Barbell squats: the right technique for girls

Squats with a barbell for girls are an indispensable component of the entire range of available exercises, regardless of the level of training and training goals. The reason for such a categorical opinion of experts is the extreme effectiveness of this exercise for achieving quick and noticeable results.

A slender figure, beautiful buttocks, quick loss of excess weight - all these goals will be achieved several times faster if the training includes the barbell squat, which is so unloved by many. This article will talk about how to correctly do a squat with a barbell for a girl, the technique of performing it and features that are worth paying attention to.

  • 5 Warm-up
  • 6 Technique
  • 7 Types of squats
      7.1 Smith machine squats
  • 8 Contraindications
  • 9 Precautions
  • 10 What exercises can replace
  • 11 A few words about gradualism
  • Features of the female body

    Any training process aimed at achieving results must be built on a solid foundation of understanding human physiology. When talking about women's training, you must always remember the basic physiological characteristics of the female body.

    Here is a partial list of features that we must consider when choosing the optimal training process for women:

    • Testosterone levels in women are almost 20 times lower than in men. Based on this fact, you can safely build a training program with iron without fear of becoming the owner of a male figure (in the absence of targeted pharmacological support);
    • the fat content in the female body is 10-15% higher than in the male;
    • a woman’s muscle mass is almost 15% lower than that of a man;
    • When performing strength exercises, girls are more active than men in using the utilization of fat mass to extract energy. However, at rest the situation is the opposite.

    Based on the above characteristics of the female body, we can come to the conclusion that heavy basic training is the best way to utilize fat tissue without fear of achieving hypertrophy of muscle mass. What squats really do for women is that when added to any training program, they make it significantly more effective. However, differences in physiology and metabolism do not exhaust the question. This also entails differences in the barbell squat, where the correct technique for men is not entirely suitable for women.

    Squat Efficiency

    The benefit of barbell squats for women is that it is one of the most energy-intensive exercises, which involves the largest number of muscles.

    The consequences of regular squats will be:

    • reduction in the amount of fat mass in the body;
    • increase in muscle mass content;
    • increasing endurance;
    • strengthening the spine;
    • improved blood circulation;
    • improving the condition of the cardiovascular system.

    And this is not a complete list of the “benefits” that squats provide.

    Effective types of squats for pumping up the buttocks

    Do not limit squats for buttocks at home to just their classic variation. There are different types of squats that will help you work your butt perfectly. Let's look at some of them.

    Squats with dumbbells or kettlebell

    In the question of how to properly do squats for the buttocks at home, you can use additional weights that will help increase the load on the muscles. If using a kettlebell, grasp it with both hands, bend them at the elbows and press your elbows to your sides. Then squat using standard technique.

    If using dumbbells , hold one in each hand. Their weight should be the same. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and press your heels firmly to the floor. When squatting, do not lift your heels off the floor. You can lower your arms, or you can stretch them out in front of you - this will help complicate the exercise.

    You can squat with dumbbells in the same way, but place a flat, thin board 3-5 cm wide under your heels. This will help redistribute the load from the buttock muscles to the leg muscles.

    Plie squats

    Very good squats for the buttocks for girls at home . You need to stand up straight and arch your back. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes to the side. Take a deep breath, squat down, and as you exhale, slowly rise up. This exercise well tightens the gluteal muscle and the main muscles of the thighs.

    Deep squats on one leg

    These are the right squats for the buttocks to perform at home and more. You need to go to the door frame, stand sideways to it, lean your shoulder. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend one leg slightly and lift it forward. Begin to squat slowly, gradually straightening the leg that is bent and not engaged forward. Try to squat as deeply as possible while maintaining body balance. The torso may lean forward slightly.

    Squats with a barbell for firm buttocks

    The barbell helps increase the effectiveness of the exercise, but proper squat technique for the buttocks is extremely important. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly apart. Please note that you should not do too deep squats with a barbell, so as not to injure your back or knee joints. Keep your back straight, you can lower your head a little. The barbell must be lowered onto the scapula bone and fixed on top with the wrists. First, the shoulders should rise, then the back, and finally the knees should be involved.

    Smith machine squats

    A machine called the Smith machine helps improve barbell squats, since this way you can avoid injury and distribute the load correctly. It is important to know how to properly squat for the buttocks in this machine.

    It needs to be adjusted in accordance with the height of the athlete, then stand on the support, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and press your shoulder blades together against the bar. The legs can be moved beyond the hip line by about 20 cm . Bend your spine in the lumbar region and begin to squat. You cannot lift your heels off the support.

    What muscles are involved?

    What muscles are pumped when squatting? Girls value squats, seeing them, first of all, as a means for building beautiful gluteal muscles. However, what is often overlooked is that doing just this exercise will allow them to sufficiently work out almost all muscle groups.


    • hamstrings;
    • quadriceps femoris;
    • gluteal muscles;
    • back muscles;
    • abdominal muscles.

    Bodybuilding stars are unanimous in their conclusion, based on the experience of decades of training. Their conclusion is this: it is impossible to effectively work and build an isolated muscle group without heavy basic exercises in training, which is the subject of our topic today.

    Features of the exercise

    Common Mistakes

    You must always clearly remember what you absolutely cannot do in a squat. Here is a list of the main “don’ts” that are eliminated by the correct technique of performing a squat with a barbell:

    1. Do not lift your heels off the floor. The thigh muscle does not stretch, and the effect of the exercise is reduced.
    2. Don't slouch. The roundness of the back unevenly distributes the load on the spine, which is likely to lead to injury.
    3. Don't bring your knees together. Bringing your knees together when squatting will not allow you to perform a squat successfully due to disruption of the biomechanics of movement.
    4. Do not bring your knees past your toes. A rule that is now being disputed by many authorities due to the inevitability of “knee protrusion” during a deep squat. If you squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or below, this rule must be remembered and followed.
    5. Don't look down at your socks. The position of the gaze is important from the point of view of maintaining the necessary and sufficient arch in the lower back when performing the movement. Failure to do so will result in injury.

    On your own or with an instructor

    Lack of guidance from a qualified trainer is not a barrier to mastering the barbell squat. Every girl is quite capable of mastering this type of exercise on her own, using numerous Internet resources and watching videos on how to properly do squats for the buttocks.

    However, if you have the opportunity to use the services of a professional trainer, you should give preference to this option. Just a few sessions with a trainer are guaranteed to eliminate possible errors in technique and significantly speed up progress. In addition, the instructor will help you create a squat program for girls, the pattern of which has some differences from that of men.

    The difference between a women's squat and a men's squat

    The difference in goals when performing this exercise in men and women also entails a difference in execution technique. The emphasis in squats for men is on the quadriceps, while the load on the gluteal muscle is reduced.

    The emphasis in squats with a barbell on the shoulders and the execution technique for girls is on the development of the gluteal muscles, thereby reducing the load on the quadriceps. That is why the technique of correct squatting for girls is extremely important, due to the specificity of the goal and the other above-mentioned features.

    Basic rules for squats:

    The back should be straight

    1. . When squatting, make sure that your back does not round and that the natural arch in your lower back is maintained. If you can't keep your back straight, reduce the weight.

    Knees do not extend beyond the socks

    1. . To maximally shift the load from the front of the thigh to the buttocks, the knees during the squat should be perpendicular to the line of the heels, and in no case go beyond the border of the toes.

    Feet pointing towards knees

    It doesn’t matter whether the legs are narrow or wide, as in the plie technique, when squatting, the knees should be directed along the line of the feet

    If the knees come together, then part of the load will shift from the buttocks to the knee joints, which can cause injury.

    Heels don't leave the floor

    1. . This is the main rule of any squats for developing the muscles of the buttocks. By pressing your heels into the floor (not your toes!), the muscles of the buttocks receive maximum load, due to which they grow faster and more efficiently.

    The head is positioned straight

    1. . While squatting, look straight or slightly higher, but do not look at the floor.

    Breathing must be correct

    1. . Inhale while squatting and exhale while returning to the original position.

    You need to squat deep enough

    1. . The maximum load on the buttocks is observed at the moment when the butt drops below the level of the knee line. That is, the deeper you squat, the better your buttocks swing. But you should not squat into a full squat, just below an angle of 90 degrees is enough, otherwise the load on the joints increases.

    Don't straighten your legs all the way at the top

    1. . The top position is also important. When lifting, you should not fully straighten your legs, since in this position the load from the buttocks is transferred to the knee joints and spine. This rule applies not only to squats, but also to leg presses, lunges and other exercises for the lower body.

    The pace must be right

    1. . That is, you need to squat slowly, but you need to return to the starting position faster, with a powerful upward push.

    Weight must constantly progress

    1. . At the initial stage, the weight may be small, but as you master the exercise, the weight must increase, otherwise you will not be able to pump up your buttocks.

    Keep in mind that maximum muscle growth is observed when performing each individual exercise in 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions with maximum weight. Once you reach 12 repetitions (that is, you can do more repetitions), you need to increase the weight.

    Now let's look at what squats are. In practice, there are more options than you could imagine. We will only look at the most effective of them and most suitable for girls, that is, those who want to pump up their buttocks and remove the load from their quadriceps as much as possible.

    The most effective way to pump up a girl’s buttocks is to squat in a Smith machine. The fact is that when squatting with a barbell, even with the correct technique, it is impossible to fully load the gluteal muscles. Sooner or later the weight will become so heavy that it will be impossible to lift it safely without breaking technique.

    Before starting squats, always stretch your back and legs, especially your knee joints. To warm up your back muscles, you can perform several sets of hyperextension with medium weights. This will prevent the formation of injury to the lumbar spine.


    Regardless of the level of training and weights on the apparatus, warming up is necessary. Its main task is to prepare muscles, joints and ligaments for loads above the level at which they are “accustomed” to being. This will avoid possible problems with the knees and spine, which can arise even with the correct technique, due to the body’s unpreparedness for the load.

    If squats are performed as the first exercise in training, you need at least 15 minutes of active warm-up, including stretching exercises. If squats are performed in the middle or at the end of the training session, there is no need to do a special warm-up.

    Execution technique

    You need to do the following:

    1. Stand up straight with a barbell on your shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, toes pointing to the sides.
    2. Bring your shoulder blades together so that the bar rests on the “cushion” of the trapezius muscle.
    3. Straighten your back.
    4. Fix your gaze on a point above eye level.
    5. Start moving down while moving your pelvis back.
    6. As you begin the downward movement, inhale.
    7. Remembering the necessary “don’ts” (heels, posture, arching in the lower back, etc.), lower yourself to the lowest point without relaxing the muscles.
    8. Start the movement from the bottom point using the strength of the gluteal muscles. Girls, in order to do a proper squat, need to focus their attention on the buttocks.
    9. As we begin to move upward, we begin to exhale.

    The answer to the question of how to properly squat with a barbell to pump up a girl’s buttocks lies precisely in the emphasis on rising from a squat using the gluteal muscles. It is because of this difference that girls should not use literature or videos describing how to properly squat with a barbell for men, because in this case they will not be able to make significant progress in this exercise.

    Barbell squat technique

    Before training, be sure to warm up. Below is an example of a warm-up complex that is suitable for almost everyone, even a beginner athlete.

    1. Cardio. 10-15 minutes of exercise on a treadmill or elliptical trainer will be enough. This way you will warm up your muscles and prepare your cardiovascular system for power loads.
    2. Leg extensions in the simulator. Do not install too much weight! Your goal is to prepare your knee joints for work and warm up your quadriceps. Three sets of 15–20 extensions will be enough.
    3. Hyperextension. During this exercise, the muscles of the hips, buttocks and back are used. The lower back is prepared for the stress of a squat. Small muscles connected to the spine also begin to work. It is almost impossible to use them with other exercises.


    Cardio on the treadmill

    Cardio on the treadmillWarm-up2


    HyperextensionWarm-up 3

    Leg extension

    Leg extensionAfter warming up, start the exercise. If you are a beginner, then a bar weighing 10 kg is enough. It will make it easier to control the load. To begin, perform squats with an empty barbell.

    Execution technique (deep squat with weight)

    1. The grip should be slightly narrower than shoulder width, but if you have long limbs, you can take it wider. Position the barbell so that its center is between the trapezius muscles just below the neck. For convenience, first bring your shoulder blades together. Move your pelvis back slightly. There should be a slight natural arch in the lower back.
    2. The key point is the placement of the legs. Your feet should be approximately shoulder-width apart and turned slightly outward. Each person's position may be slightly different, but the bottom line is that you should be firmly on the floor and able to squat deeply without losing your balance.
    3. Next, while inhaling, sit down, spreading your hips and knees to the sides. At the same time, the back remains straight and moves slightly forward, the abs are kept tense. The gaze is directed forward, but not upward. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
    4. Next, as you exhale, begin to rise. The emphasis, for the most part, should be on the heels, pushing the floor with them. Stretch up with your chest, not your forehead. The gaze remains directed forward, and the knees remain turned outward. Exhale at the top end point.


    Classic barbell squat

    Classic barbell squat The number of approaches and repetitions depends on your level of physical fitness and your goals. If you want to lose weight, then use high-repetition training. For example, 3-5 sets of 15-20 reps with light weight. If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then stop at a low number of repetitions (5-10 times) in 3-5 approaches. The weight should be enough so that you can perform the exercise correctly, but at the same time the last approach is performed with all your strength.

    Common exercise mistakes, let's do it right

    • Lack of attitude. If today for any reason you feel sluggish and relaxed, it’s better not to approach the barbell. This is a strength exercise, and the lack of general tone can lead not only to a lack of results, but also to injuries, falls and other unpleasant consequences.
    • Asymmetrical neck position. One of the most common mistakes among beginners. The center of the bar moves to the side, as a result of which the bar can tilt and cause the athlete to fall.
    • Bringing the knees inward. In this position, the knee joints become very vulnerable. When working with heavy weights, there is a risk of seriously damaging them.
    • Lifting your heels off the floor. If this problem is relevant to you, then first practice confidently squatting without a load. Often this problem is a consequence of bringing the knees forward, beyond the toes.
    • Rising on tiptoes. At the top end of the exercise, your feet should also be firmly on the floor. Forget about ballet tricks!
    • Tilt of the body forward. The consequence of this mistake will be loss of balance and insufficient squat depth.
    • Incorrect height. Excessive lowering of the pelvis (below parallel with the floor) increases the load on the hips. If your goal is to build muscle mass in your legs, then this is allowed. But if you dream of a round butt, then your hips at the lowest point should be parallel to the floor. Insufficient depth of squats does not allow the muscles to fully engage in work. The knees, on the contrary, are subject to excessive stress, which can lead to damage to the knee joint.

    Types of squats

    The classic barbell squat has many variations. Let's briefly list the main ones.

    The depth of squats can be up to the parallel of the thigh with the floor or up to an “acute angle” between the thigh and shin. A deeper squat creates a greater load on the buttocks, so special attention must be paid to the technique of correctly performing deep squats with a barbell.

    The position of the legs can be narrow or wide. Wide stance of the legs increases the load on the gluteal muscles. The placement of the feet can be parallel or non-parallel. The greater the angle of spread of the feet, the higher the load on the buttocks. The position of the bar can be on the shoulders or on the chest.

    Squats with a barbell on a Smith machine

    Exercises in Smith for girls, by varying the angles of impact, allow you to pump your butt especially effectively due to the excellent development of the gluteal muscles. The Smith squat technique has its own characteristics, and it is necessary to consult with an instructor on how to properly squat in Smith.

    Benefits of squats

    Squats are the most effective exercise for working your hips and buttocks. These muscles are very important for girls, since much more attention is paid to the legs and butt than to the chest.

    Squatting at home without weight is, of course, very good. However, this is not very effective. There are many cases where girls performed several hundred squats every day. At the same time, their legs remained just as thin. This means that you need to exercise with additional weight. There are several options for practicing at home:

    1. Squats with dumbbells or other weights.
    2. Single leg squats.
    3. You can ask your younger brother or sister to sit on your shoulders. After which, start squatting with them.

    Of course, these exercises will give you a positive effect. However, to implement them you need to be sophisticated and constantly come up with something. In general, doing something that the fair sex doesn’t really like. Therefore, it is better to go to the gym.


    Any physical activity is limited by the health status of a particular person. Barbell squats are no exception. Here is a list of health indicators under which you should decide to include barbell squats in your training program together with your doctor:

    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • diseases of the spine;
    • joint diseases;
    • previous injuries;
    • previous abdominal surgeries;
    • any disease in the acute stage.

    Precautionary measures

    Here is a list of basic precautions that can significantly protect against injury:

    • mandatory and sufficient warm-up;
    • correct technique;
    • using a squat belt;
    • gradual increase in weights;
    • Instructor or partner insurance. For women, the Smith machine when performing exercises is a good alternative if there is no insurance for the period of strengthening the technique;
    • classes according to plan;
    • balanced diet.

    Effect on sexual function

    We recommend reading: How to pump up at home without exercise equipment for a man or woman

    When performing squats, the main thing is to prevent the occurrence of preconditions for injury.

    All exercises aimed at improving physical qualities have a positive effect on sex life and potency. Exercises can be different: squats, gymnastics, yoga and other types of health activities.

    The main goal of each exercise is to increase blood flow in the vascular system. Thus, it is possible to transfer more building material, as well as a vitamin and mineral complex.

    Squats affect potency in the following ways:

    • With regular exercise, the secretion of testosterone by the testes increases. This occurs due to constant stimulation of blood pressure.
    • Rapidly changing blood pressure in the lower part of the body leads to dilation of blood vessels and a decrease in the number of blood clots formed.
    • The flow of blood causes the vessels of the groin area to fill,
    • Additionally, with the flow of blood, the volume of oxygen consumption increases. This forces the lungs to work harder. The increased oxygen content in the blood ensures that all organs are saturated with the necessary amount of oxidizer.
    • If the exercise is performed correctly, it is possible to independently stimulate the prostate, this has a positive effect on sexual desire and secretion.
    • Hormonal balance is normalized and the synthesis of nutrients in the body is improved.
    • With constant moderate exercise, your mood improves and the effect of stressful situations on the body decreases.

    What exercises can replace

    There is no equivalent substitute for the barbell squat. If for some reason you cannot include this exercise in your complex, you need to use 2-3 exercises to achieve a similar effect.

    Here is a list of exercises that you can use:

    • single leg kettlebell deadlift;
    • squatting with a weight on a belt;
    • squatting on one leg;
    • squats with dumbbells in hands;
    • lunges with dumbbells;
    • lifting the buttocks with a barbell.

    Squats for girls

    Girls are often afraid to “swing” their hips too much and therefore avoid power squats. In fact, this is not something to be afraid of. To pump up large, voluminous thighs, you need impressive weights and increased production of growth hormones. Women have naturally low hormonal levels, so they are not threatened with muscular legs like men.

    Women's fitness programs, as a rule, are aimed at losing weight and “drawing” the relief. Consequently, all exercises in them are designed to be performed with light weights and for a large number of repetitions (15–20). Therefore, squats will not increase a girl’s muscle mass, but will only give her buttocks a rounded, toned appearance.

    We offer an example of a fitness program for working out the gluteal muscles and thighs:

    1. Warm-up: orbitrek or treadmill – 5-7 minutes at an easy pace.
    2. Smith rack squats – 3x15.
    3. Lunges with dumbbells in hands – 3x15.
    4. Incline leg press – 3x15.
    5. Reverse lunges – 3x15.
    6. Romanian deadlift – 3x15.
    7. Calf raises on the calf machine – 3x20.

    Rest between sets – 1 minute. At the end of the workout, you can perform 1-2 elements on the abs, for example, crunches on the floor (3x20) and planks (3x40 seconds).

    A few words about gradualism

    This, at first glance, simple and uncomplicated exercise is fraught with many nuances, which may require more than one lesson to study. Working with light weights, and ideally, mastering the technique through the squat exercise with a bar on the shoulders for girls, is one of the best options. It will take time, but it is worth it, since squats are the most effective exercise with which you can pump up your butt, the limit of perfection of which, as we know, does not exist.

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