Personal Slim (Personal Slim) - drops for weight loss. Real reviews

Characteristics of Personal Slim

Personal Slim guarantees a solution to problems with excessive weight. The drug is released in the form of drops. In a bottle convenient for daily use. The composition is selected individually, which guarantees quick achievement of the effect. The action of the tool is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • weight loss;
  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs;
  • mood lifting;
  • increasing self-confidence;
  • rejuvenation of the body.

Application Person Slim helps restore an attractive appearance, slow down the aging process and strengthen the cardiovascular system. According to the creators, the product reduces the risk of developing diabetes, infertility and other health problems.

Instructions for use of Personal Slim drops

The opinions of nutritionists and patients converge on one denominator.

To obtain weight loss results when using Personal Slim drops, you must apply the composition sequentially according to the instructions. It is important to observe the frequency and dosage.

The manufacturer's recommendations are simple:

  1. Drops should be used twice a day 15 minutes before meals, before breakfast and dinner.
  2. A single dose is no more than 3 drops, which are placed under the tongue. After dissolving the mixture, drink clean water.
  3. Evening consumption is designed to allow at least 4 hours before bedtime before use. Drops should not be taken at night.


About 25 active ingredients are used in the manufacture of weight loss products. The main components of Personal Slim:

  1. Ulva (seaweed) - saturates the body with vitamins, minerals, fiber and iodine. They normalize metabolic processes and suppress the desire to snack.
  2. Hoodia gordoniya - blocks appetite.
  3. Mangosteen. Improves metabolism, reduces appetite and helps to lose weight.
  4. Garcinia cambogia. Keeps hunger under control, guarantees quick satiety, accelerates the oxidation of fat deposits, accelerates metabolic processes.
  5. Coleus. Enhances lipid metabolism, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and the absorption of nutrients, accelerates the breakdown of fats.

Thanks to its rich, well-chosen composition, Personal Slim slimming drops act comprehensively. If you believe user comments, the first noticeable effect appears 2-3 weeks after the start of the course.

Is Personal Slim a scam or true?

The Personal Slim weight loss method is individual for each person losing weight. Please note this when ordering. There are arguments online from female buyers who strongly state that the drug is ineffective. We bought goods in offline and online stores. One month of use did not bring any results.

However, after investigation, it turns out that the product was not purchased from the manufacturer. Therefore, its quality did not correspond to what was declared. Therefore, to get maximum weight loss results, it is recommended to order only from the official website and request documentation.


Negative reviews of weight loss drops Personnel Slim

There are also negative opinions about the drug. People are in a hurry to see dramatic changes and write angry comments after 1-2 weeks of use. They complain that their weight remains the same. In practice, the result is not achieved immediately, because Personal Slim has a cumulative effect.

To increase effectiveness, it is worth combining the course with proper nutrition, cleansing the body and exercise. Many people complain that the product cannot be bought at a pharmacy. But this has its advantages. After all, the buyer does not need to overpay the intermediary’s markup. You can order the product through the official website of Personal Slim or using partner sites.

Analogs of Personal Slim

An analogue can be selected based on the composition of Personal Slim. The difference lies in effectiveness, because the structure of the supplement is designed in such a way as to comprehensively restore the female and male body.

It is easy to find similar drugs by studying the indications for use.

Acceleration of metabolismGreen tea extract, caffeine
Reduced hungerSt. John's wort extract
Vitamin saturationGreen algae extract
Improved skin elasticityOmega 3

Natural analogues of Personal Slim weight loss drops and additions to systemic getting rid of extra pounds will be normalizing sleep, alternating work and rest, moving away from a passive lifestyle (playing sports), split meals, and giving up bad habits.

Positive reviews

Studying positive reviews about weight loss drops Personnel Slim allows you to highlight the best qualities. People note that after 15-20 days they see the first tangible results in the form of weight loss. The main thing in losing weight is to consolidate the results. Thanks to the drug, lost kilograms do not return. An additional advantage is the low price and complete safety of the drug. Mommy porn is one of the most common queries on Google. We found the best for you! You can watch mom porn right now on our website. Beautiful milfs with wet pussies are already waiting! It has a convenient form of administration.

Order Personal Slim (Personal Slim) - drops for weight loss on the official website

The manufacturer of the original certified product sells it exclusively through its website. When ordering, each buyer receives the following benefits:

  • Discount when ordering multiple packages;
  • cashback - 10% of the order value;
  • free delivery to any region and country;
  • free doctor's consultation;
  • promotions and sweepstakes;
  • Permits: quality certificates, test results, applications from the Ministry of Health, customs applications.

Attention! The company employs specialist doctors on a permanent basis. They provide free consultations to all clients, and the manufacturer guarantees complete confidentiality. To order a consultation, it is not necessary to buy the drug; you just need to leave a request on the website for consultation, and only then a decision to purchase is made.

How to get a free consultation or order a drug?

  1. Go to the company website.
  2. Get acquainted with information about Personal Slim weight loss drops.
  3. Please include your full name and phone number so the doctor can contact you.
  4. Consult with a specialist and ask any questions you have.
  5. If you decide to place an order, the doctor will transfer the interview to the manager.

The parcel will be delivered to the nearest post office and you can pick it up immediately after payment.


Specific reviews

To complete the picture, here are a few real comments:

“I decided to buy Personal Slim online after reading many positive comments. The product was delivered within 14 days, as stated on the website. My goal was to lose up to 8 kg. From the beginning I did not notice any effect. Real results were seen after 25 days of use. The first control weighing showed a decrease of 4 kg. The next month I managed to lose the same amount.” Anna, 29 years old.

"Hello. All my adult life I have been a slim woman, but after giving birth something happened in my body. The weight went up, and my efforts did not give the expected weight loss results. I worked with a trainer, followed a diet, but there was no effect. Using Person Slim weight loss drops gave results within a month.” Elena, 34 years old.

“Friends recommended that I buy Personal Slim and try its effects. Unlike other men, I was very worried about my weight (120 kg), so I really wanted to get rid of the extra load. First, I read the reviews, studied the opinions of doctors and the composition. After that, I decided to try the product on myself. In 1.5 months of taking it, I lost 10 kg of excess weight and have no plans to stop the course yet.” Anatoly, 39 years old.

The result of using the drug "Personal Slim".

Reviews from doctors about Personal Slim

Alexandra Kazachevskaya, therapist:

“When I read the composition of the drops package for the first time, I immediately realized that I agreed with my colleagues. The supplement really won't help anyone who wants to lose weight. Studies have not confirmed that you can lose weight from such components even after 2-3 months of use.”

Negative reviews from medical specialists about Personal Slim are focused on the principle of action of the components of the composition that was incorrectly indicated by the manufacturer.

Victoria Chernousova, nutritionist:

“Plants are effective not as fat burners, but as substances that act solely on appetite. Therefore, drops are among those additives that do not affect a person’s body weight at all. After taking it, you will only notice the absence of hunger.”

Advantages and disadvantages

Reviews of Personnel Slim, the expert opinion of doctors, indicate that the drug has a number of significant advantages over analogues on the market. The disadvantages include: the lack of immediate results and the multicomponent nature of the drug. This makes it difficult to study the composition before starting to take it. Among the obvious advantages:

  1. Efficiency confirmed by practice and comments from real people.
  2. Availability of a certificate of conformity.
  3. Safe to use due to natural composition.
  4. Real weight loss.
  5. Individual approach to drug selection (the composition is adjusted for a specific person).
  6. Profitable price.
  7. Easy to use and convenient shape.
  8. Fast delivery.
  9. No food restrictions.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews about “Personal Slim” are radically different from the opinions of doctors. A small number of customers consider the drug to be a fake, a scam. But the opinion of the majority of forum visitors is positive.

“I’ve never tried dietary supplements before. For a long time I hesitated to order a weight loss product. I also decided to start taking it, since my husband and I are large, because of this it became difficult to live together. It’s good that this drug is tailored to the physical characteristics of each person. My husband ordered two separate bottles - for me and for himself. After two weeks of taking the drops, I saw an excellent effect - a decrease in appetite. Now I feel lightness in my body, I can move more, I have energy. Believe it or not, in 12 days I lost 3 kg, and my husband lost 2. We are becoming slim before our eyes.”

Customers especially highlight the effectiveness of the natural components of the drug at a minimal cost.

“The composition is natural, real - extracts, I think everyone knows. The affordable price is another plus, but among the minuses I will highlight the fact that the product cannot be found in pharmacies now. Can only be purchased online. But my husband and I still recommend trying it, because now we buy it regularly.”

Individual selection of liquid extract

One of the interesting features of Personal Slim is that the drops are individual. This helps achieve greater effect. To date, this approach has never been seen before.

There is a small test on the official website that will calculate how many extra pounds you have. The program takes into account the lifestyle you lead. Based on all the data, a unique composition will be selected. Manufacturers have about 30 components in their arsenal, combinations of which help to get rid of excess weight regardless of the characteristics of the body.

The advantages of this method:

  • Individual approach to each client;
  • the selected composition is ideal for the human body;
  • the risk of causing an allergic reaction is reduced.

Each package has a unique code, the originality of which is checked on the website.


The manufacturer says that Personal Slim has no contraindications. But as with any weight loss product, it is better not to take:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • those who have not reached the age of majority;
  • if you are prone to an allergic reaction;
  • for chronic diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the presence of tumors;
  • people with disorders of the heart and blood vessels;
  • for diseases of the urinary system.

If you have any health problems and are worried that the liquid extract will negatively affect your body, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Where can I buy

Personal Slim can only be purchased on the official website. Pharmacies currently offer a small selection of weight loss products, and this product is not available.

Order drops only from an official representative, because there are many fakes on the Internet. It’s easy to make a purchase, just leave a request on the website, and a consultant will contact you who will explain all the nuances.

The price of the drug varies within 1000 Russian rubles. The cost may vary slightly depending on your country of residence and the ruble exchange rate.

How to lose weight faster

Let’s immediately dispel the myth that you can lose weight simply by drinking a miracle remedy. At the same time, you supposedly won’t need to diet or exercise. These are all advertising tricks, and you should not believe such statements.

Pills, which are aimed at getting rid of excess weight, have a tangible result only if you:

  • maintain proper nutrition;
  • do not neglect physical activity.

There are a few simple tips that will help you get rid of unwanted pounds in the initial stages:

  • Start with your diet - exclude sweets, starchy foods, fatty foods, fried foods, alcohol - only by forgetting about these foods will you begin to feel better and be able to lose weight.
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, add greens to your dishes. They contain a large amount of nutrients and vitamins.
  • You need to play sports, but it’s always hard to accustom yourself to it. Start devoting 15-20 minutes to home gymnastics. Just do a few exercises on problem areas.

These simple tips will help everyone. By doing them, you form a useful habit, which will lead to the coveted slim figure.

Cost of the drug and possibility of purchase

Personal Slim is actively sold in the countries of the former CIS. It is more profitable to order from the manufacturer itself in rubles. The pricing policy for neighboring countries has been increased.

A countryPrice in local currencyDifference from the original price from the manufacturer
Russia499 RUR
Ukraine399 UAH500 rub
Belarus32 BYR560 rub.

The product is sold on the manufacturer's original website. Judging by the reviews, the resource provides information on the price, composition of Personal Slim weight loss drops and instructions for use. Before ordering, consultation with a manager is required:

  • it clarifies individual parameters of daily activity, physical indicators, and health status;
  • selects the optimal amount of concentrate for each individual ingredient;
  • prepares the received client form and hands it over to the company’s employees.

Production takes 24 hours. Delivery time from Moscow to any city in Russia is from 3 to 7 days. To other countries - from 20 days.

A number of positive reviews confirm the absence of prepayment.


When purchasing medications online, always carefully study the ingredients. Personal Slim includes only herbal ingredients. However, remember that even all-natural ingredients can have side effects or cause an allergic reaction in a particular person. Therefore, take seriously the composition of any drug you intend to take.

We will analyze several ingredients in detail, because you may encounter them in other weight loss products.


A variety of edible green algae. This plant has a number of advantages:

  • Low calorie content - only 25 kcal per 100 g.
  • Algae perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger, saturating the body with energy.
  • The composition contains a large number of macroelements, as well as protein.
  • The component is rich in ascorbic acid or vitamin C, in addition to this there are also B vitamins.
  • Has an effect on excess weight loss.
  • Helps improve metabolic processes in the body.

Cactus Hoodia Gordonii

The plant attracted special attention due to several reasons:

  • cactus can reduce appetite and the desire to overeat;
  • saturates quickly;
  • normalizes the metabolic process in the body.

The plant grows in South Africa, where local residents regularly consume it.


This is an exotic fruit that grows in tropical countries. It is very useful because it contains:

  • vitamins C, A, B, D;
  • iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

In addition, mangosteen:

  • able to improve bowel function;
  • improves metabolic processes, resulting in weight loss;
  • helps control appetite.

Garcinia cambogia

This fruit came to us from Asian countries, where its fruits are used in many dishes. That's because:

  • Contains hydroxycitric acid, which increases the rate of oxidation of fat deposits.
  • This fruit is able to activate metabolic processes.
  • Garcinia breaks down fat and helps reduce weight.
  • The fruit reduces appetite, helping to control it. Also discourages cravings for sweets.
  • Slows down the formation of fat cells.


The advantages of the component are that:

  • it takes an active part in the breakdown of fats;
  • helps stimulate protein synthesis;
  • reduces weight.

The plant is used in India for medicinal purposes. Forskolin is obtained from it, which is necessary for weight loss.

These are the main components of Personal Slim, which are listed on the website. In total, the product includes 30 herbal ingredients, selected specifically for your body type.

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