How to pump up triceps on the parallel bars and the correct technique for doing the exercise.

The horizontal bar is considered an effective tool for developing several muscle groups at once.

The main emphasis of the load falls on the back, but with its help it is quite possible to pump up your arms, shoulders and abs.

There are several exercises that will help you achieve your goal or allow you to diversify your training process.

With the help of a horizontal bar you can develop not only your back, but also your arms. Moreover, we are talking not only about the biceps, for the development of which there is a separate exercise on the bar, but also the triceps, as well as the forearms.

How can you pump up your arm muscles on the bar?

The load on the forearm also occurs when performing any exercises on the bar.

These can be both classic pull-ups and more complex ones, for example, static elements, when an athlete holds the weight of his body, fixing it perpendicular to the rack of the apparatus, that is, providing a static load.

It’s also possible to pump up your biceps. To do this, you need to use a reverse grip and place your hands close to each other. In this position, it is the biceps that will receive the maximum load, especially its outer part.

Important! Classic pull-ups place more stress on the shoulders and back. Additionally, the load falls on the triceps; it can be strengthened with the help of auxiliary movements without a horizontal bar, for example, push-ups with a narrow grip or reverse push-ups.

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Pros and cons of dips

All bodybuilders and powerlifters, and even fighters trying to build muscle mass, all use this exercise.

Correctly performed dip technique allows you to efficiently work out all areas, giving strength and volume to the muscles. Therefore, they are included in the training program of all successful athletes.

Regular exercise also allows the development of small tissues responsible for the rotation of the shoulders and shoulder blades.

As a result, the back becomes straighter, the posture takes on the appearance of a wheel, which looks like the chest bulging forward and the deltoid muscles pushed back.

However, this is not the safest bodyweight exercise available.

The peculiarity of the movement involves the active work of the shoulders. Because of this, in case of injury or pain, you need to stop performing so as not to worsen the consequences.

Before starting to do push-ups on parallel bars, a beginner needs to spend at least a month doing regular, classic exercises on the floor.

A set of the best exercises for all muscle groups

There are many horizontal bar exercises that horizontal bar lifters should include in their routines. These are basic exercises, like pull-ups, as well as more complex ones that require special training:

Pull-ups Classic pull-ups are performed with a straight grip, when the hands hold the horizontal bar from above. The grip is either medium or wide. The body rises up without swinging or jerking, and falls slowly. At the top point you can take a short break.

The exercise loads the upper back and its middle, as well as the shoulders. A small load falls on the triceps.

Head pull-ups Pull-ups are performed in the same way as classic ones, only the head goes behind the horizontal bar in the top position. In this position, the load shifts to the upper back and trapezius.
Reverse grip pull-ups They are performed exactly the same as the standard version, but the hands are either as close to each other as possible, or an average grip width is used. Also, the palms need to be turned, that is, a reverse grip is used. The load is shifted to the biceps and forearms.
Exercise corner This exercise allows you to pump up your abs. You need to hang on the horizontal bar and raise your legs to ninety degrees. At the top point, you can stop for a second or two, that is, take a break.
One arm pull-ups They are performed only by trained athletes, as they require significant skills. You can start by hanging on one hand, clasping your wrist with the other. The exercise develops the shoulders, arms and forearm.
Vis A static exercise that is required to develop endurance, as well as to strengthen the wrist and forearm. You can hang by grasping the horizontal bar with your hand or holding it with several fingers.

These are just the most popular exercises; the training program may consist of other movements. The ones listed are included by beginners in order to maximally load the main muscle groups.

As for training your legs, it’s worth noting that you won’t be able to fully pump them up on the horizontal bar. It is necessary to include other movements, such as jumping and squats.

Options for lesson plans

The training program on the horizontal bar can be quite varied. An athlete can pump up almost all muscle groups with the help of a projectile, with the exception of the legs and buttocks.

A beginner's training plan might look like this:

  • pull-ups with a medium grip, 4 sets of 12 repetitions (if you can’t do 12, you need to do it to the maximum);
  • head pull-ups, 3 x 10;
  • biceps pull-ups, that is, with a reverse grip, 3 to 10;
  • hang, 3 times for maximum time;
  • corner, 4 to maximum. If the exercise is difficult, you can raise your legs with your knees bent.

Training can include more than just exercises on the horizontal bar. It is useful to include other movements:

  • running, 15 minutes;
  • squats, 4 sets of 15 reps;
  • head pull-ups, 4 x 12;
  • biceps pull-ups, 3 x 10;
  • push-ups, 4 to 15;
  • lying crunches.

The training program should be varied. It is best to alternate movements for different muscle groups every day, especially if the goal is to increase muscle mass. The muscles must have time to recover, otherwise they will not be able to be included in full work next time.

For example, one day you can train only your legs, on another day you can devote time to the horizontal bar and work on your back and shoulders, and on the third day you can do more push-ups, pumping up your arms and chest.

Important! When exercising on the horizontal bar, you should also not forget about the progression of the load. The complexity of the training must increase from time to time, otherwise there can be no talk of progress. One option is to constantly increase the number of repetitions, but for increasing mass this method is only suitable up to a certain point.

The best time to start using weights is when doing 12 pull-ups for multiple sets becomes easy. This could be a backpack, leg weights, a belt with a fixed weight, and so on. This method is suitable for regular pull-ups and their various variations.

You can also complicate a program by including new elements into it. For example, one-arm pull-ups after completely mastering the usual ones, the use of special “handles” that change the emphasis of the load, and so on. You can also do paused pull-ups, negative reps, etc.

Partial range push-ups

When you have some strength left after completing the main program, there is a way to increase your dips.

To do this, with the last of his strength, the athlete performs a partial lowering of the body, approximately 30-50 degrees down.

Mostly small muscles work, which will take on additional load in the next workout, allowing you to do more repetitions.

Recommendations from athletes

Professional athletes argue that the horizontal bar must be included in the training program, regardless of whether the work is done at home or in the gym. It helps to pump up different muscle groups well, and a large number of exercises will help to significantly diversify the training program.

Training can be built only from movements on the horizontal bar, but its combination with other equipment and exercises is considered a more effective method. Especially considering the fact that you won’t be able to pump up your legs on the horizontal bar.

Frank Medrano, turnstile man

This athlete is known to almost all those who like to practice on the horizontal bar. The bulk of his training is done on the horizontal bar, as well as exercises with his own weight. The emphasis is on strength endurance. He believes that such movements can very well help an athlete create an athletic form, and proves this with his own example.

Jason Walsh, coach

This fitness trainer has worked with many famous faces and knows how to get your body in shape quickly. He believes that pull-ups are great for developing the back, and other elements on the horizontal bar help pump up almost the entire body. He also believes that when we pump up muscles, we need to diversify the load as much as possible so that the muscles do not get used to it and continue to progress, and a huge number of exercises on the horizontal bar will help fulfill this requirement.

Dmitry Yashankin, bodybuilder

A well-known bodybuilder in Russia considers it necessary to include exercises on horizontal bars in any training plan. This is especially true for pumping up the back, for which you can start with simple pull-ups and gradually add weights, increasing the working weight. Ignoring pull-ups can slow down your progress somewhat, since the movement is considered a basic, multi-joint one.

Main conclusions

The horizontal bar is a great way to develop your body and add variety to your training plan. It allows you to pump not only your back, but also almost your entire body, not counting your legs and buttocks. Exercising on horizontal bars helps tone the body, increase mass, strength and endurance.

Don't limit yourself to just pull-ups. There are different movements aimed at developing the arms, shoulders, and abs. In parallel, it is better to perform other exercises with your own weight or other equipment in order to add maximum variety to your workouts.

How can you improve your training?

Each exercise has its own nuances of implementation.

Bars help make the pectoral muscles larger, more aesthetically pleasing and stronger, even more than a barbell in the gym.

Professional athletes provide the following observations that they have made from their training:

Weighted dips allow you to accelerate weight gain when the athlete has reached his peak.

For beginners, it is advisable to perform triceps-oriented techniques. This is due to the fact that their entire chest cannot be involved in the work, since the triceps do not perform a stabilizing function efficiently.

The main thing is speed of execution. Quick shudders will not lead to anything good.

So focus on inhaling slowly, as your body slowly lowers, and exhaling more quickly. But you need to maintain smooth movements all the time.

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