Rating of 12 homemade masks with gelatin for the face against wrinkles

If you don’t take care of your facial skin, then as you approach your thirties, fine wrinkles begin to appear on it. Masks prepared at home from various ingredients stored in the refrigerator or on the kitchen shelf can stop this process. They are quite affordable and natural.

One such product is food-grade gelatin without dyes. By itself, soaked in water for a certain time and applied to the face, it will effectively cope with skin problems, and if you purposefully introduce other ingredients into the composition, the effect of regular use of such masks will be undeniable. We will tell you in this article how to prepare nutritional and restorative mixtures against wrinkles that appear on the skin of the face.

Useful properties of the ingredient

With age, hormonal changes occur in the body, and the skin loses its firmness, elasticity, and protein synthesis decreases. But this deficiency can be replenished with natural collagen. And a food industry product that penetrates well even into the lower layers of the skin - gelatin - will help with this. It is made from various bones and cartilage of farm animals. Zoogen contains 80% pure protein, which can penetrate deeply into the cells of the dermis, giving them a second youth.

Based on gelatin with the addition of other natural ingredients, you can prepare a nutritional and firming mixture that is not inferior in effectiveness to Botox. In addition to proteins, the product contains amino acids such as glycine, proline, asparagine, alanine, glutamine. They protect cells from the negative effects of the technogenic environment and moisturize them.

Gelatin for the face (benefits)

In essence, gelatin acts as natural collagen, but in a split form. This determines its use as an anti-aging agent - to increase skin turgor and solve other age-related problems.

It turns out that this famous food product contains all the important components responsible for the youth of the skin.

With age, collagen is synthesized by the body in smaller quantities, which negatively affects the appearance of the skin, it sags, fades, becomes wrinkled, loses its healthy color, and becomes covered with pigment spots.

To prevent premature aging, it is recommended to systematically perform cosmetic procedures with a tightening effect, in the form of face masks made with gelatin (a natural source of collagen).

Since the collagen protein in gelatin is presented in a split state, its penetration into the skin layers is much deeper than that of artificially synthesized protein.

In combination with other components, gelatin in face masks gives an incredible effect:

  • normalizes water-lipid balance;
  • gives silkiness;
  • eliminates peeling, soothes;
  • fades dark spots;
  • removes small wrinkles;
  • increases elasticity, restoring the youthful oval of the face;
  • returns a radiant look;
  • removes oily shine and controls the secretory function of the sebaceous glands;
  • dries and promotes rapid healing of acne;
  • counteracts inflammatory processes;
  • clears blackheads.

Indications for gelatin home beauty sessions are a number of factors: the desire to restore a youthful and healthy appearance, age-related and other pigmentation, excessive contamination of pores and acne, dullness of the skin, the presence of a sagging chin.

The benefits of facial masks

More than a third of the total protein in the human body is collagen. It is thanks to it that cells are restored and their elasticity is ensured. If there is not enough of this type of protein in the body, then sagging skin appears, sagging, and both facial wrinkles and, with age, deep wrinkles appear.

Exogen consists of 80% natural protein. In addition to this component, the composition contains amino acids. Nourishing, moisturizing cells and protecting them from the influence of the external environment. As well as a complex of vitamins and microelements vital for epidermal cells. Masks with gelatin are popular, as the result of their regular use is:

  • softening, nourishing and moisturizing the skin;
  • restoration of fading cells;
  • improvement of cell turgor, smoothing of wrinkles;

The most important result is the saturation of skin cells with collagen. Which actually gives her a second youth.

Indications for use

With the help of gelatin masks, you can solve many problems that arise on the skin. You just need to decide on them correctly and know your skin type. A nutritional recovery mixture can help in the following cases:

  • aging skin. The microrelief will be leveled, facial and shallow wrinkles will be eliminated. Pigmentation becomes slightly less noticeable;
  • oily skin. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated, blackheads and oily shine will disappear. Wrinkles are eliminated;
  • dry skin. It will become softer and more elastic. Peeling will disappear.

Recipes for the best homemade masks

The main component of all gelatin-based masks prepared at home is properly prepared gelatin jelly, to which the necessary components are also added to enhance the effect of the base. Thanks to this, they achieve positive results in solving various skin problems. Including improving its microrelief.

For wrinkles

This product can be prepared for several doses, stored in the refrigerator for enough time for one course of use.

You will need a tablespoon of dry gelatin without dye, three tablespoons of linden, buckwheat, heather or other natural honey. And also half a pre-crushed aspirin tablet and one hundred milliliters of glycerin and water. Having formed a gelatinous mass, all ingredients are placed in a glass container and placed in a water bath, stirring regularly. Remove from heat and wait until the mixture cools to room temperature. Then you can apply it to your face. Wash off with water after half an hour.

Do not bring the mixture to a boil.

With activated carbon

This mask has a double effect: it will not only increase skin elasticity, but also eliminate small local inflammations and blackheads. To create a nutritional-cleansing mixture, you will need a level tablespoon of gelatin and two tablets of pre-crushed charcoal. Add activated carbon to the gelatin mass, the preparation instructions for which are on the product packaging. Apply to face with a brush, carefully avoiding the area around the eyes. Rinse off first with warm water, and then you can run an ice cube from a herbal decoction along the massage lines.

If you have dry facial skin, it is recommended to use a moisturizer after the mask.

This mask is not recommended for people with spider veins on the face and manifestations of furunculosis.

With milk

To nourish and moisturize the skin, as well as smooth its microrelief, you can use a milk-gelatin nutrient mixture. To prepare such a mask, you need to take part of gelatin and five to six parts of undiluted homemade milk. In this case, the gelatin mixture is not prepared with water, but the product is poured with milk. After waiting until a gel-like consistency forms, you can place the dishes with the composition in a water bath for a few minutes. Remove from heat, wait until it cools down a bit, and apply to face for 18–20 minutes.

With glycerin

The mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Can be used both when the first expression lines appear and for mature but gradually fading skin. You will need a tablespoon of gelatin and any natural liquid honey. If it crystallizes, then melt it in a water bath. And also 25 ml of glycerin. Prepare gelatin as usual, add the remaining two ingredients and place in a water bath to obtain a homogeneous substance.

Apply to the skin for no more than a quarter of an hour, as a noticeable tightening effect appears. After the specified period has expired, be sure to rinse off the mixture with warm water.

It is better to apply this mask while lying down and try not to make any facial movements at this time.

For blackheads and wrinkles

An excellent cleansing and regenerating mask. The microrelief of the skin is not only gradually leveled, but also the cleansing composition, penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, will gently push out sebaceous plugs and impurities from the pores. To prepare such a mask, you need to take a base of swollen gelatin and water. Place over low heat or water bath until completely dissolved. Then add one crushed tablet of black activated carbon and two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

With honey

To rejuvenate the skin, moisturize it, saturate it with nutrients, and regenerate age cells, a honey-gelatin mask is perfect. To prepare, you will need three tablespoons of gelatin mass and one each of lemon juice, preferably white grape juice and how much high-quality liquid natural honey.

Mix everything until smooth and can be applied to the face with a brush or fingertips. The anti-aging mixture should be kept on the face for at least half an hour.

Honey is an allergen. Therefore, before applying a mask to your face, you need to check for an allergic reaction. It is better to do this on the bend of the elbow.

With banana for fine wrinkles

As soon as the first wrinkles appear, you can use a banana mask with vitamins. The mixture will also tighten, moisturize and saturate tired and sagging skin with nutrients. You will need one ripe banana, a spoonful of gelatin, vitamin A and E in liquid pharmaceutical form. To prepare the mask, prepare a gelatin base. Grind the banana and add a little water to make a paste. Combine with the base, add 2-3 drops of each vitamin. Apply for 15 or 20 minutes.

With aloe

Rejuvenates and tightens the skin. A mask with aloe will saturate you with vitamins and microelements, and will also slightly lighten age spots. The recipe is simple. To two tablespoons of gelatin mass add 10–12 ml of aloe juice, how much cold-pressed olive oil and 2–3 drops of vitamins A and E.

Having brought the product to a homogeneous state, it can be applied to previously prepared facial skin. Twenty minutes will be enough. After this time, the mask is washed off with warm water.


When the skin is still young, but needs to be moisturized and nourished, a mask with gelatin-based butter is ideal for this. It's not difficult to prepare. And the ingredients are always at hand: a spoonful of gelatin, six tablespoons of water. And two tablespoons of heated high-quality butter. Make a base for the mixture using gelatin and water, add oil and grind everything thoroughly until smooth. Apply another warm mask to your face. Twenty minutes will be enough.


If the skin is not so elastic and a double chin has appeared, then it’s time to start using such a mask.

You will need avocado, gelatin and water. The first thing you need to do is make a base of gelatin and water. That is, let the product swell in liquid. To do this, you need to fill it with water, and after a few minutes heat it over low heat without bringing it to a boil. Let cool slightly and add a spoonful of mashed avocado.

Fruity gelatin

The nourishing mask is suitable for any skin type, but the fruits will be different. Although the gelatin base will be the same. Fruit puree is added to it. Suitable for dry skin, for example, from apricot or melon. For oily people, strawberries or raspberries would be an ideal option. And for normal - oranges, peaches or white table grapes. The gelatin base should be mixed with the puree and brought to a homogeneous state. The mask is applied for 15 minutes.

Raspberries or red currants can be irritating to inflamed skin.

Film mask

This mask can smooth out the microrelief of the skin, rejuvenate it and remove blackheads. The easiest milk to prepare. It will require a spoonful of milk and a little less gelatin. Having combined these two ingredients, you need to put them in a water bath to obtain a homogeneous composition. Then apply with a brush to problem areas. As soon as the first layer dries, you can immediately apply the second. If, when removing the film, black dots remain on it, and the face is cleared of them, then the process was a success.

For aging skin, a gruel obtained by mixing chicken protein and potato starch and a teaspoon of wheat germ oil are added to the same composition.

After removing the mask, you will feel a slight tightness. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream to your face.

The effect of a gelatin face mask

Gelatin is collagen, which the skin lacks so much especially after 25-30 years. Its effect is as follows

  • increases firmness and elasticity
  • slows down aging mechanisms
  • makes the facial contour clearer
  • evens out skin color and lightens pigmentation
  • accelerates regeneration
  • promotes healing of inflammation
  • cleanses, removes dirt and blackheads

Gelatin face masks have a wide range of effects; it is important to do them correctly and regularly.


It is important to follow some rules when using gelatin face masks.

  • Do not apply to the eye area or sensitive areas.
  • Avoid areas with hairs; you will get a depilation effect with all the unpleasant sensations during removal.
  • It is better not to use on overdried and flaking-prone skin.
  • Carefully test the temperature of the mixture before applying to avoid getting burned.
  • Use immediately after preparation. With rare exceptions, when the main component is nothing in the composition.
  • Of course, the ingredient itself must have a normal shelf life.
  • Afterwards, be sure to immediately apply a moisturizer.

These are all the rules that you should consider if you make gelatin face masks at home.

Masks against wrinkles around the eyes->>

How to make a gelatin face mask

There are several proportions. Below you will find two main recipes. Each of them has its own action and consistency.

Cleansing gelatin film masks for the face

Mix gelatin and water in a 1:2 ratio. Measure – tablespoon. Fill with filtered or mineral water. Leave for 10 minutes. Place in the microwave for 8-10 seconds or in a water bath. It is important that it does not boil. Mix well and cool to a comfortable body temperature. Apply for 20-25 minutes until dry and remove the film.

This composition turns into film very quickly. At the same time, it has a bright drying and exfoliating property. And therefore suitable for oily and problematic skin. But it is not suitable for dry and sensitive people.

Nourishing, firming, moisturizing

Instead of water, milk or cream is more suitable, and the thicker the better. We dilute in a ratio of 1:5 (gelatin-milk). The composition is softer, less drying, and releases more collagen. The mask is prepared in a similar way. Let the main element swell. If you can’t mix it into a homogeneous consistency, heat it in a water bath or in the microwave for 8-10 seconds. For skin prone to inflammation, you can use herbal decoctions instead of milk. For example, chamomile, sage, calendula.

Additional ingredients can be added to both the first and second compositions to enhance the desired properties. Recipes for any occasion are below.

How to remove a gelatin face mask?

An important question for those whose mask is wet or does not harden. The answer is simple. It is necessary to soak it with a cosmetic sponge dipped in milk. Or apply oil/moisturizing milk on top, and the film can be washed off after a while.

If force majeure did not arise, and the mask simply turned into a solid film. It is removed from the bottom up.

Face masks with olive oil->>

How to prepare a mask with gelatin correctly

To get the desired effect, you need to properly prepare the gelatin base:

  • the product should not contain dyes;
  • pour gelatin into a container and fill with any liquid. It can be water, milk, decoction, juice, etc. But it should be several times greater than the mass of gelatin;
  • leave for 35–40 minutes to swell;
  • dissolve in a water bath until smooth;
  • Add the necessary ingredients to the already prepared warm mass.

Usually the proportions of water and gelatin are indicated on the packaging.

Under no circumstances should gelatin be boiled. At the same time, it simply loses all its beneficial properties.

Gelatin face masks with charcoal

Charcoal has a bright cleansing property. It literally pulls out all the impurities from the pores. Has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Therefore, gelatin face masks with charcoal are recommended for oily and problematic skin. And also if the pores are very wide.


  • water (2 tbsp), gelatin (1 tbsp), activated carbon (1 tablet)

We crush the tablet with a potato masher. Add gelatin and water, mix, leave for 10 minutes. Then microwave for 8 seconds. Take it out and mix it again. Check the temperature and apply with a brush or just your finger to the desired areas. Remove the film after complete hardening.

All the nuances and subtleties of this recipe can be read here ->>

The recipe will draw out all the dirt from the pores and narrow them. The result will be greater if you first steam the skin well over hot water or under a hot towel.

For oily and problem skin

  • lemon juice, gelatin, water, activated carbon

Mix everything in tablespoons like this - 2-1-2. Coal - 2 tablets. Prepare as in the previous recipe. Thanks to lemon juice, the mask will penetrate the skin better and the cleansing effect will be more noticeable.

It is important that there are no scratches or damage, as the lemon will pinch.

Gentle cleansing

  • milk, coal, gelatin

Two tablespoons of milk, one tablespoon of gelatin, 1 tablet of coal. Mix everything and microwave for 8 seconds. Apply to steamed skin and wait for complete drying. We remove the film from bottom to top. We evaluate the result.

This composition is much softer than the previous one. It is less drying and tight. At the same time, the film also pulls out dirt well.

Nourishing for problem skin

  • yolk, water (2 tbsp), gelatin (1 tbsp), black clay (1-2 tbsp), activated carbon (2 tablets)

First, mix water and gelatin. Then add the remaining components. It should have the consistency of sour cream. If it turns out very liquid, add clay. If it's too steep, water.

The yolk transfers all useful vitamins and acids to the skin. Clay, coal and gelatin are dried. This is an excellent combination for problematic dermis.


  • Orange juice, charcoal, gelatin

Pour gelatin and charcoal with 2 tablespoons of juice. Microwave for 8 seconds. Mix and apply to selected areas. Remove after complete drying.

The composition activates and causes the skin to quickly recover. Cleans both chemically and mechanically.

The prepared gelatin face masks will help cleanse, tone, and heal your dermis. Are you trying any recipes? Please write reviews. Your opinion is important to us.

Rules for applying masks

A properly prepared mask is, of course, the key to success and effectiveness. But a lot also depends on how it is applied and removed. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some rules for applying gelatin masks:

  • like all homemade masks, gelatin ones are applied to previously cleansed skin;
  • can be applied to all areas of the skin except the area around the eyes;
  • the procedure should be carried out lying down, while trying not to use the facial muscles;
  • remove the mask very carefully, starting from the chin, gradually steaming with warm water;
  • There is no need to peel off, especially the film mask, as this can lead to the formation of microcracks in the skin.

The mask should be applied along the massage lines of the face.

Cleansing gelatin face masks at home

Gelatin face masks at home can be made in such a consistency that a thick film is obtained. It will penetrate well into the pores, cleansing and pulling out all impurities. These masks are well suited for oily, problem and combination skin. Moreover, with the latter type, you can apply the composition only to oilier areas.

The simplest cucumber

  • medium cucumber, gelatin

Grate the cucumber and extract the juice from it. Take in equal proportions and mix. The usual measure is 1 tbsp. Mix well and leave to swell. Then heat it in the microwave for 8-10 seconds. Apply the mask evenly, leave until dry and remove the film from bottom to top. We evaluate the result.

Scrub mask

  • oatmeal or flour (1 tbsp), lemon juice (2 tbsp), water (2-3 tbsp), gelatin (2 tbsp)

You should have the consistency of thick sour cream. To do this, first dissolve the gelatin in water, then add the remaining ingredients in a water bath. Mix thoroughly, cool slightly so as not to burn yourself and massage your face for 1-2 minutes, then leave to harden. We remove the resulting film from bottom to top.


  • sour cream (1 l.), milk (6 l.), gelatin (1 l), vitamin A (3-4 drops)

Soak gelatin in milk. Place in the microwave for 8-10 seconds. It is important not to overheat. Add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Apply to face for 20 minutes. The main thing is not to wear makeup. Remove the film, wash and apply moisturizer.


Gelatin masks for facial skin against wrinkles, prepared at home and with different ingredients in the composition, are effective in the following cases:

  1. Fading, mature skin. The mask evens out the microrelief, that is, smoothes out wrinkles and has a lifting effect.
  2. Skin that requires nutrition and hydration.
  3. Oily skin with enlarged pores, shiny and with black spots, aging.
  4. If you have pinpoint pimples on your face, but at the same time, the mask cannot be used if boils have formed on the skin.

For masks to live up to expectations, they must be applied regularly, and not occasionally. And be sure to follow the dosage indicated in the recipe before cooking.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

The product will be beneficial and rejuvenate the skin if you prepare it correctly and listen to the advice on use.

Cooking rules

  1. Use food-grade gelatin. A quality product is odorless and colorless.
  2. Dilute gelatin powder with warm water in a ratio of 1:5. Water can be replaced with juice, mineral water, milk, herbal infusion, fruit decoction. If the consistency of the diluent is thick, then take up to 8 parts of liquid for 1 part of gelatin.
  3. When the powder swells, bring it until smooth in a water bath. But don't boil! The base is ready.
  4. You can use gelatin in sheets. Remember the ratio: 1 tsp. powder = 3 plates. Soak the product in cold water for 10 minutes. Carefully squeeze out the plates and place in a water bath. After a while, liquid will appear and the gelatin will dissolve. Cool the mixture.

Tips for use

  1. Apply the mask to cleansed and steamed skin. This way you will start the regeneration process even in the deep layers of the dermis.
  2. Use the product immediately after preparation. It is not intended for storage.
  3. Use the product to rejuvenate your face, neck or décolleté. It is strictly forbidden to use gelatin around the eyes. The skin here is delicate and sensitive.
  4. Do not talk with the mask on or smile. Relax as much as possible.
  5. Remove the product from your face like a film. You can rinse with water (warm, not hot). Do not peel off the dried mixture, otherwise you will damage the skin and cause irritation. After the session, soothe the dermis with moisturizer.
  6. Repeat gelatin masks no more than once a week. The full course consists of 6-8 procedures. After it, give your skin a rest for 2-3 months. Then resume rejuvenating activities.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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