What mantras to read to get your dream figure and rejuvenate your body?

What is the effect of a mantra for weight loss?

Sanskrit phrases affect the mind and soul. At a subconscious level, a life-affirming program is launched that helps balance vital energy. Direct the positive flows of universal Joy and Grace to help a person.

The texts cannot be changed at will: rearrange syllables, pronounce sounds incorrectly. Only following clear rules for reading mantras will achieve the effect.

There are mantras for wealth, beauty, success. There are texts that help set the body to get rid of fat ballast, speed up metabolism and lose weight.

Mantras for weight loss have a lasting therapeutic effect. They help to keep yourself in control and not break down during the diet:

  • develop resistance to gastronomic temptations;
  • increase motivation for success;
  • distracts you from thoughts about junk food.

Listening to and saying mantras for weight loss is a complement to physical activity and strict calorie counting. Yogis recommend combining practice with a visit to the gym or swimming pool. Don't exhaust yourself with hours of training: they are not for everyone. It is wise to include light exercises in your daily routine.

The video contains a powerful mantra for weight loss:

Changing the usual pattern of rhythm is stressful for the body. If you've spent most of your life eating poorly, your body will resist the new rhythm.

Beauty and health are in your hands

Another useful property of the mantra for weight loss is psychological support. It is not necessary to read special words in Sanskrit: any positive mantra will fill you with determination and restore the balance of energy.

There are many techniques for losing weight, including magical ones. Simoron, for example, suggests a humorous form of weight loss: write the word “diet” on paper and go on it. This way you will make the figurative expression “go on a diet” a reality.

Tibetan and Indian healers believe that excess weight is formed in the body due to energy imbalance and disruption of the interaction between the elements. An overweight person suffers from psychological discomfort and physical illness. High blood pressure, problems with veins and heart - this is not a complete list of ailments caused by lifestyle and excess weight.

Reading rules

Read a mantra for weight loss during the waning moon. It is believed that this period helps to free the body from everything unnecessary. To achieve the maximum effect, they say the prayer 108 times, to free the brain from calculations, use a rosary. It is allowed to make breakdowns that are multiples of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. The spell is repeated out loud or silently, the main thing is to pronounce the sounds correctly. They speak or chant the words every day for 10–15 minutes a day at dawn or sunset, when there is an opportunity to detach themselves from the everyday hustle and bustle and retire for meditation.

Until the conspiracy to get rid of excess weight “bounces off the teeth,” the text will have to be read from sight. Vowel sounds are drawn out, and consonant letters are pronounced clearly. The sounds “n” and “m”, which come at the end of a syllable, are pronounced through the nose. In order to remember the mantra correctly from the very beginning, and not have to relearn it, it is better to listen to the recording the first time, memorizing it using video or audio. Mentally, whispering or repeating words out loud, you will be able to reproduce sounds as accurately as possible. It is advisable to concentrate on the internal vibrations of the body.

Before reading a mantra for weight loss, clearly and confidently pronounce the end result: “I want to lose N kilograms of weight” or “My weight is N kilograms,” or your own version. The effect is enhanced if you present a visual image of your body as slim and beautiful. The first changes for the better are noticeable after a week of regular pronunciation of the installation. The weight loss formula leads to a decrease in appetite with the usual way of eating.

Rules for reading a mantra for weight loss

In the practice of Indian and Tibetan sages, there are general rules that apply to reading the mantra. They also apply to sacred syllables for weight loss.

  1. The number of times words are pronounced is 108.
  2. To meditate with mantras, choose a secluded place where no one will disturb you.
  3. The best time to read mantras is in the morning, before sunrise. If you are a night owl, practice late at night.
  4. Don’t try to keep up with yoga masters: when reading, take a relaxed position so that your body does not protest against the unusual position.
  5. Don’t try to master all the texts at once: work with one.

Reciting mantras requires patience and solitude

Mantras can be read or sung; listening to sacred texts gives a lasting positive result. Whether you are working out in the gym, traveling in public transport, or preparing food, turn on the sounds of sacred texts in your headphones.

It’s good if the words are “recorded in the subcortex” and you remember them like the melody of a popular song.

Remember the main rule for all spells, including mantras. If you want to increase something, such as money or happiness, read them on the rising Moon. If you want to get rid of problems or excess weight, start practicing in the second half of the cycle.

Rules of operation and reading techniques

Simply pronouncing sounds will not lead to anything; there are a number of conditions that must be met:

  1. According to the traditions of Tibet, it is recommended to read the mantra during the waning moon.
  2. You need to practice every day.
  3. Before starting the breathing practice, say out loud the weight you need to achieve.
  4. To start the process of losing weight, before starting prayer, you need to imagine the end result. The created image will have an impact on the brain, starting the process of breaking down fat cells.
  5. The mantra is read over a glass of water. At the same time, he is held in his hands. After finishing, blow on the water and drink immediately.
  6. Carefully read the text of the mantra for weight loss several times. The recommended number of repetitions is 108. This is done throughout the day. If this is not possible, the prayer is read a number of times that is a multiple of 3.
  7. Vowel sounds are drawn out when pronounced, consonants are pronounced clearly and firmly.
  8. Words ending in “m” or “n” are spoken nasally, in the French manner.
  9. During practice, do not be distracted by extraneous sounds and thoughts.
  10. For convenience, take the rosary and touch it with the next reading of the mantra.

At first, the mantras may seem funny and incomprehensible, so it is recommended to first listen to them and get used to the language. Otherwise, the practices will only cause irritation and will not bring results.

Useful tips for working with mantras for weight loss

Let's start with the video. It contains mantras for weight loss and beauty.

Recommended for listening and viewing every day.

  • read or listen to mantras for weight loss as soon as you feel hungry;
  • pronounce the syllables mentally when you eat: satiety will come faster;
  • mantras will help you take your mind off thoughts about junk food: every time you have a desire to eat a hamburger, say the cherished words - your brain will switch to other thoughts;
  • watch videos with positive pictures that evoke associations with a beautiful and healthy body - this is an excellent motivation for success;
  • Don't get upset or despair if you don't see immediate results.

Mantras for weight loss and body beauty

Look at the Tibetan monks and the Hindus practicing yoga: you will not see a single obese person among them. They follow strict diets and work hard physically. These are the three components of a healthy lifestyle and the path to weight loss. There is also a fourth - psychological attitude and reading special mantras for weight loss. Here are texts that will help you restructure your thinking.

This mantra, according to user reviews, is one of the most powerful:


These words help you lose weight and harmonize your consciousness. Eliminate breakdowns and make it easier to give up harmful products. By reading this mantra, you will avoid the main dangers that await someone losing weight - bad mood and anger.

Combine the mantra with another powerful text:


Excess weight is not only shortness of breath, problems with the heart and joints. Overweight people look older than their fit and slender peers.

Say the above texts with mantras for beauty and freshness of the body. The mantra for renewing the body helps you look younger than your biological age.


Working on your appearance involves both putting your body in order and accepting yourself. The following text will help you get rid of complexes, clamps and blocks.


Diet is not a one-time event, it is a way of thinking and a lifestyle. One-time efforts devoted to the fight against excess weight give short-term results.
The body, deprived of its usual food, accumulates fat for future use. As soon as you stop eating right, the lost pounds come back twice as much.

Alternative ways to lose weight

There are other methods of losing weight:

  1. Simoron - changing your own energy and receiving help from the Universe by bringing any statement to the point of absurdity. For example, you can write “diet” on a piece of paper and go on it.
  2. White magic is another method of fighting weight. There are thousands of rituals and spells that will help improve your figure.

Mantras (like any other psychological techniques) need to be combined with proper nutrition and physical activity. This doesn't mean you have to starve, count every calorie, or work out in the gym for hours.

But if you include vegetables and fruits in your diet, limit the amount of sweets, spend more time outdoors, and play your favorite sport (walking, swimming, dancing, active tourism), then results can be achieved much faster.

It is also important to surround yourself with like-minded people, people who will become your support and an additional source of motivation.

Water charged with mantras

Water can accumulate information. The principle of the consecration of water on Epiphany Eve for Christians is based on these beneficial properties of the liquid. Prayer changes the crystalline grid and makes it life-giving and beneficial.

You can do the same with mantras:

  • take a liter of clean water: preferably spring water or from a bottle;
  • Use tap water only after it has settled or passed through a filter;
  • wait for the phase of the waning moon;
  • read the weight loss mantra 108 times;
  • Take 7 sips of charged water before meals.

You can also program special therapeutic and cosmetic products that burn fat.

It is recommended to pronounce mantras for beauty over medicinal cosmetics for the face. And washing with such water will bring more benefits than traditional lotions and tonics.

Additional positive effects of mantras for weight loss

Excess weight occurs not only due to poor nutrition or lack of physical activity. Disturbed energy exchange is reflected at the mental and physical level.

By reading mantras for weight loss, we restore the natural flow of strength, reprogram the consciousness, and generate positive emotions.

Working on yourself is a process that lasts a lifetime, no matter how trivial it may sound. Mantras help strengthen your intention to change.

The video contains a mantra that promotes rejuvenation at the cellular level. The beauty mantra will give you confidence and charge you with positivity.

For your endeavors to be successful, do not talk about them until you achieve lasting results. A carelessly dropped word or ridicule will spoil the mood and discourage further work.

Yoga is good because it helps you find friends and like-minded people. Share successes and seek advice from those who support your interests.

Do not forget that active weight loss should be under the supervision of doctors. Before you start working on your body, consult with specialists. This will help avoid health problems and enhance the effect of the healing sounds of mantras.

Tags: Mantras, Enlightenment

About the author: Evgeniy Tukubaev

The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

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What is and features of the mantra for weight loss

There are legends about Tibetan culture, the religion of Buddhism and the traditions of the East. Ancient monks, while meditating, discovered that sets of sound signals act on the human psyche and physiology. Sound vibrations can heal, calm, anger or irritate. Prayers appeared, the reading and singing of which helped to achieve goals, naturally tuning the body to the necessary actions.

The purpose of the text for weight loss is to give the body the instructions to get rid of extra pounds, establish proper metabolism, burn calories, breaking down fat deposits.

The Tibetan mantra for weight loss is a kind of hypnosis. When reading a set of necessary sounds, a program is recorded, an installation in the subconscious. It turns on when the text is repeated, turning off the receptors responsible for the feeling of hunger and fat deposition.

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