Exercises that will get your figure in order in 2 weeks

It's easy to be beautiful. It's hard to just look beautiful. So, you need to be fully prepared - you have an important event, which was announced so suddenly, or maybe your lover unexpectedly made a date or a friend invited you to the theater, offering an extra ticket? You approached the mirror, and horror gripped you: “Is this tired woman with a dull look really me?” Dont be upset! Take a closer look: you have very expressive eyes, regular facial features and a charming smile. What else is needed to look irresistible? You just need to put yourself in order: relieve fatigue, hide minor skin imperfections and highlight your advantages. You only have about 30 minutes of time, so let’s get to work!

Wash away fatigue in 10 minutes

First, relieve the fatigue accumulated during a hard day at work.

If you are at home. Head straight to the shower, where you can refresh not only your body, but also your soul. The best option is a contrast shower: first warm up thoroughly under running warm water, then turn on cold water. Thus, change the temperature several times, preventing the appearance of goosebumps and unpleasant sensations. End the procedure on a cool note. Then pat your skin dry with a fluffy towel. The first step has been taken - you left the shower rejuvenated and full of strength!

If you are at work. Also take a contrast shower, but... only for your hands, exposing your palms to hot or cold water for at least 3 minutes.
The effect of the procedure is almost the same as after a regular shower, reflexologists say.

Ruslan Nuzhdin

Personal trainer

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1. Two weeks before vacation , but your appearance does not correspond to your ideas of how you will look on the beach on vacation? So you're wondering what you should do to get in shape with a rigorous diet and workout regimen? The answer is quite simple: buy a bottle of prosecco and relax, two weeks is a very short time to even slightly improve the condition of your body. It’s worth preparing for the beach season in advance, but it’s better to constantly keep your body in shape. All you can do in 14 days is go on a diet and do cardio a couple of times a week to at least get rid of excess water.

2. There is a month left before the cherished vacation - it’s already more realistic to change at least something. First, you need to decide on your goal: gain muscle mass or lose weight? In both cases, 70% of your result will depend on your diet. To gain weight, you need to be in a calorie surplus (that is, consume more calories than you expend); To lose weight, on the contrary, you need a calorie deficit (that is, spend more than you consume). Let's get to the numbers. When gaining muscle mass, you need to maintain a calorie surplus of 15% of your daily energy expenditure (that is, eat 15% more than you should); when burning fat, a deficit of 10–20% will be effective and at the same time safe for your health. To calculate your daily energy expenditure as accurately as possible, I recommend using various gadgets, fitness trackers, bracelets and watches. For example, I prefer the Apple Watch Series 4. I also advise you to undergo a bioimpedance analysis of body composition, thanks to which you can find out not only the amount of subcutaneous fat, muscle, water content in your body, but also your metabolic level. In addition to how many calories we should get from food, it is important to consider the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates. For people engaged in active physical activity, there are certain standards for protein consumption - this is 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of body weight; fat – 0.8-1 g per 1 kg of body weight; We fill up the remaining calories with carbohydrates.

As for training. The most effective combinations of strength training (gym, crossfit and functional training) and cardio (running, cycling, rowing, elliptical). And remember: exercising seven times a week will not lead you to results faster. You will simply be exhausted. Recovery is the most important thing in the process of both building muscle and losing weight. The adequate number of workouts per week is 3-4. Strength training should not exceed 60 minutes, and cardio sessions should not exceed 30–45 minutes.

3. Let’s move on to the task of “getting in shape in two months . Your training methodology and nutrition plan remain the same as in the previous paragraph, only you will have more time to improve your physical fitness, which means the results will be much better. But I still insist that it is better to engage in sports and physical activity 365 days a year, and not urgently try to get yourself in proper appearance before a vacation, because looking good all the time means a great mood, good self-esteem and the attention of others.

Charge yourself with energy - 5 minutes

To perk up, drink a glass of strong black tea or a cup of green tea with lemon. Tea drinking can be supplemented with a few pieces of chocolate, which is an effective remedy for fatigue, depression and bad mood. It supplies our body with “fast” calories and energy.

Another way to get a boost of energy is to massage your ears. The fact is that on the auricle there are many biologically active points corresponding to one or another organ and energetically connected with them. Ear massage gives a good shake to the whole body. Drop a little peppermint oil (it's always a good idea to have a bottle of it with you) onto your fingertips and rub your ears with light, quick movements, paying special attention to the earlobes. And don’t be worried about them turning red, this will soon pass, and you will be energetic and cheerful throughout the evening.

Where to start getting yourself in order

Those who want to lose weight or get their body in order in a month need to get off the couch and start exercising. Make a workout schedule and find time for it - you set aside time for brushing your teeth, right? To start working on your figure, you only need a little willpower. Then this lifestyle will become a habit, and you will always stick to your schedule.

The right motivation

When losing weight, one of the most important aspects is combining exercise and a healthy lifestyle. This means that you can get your body in order even in a month, but the secret here is not in certain exercises or products, but in finding motivation for yourself and following your plans. Find a reason for which you will exercise every day and follow a diet. There are many options for self-motivation, for example:

  1. Do light exercises that you like, experiment with foods that are healthy for your figure, making a delicious dish - this way you can continue to work on yourself even after a month.
  2. Work out with another person or group of people - thanks to responsibility, you will continue training, even if you are lazy or tired.
  3. Choose a new dress or trousers a few sizes smaller and imagine how beautiful the new clothes will fit you - this will give you an incentive to work on your figure.
  4. Bring back beautiful shapes and shapes to your silhouette - working on yourself will bring back your sexuality and confidence.

Consistency and regularity

To get your figure in order in a month, you need to be careful about the loads that you are going to give to the body, and create a proper training schedule. Too intense exercise should be avoided, but the set of exercises should be designed for all muscle groups. You can get your body in order even in 30 days, but you need to exercise regularly, without overworking yourself - when physical exercise becomes constant and you see the result, you can be sure that you will continue to exercise, and not just for a month.

Getting rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes - 5 minutes

If you are at home. Try putting grated potatoes on your eyelids and around your eyes. Carry out the procedure while sitting comfortably on the sofa. At the same time, treat your face with a mask. You can use a store-bought one or make your own mask. Any natural ingredients are suitable for this purpose.

If you are at work. Place cool tea bags with drunk tea on your eyes (it’s better if they lie in the refrigerator for a while before) or cotton swabs, dipping them in the tea leaves. Sit back, relax and think about something pleasant. Just 5 minutes - and an amazing effect: your eyes look as if you really sleep for 8 hours every day, don’t sit in front of the computer from morning to evening, have time to walk in the fresh air and play sports.

Review your routine

The first step is to find an exercise window. Usually, work and household chores come first, and physical activity gets the remaining energy and time. But it’s much better to focus not on the load, but on your feelings. And also - harmoniously integrate training into other tasks of the day. If you struggle even with morning exercises, this does not mean that you are too lazy for sports. Perhaps you will do the same set of exercises with great pleasure in the evening. Conversely, if after work you have no energy left for anything, try starting the day with sports. And even when your peak activity occurs in the middle of the day, you can do your workout during your lunch break. The main thing is to warn everyone that you are doing something and turn off notifications.

The correct schedule will help you not to torture yourself, but to train for pleasure. To work with a personal trainer at any time of the day and not waste time on the road, install the Motify app on your phone. You will be able to choose a mentor and work with him via video call at the most convenient hours - when you are not tired or worried about something else. The service helps you combine the effectiveness of individual training with the ability to work out from home without having to adjust to gym opening hours.

Drawing a face - 10 minutes

If you are at home. Before applying makeup, remove any remaining “morning luxury”. If you haven't done this before taking a shower, now is the time. Cleanse your face with milk, the remnants of which, in turn, remove with toner. Wash yourself. Cold boiled water will refresh lightly breathing skin. Rub it with a piece of ice - this will give your face a natural glow. Apply cream. Now your skin is cleansed, soothed and ready for makeup that will make you irresistible!

If you are at work. Most likely, you will only be able to touch up your makeup. Using a cotton swab, carefully wipe off any remaining “aged” cosmetics. Renew your shadows, draw the contour of your lips brighter and paint them with lipstick (if you have one in your makeup bag, then a richer tone than during the day), hide the traces of daytime fatigue under a light foundation.

Find a sport you really enjoy

Even if your entire Instagram feed consists of people standing in asanas on a mat, that doesn't mean you have to love yoga. At home, you can practice different sports: dancing, strength training with weights, fitness work with your own weight, cardio exercises with frequent changes of exercises. Perhaps stretching while listening to meditative music will help you relax. Or maybe, on the contrary, Pilates or dance Zumba will give you the necessary boost of energy.

Motify employs mentors in a variety of sports areas. By the way, for example, yoga has many variations: from dynamic vinyasa to the most leisurely yin yoga. You can choose an Ashtanga strength trainer or find an expert on exercises for a healthy back. If your goal is to learn how to do all types of splits or lose weight, look for a trainer in these categories. And if you prefer cardio exercise, the service will select a specialist who will teach you how to dance or pump up your cardiovascular system in another way.

Find your sport

Perfect makeup in minutes

The foundation will lie smoothly, naturally, if you apply it quickly and distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the face and neck. Hide individual imperfections (shadows under the eyes, age spots) with a camouflage pencil. Liquid eyeliner is applied only to the upper eyelid. Draw a carefully thin and precise line that will stay on your eyelids all evening. Brown mascara will make your makeup look more natural and natural. Matte lipstick is the best finish to a sophisticated makeup look. Apply it using a special brush. The lipstick will lay down in a thinner, even layer, will stay on the lips for a long time, and in addition, the brush will help draw a more elegant line.

A full manicure is a rather lengthy procedure. Therefore, if you don’t have time for it, just give your nails the correct shape and apply polish. The ideal option is that the polish matches the color of the lipstick. But due to lack of time, you can also use transparent: if in a hurry you paint your nails not very evenly or the varnish suddenly smudges, then it will not be noticeable.

Perfume is also a powerful female weapon, but your goal is not to suffocate your interlocutor, but to win over and charm. Therefore, apply a few drops behind your ear, on the elbow, wrist and neck, and the delicate aroma emanating from you will be quite enough.

Look in the mirror again. Who do you see in him now? Don't be surprised, this stunningly beautiful woman is you. Remember this feeling - a feeling of self-confidence and a feeling of irresistibility. Take it with you for the evening and you will see how it is transmitted to the people around you.

Be the prom queen from head to toe

  • Cold and hot shower. Take a shower at normal temperature, ending with a cool stream. Cold water perfectly tones the skin and fills hair with shine. Rub your body with a gentle scrub and immediately after shower apply moisturizer.
  • Has the skin on your feet become dry? This may be a consequence of hair removal or simply winter vitamin deficiency. Immediately after a shower, apply a little baby oil to still damp skin; it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes without causing irritation even on the most sensitive skin.
  • Attention, elbows! Very often we forget to take care of our elbows. Scrub your elbows with a scrub or loofah, then apply a rich cream for very dry skin. Chapped elbows may also indicate a lack of nutrients - add more vitamins A, B and E to your diet.

Final tips

So, are you ready? Now try on a charming smile (it suits you so well), and also take on board three more tips that will help you conquer and charm the opposite sex:

  1. Straighten up! The graceful and seductive curve of the back - it turns out that it is this detail that instantly takes possession of a man’s consciousness and is remembered forever.
  2. Learn to shoot with your eyes (you have brought them to full combat readiness). Look the man straight in the eyes. Counting to three, slowly turn your head to the side, as if unable to look away. Now turn away sharply. That's all. Works flawlessly.
  3. Try to imitate the behavior of your interlocutor as much as possible, this will give him a feeling of closeness and sympathy.

Get ready for the holiday

The end of the year can be a busy and hectic time, but once or twice a week you can set aside time to relax in the bathroom.

Article on the topic

What are the benefits of turpentine baths? To fully create a festive mood, choose citrus scents for the bath - lemon, orange, grapefruit.

The ideal relaxing cocktail for a bath is the juice of 3 large grapefruits and 4 oranges per bath. The pulp and peel can be placed in a gauze bag and placed in water.

A bath with pine needles will also be useful, which will help relieve fatigue and strengthen the body's defenses. You can buy pine needles at the Christmas tree market - for one bath you will only need a few branches. At home, you can rinse them, immerse the branches and needles tightly in a container, add water and boil for half an hour. Let the broth steep for a day, after which it must be strained, poured into containers and added to the bath. Baths with pine needles will help get rid of insomnia and excess weight.


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Train your mindfulness

Promises are difficult to keep if you yourself don’t know why it’s all for. Think about what achieving your goals will give you. Feel confident in any clothes, climb to the tenth floor without shortness of breath, improve your internal state and use sports to release negative emotions. Write down everything that fulfilling the promise you made to yourself will bring into your life. When the benefits are outlined, it will be easier for you not to be distracted by extraneous things.

Mindfulness techniques can also help you remember your priorities. For example, breathing exercises or meditation. They will allow you to maintain a clear head - an important component in achieving your goals. That's why Motify has a separate category dedicated to meditation. Certified trainers will teach you to relax and act calmly, even when the world is in complete chaos. You will learn to move from stress to a resourceful state and not be distracted from your goals.

Start keeping promises

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