The key to successful squats in the Smith machine is the correct technique.

Work every muscle group in your body without the help of a training partner, all on one Smith machine.

Author: Greg Merritt

Unless you're Willy Wonka, you won't ride an elevator that doesn't have a fixed path. You will be locked into the same route on every trip. It's the same with Smith Machine exercises - and there are many more of them than most bodybuilders realize.

In fact, this is enough that you can hit every muscle group in your body using just the Smith station, making sure that each rep is in the same plane up and down.

To squat safely without an assistant, in the 1950s fitness pioneer Jack Lalane came up with the idea of ​​a barbell attached to a sliding frame device. His friend Rudy Smith improved the design, hired an equipment manufacturer, and sold the machines to gyms.

As manufacturers copied the concept, Smith machines grew in popularity. On some of these devices, the rod moves completely vertically. On others, the movement goes up and down at an angle of 7 degrees. And in the Jones machine - a recent version of the station - you can move the bar either vertically or horizontally.

While their multiple safety catches are great for squats or bench presses alone, Smith machines can be used for any exercise that involves a vertical plane.

Blocking range of motion has both a positive (allowing you to focus only on propulsive resistance, which increases strength) and a negative (inability to activate muscular action for balancing).

Read also: Breathing squats for 20 repetitions.

Smith removes the horizontal movement of the bar from arcing exercises such as biceps curls, effectively turning them into completely different movements (curls become pulls with the elbows pulled back).

The Smith machine also provides a height-adjustable bar for bodyweight pull-ups. As the following list of exercises shows, you can effectively train every muscle group using only the Smith machine.


Bent-over rows, deadlifts, Romanians, and deadlifts can all be done Smith style, but depending on the machine, you may need to stand on a block or bench to get the full range of motion.

You can also do inverted rows (horizontal pull-ups), vertical pull-ups with your feet on a bench, and regular pull-ups by setting the bar at different heights and using your body weight (and additional weight if necessary) for better resistance.

Execution technique

Initial position

  • The movement can be performed with a barbell or dumbbells. It is necessary to take the projectile from the racks and fix it;
  • Then the stomach is tightened, the shoulder blades are stabilized, and the natural deflection in the spine is maintained;
  • A step is taken backwards, with the front leg in a position in which the shin is perpendicular to the floor and the toe of the foot is pointed slightly to the side;


  • After taking a step back, bend the knee and hip joints so that you lower your knee to the floor, but do not hit it on the floor;
  • The thigh of the front leg is parallel to the floor;
  • The hip joint of the working leg falls below the knee;
  • When you reach this point, you should tense the muscles of your thighs and buttocks and stand up;
  • Next, you need to put your foot down and repeat the entire sequence of movements, first with one leg, then with the other.

Back lunges on each leg

Watch this video on YouTube


  • Feet standing together, or heel to heel with toes pointed out, prevent the athlete from maintaining stability in this exercise;
  • A bent back does not allow the legs to be fully loaded;
  • The legs are relaxed and “dangle” at the hip joints;
  • The athlete takes a step that is too wide and is unable to maintain balance;
  • The stepping leg falls outward or inward;
  • The position is not stable due to the body being lowered onto the thigh;
  • The step is taken too short, and therefore the thigh takes on an acute angle;
  • The leg that steps back remains straight;
  • When lifting, the supporting leg seems to push the body out of the lunge;
  • The movement is not smooth along the trajectory, there are “dips” and “shocks”;
  • At the top point of the amplitude, the athlete “pushes” and inserts the knee as if on a deadlift;
  • The width of the step changes from repetition to repetition.


You can perform the bench press on a flat, incline, or negative incline bench. For something different, try bench presses with barbell throws (press the barbell so hard that it flies out of your hands on each rep, using a light weight) or one-arm alternate presses.


Any squats in the Smith machine are contraindicated for girls who have problems with the spine, back muscles or musculoskeletal system. The result of disobedience can be new chronic injuries and constant lower back pain. It is also not recommended to work with this simulator if you have varicose veins and pregnancy (well, no comments here).

If you have been diagnosed with rheumatism, arthritis or other joint diseases, it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​squats in a Smith machine. Or do it with light weight under the careful supervision of a personal trainer who will constantly monitor your health and the correctness of the exercises. If you have any problems or doubts, I recommend that you consult a specialist and do not self-medicate. If the gym is contraindicated for you, then read the articles on how to do squats correctly, and how to do squats at home.


Because in the event of muscle failure you can safely flip the bar onto the snap and stop the exercise to ensure your safety, Smith is great for front and overhead barbell presses.

Read also: 3 myths about strength training.

For the medial deltoid, do lateral barbell raises with a bent arm where the bar is located just above the elbow. For the anterior deltoid, press with one arm while sitting with your side to the hyphae. And for the rear delta, row the barbell with a wide grip in an incline position, or lying with your chest on an incline bench.


Some people don’t like various isolation machines, considering them a waste of time.
Yes, they may not be for everyone, but the Smith machine is a clear exception to the rule; it will help not only build muscle mass, but also significantly diversify your training process. Therefore, put all doubts aside, feel free to run to the gym and master this entertaining design. Combined with the correct exercise technique, this machine will turn you into your own strength machine. Smith GLT PR63 | Smith machine GLT F63 Smith machine GLT 717 | Smith machine BODYTONE EB01

Smith Machine Training Tips

  • Stops, where the bar is raised or lowered one notch after each set, allow you to perform drop sets on bodyweight exercises.
  • The Smith machine is a handy tool for performing equal-weight exercises in a superset, such as overhead press + row.
  • In some “arc exercises,” such as curls, you will need to bend your wrists toward you as you lift the weight to prevent them from stretching.

Smith machine lunge technique

We stand on a bench or platform in the simulator, and hang plates with the required weight on the bar.

  1. Holding the projectile with a narrow grip, we place it at the top of the trapezius (above the 7th cervical vertebra).
  2. We take our right leg back, placing our feet firmly on the toes or bench. The wider the step, the more actively the buttocks work.
  3. We align the body and focus our gaze on a specific point.
  4. With a straight back, we slowly lower ourselves down, smoothly bending the supporting leg until a right angle is formed at the knee.
  5. Maintaining balance, we freeze for a second.
  6. We straighten up with a powerful, focused movement of the leg in front. When lifting, we feel the tension in the gluteal muscles. To increase efficiency and relieve tension from the joint, we do not straighten the knee completely.
  7. Change the position of the limbs and repeat.

You can do 11-13 takes on one leg, then on the other.

Girls prefer lunges in place. The exercise perfectly works the buttocks, corrects the shape of the hips, and develops core stabilizers. Men consider the option as a shock load on the quadriceps.

  1. We remove the barbell from the racks and place the trapezoid on top.
  2. With your left foot, take a narrow step forward (half-lunge).
  3. We either place the right knee under the shoulder or move it far back. If in the first case the emphasis is on the quadriceps, in the second - on the large gluteal muscle.
  4. The center of gravity is in the center.
  5. As you exhale, with the effort of both limbs we return to a vertical position.

Let's see how to do lunges in the Smith machine in the video:

Unlike the classic version, the position of the legs remains unchanged (10 x 3).

Smith Machine Training Basics

  • Bar movement is limited to a vertical or slightly inclined position.
  • Multiple safety latches allow you to train to failure without a training partner.
  • By removing any horizontal movement, many exercises will be modified.
  • Smith works best when combined with free weight exercises.

An example of a triceps workout in a Smith machine

  1. Seated Overhead Extension – 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  2. Close-grip bench press – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  3. Reverse bar push-ups behind your back – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  4. Triceps push-ups from the bar (flexion/extension of arms) – 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions

Technique for performing leg presses on a Smith machine

The exercise must be performed in hard shoes. An excellent solution would be sneakers or sneakers. But the second option is better, since it is better to fix the bar in the notch, between the heel and the rest of the sole.

  1. Starting position: lie down on a support so that the bar is in the solar plexus area. We rest our feet on the bar shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, as is convenient. In this case, the legs are almost completely straightened, but not completely, but slightly bent at the knee joint. Socks are parallel to each other. The head, lower back, back are tightly pressed to the support.
  2. Inhaling: with a slow and controlled movement, we begin to lower the bar, bending our knees. Lower until your knees form a right angle (90 degrees).
  3. As you exhale: with a powerful movement we push the bar up, but at the same time we do not completely straighten our knees so that the muscles remain toned and the joint does not receive an unpleasant load.

Although the exercise is considered basic, it is performed in the middle or end of the workout. It all depends on the training plan and program.

Main types of squats

There are several main types of squats. They require compliance with certain rules in order to achieve the desired goal. Let us introduce you to how to take the starting position and perform the exercise:

Squats for beginners. Beginners can use chair squats. Take a standard starting position. During the execution, use a chair at the moment when your torso becomes parallel to the floor, you sit down on the chair.

squats on a chair

Wall squats. If you have good physical fitness and have mastered the basic exercises with a barbell, you can try wall squats. Take your starting position - your feet are shoulder-width apart, your back is leaning against the wall, and you are holding a plate in your hands, which you need to press to your chest. When you squat, hold for a few seconds until your thighs are parallel to the floor. With a fairly heavy load and maintaining the tempo of the exercise, you will have all the load on the anterior thigh muscle.

Wall Squats

Barbell squats with narrow feet. This is the same exercise as the classic squat. The starting position will be similar. The main difference is in the position of the legs, i.e. in the classics it is shoulder-width apart, but here, as you understand, the position of the legs is narrow. When performing the exercise, place most of the load on the anterior thigh muscle, while the posterior one will play a supporting role. Due to the fact that the position of the legs is narrow, the movement will not work at full amplitude, i.e. It will not be possible to sit down to the floor, and that is why the back of the thigh will not receive the load that it receives in a classic squat.

Barbell squats with narrow feet

Smith squats. The technique of squats in the Smith machine is very similar to regular squats, but there are significant differences. To begin, you need to set the bar at a comfortable height for you (it should be such that the bar is located just below your shoulders). Next, you sit under the bar, take it with an overhand grip and straighten up. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and 20-25 cm further than your hips. The pelvis is pulled back, the back should be strictly perpendicular to the floor. Take a deep breath and sit down, moving your pelvis back. You need to sit just below parallel. As you exhale, push yourself up using only the strength of your legs and buttocks.

Smith Squats

Front squats with a barbell. Take the standard starting position. The bar will not be at the back, but on the front deltoid. To perform such squats you need to have some experience. This exercise works the abdominal, thigh, calf, and gluteal muscles. The load on the back and the possibility of knee injury are reduced. You do not lean forward, and the lumbar region does not strain. While performing the exercise, look straight ahead. The starting position will be standard, the only difference is the location of the bar. Elbows are forward. Squat slowly, while your chest should go to the front. You choose the depth of the squat yourself. Start the upward movement from the chest, without helping yourself with your elbows, raising them even higher.

Front squats with barbell

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