Diet “Burn fat”: loses up to 8 kg in 7 days

How to lose 8 kg

After consulting with a doctor and making sure that everything is in order with your health, you can begin to lose weight.
To lose those extra pounds forever, choose a healthy lifestyle. For those who have decided to get in shape in a short time, you need to choose a diet that will easily and quickly solve the problem and return your weight to normal. The main rule is to give up fast carbohydrates, which will help with fasting days on fruits and kefir. Don’t torture yourself with hunger, cleanse your body without harming it. By removing foods that slow down your metabolism from your diet and eating balanced, small meals, you will quickly lose 8 kg. Morning exercises, running along with PP help to achieve a slim figure. A healthy lifestyle is the way to preserve youth.


You can try to fast, forbid yourself to eat, but this is stress for the body, which can cause disruptions in its functioning and slow down the metabolism. Proper nutrition and fasting days are the right choice that will help you get rid of excess weight and get into physical shape. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, cereals, proteins, and complex carbohydrates. The benefits of fasting days:

  • toxins and waste are removed from the body;
  • excess weight goes away;
  • there is a smooth transition to a healthy lifestyle.

This method of weight loss is perfect for those who find it difficult to immediately give up sweets, flour, fast food, and fatty foods. By gradually switching to a healthy diet, you will forget about the desire to eat junk food. Remember about the drinking regime. A large amount of water (1.5-2 liters per day depending on body weight) should be drunk every day. A glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach will speed up your metabolism, promoting weight loss.

The best diets - 8 kg per week!

In addition to stress and various loads on the digestive tract, many of us involuntarily gain excess weight during cold times - the autumn-winter period. This is due to the fact that the body insulates itself through additional fat - it absorbs more calories and breaks down less fat cells than in the warm seasons of the year.

You have to constantly go on diets, which often do not give the desired results. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the secrets of losing weight from the experienced nutritionist of our time E. Andreev.

All diets that promise to lose 8 kg in a week are best practiced no more than once a season, because the larger the fast, the more actively the body fights to save calories.

A strict diet promises various disorders in the body, and this leads to weakened immunity, the development of chronic diseases, and so on. The most acceptable diets for maintaining our health:

  • soup;
  • Finnish;
  • fruit and vegetable.

An important condition: you need to get out of diets gradually, adding one new product every day. Calculate the calorie content of dishes and increase it by 100 calories every day. Engage in active sports to improve the structure of muscle tissue!


Gradual, regular exercise will show results. Going to the gym and hard work on yourself will give your body definition and strengthen your muscles. A good option is gymnastics/aerobics classes in groups. They will bring not only visible results, but also the desire to be better, working in a team with other girls and women. If you can't go to the gym, do exercises at home. Spend 30 minutes every day doing exercises: squats, planks, etc. The body will become toned, tightened, and become slimmer.

Indian diet 8 kg in 7 days. Indian diet: how to lose 8 kilograms in 7 days

The Indian diet cleanses the body of toxins, removes belly fat and gives a lot of energy. The main rule is no alcohol. If you are ready to make such sacrifices, go ahead!

The variety of diets allows everyone to choose exactly the nutrition option that will help them lose excess weight as comfortably as possible. Therefore, traditionally replenishes its collection of weight loss methods. Maybe the Indian diet is exactly what you have been looking for. Basic rules - no alcohol and lots and lots of water!

Day 1

Fruit. It is important to eat only fruits throughout the day. You can consume any fruit except grapes, bananas and mangoes because they contain a lot of glucose. Make sure you have enough watermelon, oranges, apples, pomegranates and strawberries in your diet. You can enjoy them without restrictions.

Day 2

Vegetable. On the second day of the diet, vegetables dominate. They can be prepared and consumed in any form, combining each other. Whichever method you like best, use it. In the morning you can eat boiled potatoes. This way, you will give your body enough energy and carbohydrates for the whole day.

Day 3

Fruit and vegetable. In addition to potatoes, be sure to eat vegetables and fruits all day. Choose according to your taste preferences and season.

Day 4

Banana. On this day, it is allowed to eat bananas during the day, but no later than 6 pm. You can also drink up to 4 glasses of milk. Even though bananas are considered too high in calories, in this diet they act as a source of potassium and sodium for the body. This is extremely important so that food restrictions do not cause irreparable harm to the body.

Day 5

Curd and vegetable. On this day you need to eat tomatoes, cabbage and cottage cheese. You can eat up to 6 tomatoes. Additionally, it is important to increase your water intake by 1/4 of your daily intake.

How to lose 8 kg in a month

Balance your diet, stick to it for a month, while doing sports. How to lose 8 kg in a month without compromising your health or gaining back those extra pounds? Switch to a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy is easy: include both proteins and complex carbohydrates in your diet. Then the breakdown of fats will occur faster. By switching to this diet, you can easily lose 8 kg in a month. Additional exercise will help make the body elastic and complement the diet.

What to add to the menu after a week of therapy?

Any diet is universal:

  • meat steak: eat 90 grams of beef, chicken and fish with greens daily (this diet works well with physical activity: jogging or the gym);
  • canned fish and beans;
  • boiled egg;
  • broth with crackers;
  • weak tea, compote or water tincture with fruit.

Diet 8 kg per week

Gradually eliminate alcohol and cigarettes, sugar, syrup, artificial sweeteners, coffee, strong tea, all flour and dried fruits from your diet.

How to lose 8 kg in a week

Sometimes emergency situations arise when you need to lose 8 kilograms in a week on a diet. To ensure that the body does not experience severe stress as the rate of weight loss increases, you need to approach your diet wisely. Using some tricks and prohibiting yourself from consuming many foods, you can achieve the desired result in such a short time. Rules:

  1. Drink plenty of water, most of your daily intake should be drunk before lunch (to avoid swelling).
  2. It is better to eat often, once every few hours, but little by little. Small snacks speed up the body's metabolism.
  3. Additional exercises in the gym or at home will speed up the elimination of toxins and waste, reduce fat, and tighten the skin.

Popular diets 8 kg per week

The most popular diets are protein, calorie counting, carrot-watermelon and Dukan, as well as by blood type. Some people practice fasting days. But they should not be abused, since the body should not receive vitamins and carbohydrates in large quantities. A fasting day can be done once a week. Eat cottage cheese, kefir and apples.

Make a menu for the week, which will be dominated by fruits and vegetables, as well as meat and fish. Schedule, say, 6 meals a day and you will feel how your body will transform.

Don't forget about carbohydrates. It is advisable to eat a small amount of food with them in the morning. This will give you energy for the whole day, and a good mood is guaranteed; drowsiness will not accompany you throughout your entire diet.

Anything is possible, so don’t lose hope and go towards your goal. Losing weight will happen if you focus on your desire and make every effort. This is also promoted by the magic diet, which allows you to lose 7-9 kg in a week.

The menu is strict, weight loss is achieved due to a lack of carbohydrates and fats in the body, which begin to be extracted from internal reserves. During the day you need to drink a lot of fluid, up to 3 liters, additional snacks are prohibited.

Yes, the weight decreases at lightning speed, but not everyone can maintain such a diet of 8 kg for a week, you want to eat all the time, you feel weak, lack of strength, your skin condition worsens, irritability appears, and your performance decreases.

The same can be said about the 8 kg diet in 7 days - “Favorite”, constipation, disorders of the nervous and cardiac systems may occur, but with a properly planned diet you can easily get rid of 8 or more kilograms, make your figure slim and toned.

You need to eat small portions every 3 hours, drink plenty of fluids, take multivitamin complexes, and to prevent intestinal disorders - oat bran, no overeating and you are guaranteed a positive result!

Diet 8 kg in 7 days

The main thing is not only to eat right, but also to exercise. How to lose 8 kg quickly? Add to your daily routine jogging for 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening, exercise, a daily visit to the gym or, for example, group fitness classes. Follow all the rules of the diet, be sure to have a snack every 2-3 hours or when you start to feel hungry. Don't allow yourself to eat sweets even in the morning.

Throughout the diet, drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day. Keep in mind that optimal weight loss without harm to health is 0.7-1.0 kg. in Week. Losing 8 kg in 7 days can have a detrimental effect on your well-being, hair, nails, and nervous system. Before deciding on such an experiment, consult with your doctor or nutritionist. Look at the approximate diet for a week in the table:

Days Diet Notes
1 Snack on fruit every 2 hours or when you feel hungry. Fasting day by eating fruit. The body is cleansed and loses 1 kg.

Exclude bananas.

2 Lunch – a portion of potatoes

Snack on vegetables every 2 hours when you feel hungry.

Eat raw and cooked vegetables. It is better to steam it so that the vitamins are preserved. Without salt and oil.
3 We choose the diet of the first or second day.
4 Drink a glass of milk 3 times. Distribute 8-10 bananas throughout the day. Allowed products: milk, banana.
5 Spread out 6 or 7 tomatoes as a snack throughout the day.

Lunch – small portion of rice

Tomatoes go for breakfast and dinner.

For lunch - rice on water without salt and oil.

6 Throughout the day - fruits and vegetables.

Lunch – a small portion of rice.

Without banana and potatoes.

Rice on water without salt and oil.

7 Lunch - rice.

Vegetables can be eaten morning and evening as snacks.

Wash everything down with fresh juices.

Rice on water without salt and oil.

You can make a salad from vegetables.

You can’t eat fruits – you can drink natural juice without sugar.

Diet “Minus 8 kg” per week: sample menu

The diet is quite strict, so it is strictly forbidden to extend it longer than 7 days. High-calorie foods are reduced as much as possible on the menu; the body will begin the process of fat burning. Weight loss varies from person to person, but the minimum you can lose is 8 kg.


1. Morning. Green tea without sugar with a little milk.

2. Lunch. One boiled egg and a medium orange (or grapefruit).

3. Dinner. Green tea, white cabbage salad with sour cream or olive oil.


1. Morning. One fresh tomato without salt and a mug of green tea.

2. Lunch. A glass of apple juice and 100 grams of boiled beef fillet.

3. Evening. One large green apple.


1. Morning. One cucumber and green tea without sugar.

2. Lunch. Steam cutlet and 50 grams of sauerkraut.

3. Dinner. Kefir with 1% fat content, stir in a teaspoon of cinnamon.


1. Morning. Green tea and low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 100 grams).

2. Lunch. Boiled fish fillet – 100 grams, a glass of juice.

3. Evening. A large green apple, you can grate it on a medium grater and add a spoonful of honey.


1. Morning. White cabbage salad and a glass of orange juice.

2. Lunch. Lean boiled beef and 1 cucumber – total serving 100 grams.

3. Evening. Low fat kefir with cinnamon.


1. Morning. Natural coffee and 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

2. Lunch. Fish fillet, boiled egg - total portion per 100 grams.

3. Dinner. Carrots and apple, grated.


1. Morning. Large green apple and processed cheese. Green tea or natural coffee is allowed.

2. Lunch. Vegetable broth and a glass of orange juice.

3. Dinner. Kefir with cinnamon - fills you up before bed and will speed up the fat burning process.

The main principle of the minus 8 kg per week diet is that you should never snack. There are three main meals, and you need to follow them, otherwise the desired result will not be obtained.

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