Menu for 1500 kcal per day: diet principles, sample menu for the week, recipes and reviews of those losing weight

How quickly and how much weight you can lose

This system ensures slow but steady weight loss. In the first 2 weeks, 2-4 kg are lost. Later the process slows down to 300-400 g per week. But it’s worth looking not only at the scales, but also measuring volumes. During the diet, excess fat is lost, but muscle mass is also built up, so the body becomes more prominent and slender.

Using a menu of 1500 kcal per day, you can lose 2-3 kg per week.
It is recommended to adhere to this diet for no longer than 2-4 weeks. After this, the daily caloric intake (if necessary) can be slowly increased.

But, if you want to maintain your figure, you should not return to bad eating habits, abuse sweets and fast food.

How to stick to the rules?

How to make sure that the 1500 kcal diet is followed? Some people think that all you need to do is watch your calorie intake. But that's not true. If you also want to stay healthy with such a diet, then you must follow other rules. It is advisable to consume a balanced amount of fats and carbohydrates. You need to try to keep the food on your table varied. And in order to maintain the number of calories, it is necessary to follow a clear recipe for dishes.

For the 1,500 calorie per day diet to be effective, you need to do a one-day cleanse.

On this day, it is advisable to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice before each meal. And the very next day you can adhere to a special diet.

1500 calorie diet rules

In order for your nutrition plan to give maximum results, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. You need to eat often, but in small portions (the best option is 5 times a day). This way you will be able to avoid hunger pangs, reduce the risk of breakdowns, and speed up your metabolism.
  2. It is better to start the morning with a glass of warm water - this helps activate the intestines. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.
  3. You should have dinner no earlier than 4 hours before bedtime. If you go to bed at midnight and have dinner at 5 pm, then your body will have to fast for 14-15 hours. This causes stress and puts the body into hoarding mode.
  4. Food cannot be fried, but can be steamed or grilled, boiled, baked, stewed.
  5. Don't forget about physical activity. Regular training will help make your body more resilient and fit, and excess weight will go away faster. Any activity is suitable, be it aerobics, jogging, swimming, dancing, or long walks in the fresh air.
  6. Rest is another important factor. You cannot bring the body to a state of physical or mental exhaustion, as this affects hormonal levels and can slow down the process of losing weight.
  7. It is important to count calories and control portion size. Pay attention not only to dishes, but also to drinks - tea, coffee, compotes also have energy value.

Counting calories will give an objective picture of your diet.

Diet menu for ten days

When choosing dishes for the menu, you should take into account that you need to consume 1,500 calories in just a day. In fact, this is not so little. A large number of dishes can be used here to suit every taste. With this type of therapeutic nutrition, you will not acutely feel the feeling of hunger.

Here is an approximate version of a ready-made menu, which is designed for ten days.

Day 1

For breakfast, boil a couple of eggs. And two small pieces of bran bread, if you put 1 spoon of dietary curd cheese, cottage cheese with chopped herbs on each, will help you forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time. Complement your meal with tea.

For a morning snack, use cheese or cottage cheese with 1% fat content (100 g).

For lunch, buckwheat, a couple of small turkey fillet cutlets and a cucumber are perfect. Always choose fillet. This is dietary meat that contains few calories.

After a few hours, snack on cashew nuts. You can eat 10 pieces. It's not worth it anymore, as it's easy to exceed the required number of calories.

For dinner, prepare baked, boiled beef (150 g), tomato and herb salad (250 g). Using a special frying bag will help you get excellent results.

Day 2

Start your morning with oatmeal. Add a little honey for taste. And of course, herbal tea.

A snack can be low-fat yogurt (125g), any type of berries (150g).

For a daily meal, durum pasta, goulash from lean chicken fillet (100 g), tomato salad with herbs, and vegetable oil are perfect.

Make yourself a snack in a couple of hours in the form of a casserole made from cottage cheese and berries. There are few calories, but you won't feel hungry for a long time.

On this day, low-fat baked fish (150 g), two tablespoons of Greek salad are suitable for dinner. There are a lot of options for baking fish. This type of heat treatment helps preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements.

Day 3

In the morning, prepare yourself an omelet from two small eggs and herbs. It can be steamed or cooked in a frying pan without oil. The omelet can be replaced with poached eggs.

In a couple of hours, have a second breakfast. Banana (1 piece, 125 g) is perfect for this. Instead of banana, use apples or other fruit if you like.

For lunch, light vegetable soup without frying (200 g), one egg. This is enough to not feel hungry.

For an afternoon snack you can eat cottage cheese (150 g), a little kefir.

For dinner, baked fish (150 g) would be an excellent option. It will be complemented by a vegetable salad with herbs (100 g).

Day 4

Oatmeal for breakfast will give the body energy. Add cinnamon and half a banana here.

For a morning snack - rye crackers (about 40 grams), fresh orange juice.

Lunch on this day - ratatouille (small eggplant, half a zucchini, 50 grams of low-fat cheese, tomato, about 10 grams of boiled chicken fillet), tea. Instead of ratatouille, you can make a vegetable stew. You can also boil broccoli.

Your afternoon snack is 6-8 pieces of any dried fruit, tea with lemon and a small spoon of honey.

For dinner, prepare boiled fish (200 gr.), vegetable salad (about 250 gr.).

Day 5

This morning there will be buckwheat and green tea for breakfast.

After a couple of hours you will feel slightly hungry. It's time to eat low-fat cottage cheese (about 100 grams) and a little honey.

On this day, for lunch there is pasta, a spoonful of parmesan, grated on a fine grater, chicken fillet (100 gr.), cucumber. If you want, instead of Parmesan, use any hard cheese with a low fat content.

Snack: low-fat kefir, a piece of wholemeal bread.

Your dinner will consist of chicken broth (250 gr.), 2 pieces of rye bread.

Day 6

For breakfast, we suggest eating rice (80 grams dry), cucumber and white cabbage salad.

The morning snack will consist of a boiled egg, a small boiled beet.

For lunch we offer a low-fat fish cutlet (100 gr.), 2 small baked potatoes. Potatoes are not recommended to be used frequently during a diet. But 1-2 times a week it should be on the menu.

For an afternoon snack, to relieve a slight feeling of hunger, eat a handful of nuts and also drink green tea.

For dinner you can cook baked beef fillet (100 g), sweet bell pepper.

Day 7

On this day in the morning: two spoons of oatmeal, 6-7 dried fruits, tea with milk (200 g, total, no more than 26 calories).

For second breakfast, banana (1 piece, 125g) and tea are offered.

On this day, for lunch, include beef soup in the menu (100 grams of lean beef, 2 potatoes, some carrots, a quarter of an onion).

Afternoon snack: dates (75). This will satisfy a slight hunger and replace sweets.

For a light but satisfying dinner, we offer a salad with chicken fillet (100 g fillet, 100 g white cabbage, 150 g cucumbers). Salad with fillet - tasty and healthy. Any vegetables can be used here.

Day 8

This morning for breakfast: buckwheat porridge (3-4 tablespoons of the finished product), tea.

After a few hours, you can eat 3 oatmeal cookies, and also make yourself fresh apple juice (200 g).

For lunch, prepare light dolma (150 g beef, rice, onion, small tomato, grape leaves, simmer in a mixture of water, small onion, tomato paste). Dolma can be replaced with cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers.

Afternoon snack: 6-8 dried fruits, tea with lemon, a small spoon of honey. Dried fruits are an excellent substitute for sweets.

For dinner that day, seafood. Boil shrimp (150 g). And they will be complemented by a vegetable salad (portion 350 g).

Day 9

Today for breakfast millet porridge, boiled egg and herbal decoction.

For second breakfast, a banana is offered (1 piece, 125 g).

For lunch you can cook stuffed squid (zucchini, rice). Instead of squid, it is allowed to use other seafood.

After a few hours, have a snack of walnuts (4 pcs.).

And for dinner: cod fillet (200 g), some broccoli.

Day 10

For breakfast on this day, oatmeal (add raisins) and tea are perfect.

For second breakfast: egg, boiled or fried in a dry frying pan, beets.

For lunch, you can cook vegetables in Indian style (simmer bell peppers, onions, tomatoes). Complement the meal - stewed turkey breast (100 g), tea.

For an afternoon snack, 1 apple and 2 oatmeal cookies are suitable as a snack.

Dinner: dietary chicken fillet (100 g), carrots with garlic, grated.

The menu for 1500 kcal per day includes a lot of dishes. Many of them are simple and accessible. The body quickly gets used to this menu and there is no discomfort.

When choosing products, keep in mind that fat content should be minimal. This applies to meat and dairy products. Of course, you can’t do without a calorie table.

Sample menu for 7 days

All permitted products can be combined by preparing different dishes every day. When compiling a diet, you should be guided by your own preferences and capabilities. A sample menu for the week might look like this.


Meals on the first day of the diet:

  • in the morning: omelette with oatmeal (1 egg, 2 tablespoons of cereal), 2 slices of cheese, 1 tomato;
  • second breakfast: medium-sized unsweetened apple;
  • lunch: broth with durum wheat noodles and a boiled egg (serving of soup - about 300 ml);
  • snack: banana smoothie with milk;
  • dinner: 300 g of lean fish, stewed with carrots and onions, 300 g of vegetable salad.

The diet menu includes a banana milkshake.


Menu for the second day:

  • for breakfast: oatmeal with banana, 50 g of dark chocolate, a small piece of cheese;
  • snack: 300 g of baked zucchini (can be replaced with pumpkin in the fall);
  • lunch: 300 g vegetable soup;
  • afternoon snack: 200 g cottage cheese and fresh berries;
  • for the evening: a salad of fresh vegetables, a portion of fish stewed in cream.


Dishes for the third day:

  • in the morning: oatmeal with fresh fruit, 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • snack: sandwiches with pate (it is better to take dry bread);
  • lunch: a portion of buckwheat, turkey fillet with stewed vegetables, fresh cucumber;
  • afternoon snack: 50 g of nuts (walnuts or peanuts);
  • for the evening: chicken breast (can be baked or boiled), tomato and cabbage salad in vegetable oil.


Menu for Thursday:

  • for breakfast: omelet with cottage cheese and fish;
  • snack: sandwiches with cheese, avocado and herbs;
  • lunch: apple, fish baked with vegetables;
  • snack: cocktail of kefir and banana with honey;
  • evening: chicken salad (baked breast, boiled eggs, tomatoes, lettuce).

Fish with vegetables is considered a popular recipe used to make a delicious lunch.


A sample list of dishes might look like this:

  • in the morning: scrambled eggs with cheese, fresh vegetables;
  • lunch: 1 pear, 100 g grapes, 1 banana;
  • lunch: buckwheat porridge with chicken and mushroom gravy;
  • afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, a handful of fresh berries;
  • evening: chicken broth, rye bread.


Sample menu for Saturday:

  • for breakfast: oatmeal with chocolate and banana;
  • snack: salad of fresh carrots, apples and raisins (can be seasoned with low-fat sour cream or yogurt);
  • lunch: meat soup with buckwheat or pearl barley porridge);
  • afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese with fruit;
  • for the evening: salad of greens, tuna, boiled egg and tomatoes.


Meal plan for Sunday:

  • in the morning: scrambled eggs with cheese, ripe tomato;
  • lunch: fruit salad (you can take your favorite fruit);
  • lunch: 2 potatoes baked in jackets, minced fish cutlets;
  • snack: a handful of nuts;
  • for the evening: stewed cabbage with chicken fillet.

How to calculate calories for the day

The Harris-Benedict formula has remained one of the most popular for many years. Since its creation, it has undergone several editions, because progress, changes in people's living and working conditions have greatly influenced energy costs. We will take the 1984 version of the Harris-Benedict formula.

For women:

447.593 + (9.247 × weight in kg) + (3.098 × height in cm) – (4.330 × age)

For men

88.362 + (13.397 × weight in kg) + (4.799 × height in cm) – (5.677 × age)

Using this formula, you will get your basic metabolism, that is, the number of kilocalories your body needs for a day spent on the couch at rest. To this number you need to add the energy you expend on household chores, work and training. This is done using the activity coefficient:

low, sedentary lifestyle (1.2) average activity, 1-3 workouts (1.375) high, 3-4 workouts per week (1.55) very high, hard work or 5-7 workouts (1.7) level of professional athletes and miners (1.9)

basal metabolic rate × activity ratio = your daily kcal requirement

The norm is the number of calories that you can consume in order not to gain weight.

You need to subtract 10-20% from the norm and find out how many calories you need to eat on a diet to lose weight.

Don't worry, you can calculate all this using our calculator.

First course recipes

Dishes can be prepared according to your own taste.
The choice of products is large, you can alternate them, so the diet does not get boring.

Green pea soup

Vegetable soup is a dietary dish, but tasty. If we are talking about a diet, then it is better to cook it with water, but you can also use broth as a base. Peel 2 - 3 potatoes, cut into cubes, place in a saucepan, add water, add spices and bring to a boil. After this, you can add chopped carrots and onions to the soup, lightly stewed in a small amount of vegetable oil, and then a handful of green peas.

Meatball soup

For cooking you will need minced chicken. First you need to peel and cut 2 small potatoes, add water to them and cook over medium heat. During this time, the minced meat can be mixed with chopped onion, add pepper, salt, a little starch and roll into small balls.

Meatball soup is the most popular dietary lunch dish.

The meatballs are then transferred to the soup - the dish must be cooked until the meat is completely cooked, then add fresh herbs.

Sample diet for a week

At first, it’s difficult to create a menu on your own.

Nutritionists decided to help and developed it for a week so that those losing weight knew what their diet should be like:

Day of the weekBreakfast/kcalSnack/kcalLunch/kcalSnack/kcalDinner/kcalNumber of calories per day
Monday2 egg omelette, apple/320Banana, handful of berries/250Chicken fillet, rice, vegetable salad/450Orange, apple/200Fish with boiled potatoes and broccoli/3501570
TuesdayOatmeal/300Fruit salad/200Soup, vegetable stew, beef meatballs/500A glass of kefir, 1 kiwi/170Chicken cutlets, rice/3701540
WednesdayCottage cheese with pieces of fruit and berries/350Orange, handful of nuts/250Stewed cabbage, chicken cutlets, tomato and cucumber salad/480Yogurt with cereals and pieces of berries/200Vinaigrette/2701550
ThursdayRice porridge with pieces of fruit/320Prunes and a handful of nuts/220Fish with buckwheat porridge and broccoli/470Dates/210Turkey cutlets, boiled potatoes/3501570
FridayOatmeal, slice of cheese/320Grapefruit, berries/200Chicken soup, vegetable stew with chicken pieces/500Fruit salad/220Celery salad with green leaves, turkey pieces/3201560
SaturdayCurd casserole/300Banana/200Rice with carrots and broccoli, chicken fillet, beet salad/480Nuts, spoon of honey/230Fish with rice and vegetables/3701580
Sunday2 egg omelette, slice of cheese/320Apple, pear, seasoned with natural yogurt/250Buckwheat porridge, beef cutlets, tomato and cucumber salad/500A glass of kefir, a handful of berries/1602 boiled potatoes, chicken breast/3501580

You need to create a diet menu for 1500 calories per day based on vegetables, fruits, and grains, and be sure to include lean meats and fish in your nutrition program.

It is better to snack on fruits, berries, and nuts . Dried fruits and dairy products are allowed. Coffee is replaced with herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices.

It is better to season salads with lemon juice, olive oil or natural yogurt. They refuse sunflower oil.

You will learn about the features of creating a diet for a diet of 1500 calories per day from the following video:

Main course recipes

For second courses, protein products are used - poultry, lean fish fillets, eggs.

Chicken breast baked with cheese

This dish can be prepared in 20 - 25 minutes. For 1 serving you will need 130 g chicken breast, a small tomato, ¼ peeled sweet pepper, leek. Finely chop the meat, transfer to a frying pan, add 1 tsp. vegetable oil and a little water. The breast is stewed for 5 minutes, after which you can add chopped vegetables, cover the container with a lid and cook over low heat for another 15 minutes.

Omelette with champignons

A simple omelette works well for breakfast. You need to wash and cut the champignons, place them in a frying pan and simmer in a small amount of water. During this time, break 2-3 eggs, add salt and spices, and beat them with a whisk. Pour the egg mixture into a frying pan and cook, stirring constantly.

Diet omelette with champignons is filling and low-calorie.

Simple 1500 calorie menu. Diet for a week - menu 1500 calories for every day

We present a diet for a week with optimal calorie content: 1500 kcal per day. At the end of the article you will find links to the menu for each day of the week. These calories are quite enough: both to control weight, and not to feel hungry, and to enjoy eating. Today is the menu for Monday.

Have dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime - especially since we planned an additional meal for the night. The whole day is divided into six meals: it is split meals in small portions that help reduce weight.

Please note: the menu contains practically no main culprits of excess weight – “fast” carbohydrates, with the exception of fruits. But there are “slow” carbohydrates - the main source of energy and a feeling of satiety, as well as quite a variety of proteins, fiber, essential vegetable fats and probiotics.

Ekaterina Belova, nutritionist, head of the center for personal dietetics “Nutrition Palette”: It’s a well-known fact that if you need to lose weight, you need to reduce the caloric content of your diet, and if you follow the laws of mathematics, then everything is simple: fewer calories – better results. However, our body is not so simple. He has daily physiological needs not only for energy, but also for a huge number of different nutrients. He also has a colossal ability to adapt to different living conditions and an instinct for self-preservation.

All this leads to the fact that hunger strikers lose weight not due to excess fat tissue, but due to muscles and water. Or the weight doesn’t come off at all (this is especially true for experienced “fighters” who like to experiment with different diets). In order for the body to be ready to part with its strategic reserves of adipose tissue, it needs an approach. The most important rule is that the daily caloric content of the diet should be no less than the amount of energy that the body spends on its vital functions at rest. On average, this is 1300 - 1800 kcal per day. Therefore, a diet of 1500 kcal is optimal and safe for the body.


For breakfast, it’s good to eat something grain and dairy to get energy and healthy probiotics. For example, oatmeal and a glass of yogurt. However, you can afford to deviate from this dietary laconicism. And also add an apple to your breakfast.

Cottage cheese salad with buckwheat Cooking time: 30 min.


If you are not lazy and prepare it the day before, then the temptation to eat a harmful sandwich will be put to shame, and your work colleagues will die of envy. However, you can share it with colleagues. You can add a couple of grain breads to the roll if your appetite urgently demands it.

Chinese cabbage curd roll Cooking time: 2 hours+


Soup is not only a classic of the lunch genre, but also the basis of a healthy diet. Because there are healthy, not at all fatty soups. However, you can make up for it by seasoning the soup and not making the meatballs lean. And if you want to save several dozen calories, then simmer the onions for veal in the resulting broth, and not in oil.

Meatball soup Cooking time: 1 hour

Veal Flemish Cooking time: 1 hour


A couple of figs, a few nuts, herbal tea or coffee with lemon without sugar: carbohydrates for energy, fiber, minerals and vitamins. And most importantly - no fuss with cooking.


You can finish the veal left over from lunch by adding a few lettuce leaves with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a drop of vinegar. But it’s better to cook the remaining piece of veal with cherry sauce. However, an addition of lettuce leaves to such a dinner won’t hurt at all.

Veal with cherries Cooking time: 1 hour

Salads and cold dishes

If we are talking about appetizers and side dishes for meat dishes, then it is worth considering the following interesting recipes.

Korean beets

Beet salad is a good addition to meat steak or fish cakes. Vegetables (about 1 kg) must first be boiled, then peeled and grated. To prepare the marinade dressing, mix 100 ml of sunflower oil, 2-3 tbsp. vinegar, chopped garlic, sweet paprika, ground coriander, salt and a little sugar. It is better to leave the dressed salad in the refrigerator for 2-5 hours - this will improve the taste.

Canapes with cucumber and cheese

Canapes are not only tasty, but also a beautiful snack that is suitable for both breakfast and snack. You will need rye bread, which needs to be cut into small triangles. Cheese (cut into the same triangles), a circle of cucumber, and an olive are placed on the bread, after which all the canapés are pierced with a skewer to make it easier to take the appetizer from the plate.

Diet per day: sample menu for one day

The menu involves limiting the consumption of fats and carbohydrates in equal proportions. It excludes some elements that cause an increase in the energy value of food. Only strict adherence to all recommendations in the recipe will allow you to consume no more than 1500 kcal. On the first day you need to switch to the desired diet. For maximum effectiveness before the diet, it is important to properly prepare the body with a cleansing enema.

For 1500 kcal per day you can approximately eat:

  • first breakfast: carrot and apple juice – 150 ml, millet porridge with the addition of pumpkin pieces – 100 grams, dessert cottage cheese with the addition of various grains – 125 g, tea with cinnamon, but without sugar – 200 ml;
  • A similar amount of food will give you a boost of energy for the whole day with a calorie content of 343 kcal.

Second breakfast may include:

Banana1 PC
Milkshake with black currant200 ml
Milk cottage cheese with berries100 g
Rusk10 g
Total195 kcal

For lunch you can use:

  • asparagus cream soup with croutons – 250 grams;
  • goulash with beef and green beans – 250 grams;
  • beet caviar – 100 ml;
  • compote – 200 ml;
  • in general, the value of such a menu is about 330 kcal.

The afternoon snack includes: prunes – 75 g, tea with thyme – 200 ml. The total calorie content of such a meal is 208 kcal.

Be sure to have dinner 4 hours before bedtime. Suitable: stuffed peppers – 200 grams, sliced ​​vegetables – 150 grams, green tea with honey – 200 ml. As a result, the calorie content of dinner will be 303 kcal.

An hour before bedtime, you can allow yourself kefir with 1% fat content - about 200 ml.

The total calorie content of the diet will be 1457 kcal.

With such a diet per day, reviews from those losing weight are only positive.

Diet desserts

During the diet you will have to give up baked goods and sweets. But if you want to eat something sweet, you can make a dessert from healthy ingredients.

Protein dessert

If you use protein powders, you can make a delicious berry mousse.

Berry mousse is perfect for a light and tasty breakfast.

Pour 2-3 tbsp into the blender container. l powdered casein, the same amount of low-fat yogurt, a handful of berries (fresh or frozen) and 1 banana. The mixture must be whipped until a homogeneous mousse is obtained.

Before serving, the dessert can be decorated with fruit.

Banana fritters

For dessert you need oatmeal - it can be prepared by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Bananas (2 pcs.) are mashed into puree, add 15 tbsp. l. flour, 2 eggs, ½ cup kefir and a pinch of cinnamon. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous paste is obtained. You need to fry the pancakes without oil. You can add honey before serving.

Benefits of the 1500 kcal diet

Such a power system has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. The body receives enough food, so a person does not have to suffer from constant hunger. There are no side effects such as weakness, headaches, or dizziness. Even emotionally, the diet is easy to tolerate.
  2. You can prepare delicious dishes from simple, affordable ingredients. You don't have to eat the same thing every day.
  3. After leaving the diet, the results are maintained - the weight does not return (this often happens after strict mono-diets).
  4. The body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Basic principles

The main principle of the diet follows from the name: daily calorie intake should not exceed 1500. The components of the diet are healthy foods: fruits, vegetables.

Additionally, remember the following rules:

  • You need to eat at least five times a day: three main meals with two snacks.
  • You need to eat at the same time.
  • We must not forget about drinking clean water. The daily norm is 2 liters.
  • The last dose should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • You should avoid fatty, fried foods, smoked foods, flour, and sweets.

You need to eat meat at least once a day . It should be low-fat; chicken, turkey, and beef are acceptable. It is also recommended to add fish, dairy products, and cereals to the menu.

The diet involves losing weight without stress or hunger: two snacks are allowed, in addition to the main meals. You are allowed to follow this diet for 2 to 4 weeks.

Contraindications for the 1500 calorie diet

The daily menu for such a diet consists of healthy foods, so there are almost no contraindications. This type of nutrition plan is not recommended during pregnancy (when a woman’s body requires more energy) and lactation. You shouldn’t create stress for your body and teenagers.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the diet is not recommended.

People with chronic diseases are advised to more carefully monitor their well-being and health status during the diet.

If any deterioration or alarming symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor.

What to avoid when eating properly

When losing weight, you need to give up junk food first.
Experts also recommend limiting the amount of salt (but not eliminating it altogether). This will help remove excess fluid from the body. Do not overuse hot spices. They accelerate metabolism, but at the same time irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, causing a feeling of hunger.

Carbonated drinks and alcohol are also prohibited - they cause swelling, create additional stress on the kidneys, and weaken the body.

Reviews from those who have lost weight

This diet gives good results.
The extra pounds go away slowly, but the weight remains even after the end of the diet, as evidenced by reviews. Sergey, 39 years old, Yekaterinburg: “I followed a diet for 15 days and trained regularly. Sometimes it was difficult, because I had to give up sweets and flour, but later my body got used to it. Thanks to the correction of the diet, the body has become more prominent, and this makes me happy.”

Larina, 25 years old, Moscow: “It all started as a diet, but later I didn’t want to go back to my previous diet. And now I’m trying to eat less and cook healthy meals. I feel great, the menu is suitable not only for losing weight, but also for getting healthy.”

In order to enhance the effect of correcting your diet, you should remain physically active: exercise, morning jogging, training in the gym.

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