Velvet ziganshin fasting. Features of velvet fasting

Velvet ziganshin fasting. Features of velvet fasting

Not everyone has heard about Alfred's velvet fast for Ziganshin. This method allows you to influence the entire body as a whole, and thanks to gentle fasting, this method is not difficult to tolerate or overly complex. Such fasting allows you to help the body and carry out the following procedures:

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  • make internal organs work more actively, the effect on the lungs, heart, and kidneys is especially beneficial;
  • liver function improves noticeably;
  • the cardiovascular system works more actively;
  • Harmful toxic substances, poisons, toxins and stagnant feces are removed from the body.

Velvet fasting

This gentle fasting is easily tolerated and does not become a contraindication even in the presence of chronic diseases.

All health problems, according to doctor Ziganshin, arise from eating the wrong foods in the wrong quantities. The doctor sees the causes of diseases and deterioration of health in people’s diets:

  • don't overeat;
  • don’t get slagged;
  • do not be gluttonous;
  • cleanse yourself;
  • be healthy.

“No” by Doctor Ziganshin

The cause of all our diseases is from excessive food consumption. Overeating and even gluttony causes not only illness, but also death. Excess weight leads to slagging in the body. The vessels become clogged with cholesterol plaques, cease to be elastic, and cannot cope with their main function. By the age of sixty, a person turns into a frail old man, and some people die by this age. Ziganshin himself was the owner of extra pounds, but realizing all the responsibility and importance, he got rid of excess weight and led others with him.


The doctor considered getting rid of slagging from the body to be an important point in his method. The body needs three weeks to cleanse itself of stagnant feces, poison and toxins. If you do not receive meat products and eggs, but eat viscous cereals, vegetables and unsweetened fruits, the process of cleansing the body will go faster. Preference is given to fruits rich in vitamin C and apricots (dried apricots). Just five apricots per day are enough to maintain the heart muscle and maintain normal functioning of the intestinal muscles.

The fasting included in the cleansing program can be for any period. Some people can handle it for two weeks, others can only handle it for a couple of days. Everything is purely individual and depends on the patient’s psychological readiness for some kind of deprivation and restrictions. It is important not only to prepare for cleansing, but also to break fast. An important principle of giving up gluttony is to take control of your own appetite and desires. It is psychologically difficult to give up your favorite foods and switch to low-calorie vegetables and fruits.


How to drink Asparkam

Fasting according to Ziganshin involves cleansing the entire body. Herbal mixtures are used twice a day. In the morning it is recommended to take a mixture of bay leaf, buckthorn, elderberry and marshmallow. In the evening, the mixture contains senna, fennel, mint and chaga. These components are inexpensive, effective and have virtually no contraindications. All this will relieve constipation, which plagues every second person. After all, unreleased feces cause the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, the decomposition of poisons, and intoxication of the body. According to Dr. Ziganshin, stool once a day is constipation, since a person must visit the toilet as many times as he ate. The doctor who is opposed to enemas insists on natural cleansing of the intestines with the help of herbal preparations. Patients who tried the unique fasting according to Ziganshin improved the functioning of many organs and systems.


The following diseases can be identified that were defeated by such fasting:

  • hypertension;
  • polyarthritis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • cataract;
  • atherosclerosis.

Velvet fasting is contraindicated. The effect of complete abstinence

— Alfred Abdulbarovich, fasting is considered by many as a fairly strict method of recovery. Why did you choose it? - Yes, indeed, many people, including, do not approve of fasting or are suspicious of it. I came to appreciate this natural method during my first year of medical school, when I was recovering from a serious sports injury. And then only fasting, unlike other methods used, brought me relief. And after graduating from the institute, I was sent as the chief physician to a remote village, where medical personnel did not linger. To help people, I tried to delve deeper into the nature of various diseases, to look for opportunities for recovery in the use of natural methods. In the course of observing patients, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to treat not individual organs, but the entire body, and the main tool here should be the right one. First of all, a balanced food intake is required: reducing the consumption of meat foods and increasing plant foods.

Observing patients, I saw that in some people complete abstinence from food leads to a good therapeutic effect. - Why is this happening? — The scourge of modern man is wrong. Most people's diets are unbalanced and they don't even think about what they put in their mouths. And this is an abundance of animal fats, sweets, technologically processed products that contain preservatives, flavoring additives, and components of genetically modified plants. Due to improper nutrition, products of incomplete combustion of food constantly settle in the body, interfering with its normal functioning. And in order to maintain mental and physical activity, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the body. Fasting is the most natural and safe way of cleansing, as well as healing and. Even a person who is in good health must periodically cleanse his body. — What is the therapeutic effect of fasting? — Fasting gives the internal organs superpowers. Vital energy, which is usually wasted on digesting food, during fasting is used only to cleanse every corner of your body, to remove harmful foods, poisons and those that accumulate due to improper nutrition in the cells and tissues of the body. And to maintain vital functions, the body uses diseased and weakened cells, then fat cells.

Occurs in every cell, vitality is restored. And as a result, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, the kidneys and lungs work more intensively, and due to the strengthening of the immune system, endurance and strength increase. Due to the fact that significantly more growth is produced when you are hungry, your mood improves.

Fasting procedure at home

Dr. Ziganshin’s velvet gentle fasting method is allowed to be used independently without being under the supervision of the author of the system. Fast strictly according to the instructions, without allowing omissions or deviations. There are three stages, following each other in strict order.

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We recommend reading

  • Juice fasting according to Rudolf Breuss
  • Fasting method according to Herbert Shelton
  • Conditioned fasting according to Marva Ohanyan


A week before the procedure, stop drinking alcoholic beverages, fatty and heavy foods, fast foods, and preservatives. Switch to proper healthy eating, preferably temporarily becoming a vegetarian.

This will help prepare the liver and gastrointestinal tract for the new stress-free nutrition system.


The main phase of the diet lasts 2 weeks. Nutrition enters the body and cleanses it, but in moderate doses.

  • 1 day. Several types of dried fruits (5-6 types), 3 pieces each, are brewed in two liters of boiling water. The infused drink is drunk throughout the day. Boiled dried fruits are eaten for dinner. In addition to the infusion, you need to regularly drink clean boiled water in a volume of 2-3 liters. To provide the body with microelements, you need to eat dried seaweed, finely ground. To combat inflammatory processes and parasites, the doctor prescribes 1 clove of garlic.
  • On the second day, the food is the same, as a supplement, 1 medium orange is allowed. Eat 1 piece of fruit every hour during the day.
  • On days 3 and 4, only water is allowed. The volume of liquid consumed is at least 4 liters.
  • During the period of 5-14 days, the diet is repeated according to the above-described scheme.


The third week is a gentle way out of velvet fasting. The diet is replenished daily with new products. In the beginning, you can eat one orange and a few apricots. After four days, liquid porridge and vegetable puree are allowed. The usual diet returns over the next few days with the constant introduction of a new menu. Protein foods and meat are added last.

Avoiding foods high in toxins will help maintain results: sweets, baked goods, salt, animal fats, meat. Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited! The diet contains a large amount of vegetables and fruits.

Uryuk water. Dried apricots and apricots. Beneficial features

Dried apricots are dried fruits and are prepared from ripened, juicy pitted apricot fruits.

The classic method of cooking dried apricots is a natural, natural process in which the sun and air must participate. People have long dried ripe apricots by placing the washed and pitted fruits in a place specially designed for this purpose, exposing the fresh fruit to the sun's rays or hiding it in the shade. The natural drying process lasted about a week, resulting in a sweet and sour product with an amazing taste and aroma.

Alas, at present, special technological ovens are used to produce this dried fruit, and the process also includes the use of chemicals (for example, sulfur dioxide) and other additives, which gives the fruit a marketable bright orange hue, making the finished product hazardous to health. Therefore, it is not recommended to purchase dried apricots on the market, especially those with intense unnatural coloring (a high-quality product should have a slightly grayish tint and cannot be excessively wet or sticky). Well, since there is nowhere to go, and there is no way out, then dried apricots should first be soaked (at least ten minutes) in cold water, and then rinsed thoroughly.

Dried apricots should be stored in a glass container, first removed from direct sunlight. For long-term storage, it is recommended to transfer the product to a container made of natural wood.

Apricots or dried apricots, what are the similarities and differences?

There are two varieties of dried apricots, which are usually confused with each other - dried apricots and apricots. The different names of these products are due to the methods of their preparation and the fact that apricots, as a rule, are dried together with the pit, and dried apricots are dried without it. At the same time, apricots have a richer brownish tint to the skin and are prepared exclusively by natural methods in the fresh air.

Dried apricots, as mentioned above, are mainly prepared industrially, baked in special drying ovens, so apricots are valued much higher, because they retain a greater amount of vitamins beneficial to human health, as well as macro and microelements.

There are several varieties of dried apricot (table, first, highest and extra), and the higher the initial quality of the product, the more valuable the variety.

Useful properties of dried apricots

100 grams of dried apricot contains 215 kilocalories.

During the drying process, apricots, of course, lose a certain amount of useful substances (mainly vitamins), but the proportion of their loss is not very large.

Dried apricots contain a huge amount of potassium (100 g of the product contains 443 mg), and also includes calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, manganese and other valuable macro and microelements that have a beneficial healing and strengthening effect on the human body.

As for the composition of amino acids, apricots contain twelve different types, including threonine, lysine, tryptophan and others.

Due to the high content of pectins, dried apricots have the ability to remove radionuclides and heavy metals from the body.

Benefits and harms

Long-term practice of using the Ziganshin method has proven its effectiveness and safety. People who have undergone cleansing note that the general condition of the body improves and positive changes occur in the course of diseases:

  • musculoskeletal system,
  • intestines and gastric tract,
  • of cardio-vascular system,
  • endocrine system,
  • in the field of ophthalmology,
  • dermatological pathologies,
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver.

Read also: Poisoning with acids and alkalis: first aid and possible complications

Treatment of the listed diseases by the method of gentle cleansing is useful, there is no harmful effect on the body. The only condition is to comply with all recommendations; you cannot change the seventh day with the first or the second with the fourth. This is a comprehensive treatment approach based on scientific research.

Hunger helps everyone and prevents disease. If you begin the practice at a young age, many of the symptoms and disorders of old age will not appear over the years.

The home method helps to cleanse and remove harmful toxins from the body. In a health resort, the effect is enhanced by massage, acupuncture, walks in the open air, and herbal medicine.

What information is missing from the article?

  • Real reviews about the practice
  • Experts' opinions
  • Photo and video reviews
  • More menu options for preparation and exit

Therapeutic fasting Kazan. Review: Dispensary "Nadezhda" (Russia, Shemordan) - Effective rest


Effective, inexpensive.


old beds and mattresses

There is a small village called Shemordan, 100 km from the capital of Tatarstan. Wonderful place. There are forests all around, fresh air. A gerontological dispensary was opened there several years ago. Basically, people are treated there for excess weight. The staff here is wonderful. The chief physician of the gerontology dispensary Ziganshin Alfred Abdulbarovich is a general practitioner of the highest category, an honorary donor of the USSR and Russia, an excellent specialist. He himself developed the treatment method that is used there. The essence of treatment is alternating different types of fasting and cleansing the body individually for each person. (For some: two days of complete fasting, two days on apricot water, two days on oranges). And so on for two or three weeks. And for this you still have to pay 5-8 thousand. It seems very cruel... But people come three or four times. They say that there is nothing complicated, they don’t suffer from hunger there. In addition to fasting, there is also acupuncture, aquatherapy, psychotherapy, massage). People come here from all over the world. My grandmother came from Yakutia, two women from the Czech Republic, a man from Germany and others. Tell me, how do I know all this? Our village is small, everyone knows each other by sight. Do strangers immediately find out where they came from and why? Guests of our dispensary love to walk through our stores.

Is velvet fasting beneficial? What is “velvet” fasting?

Velvet fasting according to the Ziganshin method is an alternative to regular fasting. This technique allows you to reduce discomfort during and after fasting and shorten the usually long recovery from fasting.

why velvet fasting?

The idea of ​​“velvet fasting” is that the body, even during a therapeutic refusal to eat, needs a small supply of vitamins.
according to the ziganshina theory, this reduces and does not interrupt the processes of endogenous nutrition (nutrition from the internal resources of the body), eliminates the unpleasant absence of important vitamins. During velvet fasting, you can drink infusions of dried apricots, clean water in significant quantities. The creator of the method indicates to use distilled water, but if this is not possible, any water that has not been treated with chemicals will do, except mineral water, which contains too many different salts. How to Simply Recommend

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For the best effect, such fasting should be supplemented with massage, herbal medicine, and reflexology. You can perform simple stretching exercises.


The “velvet fasting” technique suggests that on the first day the patient brews a little dried apricots with boiling water, repeating the procedure several times. The resulting drink is consumed within a day. In the evening, the remaining dried apricots are eaten. Repeatedly soaked dried apricots are useful plant fibers that prevent the stomach from completely stopping its work, as happens during traditional fasting. In addition to this vitamin drink, you need to drink water throughout the day, and the total volume of liquid should be from two to three and a half liters. Then one orange is added to the dried apricot infusion, it can be eaten at a time or gradually in slices. in addition to this, you need to eat a little garlic, a small spoon of healthy seaweed powder.

Despite the fact that such fasting is easier for the body to tolerate, it is very important not to overexert yourself. The last days before breaking fast, when the body is significantly weakened, are especially dangerous.

On the third and fourth days you can only drink plain water. The cycle is then repeated from the fifth to the fourteenth day. In the third week the exit occurs. Therefore, you need to completely eliminate fasting days by eating dried apricots, its infusion and oranges every day. At the very end of the week, you can add pureed boiled vegetables and liquid porridge. After this, you can return to a normal diet, significantly reducing the amount of salt, which will prolong the healing effect of fasting.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012 22:06 + in the quotation book Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2003 18 (246) Our correspondent at the center of Dr. Ziganshin In “Healthy Lifestyle” N3 9 (237) we talked about the rehabilitation center in Tatarstan, created by the honored doctor of the republic Alfred ZIGANSHIN. Low-calorie nutrition with elements of fasting - this is his method of combating excess weight, cleansing the body of toxins and increasing the lumen in the blood vessels, which, in turn, allows the rural doctor to confidently achieve improvement in the well-being of patients with atherosclerosis, ischemia, hypertension, cataracts... Correspondent " Healthy lifestyle" Grigory Malay, who only visited the Ziganshin clinic in the spring, spent two weeks there as a patient in September. Today he shares the secrets he noticed during treatment. Upon admission to the clinic, the patient is weighed. Then Dr. Ziganshin conducts a detailed conversation: he asks about all chronic ailments and explains how he plans to deal with them. First of all, the patient’s immunity is increased, for which aloe injections, ascorbic acid (two tablets three times a day), propolis tincture, tableted con and “Good and Strength” are prescribed. Propolis, which everyone has heard about and has written “Healthy Lifestyle” many times, deserves more detailed mention, since Dr. Ziganshin recommends his method of taking the tincture. A teaspoon is poured almost to the brim, leaving about a millimeter. Take a little water (about a teaspoon) into your mouth and add propolis. With the tincture diluted in this way, rinse the teeth (prevention or treatment of caries and bleeding gums) and throat (against tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sore throat), only then swallow. So - in the morning after waking up, in the evening before going to bed, and twice a day at equal intervals. Propolis protects against colds, which are more sticky to a weakened body (and a starving person is naturally weakened), which would reduce all treatment to zero. “Lovit” and “Good and Strength” are natural and, by the way, inexpensive concentrates. The first promotes the removal of salts, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and contains lactose, disaccharide and ascorbic acid. This is a natural complex that is part of the milk of humans and mammals. One tablet is taken daily - morning and evening. “Good and Strength” is divided into morning and evening versions (two tablets each, but every other day). In the morning version - marshmallow, black elderberry, buckthorn, bay leaf and milk sugar, in the evening - senna leaf, fennel, peppermint, chaga and the same milk sugar. These tablets, which is significant, have no contraindications. Buckthorn and senna, included in “Good and Strength,” improve intestinal function. With reduced nutrition, and especially fasting, this is important: having almost stopped consuming plant fiber with food, a person reduces the peristalsis of his intestines. And although waste is minimized, it still needs to be removed. For the same purpose, patients are prescribed mild laxatives - magnesia and seaweed in the form of dry powder. A 25% solution of magnesia is taken every other day, one tablespoon three times a day, seaweed - a teaspoon of powder, washed down with water, once every day. Nephritis or an allergic reaction to iodine prohibits the use of seaweed. Magnesia in such a strong dilution almost does not manifest itself as a laxative, but it protects the intestinal walls from the reabsorption of excreted toxins. Sea kale partially compensates for salts and microelements washed out of the body during a diet with a reduced calorie content. That's how many “little things” accompany a low-calorie diet and fasting. Plus, acupuncture every other day - needles at the right points reduce appetite, reduce the stress that is inevitable during fasting, and help in solving a wide range of individual problems associated with chronic diseases. I will not talk in more detail about acupuncture, since this “manual production” is inaccessible to most readers at home. Finally, the most important thing is diet. There are four possible options here, the patient chooses it, depending on the problem being solved. The option is the mildest - the usual food for the Ziganshina clinic: close to noon, porridge (all cereals are used except semolina and polished rice) and before evening, vegetable stew or vegetable soup, which includes potatoes, cabbage, onions and just a little sunflower oil. Bread - as agreed with the doctor. Such nutrition is received by those who are not so much striving for radical weight loss as are concerned with treating chronic ailments. The option for more noticeable weight loss excludes bread, cereals and potatoes - only vegetables and fruits remain (in the form of a daily orange). The third option, the most common in the clinic, allows only one orange per day plus a compote of five apricots. The most severe option for a radical reduction in fat is this: apricots and orange for two days in a row, then two days of complete abstinence from food - only drinking water in unlimited quantities, then again two days on apricots and orange and again two fasting days. Alfred Abdulbarovich recommended a fourth, tough option for me, which was implemented immediately: the nanny put a mug of apricot compote on the table, and the doctor offered a choice - either immediately eat the daily allowance, or drink a little when you feel hungry, and pour a new portion of water over the apricots, and Save the berries themselves for dinner. Alternating two “apricot” and two hungry days is the inventive know-how of Dr. Ziganshin. Generally speaking, no one does fasting this way. It is usually divided into three phases: entry, fasting itself and exit from it. The duration of each phase is the same and can range from one day to forty-two (the upper limit has not been studied). Why did Dr. Ziganshin reject classical therapeutic fasting? There are two reasons. When fasting for more than two days, bowel cleansing through an enema is required. Well, in a rural hospital, lacking running water and a water closet, there are simply no suitable conditions for cleansing. But, besides this, Ziganshin, an opponent of frequent enemas, considers this measure exceptional, permissible only in case of constipation. Alternating pairs of “apricot” and fasting days not only quantitatively modified the scheme of therapeutic fasting, but formed a new quality: here the entry and exit phases are fragmented and actually eliminated as a whole. This not only eliminates the unpleasant procedure of performing an enema, but also makes the entire treatment safer. After all, the period of recovery from fasting is always the most responsible and fraught with serious diseases. Usually they start with diluted natural juices, gradually increasing their concentration, then move on to liquid porridges, salads, literally minced, only then regular, and even strictly vegetarian, food is allowed. Not everyone succeeds in ensuring a gradual exit - in this phase, like nowhere before, willpower is required, which means there is great stress associated with consciously refusing food for an organism already tired during the fasting process. Ziganshin’s method is much gentler and puts less stress on the body. “Apricot” days teach him to make do with a small amount of food and at the same time do not completely turn off the gastrointestinal tract, which continues to work “at low speeds,” from the game. How valid is this method from a physiological point of view? In a mass newspaper, I believe, there is no place for such a discussion. Let specialists evaluate it at the cellular-molecular level of considering the work of the digestive system. But the results are in favor of Ziganshin. Three years of continuous application of this approach turned out to be very effective. If the patient complies with all treatment conditions during the standard three-week course, excess weight is reduced from 7 (less than that was not found) to 20 kilograms. At the same time, numerous manifestations of the rejuvenating effect of treatment are observed: blood pressure is normalized, salt deposition is reduced, the flexibility of intervertebral discs increases, cholesterol and blood sugar levels drop, and the severity (up to complete disappearance) of the symptoms of many chronic diseases decreases. Two more significant “little things”. On days of complete refusal to eat, it is advisable to add lemon to drinking water, as well as a very small amount of honey (so as not to receive calories, which it is rich in). Honey-lemon water is the basis of an anti-stress drug created by S.A. Arakelyan, a theorist and practitioner of physiologically beneficial fasting. Another addition to drink during fasting is onion and garlic - they should be taken in tiny quantities, not exceeding the size of a thumbnail. Dr. Ziganshin considers these bactericidal products necessary to ensure dysbiosis (?) in the intestines. Unable to spend three weeks, I was content with a shortened two-week course. In this version, I had ten “apricot” days and only four hungry days - the 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th. There were no fasting days in the second week, because otherwise I would have had to extend the low-calorie diet to the trip home and the first days upon return. Those who complete the full three-week course also spend the last week on an apricot-orange diet, thus realizing their way out of fasting right in the clinic. My result was this: I lost 9 kilograms. Moreover, the weight loss (I was not lazy to weigh myself every day) was descending exponentially: at first very quickly - one and a half kilograms a day, then a kilogram, half a kilogram, three hundred grams, a hundred... In the course of this decrease, “shelves” were observed several times - days when weight has stabilized. The most important question remains: how not to lose the property acquired with such difficulty? Alfred Abdulbarovich warned me that the return of one and a half to two kilograms is a normal and inevitable phenomenon: those voids in the gastrointestinal tract that are formed only during fasting will be filled. But to ensure that the scale arrow does not go in the opposite direction, my daily work will be required. Here, as always when maintaining cleanliness, there are two ways: either do not litter, or clean up periodically. “Do not waste” in this case means giving up fats, flour and sweets, and even better - a vegetarian diet, which Dr. Ziganshin himself has been practicing for many years. “Cleaning” can be periodic “apricot” days or a combination of them with days of complete abstinence from food according to the scheme that I learned at the Ziganshin clinic. Grigory MALAY. For the information of those who would like to take the course described above in rehabilitation. Pre-registration is carried out by phone: (84366)-52-234, now they are registering for the fall of 2004. Get to the village of Novo-Churilino, where the clinic is located, from Kazan by electric train (direction Vyatskie Polyany), going with all stops (express trains are not suitable), station “880th kilometer”.

Categories:Traditional medicine/Weight loss…

ziganshin weight loss medicine boosting immunity propolis tincture vitamin C low-calorie diet fasting center hope doctor ziganshin

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