Corn grits. Benefits and harm to the body, calorie content, recipes, how to cook, what to cook

Nutritional value and chemical composition

The nutritional value of corn grits is higher than that of unprocessed grains. The processing process includes cleaning the grains from various kinds of films formed during the ripening of the fruit. This type of cereal has the lowest indicators for the presence of a vitamin-mineral complex, but despite this, it does not lose its importance in the human diet.

Nutritional value and chemical composition

Value indicators for 100 g of dry porridge:

  • Nutritional/Energy value – 1587 kJ, 379 kcal.
  • Dietary fiber – 3 g.
  • Proteins – 7 g.
  • Fats – 1 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 84 g.
  • Sodium – 18 mg.
  • Iodine – 70 mcg.
  • Iron – 7 mg.
  • Zinc – 4 mg.
  • Calcium – 440 mg.
  • Vitamin C – 50 mg.
  • Vitamin A – 390 mcgPE.
  • Vitamin D – 9 mcg.
  • Vitamin E – 7.5 mg.
  • Vitamin B1 – 0.25 mg.
  • Vitamin B2 – 0.5 mg.
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.3 mg.
  • Vitamin B9 – 70 mcg.
  • Vitamin PP – 4.5 mg.
  • Phosphatides.
  • Cobalt.
  • Copper.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Potassium.
  • Chromium.

The indicated values ​​of the elements are subject to change during the preparation of cereals: with milk, with water, with steam.

Amino acids included in the cereal:

  • Aromatic alpha amino acid.
  • Aliphatic (lysine).
  • Heterocyclic alpha amino acid.
  • Arginine.

Aminocarboxylic acids are involved in protein synthesis in the human body. Containing iron and copper, they participate in the process of blood renewal and normalize hemoglobin levels. If the human body does not receive enough meat products, then the protein intake can be compensated with the help of corn grits.

Composition and properties of chemical elements and vitamins in corn porridge

The content of the main elements in the finished porridge is as follows:

  • carbohydrates – 56%,
  • proteins – 12%,
  • fats – 2%,
  • dietary fiber - 25%.

Due to the presence of amino acids in the product, such as lysine, arginine, tryptophan and others, protein is broken down and absorbed in the body, and folic acid contained in the porridge is recommended for women during pregnancy.

The content of microelements in cereals per 100 grams of product is given in the table:

NameContent, mg

Corn porridge is a good option for those who want to lose weight or maintain normal weight.
Useful properties of some components:

  1. Calcium protects gums and enamel from damage.
  2. Retinol helps preserve vision. The dish is especially useful for those who work at the computer.
  3. For patients with cardiovascular diseases, the food is beneficial due to its high potassium content. It acts as a prophylactic against cardiac arrhythmia and blood pressure disorders.
  4. 10% of people in the world suffer from food allergies caused by gluten. Corn does not contain gluten, so it does not cause allergies.
  5. The presence of iron promotes the growth of hemoglobin and reduces the possibility of developing anemia.
  6. Vitamin A and E help the skin remain elastic, strengthen nails and promote hair growth.
  7. Vitamin C prevents the development of rickets.

Be sure to read: Table of calorie content of different flours: choosing the most dietary flour for weight loss

Types of cereals

The appearance of the cereal is yellow or white. The smell of the crushed cereal remains the same as that of fresh corn.

Types of cereals

Cereal division criteria:

  • Processing method for corn grain.
  • Grain size.

Corn grits, the benefits and harms of which are studied in detail by nutritionists, are divided into 3 types:

  • Large.
  • Polished.
  • Small.
  1. Polished corn grits. The composition includes crushed particles of the grain kernel of a cereal plant. During processing, fruit shells and germs are separated from the grain. During processing, the grain becomes rounded and polished. This species is divided into 5 subspecies. The number indicates the size of the resulting particle; the larger the grind number, the smaller the processed grain. The size of the grains varies from 0.6 to 4 mm.
  2. Large corn grits. The resulting particles come in different shapes during processing. The processing process consists of separating the fruit shells and germ from the grains. The size of grains of this type varies from 5 to 7 mm. Large grains are used in preparing breakfasts: flakes, puffed grains.
  3. Small corn grits. The processing process is the same as for large grains. A distinctive feature is the size of the resulting grains, the length of which varies from 0.7 to 1.2 mm. Used to make corn sticks.

Features of the cereal:

  • Gluten free.
  • Does not lose nutritional value during hot processing.

From the history

Corn has been used as food for several thousand years. More than twelve thousand years ago, corn began to be grown for food and to feed livestock in the homeland of corn and corn flour - the territory of South and Central America. Corn was introduced to the European continent in the 15th century. Century after century, corn spread throughout Europe, came to the Caucasus, Transcaucasia and Asia.

Calor. per 100 g SquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
337 kcal8.3 g1.2 g75.0 g

Benefits for men and women

Corn grits, the benefits and harms of which depend on the methods of preparation, are in demand among people leading a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits for men and women

Benefits of corn grits:

  • Cereal-based foods are rich in carbohydrates, so the released energy is enough for the body for a long period of time.
  • Cleansing the digestive organs from accumulated harmful substances, toxins, and dense fecal formations.
  • Used for preventive purposes for constipation.
  • Eliminates fermentation in the intestines.
  • Phosphatides contained in grains are involved in the biosynthesis of cholesterol. Regular consumption helps create elastic and strong vascular walls.
  • The vitamins included in the composition are involved in strengthening nerve structures.
  • Prevention of anemia.
  • Strengthening the scalp.
  • Strengthening the nail plate.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Slowing down cell aging.

Despite the high calorie content, the product is considered dietary. Natural fats contained in porridge do not allow fats of other origin to be absorbed. Due to this, weight loss occurs and the body is cleansed. The diet using products based on corn grits is strict.

The duration of the diet is 5-7 days. The cereal is cooked in water without adding oil, salt or sugar.

In addition to porridge, the diet includes raw vegetables and fruits. Following a diet based on corn grits is not recommended for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases during exacerbation. During the diet, weight decreases by 3-4 kg. Women use corn flour-based products not only for nutritional purposes, but also to relieve fatigue and rejuvenate.

Beneficial features

Thanks to the unique chemical composition of corn grits, dishes made from it are healthy for humans. They can be added to the diet of adults and children, and also consumed during pregnancy or lactation. Corn porridge is often chosen as a dietary dish to enrich the body with nutrients. Cereals can be boiled in water or milk, but they retain most of their beneficial properties even after cooking.

For adults

Men and women are recommended to include corn porridge in their daily diet to enrich the body with useful elements and improve the functioning of internal organs. The benefits of the product for adults are as follows:

  • removal of harmful substances and toxins;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving the condition of hair, skin, teeth and nails;
  • stimulation of the digestive system;
  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • lowering cholesterol levels, especially in older people;
  • prevention of blood clots and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • preventing the development of cancer cells;
  • prevention of diabetes mellitus;
  • improving brain function and strengthening the nervous system;
  • normalization of hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • eliminating muscle tension;
  • prevention of insomnia;
  • improved mood.

For children

A growing body requires a large amount of nutrients, so corn milk porridge must be given to children. You can include it in the menu from the moment the child reaches the age of 7 months. Frequency - no more than 2 times a week.

The benefits of this food for children:

  • promotes normal digestion;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • strengthens bones and teeth;
  • enriches the child’s body with vitamins;
  • prevents anemia;
  • strengthens the immune system.

During pregnancy and lactation

Corn porridge is useful for women during pregnancy. The dish contains a rich vitamin complex that supports the functioning of the female body and promotes the normal development of the fetus. Corn porridge is recommended to be added to the menu for women during lactation. The nutrients contained in the product are transferred to the baby along with breast milk, contributing to the normal development of the baby.

The benefits of eating corn porridge during pregnancy and lactation are as follows:

  • the body of the mother and child receives the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • the product does not cause food allergies;
  • thanks to porridge, a woman receives the necessary energy;
  • the dish contains a lot of folic acid;
  • Cereals contain substances that stimulate intestinal motility and prevent the development of constipation.

During the diet

For effective weight loss, it is recommended to consume corn grits cooked in water. At the same time, you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day to avoid digestive problems.

The main beneficial properties of corn porridge during a diet:

  • quickly satiates, eliminating the feeling of hunger;
  • is a source of vitamins;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • accelerates the breakdown of fat cells;
  • improves mood and gives the body vigor.

Corn porridge is often included in a diet menu lasting several days. To quickly lose weight, you can do a fasting day by consuming the product in 200 g portions in the morning, afternoon and evening. During such a one-day diet, you are allowed to drink up to 400 ml of low-fat kefir and eat 1-2 apples.

During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy is a period when a woman needs twice as many vitamins. Corn porridge is an opportunity to get rid of problems with constipation, as pregnant women suffer from problems with the digestive system. Pregnant women suffering from gluten intolerance also include corn grits in their diet.

During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women often suffer from high blood sugar levels – gestational diabetes mellitus. In this case, cereal will become an additional opportunity to diversify the menu. Due to the fact that porridge is hypoallergenic, it is included in the diet during lactation. Its use will not harm either mother or child.

It is not recommended to introduce cereal into the diet if a woman suffers from hypercoagulation (blood clotting is increased and is a pathology). When a pathology is detected, the diet is prepared by a qualified specialist. With such a diagnosis, consumption should be limited not only to pregnant women, but also to people who are not pregnant.

Corn grits in cooking

The versatility of the cereal is due to its ability to combine well with various vegetables and other foods. In many regions it enjoys incredible success in the field of cooking. You can prepare any dish from it - from an original main dish to an incredibly mouth-watering dessert.

Corn grits are used in cooking:

  • for preparing the most popular dish - delicious porridge, this product is called polenta by Italians, mamalyga by Moldovans, and banosh by Hutsuls;
  • for the production of premium flour, which is used for baking pancakes, flatbreads, pies, and bread;
  • for seasoning soups, stews;
  • is an ideal side dish for main courses, as it harmonizes with meat products, fish, vegetables, emphasizes their taste and adds its own aroma;
  • for sweet homemade baked goods that are tender and crumbly and have a pleasant warm aroma.

Regular consumption of corn grits in a variety of dishes will help you stay in good shape and in high spirits. And corn porridge is an excellent choice for breakfast, as it plays the role of an energy base for a productive start to the day.

For the body of infants and older children

The vitamin complex of corn grits for a child is poor. You should not limit yourself to eating only corn porridge; your diet needs to be varied. It is also necessary to take into account that this type of porridge contains a large amount of starch. Not all children tolerate starch.

It is impossible to exclude porridge from the diet, as it contains a sufficient amount of selenium for a child. When preparing dishes from corn grits, it should be steamed longer so that it is better absorbed by the body. You can use a ready-made option - instant baby porridge.

Based on the legislation of the Russian Federation and recommendations for baby nutrition, porridge based on corn grits is introduced into the menu for infants from 4 months.

If the child does not have an allergic reaction to corn grits, it can be prepared with the addition of other grains. Dry porridge is mixed with buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal, and rice cereals. Multigrain porridges are introduced from 6 months.


The Indians, and then the Europeans, who fell in love with corn porridge, did not know its exact chemical composition. But today we know that it contains vegetable protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic), and phosphates from the fat fraction of corn oil. These substances regulate cholesterol levels in the blood, prevent its deposition on the walls of blood vessels, and promote protein synthesis.

Corn grits porridge contains vitamins (groups B, A, PP), calcium, silicon, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, and dietary fiber.


Corn grits, the benefits and harms of which are studied before being introduced into the diet, have its contraindications.


It should be introduced into the diet with caution in the presence of diseases:

  • During the period of exacerbation of gastritis.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Increased blood clotting.
  • Dystrophy.
  • Anorexia.
  • Intolerance.
  • Predisposition to thrombophlebitis.

Rules for eating

Corn grits, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many people, are often included in therapeutic diets. The rate of cereal consumption depends on the person’s age and diagnosis.

Category of peopleChild (age 1-3 years)Pregnant womanNursing motherAdult
Consumption rate, g20607070

The recommended time to eat corn grits is the first half of the day, as it has a high energy value. If desired, a single portion can be divided into several doses.

Recipes for corn porridge with milk and water

Many dishes are prepared from cereals:

  • Porridge.
  • Hominy.
  • Cookie.
  • Pie.
  • Casserole.
  • Polenta.
  • Soup.

    Recipes for corn porridge with milk and water

Cereal proportions:

  • 1 tsp contains 7 g.
  • 1 tbsp. l. contains 25 g.
  • 1 glass contains 210 g.

Corn porridge is prepared with both milk and water. If desired or necessary, additional components are added: dried fruits, cheese, spices.

Recipe for baby porridge with milk for 1 person:

  • Corn grits - 3 tbsp.
  • Milk - half a glass.
  • Butter – 5 g.

The cereal is thoroughly washed. Dry porridge should not contain more than 0.3% of impurities. Chopped corn is poured with 0.5 cups of water and cooked over a fire until fully cooked. Salt and sugar are added to taste. After milk is added, the resulting mass is brought to a boil.

If desired, add softened butter to the prepared dish. You can prepare porridge yourself for 6-month-old children.

The dosage of the products is the same. The cereal is steamed in water until cooked, after which the contents should be rubbed through a sieve or crushed using a blender. Pour milk into the resulting mass and leave on the fire until it boils completely. If desired, you can add chopped banana. The porridge is prepared in water in the same way, only the volume of water is adjusted to a full glass.

Recipe for corn porridge with prunes per serving:

  • Corn grits - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Prunes – 4 pcs.
  • Milk – 0.5 cups.
  • Butter – 1 tsp.
  • Granulated sugar – 0.5 tsp.
  • Salt.

Rinse prunes well with warm water. Place in a container and boil by adding 0.5 cups of water. Afterwards, cool without separating the prunes and water. Grind the cooled prunes using a blender for small children; for adults, you can cut them into pieces.

Add water to the prune broth so that the volume is again 0.5 cups. After boiling, add the cereal. The resulting mass must be stirred with a spoon to prevent lumps from forming and burning. After boiling, add the remaining ingredients. Leave on fire for 20 minutes until fully cooked. Add butter and prunes to the prepared dish.

The benefits and harms of corn grits

Corn is an overseas plant, because its homeland is Mexico. Now it has become a popular food and dietary crop, grown even in less warm parts of Russia, sometimes by seedlings. After all, its growing season is about 90 days and in our country it does not have time to form its cobs. The benefits and harms of cereals are determined by its composition.

The content of the article

  1. The benefits and harms of corn grits
  2. Who is harmed?
  3. Corn grits porridge
  4. Corn grits porridge on water
  5. Corn grits porridge with milk
  6. Corn grits soup with mushrooms
  7. Chicken cereal soup
  8. Corn tortillas
  9. How to store cereals

The benefits of corn grits

What are the benefits of corn grits? Its main benefit is that the cereal is produced by crushing corn grains, bypassing the grinding stage. Therefore, the shell of the grain, rich in cellulose, coloring pigments, vitamins and minerals, and the germ itself are completely preserved.

What is included in the chemical composition of cereals?

The grain contains up to 6% fat, almost entirely in the embryo and is considered a significant nutrient. The endosperm of the grain consists of starch, which occupies a large proportion, up to 80%, and protein up to 12%. Therefore, it is used for the production of starch and distillation of alcohol.

Protein representatives are prolamine and glutelin. In terms of amino acid composition, proteins are considered inferior, but they do not contain gluten and do not swell well. Watch a video about the benefits of cereals:

Cereals contain up to 8% pentosans - polysaccharides that yield pentose upon hydrolysis. Up to 2% sugar, 2.55 fiber.

The crushed grains contain B vitamins -1,2,5,9, vitamin C, niacin, choline, provitamin A and carotene. Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP is also present, but in very small doses.

The cereal is distinguished by the presence of a large amount of iron up to 3700 mcg and other equally useful minerals, of which there are up to 26 types:

  • zinc (1720 mcg) and potassium (234 mcg),
  • manganese (1080 mcg) and magnesium (102 mcg),
  • phosphorus (300 mcg) and calcium (34 mcg),
  • copper (290 mcg) and sodium (27 mcg),
  • fluoride (64 mcg), cobalt (5 mcg) and iodine (4 mcg).

In (100 g) grains there are carbohydrates up to 67 g, proteins up to 10 g and fats up to 5 g.

The calorie content of boiled cereal per 100 g of product contains 123 kcal, the content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is reduced. Boiled cereal is considered healthier, saturates the body well and reduces appetite.

Sweet canned corn, by comparison, contains even fewer calories - up to 119 kcal. And even with such a fairly high calorie content, the product is still considered dietary, so it is recommended for weight loss and as a treatment for obesity.

What is the benefit

Such a non-standard mineral composition is used by nutritionists and doctors as an auxiliary product to prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Cereals are distinguished by high nutritional and biological activity and rapid digestibility, which is important for the body.

The inclusion of cooked cereal dishes increases metabolic processes, which significantly changes a person’s well-being, vitality and immunity.

This product helps:

  • liberating the body from toxins and waste;
  • lowering cholesterol levels and supporting the tone of the heart and blood vessels;
  • treatment of hypertension, due to its diuretic and choleretic properties, significantly reduces swelling;
  • normalization of the activity of the stomach and intestines;
  • improving the metabolic process in the body, which is important when losing weight,
  • is a safe product for patients with high blood sugar and allergies.

Considering its composition, cereals are recommended to be included in food for older people and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Microelements silicon and calcium increase the strength of teeth, strengthen hair roots, and improve skin condition.

Dietary fiber slows down oxidative processes in the intestines and serves as prebiotic food for the development of beneficial bifidobacteria.

Due to its easy digestibility, the product can be included not only in your diet every day, but also in preparing delicious dishes for children.

Cereals are useful for women, this is evidenced by the recommendations of traditional medicine, which advises eating corn dishes more often for preventive purposes and to cure inflammatory diseases of the genital area, menstrual pain, and severe menopausal symptoms. The benefits will be clear for both women and men.

There is a positive effect of corn dishes on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and the normalization of the nervous system. Thanks to the presence of vitamins B1, the functioning of the endocrine system and brain improves, and to replenish the body's daily need for this vitamin, you need to eat only 15 g of boiled corn.

Cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker

Before cooking, rinse the cereal with warm water. All ingredients are placed in the container at the same time.

Cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker


  • Corn grits - 1 cup.
  • Milk – 4 cups (1 l).
  • Sugar – 12 tsp.
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking time is just over 60 minutes. Add butter before serving.

Calorie content of corn grits porridge with milk or water

Corn porridge contains many useful elements and vitamins.
Corn porridge is a good option for those who want to lose weight or maintain normal weight . Boiled in water, it contains few calories and is well suited for this purpose.

It’s not difficult to prepare this dish: add 3 cups of water to a glass of corn grits and cook until done, adding salt to taste. The calorie content of 100 g of product will be only 75 kcal, and if you add butter, it will already be 96 kcal.

Porridge cooked with milk is the same dietary product, but its calorie content is higher. 100 g of the finished dish contains 105 kcal, and if you add butter, it will already be 120 kcal. This must be taken into account when creating a diet for those who want to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Features of eating corn porridge for gastritis

Gastritis is characterized by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. It is divided into types: acute, aggravated, remission. Corn grits bring not only benefits, but also harm if they are abused for gastritis. Porridge is introduced into the diet only during the period when the disease subsides.

Features of eating corn porridge for gastritis

Due to the fact that corn is rich in fiber, the affected mucosal walls are better restored. The volume of substances is normalized. It is recommended to prepare porridge using additional ingredients: honey, pumpkin. Given the increased level of acidity during gastritis, the porridge is prepared liquid. It is advisable to further grind it with a blender and bring it closer to puree.

How to cook corn grits deliciously?

The porridge from it turns out fluffy, loose and very tasty. It cooks for about an hour, quadrupling in volume. The finer the grind, the less cooking time. But the structure will be different.

How to cook porridge from corn grits?

It is prepared with milk, water or a combination of both in different proportions. But it’s best to boil it in water, and then dilute it with cream to the desired consistency. Then you won't have to boil for a long time. And protein is easier to digest, which increases the benefits.

Standard proportion: for 1 cup of cereal - 4 cups of liquid. You will get a moderately viscous consistency. To make it more liquid, pour 5 tbsp. And for mamalyga, the amount of H2O is less - 3 glasses.

Before cooking, the grains are sorted and washed. This is necessary so that it does not become bitter. Cook over medium or low heat, stirring constantly. The exact time depends on the degree of grinding and is 15-50 minutes.

If the resulting consistency seems too runny, cover and leave for half an hour. The cereal will swell and become thicker.

To increase the benefits, cook with pumpkin or dried fruit, and sweeten with honey instead of sugar.

Polenta with mascarpone

This is an Italian dish that was originally considered a poor man's food. Today it is ordered in restaurants, not only Italian ones.

Eat as a side dish or on its own. Served fried or baked. The food turns out satisfying. It goes well with sour cream or cream sauce, meat, poultry, and seafood.


  • medium-ground corn grits – 200 grams,
  • mascarpone – half a pack,
  • paprika - a pinch
  • butter – 50 g,
  • Provençal herbs – 0.5 tsp,
  • salt.

How to cook:

  • Place 600 ml of water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, add salt.
  • Add the cereal.
  • Cook, stirring frequently, until thickened (20-25 minutes). Be careful not to burn.
  • Add seasonings and remove from heat.
  • Add mascarpone, stir.
  • Place the hot puree into the mold. Let it cool completely.
  • Cut the frozen polenta into portions using a strong thread.

Place tomato slices on top, sprinkle with herbs and grated cheese. Place in a hot oven for a quarter of an hour. When the cheese has melted, serve.

Mamalyga: how to cook - classic recipe

Mamalyga is a Moldavian dish, but it is prepared under a different name in almost all countries. In Adygea it is called “paste”, in Abkhazia – “abysta”, and in Turkey – “mukhlama”. This is a thick “loaf” made from fine or medium-ground grains. It is eaten cold, sliced ​​like bread. It goes with anything, and the benefits are unrivaled!


  • water – 3 glasses,
  • corn grits - a glass,
  • salt – 2 level teaspoons.

For cooking you will need a cauldron or pan with a thick bottom (enamel or steel). First, the flour is sifted. Then pour into boiling liquid, as when preparing choux pastry. Keep on low heat for 25-30 minutes, constantly stirring with a wooden spoon.

When there is no liquid left and the contents begin to lag behind the walls, turn it off. Transfer to a wooden cutting board. Gently level with a spatula, giving it a rounded shape. Wait until the hominy cools slightly and sets. Cut with thread or a wooden knife.

Served with Adyghe cheese, feta cheese or kefir - this is a classic! The finished hominy is crumbled into hot milk, fried, and baked. Eaten with cheese, chicken or lamb, flavored with fermented milk sauce Shkhuschips or meat Lyshchips. This is in Adyghe. And if in Moldavian style, then with sour cream or cracklings.

For pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. It is prohibited to introduce foods into the diet on your own, so as not to aggravate the inflammatory process.

Gastroenterologists, based on the patient’s individual indications, allow the consumption of corn porridge with water only during the period of weakening of the disease. You can eat 1 serving every 7 days. Appointment hours are limited - only the first half of the day. The porridge should be warm. To prepare porridge, it is better to use a small type of cereal.

For diabetes

Nutritionists recommend including corn porridge in your diet, but at least 3 times a week to achieve the desired result. The amount of sugar in the blood does not increase if the supply of the mineral-vitamin complex is timely and regular.

For diabetes

The breakdown of carbohydrates is much slower than that of other grains. This diet is prescribed to patients with type 1 diabetes. Porridge is introduced into the menu with extreme caution if type 2 diabetes is established, but not more than once a week. The patient’s nutrition is adjusted by a medical specialist; exceeding the established norms is prohibited.

The prepared porridge should contain a minimum amount of both butter and vegetable oil. Coarse or finely ground grains are more beneficial. Dishes for patients with diabetes are prepared without adding sugar or sugar substitutes.

Benefits for diabetes:

  • Stabilization of glucose levels.
  • Restoring the patient's physical strength.
  • Stabilization of metabolism.

The benefits of corn porridge

Corn porridge is useful for all categories: children, adults and the elderly.

Useful properties for weight loss

Dietary plant fibers swell in the stomach, filling it. They create a feeling of fullness and suppress hunger.

Corn porridge for children

The dish begins to be given to the child from 9 months. It is advisable that by this time the child is already accustomed to porridges made from other cereals, such as buckwheat and rice. First, the porridge is cooked from crushed cereals, which you can prepare yourself using a coffee grinder.

It is necessary to accustom a child to such food gradually. Initially, give 1-2 teaspoons during your regular breakfast. The next day, if there is no allergy, the dose is doubled, gradually bringing it to the norm of 150 g at 9 months and 200 g at 1 year.

It is recommended to give porridge 1-2 times a week, and after one year of age add a little butter and sugar, and mix with chopped fruits or vegetables. You can cook food with water or milk, if milk does not cause digestive problems in the child.

Corn porridge for pregnant and nursing mothers

Corn porridge begins to be given to a child starting from 9 months.
The product is useful from the first months of pregnancy until childbirth. The frequency of taking corn porridge is 2-3 times a week.

After childbirth, when the baby’s ventricle has not yet fully formed, the mother should limit her consumption of porridge so as not to cause indigestion and colic in the baby. In the first months, mother should adhere to strictly dietary foods and only then gradually switch to a regular diet.

But not all pregnant women can eat this dish.

The fact is that expectant mothers experience an increase in blood viscosity before giving birth. This is a natural process, but there is a category of people with increased clotting. Eating corn porridge is unsafe for such people, as blood clots may form on the blood vessels.

Be sure to read: How many calories are in one pancake with different types of filling and a recipe for diet pancakes for following a diet

Corn porridge for the elderly

Corn contains the following elements that are beneficial for older people:

  • calcium (strengthens bones);
  • dietary fiber (remove harmful substances from the stomach, increase the motor function of the stomach);
  • potassium (improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system);
  • iron (increases hemoglobin levels);
  • iodine (improves memory).

Recipes with corn grits

Crispy cookie recipe


  • Corn grits - 0.5 cups.
  • Milk – 2 glasses.
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 0.5 cups.
  • Vanillin.

    Crispy cookie recipe

Prepare the porridge, cool. Mix 1.5 cups of cooked porridge with egg, sugar, vanilla. Beat the ingredients using a blender. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place cookies. The shape of the cookies depends on the person’s imagination. Cooking time in the oven is 10 minutes at a temperature of no more than 160 degrees. The crust of the cookies will brown, and as soon as the baked goods cool, they will harden a little.

Mamaliga recipe


  • Corn grits – 200 g.
  • Water.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Small hot pepper (chili) – 2 pcs.

The cereal simmers on fire for 40 minutes. At the end of simmering, garlic and pepper are added. After cooking, the thick porridge is placed on a flat wooden plate. The shape of mamalyga resembles a large round bun. Before serving, you can sprinkle the dish with fresh herbs. After cooling, the dish is ready to eat.

Corn fritters


  • Corn grits - 0.5 cups.
  • Milk – 2 glasses.
  • Flour – 60 g.
  • Sugar – 25 g.
  • Egg – 1 pc.

    Corn fritters

Bring the milk to a boil, add the cereal. The cooled porridge is combined with sugar and egg. The cakes are formed by hand. Sprinkle both sides of the pancakes with flour. The flatbreads are fried in oil on both sides. Place the cooked tortillas on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

It is recommended to take dishes made from corn grits warm to avoid thermal burns and damage to the intestines. Using corn grits not for breakfast, but as a second dish, you can add meat and fish for variety.

Corn grits soup with mushrooms

To prepare the soup, prepare the following products: 20 g of cereal, 150 g of potatoes, 15 g of parsley, celery, onions and carrots, 20 g of mushrooms, 10 g of butter and sour cream, greens.

Wash the dried mushrooms and soak for 3-4 hours, and then put them on the stove in the same water and boil until tender. Cook the cereal porridge in advance in water according to the recipe described above. Remove the mushrooms from the broth, strain the broth and put back on the fire.

Cut the mushrooms into strips and place in a saucepan, then add the potatoes, cut into cubes, into the broth with the mushrooms, after 15 minutes add the corn porridge, and a little later the sautéed vegetables. Add salt to taste and sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Application in cosmetology

Corn grits are used in cosmetology, both in industrial production and at home. Cereal-based care products are aimed at cleansing the skin: peeling, scrub, mask. Scrubs are used for problem areas such as heels, elbows, and knees.

Cosmetics not only soften rough areas of the skin, but also moisturize.

Wellness masks based on “golden” grains relieve puffiness, remove blackheads, and smooth out wrinkles. Constant use of scrubs based on corn grits is not recommended, as the skin may be subject to microdamage. Cosmetics based on corn starch are more gentle, as they do not contain sharp grains.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, corn-based products are equated to medicines. In alternative medicine, it is mainly not the cereal that is used, but the components of a mature cob: columns, stigmas.

Use in folk medicine

Dosage form:

  • Infusion.
  • Decoction.
  • Powder.
  • Oil.

Application area:

  • Inflammatory processes of the female genital organs.
  • Infertility.
  • Climax.
  • Hypertension.
  • Functional kidney disorders.
  • Urinary tract diseases.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Eliminate constipation.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Headache.
  • Diabetes.
  • Asthma.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.

Selection and storage

A closed package of corn grits should be stored in a dry place at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees, air humidity is no more than 75%. For home use, it is not recommended to purchase the product in large quantities so that the crushed grain does not begin to deteriorate.

It is advisable to store cereals in glass or ceramic containers to prevent moisture from entering. When storing a large volume of bulk product, it is necessary to check for the presence of larvae and food mites. Microorganisms appear if the humidity indicators for cereals are violated (no more than 14%).

Selection and storage

When choosing cereals, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Color of grains (yellow, white).
  • Smell (identical to the natural smell of the cereal plant).
  • Absence of weeds (no more than 0.3%).

The given indicators are established by the state standard. Corn grits are a source of vitamins and minerals, although they are not a leader among other grains. It can bring both benefit and harm if it is not used rationally in the diet.

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