Diet for 10 days – minus 10 kg


Favorite diet

Perhaps the most popular weekly diet option for getting rid of 10 kg in 7 days. The diet and foods allowed for consumption change daily.

Kefir diet

Refers to unloading power systems. The main product is kefir, which should be consumed daily, 1.5 liters. The main advantage of this food option is the ability to eat additionally permitted foods. Every day there is a new product.

Diet “10 kg per week”

First day of the diet

During the day you need to drink only 1.5 liters of mineral water.

Second day of the diet

During the day you need to drink 0.8-1 liter of skim milk, 2-3 hours before bedtime you are allowed to eat one apple.

Third day of the diet

During the day you need to drink only 1.5 liters of mineral water, that is, we repeat the first day of the diet.

Fourth day of the diet

During the day you need to eat a salad of non-starchy vegetables, seasoned with olive oil.

Fifth day of the diet

We repeat the second day of the diet (skim milk + apple).

Sixth day of the diet


: 1 boiled egg, a cup of tea without sugar.


: 1 glass of vegetable broth from carrots, onions, cabbage, potatoes and beets.


: 100-150 g of boiled beef or chicken and some canned green peas.


: apple.

Seventh day of the diet

During the day you need to eat 150 g of cottage cheese, drink half a liter of low-fat kefir and half a liter of skim milk.

Authorized Products

In the Favorite Diet, the allowed foods change every day.

Day I – DrinkingOn this day, you are allowed to consume almost any liquid: dairy products, broth, tea.
Day II VegetableThis day is completely dedicated to vegetables: greens in any quantity, slices, any fresh vegetables with the addition of vegetable oil. It is important to consume white cabbage, which is an excellent natural fat burner.
Day III DrinkingOn this day, emphasis should be placed on fermented milk products.
Day IV FruitFocus on citrus fruits, eat kiwi, pears and apples in any quantity. To get rid of cellulite and accelerate fat burning, consume grapefruit.
Day V ProteinThe most delicious day in the diet, which allows you to eat fish, meat, legumes, cottage cheese, eggs and hard cheeses.
Day VI DrinkingRepeats the permitted products of the first and third days.
Day VII FinalA complete balanced diet that completes the diet and prepares the body to exit the diet.

Kefir diet

The first dayboiled potatoes (no more than 5 tubers).
Second dayboiled chicken fillet (100-150 g).
Day threeboiled lean beef (100-150 g)
Day fourboiled sea fish (100-150 g).
Day fivefruits and vegetables (raw, stewed).
Day sixonly kefir.
Day sevenonly water.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
dried fruits2,30,668,2286
wheat bread8,11,048,8242
chicken breast23,21,70,0114
chicken fillet23,11,20,0110
chicken eggs12,710,90,7157
mineral water0,00,00,0
black tea20,05,16,9152
* data is per 100 g of product

Diets for a week: minus 10 kg in 7 days at home

When the scale shows extra pounds, girls immediately panic.

Especially if a holiday or other important event is coming up in a few days, and a new dress is not enough. In this case, many go to extremes: they begin to torture themselves with hunger and torment themselves with training.

The easiest way out of the situation is to choose the right diet that will help you return to your former shape and size without stress or harm to the body.

Attention! Any diet involves avoiding fatty foods, fried foods and anything that contains sugar. Salt must be replaced with spices.

You can achieve maximum results faster if you include physical activity in your daily routine.

Fish diet

To lose 10 kg in a week without harm to health, many nutritionists recommend sticking to a fish diet. While following the fish diet, you need to give up sugar and drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

You can eat low-fat fish, baked or boiled.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast – boiled egg or omelet, tea without sugar.
  2. Second breakfast – light salad.
  3. Lunch – 200-300 g of baked river fish and half a grapefruit.
  4. Afternoon snack – apple or pear.
  5. Dinner – 200 g of stewed pollock and a glass of low-fat kefir.

Drink a glass of water at night.

Modify the menu to your liking. Fish is combined with grilled vegetables. Rice would be a great addition. A variety of foods that suit your taste preferences will be consumed with pleasure and will help you get rid of extra pounds.

Liquid diet

A liquid diet is difficult to follow because it requires drinking plenty of fluids instead of eating regular solid foods. Such a diet can cause swelling and malaise.

Be sure to read: Proper nutrition: daily menu for weight loss, diet principles, recipes

If you follow the menu exactly, there will be no problems:

  1. Drink a glass of water in the morning.
  2. After 1-2 hours, drink a glass of milk.
  3. For lunch, drink broth (vegetable, meat or fish).
  4. For dinner, drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.
  5. Drink vegetable or fruit juice before bed.

It is advisable to drink any liquid through a straw.

Attention! If your health worsens, you should immediately stop drinking liquids.

The advantage of this type of food is its low cost. In addition, you can drink at any time of the day without restrictions if you feel hungry.

Cucumber Diet

It is important to develop a varied menu. This approach is necessary to maintain the body.

The cucumber regime includes fasting days in the first 3 days of the diet:

  1. On the first day, prepare a salad from 1 kg of cucumbers and 0.5 kg of tomatoes, season with lemon juice and 1 tsp. olive oil. Divide the salad into 6 servings and eat every 3 hours. Have dinner with a glass of kefir.
  2. The next day, eat 1.5-2 kg of cucumbers. For lunch and dinner, vegetables can be supplemented with 1 boiled egg.
  3. On the third day, eat 1 kg of cucumbers, add radishes, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, and onions. Cottage cheese is suitable for dinner.

All subsequent days of the cucumber diet are more nutritious. For lunch or dinner, eat 100 g of boiled chicken and a cucumber. For breakfast - oatmeal with cucumber, for dinner - boiled fish with vegetables.

Buckwheat diet for 7 days

There are several options for buckwheat diets, but first you should choose one that is gentler on the body.

Approximate menu:

  1. 100 g buckwheat + a glass of kefir.
  2. 100 g buckwheat + 200 g boiled chicken.
  3. 100 g buckwheat + 1 fresh carrot
  1. 100 g buckwheat + 1 egg.
  2. 100 g buckwheat + kefir with dried fruits.
  3. 100 g buckwheat + cucumber + kefir
  1. Buckwheat with walnuts + kefir.
  2. Buckwheat + low-fat baked fish steak + tea without sugar.
  3. Buckwheat + plain yogurt

On subsequent days the menu is repeated.

Vegetable diet for a week: minus 10 kg in 7 days

Popular types of vegetable diets are:

  • protein-vegetable;
  • fruit and vegetable;
  • kefir-vegetable;
  • diet based on vegetable broths and decoctions.

Be sure to read: TOP 7: Fasting days for weight loss: menu options, how to do it correctly, what you can eat

You need to choose one basic vegetable (cabbage, zucchini, cucumber, pumpkin). The main ingredient is combined with meat, fish, and dairy products. Weight comes off quickly if you follow the drinking regime.

Strict protein diet for a week: minus 10 kg in 7 days

A protein diet is considered the best option for maintaining health and muscle tone and losing extra pounds:

  • eat 6 times a day;
  • carbohydrates (porridge, fruits) can be eaten until two o’clock in the afternoon;
  • Avoid sugar and salt; use lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, and vegetable oil as seasonings.

Possible diet:

EatingOption 1Option 2
Breakfast200 g milk, kefir or cottage cheeseCoffee or tea
Lunch100 g boiled rice100 g cottage cheese
DinnerBoiled meatBoiled chicken meat
Afternoon snackAny vegetableVegetable
Dinner2 eggs + boiled lean fish steakEgg casserole + fish

On subsequent days, swap the components of each day. Before going to bed, do not forget to drink 1 glass of water.

Strict kefir diet for a week: minus 10 kg in 7 days

Often this diet causes dehydration, since the amount of fluid consumed is strictly limited. It is not recommended for people with health problems.

Basic kefir diet by day:

  1. 0.5 liters of kefir + 0.5 kg of boiled potatoes without oil, spices and salt.
  2. 0.5 liters of kefir + 0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. 0.5 liters of kefir + 0.5 kg of fruit.
  4. 0.5 liters of kefir + 0.5 kg of boiled chicken meat.
  5. 0.5 liters of kefir + 0.5 kg of fruit.
  6. 1.5 liters of water.
  7. 0.5 liters of kefir + 0.5 kg of fruit.

If you are intolerant to the product, replace it with plain yogurt with a minimum percentage of fat content.

Apple-kefir diet menu

An apple contains many micro- and macroelements necessary to maintain immunity, but it is not recommended to use the fruit as a basis for a diet and combine it with fermented milk products. There is a risk of deterioration of the digestive system, but the diet will give good results in terms of weight loss.

Be sure to read: Diet for 5 days: principles, menu for every day, nutrition options, how to quickly lose 5 kg

The diet is adjusted independently. The apple-kefir diet is a strict diet, so only a few products are allowed that are combined (apples, cottage cheese, rice and kefir). The main portion of the serving should be apples and kefir.

Kefir-buckwheat diet menu

Buckwheat porridge in combination with kefir forms the basis of the diet. It is worth adding plenty of fluids. Additional products can include dried fruits and nuts.

Every morning starts with a glass of kefir. Main meals include buckwheat, kefir and additional foods. In order not to come up with a special menu, take the buckwheat diet as a basis and add a glass of kefir to each meal. 1 fasting day includes only kefir.

Onion soup: minus 10 kg per week

In order not to bother with creating a menu, make onion soup the basis of your diet. The dish has a minimum of calories, improves metabolism, is easy to prepare, and allows you to quickly and effectively lose weight.

It is enough to eat onion soup 3 times a day. Additionally, it is permissible to consume raw vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

Soup recipe for weight loss:

  1. Cut into cubes 6 onions, 2 peppers, 2 tomatoes, small cabbage, several sprigs of celery.
  2. Pour 2-3 liters of water over the vegetables.
  3. Cook after boiling for 15 minutes.
  4. Add chopped herbs and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Attention! Do not add spices, salt or meat broth to the dish.

Fully or partially limited products

It is forbidden to eat fast food, any high-calorie dishes, anything fatty and fried. Avoid salt, spices and sugar. Eliminate flour products and sweets. Try to give up coffee. Alcohol and energy drinks, soda, and sweet syrups are completely prohibited.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal







Nuts and dried fruits

candied fruit2,01,071,0301


potato chips5,530,053,0520
banana chips2,333,650,7519

Cereals and porridges


Flour and pasta


Bakery products




Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189





Raw materials and seasonings



dairy products3,26,54,1117

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese17,25,01,8121

Meat products

elk meat21,41,70,0101
goat meat18,016,00,0216
yak meat20,03,50,0112
boiled boiled pork16,418,31,0233


boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
smoked sausage28,227,50,0360
dry-cured sausage24,138,31,0455
smoked sausage9,963,20,3608
homemade liver sausage15,022,00,0258
pork chops10,033,00,0337



Fish and seafood


Oils and fats

animal fat0,099,70,0897
chicken fat0,099,70,0897
fish oil0,0100,00,0902

Alcoholic drinks

dry white wine0,10,00,666
Cahors red wine0,00,016,0147

Non-alcoholic drinks


Juices and compotes

* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Monday (on apples)

BreakfastGrate 2-3 apples and mix with walnuts, season with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
DinnerGrate 3 apples and mix with a boiled egg, add herbs and green onions.
Dinner4-5 green apples.

During the first day, if you fully follow the recommendations, you will lose 1.5-2 kg.

Tuesday (on rice and apples)

Breakfast100 g of boiled rice without salt and 3 apples.
Dinnerapplesauce with boiled rice without salt.
Dinnerpure boiled rice without salt.

During the second day of the diet, 1.5 kg is lost.


Breakfast2-3 medium-sized green apples and 100 g low-fat cottage cheese (0%).
DinnerMix 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with a finely chopped green apple and add 1 teaspoon of bee honey. You can add walnuts for taste.
Dinner120 g low-fat cottage cheese (0%).

On the third day, up to 2 extra pounds are lost.

Thursday (on carrots and apples)

Breakfastsalad of 1 green apple and 3 grated carrots.
Dinnercarrot and apple salad with lemon and honey.
Dinner3 apples baked in the oven with honey.

On the fourth day of the diet, 2 kilograms are lost.

Friday (on beets and carrots)

Breakfast2 boiled carrots and 1 boiled beets.
Dinnertwo hard-boiled eggs and 150 g of oatmeal in water.
Dinnergrated carrots with honey.

On the fifth day, 2 kg of weight is lost.

The sixth day of the diet repeats the menu on Monday, and the seventh day repeats Tuesday.

Menu for the week: up to 1300 kcal for every day

We present to you a version of a weekly menu, with the help of which hundreds of Russian women were able to lose up to 50 kg. excess weight. Of course they did it, they did it not in 1 month, but in at least a year. But everything depends entirely on you in the end.

There is nothing secret about this menu other than common sense.

*BreakfastSnackDinnerSnackDinnerSnack (no later than 2 hours before bedtime)
Mon (open day)Cottage cheeseAppleVegetable soupNatural yogurtA glass of kefir
WOatmeal with milk, berries and nutsOrangeBaked fish 150 g, rice 100 g, salad 100 g.Cottage cheeseVegetable stewA glass of kefir
Wed2 boiled eggs, 2 tablespoons cottage cheese, half a bell pepperBananaChicken breast, quickly grilled 100 g, buckwheat 150 g, salad 100 g.AppleCucumber and tomato salad without dressingA glass of kefir
ThuOatmeal in water, grate cheese into it, finely chop cilantro, add olive oil and salt to tasteCottage cheeseBeef stew 150 g, couscous 100 g, salad 100 g.OrangeGrilled vegetablesBanana
FriCheesecakes or casserole with 1 spoon of jamFruit saladChicken cutlet 100 g, brown rice 150 g, salad 100 g.Cereal biscuit with honey or jam (thin layer)Any vegetable saladA glass of natural yogurt
SatOatmeal in natural yogurt (soak overnight and put in the refrigerator) + 1 tsp. honey GrapefruitSteamed turkey 100 g, buckwheat 150 g, salad 100 g.Granular cottage cheeseVegetable stewBanana
SunCucumber, 2 boiled eggs, natural yogurtAppleVegetable salad 100 g, boiled chicken fillet 150 g.OrangeSteamed fish, grilled vegetablesA glass of kefir

You can adapt this menu to suit yourself, taking into account the availability of certain products. As mentioned earlier, it does not guarantee you minus 10 kg in 7 days, however, with an adequate approach, over time you will feel the effect!

This is evidenced by the results of people who, thanks to a similar diet and exercise, achieved impressive results.

Important Terms

  • Psychological aspect. At the slightest deviation from the usual diet, the body begins to experience stress, and such experiments do not always pass without leaving a trace. With any restrictions, discomfort arises, so prepare for the diet mentally in advance. Imagine what your body will look like in a week, and the temptation to eat something forbidden will immediately disappear. The food consumed during the diet is absolutely healthy and safe.
  • Helpful tricks. It has been proven that replacing standard plates with smaller dishes can reduce the amount of food consumed at a time. The same goes for cutlery.
  • Water and drinking regime. Drinking plenty of fluids is an essential component of almost any diet.
  • Diet. To improve digestion processes and accelerate metabolism , it is recommended to eat often, but in small portions, excluding prohibited foods.
  • Physical activity. Moderate physical activity and sports will help speed up the process of losing weight and improve your well-being.

Advice and comments from nutritionists

Losing excess weight is a very complex and time-consuming process that does not always bring health benefits. You need to approach the choice of diet extremely carefully and carefully so as not to harm your health. For advice, it is better to consult a specialist doctor - nutritionist. Doctors teach you how to combine foods correctly. Particular attention should be paid to cooking, giving preference to stewing, boiling and absolutely refusing to fry.

Basic tips:

  • to overcome hunger, use snacks using fresh vegetables and fruits; if it is impossible to completely give up sweets, then as an exception you can eat honey and dark chocolate;
  • drink more water;
  • completely avoid alcohol-containing products;
  • get enough sleep, sleep time – 8 hours;
  • lead as active a lifestyle as possible;
  • Motivate yourself constantly.

Reviews and results

It’s really possible to lose weight in such a short time, judging by numerous reviews. It is important to understand that any diet is a great stress for the body, which has its negative sides.

Judging by the reviews, the extra pounds lost with such difficulty come back very quickly if you do not follow the basic rules for leaving the weekly diet. You cannot immediately switch to your usual diet. During your diet, try to form the right eating habits: do not overeat, do not eat before bed, give preference to steamed dishes and generally healthy foods.

The “Minus 10 kg per week” diet can have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the digestive tract if you previously had problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, those losing weight notice flatulence , bowel movements, pain in the navel, and heaviness after eating. First consult with a gastroenterologist about the possibility of going on a weekly diet; perhaps the doctor will help you choose a different diet that is more suitable for you, taking into account your health characteristics.

Diet for 7 days from beans

This diet for 7 days minus 10 kg of weight will not provide, but with interval repetition it will be effective. Its discoverer was James Skates from England, who consumed 2 cans of canned beans in tomato sauce every day. After 1.5 years, he managed to lose weight from an incredible 133 kg to 95 kg.

Example of using beans:

  • The white variety is suitable for soups.
  • Canned beans make a good lunch.
  • The red and mottled varieties are ideal as a side dish.
  • Mungo beans with juicy shoots will be a suitable addition to salads and Asian dishes.

100 g of beans contains only 1000 kJ.

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