17,718,00,0233

Meat products

smoked-baked pork belly10,052,7514
smoked-boiled beef brisket10,055,0540
boiled-smoked carbonade16,08,0135


smoked sausage28,227,50,0360
smoked sausage16,244,60,0466
dry-cured sausage24,138,31,0455
smoked sausage9,963,20,3608
sausage with/smoked salami11,063,00,0631
pork chops10,033,00,0337

Fish and seafood

canned squid20,02,00,0105
canned sprat12,011,03,1159
canned crabs18,71,10,185
canned shrimp17,81,10,081
canned seafood10,01,71,361
canned octopus21,05,24,0135
smoked herring25,45,6152
hot smoked mackerel22,123,84,1317
smoked mackerel20,715,5221

Alcoholic drinks

dry white wine0,10,00,666
red dessert wine0,50,020,0172
dry red wine0,20,00,368
gin and tonic0,00,06,778
port wine0,40,012,0163
jaguar energy drink0,00,011,587

Non-alcoholic drinks

energy drink0,00,011,345
* data is per 100 g of product

The nuances of eating golden fruits for weight loss

How to approach this difficult fruit in order to get one benefit from it without harmful consequences?

Can you eat oranges on a diet?

It is both possible and necessary! Naturally, excluding cases when your health condition prevents this: the presence of allergies and various stomach diseases. For everyone else losing weight, “Apples of the Hesperides” will help normalize digestion, boost metabolism and curb hunger. In addition, their bright pulp will supply vitamins and minerals to the body, which is rather deprived of meager dietary rations.

However, we must not forget about a sense of proportion! 1-2 fruits a day will be beneficial, but 5-6 will easily turn your diet into a sham.

The most useful for weight loss are the Sicilian fruits of the Korolek variety, which have a slightly elongated shape and rich red flesh.

Can I drink orange juice?

Losing weight with juices is especially pleasant in the summer heat

Again, it all depends on your ability to approach nutrition wisely. A glass of freshly squeezed juice with pulp, or even two, will not hinder weight loss in any way. In fact, you will get the same beneficial substances as by eating the oranges themselves, albeit in reduced quantities. But the juice contains half as many calories as a whole orange! However, the vitamin drink you take will contain a minimum of fiber, which, combined with a portion of simple, easily digestible carbohydrates, can cause a spike in blood sugar and a sudden attack of hunger.

What should I do? If you do not suffer from diabetes, have good appetite control, strictly monitor every bite you eat and are not averse to diversifying your drinking diet, feel free to introduce orange juice into your diet. But if your problem is overeating, it is better to focus on less dangerous drinks, leaving only whole oranges on the menu.

Nutritionists say that it is safer to take citrus juice by diluting it with water: this way you will reduce not only the calorie content of the drink, but also its acidity. In addition, we are by no means talking about packaged juices! Bet only on freshly squeezed ones.

Citrus for breakfast

For many people around the world, a glass of fresh orange juice is as integral a part of the morning as a cup of coffee for others. Tones, provides a boost of vitamins, pampers with good taste... An orange eaten for breakfast has the same advantages - plus, it will fill the stomach with the already mentioned dietary fiber, prolonging the feeling of fullness. No wonder many diets advise starting the day with half a citrus fruit!

However, all these advantages are negated by a couple of colossal disadvantages:

  • Orange pulp eaten on an empty stomach will increase the overall acidity of gastric juice and thereby cause a blow to the mucous membrane.
  • The sugar contained in sweet fruits will be absorbed by a “hungry” body practically without any residue. So the unluckiest people, along with vitamins and minerals, run the risk of developing diabetes.

What should I do? If you want, add half an orange to your diet for breakfast. But only as dessert! For example, once in the stomach after thick and viscous porridge, this fruit will no longer cause harm.

...And for dinner

You can enjoy an orange without a twinge of conscience two to three hours before bedtime.

But enjoying citrus fruits in the evenings is not forbidden. Low-calorie and satisfying, they will serve as an excellent late-night snack, relieve the painful feeling of hunger and help prevent late-night trips to the refrigerator.

However, don't take a fruit dinner as permission to fill your stomach with oranges every night. One medium-sized ripe fruit, eaten 2-3 hours before bedtime, is the ideal solution.

Orange peel against excess weight

Orange peels, which we usually send straight to the trash can, can contribute to the fight against those extra pounds. What gives them an unpleasant bitterness is the flavonoid naringenin, which performs several important functions in our body:

  • it activates the liver;
  • restores metabolism;
  • relieves diarrhea, bloating, intestinal disorders;
  • promotes proper absorption of glucose by cells, thereby normalizing blood sugar levels;
  • regulates cholesterol;
  • stimulates the body to burn excess fat reserves instead of storing them.

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And introducing a healthy supplement into your diet is as easy as shelling pears.

  1. Wash and dry some orange peels.
  2. Grind them into powder using a coffee grinder or pound into small pieces in a mortar.
  3. Pour 1 tbsp. l. the resulting raw material with a glass of boiling water.
  4. Let sit for 10–12 minutes.
  5. Drink with 1 tsp. honey.

All! One or two cups of this healing drink will provide you with the daily dose of naringenin you need for comfortable weight loss. But you shouldn’t count on the miraculous effect of the flavonoid when washing down buns with it. Without diet and physical activity, the most wonderful substance against excess weight is powerless.

With the same success, ground peels can be added to tea along with tea leaves, and you can also use fresh orange peel.

How to use citrus oil to get rid of excess volume

Baths, massages, wraps - orange oil can be used everywhere

If you are at least superficially familiar with the principles of “aromatic cosmetology,” the fragrant essential oil of orange or other citrus has probably already attracted your attention. Among the anti-cellulite products designed to hit the nasty bumps on women's thighs, it ranks one of the first places. Moisturizes, tones, accelerates blood flow, restores metabolic processes in tissues, and promotes the breakdown of fats. And the aroma itself! Experts claim that regularly inhaling orange oil vapors helps you relax and gives you an optimistic outlook on the world. And you can’t lose weight without a positive attitude!

How to use citrus oil?

  • For baths. Dilute 5-10 drops of essential orange oil in 100 g of shower gel or a cup of milk, pour into a bath with warm, but not hot water, and lie in it for 20 minutes. The procedure should be repeated no more than once every 3 days. Keep in mind that the smell of orange is invigorating, so it is better not to take such baths before bed.
  • For massage. Take 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey, rub with 5 drops of orange oil, apply to the thighs and buttocks and massage with short, quick slaps. And as soon as you wash off the sticky mixture from the skin, lubricate your feet with body milk mixed with a new portion of essential oil - 3 drops per 1 tbsp. l.
  • For anti-cellulite wraps. Whatever mask you plan to treat your body with - coffee, clay, mustard, with seaweed or cranberry juice - the fragrant oily liquid will activate its beneficial components and make the procedure itself more enjoyable. On average, you will need from 5 to 12 drops of essential oil per serving of the wrap mixture.

Citrus oil is a strong allergen, so be sure to test its effect on a small area of ​​skin before active use.

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Orange diet for 4 weeks

The presented menu is designed for 4 weeks of limited nutrition.


  • orange;
  • a glass of kefir.
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • Spinach cream soup.
  • vegetable stew.
Second dinner
  • orange.


  • citrus;
  • low-fat cottage cheese 150 g.
  • Steamed fish;
  • mushroom soup.
  • vegetable salad.
Second dinner
  • citrus;
  • a glass of kefir.


  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • citrus.
  • Boiled beef;
  • tomato puree soup.
  • vegetable stew.
Second dinner
  • a glass of kefir;
  • orange.


  • citrus.
  • turkey fillet (boiled/steamed/grilled);
  • egg soup.
  • salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.
Second dinner
  • a glass of kefir;
  • citrus.


  • orange;
  • bio yogurt.
  • baked fish;
  • protein okroshka.
  • sauerkraut.
Second dinner
  • a glass of kefir;
  • citrus.


  • a glass of kefir;
  • orange.
  • veal;
  • vegetarian cabbage soup.
  • grilled vegetables.
Second dinner
  • a glass of kefir;
  • orange.


  • low-fat cottage cheese 150 g;
  • orange.
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • shrimp soup.
  • seafood salad.
Second dinner
  • citrus;
  • a glass of kefir.

The menu remains the same for 4 weeks.

Orange diet: features

The first thing you need to do before starting an orange diet is to check if there is an allergic reaction to this fruit.
Eat 3-4 oranges during the day, and the next morning look to see if there is any redness, rash, or swelling on the elbow, behind the knees or behind the ears. If similar symptoms appear, orange is not your friend, and certainly not an assistant in losing weight. If eating the fruit does not cause any negative reactions in the body, you can try the orange diet. There are two options. The first “orange regime” is designed for three weeks and a loss of about 3kg per week. The second one belongs to the category of express diets and is designed for only three days, however, with its help you can get rid of 3 extra kg.

Quitting the diet

The correct exit from the diet allows you to maintain the achieved results as much as possible. Basic Rules:

  • Increase your consumption of vegetables and fruits. If possible, steam them.
  • Introduce fats and carbohydrates into the menu gradually. In the first 4 weeks, completely eliminate baked goods and all flour products.
  • Choose only lean varieties of meat and fish.
  • Take vitamins.
  • Walk 3 km daily and do gymnastics.
  • Drink 1.5 liters of still, clean water daily.
  • Eat small portions.
  • The last meal of the day is 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Course for 3 weeks

The menu lists the foods you should eat during the day. At what time and in what sequence - there are no strict regulations for this. But it is natural that if, for example, 1 kg of oranges is included in the diet, it is most rational to eat them gradually, spreading them out over the whole day, and not “stifle” them in one sitting.

First week . During the first seven days, you need to eat two boiled eggs daily, drink two liters of still drinking or mineral water and eat 1 kg of oranges.

The daily diet of the second week also includes 1 kg of oranges and 2 liters of water. However, lean unsalted porridge is added. Buckwheat is recommended. Moreover, porridge can be eaten in any quantity.

Third week of the orange diet: eat 1 kg of oranges daily and also add other fruits (except bananas, grapes, figs, melon and watermelon), as well as raw and boiled vegetables (except potatoes).

Advantages and disadvantages

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • accelerating the fat burning process;
  • high fiber content is good for digestion;
  • a lot of vitamin C;
  • citrus is enriched with beneficial microelements and minerals;
  • orange is an antidepressant;
  • increasing immunity;
  • saturating the body with antioxidants;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • normalization of stool;
  • high efficiency;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • "delicious" diet.
  • irritation of the digestive tract in the presence of a history of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • high risk of allergic response;
  • many contraindications.

Important Terms

To see real results from the orange diet, it is not enough to simply consume citrus fruits in unlimited quantities. There are special rules, following which you can see the full effect of the diet:

  • It is recommended to start with three days. If well tolerated, you can continue.
  • Consult a doctor before starting a restricted diet to rule out the possibility of an allergic response from the body.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily.
  • Light exercise is encouraged.
  • Don't forget to take your vitamins.
  • Choose healthy, low-calorie and low-fat foods for your menu.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Get enough sleep.

The orange diet requires you not only to limit yourself in nutrition, but also to lead as healthy a lifestyle as possible.

Is it possible to eat oranges while losing weight?

Of course, orange is a necessary and healthy product for the diet. When you limit yourself in food, the body really needs vitamins and microelements. Without them, your immune system will weaken and fatigue will increase. By eating a few oranges a day, you will protect yourself from this.

For an effective diet, oranges alone will not be enough for you. Include protein foods in your daily diet: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese.

Orange diet

There are three types of this diet

The first type of diet for three weeks

  • This is a very pleasant diet, designed for three weeks. It is possible that many have heard about it. You can lose weight and still experience pleasure if you eat a little more than one kilogram of orange per day. A feeling of constant saturation and filling of the body with useful microelements and vitamins.
  • The menu on the orange diet is simple, there is no division into three main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is a list of foods that are eaten throughout the day. Mixing and matching of products is not taken into account, i.e. optional.

In the first week of the orange diet

  • you need to eat two boiled eggs, a kilogram of oranges and drink 2 liters of clean water. This is the menu for every day.
  • The first week may seem difficult, but you can endure it. The main thing is that citrus fruits do not cause an allergic reaction.

In the second week of the diet

  • the menu is limited to only a kilogram of orange, porridge and two liters of clean water. More information about porridge.
  • Porridge is cooked without salt; it is advisable to choose buckwheat for the diet. You can also eat porridge in any portion. Porridge gives excellent satiety and there is no painful feeling of hunger.

The third week of the diet is difficult to bear, just like the first, according to eyewitnesses. All week throughout the day he eats a kilogram of oranges for weight loss , raw vegetables and fruits, plus some boiled vegetables.

In a week on the orange diet, you can lose from 4 to 7 kilograms.

Before using such a diet, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

The second type of diet for three days

They sit down for a three-day period before an important event or to shape their figure to match their favorite outfit.

For every day, you can combine and choose your own recipe for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Three types of breakfast:

  • Brown bread cracker, one boiled egg, 1 tsp. butter and half a glass of orange juice.
  • A slice of cheese up to 50 grams, low-fat cheese. 4 slices of black bread, a slice of melon and 2 tsp. low-fat oil.
  • Brown bread cracker, one medium orange and half a glass of coarse bran.

Four types of lunch

  • A piece of black bread with bran with 1 tsp. low-fat butter, 1 medium orange, 150 grams of boiled beans with fresh lettuce leaves.
  • One medium boiled beet with herbs and raw vegetables, 75 grams of boiled dark rice and a piece of lean boiled meat, 1 medium orange.
  • 2 boiled medium potatoes, one fresh cucumber and tomato, a 50 gram piece of cheese, one medium orange and 1 tsp. low-fat oil.
  • A piece of lightly salted salmon up to 50 grams, fresh lettuce salad up to 150 grams, season with 2 tsp. low-fat sour cream. Half a glass of yoghurt and half a teaspoon of honey, 2 coarse pieces of bread and one medium orange.

Read also: Plant protein benefits, where it is found and how it differs from animal protein

Three types of dinner

  • 100 grams of boiled chicken, 75 grams of fresh broccoli and Brussels sprouts, one medium orange.
  • 75 grams of boiled beef, one boiled potato and zucchini and carrots, 100 grams of pineapple, one medium orange.
  • 75 grams of boiled liver and champignons and fresh green beans, half a glass of fresh raspberries with 2 tbsp. low-fat yogurt, one medium orange.

The diet allows you to cleanse the intestines, relieve swelling and cleanse toxins from the body.

Orange for the night

This sunny, bright fruit with incredible

The citrus scent invigorates and lifts our spirits, saturates us with incredibly healthy vitamins and microelements. It is best to eat them about 30 minutes after the main meal. Although this is a fairly low-calorie product, it contains a fairly large amount of carbohydrates and sugar, so we do not recommend enjoying it right before bed; it is better to wait until the morning.

It’s better to drink warm water with a drop of honey, kefir, warm tea or milk, this will not harm your health or figure, but rather the opposite.

If the feeling of hunger does not go away and you cannot sleep unless you have a snack, then this type of citrus fruit is one of the best options (much better than cutlets, a sandwich, and the like).

Firstly, it is rich in fiber, which promotes the passage of food through the intestines, cleanses it of waste and toxins, and also gives a feeling of satiety. Secondly, this fruit contains fibers that inhibit the processes of rotting and fermentation. Thirdly, it is digested quite quickly, in just 30 minutes, so if you do not fall asleep during this period of time, it will not overload your digestive system and it will be able to rest peacefully and recover during sleep.

But it's worth remembering! This sweet and sour fruit can stimulate your appetite, and if you don't fall asleep an hour after eating it, you risk getting even hungrier.


The most significant drawback of this diet is the too long and strong effect of organic acids on the delicate mucous walls of the stomach. All this can lead to certain health problems: exacerbation of gastritis, heartburn, indigestion, etc.

With a long absence of fats and proteins in the diet, other systems will gradually begin to fail: blood thickening, breakdown of muscle mass, decreased filtration capacity of the kidneys, disturbances in liver function, etc. Use a few tips to avoid all of this:

  • try to ensure that the diet is as balanced as possible in terms of protein/fat/carbohydrate content if you plan to follow the diet for more than seven days;
  • do not ignore contraindications;
  • do not choose diet options that are too long; the optimal period for a mono-diet is 3 days;
  • consult a nutritionist.

Diets using sun fruits

Golden fruits, as if filled with sunshine, will not only brighten up any diet, but will also serve as an excellent basis for it. Moreover, losing weight on oranges can be anything: short, long, severe, gentle and even pleasant.

With a juicy orange, the fight against extra pounds will be more fun

Three-day orange diet

To urgently get in shape for an important date, use an extreme method of losing weight, the developers of which suggest that those losing weight eat exclusively boiled eggs and oranges for three days in a row. You should start your morning with one egg for breakfast, then, after 2.5 hours, have a snack with a medium-sized sunny fruit, after the same amount of time, boil the egg again... And so on until the evening. You will have 6 meals a day, and during this time you will be able to lose from 1 to 3 kg.

The diet is quite difficult for the body to tolerate, so after finishing it, a transition to a healthy diet is necessary. And don’t forget to drink 1.5–2 liters of clean water daily!

Diet for weight loss for 5 days

If there are five or six days left before the gala event, you can try to win a couple more unnecessary kilograms from a body that has lost its former slimness.

In order not to harm your stomach in the heat of the battle for a wasp waist, breakfast should be quite hearty, but, alas, monotonous: it will remain unchanged throughout your weight loss. When you get out of bed, drink a glass of water, then eat a hard-boiled egg with a slice of bread, then a glass of natural yogurt without sugar or other additives, and only at the end of the meal, snack on all this with a medium-sized ripe fruit. You will be provided with a feeling of fullness for the next 3-4 hours.

First day

What if you whip up a fragrant smoothie from yogurt and orange?

  • Lunch: 1 hard-boiled egg, two slices of toasted bread, 250-300 ml of sugar-free yogurt, a small citrus - orange or grapefruit.
  • Dinner: a salad of two finely chopped tomatoes, a boiled egg and a sprig of dill, a cracker or a piece of toasted bread, unsweetened tea.

Second day.

  • Lunch: hard-boiled egg, two slices of bread, a glass or two of low-fat kefir, an orange.
  • Dinner: 150 g of boiled beef, two tomatoes, a small cracker. For a snack - drinking yogurt without additives and citrus of your choice.

The third day.

  • Lunch: 1 hard-boiled egg, a couple of toasts from dried bread, 250-300 ml of kefir or yogurt without sugar, a large orange.
  • Dinner: Eat a 150-200 gram piece of meat, the same as you had for dinner yesterday, but today you can grill it without oil. Add a slice of bread, a glass of kefir and citrus to the meat.

Fourth day.

  • Lunch: 150 g of cottage cheese or soft homemade cheese, a piece of dried bread, 200 ml of kefir.
  • Dinner: 150 g of meat, boiled with parsley and dill, tomatoes, bread, large apple and tea with mint or linden blossom.

Fifth day.

  • Lunch: 200 gram piece of boiled fish, lettuce, a couple of tomatoes, two glasses of kefir.
  • Dinner: an egg with a few lettuce leaves and tea. Yes, you will have to go to bed with your belt tightened, but in the morning the scales will delight you with the disappearance of 3-5 kg.

Menu for 7-day citrus weight loss

Spices and onions will give dietary chicken an excellent taste


  • Breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs, a sweet orange for dessert and a large cup of tea with herbs - St. John's wort, chamomile, thyme. No sugar should be added!
  • Lunch: repeat the breakfast menu, replacing 1 egg with a piece of lightly salted steamed chicken fillet weighing 100–150 g.
  • Dinner: pour 200 g of steamed, boiled or stewed chicken with a glass of kefir, and if swelling does not bother you, then with a cup of unsweetened mint tea.


  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, add a glass of orange juice (not packaged!). It would be better to dilute it with clean water.
  • Lunch: a piece of chicken weighing 150 g, prepared in any of the ways allowed by the diet, a couple of oranges and a glass of mineral water will allow you to easily hold out until dinner.
  • Dinner: hard-boil 2 more eggs, drink a glass of low-fat milk, and eat an orange 2 hours before bedtime. Kefir lovers can replace milk with this healthy drink or make themselves a fruit smoothie by whipping it in a blender with a couple of orange slices.


  • Breakfast: immediately after waking up, drink 200 ml of warm water, slightly acidified with lemon juice, and a little later have breakfast with a boiled egg.
  • Lunch: boil a 200-gram piece of lean meat with herbs and a small onion, eat it, and snack on an orange.
  • Dinner: again two eggs and a cup of mineral water.

READ ALSO: What to do if your weight stops while losing weight


  • Breakfast: Are you bored with boiled eggs? Prepare a 3-egg omelette with parsley, dill and green onions in the oven or microwave. You can salt it, but only slightly.
  • Lunch: since today is a day of innovation, replace the boring fillet with a couple of stewed chicken legs and eat them with appetite along with lettuce.
  • Dinner: boiled egg, orange, water.


Don’t forget that carrots are better digested with sour cream.

  • Breakfast: peel a traditional hard-boiled egg, cut it, mix it with boiled (or raw) carrots grated on a fine grater. Season the dish with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, salt, sprinkle with chopped herbs. A real feast!
  • Lunch: This meal will be vegetarian. Crunch two raw carrots and wash them down with a large glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Dinner: a boiled egg will seem larger if you cut it into circles and place it on lettuce leaves with slices of fresh tomato. Trick your stomach!


  • Breakfast: take a portion of cottage cheese or yogurt (150–200 g) with 100 ml of orange juice diluted with the same amount of clean water.
  • Lunch: a meager but satisfying meal - 2 eggs, 2 oranges.
  • Dinner: fasting evening. Drink water while thinking about the lost pounds.


  • Breakfast: 2 eggs and half of any citrus.
  • Lunch: 200 g of beef boiled with herbs and an orange.
  • Dinner: another hunger strike, this time the final one. Be patient in the evening, and in the morning immediately get on the scales! During this time you will have time to lose 5–6 kg.

Diet options for 3 or 4 weeks

For young ladies endowed with a truly iron will and a strong stomach, a longer orange diet has been invented. Her menu is extremely simple, but also extremely rigid.

Citrus fruits and eggs are common in diets

First week. Every day you are supposed to eat 1 kg of oranges, diluting your diet with a couple of boiled eggs (you can add a feather of green onion or a transparent slice of garlic for taste) and 2 liters of drinking water.

Second week. We remove eggs from the diet, but add porridge - buckwheat, pearl barley, millet - boiled in water with a minimum amount of salt. You can eat them in any quantity, not forgetting to snack on oranges (1 kg daily) and drink clean water (2 liters).

Third week. Replace eggs and cereals with vegetables, except potatoes, and fruits, except bananas and grapes. Make salads, stew, bake vegetables on the grill, but try to do without oil and seasonings that cause appetite. 1 kg of oranges and 2 liters of water daily remain unchanged.

Weight loss will be from 5 to 8 kg, and for real “plumpies” and more. But remember that if, after losing weight, you return to sandwiches and buns, the lost kilos will be restored in the blink of an eye. Switch to a healthy diet and at least roughly track the number of calories you consume per day.

If during one of the four weeks you feel unwell, have pain in your stomach, or notice signs of allergies, you should stop the diet immediately. And people with digestive tract problems are better off not having to deal with it at all.

Do you want to extend your weight loss for a whole month? Your menu will be boring, but effective. Do not eat pork and lamb, avoid fried foods, lots of spices and oil. You can add salt to your food in moderation, but sugar is prohibited. If exact numbers are not written in front of any product in the table, theoretically you can eat it without restrictions, but in practice, try not to overeat. Know your limits!

A weekDayBreakfastDinnerDinner
1 WeekMonday2 hard-boiled eggs, 1/2 orangeFruits of the same type - as much as you want.Boiled lean meat.
TuesdaySkinless chicken fillet, steamed or boiled with herbs.2 eggs, vegetables in any form, a slice of bread. Orange.
WednesdayTomatoes with low-fat cheese and a slice of bread. A great idea is the famous Caprese salad. Boiled meat with a sprig of dill, parsley or basil.
ThursdayFruits: one type, but until completely saturated.Boiled meat with vegetable salad.
FridayStewed or steamed zucchini and two eggs.Steamed fish, vegetable salad, orange.
SaturdayThe Thursday menu is completely repeated.
SundayBoiled chicken breast with vegetable salad, orange.Vegetables: raw, stewed, boiled.
2 weekMondayBoiled, steamed or grilled meat with fresh vegetable salad.Two eggs with vegetable salad, orange.
TuesdayThe lunch of the previous day is repeated.A couple of eggs and an orange.
WednesdayBoiled meat with fresh cucumbers.Dinner of the previous day.
ThursdaySoft white cheese, vegetables in any form, two eggs.Eggs only - 2 pcs.
FridaySteamed fish without side dish.Two eggs.
SaturdayFresh tomato salad with boiled beef, orange.Any fruit without restrictions.
SundayChicken breast cooked with steamed vegetables, several fresh tomatoes, orange.
3 weekMondayConditionally unsweetened fruits: apples, oranges, pears. Bananas, grapes and dates are not allowed!
TuesdayLow starch vegetables. Potatoes, legumes, corn, squash, and pumpkin are contraindicated.
WednesdayMix: fruits and vegetables from the permitted list.
ThursdayBoiled fish with lettuce, fresh cabbage and boiled vegetables.
FridayThe menu is the same, but we replace fish with meat.
SaturdayFasting days on fruits (1 type, with the exception of those prohibited).
4 weekMondayA quarter of boiled chicken, a can of tuna in its own juice, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers and an orange. A piece of bread. All foods should be divided into several meals and eaten throughout the day.
TuesdayReplace tuna and chicken with 200 g of boiled meat, otherwise the list repeats the menu of the previous day.
WednesdayA large portion of boiled vegetables, 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, orange and a slice of bread.
ThursdayHalf a boiled chicken, 3 tomatoes, a cucumber, a slice of bread, any fruit you want and the usual orange.
FridayA serving of fresh vegetable salad, 3 tomatoes, 2 eggs and an orange.
SaturdayTwo chicken breasts, boiled or baked without oil. 3/4 cup cottage cheese, yogurt in any quantity, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, orange.
SundayCan of tuna in its own juice, 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, a large piece of bread. As many boiled or steamed vegetables as you like, 2 pieces of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. And of course, orange.

By the end of the diet you will have lost about 10 kg. Return to a normal diet gradually, carefully introducing fried foods, sweets and alcohol into the menu.

Fasting days on orange juice

In the summer heat, you can’t imagine a better diet!

All “drinking” diets have one thing in common. They can be very difficult to withstand, but if you have managed to get control of your unchained appetite, regular plumbing will not take long to arrive. Such fast methods of losing weight also include fasting days with orange juice.

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Advantages of the methodFlaws
1. A juice diet, if you don’t get too carried away with it, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. 2. After two or three days of orange cleansing, many people feel a surge of energy and good mood. 3. Some losing weight noted an increase in the ability to concentrate and an improvement in mental activity in general. 1. Sugar, which quickly enters the bloodstream when drinking large amounts of orange juice, can cause a sharp jump in insulin levels. 2. Instead of vigor and uplifting spirit, cleansing the body of toxins is often accompanied by increased fatigue and bad mood. 3. For many, the diet seems too hungry, and therefore especially difficult.

But if your health is fine and you don’t lack willpower, try giving yourself an “orange” deload. Throughout the day, you will need to drink 1 liter of freshly squeezed orange juice with pulp in small portions, and add to it:

  • 500 ml tomato juice;
  • 500 ml low-fat kefir;
  • 100 g cheese;
  • 100 g of dried rye bread crackers;
  • mineral water - as much as you like.

Remember that you can only choose one of the supplements. And so that weight loss doesn’t backfire on you, try to drink orange juice only in diluted form and immediately stop the diet at the first sign of deterioration in your health. And even if everything goes great, and you feel the promised surge of energy, never stick to your drinking ration for more than three days. The price for the lost kilograms will be serious disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract.

Orange diet: reviews and results

You can really lose weight on eggs and oranges. However, when choosing a nutrition option, it is recommended to evaluate all possible complications after the diet. Many note that in the first days the diet is well tolerated and even seems tasty, but after the fifth day of limited nutrition certain difficulties appear. Predisposed individuals develop diathesis and various skin rashes as a result of allergic responses. Digestive problems are noted: stool disorders, flatulence , exacerbation of gastritis , etc. The best option in terms of effectiveness and tolerability is a fasting day on citrus fruits.

Those who have managed to lose weight and build muscle note that the diet works if you change the amount of food offered (for breakfast, 2 eggs and half an orange). Protein will help you gain muscle mass, and oranges will give you strength for training.

Orange dishes for weight loss

Citrus fruits go perfectly with foods that are high in protein. Especially with eggs and meat. Let's look at two dishes that are perfect for losing weight.

Beef in oranges


  • Beef – 200 gr
  • Orange – 1 piece
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Seasonings
  • Flour
  • Linseed oil

Cooking method:

  1. Boil a piece of beef and cut into small slices
  2. To prepare orange juice, first pour boiling water over the fruit, remove the peel and finely chop
  3. Place a little flaxseed oil and finely chopped onion and garlic into a heated frying pan. Fries until golden brown
  4. Then add the chopped fruit along with the juice and a little flour
  5. Stir the resulting mixture constantly until the lumps disperse and the result is a mass reminiscent of sour cream.
  6. If the sauce is too thick, dilute with a little water and add spices
  7. Pour the resulting sauce over the beef.

This dish does not contain many calories and is very tasty. Orange sauce is probably one of the few things you can eat while losing weight.

Orange salad


  • Chicken fillet – 200 gr
  • Orange – 1 piece
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs
  • Low calorie yogurt
  • Onion
  • Greenery
  • Seasonings
  • Potatoes – 1 pc.
  • Canned corn – 1 can

Cooking method:

  1. Boil chicken fillet and potatoes, then cut into cubes
  2. Boil a chicken egg and grate it
  3. Lay out the salad in layers: chicken fillet; onion; potato; corn; eggs
  4. Coat each layer with low-calorie yogurt, which must first be mixed with herbs and seasonings.
  5. The final stage is the top of the salad - citrus. You need to peel it and cut it into cubes. Apply in an even layer

Citrus will highlight the taste of chicken fillet and eggs. This dish is ideal to eat while on a diet. It can be prepared for lunch. Therefore, you can and should eat orange while losing weight. It will not be superfluous to arrange fasting days with the help of this fruit, which will allow any woman to become slim.

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