Real reviews of fat burner Oxy Shredz Elite

The desire to get your body into ideal shape is shared by most people around the world. For some, it’s enough to eat right and run in the morning, others exhaust themselves with intense training and strict diets, and for others this is not enough. Diet pills are a way to lose excess fat in a short time without changing your usual lifestyle. They can help even in difficult cases when there is no other way to lose weight. Fat burner OxyElite Pro is one of the very popular and effective products of this type.

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Description of OxyElite Pro

OxyElite Pro increases the body temperature, thereby activating many processes:

  • Metabolism accelerates;
  • Excess fluid is removed;
  • Fat reserves are broken down;
  • New fats and carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly and are used for energy production rather than as reserves.

This drug has been tried by a lot of people, most of whom are athletes. They note the high efficiency and wide spectrum of action of OxyElite Pro:

  • Subcutaneous fat disappears;
  • There is a lot of energy for training, sports are easier;
  • Increases endurance;
  • The desired muscle definition appears;
  • Improves mood;
  • Appetite decreases;
  • For beginners in sports, adaptation to increased loads is easier.

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The main elements of the oxyelite pro complex are the following components: caffeine, extracts of geranium, sersium and buahini, as well as rauwolfine. Their complex effect on the body allows you to cope with excess fat deposits much faster.

No wonder. For example, caffeine is considered one of the most powerful thermogenics and accelerators of metabolic processes. Its task is to increase body temperature, speed up the metabolism in the body and thereby obtain a powerful fat-burning effect. In addition, caffeine perfectly invigorates, increases body tone and plays the role of one of the most powerful stimulants of the central nervous system.

Another useful ingredient in oxyelite pro is Sersium oligophyllum extract. Its task is to burn existing subcutaneous fat. Moreover, caffeine in combination with this extract is tens of times more powerful than alone. A special task is assigned to Buahinia purpurea extract. Its action is aimed at increasing the concentration of hormones that regulate metabolic processes.

The action of oxyelite pro is enhanced by rauwolfine. This substance can effectively block alpha-2 receptors, which are responsible for the formation of new fat deposits. In turn, alpha-1 receptors responsible for burning subcutaneous fat remain intact. It is thanks to this that the fat burner has the most powerful effect. On the one hand, it promotes the destruction of “old” fats and prevents the formation of new ones. If you read the reviews of people who have already used the supplement, they confirm such a powerful effect of the supplement.

The manufacturer has done everything possible to make the supplement as safe as possible while maintaining the expected result, because oxyelite pro contains only plant extracts and caffeine.

Composition of OxyElite Pro

The fat burner formula is designed in such a way that the active components complement each other’s action and work together much more intensely than individually. This formula is patented by the manufacturer - the American company USPLabs. They do not reveal all the secrets, but they honestly list the substances that make up their product:

  • Caffeine to stimulate the nervous system and increase temperature;
  • Geranium oil also affects the nervous system, invigorates, increases blood circulation and increases endurance;
  • Rauwolfine to speed up metabolism and destroy subcutaneous fat reserves;
  • Bauhiminya Purple to activate the thyroid gland and increase the intensity of fat burning;
  • Brahmi to speed up metabolism;
  • Sow thistle Lanceolate to enhance fat burning and slow down the process of deposition of new reserves. It is especially effective in tandem with caffeine.
  • Excipients, such as gelatin and starch, are necessary to give the preparation the correct texture.

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  • The drug is not recommended for use in conjunction with similar types of fat burners (except for l-carnitine), as well as with drugs that contain caffeine.
  • It is not recommended for athletes under 18 years of age to take it.
  • While taking this drug, it is not recommended to take medications, alcohol, or other substances that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.
  • The drug should not be taken by people who have a malfunction of the cardiovascular system, as well as by pregnant and lactating women, including athletes whose bodies are susceptible to various types of stimulants.

Important point! This drug should not be taken earlier than 6 hours before bedtime, otherwise it may cause insomnia, which will lead to problems with the athlete's recovery.

How to take OxyElite Pro

Experts recommend conducting a trial single dose of the drug. If the body reacts well, you can start the course, but if discomfort appears, it means that the OxyElite Pro fat burner is not suitable for you and you need to choose another one.

The regimen for using OxyElite Pro is quite complex, but you must act strictly according to the instructions so as not to reduce effectiveness and not harm your body. Here is the algorithm for taking a fat burner:

  • Take 1 capsule with a glass of water for 3 days. This should be the first thing that enters your body immediately after waking up.
  • On days 4, 5 and 6, take 2 capsules per day. The first according to the previous scheme, and the second 6 hours later.
  • Then you can add a third capsule after another 6 hours, or stop at 2 per day. It depends on how you feel and your goals.

In addition to the number of capsules, there are other equally strict rules for administration:

  • Do not take capsules for longer than 8 weeks. The duration of the course is calculated individually, most often it is 6-7 weeks.
  • After completing one such course, you need to take a break for at least a month.
  • Going to bed is recommended no earlier than 6 hours after taking the drug. If you take a capsule at night, insomnia and weakening of the body are guaranteed.
  • The body requires a lot of water.
  • Do not use other products containing caffeine, including energy drinks, tea and coffee.
  • Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited for the entire time you are taking the product.

Try to move more while taking the drug. You will have a lot of energy that can be spent usefully. Join the gym, dance classes, or do any active activity that suits you.

Be sure to visit your doctor regularly. OxyElite Pro is quite aggressive on the body and you need constant monitoring to prevent harm to your health.

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Reception features

In order for the fat burner to give the expected effect and not cause harm, you must strictly adhere to the dosage. This rule also applies to the oxyelite pro complex. The principle of reception is very simple. At first, the daily intake should not exceed one capsule.

Reception time: in the morning (before breakfast). It is very important to take the supplement on an empty stomach. By mixing the active substances of a fat burner with food, you can significantly reduce its effectiveness. Stick to the one capsule per day regimen for the first three days.

From the fourth day, the portion can be increased to two capsules per day and the complex can be taken for several more weeks. In the future, another increase in dosage is allowed - up to three capsules. The full course of taking oxyelite pro is two months. But keep in mind that three capsules is the maximum daily dosage, exceeding which is strictly prohibited. If you doubt the importance of this rule, read the instructions for use or reviews online.

Side effects of OxyElite Pro

Side effects of OxyElite Pro usually occur due to violations of the administration algorithm: due to overdose, non-compliance with the time of administration, etc.

Glucophage Long for weight loss is also good. The most important thing is to follow the rules for taking this drug.

Read about the diet for losing 10 kg at the link -. The article presents menu options.

If you want to get in shape, then yoga for losing weight on your stomach and sides, which is written about here, is perfect for you.

Here's what the manufacturer warns about:

  • You may be allergic to one of the components of the drug;
  • Possible increased heart rate;
  • Hives may appear;
  • Possible indigestion;
  • Sometimes blood pressure rises;
  • Sleep disturbances may occur.

If you experience similar symptoms while taking it, make sure you are taking OxyElite Pro correctly and see a doctor immediately. Perhaps he will give a couple of recommendations on how to get rid of these symptoms, or maybe he will prohibit you from taking a fat burner.

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Contraindications and side effects

Like the fat burner Oxyelite Pro, not everyone can take its analogue. This can be understood by studying the composition of each product. It is not advisable to use the drug if you have the following health conditions:

  • prostatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Pregnancy and lactation, as well as planning to conceive, are also signs in which it is better to refrain from taking any types of fat burners. It is not advisable to take the drug by persons under the age of majority.

Before purchasing the described product, consult your doctor to be 100% sure that you can use the composition for weight loss.

Side effects include:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • vomit;
  • neurological disorders.

If during the first few days of use the listed deviations do not go away, you should stop using Oxy Shredz Elite and find a gentler remedy for getting rid of extra pounds.

There are also more serious deviations, which often become the cause of an ill-conceived dosage of the drug. This:

  • allergic reaction;
  • temperature;
  • cardiopalmus
  • high blood pressure;
  • drowsiness, etc.

To avoid deterioration in health, strictly adhere to the rules for taking the drug.

Order original Oxy Shreds Elite >>

Contraindications OxyElite Pro

Such drugs can only be taken if you are in good health. There are quite a few contraindications for OxyElite Pro to prevent harm from the action of the drug components.

It is prohibited to use OxyElite Pro fat burner in the following cases:

  • If you have had a heart attack or stroke, even several years ago;
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • if you have a weak heart or blood pressure problems;
  • If there are diseases of the endocrine and excretory systems (especially the pancreas, liver and kidneys);
  • Age less than 18 years.

While taking the fat burner, you should absolutely not drink alcohol or caffeine-containing products. Combining its use with other drugs of this type is also prohibited.

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Reviews of fat burner Oxyelite Pro

“I’ve been drinking Oxyelite Pro for about 2 weeks, no side effects have been noticed! There is a lot of energy in the room. The appetite suppression is simply wonderful! In 4 days I lost 3 kg. Some kind of miracles) It is well tolerated, but the sleep is a little restless.”

“I have minor heart problems, my blood pressure often rises, but oddly enough, I tolerate this fat burner well. Sometimes shortness of breath appears, but then quickly goes away. Strength indicators have increased, sweat flows throughout the entire workout and for about an hour after it. In general, fire - I recommend it to everyone!”

“At first I felt dizzy from it, but then I decided to drink more water and everything went away on its own. I've been drinking for a month, everything is fine. The only thing is that half an hour after I drank the fat burner, I was as red as a tomato, but literally within an hour everything went away, I felt heat throughout my body. In 2 weeks – 6 kg gone.”

“Personally, I am delighted with the effect of geranium. In addition to the fact that it works, your tone is maintained throughout the day! I lost 3 kg in a week.”

Analogues of OxyElite Pro

Now OxyElite Pro itself is no longer available. The manufacturer has modified the composition of the drug, reducing the risk to the health of users. But at the same time, the effectiveness of the drug decreased slightly. The new version is released under the name Pro New Formula. In Russia you can still find the OxyElite Pro fat burner on sale, but when the last batch is sold out, it will disappear from store shelves forever.

There are other drugs with a similar effect that are gradually gaining popularity:

  • Nutrex Lipo-6X is a drug in the same price category as OxyElite Pro, relatively safe for health and quite effective.
  • Muscletech Hydroxy Stim is a hormonal product with approximately the same effect, but costs more.
  • Oxy Shredz Elite is a drug based on approximately the same set of active ingredients, costs a little more, and is a little stronger.
  • Hi-Tech Hydroxyelite is a more expensive product based on OxyElite Pro, but with a safer composition.
  • Shredz Elite Pitchblack is a drug with a similar composition and principle of operation, approximately in the same price category as OxyElite Pro.

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