Abdominal exercise equipment: choice, types, advantages, contraindications.

Main types of abdominal exercise equipment

All existing abdominal exercise machines can be divided into several groups according to design features and training specifics; let’s look at each of them.


The most popular type of exercise machine is a bench, which allows you to perform a large range of exercises. It can be horizontal, inclined, Roman and with a curved back, the last 2 are suitable for training with a high level of load. The simulator is universal and has a number of strong advantages:

  • effective development of the oblique and rectus muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, waist, back;
  • small size, which allows you to store and use the bench in a small apartment;
  • great opportunities for independent training;
  • affordable price.

Other types of simulators

People who exercise at home or in the gym also use the following types of exercise equipment:

  • home bars or wall bars , with which you can perform exercises in a vertical or horizontal position. The exercise machines are compact and allow you to train not only your abs, but also the muscles of your back, arms, and legs;
  • rowing machine While working on such a structure, all muscle groups are involved, imitation of rowing helps to strengthen the back and abs, make the shoulders wider, and the waist narrow;

  • torso track. Suitable for users with minimal physical fitness. During classes, you need to pull yourself up using support handles and on your knees. All abdominal muscle groups work, as well as the arms and back; the sides and hips are effectively worked;

  • AB Roller. A classic exercise machine for high-quality abdominal development, has head support, and is of average cost.

This is the most expensive group, but the above simulators will be the best solution for both beginners and experienced athletes who want to keep their body in good shape. There are many types of sports equipment, each of them has strengths and weaknesses. When choosing, consider the characteristics of your body and the intensity of your training.

Important! When choosing a machine, do not forget about elliptical devices, treadmills, classic horizontal bars and exercise bikes, which allow you to use different muscle groups during training.

Exercise machines for simple but regular workouts

If you are just starting out, but don’t want to buy a professional bench or torso track yet, then opt for simple exercise machines:

  • Hula Hup. A very feminine exercise machine with a reinforced design. Used to work on a thin waist, strengthens the lateral abdominal muscles;

  • video clip. The effectiveness of training with a roller is comparable to the effectiveness of the “plank”. The simulator is a wheel with handles on the sides. When performing exercises with a roller, the muscles of the back, legs, arms, shoulder girdle, abs and sides work;

  • fitball The volume ball is widely used to create beautiful abs, suitable for people of any age and gender.

The simplest exercise machines are inexpensive, take up minimal space, and help make your tummy flat, but to achieve your goals you will have to work longer than with a bench or wall bars.

Gymnastic roller

The elementary design is a small wheel with two comfortable handles on the sides. Low cost and simple assembly make the simulator one of the most popular for pumping the abdominal area. Its effectiveness has been proven by numerous positive reviews from athletes. Advantages of a gymnastic roller:

  • Compactness – the ability to hide equipment in a convenient place.
  • Cost-effective - the price varies between 400 rubles.
  • Comfort to use.
  • A gentle but effective effect not only on the abdominal muscles, but also on the functioning of blood vessels, the heart sac and the respiratory system.

The technique of performing exercises with a gymnastic roller is simple and clear:

  • Lay out the rubber mat.
  • Let's kneel down.
  • We place our hands on the handles of the simulator - they should be perpendicular to the floor surface.
  • Smoothly, slowly, roll the roller forward. We fixate for a second and come back.

Helpful advice. When the body gets used to the load, you can complicate the task. To do this, the exercise is performed in the plank position.

It may be difficult for beginners at first, but don’t be discouraged. We are trying to “roll” the simulator further. After just a few sessions you will see the results.

Benefits of a home gym

  1. Opportunity to exercise at any time of the day.
  2. Having purchased the exercise machine once, you no longer need to visit the gym or pay for a subscription. The savings are especially noticeable if not just one person, but several family members will be using the new simulator.
  3. A wide range, allowing you to choose a simulator both for your body characteristics and for the size of your apartment.
  4. Home workouts give you the opportunity to focus on your workout, which is a good solution for shy people.
  5. No rush, no need to go to the fitness club. You will invest the saved energy in training!

Which abdominal exercise machine should I buy?

A model designed for the press will complement your daily exercise and effectively reduce weight. If you have not yet decided which abdominal exercise machine is better to buy so that the effect is visible, our rating will help you make the right choice. To save yourself from daily trips to the gym, which wastes extra time and money, buy a good exercise machine for home. This will allow you to study at any time convenient for you, which will ensure high efficiency. In the review compiled by our experts, only the best models are highlighted. They will help you effectively fight excess weight and get the desired figure with the coveted six-pack abs.

How often do you use the exercise machine?

Having bought a machine, you should not spend 24 hours a day on it, because if you start exercising every day, your body will be overtrained. At home, you should adhere to a scheme approved by many fitness trainers - “2x1”, in which exercises are performed 2 times a week at the very end of the overall workout. For example, you can train your abs on Tuesday and Saturday, giving your muscles a chance to recover.

Please note that the following factors may slow muscle growth or weight loss:

  • incorrectly chosen program or training intensity;
  • refusal of proper nutrition;
  • eating large amounts of food containing simple carbohydrates;
  • lack of protein in the diet;
  • too frequent training, as a result of which the body will begin to produce the hormone cortisol, adrenaline, which can not only slow down the process of body correction, but also cardiovascular diseases.

How to choose an abdominal exercise machine?

In order to get the perfect abs, you can use various devices, which can be professional, representing full-fledged complexes for the development of different muscle groups, and mobile ones for working out one particular area. When choosing an abdominal exercise machine, you need to pay attention to certain characteristics of products that are commercially available:

  • material of parts and housing (plastic, rubber, metal, etc.);
  • principle of operation;
  • possibility of use for complex training;
  • installation method (ceiling, floor or wall);
  • dimensions of the simulator;
  • ease of use during training;
  • price.

How to choose and buy a home abdominal exercise machine[edit | edit code]

First of all, you need to buy a simulator in a specialized store. Decide where you will store it, what exercises you are going to do.

The simplest and most reliable exercise machine is a bench for swinging the press. It is also a budget solution. You need to pay attention to the softness of the bench upholstery so as not to hurt your back. Look in the passport to see what weight the machine is designed for. Parts must be made from steel, not powder metallurgy. After inspecting the machine, assess whether you have enough meth at home where you will put it away after classes.

If everything is in order with the space in the house, you should think about purchasing a strength training machine. The bench that is included in it, as well as the block systems, make it possible to perform a variety of abdominal exercises. An elliptical trainer also makes it possible to pump up your abs. True, not as effective as exercises on the board.

If you decide to take the universal horizontal bar + parallel bars simulator, evaluate the material of the walls, your weight, and the reliability of the fastening. Require certificates for all simulators. Carefully read the operating instructions in the passport. Everything else depends on your wallet and capabilities.

A home abdominal exercise machine can be of several types and come in different designs. It’s worth mentioning right away that you need to purchase an exercise machine in a trusted sporting goods store, and not in a TV store that offers to purchase miracle exercise machines that can help you get rid of belly fat for a few minutes a day of exercise.

As noted above, the simplest and most effective abdominal exercise machine is a regular bench, which will not take up much space and, when folded, can easily fit under a bed or in a closet.

Advantages and disadvantages

In abdominal movements, in addition to the abdominal muscles, the lumbar and thigh muscles are often included in the work.

With insufficient concentration or incorrect execution of abdominal exercises, the hips and lower back take the lion's share of the load.

You probably noticed this yourself when, instead of your abdominal muscles, your legs or back were more tired.

Exercise machines were invented to solve this problem and isolate the abdominal muscles as much as possible.

Most models cope with this task and this is their undeniable advantage - cleaner design.

The second advantage is that exercises are often performed along a given trajectory of movement. This means a simplified technique that is suitable even for beginners.

However, it is worth noting that there are also unsuccessful modifications of exercise machines, where, just like in other movements, it is not possible to isolate the abs and the load is shifted to other parts of the body.

Another disadvantage is the bulkiness of some exercise machines. You can meet them only in fitness rooms. At home, they are of little use due to their size.

Abdominal exercise equipment[edit | edit code]

Exercise machine "Incline bench for the press"

One of the important functions of the abdominal muscle is to stabilize the body, and it also belongs to the “core” muscles. Many people in their training forget about strengthening these muscles or use 1-2 machines for training, but there are a large number of them, for example (see image):

gymnastic roller

“Roman chair”

  • inclined bench (1);
  • gymnastic roller (2);
  • “Roman chair” (3);
  • Swedish wall with parallel bars (4).

Swedish wall with parallel bars

Accordingly, abdominal exercise machines come in two types - for doing exercises while lying down or sitting, and those that resemble a horizontal bar with horizontal elbow rests and a footrest. The latter are considered more effective, as they place more stress on the abdominal muscles.

Block exercise machine for abdominal muscles Lever exercise machine for abdominal muscles

Press bench[edit | edit code]

The main exercise machine is the abdominal bench. They are inclined and horizontal. This is a fairly simple abdominal machine, but you can use it to perform many types of exercises to pump up your abdominal muscles - crunches, sit-ups, lying leg curls, and so on. On such a bench you can correctly position your body and fix your arms and legs. In addition, the advantage of this abdominal and back exercise machine can be considered convenience for home use, not only for training, but also in everyday life - for example, as additional seating. Exercises on the bench are performed in the form of raising and lowering the body, while the machine allows you to fix the back and neck, which are weak points during this exercise. During the crunch, when lifting the body, you need to turn so that the right elbow is directed towards the left knee. When twisting in the other direction, vice versa, the left elbow should be directed towards the right knee. When exercising in a suspended state on a horizontal bar, the legs are pulled up and bent with the help of the abdominal muscles.

Rowing machine[edit | edit code]

A machine for the abs and back, the rowing machine, is also considered very effective for training the abs. This abdominal machine is in many ways a combination of a strength and cardio machine, and also perfectly trains the abdominal muscles. By regularly performing exercises on this simulator, you will certainly pump up your abdominal muscles and strengthen your back in a fairly short time.

Simple abdominal exercises[edit | edit code]

Don’t forget about such simple exercise machines for the abs and back as a gymnastic roller, a gymnastic ball, a hula hoop and a flat floor rotating disk called “Grace”. They may not train your abdominal muscles as quickly as targeted abdominal machines, but their ease of use and playful effect will not remind you of a targeted workout, but at the same time, their use will also work to create the ideal abs for you. And, of course, the training process can end in failure and no abdominal machine or bench press machine will help if the exercises are not regular or the practitioner does not adhere to a proper diet. However, if you comply with all the requirements, then the result will be quick and effective.

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