Supercallanetics with Tatyana Rogatina: benefits and reviews

What is callanetics

This sports area includes a set of stretching exercises for deep-lying muscles; exercises develop greater muscle activity. In another way, it can be called “slow yoga”, which has a lot of physical activity. If you devote an hour a day to callanetics, then in terms of load it is comparable to 7 hours of shaping or 24 hours of regular aerobics. Each exercise in callanetics is designed in such a way that the load falls on all the muscles of the body.

Callanetics is suitable for all people who love thoughtful, measured and calm activities more than complex and active ones. By doing callanetics, you can create a harmonious balance between body and mind; exercises allow you to get in excellent physical shape and avoid injuries . When doing callanetics , a person focuses on himself. Using this set of exercises, you can achieve the following results:

  1. Body weight is reduced and volume is reduced in the necessary places.
  2. You can completely restore the metabolic process in the body, this is necessary to maintain a constant body weight.
  3. A person can learn absolute control of the entire body.
  4. Callanetics brings the necessary tone to the muscles and strengthens the muscles.

This sports area includes 29 static exercises, which are based on yoga poses. This unusual complex allows you to train all parts of the body that require attention. With the help of callanetics, you can tidy up your arms, hips, buttocks, abdominals, shoulders, forearms and back. This system of non-force stretching is the best method of body shaping; it gives a slim body and elasticity to problem areas.

Workout for Beginners

Experts call callanetics classes a special form of “exercises from awkward positions.” This expression has a precise rationale; during training, poses are taken and exercises are performed that are never done in everyday life. It is these positions that help strengthen muscles that are always inactive. A beautiful figure is formed in those moments when all muscle groups work.

For example, you can't improve your breast shape if you don't exercise your pectoral muscles. But no woman uses these muscles in everyday life, so they are not trained in any way. In the same way, you cannot achieve a thin waist if your abdominal muscles are not tense. And every girl has plenty of . It is necessary to put these muscles to work, and magical changes will not take long to appear. How muscles develop in callanetics:

  1. If any muscle sleeps, then adipose tissue appears in its place. With constant training, thin and weak muscles acquire a strong and beautiful appearance.
  2. Callanetics is aimed at training muscles, but during exercises using this method, muscle mass is not built up, as is the case with strength training.
  3. When a girl engages in this sport, the muscles develop to the required extent and give the female figure a beautiful look without any sculpted excesses.
  4. Stretching helps strengthen muscles, makes them elastic and helps avoid the effect of being pumped up.
  5. A big advantage of callanetics is its focus on all muscle groups, so fat loss occurs evenly, and the body takes on an excellent shape.

Interesting and informative reviews about callanetics

Many girls feel the effect after ten sessions. And everyone says that the load is quite noticeable, however, the muscles do not hurt the next day, and the body acquires lightness and flexibility.

There are reviews about callanetics with photos and results of women after childbirth. As you know, many women have difficulty losing weight after having a baby. After six months of practicing callanetics, some women were lucky enough to lose up to 15 kg, while maintaining proper nutrition, but without exhausting the nursing mother’s body with diets.

The vast majority of girls enjoy the classes, as as a result their mobility has greatly increased, their backs have straightened and their chests have “opened”. Backed shoulders and a straight back are the real ingredients for success. The effect of callanetics helped many even in their careers and personal lives - their mood improved, life began to seem wonderful.

Ladies love that this technique tightens muscles without increasing body volume, and effectively destroys cellulite!

In reviews of callanetics, there are often opinions that during classes there is an opportunity to perfectly concentrate on your body and sensations. The ability to listen to and understand your body is the most important skill for a person.

A great tip is to do mandatory leg stretches. This is important to avoid the “pumping” effect and help your legs acquire elegance and beautiful shape. You can alternate callanetics and yoga.

Those who exercise for a long time - two months or more - say that their stomach and legs have tightened, and their arms and back have become stronger. Men involved in callanetics claim that old jeans can no longer be worn without a belt - they fall off.

What are the opinions of beginners, their feedback on the results of callanetics? Before and after photos are presented below. There are “obsessives” among us who want quick results, exercising three or four times a week, and even every day. You shouldn’t be so zealous; for people without experience, these exercises are quite difficult if you do them exactly as required. But opinions agree on one thing - girls really like these workouts and no one wants to quit.

Many people already did the splits after two weeks of training. The muscles on the stomach and sides tightened.

Classes are difficult for many; the exercises are really not very easy. Some reviews contain complaints of muscle pain the next day. This is the result of the release of lactic acid - evidence that you are doing everything correctly and the muscles are working under stress.

Don’t give up at the beginning of your journey - those who persevere and endure the initial difficulties will achieve success and excellent results!

Callanetics for beginners with Tatyana Rogatina

“Super callanetics - effective weight loss” is presented in video tutorials. In the video clips, Tatiana Rogatina works as an instructor. Typically, during classes, the warm-up takes place for 8 minutes, followed by a set of exercises - lying and standing on the mat. Each of the exercises performed is commented on, so you don’t just need to watch the video, but also listen carefully to what the trainer says. A woman will not have any difficulties during training , even if she has not done physical exercise for a long time. Tatyana Rogatina has several courses, including:

  1. “Callanetics: Effective Weight Loss” - this program is designed for beginners to help them get rid of unnecessary pounds.
  2. A continuation of the previous complex is “Supercallanetics: the path to an ideal figure.” To maintain your normal figure, it is recommended to continue training according to this video tutorial.
  3. If you take a course of increased complexity, then the number of classes can be reduced to one per week, while maintaining the desired result.

If a woman still has a few extra centimeters , then she needs to increase the number of exercises that are aimed at the problematic area. This is enough to achieve the ideal figure. When performing the exercises, you will not need to use additional material; the muscles work using your own body weight.

If you constantly practice callanetics, this will improve your posture and get rid of back pain. This sports direction fights unnecessary weight, relieves nervous tension, activates the immune system and restores metabolic processes.

10 reasons why you should exercise

“Callanetics: effective weight loss” - these exercises are suitable for people of any level of fitness. A woman does not need to have any special skills to start working on her posture and figure. The version of performing a set of exercises with Tatyana Rogatina is close to the original callanetics classes.


The founder of this wonderful gymnastics, American Callan Pinkney, born in 1940, despite the fact that she studied ballet, had serious problems with her spine, and wore special braces on her legs for seven years. She studied her body so well that, acting on her intuition, in the 80s of the last century she developed a set of exercises for herself that relieved pain in her back and legs and marked the beginning of callanetics.

The famous fitness trainer Tracy Anderson, who works with world stars, picked up Callan’s idea, began training celebrities using this system, and, most likely, this also served as an impetus for the development of callanetics. If the classes were ineffective, they would not be talked about at every turn.

Pinckney passed away in 2012, but her grand discovery is still alive and well. This means that it makes sense, since people all over the world work on their body with the help of callanetics, reviews of the results obtained after classes are full of enthusiasm and delight.

What you need to know about such gymnastics

Trainers in different countries are actively arguing which gymnastics is best for losing weight: some argue that you must train for at least an hour, others focus on cardio or strength training. However, the presented complex differs from popular programs in a number of advantages:

  • it works the main “problem” muscles, but does not cause excessive fatigue;
  • gymnastics takes about half an hour a day, and can be performed at a convenient time;
  • there is no need to purchase special devices or sports equipment;
  • People with different levels of physical fitness can exercise.

If you have chronic diseases of the joints, heart, diabetes, or high obesity, consult a doctor before starting training. If you feel unwell, reduce the intensity of your workout or cancel it.

Please note that the complex should be performed regularly: in this case, the muscles will become more resilient, stronger, but not more prominent (without the effect of a “pumped” body). Fat tissue will gradually “dissolve” (since energy is required to feed muscles even at rest)

To ensure maximum benefit from your classes, follow these simple recommendations. First of all, adjust your diet: reduce the amount of fat, sweet or fried foods. Add more protein and greens to your diet. Drink at least two liters of water.

It is important to exercise every day, only on weekends you can make an indulgence. Choose the time for training depending on your schedule, but no earlier than forty minutes after a meal and no later than half an hour before it

Try not to overeat after training.

Start with the minimum number of repetitions and only then gradually add load.

Callanetics for weight loss, exercises for beginners: for legs, hips, back, cellulite

A set of 29 exercises will help improve your figure and correct problem areas.

This type of class is suitable for those who cannot attend the gym, as it does not require any special equipment. During static load, metabolism accelerates.

Calories are burned, and all muscle groups are involved. As a result of exercise, muscle mass does not increase, but their condition and performance improve. The result is visible within two weeks after the start of classes.

Regular callanetics exercises lead to weight loss

An example of simple exercises for beginners:

  1. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and raise them 45 degrees above the floor. The body is also raised 45 degrees from the floor. Straighten your right leg. Hold this position. Then change legs.
  2. Feet 45 degrees from the floor, knees bent , arms spread to the sides, body 45 degrees from the floor, stay in this position.
  3. The back and lower back are pressed to the floor , the legs are 45 degrees from the floor, straightened, the head is slightly pressed to the chest. We were delayed.
  4. Lie on your stomach, arms extended forward and raised up , raise your right leg, hold the position, change legs.

Without preparation, it will be impossible to do all the exercises from the callanetics complex, but you shouldn’t despair, everything comes with time.

What is callanetics

The complex is based on yoga poses - asanas, about 30 static exercises that force our metabolism to speed up. At the same time, a large number of muscles are activated, including hidden and deep ones, which are difficult to work with simple gymnastics, which means that the body spends more calories. Look at numerous videos, photos, reviews about callanetics - is it possible to calmly stand and hold such poses without straining? If you are not very prepared, then your legs and arms may shake from the effort if you do everything correctly and conscientiously.

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