How to drink monastery tea for weight loss, reviews and results of using the collection

You can achieve a slim figure and a healthy body using various techniques. Some of them involve the use of chemical medications, others involve strict restrictions on the menu, and the third involves the use of natural ingredients. One of the possible options in the latter case is monastery tea for weight loss.

What it is?

Monastic tea for weight loss is a set of herbs that ensure cleansing, strengthening and healing of the body. But you shouldn’t be mistaken and think that there is only one option for herbal composition that allows you to cope with ailments and at the same time helps with getting rid of unnecessary pounds. There are many tea recipes, each of them is developed taking into account the properties of a particular ingredient and the experience of using them.

If we consider the history of origin, monastic tea for weight loss first appeared on the territory of Belarus in the St. Elisatian Monastery. Often sellers do not want to disclose the full composition of the collection, citing a secret ingredient. But in fact, you can prepare tea yourself, without unnecessary difficulties, by purchasing the necessary ingredients at the nearest pharmacy.

Additional Tips

It is not enough to know how to properly brew and take monastery tea for weight loss - you need to learn a few more useful lessons in order to get the maximum benefit from it. For this purpose, the creators of the drink give the following recommendations:

  • do not mix monastery tea with other herbal infusions;
  • do not heat it in the microwave;
  • the drink can be supplemented with a slice of lemon, a small amount of honey or viburnum berries;
  • strictly follow the chosen mode of use;
  • do not expect instant results that will only be noticeable with regular use of the drink;
  • the classic weight loss course is 1 month, but manufacturers recommend drinking monastery tea for 3 months to improve and more permanently consolidate the results;
  • at this time it’s a good idea to go on a diet or at least limit yourself in food (try the Maggi diet);
  • playing sports will enhance the effectiveness of monastery tea;
  • The shelf life of an opened package is no more than 2 and a half months.

These helpful tips will help you lose weight and enjoy the truly magical taste and aroma of this herbal drink. However, recently people are increasingly interested in whether it is possible to prepare monastery tea for weight loss at home with your own hands. Let's try to find out.

Senna. This herb is included in many weight loss products, but few people know that this exotic plant comes from the tropics and belongs to the legume family.

How does collecting monastery tea for weight loss affect the body?

Judging by the promised results, with the help of this tea you can lose up to 10 kilograms - if used correctly. This effect is achieved due to a number of properties inherent in the product:

  • helps reduce appetite;
  • ensures acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • helps with burning fat deposits;
  • prevent the formation of fat, maintaining weight loss results for several months.

However, the opinions of doctors and those losing weight differ in many respects. Some of them believe that monastery tea cannot be used for weight loss, as it has too weak a laxative effect. Others adhere to the position that consuming the product allows you to get rid of poor health, problems in the digestive system and unnecessary pounds.

In fact, the specific effects of tea are determined by the body of the person losing weight and the composition used. Therefore, both one side and the other may be right. Therefore, it is recommended to test the effect of the drink on your own experience.

How to make herbal tea to lose weight

To lose extra pounds for a long time, you must strictly follow the recipe for preparing the infusion:

☀ Bring 500 ml of water to a boil;

☀ Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with prepared boiling water;

☀ Boil the herb in a water bath for 10 minutes;

☀ Cool, strain;

☀ Drink throughout the day.

Thanks to this recipe, you can lose from 3 to 10 kilograms per month. The longer you drink this tea, the better the effect will be.

In combination with calorie restrictions, along with increased physical activity, great success can be achieved. This requires virtually no willpower.

What is used in production?

Monastic collection for weight loss can be expressed using various components. But in practice the following herbs are often used:

  • fennel. It has an aniseed flavor and helps reduce appetite, reduce cravings for sweets and the reappearance of fat deposits. It can also be used to eliminate anxiety or improve metabolic rates. Considered the “foundation” of tea;
  • mint. In addition to its characteristic and pleasant aroma, this herb has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system and suppresses hunger, relieving those losing weight from a constant feeling of discomfort;
  • Linden blossom. Monastic tea for weight loss with this component is used in most cases by women. The properties of this plant help normalize hormonal levels, disturbances in which often provoke the development of excess weight problems;
  • senna. The herb is known among people interested in losing weight due to its laxative effect. With its help, you can cleanse the body of toxins, stagnant masses and toxins, which often interfere with the normal functioning of the body systems;
  • dandelion. The leaves of this plant are rich in potassium, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. If the heart functions without problems, the risks of complications with other organs are leveled, which is important not only when losing weight, but also in other periods of life;
  • chamomile. It has a calming effect, which reduces the likelihood of breakdowns even when following the strict requirements of overly strict diets. A pleasant additional property is improved digestion;
  • black elderberry. The monastic collection for weight loss with this medicinal plant is recommended for use by women over 35 years old - the age when obesity is caused by disorders in the endocrine system. The properties of elderberry help eliminate problems in this area. It also enhances the effect of all other ingredients.

It is not uncommon for the above components to be used separately to lose excess weight. However, great results can be achieved through a complex effect, so monastery tea for weight loss is considered a quality tool for getting rid of unnecessary pounds.

What else can you use?

With frequent consumption of the drink, a diuretic and laxative effect is produced. As a result, not only stagnant masses and toxins are cleansed from the body, but also useful microelements. To replenish vitamin and mineral resources, you can periodically change the composition of the tea, including:

  • calendula. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, helps weakened immunity to resist pathogens;
  • stinging nettle. This herb contains many vitamins and minerals, helping the body cope with maintaining the proper functioning of systems and organs even during periods of a strict diet.
  • meadowsweet. Stimulates metabolism and provokes intense sweating;
  • rose hip. Decoctions from the fruits of this plant themselves have a beneficial effect. When they are included in tea, the body receives the missing microelements, including vitamin C;
  • currant leaves. In addition to helping to eliminate toxins, they provide the body with the necessary substances, strengthening the immune system.

Additionally, other herbs can be used, but in any case, you should initially consult a nutritionist to avoid excessive laxative effects or other adverse reactions.

Composition of herbs for ideal weight.

This collection includes seven herbs that help cleanse the body and promote fluid removal. It includes the following components:

  • Chamomile. Helps improve digestion, removes harmful substances from the body, and in the process of losing weight helps eliminate the plateau effect - stagnation in weight loss when it stands in one place.
  • Fennel. Suppresses hunger, improves the body's metabolic functions, and prevents the formation of layers of fat.
  • Mint. An excellent helper in eliminating hunger.
  • Senna. It has a laxative function and prevents the intestines from absorbing fats.
  • Black elderberry. Normalizes the endocrine system and metabolism, improves the digestive process, and helps enhance the effect of other plants in the collection.
  • Dandelion. It has a diuretic effect, saturates the body with potassium, which tends to be excreted during weight loss.
  • Linden. Improves urine flow, has a diaphoretic effect, and removes toxins well.

There is another type of collection, which additionally includes herbs rich in vitamins and minerals. Due to the fact that tea has a diuretic and laxative effect, not only toxins are removed, but also beneficial substances. Tea replenishes lost reserves of beneficial components for the body. The composition of this herbal collection includes:

  • Calendula. Strengthens and enhances the body's protective function.
  • Strawberries. It has a diuretic effect, as well as tonic and strengthening properties, helps fight inflammation.
  • Birch leaves. They have choleretic and laxative effects.
  • Nettle. Contains vitamins and minerals; during dietary nutrition, it helps replenish the body with essential elements. It also improves urine flow and cleanses the intestines.
  • Spiraea. Improves metabolism, has a diaphoretic effect.
  • Sweet clover grass. It has a fairly strong diuretic effect.
  • Currant leaves. Removes waste, toxins, improves stool, helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Rose hip. A storehouse of vitamins and minerals, helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Elecampane. It has a diuretic and choleretic effect, contains vitamin E, which can slow down aging.

What are the contraindications?

The effect of monastery tea is based on laxative properties, and therefore people will have to stop drinking the drink:

  • suffering from a lack of vitamins;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • those who are allergic to the components of the drink;
  • with vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • with problems in the urinary system;
  • the diagnosis of which is expressed in disruption of the functioning of the digestive system.

Additional restrictions apply to pregnant women and women breastfeeding.


Monastic tea is a collection consisting of 7 main components and may have additional herbs that enrich the decoction with vitamins and minerals, aimed at cleansing the body, removing toxic substances, getting rid of toxins and strengthening the immune system, benefiting the entire body.


  1. Chamomile – contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, removes toxins, cleanses toxins, normalizes metabolism. It contains essential oil (chamazulene), which activates healing properties.
  2. Linden (flowers) – has a weak diuretic effect, cleanses the intestines, contains youth vitamins A and E, strengthens the immune system.
  3. Dandelion is the best remedy for reviving the body, activating metabolic processes and improving skin condition.
  4. Peppermint – reduces appetite, has tonic and sedative properties.
  5. Fennel (fruit) is the main supplier of macro and microelements, activates processes aimed at the formation of fat layers
  6. Senna – laxative effect, bowel cleansing
  7. Black elderberry (flowers) – promotes digestion, speeding up metabolic processes, gives the drink freshness and aroma.

Correct proportion of herbs (measured in tablespoons)

  • Chamomile – 3
  • Linden (flowers) – 3
  • Dandelion – 3
  • Peppermint – 5
  • Fennel (fruit) – 2
  • Senna – 1
  • Black elderberry (flowers) - 1


  • Rosehip is a good antioxidant, containing large amounts of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system.
  • Currant (leaf) – fills the body with biologically active components.
  • Strawberries – suppresses inflammatory processes.
  • Calendula - contains many bioactive components, suppresses pathogenic microflora.
  • Elecampane is a soothing, antibacterial and antiviral agent.
  • Nettle (leaf) – improves cell regeneration, activates carbohydrate metabolism in the body.
  • Meadowsweet is a general tonic and stimulates the immune system.
  • Birch leaf has a blood purifying and antiseptic effect.
  • Oregano – rich in ascorbic acid and flavonoids, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eucalyptus – contains beneficial essential oils, vitamins and minerals
  • Hawthorn – normalizes blood pressure and heart function, relieves nervous tension.

How to cook?

As a rule, instructions for preparing tea are written on the packaging so that it is as beneficial as possible for weight loss. If the ingredients were collected independently or purchased separately, it is important to adhere to the following rules to obtain the desired product:

  • Brew one teaspoon of the mixture in 200 milliliters of boiling water. It is not recommended to tightly close the container to ensure air flow to the tea;
  • There are no restrictions on brewing vessels. You can use any convenient container, be it a thermos, a Turk or a cup;
  • If the monastic tea collection for successful weight loss is brewed at one time, it is enough to place the herb in a strainer and pour boiling water through it. After the water has drained, you can drink the drink;
  • It can also be brewed using coffee technology. To do this, the mixture is placed in a pot of cold water, after which it is put on fire and thus brought to a boil;
  • If you need large volumes of tea, it makes sense to use a thermos. But it must be borne in mind that in this case the storage period cannot exceed two days. Even using a refrigerator does not extend the shelf life.

In addition, it is important to take into account that the drink should be infused for no more than 15 minutes. When this limit is exceeded, chemical reactions begin to occur through the use of various herbs that can interfere with weight loss.

History of origin

There are many useful plants in nature, some are used for food, others for medicine, and others for weight loss. Many people over many centuries have been looking for the ideal composition and recipe for a “magic potion” for weight loss and eternal youth. But, unfortunately, we are still struggling with aging, but things are better with weight loss. At first, villagers brewed tea from plant materials. The tea was tasteless, bitter and did not produce any supernatural effect. It just reduced my appetite. And since excess weight is not always associated with overeating, tea was not suitable for everyone.

The next step was to put together several medicinal herbs that together would create a real sensation in the field of weight loss. This is how the Monastery collection for weight loss was born.

How to drink monastery tea for weight loss?

Collected medicinal plants can have an unpredictable effect if you do not know how to handle them correctly. To maintain the benefits of monastery tea, it is important to consider a number of rules for use:

  • You need to drink 3-4 times a day. You can brew the entire daily amount in the morning and then use it consistently, but it is still recommended to prepare it fresh each time;
  • You should drink it 30 minutes before a meal if you want to muffle the feeling of hunger so as not to eat too much;
  • immediately after eating, if you need to improve digestive processes;
  • as an auxiliary drink in other diets for burning fat - at any time, subject to dosage;
  • as a basis for a fasting day - drink one liter of healing tea during the day, excluding the possibility of eating other food.

How exactly to use the drink depends on the preferences of the person losing weight and the characteristics of his diet. In any case, tea will have the expected effect, helping to get rid of unnecessary pounds.

What is a monastery fee?

The recipe for monastery tea appeared in Ancient Russia. The monks collected plants with healing properties that grew near the monasteries and brewed them, after which they consumed them as tea. This is where the name of the tea, brewed from a multi-component herbal mixture, comes from.

The monastery tea contains various medicinal herbs

With the help of monastery tea, many ailments were treated - from fatigue and headaches to heart and kidney diseases. Nowadays, it has become especially relevant, since now people are trying to strengthen the body and treat ailments with folk remedies .

As you know, many plants have beneficial and healing properties . Herbal medicine and herbal treatment are indeed quite effective and cheap remedies for many diseases, but you should not blindly believe advertising and propaganda. Herbs must be carefully selected individually for each individual , since intolerance to a particular plant is possible.

Also possible:

  • side effects
  • allergy
  • deterioration of condition

There are many recipes for monastery tea. Its components may vary depending on the effect they want to achieve.

There are monastery collections for heart disease, kidney disease, general strengthening of the body, colds, weight loss, antitumor preparations and many others.

What additional recommendations can you highlight?

Based on the reviews and results of monastery tea for weight loss, a number of tips from those losing weight, nutritionists and the creators of the drink should be highlighted:

  • Do not mix tea with other herbal infusions;
  • It is important to avoid using a microwave oven to heat a drink;
  • You can improve the taste of the monastery collection with lemon or honey;
  • There is no need to think that the result will be achieved in a matter of days. You will be able to achieve your goal only if you adhere to the consumption regimen and regularly take tea;
  • The duration of the course is 1 month. However, the creators advise drinking the mixture for 3 months, which will ensure that the results are consolidated.

In addition, you should use other weight loss tools, including physical activity, which will help increase the effectiveness of the tea.

Description of the drug

That category of people who are imbued with respect and love for natural products and methods for combating excess weight, in their numerous reviews, emphasize obtaining the desired results with minimal time expenditure when using the new monastic collection. Considering the fact that many herbs grow on earth, the extracts of which can be hazardous to health, safety is a significant indicator for humans. So, the original monastery tea for weight loss is absolutely safe and at the same time most productive.

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