Diet “By the Hours” – loses up to 7 kg per month without weight gain

Chrononutrition, contrary to popular belief, is not a diet. This is a nutritional system developed by French scientists Alain Delabeau and Patrick Leconte. The principle that underlies chrononutrition is that any food is healthy and well digested if eaten at the right time of day. And time is calculated from a person’s individual biorhythms.

Patrick Lecomte studied the hormones and enzymes that the human body produces during the day. And based on the research results, he compiled a list of products that interact well with the enzymes of the human body. Those. Following the chrono-nutrition system and this list, a person at a specific time of the day eats only what his body can really digest and what his body actually needs. At the same time, metabolism is optimized, nutrients from food are absorbed as completely as possible - this means that there are no fat reserves left.

Thus, anyone at any age can lose weight using the chrono-nutrition system and without exhausting themselves with diets.

Chrono-nutrition theory

The human body uses calories differently at different times of the day because each time of day produces specific hormones that distribute nutrients differently.

For example, the most cortisol is produced in the morning. This hormone is responsible not only for stress, but also for the regulation of the digestive cycle. Together with other substances, it ensures the delivery of nutrition to all organs of the body: glucose for the brain, protein for muscles, fat for cell membranes, etc.

Those. in the morning, during the “cortisol peak,” the body produces those enzymes that are necessary for the breakdown of fats. This means you need to have fatty foods for breakfast.

According to the same scheme, but with the participation of other hormones, by noon a person will best absorb proteins, and by the evening - carbohydrates. In accordance with this, a chronomenu is compiled.

The entire system is based on strict discipline with minimal restrictions in the choice of products. There should be exactly 4 meals a day in the exact time period allotted for this:

  1. Breakfast from 6:30 to 9:30. Breakfast according to the chrono-nutrition system “launches” the entire body, and the intensity of metabolism during the day depends on how nutritious and healthy it is.
  2. Lunch from 12:00 to 13:30. By this time, the nutrients received from breakfast still support the body, so there is no need to have first course, main course and dessert for lunch. One dish rich in animal proteins and starchy vegetables is enough.
  3. Afternoon tea from 17:00 to 18:30. During this period, the amount of insulin in the body peaks, so it’s the right time to consume sweets: they will very quickly be converted into energy, and the energy will relieve accumulated fatigue. In addition to the sweets themselves, you can include nuts and dried fruits in the menu.
  4. Dinner an hour before bedtime. Dinner should under no circumstances be heavy, because if the body is overloaded with the need to digest food at night, it will not rest. It is recommended to include fish, white meat, seafood and light vegetable salads in the menu.

What is an hourly diet for weight loss?

There are several hourly nutrition programs. The most common: “2 through 2”. It consists of regularly eating food every 2 hours in small portions.

Thus, from 7 am to 9 pm there are 8 meals, the average calorie content per day is 800-1000 kcal.

This simplified method involves eating in thirds (every 3 hours); it is more convenient for working people. A dangerous “temporary” diet is the “Golden Hour”, which prescribes fasting for the whole day and 1 complex meal at a certain time of the day.

Nutrition rules for an hourly diet for weight loss

The diet is quite variable, compiled individually (based on preferences, financial and time capabilities), but several fundamental rules have been compiled for it:

  • the volume of one serving is 100-150 grams with a calorie content of 100-200 kilocalories;
  • any liquid (tea, water, coffee) is drunk 60 minutes after a meal, food should not be washed down;
  • Sweet, flour, fatty and fried foods are prohibited.

It is preferable to steam or grill dishes without using additional oils. To prevent products from losing their value, they are not pre-frozen.

Permitted and prohibited products

The main principle of the program is healthy fractional meals with the full inclusion of all nutrients. Sauces, salt, sugar, confectionery and flour products, alcohol, smoked meats and fatty meats are removed from the diet.

It is better to distribute the menu so that the meals alternate (carbohydrate/protein). They start the morning with juice, tea or coffee, and after 2 hours they eat energy-healthy food: cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), cottage cheese or yogurt.

Be sure to read: Salt-free diet for weight loss: menu for every day with recipes, list of products

For lunch and dinner, protein recipes made from lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, lamb, beef) or fish (hake, catfish, cod, salmon, trout) are suitable. Be sure to introduce hot liquid dishes: soups, broths, borscht (without frying).

The vitamin part of the menu is fruits and vegetables. They try to use fresh fruits: carrots, cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers and tomatoes, carrots and beets. Berries, apples, kiwis, citruses, and dried fruits are suitable as desserts.

Fats and vegetable proteins contained in nuts and legumes play an important role. For snacks take walnuts, almonds, peanuts. Side dishes are prepared from peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas.

Basic rules of chrononutrition

Since the level of sugar in the body is reduced in the morning, it is not recommended to have sweet foods for breakfast: after this, sugar will rise sharply, and you will immediately feel tired.

It is also better to exclude alcohol from the menu altogether, especially strong alcohol, which is rich in calories. Chrononutrition allows two glasses of dry red wine per day for women, and three for men, but no more.

All meals during the day should consist of one dish, but not every meal should consist of several. And since one of the basic rules of chrono-nutrition is compliance with the measure, you need to pay special attention to the side dish: eat no more than 9 tbsp. spoons a day.

In addition, for a successful result when using chrononutrition for weight loss, the following mandatory recommendations must be followed:

  • under no circumstances violate the chosen meal schedule - whatever the circumstances, you need to eat strictly at the same time every day;
  • the consumption of dairy products, bananas, carrots will have to be limited;
  • Under no circumstances should you overeat, so you must carefully observe the dosage of food.

Recommendations when preparing a diet

If breakfast turns out to be too filling and you are not hungry by lunchtime, you should not force yourself to eat. But the next day you need to adjust your breakfast, preferably by cutting back on the portion of bread.

During the practice of chrono-nutrition, you need to drink a lot of liquids, but you will need to make sure that the drinks do not contain sugar or sweeteners.

Twice a week you can deviate from the nutrition plan, but only for one meal. For example, on Tuesday for lunch and on Friday for dinner. At this time, you can eat any food, but in moderation, without overeating.

If chrono-nutrition is used as a diet for weight loss, then after weight loss it is necessary to adhere to the rules of the nutrition system for some time in order to consolidate the result.

What is a diet by the clock

This is a reliable method to lose weight quickly and noticeably. The result is not noticeable immediately, but after a month the number of problem areas of the figure will be reduced significantly. Meals by the hour for weight loss include up to 8 daily meals, the intake of which must be organized every 2 hours throughout the day. The serving sizes are fractional, so it wouldn’t hurt to slightly reduce the total calorie content of the dishes. To eat right and lose weight, you will have to completely give up “empty” calories. Eating every 2 hours for weight loss soon becomes the norm of everyday life and develops into a good habit for a person.

Who is it suitable for?

Not all interested parties can eat according to this principle, so the diet by the hour is suitable only for certain people who want to lose extra pounds. If a person is organized and punctual by nature, eating on time for weight loss does not cause melancholy or depression in his mind. In addition, some kind of persistence is necessary, since changes in the figure that are noticeable to others begin only 1-1.5 months after the start. Having an hourly daily routine, the fat layer dissolves almost before your eyes, and your overall well-being improves.


A timed diet for weight loss initially creates an overall impression of being overwhelming, but over time it develops in a person the habit of eating frequently. So, in a month you can completely get rid of 7-8 kg, and the excess weight does not return to its original place. If you eat often, you can highlight several important benefits for your own health and grace:

  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • treatment and improvement of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gradual reduction in the total calorie content of food;
  • normalization of impaired metabolism;
  • large assortment of food products.


When choosing a diet for weight loss by the hour, it is important to consider the correct ratio of proteins, fats (lipids) and carbohydrates; evenly distribute the load on the organs of the digestive system. We are not talking about a week of diet, but about a month or longer to significantly improve and transform your own figure. In order for nutrition to be rational, and the use of the diet by the hour to be as productive as possible in the shortest possible time, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The minimum duration of the diet is 1 month, but modern nutritionists strongly recommend continuing to eat strictly according to the clock. It is important to drink water regularly and avoid extremely unwanted dehydration.
  2. It is recommended to eat according to this food system for 5 days, after which you should stick to your usual diet for another 10 days. However, during the specified period of time, it is recommended to limit the consumption of flour and sweets.
  3. After the end of the first break, you need to again stay on a two-hour diet for 5 days, and then relax again for 10 days. If you follow this regimen, you will lose up to 2 kg of excess weight in a week.

The diet can last for six days, but it is important to carefully monitor your condition and not overdo it with the diet. Judging by the reviews, a person who is losing weight does not feel hungry because he is constantly “feeding” his stomach and nourishing his brain. You can highlight the main meals - breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner, plus additional snacks, since you are supposed to eat every two hours. So, it is advisable to organize the first meal at 7 a.m., and the last at 10 p.m. Do not deviate from the schedule, otherwise there will definitely be no point in the diet.

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Breakfast in chrono-nutrition excludes simple carbohydrates, i.e. you will have to give up croissants, various cereal-based breakfast cereals, cookies, fruits, and jam. But a slice of whole grain bread is acceptable, since it refers to foods that contain “slow” carbohydrates.

Breakfast must contain protein; it is necessary for the restoration and growth of muscle tissue. Most protein is found in foods such as cheese or ham. It is from these that you need to make a menu.

An excellent chrono-breakfast can be made from a salad with ham and eggs or rice cheese sticks.

To make ham and egg salad, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 400 gr. ham;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 400 gr. canned corn;
  • 20 gr. dill;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 20 gr. green onions;
  • salt to taste.

All ingredients must be prepared: boil and peel the eggs, wash the cucumbers, dill and bell peppers in cold water, drain the liquid from the corn. Chop eggs into a large bowl, add corn and mix thoroughly. Chop the ham, peppers and cucumbers into strips and add to the eggs. Stir, add finely chopped dill, salt to taste, add mayonnaise and stir again. Salad ready.

And for the rice cheese sticks you will need:

  • 100 gr. wild rice;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour;
  • 150 gr. breadcrumbs;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of water;
  • 100 gr. Dutch cheese;
  • seasonings, black pepper and salt to taste.

Cook the rice and wait until it cools down. Then add to it 1 chicken egg and only the yolk from the second egg. Add seasonings, flour and mix everything thoroughly. Cut the cheese into thick bars. Form the rice mixture into flat cakes and place the cheese bars in the center.

Mix the remaining egg white with water, dip the rice sticks in it, then roll them in flour, dip them again in water with the white and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. When all the sticks are processed, deep fry them until cooked.

Sample menu for a five-day week

You can plan your meals in advance for several days in advance, and, if necessary, make adjustments to it.

  • 00: coffee, tea or any other invigorating drink without sugar or milk;
  • 00: vegetable salad with lemon juice (carrot, cucumber, radish, beet or pumpkin);
  • 00: one fruit (pear, orange, grapefruit, peach, apple);
  • 00: 100 g of protein product (chicken, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, beans), stewed vegetables, a piece of bread with butter;
  • 00: one egg or glass of yogurt;
  • 00: again vegetable salad with lemon dressing;
  • 00: several prunes, dried apricots, dried pears or apples (about 100 g);
  • 00: a glass of fermented milk drink (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, unsweetened yogurt).

The “By the Hours” diet, despite its gentle regimen, has quite a few contraindications. These are diabetes mellitus, liver and gastrointestinal diseases, some forms of gastritis, anemia. This diet is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children, teenagers and the elderly.

Before you start losing weight, it is important to consult a doctor and get tested.


By this time, the process of lipolysis in the body is completed, accordingly, fatty foods should be excluded from the menu. Preference should be given to animal proteins, which are found in abundance in meat and vegetables. Therefore, for a chrono lunch, for example, French-style meat is suitable.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 500 gr. pork (boneless loin);
  • 4 onions;
  • 300 gr. cheese;
  • 300 gr. mayonnaise;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

The meat must be washed, dried and cut into thin layers across the grain, then carefully beat off each layer, pepper and salt it. Peel the onion, cut into rings, grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the chopped meat on it, and sprinkle onion in a thin layer on top of the meat layers. Mayonnaise must be slightly diluted with water and brushed over the meat. Sprinkle generously with grated cheese on top.

Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, and bake the meat for half an hour. When ready, let the dish sit for 10 minutes, sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve.

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