L-carnitine and running. How to properly take carnitine before running?

Why does the body need l-carnitine?

L-carnitine affects the lifespan of our body cells and is necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body. Vitamin Bt not only helps break down fats, but also:

  • increases performance,
  • saturates cells with oxygen,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • reduces the body’s recovery time after physical activity,
  • activates brain activity,
  • reduces blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

L-carnitine is also useful for men and women planning to have children, as the supplement increases the body's fertility.

A deficiency of the substance causes problems with excess weight, obesity, heart muscle disease, contributes to rapid fatigue and decreased brain activity.

What are the benefits of L-karnitina

In addition to the ability of this amino acid to convert fats into energy, elcarnitine increases endurance. All athletes note the fact that after taking carnitine, they can train much longer. I recover faster and can withstand stress more easily.

Doctors note that taking elcarnitine:

  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, like all other muscles;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • lowers sugar levels;
  • the fat layer becomes thinner and gradually disappears;
  • the volume of muscle tissue increases;
  • the number of colds is reduced by stimulating the immune system.

A scientifically proven fact is that this drug oxidizes fats, converting them into ATP - the source of energy in the body. This is why the heart muscle begins to work much better, because its nutrition consists of 70% fatty acids.

Own synthesis of L-carnitina occurs with the participation of:

  • amino acids lysine and methionine;
  • gland;
  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins.

Types of l-carnitine

There are several types of carnitine available in sports stores:

L-carnitine is a classic supplement most often used by athletes for weight loss.

L-carnitine tartrate is a more active form of the classic supplement and has greater bioavailability compared to other types of carnitine.

Acetyl L-carnitine is a fat burner that includes classic carnitine and an acetyl group. It is believed that this compound can penetrate the brain and have neurostimulating effects.

L-carnitine fumarate is a combination of fumaric acid and pure carnitine. The peculiarity of this type of fat burner is that it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

L-carnitine propionyl - a supplement containing carnitine and glycine ester, has a fat-burning effect, strengthens the cardiovascular system and fights chronic fatigue.

Which L-carnitine is better to choose?

There are several forms of levocarnitine:

  • base,
  • tartrate,
  • acetyl-carnitine,
  • fumarate

We advise you to study in more detail: “L-carnitine tartrate: differences from the base, fumarate and acetyl-l-carnitine.”

In general, all forms of levocarnitine have the same effect on the body. But due to some difference in composition, the effect may be slightly different:

  1. L-carnitine base. A standard form that increases energy production, speeds up fat metabolism and thereby helps you lose weight.
  2. L-carnitine fumarate. It is more useful not for weight loss, but for strengthening the heart muscle.
  3. Acetyl-L-carnitine. It helps to lose weight, but due to the presence of an acetyl group in the composition, it has a higher absorption rate and penetrates the brain better than other forms. Therefore, acetyl-carnitine is more often used for cognitive impairment.
  4. L-carnitine tartrate. The most popular form of levocarnitine for weight loss, due to its more powerful fat-burning effect.

We advise you to study: “The difference between acetyl-L-carnitine and L-carnitine.”

Release forms

L-carnitine is available in the form of concentrate, soluble powder, portioned drinks, capsules or tablets. Let's see how to take vitamin Bt depending on the form of release.

Type Advantages Recommended serving Duration of admission Time of receipt
Soluble powder Convenient, quick-dissolving formula 1.25 g 1-1.5 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training
Liquid concentrate Acts faster than tablets or powder 15 ml 1-1.5 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training
In capsules or tablets Convenient to calculate the dose and carry with you 500-2000 mg 2-6 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training
Drinking ampoules Each ampoule is equal to one dose, convenient to carry with you 15 ml 1-1.5 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training
Portioned drinks No need to dilute with water, can be drunk during training 2000 mg 1-1.5 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training
Acetyl l-carnitine This form is believed to have greater bioavailability, which has not been proven by research 2000 mg 2-6 months On an empty stomach between meals along with other fat burners
Carnitine tartrate Very quickly absorbed compared to regular carnitine 1000-2000 mg 2-6 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training

It is recommended to select the individual dose gradually, starting with 500 mg. If you do not notice any side effects after a few days of starting, increase the dose to 1000 mg. Continue to gradually increase the serving size if necessary.

The most important admission rules

Since L-carnitine transports fats to the mitochondria, where they are converted into energy, the supplement must be taken at specific times. These are the periods when the body most actively utilizes stored fats, namely:

  1. Starting from the 20th minute of aerobic training. During such activities, the heart rate is 70-80% of the maximum. The average workout duration is 40-60 minutes, so short sessions will not be effective. It is also important to take into account that you should not have too much of a snack before such an activity, otherwise fats and carbohydrates from food will be consumed as energy. The most popular type of aerobic exercise is running.
  2. From the moment you wake up until your morning meal. During this period, the fats received during yesterday's dinner have already been used up, and new ones have not yet arrived. Therefore, the body uses stored fats to produce energy.

Here's how to take L-carnitine correctly for weight loss, taking into account the peculiarities of fat burning in the body:

  1. The first dose is in the morning before breakfast, about half an hour.
  2. Next - between other meals. It is better to take it as close to lunch and dinner as possible, so that the supplement is taken almost on an empty stomach.
  3. Another dose is approximately 30 minutes before the start of the workout. This will help enhance the fat burning effect. Additionally, you can take the supplement during training.

Taking levocarnitine at other times will not bring the same results as taking it during the indicated periods. The duration of treatment should be at least a month, after which you need to take a break of 3-4 months.

L-carnitine for fat burning

Since carnitine is a fairly powerful fat burner, there is an opinion that you can lose weight simply by taking the drug. Studies show that without training and diet, the drug has virtually no effect on weight loss. However, if you follow a training regimen and a high protein diet, the results will not take long to arrive.

It should be noted that weight loss occurs directly by reducing the amount of fat in the body while maintaining lean muscle mass.

What is L-carnitine, principle of action

L-carnitine is an amino acid, a special natural substance (otherwise known as vitamin B11) that is synthesized by our body. Sources of carnitine are products of animal origin: such as meat, fish, and various dairy products. However, during heat treatment, the level of carnitine in these products decreases significantly, which is why it is recommended to take it additionally, in the form of dietary supplements.

The principle of action of l-carnitine is based on the transfer of fatty acids into cell mitochondria, that is, the delivery of “fuel” to the “stove”; At the same time, a lot of energy is produced, the effectiveness of training increases significantly, and the burning of adipose tissue is accelerated. In addition, taking carnitine stimulates protein synthesis in muscle tissue, providing high-quality muscle growth (and muscles are the main energy-consuming consumer in our body, even at rest they consume a significant amount of energy). L-carnitine relieves chronic fatigue syndrome, improves metabolic processes at the cellular level, accelerates the process of eliminating toxins, acting as an antioxidant.

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Contraindications and side effects of l-carnitine

L-carnitine is well tolerated, as it is a substance synthesized in the body. Contraindications for the supplement include individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is worth noting that carnitine has one side effect - increased appetite. The supplement stimulates metabolism, reduces the body's energy (fat) reserves, and therefore increases appetite. Carefully monitor your diet while taking l-carnitine to avoid gaining extra pounds.

Side effects

Side effects from taking L-carnitine occur with an overdose. This is why it is so important to find your product and accurately select its quantity.

Side effects include:

  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • increased excitability, irritability;
  • symptoms of indigestion, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in case of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance: redness, itching, rash.

It is recommended to introduce the dietary supplement gradually: first a drink before training, then, if the body responds well, capsules for daily use.

Prime Kraft Experts' Opinion

L-carnitine is an effective and safe fat burner that will help you achieve good results. But do not forget about quality training and proper nutrition with a high protein content. If you don't know which fat burner to choose, we recommend paying attention to L-CARNITINE L-TARTRATE - a form of the classic supplement enriched with tartaric acid. The advantages of this fat burner include faster absorption and high bioavailability.

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Instructions for using L-carnitine for weight loss

The main forms of release of levocarnitine are capsules and liquid. They differ in the method of application and degree of absorption. Levocarnitine capsules are produced by many manufacturers. Examples of several effective drugs:

  • Biovea L-carnitine 1000 mg. You need to take 2 tablets per day between meals. The supplement contains L-carnitine in the form of base and tartrate.

  • NOW L-carnitine 500 mg. You need to take 1-3 capsules per day. On a training day, you need an additional portion half an hour before the start of class. The supplement shows the best effect when taken on an empty stomach and between meals.

  • L-carnitine caps 750 from Maxler. The supplement is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, between meals and before intense training. Dose – 1 capsule 1-3 times a day, depending on whether there is training or not, i.e. on training days one more dose is added immediately before the start of the lesson.

Such supplements with L-carnitine additionally calm the nervous system, give a feeling of vigor and improve mood. This helps you train more intensely and indirectly affects the weight loss process.

When taking levocarnitine in capsule form, you must take the supplement with the required amount of water. In this form of release, it is better to take the product a little longer before training, so that the active components have time to reach the digestive tract and be absorbed. The optimal time is 40 minutes before the training.

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