Cold smoked halibut fish: calorie content and nutritional supplements, benefits and harms, recipes

Fish has always been one of the main human foods. Since ancient times, people have appreciated its benefits and nutritional value. Previously, cooking fish was limited to frying and boiling, but today people have come up with and mastered many recipes that improve the taste of this wonderful, healthy product.

This article will tell you in detail about such a variety as halibut, prepared using cold smoking. And also about the calorie content of cold smoked halibut, what benefits this fish provides, and how to properly store and serve the finished dish.

Product value and composition

Cold smoked halibut is not only a delicacy, but also a highly valuable food product. It belongs to the category of “white” northern sea fish. The meat is very tender, soft and fatty, there are practically no bones in it.

Important! According to nutritionists and culinary specialists, blue-skinned halibut is healthier than white-skinned halibut. But it is less common, which naturally affects the price.

Halibut, in moderation, can be consumed even by those who have chronic diseases of the digestive system or are on a diet

Meat contains many vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for humans. Particularly noteworthy is the presence of vitamins:

  • group B;
  • A;
  • E;
  • D;
  • N;
  • RR.

The most valuable macroelements that sea fish is traditionally rich in:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

The human body does not synthesize many microelements on its own; the only way to obtain them is “from the outside”:

  • iron;
  • iodine;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • manganese.

Important! This composition, with regular inclusion of the product in the diet, allows you to quickly restore immunity after serious illnesses and surgical interventions. The product is extremely useful for strengthening bones and maintaining good vision.

BJU and calorie content of cold smoked halibut

These indicators depend on its variety and habitat. The fish can be whitebark or bluebark - this can be easily determined by the shade of its belly. As for the second factor, the further north the halibut is caught, the more fat there is in the meat and, accordingly, the higher the indicator. The calorie content of cold smoked halibut per 100 grams varies between 190-250 kcal.

The product does not contain carbohydrates, but is rich in proteins and fats. The content of the former is 11.3-18.9 g, the latter - 15-20.5 g per 100 g. As a percentage of the daily diet at a norm of 2000 kcal, this is 24 and 27%, respectively.

Description of the fish

The halibut family is divided into 3 genera, which in turn are divided into species:

  • White halibut. It is divided into two types: Pacific and Atlantic. The first species feels great in water whose temperature does not warm up above +8° Celsius. This is the largest representative of the halibut family: maximum weight is 350 kg.
  • Halibut black/blue-skinned. The main properties of fish are a high level of adaptability to changing environmental conditions and unpretentiousness.
  • Arrowtooth halibut (Asian and American). Asian halibut can live for 35 years under favorable conditions. During this time, its weight often reaches 9 kg, although fishermen in most cases catch individuals no more than 3 kg. American halibut is the smallest member of this family. The maximum weight is 2.5 kg, and the body length does not exceed 60 cm.

Despite the genus, all types of halibut have a similar appearance, which distinguishes this fish from other representatives of the ichthyofauna:

  • the body is elongated, flattened, diamond-shaped;
  • the fish skull has a distinct asymmetrical shape;
  • the eye side is covered with small scales;
  • eyes are located close to each other;
  • wide mouth;
  • the underside differs in color: either white-gray or pink;
  • there is a small spike near the anus;
  • there is a shallow notch next to the small caudal fin;
  • there is a sharp bend on the body located in the area of ​​the pectoral fins.

The habitats of fish from the halibut family are cool and clean water in the Bering Sea, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and the Arctic Ocean. Sea halibut is also found in coastal waters near Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands.

Halibut is a saltwater fish, as it is found exclusively in salt water. It prefers to live on the sandy or pebble bottom of the sea, leading a near-bottom lifestyle.

What are the benefits of cold smoked halibut?

It is rich in proteins and fats with a relatively low calorie content. When cold smoked, fish retains about 90% of vitamins, macro- and microelements. Meat also contains high concentrations of polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids.

The body does not synthesize these substances on its own. And they are extremely useful and provide:

  • prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • strengthening cell membranes;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • slowing down the aging process.

The microelements and vitamins contained in cold smoked halibut are necessary to protect the body from free radicals and remove waste and toxins. They also provide prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system, including those caused by age-related degradation of neurons.

Important! Despite all the potential benefits, the product is contraindicated in chronic liver and kidney diseases.

The benefits of halibut

This is a northern fish, it contains a large amount of useful substances and microelements. The beneficial properties of this marine representative are as follows:

  • blue-skinned, white-skinned and arrow-toothed halibut, due to their unique composition, have a positive effect on the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, thereby reducing the degree of impact of this hormone on the vascular walls;
  • this fish removes cholesterol plaques and increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • helps stabilize blood pressure by reducing blood viscosity - the risk of blood clots in the vessels is reduced to zero;
  • black halibut stimulates the process of breaking down saturated fats, cleansing the body of “harmful” substances;
  • helps reduce the release of the stress hormone and increase the level of serotonin, which is the hormone of joy;
  • increases immunity, improves vision, and also has a positive effect on reproductive function in women and men;
  • halibut slows down the processes of involution by stimulating the production of collagen and elastane.

Many people prefer to eat halibut smoked. Its benefit is that during cold smoking, meat does not lose omega-3 - one of the most essential substances for humans. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of food eaten, otherwise chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may worsen.

Suitable Products

Pacific halibut (1.5-3 kg) PBG

1100 rub. for 1 Kg. (retail)

Packing: 1.5-3 kg one fish


+ More halibut products

Is halibut good for women?

The main benefit for women is that this fish contains folic acid and B vitamins, which are necessary for normalizing the menstrual cycle. In addition, beneficial substances help strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition, and also protect women from the development of a dangerous disease - osteoporosis.

Is it possible to use during pregnancy?

The benefits of sea fish for a woman during pregnancy are priceless. However, before introducing it into your diet, you must be examined by a doctor. If problems with the thyroid gland are detected (excessive hormone levels - hyperthyroidism), then eating sea fish is prohibited.

Halibut during pregnancy should be taken after consultation with a doctor.

According to recent studies conducted in the USA, eating halibut 3 times a month is considered safe if no more than 200 grams are eaten per serving at a time.

Is it possible to eat while breastfeeding?

It is not recommended to eat halibut during lactation - this is due to the following factors:

  • Fish may contain mercury, which accumulates in the meat due to pollution of the seas and oceans.
  • This is a very fatty fish and is the strongest first-line allergen. When eating a dish, an inadequate immune response may occur, caused by the proteins parvalbumin and purines. Therefore, if a woman has a history of any allergies, then it is better to completely abandon halibut while breastfeeding.

Halibut is not recommended for consumption while breastfeeding

The benefits of halibut for men

Halibut brings invaluable benefits to men. This fish promotes potency and is also an excellent way to prevent prostate diseases. In addition, the nutrients help improve sperm quality.

Benefits for children

Halibut is not a fish that should be included in the diet of young children. If the child is not allergic and does not have liver disease, then consumption of this sea fish can begin at 3 years of age.

The introduction of halibut into children's diets should be gradual. Preference should be given to cooking. After the first meal, you need to monitor the child’s condition throughout the day; if there is no allergy, you can increase the dose.

It is prohibited to eat smoked, salted or dried fish.

Selection and preparation of fish

The choice of quality carcasses is a determining factor for those who want to get truly tasty fish. The low price is immediately alarming. Also be sure to pay attention to:

  • Shelf life. Fresh fish can stay in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
  • Color and firmness of meat. It should not be yellowish, greenish or brownish, only white. When pressed with a finger, the dent quickly disappears without a trace. Loose, “crumbly” meat is a clear sign of repeated defrosting and re-cooling.
  • Aroma. Truly fresh halibut has a distinct “sea” smell. It is impossible to determine its presence after defrosting, but the meat should not smell rotten. Under no circumstances should it be used for smoking.
  • Scales. With high quality “raw materials”, it is smooth and shiny, as if wet.
  • Weight. There is no need to take a carcass weighing more than 3-5 kg. Even after slicing, a thick layer of meat will not be completely smoked.

Important! You should not buy fish that are practically invisible under a layer of snow and ice. Most likely, this is an attempt to hide the poor quality of the product.

It is impossible to obtain a delicacy from low-quality raw materials

In order for the finished product to be tasty and aromatic, the fish must be properly prepared for processing. Defrost it gradually, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. You need to wait until the ice is completely gone and the meat becomes soft. You can speed up the process slightly if you put the carcass in ice water for 2-3 hours.

Large fish are first cut into pieces 6-10 cm thick. If the carcass weighs less than 2.5-3 kg, it is simply gutted and the head and tail are cut off.

How to pickle halibut for cold smoking

The recipe for preparing cold smoked halibut at home involves pre-salting the fish. The following ingredients will be required (per 1 kg):

  • water (1 l);
  • coarse salt (6 tbsp);
  • granulated sugar (2 tbsp.);
  • bay leaf (3-4 pcs.);
  • black and allspice pepper (15 peas each).

Important! Additional ingredients to taste - fennel seeds, juniper berries, dry herbs (parsley, dill, rosemary). You can also add the juice of 1-2 lemons to the brine.

The water with the addition of all the spices is brought to a boil and cooled under a closed lid to room temperature. Then the pieces are poured over them so that they are completely covered with brine, and left in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, turning them over several times a day.

After salting is completed, the fish is poured with clean water for 2-3 hours, getting rid of excess salt. The fluid needs to be changed every hour.

The final stage of preparation is drying. Immediately before the process, the halibut is wiped dry with paper towels, napkins or a clean cloth and ventilated in fresh air for 3-4 hours. Insects flock en masse to the smell of fish, so you need to think about a defense mechanism against them in advance.

If you don’t have time to wait, you can resort to “dry” salting the halibut for cold smoking. No water needed here. All other ingredients are mixed, rubbed evenly over the pieces and left in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After this, the fish is rinsed, but not washed in water, and also dried.

Important! Drying time is determined by the type of halibut skin. When it begins to turn gray and dry out, you can begin the cold smoking procedure.

How to choose the right halibut

The type of fish in question is supplied to retail outlets frozen or chilled. To buy a truly healthy product, and not get poisoned as a “bonus”, you need to know some rules for choosing halibut:

  • pay attention to the amount of ice on the frozen fish - the more there is, the more often it was defrosted and frozen again, that is, its storage conditions were violated;
  • there should be no mucus on the halibut scales - its presence “indicates” that the product is stale;
  • The skin and eyes of chilled fish should be moist and shiny - dullness indicates that the product has been stored for too long.

Please note: when preparing halibut, experts recommend removing the fins first - they have a sharp and too specific aroma that can hopelessly ruin the taste of any, even the most exquisite, dish.

Halibut is a valuable fish that brings maximum benefits to the human body. According to doctors, you need to consume this product 2-3 times a week, 100-150 grams per dose, which will ensure the supply of vitamins and nutrients in the required volume.

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How to Smoke Cold Smoked Halibut

Cold-smoked halibut requires a “precision” smoker that can create and maintain a constant, relatively low temperature. Therefore, it requires additional structural elements - a generator and a pipe that supplies warm air to the “compartment” where the fish is smoked.

In the smokehouse

Classic recipe for cold smoked halibut:

  1. The washed and well-dried fish is placed in the smokehouse, placing the pieces on the grill in one layer so that they do not touch each other.
  2. At a constant temperature of 20-25°C, it is treated with smoke for 4 hours.
  3. After this, the pieces are removed, quickly sprayed with water from a spray bottle, moderately peppered if desired, and sent back to the smokehouse. The delicacy will be ready in another 18 hours.

To control the temperature in the smokehouse, it is recommended to use a special thermometer; its constant value is very important

Important! Compared to other fish, halibut is smoked faster – in just a day. But the process cannot be interrupted for long so that the product does not deteriorate.

Without smokehouse

Using “liquid smoke” allows you to quickly prepare cold-smoked halibut at home. But it is not recommended to abuse this substance; it contains carcinogens. The taste of fish prepared using this method is practically no different from the “classic” one.

Necessary ingredients for cold smoking 1 kg of halibut with “liquid smoke”:

  • water (approximately 400 ml);
  • juice of 1-2 lemons;
  • “liquid smoke” (maximum 50 ml);
  • salt (3 tbsp);
  • granulated sugar (1 tsp);
  • onion peel (1-2 handfuls).

It is prepared like this:

  1. Washed and dried portions of halibut are rubbed with a mixture of salt and sugar and sprinkled with lemon juice.
  2. Place them in any bowl and put them in the refrigerator for three days, turning the contents of the container several times a day.
  3. Boil onion peels in water. Allow to simmer for about 10 minutes, then cool to room temperature.
  4. The pieces are washed and poured with this decoction for an hour so that the liquid covers them completely.
  5. After removing the halibut from the container, dry it with napkins or a towel. Using a silicone pastry brush, apply “liquid smoke” to it as evenly as possible.
  6. During the day, the fish are kept in a draft, providing constant ventilation. Place any container underneath to drain the fat.

Important! Cold-smoked halibut is prepared using this method at an “accelerated pace,” but it also spoils faster. You can store it for a maximum of 4-5 days.

What does cold smoked halibut smell like?

The smell of cold-smoked halibut largely depends on what exactly was used as “wood” in the smokehouse. Most often, chips or branches of alder, hazel, bird cherry, and fruit trees (apple, cherry) are placed in it. To enhance the aroma, add some dried or fresh juniper berries and cumin seeds. Also used for this purpose are chips of oak barrels in which cognac and whiskey were aged.

You can distinguish halibut prepared in the “classical” way from the one smoked in “liquid smoke” precisely by its aroma. In the first case, the smell is subtle and delicate, in the second it is noticeably sharper.

Halibut smoked in a smokehouse not only looks, but also smells more natural.

What do you eat cold smoked halibut with?

Cold smoked halibut is quite “self-sufficient”; when served, it can act as an independent second course. But most often a side dish of vegetables is added to it. The classic option in this case is mashed potatoes.

Men value this fish as a beer snack. In this capacity, it is used as slices or on toast and sandwiches.

Cold smoked halibut is also in demand as an ingredient in salads. Good “companions” for him:

  • lettuce leaves;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • sun-dried tomatoes;
  • boiled eggs;
  • cheeses such as feta cheese, feta;
  • green pea.

Important! For salad dressing, a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice is best.

There are a lot of recipes for salads with cold smoked halibut, but it’s quite possible to invent your own

Difference between cold and hot smoked halibut

Halibut prepared using the hot smoking method, compared to fish prepared using the cold method, has a richer aroma and retains maximum fat content. Exposure to high temperatures (80-120ºС) guarantees the destruction of all parasites. Halibut cooks faster (about 2 hours) and does not require preliminary preparation, a specific smokehouse design or special skills.

However, a significant part of the nutrients is lost in the process. And the shelf life of hot smoked halibut is shorter - only 2-4 days.

There are also noticeable differences in the “consistency” of the meat. When cold smoked, it is denser, more elastic, and effort must be made to separate it from the bones. Hot-cooked fish is soft and crumbly.

Hot smoked halibut even needs to be tied up, otherwise the fish will crumble in the process

How to store cold smoked halibut

It is recommended to cook cold smoked halibut in small portions. Just in the refrigerator, fish smoked in the “classical” way will last for 8-10 days. Halibut cooked using “liquid smoke” is half the size. After the specified period, it is strongly not recommended to eat it. The minimum duration of the “shelf life” is due to the high fat content of the fish.

If for some reason storing cold smoked halibut in the refrigerator is not possible, there are alternative storage options:

  • In a cool, dark place with good ventilation. Each piece of fish is wrapped in clean natural cloth, soaked in a strong salt solution (about 20% concentration).
  • In a basement or cellar at a temperature close to 0ºC. Pieces of halibut are placed in a wooden box or cardboard box, the bottom of which is lined with gauze soaked in a saline solution. They cover it on top. Instead of gauze, you can use fresh nettle leaves.

Important! Using these methods, cold-smoked halibut will last at least 4-5 days longer than refrigerated halibut.

Harm and contraindications

As such, smoked halibut cannot cause any harm to a healthy person. However, there are some contraindications to its use.

You should not give smoked fish to small children. People who suffer from diseases of the intestinal tract, kidneys, and liver should refrain from eating this dish. This fish is contraindicated for heart patients and people suffering from hypertension. Everyone else can safely eat smoked halibut without any fear for their health. However, as with any other product, you should observe moderation and not overeat.

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