Tibetan tea: benefits and harms, cleansing properties, brewing

Traditional Tibetan tea with milk, butter and salt - Chasuima

Mountainous areas have a harsh climate and difficult living conditions, so it is extremely important for Tibetans to maintain their strength. This is how Tibetan salted tea made with butter and milk was created. This drink is distinguished not only by its high nutritional and energy value, but also by the beneficial properties of the tea leaf.

How to cook

There are many recipes for traditional Tibetan tea, including both classic versions and more modern methods. The fact is that for an old recipe it is not always possible to get the necessary ingredients, but they can be successfully replaced with more familiar ingredients. In any case, it is important to follow the sequence of actions. For classic Tibetan tea you will need:

  • 75 grams of black (Shu) or green (Shen) pu-erh;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 6 glasses of yak milk;
  • 1 cup yak ghee.

Tea is prepared as follows:

  1. Take a cauldron or other container with thick walls, pour milk into it and put it on the fire.
  2. After the milk boils, you need to put in the pu-erh and cook over low heat for at least half an hour, remembering to stir the milk.
  3. Remove tea from heat, strain, add butter and salt. The resulting drink must be shaken well. In Tibet, special utensils were traditionally used, but nowadays a regular mixer is suitable for this.

The finished tea should have a uniform thick consistency and be more like a cocktail. It is poured into mugs and drunk.

Of course, in our realities, yak butter and milk can be replaced with cow's milk; it is only important to choose products with a high percentage of fat content. In addition, some recipes take classic loose-leaf tea, which is brewed with water in the usual way, after which the remaining ingredients are added and everything is mixed in a mixer.

Beneficial features

The tea leaf invigorates, tones, and promotes comprehensive strengthening of the body. Milk and butter contain large amounts of protein and fat, which creates a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Are there any contraindications

There are some general contraindications to drinking salted Tibetan tea. First of all, these include individual intolerance to components and gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, it is not recommended to drink this tea during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children under 18 years of age.

If any discomfort or side effects occur, you should immediately stop taking the tea.

Benefits, contraindications and harm

Internal effect: cleansing, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, toxins, “bad” cholesterol are removed, gastrointestinal function improves.

External effect: complexion improves, the whites of the eyes brighten, bad breath and bad body odor go away, ease of movement appears, headaches recede, swelling goes away, weight decreases.

Contraindications – tendency to allergic reactions, pregnancy and lactation, chronic diseases of internal organs (gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, gastritis, kidney and liver diseases in the acute stage), age under 18 years.

A medicinal plant, like any medicine, in case of overdose can have the opposite effect, causing nausea, vomiting, exacerbation of all chronic diseases, headaches, allergies. In pregnant women, a miscarriage can be caused, in children – changes in hormonal levels. We must not forget that “everything is good in moderation.”

Cleansing Tibetan four herb tea

In Tibet, medicinal plants have also been used since ancient times, many of which grow only in this mountainous region. Healing teas may contain various components, but the most commonly used is a collection of four herbs.


The main ingredients of Tibetan herbal tea are:

  • birch buds - normalize metabolism, fill the body with strength and vigor, help fight excess weight;
  • St. John's wort - has many beneficial qualities, it is often used for gastrointestinal disorders and liver diseases;
  • immortelle - valued for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, in addition, helps remove toxins;
  • chamomile flowers - have a bactericidal and calming effect, relieve pain and inflammation, alleviate the condition of poisoning.

Sometimes strawberry leaves are mixed with these components, which are able to heal wounds and remove excess fluid from the body.

Beneficial features

The properties of the components of Tibetan herbal tea determine its complex effect on the body. The following areas can be noted in which taking this tea will be useful:

  • hypertension, cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases and inflammation of joints;
  • disruption of metabolism and proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excess weight, swelling, slagging of the body.

In addition, drinking Tibetan tea has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps fight stress, and gives clarity of mind.


Herbal tea should not be consumed in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • anemia and anemia;
  • disorders of the lymphatic system.

You should also take tea with caution in case of viral infections.

Is it possible to cook at home?

You can easily make tea with your own hands. The components are purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently (if you are sure of their environmental friendliness). To prepare the collection, each ingredient is taken in equal parts, crushed (it is convenient to use a coffee grinder) and mixed. The mixture can be made ahead, you just need to store it in a dark, dry and cool place, preferably in a glass container.

What is Tibetan Tea and how to prepare it in Tibetan, in this video material, tea master Natalya Lelikova will tell and show.

Where to buy ready-made collection

The ready-made mixture can be found in pharmacies, health food stores, and various online stores.

How to drink

To prepare tea, take 1 tbsp. l. collection and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The drink is infused for about half an hour, then filtered and divided into two equal parts. One portion is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. You can add a little honey to the decoction at room temperature.

The second part is put in the refrigerator until the evening. Drink it before bed, pre-heating it in a water bath. You can also add a teaspoon of honey to your tea.

The course of taking Tibetan tea lasts from 8 to 12 weeks. This period is enough for the drink to show its healing properties. This course can be conducted once or twice a year.

The secret of the action of the Tibetan cleansing herbal mixture

Tibetan herbal collection includes about 40 different herbal components. It was developed several centuries ago and since then its effectiveness has been repeatedly proven in practice.

Since its authors are monks living in Tibet, among our compatriots it received the name Tibetan - after its place of origin.

Many components of cleansing tea grow exclusively in Tibet, which is why it is extremely difficult to get them. So, based on this miracle cure, several simpler and more affordable options for herbal medicines have been developed.

In order to appreciate the benefits of the Tibetan herb and understand what exactly its positive effect on the body is, it is worth understanding the impact of each of the components of the herbal remedy on a person. And, since there are several options for recipes, the positive effect of taking them will be slightly different.

Tibetan tea "Nature's Bounty"

Another Tibetan recipe for youth is herbal tea of ​​the “Generosity of Nature” brand, which is used for prevention and strengthening of the body. Traditional Tibetan chamomile and immortelle flowers, St. John's wort and birch buds in this tea are complemented by peppermint leaves, buckthorn bark and leaves of staminate orthosiphon (aka kidney tea). This unique composition helps remove excess fluid, normalizes digestion and improves liver function.

The bitter and slightly spicy taste, combined with a special aroma, makes herbal tea a healthy and pleasant drink with an antioxidant and peristalsis-improving effect.

Chemical composition of the Tibetan collection

The composition of the collection is varied. The most popular herbs include immortelle, chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort, strawberry (flowers and leaves of the plant). The composition has antibacterial properties, also promotes the removal of bile, and has a diuretic effect. Combining the characteristics leads to the achievement of the set goal - first of all, the natural cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

Improved metabolism is ensured by a high concentration of microelements and vitamins. The collection contains a large amount of vitamins C, B, A, folic acid, and antioxidants. Natural components ensure the removal of toxins and impurities.

Tibetan collection helps in cleansing the body

“Tibetan White Wing” - Sagan-daylya

In Tibet and Altai there grows an unusual plant, Sagan-dail, scientifically called Adams' rhododendron. The name of this plant translates as “life prolonging,” which clearly indicates its strong healing properties. The herb actually has many highly active components, so it is recommended to use it in small doses.

Sagan-dailya tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves liver function, and removes waste and toxins. The active substances of this Tibetan herb are able to fight inflammation and are highly effective against bacterial infections. Tea with the addition of Sagan-dail can relieve toothache and help with sore throat.

In addition, the action of the herb is aimed at gently restoring and strengthening vitality. Regular consumption of tea brewed with Sagan-dail improves sleep, makes it easier to get up in the morning, and makes rest time more effective.

The magical properties of tea

There is a joke about the magical power of tea. When a young Tibetan monk was asked: “Does simple tea really have a rejuvenating effect?”, he replied: “I don’t know, but I’ve been drinking it for a hundred years.”

Tea with herbs selected according to ancient recipes really has a tangible beneficial effect on the body. When consumed, the appearance improves, vigor appears, strength increases, immunity improves, slimness appears in the body, and brain function improves.

Tibetan tea for weight loss

Many Tibetan teas can fight excess weight if you combine their use with proper nutrition and regular exercise. However, a special tea made from the dried flowers of the high-mountain plant Chang-Shu is often used for weight loss. This drink is also known as purple tea, but Tibetan Chang Shu tea is interesting not only for its amazing bluish-purple hue.

What do manufacturers promise?

The manufacturer characterizes this Tibetan tea as a medicinal and health drink. Its main properties include:

  • improvement of digestion and general metabolism;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • breakdown of “bad” cholesterol, cleaning blood vessels from plaques;
  • strengthening the nervous and immune system.

Taken together, all this guarantees weight loss, since fat deposits are mainly formed due to improper metabolism.

The manufacturer also indicates that the raw materials are collected by hand for a certain short period of time twice a year.

The unique healing properties of Chang Shu are determined by its growth in an ecologically clean high-mountain region, the atmosphere of which is characterized by a low oxygen content.

general characteristics

For a European, Tibetan medicine is something mysterious and unconventional, which arouses fear, interest and respect at the same time. The most popular means of healing the body are herbal remedies. Among them is Tibetan tea, the recipes of which differ depending on the area of ​​​​problems that need to be solved.

Thus, Tibetan tea for weight loss consists of herbs and fruits that are designed to cleanse the body, improve the functioning of the digestive system and internal secretion organs, and help speed up metabolism. There are fees for rejuvenating the body, relieving the manifestations of chronic diseases, strengthening the immune system, and so on.

Here is a recipe for Tibetan tea that can be prepared at home, since the composition in the pharmacy will be much more complex. It is rather universal in terms of the degree of impact, since it cleanses the body in a mild form, relieves inflammatory processes, improves the synthesis of enzymes, and has a rejuvenating effect. To prepare the drink, you need to combine the following components:

  • green tea;
  • echinacea herb;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • Birch buds;
  • St. John's wort and strawberry grass.

The herbs are mixed in approximately equal proportions, the rose hips are crushed, and the collection is stored in a glass jar in a dark place. You need to start by drinking a glass of tea at breakfast, then add another glass at lunch. You can combine it with dried fruits and milk.

All Tibetan drinks are 100% natural and, by definition, cannot contain chemicals

There is a very old recipe for soothing Tibetan tea with anise and cinnamon. Its basis is ordinary chamomile, to the infusion of which cinnamon powder and anise seeds are added. To prepare the drink, add half a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, a quarter spoon of anise and a third spoon of cinnamon into the teapot. Pour freshly boiled water over everything and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Drink warm tea slowly in the evening to help you fall asleep faster and have a good rest.

Tibetan monks have many herbal recipes based on the properties of those plants that are beneficial for a particular organ or the body as a whole. They have been actively using the gifts of nature for many centuries, so the issues of longevity and good health have been well studied by them, and the recipes have been repeatedly tested.

Tibettea tea

There is Tibetan tea Tibettea on sale, which is a collection of various medicinal plants. There are several types of such tea, each of which is aimed at solving a specific health problem.

From parasites

The collection of medicinal herbs is prepared according to an ancient Tibetan recipe. The components are selected to provide a long-term complex effect. The body has the following effects:

  • gentle deep cleansing, removal of parasites regardless of the stage of development and type, as well as highly toxic products of their vital activity;
  • formation of stable immunity;
  • restoration of the functionality of internal organs, regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • cessation of inflammatory processes.

To achieve sustainable results, the course should be at least 4 weeks.

For joints

Tibettea tea for joints has the following properties:

  • able to restore joint mobility;
  • When used regularly, it relieves pain and swelling;
  • relieves chronic crunching and prevents salt deposits in joints.

In general, tea restores the functionality of diseased joints and also strengthens the menisci.

For potency

The collection for strengthening potency is characterized by the following features:

  • the components of the collection stimulate the centers responsible for sexual desire and increase libido;
  • plant extracts have a beneficial effect on sex hormones, which helps the natural production of testosterone;
  • a combination of carefully selected beneficial herbs relieves unpleasant symptoms and improves the functioning of the urinary system;
  • relieves inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • is an excellent preventive remedy for those who want to protect themselves from sexual impotence.

The complex herbal mixture has tonic, strengthening and protective properties.

Indications and contraindications for the Tibetan recipe

In addition to the general health-improving and youth-prolonging effect, the Tibetan collection has many local, beneficial effects. It is advisable to take it for people suffering from hypertension or heart disease. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them more elastic, and also prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.

The anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect helps alleviate the condition of people with sore joints.

Since this herbal collection cleanses and rids the body of toxins, with its regular use there is an increase in the overall tone of the body, the person becomes more alert and full of energy.
At the same time, cleansing promotes weight loss and removal of excess fluid from the body. This is also facilitated by the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, which is also the result of taking such tea. Tibetan tea optimizes the functioning of the nervous system, so it is useful for people experiencing stress and those whose work requires active mental work.
However, even such a useful and positive remedy in every sense has its contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance or allergy to individual components of the herbal collection. However, if it is known what exactly the body does not perceive, this component can be eliminated or replaced with another that has a similar effect,
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • chronic stomach diseases, especially in the acute stage,
  • the presence of kidney and gallstones,
  • anemia and the anemia caused by it,
  • viral diseases,
  • ailments related to the lymphatic system.

Reviews from doctors

Numerous positive reviews from doctors about Tibetan tea Tibettea for potency became the basis for practical research of the drug in clinical and practical conditions.

Vladislav Berezhnov, rheumatologist: “All means are good in the fight against arthrosis, but not all work. It is important to take into account not only the history and course of the disease, but also individual characteristics. Don’t be afraid of experiments, constantly improve your immunity and the body’s ability to heal itself. Tibetan tea helps well with this; if you can get it, you will be able to overcome even a complex and ossified diagnosis, as well as quickly heal the injuries you receive, and get good age-related prevention.”

Method of preparing tea

To properly prepare this drink you will need:

  • 350 ml water;
  • 100 g yak butter;
  • 30 g pressed pu-erh;
  • 2 glasses of yak milk;
  • salt.

First, you need to brew pu-erh tea for half an hour. After this, milk is added to it and boiled for several more minutes. The resulting broth is filtered, salt and yak butter are added to it. All this is mixed and mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The drink is ready!

Customer Reviews

Review from Alena: My daughter got sick, complained of abdominal pain, they did tests - it turns out that she picked up parasites in kindergarten. The pediatrician recommended Tibettea herbal tea. Its use helped remove the worms in just a couple of days, and the unpleasant symptoms also went away.

Feedback from Vladimir: I constantly have problems with my joints due to my sports activities at a young age. I bought various remedies, but the pain subsided for a while, and then returned with greater force. My daughter bought me Tibettea tea. I started brewing it every day. After a week I felt much better, and at the end of the course I had already forgotten that I had suffered from joint pain for several years.

Review from Ilya: The effect turned out to be no worse than from synthetic drugs, but it took a long time to wait for it. Potency was completely restored, sexual desire returned. To achieve sustainable results, I drank Tibettea tea three times daily before meals.

For weight loss and cleansing the body

One of the varieties of natural herbal teas is Tibetan tea for weight loss. It consists only of wisely selected plants and fruits from ecologically clean regions. The collection is unique due to its mild effect on the body, a minimum number of contraindications and a positive effect on health.

Tibetan tea can be bought in different flavors

The composition of Tibetan tea is as follows:

  • echinacea;
  • linden bark;
  • blackberry;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • lemon zest;
  • Persian citrus;
  • lemon extract;
  • sorghum;
  • terminalia chebula;
  • Terminalia Bellerica;
  • Bay leaf;
  • nettle leaves;
  • rose hip;
  • green tea;
  • vitamin C.

This unique collection works in several directions. On the one hand, it helps to naturally cleanse the body of waste and toxins. On the other hand, it improves the functioning of the digestive system and speeds up metabolism. Thirdly, it gives strength and energy, relieves inflammation, and strengthens the immune system. Terminalia hebula occupies the largest share in the composition of the tea drink. This plant has been widely used to treat many diseases and has been well described in Vedic literature. The fruits of this tree have a strong antibacterial and stimulating effect. It is used to restore strength after operations, to heal wounds, cleanse the blood of toxins, and stimulate muscle tone.

Terminalia Chebula is one of the most powerful herbal remedies described in Ayurveda.

Next on the list of active ingredients of Tibetan weight loss tea are sorghum, blackberries, linden bark and terminalia bellerica. They have diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic properties, improve digestion, and stimulate intestinal motility.

Nettle, echinacea, rose hips and vitamin C are stimulants of the immune system and sources of vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary for the body. Bay leaf is an excellent tonic. Each of the plants in the collection has its own purpose or enhances the effect of another component.

Additionally, the following properties of cleansing Tibetan tea can be highlighted, which appear after a few days of systematic use:

Coffee with cinnamon for weight loss

  • antioxidant;
  • tonic and improve physical activity;
  • stimulating the functioning of the pancreas and adrenal glands;
  • restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory, especially in relation to the skin.

To cleanse the body, improve digestion and lose excess weight, you need to drink a glass of herbal tea once a day during meals. To prepare the drink, you need to fill one filter bag with hot boiled water and leave for 3 minutes under a closed lid. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. You can conduct several courses to cleanse the body, but the break between them should be about a month. The collection should not be used by pregnant women, nursing women or people with individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Chang shu

Chang Shu tea, or purple drink, is an effective natural remedy for losing extra pounds. It contains only flowers of alpine plants from Tibet and Nepal. They are very rich in amino acids and biologically active components, which have a pronounced fat-burning property. The composition also contains:

  • tannins;
  • lutein;
  • alkaloids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • catechin;
  • theanine
  • L-carnitine, etc.

Tea promotes the active conversion of lipids that come with food into energy, preventing their accumulation in adipose tissue. Thus, in addition to reducing the volume of fat, a person feels full of strength and energy. In addition, the drink improves the condition of the skin, promotes its rejuvenation, tightens muscles, fights increased appetite, improves vision and generally gives tone to the entire body. Tea should be drunk 1-2 times a day for 2 months.

Chang Shu is a beautiful highland plant, rich in amino acids and vitamins

Recipe for “Tibetan” tea with milk and ginger

Tea with milk and ginger is a universal magical natural remedy for health. It has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine and Tibet for the treatment of illnesses and general health, as it has extensive healing properties. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 tsp. green leaf tea;
  • 1 tsp. black leaf tea;
  • 1.5 liters of milk with 2.5% fat content;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 10 cloves;
  • 10 cardamom grains;
  • 1 tsp. fresh grated ginger root (or 0.5 tsp ground ginger);
  • 0.5 tsp. nutmeg.

The cooking sequence is as follows:

  1. Add ground cloves and cardamom, ground ginger (if using) and green tea to boiling water.
  2. After a couple of minutes of boiling, you need to add milk, black tea and fresh ginger root (if you chose this form).
  3. When the tea starts to boil again, add nutmeg.
  4. The tea should be boiled for a few minutes, then removed from the heat and allowed to brew.

The finished drink is poured into a teapot or immediately poured into cups.

Distant Tibet has given the world many varieties of tea, which includes both traditional salty tea and various infusions based on medicinal herbs and plants. It is difficult to settle on just one type of Tibetan tea; the choice depends on your taste preferences and the desired effect you want to get from drinking the healing drink.

About Tibetan tea traditions

If you have prepared an hour at home, remember only one rule: this tea should be drunk before it gets cold. If you are lucky and have a trip to Tibet waiting for you, keep a few important points in mind.


, do not forget that chasuyma is a drink of hospitality and politeness. It is served wherever a guest is welcome, and is refilled every time the guest has taken at least one sip. There is only one way to stop this endless tea drinking - stop sipping, end the conversation and, having drunk tea just before leaving, quickly take your leave.


, remember that Tibetan butter tea is an important basis for all rituals in this country, including those associated with religious rites. Treat him with respect.


, just know: in Tibet it is still customary to measure distances in chasuima cups. The drink helps you overcome even the longest journey: it really gives you a lot of strength and energy, since it is rich in nutrients (including healthy fats necessary for the body to produce heat).

Are you ready to try butter tea? If yes or have already tried it, share your impressions in the comments.

History of appearance

Black, green and herbal tea in Tibet is a whole legend, marking its beginning in the distant 7th century. It was then that they tried it here for the first time and learned how to brew it in an unusual way. Secrets were passed down from generation to generation. Gradually, tea according to a recipe from the Tibetans gained worldwide fame and recognition.

What is surprising is that Tibetan tea used to be a kind of currency of exchange or sale in its homeland. They made payments for purchased products and things. Without this product in the bride's dowry, it was unthinkable to marry her off.

Since life in mountainous areas is characterized by harsh conditions and a difficult climate, a drink that gives strength to the people living there is simply necessary. One person can drink about 5-6 cups a day and this is the norm. And for Tibetan monks the number increases almost several times, since they need strength doubly. There is a statement that for a true Tibetan such tea is more important than water. What is the secret of the drink?

Tibetan rejuvenating tea

Some oriental drinks have rejuvenating properties. Tibetan tea, aimed at rejuvenating the body, consists of medicinal herbs:

  • calendula flowers;
  • agrimony herbs;
  • sandy immortelle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • birch buds.

The rich composition of these medicinal plants affects all body systems that trigger rejuvenating processes:

  • Headaches go away.
  • Metabolic processes are accelerated.
  • The functioning of the nervous system is normalized.
  • Age and expression wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • The skin becomes fresh, elastic, and its color improves.
  • Energy strength is replenished.
  • Irritability goes away.
  • The immune system is stimulated.

Women often drink this tea to lose weight, but men can also use the recipe, prepare rejuvenating tea, and drink it to improve their well-being and lose weight.

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