Side bends with dumbbells: standing technique for the stomach and abs

Bends with dumbbells to the sides or lateral bends are a very effective and relevant exercise in modern training. It is aimed at increasing strength, endurance, as well as the mass and volume of the oblique abdominal and lumbar muscles. This exercise can be performed using dumbbells, barbells, or a pulley machine. Athletes of various sports use lateral bends in the training process. The oblique abdominal muscles are stabilizing and auxiliary when performing various exercises in the gym. And in many types of martial arts and martial arts, the oblique abdominal muscles protect athletes from enemy blows and allow them to dodge blows.

Benefits and disadvantages of exercise


  • An excellent option for developing the oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Can be used both at home and in the gym.
  • Relevant for any athletes, both in terms of physical fitness, and for athletes of any sports.
  • Can be used to develop strength, also in training aimed at weight loss.
  • Exercise helps improve posture.

The disadvantage can be considered an increase in waist size due to the development of oblique muscles.

Anatomy of the oblique abdominal muscles of men and girls

In men and women, the anatomical structure of muscle tissue is no different. But due to individual characteristics and fitness levels, the appearance of abs varies from person to person.

The oblique muscles of the abdomen are located on both sides of the body, are responsible for its rotation and are stabilizing muscles, since they stabilize the spine. It is thanks to the oblique abdominal muscles that the spine can fully perform its functions, and all our organs remain in the correct position.

It is very important to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles in order to maintain good posture. Any movement of our torso originates in these muscles, and then a signal is sent to the rest of the necessary muscle groups

If you do not pay due attention to the development of the oblique abdominal muscles, over time you can observe such a negative consequence as asymmetry in the waist area. To avoid this, let's figure out what the oblique abdominal muscles are made of and what they are responsible for.

The oblique muscles of the abdomen consist of the external oblique and internal oblique muscles.

Internal oblique muscle

This broad flat muscle, located under the external flat muscle, originates from the outer parts of the inguinal ligament and ilium. Consists of several bundles of fibers. The upper fascicles are attached to the cartilage located next to the lower ribs. They are located from bottom to top. The lower beams have both upper and lower directions.

The internal oblique muscle is located under the external oblique abdominal muscle.

With unilateral contraction, the internal oblique muscle, together with the external muscle of the opposite side, turns the body in the same direction and lowers the ribs. If the contraction of the internal oblique muscle is bilateral, then it pulls the chest down and bends the spine (with a fixed position of the chest, the pelvis rises, also due to the contraction of the internal oblique muscle).

External oblique muscle

The external muscle is located above the internal muscle and provides twisting and flexion of the body. When the right extrinsic muscle contracts, the body twists to the right, and when the left muscle contracts, it twists to the left. As for the internal muscles in this process, the opposite side is included in the work - turning to the left helps to ensure the right internal oblique muscle and vice versa.

The external oblique muscle is located under the skin above the internal oblique muscle.

Also, the external oblique muscle helps tilt the torso forward, and it is thanks to this muscle that we can lift and carry heavy objects.

The external and internal obliques are the only muscles that are tense when a person stands - they support the body in an upright position and help maintain balance.

The external muscle has eight large teeth, the first five - the upper ones - are located in the serratus anterior muscle, and the remaining three are adjacent to those teeth that belong to the widest dorsal muscle.

Technique for performing inclines with dumbbells

  1. To perform the exercise, you need to choose the appropriate weight.
  2. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. The hand with the dumbbell should be lowered down without bending at the elbow joint.
  4. The movement is performed strictly in a vertical position. Do not bend or lean backwards or forwards.
  5. During the downward movement, inhale; while returning the body, exhale.

Exercise No. 2 – lateral crunches

What exercises help remove sides at home? Professional athletes have developed quite a lot of different movements that are aimed at getting rid of your sides and tightening your waist.

For example, only exercises that include twisting - more than ten.

To perform side exercises, you need to lie on your side, put your hands behind the back of your head, your eyes look at the ceiling, your legs are bent, lying on top of each other.

Tighten your abdominal muscles, raise your shoulders. This will start working the oblique muscles.

Options for side bends with dumbbells

There are many different options for performing this exercise.

  • These include barbell bends . This is one of the most popular options. Due to a shift in the center of gravity, the load on the stabilizer muscles and the main muscle group increases.

  • Bend-overs with a kettlebell are identical in technique to bend-overs with dumbbells.
  • There is a tilt option using the lower and upper crossover blocks with a “D”-shaped handle .

Secrets of proper technique

When performing the exercise, you should be guided by a number of principles:

  • It is necessary to warm up before performing the exercise. Particular attention should be paid to the lower back.
  • It's worth starting with a little weight. It is recommended to use a dumbbell weighing 3–5 kilograms, gradually increasing the load.
  • The exercise is most effective when combined with other movements.
  • If you use heavy weights and low repetitions, you can achieve larger abs and obliques, which will widen your waist.
  • If you have problems with the spine, then it is better to refuse to perform bends with a dumbbell.
  • When losing weight, a multi-repetition version of the exercise is recommended; particular effectiveness is observed when the movement is included in supersets.

The main point is compliance with the exercise technique. If you have questions, it is better to contact a trainer or study additional materials online.

You can also use a kettlebell as a weight, but the minimum weight of a kettlebell is usually 16 kilograms, so it’s better to pay attention to dumbbells first.

Technique Recommendations

  • Remember that when performing any type of lateral bending, you should keep your body strictly vertical and not lean forward or backward.
  • The pelvis should remain motionless during the exercise.
  • You can increase efficiency by adding an overhead raise. This will increase the load on the oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Women need to be especially careful, because exercise can increase your waist size!
  • More weight increases the effectiveness of such exercises, however, too much weight can cause spinal injuries.

Features of performing side bends

Dumbbell dips are performed with some technical nuances that help increase the effect of the exercise.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Place your feet wider than shoulder width

As a rule, it is recommended to place your feet shoulder-width apart in the starting position, but try a wider position.

This little trick will help you better fix your pelvis in a stationary position.

Thanks to constant control of this part of the body, the load from the oblique abdominal muscles will not be dissipated to others.

  1. Small range of motion

The main thing is to feel the “inclusion” of the target muscles in the work and perform the movement with their constant tension. This is especially true for women who, due to their high natural flexibility, lean too much to the side.

  1. Watch your body position

A common mistake is to slightly lean the body forward. This technical error involves the lumbar muscles. As a result, less load falls on the obliques, and after completing the approach, fatigue in the lower back is felt more than in the abs.

Implementation recommendations

  • The exercise can be performed to gain weight . In this case, the classic training scheme is suitable - with a number of repetitions from eight to twelve and four approaches.
  • Bends are also performed in workouts aimed at weight loss . They can be used in both drop sets and supersets. The actual number of repetitions will be in the range from fifteen to twenty, 3-4 sets.
  • This exercise should be included in a set of exercises aimed at training the abs. It can be perfectly alternated with crunches and leg raises, and you can also perform all three exercises in turn (twisting, leg lifts and side bends).

Simple exercises to reduce belly fat

We offer a set of exercises for a beautiful body. It will especially appeal to those who want to reduce fat in the abdominal area, pump up their abs and gain rounded shape. Before you start exercising, do a 15-minute warm-up.


Let's start with lunges on one leg. Stand up straight. Place your hands on your waist. Now inhale and take a long step forward with your right foot. Bend your left leg at the knee and lower it to the floor. Return to the starting position while exhaling smoothly. Repeat the lunge with the other leg. Perform 3 sets of 15 times on each leg.


Let's move on to the most intense part of the complex - crunches. The exercise is performed lying on your back. Take your starting position. Raise your legs and keep them straight. They should form a right angle with the upper body. Gather your hands into a lock and place your hands at the back of your head. Spread your elbows to the sides, relax your neck. Now tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your torso towards your legs. The shoulder blades should be lifted off the floor along with the body. Hold for a few seconds and slowly lower down. Do 15 repetitions 2-3 times with short breaks between sets.


Take the same starting position, only bend your knees with your legs raised. Your thighs should still be perpendicular to your torso and your shins should still be parallel to the floor. Throw your hands back to the back of your head, straighten your elbows again and relax your neck. Tighten your abdominal muscles and, as you inhale, lift your upper body. Stretch your right shoulder towards your left knee and try to touch it. Don't forget to tear off the shoulder blades. As you exhale, lower yourself and repeat the exercise, using your left shoulder and right knee. Do 15 repetitions 2-3 times with short breaks between sets.


The exercise is performed while lying on your back. Place your arms along your body and your palms under your buttocks. Bend your knees and press them together. The shoulders and lumbar region must remain strictly motionless. Relax your neck. Do not lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Now begin to smoothly lower your legs to the right side, then return to the starting point and repeat the movement, but to the left side. Do the exercise for 3-4 minutes.


We finish the training. Move to a side lying position. Raise your torso and lean on your elbow. Your task is to touch the floor with your thigh. When lowering your body, exhale, when lifting, inhale. The muscles of the whole body should be as tense as possible. Do 15 reps on each side. Over time, increase the number of repetitions.

Fitness instructors recommend introducing sports into your life gradually. Increase physical activity little by little and exercise at least 3-4 times a week. This way your body will adapt to a new way without harm to your health and will quickly lead to the desired result.

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