Purple tea "Chang Shu": description, whether to drink it, benefits and harm

The magical properties of purple tea “Chang Shu” became known in our area quite recently, around 2014. The stars were the first to talk about the miracle tea, then the pages of magazines were full of reviews and “before and after” photographs, and now fashionistas are already lining up in the hope of getting the ideal weight loss product. What kind of tea is this and does it really help in the fight against excess weight?

What is purple tea

Blue tea has been consumed by residents of Southeast Asia for many centuries as food and for general strengthening of the body. The most widespread variety is in Thailand, Nepal, Myanmar; The drink has also been popular with Tibetan monks since ancient times.

The unusual color (incredibly rich blue or turquoise) of the drink is given by the clitoria trifoliate plant, from whose petals the tea is brewed. Another name for the clitoris is “moth pea.” Tea from this plant is known under several names: “anchan”, “blue butterfly”; In China, the name "Chang-Shu" is used to refer to the drink.

Clitoria is easy to recognize thanks to its bright blue petals. In Asian countries, the petals of Trifolium clitoris are still used as a natural dye, and are also widely used in Asian folk medicine recipes.

Production stages:

  • To make blue Chang-Shu tea, only blue petals of the clitoris are collected, all other parts of the plant are not used. The collection of raw materials, according to ancient tradition, must certainly take place early in the morning, since it is at dawn that flowers contain the most health-promoting vitamins;
  • Next, the raw materials are left to dry and dry for several hours in the sun;
  • Then the flower petals undergo oxidation in order to release beneficial substances;
  • Next, the raw material is dried again, after which it is given a characteristic shape, pressed and rolled, packaged - and, finally, the tea goes on sale.

See also: Kalmyk tea - recipes, benefits and harms
In Asian countries, blue tea is usually served in the morning or during the day as a well-refreshing and invigorating drink in the heat, helping to wake up and remain energetic and full of strength for many hours.

Experts' opinion

Some emphasize the presence in Chang Shu of a combination of vitamins and minerals that are not found in everyday food. They are believed to ensure longevity. And it’s true: the inhabitants of China and Tibet have a high life expectancy.

Ophthalmologists also left positive reviews. They paid attention to elements that increase visual acuity. For example, lutein and zeaxanthin filter light frequencies to provide eye protection.

The product increases the level of carotenoids, which is reduced due to poor nutrition. These substances relieve fatigue from the visual organs. This is especially important for those who often work at the computer.

The drink not only rejuvenates the skin, but also internal systems. It has also been proven that women who consume butterfly peas experience menopause much later.

Nutritionists say that thanks to tea, satiety comes quickly. This significantly reduces food consumption.

Therapists note the ability of tea leaves to have a general strengthening effect. This speeds up the healing process for long-term illnesses.

It is also useful for men. Chang-Shu gives male strength, and its effect on the genitals surpasses even the healing properties of ginseng.

Composition of Chang Shu purple tea

The composition of Chang Shu blue tea is rich in beneficial microelements, minerals and vitamins of many groups:

  • The drink contains vitamins C, D, B, E and K;
  • minerals and trace elements: manganese, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and many others.

Tea also contains caffeine, which gives the drink an invigorating effect.

Consumer Opinion

It would be simply inappropriate to deny the effectiveness of the above “elixir of youth”. With its help, you will be cheerful in the morning and calm down in the evening, improve your mood and lift it up for others. Despite the fact that manufacturers position this product only as an addition to regular exercise and diet, losing weight is possible and in some cases even necessary.

There is also that percentage of the population that actively convinces us that the drug is ineffective, because they do not notice any changes in their weight.

Some customers ask potential clients to pay attention in advance to the strong thirst after using the product. The water balance is disturbed, and excessive swelling appears behind it. Sometimes it comes to bloating or colic - these are the most common negative consequences. This includes the high price of the product.

Beneficial features

Blue tea made from clitoris petals is considered incredibly beneficial for the body. Let's take a closer look at what exactly the positive effect of the drink on health is:

  • Any tea drink is famous for its high content of antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that prevent oxidative processes and the movement of free radicals in cells; in other words, antioxidants help slow down the aging process and wear and tear of the body. These substances are especially useful for maintaining female beauty, as they improve the condition and elasticity of the skin and hair, make facial wrinkles and other age-related skin changes less pronounced;
  • due to the presence of caffeine, tea has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, helps to cheer up, helps increase concentration and attention, and improves mental activity;
  • at the same time, Chang-Shu blue tea, when consumed in moderation, helps overcome insomnia and establish a normal sleep pattern;
  • the drink stimulates the production of the hormone of joy, serotonin, resulting in increased mood and improved psycho-emotional background;
  • a positive effect on the digestive system is achieved due to the presence of tannins in tea, which facilitate the processes of digestion and absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Blue tea contains a large amount of vitamins. Thus, vitamin C strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections;
  • B vitamins, which the drink is also rich in, have a beneficial effect on the functioning and condition of the nervous system, psyche, and also regulate the functioning of the digestive system;
  • vitamins D and E are good for healthy skin, nails and hair; Vitamin E is also beneficial for the health of the female reproductive system;
  • Regular consumption of the drink has a beneficial effect on eye health; it has been noted that blue tea somewhat slows down the decline in vision, reduces the risk of developing eye diseases - cataracts, glaucoma;
  • Chang-shu blue tea helps to gently rid the body of accumulated toxins and toxic substances and improve intestinal function;
  • purple tea is also very beneficial for the cardiovascular system; thanks to the substances it contains, the drink helps cleanse and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and can also be used to prevent the occurrence of cholesterol plaques and various heart ailments;

See also: Golden eyebrows (Jin Jun Mei) - elite Chinese tea

And finally, one of the main advantages of Tibetan purple tea is its ability to accelerate fat burning processes in the body - which is why the drink is so popular among people trying to lose excess weight.

Chemical composition

The drink contains microelements:

  • Tannin. Its compounds accelerate fat burning and improve health.
  • Bioflavonoids. Prevents the appearance of gray hair and its premature loss. Increases skin elasticity.
  • Chromium. Reduces appetite and gets rid of the so-called “orange peel”. Considered one of the best antidepressants.
  • Lutein. Prevents negative radiation from computer monitors and televisions from entering the eye shell.
  • Kakhetin. Antioxidant that normalizes cholesterol levels.
  • Theanine. Tones and calms the nervous system (especially during intense physical activity).
  • Dopamine. Responsible for the part of the brain that helps burn fat more actively. As a gift you receive high spirits and satiety.
  • Theotanins. Removing toxins, maintaining vascular tone.

In addition, this also includes other antioxidants, amino acids, micro- and macroelements, caffeine, methyl xanthine (a subtype of caffeine that significantly reduces blood viscosity) and alkaloids, synephrine (promotes rapid weight loss, speeds up metabolism).

How to brew and drink purple tea

Note! The brewing procedure is extremely important for any tea drinking; brewing recommendations must be strictly adhered to even if the taste and aroma of the drink are not so important to you - by brewing the drink incorrectly, you risk not only spoiling the taste, but also destroying all the beneficial substances contained in the tea.

First, a few of the most general, universal rules:

  • to prepare tea, it is advisable to use soft, purified water; Moreover, it is better not to use tap water - tap water is usually quite hard, contains a lot of harmful impurities, and leaves behind an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • It is recommended to brew tea in special containers made of certain materials: a glass, porcelain or clay teapot is suitable.

To brew blue tea, it makes sense to use a glass teapot - this way you will be better able to admire the process of brewing this delicious and vibrant drink.

The brewing procedure itself is quite simple and looks like this:

  1. Let the water heat up; if you use a kettle, after the water boils, leave it to cool for a few seconds (until the temperature reaches 85-90 degrees) - blue tea should never be poured with boiling water, so as not to disturb the composition and taste of the drink;
  2. Pour tea leaves into the teapot - 2 teaspoons per one standard cup;
  3. Pour a small amount of water over the tea leaves and immediately drain the water. The first brewing is not used for food, but serves to cleanse the tea of ​​dust and dirt;
  4. After rinsing the tea leaves, pour hot water over them again and leave to steep for 5-7 minutes.

See also: Thai blue tea Anchan: beneficial properties, brewing secrets

Blue tea can withstand up to 5 brewings, and with each new brew, the infusion time should be increased by 1-1.5 minutes.


Try adding a few drops of lemon juice to your drink - the resulting purple color will certainly surprise and delight you.

Chang shu can be drunk both hot and cold. In the latter case, you can serve the drink with ice cubes. Also excellent additions to tea are: honey, mint, lemon balm.

How it works

The main consumers of the product are women, since they are in most cases concerned about their weight. However, few people think about visiting a doctor before buying a “blue” drink. And this is necessary so that the specialist can help you correctly plan your daily routine and diet, and also recommend suitable physical exercises.

Under the influence of theotanine and theobromine, the kidneys and liver begin a balanced work of eliminating harmful substances. Microelements limit the absorption of vitamins and minerals into the intestinal walls. Thus, you can gradually lose up to 30 kg without harm to your health. This makes the process safe and promotes rapid weight loss.

Of course, if you lie on the couch and drink tea, it is impossible to get the desired result. It is important to include the use of clitoris in combination with exercise and diet. Only then can you reach your goal and watch the kilograms disappear.

Is it worth drinking Chang Shu for weight loss?

On the Internet you can often come across rave reviews about the Chang-shu drink: they say that this tea helps you get rid of more than 10 kilograms in a month without any effort, strict diets or exercises - you just need to drink a cup of an unusual drink a day.

Of course, not a single sane person will take such comments seriously: no tea can burn several tens of kilos and turn a plump, unathletic body into a slender and chiseled figure.

It makes sense to use Chang Shu as an aid, since tea helps activate the burning of the lipid layer in the body and slightly increase the metabolic rate. However, tea drinking must be accompanied by physical activity and a calorie deficit.

What's the result?

As a result, we have an excellent weight loss aid that effectively fights free radicals, increases activity, improves brain function, cleanses blood vessels and simply quenches thirst well. Using Chang Shu in isolation from sports is unlikely to help you lose extra pounds, but the other properties of tea really have a right to exist.

If you want to not only lose weight, but also strengthen your hair, improve your eyesight, reduce your risk of heart disease and protect yourself from cancer-causing factors, then Chang Shu is an excellent choice.

Buy purple tea on the manufacturer’s website

Contraindications and harm

Even the healthiest drink can be harmful if consumed in excessive quantities. Blue tea is no exception. Here are the effects its abuse can cause:

  • tachycardia and tremor;
  • weakness, dizziness, headaches;
  • in some cases - nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, stomach disorders.

Do not drink more than 3 cups of blue tea per day to avoid side effects and do not drink the drink regularly (after a month of active use, you must take a break of at least 20 days).

Contraindications to drinking blue tea are cardiovascular disorders, low blood pressure, blood clotting problems and anemia.

What kind of variety is this?

On the Internet, reviews about this drink always vary. Some often attribute healing properties to it, while others generally consider it a scam for gullible buyers and a waste of money. Be that as it may, anyone who wants to lose weight in the shortest possible time will definitely resort to buying an intoxicating product and see for themselves.

This is a Chinese tea, in the preparation process of which the main ingredient is considered to be evergreen whitish-yellow flowers belonging to the myrtle group. It is possible to meet them at an altitude of over 3 kilometers above sea level, usually in the mountains of Cambodia or Tahiti. The product is made exclusively by hand, and it is collected only twice a year. If for ordinary tea not only flowers are collected, but also stems and leaves, then in this case, cosmetologists use the leaves to create essential oils for hair and scalp.

Is it possible to lose 10 kg in 2 weeks with tea?

The manufacturer claims that when taking Chang Shu, weight loss occurs naturally. If the plant has a laxative effect, this is natural, but losing 700 g per day without correcting your diet and habits is impossible. During this time, water will leave the tissues, the volume of the “rollers” on the sides and back will decrease, but the fatty tissue will remain in place. After you stop taking it, everything will come back again. If you drink only tea, sudden weight loss may result in liver failure.

The claim that methylxanthate (an organic compound from the flowers) burns fat is not justified. In reviews, experts unanimously claim that the alkaloid has only an antispasmodic effect:

  • relieves swelling of the bronchi;
  • improves renal blood circulation;
  • removes water from the body and reduces blood pressure.

It has nothing to do with the breakdown of fat. Dopamine, acting as a neurotransmitter, does stimulate the burning of calories, but since it is present only in the root, it does not enter the bloodstream. The petals contain synephrine and caffeine, which have a weak effect on adipocytes.

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