Cucumber. Benefits and harm to the body, calorie content per 100 grams, nutrition, how to consume

Dietary properties

For normal functioning, the body requires 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Not everyone manages to drink such an amount - a fresh gherkin can easily replace fluid loss, and it will truly be “living water.” The natural moisture of a cucumber is structured, akin to pure spring water, without any impurities or harmful substances.

Scientists are finding more and more beneficial minerals in cucumber juice:

  • potassium and magnesium are necessary for heart function;
  • the ratio of potassium and sodium in cucumber is favorable for water-salt metabolism in the body;
  • silicon and phosphorus strengthen nails and hair;
  • Iodine in easily digestible form is vital for the thyroid gland.

Cucumber water will literally wash every cell of the body, leaving in it all the most valuable things that are dissolved in it: minerals, vitamins, starchy substances. For people with heart, kidney, liver, and joint diseases, eating these vegetables will bring undeniable benefits. Their composition helps neutralize the acid-base balance and fight acidification of the body and its premature aging.

Please note: The low calorie content of cucumbers and a large amount of fiber are properties that are actively used to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Cucumber fasting days allow you to consume this vegetable in any quantity.

A large amount of potassium creates a diuretic effect, helps to remove excess fluid, flush the kidneys, and get rid of swelling. A diet of only cucumbers during the day will not put an excessive burden on the pancreas and will not harm it. And finally, tartronic acid, which blocks the main mechanism for the development of obesity - the formation of fats from carbohydrate foods.


The acid decomposes during heat treatment, so canned fruits do not have this quality. In order not to have excess fat, you need to eat them fresh, along with their bitter peel. Tartronic acid prevents the synthesis of fatty acids, but does not participate in the breakdown of existing fat. Cucumbers help keep you slim, but they cannot get rid of fat folds.


The rich chemical composition and very low calorie content allow cucumbers to be classified as dietary products. On a diet, they can be consumed in large quantities. Due to the presence of fiber, the product cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and causes a feeling of fullness, thereby promoting weight loss.

And the water contained in cucumbers is different from ordinary water - it is purer and more structured and perfectly fills the body with moisture.

Cucumber. Benefits and harms for the body. It has much more benefits.

The vegetable also has the following beneficial properties:

  • Normalizes digestion . The fiber in cucumbers enhances intestinal motility and gently relieves constipation.
  • Has a diuretic effect . Due to their high water content, vegetables gently remove excess water from the body and eliminate swelling.
  • Cleanses the body . When it enters the body, cucumber juice dissolves toxins and wastes, as well as heavy metal salts and removes them through the kidneys.
  • Is a source of vitamins and minerals . Daily consumption of cucumbers (pure or as part of salads, smoothies) will help saturate the body with the necessary nutrients.
  • Has anti-cancer effects. Cucumbers contain antioxidants - substances that destroy free radicals and prevent the formation of tumors. Also, the antioxidant properties of the product help maintain the youth of the body and skin. And recent studies have shown that the substance that gives cucumber its bitterness, cucurbitacin, has the ability to suppress the growth of cancer cells.
  • Improves the cardiovascular system . Due to the presence of potassium, eating cucumbers helps strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels. Studies have also shown that the product has the ability to regulate blood pressure and cleanse blood vessels of “bad” cholesterol, preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Contains silicon . This mineral is essential for healthy hair, skin and nails. It is also responsible for the strength of blood vessels and connective tissues of the body and helps in the absorption of certain other minerals by the body.
  • Good for vision . Cucumbers are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin - substances that help maintain visual acuity and protect the retina from harmful radiation. Lack of lutein and zeaxanthin can lead to cataracts and vision loss.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels . This makes cucumber an essential food for those who have diabetes. The vegetable promotes the production of insulin by the pancreas and lowers blood sugar.
  • Improves the absorption of BZHU. Cucumbers are recommended to be consumed together with meat, as they help animal proteins to be better absorbed in the body. The product also prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, preventing weight gain.
  • Helps with lung diseases . To improve sputum discharge and cure cough, the patient should be given fresh cucumber juice mixed with honey, 50 ml 3 times a day.
  • Freshens breath. Instead of chewing gum, you can place a slice of cucumber in your mouth - the substances contained in it will kill bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor.
  • of vitamin C. Cucumbers also (but in smaller quantities) contain ascorbic acid, which helps strengthen the immune system. The greatest amount of acid is found in small fruits, and as they ripen and grow, the level of the substance in them decreases.
  • Helps with heartburn . For this pathology, it is recommended to eat a small amount of grated cucumber - after a while the symptoms will subside.

The greatest benefits come from self-grown cucumbers - you can be sure that such vegetables do not contain harmful fertilizers. When using them for food, it is not recommended to remove the skin from them, since this is where most of the useful components accumulate.

Nutritional value of cucumbers: fresh, salted, pickled

The energy value of a product is the number of calories it provides the body for vital functions. For those who want to lose excess weight, it is important to know how many calories are in a cucumber per 100 grams, and in what quantity it can be added to the diet menu.

Fresh greens

The energy value of fresh cucumbers is very small - 15g/100g; it has a negative calorie content, i.e., more energy is spent on its digestion than it is capable of providing. You can eat such fruits as much as you want - this does not threaten weight gain. But they fill the stomach and relieve the gnawing feeling of hunger during diets.

The composition of the vegetable according to BZHU per 100 g of product is also very modest:

  • proteins – 0.8;
  • fats – 0.1;
  • carbohydrates – 3.0.

A kilogram of gherkins eaten will give the body only 1g of fat and 30g of carbohydrates - it’s not for nothing that all girls and women on weight loss diets love them.


What are the benefits of canned cucumbers?

Fresh vegetables are available in the summer; consuming them in large quantities in winter and early spring is unwise. Greenhouse fruits may contain nitrates and pesticides in quantities exceeding their beneficial properties. Therefore, during the cold season, salted and pickled cucumbers appear on the table. After heat treatment, they lost some of their vitamins, but retained valuable minerals (iodine, potassium) and a high fiber content. In addition, pickled cucumbers have new beneficial qualities: lactic acid is beneficial for the bacterial flora of the intestines, and the brine helps restore the water-salt balance in case of a hangover. Pickled cucumbers are not good for everyone, but they increase appetite and decorate a winter feast. The table shows how many calories are in cucumber canned in different ways.

Calorie table for canned fruits (per 100 g of product)

Type of cucumber processingCalorie content (kcal)
lightly salted14

As you can see, a greenhouse cucumber has lower calorie content than a fresh ground cucumber. Pickled cucumbers have a lower calorie content due to the water with which they are soaked during the fermentation process, while pickled cucumbers have the highest calorie content due to the addition of sugar to the marinade.


Table of the ratio of BZHU canned fruits (per 100 g of product)

Type of cucumber preservationProteins (g)Fat (g)Carbohydrates (g)
lightly salted0,80,11,9

It is believed that lightly salted cucumbers are less harmful to health, because... contain less salt. For those who have problems with the kidneys, liver or cardiovascular system, this is really important. But for healthy people, both products are equally useful, because their nutritional value and mineral composition are practically the same. Pickles are part of the menu of popular diets, for example, “6 petals”. As for pickled gherkins, this is a delicacy for absolutely healthy people and cannot be called a dietary product.

Harmful properties of cucumbers

Cucumbers can increase the secretion of gastric juice. Therefore, they cannot be included in the diet for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with high acidity and reflux esophagitis. Nursing mothers should remember that fresh cucumbers have a laxative effect. If a child has a tendency to constipation, then including this vegetable in the mother’s diet is justified. In other cases, it is better for nursing mothers to avoid eating cucumbers.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Low calorie recipes

Dishes made from cucumbers pleasantly diversify a diet when losing weight and are useful for everyone who wants to keep their weight normal.

Cucumber salad


  • Cucumbers – 3-4 medium-sized gherkins (80-100 g).
  • Sunflower oil – 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard – 1 tsp.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Dill – 50 g.
  • Green onions - 1-3 feathers.

The gherkins are chopped into circles. Prepare the seasoning: add salt, vinegar, and mustard to the oil. The seasoning is combined with cucumbers, everything is mixed well, the salad is sprinkled with dill and left for 10-15 minutes in a cold place. Then the dish is sprinkled with finely chopped onions and served.


Cucumber salad with beets


  • Cucumbers – 3-4 medium-sized gherkins (80-100 g).
  • Beetroot – 1 medium-sized root vegetable (100 g).
  • Sunflower oil – 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Walnut kernels – 50 g.
  • Green onions - 5-10 feathers.

Raw beets should be coarsely grated, mixed with lemon juice, heated for 5 minutes and immediately cooled. Chop the nuts and cut the greens into strips. Combine prepared ingredients and add salt. The salad is dressed with oil and decorated with herbs. Delicious cucumber salads with the smell of summer and freshness on a hot day can be eaten without restrictions. The low calorie content of cucumber and its healing qualities guarantee the preservation of slimness and health.


Product preparation and storage methods

Due to the fact that cucumbers can be preserved in different ways, the vegetable is consumed in salted and pickled form until the next harvest.

  • Cucumbers are prepared for the winter by adding dill, horseradish leaves, a head of garlic, blackcurrant, cherry, and oak leaves to jars. Many housewives pour the greens placed in jars three times with hot brine. And others use cold water, and their cucumbers do not spoil under a plastic cover.
  • Pickled cucumbers soaked in tomato juice, marinated with carrots, onions and mint leaves are well preserved. There are many cooking recipes, and each housewife has her own special way of preparing vegetables for the winter.
  • Storing fresh fruits involves placing them in cold water, coating the skin with egg white, and keeping them in an open plastic bag placed in the refrigerator. These methods will allow you to enjoy the fresh product for a week or two. During storage, it is necessary to frequently inspect the fruits, removing those that begin to rot or deteriorate.

In any form, cucumbers will be a favorite treat for the whole family during the long winter.

More information can be found in the video:

Effective weight loss with cucumbers

Summer is the most optimal time for losing weight using the unique properties of green fruits. It brings maximum benefit, like all plant products, during its ripening period.

This is interesting: the word cucumber (aguros - Greek) means “unripe, unripe.” Cucumber is the only fruit that is eaten green and unripe; ripe specimens are of little use for eating. Moreover, it is not a vegetable, but a berry - like watermelon or pumpkin.

The bitter skin of greens is their advantage; it contains valuable substances, so you should not peel the fruits. Before each meal in the summer, try to eat one cucumber: its fiber will take up space in the stomach and will not allow you to overeat, and cucumber enzymes will help quickly absorb proteins. The best option for losing weight is cucumber fasting days. One day a week you need to eat 1.5-2 kg of cucumbers in portions of 300-400 g. At the same time, drink only pure water or teas with herbs - and so on all summer, as long as there are fresh fruits. By losing 3-4 extra kg, you will cleanse your body, improve digestion, and improve your health.

How to lose weight?

From all that has been said above, we can conclude: cucumbers are excellent as an effective means for losing weight. But there is one drawback - they are seasonal, in fact, like most vegetables. Of course, the maximum benefit comes from cucumbers that grow naturally. It is recommended to eat them not very large, hard, crunchy and have small seeds. If the skin is not very bitter, then it is better not to peel it, because it contains a lot of minerals and vitamins.

Remember, all a person who is losing weight needs is just fresh cucumbers in their daily diet. And this will already be a big victory. If you eat right, you can add them to your daily menu.

Practical advice: Eat one vegetable before eating. This is useful because the water will fill the stomach and prevent you from eating too much. At the same time, cucumbers contain many enzymes that allow the body to quickly and easily absorb animal proteins.

If you cannot cope with the feeling of hunger in the evening, eat a cucumber. This is a way out of the situation. There are many cucumber diets. And they can be used by all those who want to lose excess weight. True, experts believe that there will be much greater benefit if you do cucumber fasting days. During the day it is useful to eat 1.5-2 kilograms of cucumbers and nothing more. Break them into equal portions, drink plenty of water or herbal teas. If you really want to eat, then it is acceptable to eat proteins, for example, boiled chicken fillet or boiled eggs. Once a week such a fasting day will be quite enough. It is especially stupid to miss this opportunity during the season when cucumbers are actively growing in the fields and are being sold on the shelves. It is important that by losing weight on a cucumber diet, you have the opportunity not only to get rid of the hated kilograms, but also to improve the functioning of your body as a whole, your stomach, and the condition of your skin.


As we found out, cucumber should have a place on every dinner table. Overeating causes bloating and diarrhea. The consumption of these vegetables has its limitations, including exclusion from the diet. Fresh cucumbers should not be consumed if:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • acute and chronic enteritis, gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis.

Salted and pickled foods are prohibited from being consumed when:

  • acute hepatitis and cholecystitis;
  • inflammatory processes of the stomach and intestines.

It is not advisable to eat both fresh and salted (pickled) when:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • acute and chronic nephritis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • urolithiasis.

Each disease has different stages of development; consult your doctor before using the product.

Fresh cucumber and tomato salad


  • ground cucumbers: 313 g – 46.95 kcal;
  • ground tomatoes: 349 g – 69.8;
  • green onions: 37 g – 7.03;
  • dill: 26 g – 9.88;
  • olive oil: 30 g – 269.4.

The calorie content of this salad is 406.06 kcal. Per 100 grams of product – 53.39.

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