How does it work

Despite the high calorie content of honey, the diet still has the right to exist, thanks to its unique properties. If you regularly consume it for a long time against the backdrop of proper nutrition and physical activity, the body will react to such changes very positively. Judge for yourself:

  • natural cleansing of harmful substances and excess liquid occurs;
  • blood flow accelerates;
  • digestion improves;
  • tissues uninterruptedly receive oxygen and other useful substances;
  • The gastrointestinal tract speeds up its work;
  • metabolism is activated;
  • brain cells are not deficient in oxygen and glucose - a glass of honey water in the morning increases efficiency, guarantees the absence of fatigue, and prevents exhaustion.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many nutritionists advise their clients to use honey for weight loss. True, you can’t count on quick results. With moderate dietary restrictions, they can amount to about 2 kg per week and about 6 kg per month. However, it is gradual weight loss that guarantees safety for health, the absence of complications and the durability of the achieved effect.

Egg-honey diet

The power supply system has its own characteristics. A mixture of egg yolk and honey contains many useful substances and has a healing effect. Thus, the yolk contains water-soluble and fat-soluble microelements, as well as phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, and sodium.

A sample menu consists of two main products and plenty of liquid.

1 dayBreakfast2 yolks mixed with 1 small spoon of honey, coffee or green tea
Dinner90 g low-fat cheese, coffee or tea (with a slice of lemon or 1 small spoon of bee product)
Dinner200-250 ml chicken broth, a slice of black or whole grain bread, one medium apple
Day 2Breakfast2 yolks mixed with 1 small spoon of honey, coffee or green tea
Dinner2 yolks are mixed with 1 small spoon of honey, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, coffee or tea (with a slice of lemon or 1 small spoon of bee product)
Dinner150 g boiled fish, vegetable salad, green tea
Day 3Breakfast2 yolks mixed with 1 small spoon of honey, coffee or green tea
Dinner50 g of low-fat cheese, a slice of black bread, lettuce, coffee or tea (with a slice of lemon or 1 small spoon of bee product)
Dinner300 g boiled non-starchy vegetables, 1 egg and tea with a slice of lemon

The diet menu is designed taking into account the rules of healthy eating. There should not be any particular difficulties in complying with it.

This diet is designed for three days, and as a result you can get rid of 1 to 3 kg.

Principles and rules

To lose weight with honey, you will have to follow the principles of proper nutrition and lead a healthy lifestyle. Only in combination with such changes will the diet work. Therefore, before you start, read the advice of experts. Can you do them for a long enough time?

  1. Buy fresh, uncandied honey without starch or dilutions. The store option is immediately ruled out.
  2. Drink, in addition to honey water (tea), about one and a half liters of regular water.
  3. Allowed foods: vegetables without starch, unsweetened fruits, berries, dairy products (low-fat), lean fish and meat (every other day).
  4. Prohibited foods: sweet fruit juices and sodas, confectionery, mayonnaise, fried foods, chips, alcohol, white bread, canned fish in oil.
  5. Limit your salt intake.
  6. Play sports, move more, lead an active lifestyle.
  7. Regardless of the chosen nutritional system, drink a glass of raw honey water in the morning so that it starts metabolic processes in the body.
  8. In order not to break down, try to put your nervous system in order. With honey it will be quite easy: eat a teaspoon of this product before bed. You will lose weight calmly and peacefully.

As you can see, you won’t have to enjoy sweetness much, because you will need to work hard on your daily routine and nutrition. However, this will allow you to touch upon a healthy lifestyle, which in itself eliminates excess weight. Having developed the right habits throughout the diet and continuing to adhere to them, you will forget about the problem forever.

Lemon-honey diet

The weight loss system is a short-term method. So, you should stick to it for 2 days. Experts recommend cutting calories as much as possible during this period. This activates the process of burning accumulated reserves in the body. Also during this period, excess fluid is removed from the body. To compensate for this deficiency, you need to drink more water.

There is no special menu in this diet. You should drink large amounts of acidified liquid all two days. The result is a loss of 2 kg.

To prepare the main dish of this diet, you need to mix three liters of purified water, the juice of fifteen lemons and 50 ml of honey. In addition to this drink, you can drink water and green tea without restrictions.

It is possible to maintain this diet. Since citric acid dulls the feeling of hunger.

About the pros and cons

At first glance, the honey diet may seem completely positive. However, this barrel also has its own very nasty fly in the ointment.


  • There is no need to give up sweets;
  • In parallel with weight loss, the prevention of certain diseases is carried out;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • enriching the body with vitamins and amino acids;
  • health safety;
  • absence of headaches, drowsiness, loss of strength;
  • honey is a product that is easily absorbed by the body;
  • It is a natural antidepressant that improves your mood.


  • Still, you will have to limit yourself to a diet that will not be balanced;
  • a long list of contraindications;
  • slow weight loss.

Pay special attention to the cons. Will you be able to somehow bypass them or at least come to terms with them? This will avoid disappointment and not leave the race ahead of time.

List of contraindications

Honey is a powerful activator of many processes in the body. Its biologically active components make organs work in an enhanced mode. And if everything is not okay with them initially, this can lead to undesirable consequences and health problems. Therefore, read the list of contraindications for such a diet in advance:

  • allergy to honey;
  • dermatosis;
  • lung diseases;
  • gallstones or bladder stones;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rheumatism;
  • diabetes;
  • cholecystitis.

There is no need to risk your health to lose weight. If you have the listed diseases, look for another method.


There are several options for honey-based diets. When choosing one of them, evaluate your weight and the severity of the proposed hunger strike.

For the lazy

The most popular honey diet is for the lazy. The second name is “hibernation diet”. Developed by English nutritionists, who claim that during sleep, the body burns calories faster if you eat a tablespoon of honey before sleeping. It should activate hormones that promote the breakdown of fats. But at the same time, they still recommend doing exercises with dumbbells, Pilates or yoga at least every other day. The diet and portion sizes are as limited as possible.

Breakfast examples:

  • apple juice, muesli with milk, 15 grams of honey;
  • tomato juice, oatmeal with milk, 15 grams of honey;
  • fruit salad with honey, whole grain bread, hard-boiled egg.

Examples of afternoon tea:

  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruit.

Lunch examples:

  • orange juice, 2 whole grain bread and tuna sandwiches, mushroom and vegetable salad, fruit.
  • juice, 2 whole grain breads, chicken, vegetable salad;

Dinner examples:

  • fruit juice, grilled salmon, noodles with bell pepper, vegetable salad;
  • fruit juice, baked potato with mushrooms and onions, yogurt, vegetable salad, apricots.

The diet promises a loss of one and a half kilograms per day.


Guarantees one of the fastest results: up to 2 kg in 2 days.

There is a very tough option when you have to completely give up food. During the day you need to drink the following mixture in small portions:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 450 ml lemon juice (from about 15 lemons);
  • 50 grams of honey.

If it is difficult to endure such a hunger strike, it will be enough to drink a drink before each meal, which should be low-calorie (we recommend considering the option of a fat-burning cocktail with honey, ginger and lemon). Weight loss can be extended over 14 days or even a month if the diet is balanced.


Another option for express weight loss in 3 days. Here the main product is a mixture:

  • 2 yolks;
  • 10 g honey.

Be sure to use lemon, and all other dishes are minimized in calories and serving size.


Even tougher, longer lasting, but very effective. Boil a glass of rice (prefer brown) without salt. This volume is divided into 5 meals. In parallel with this, drink a glass of lemon-honey water three times a day (10 grams of honey, a slice of citrus per 200 ml of warm water). You can't eat anything else. Duration - a week.

Despite the fact that there are options designed for 5-7 days, they turn out to be ineffective. Therefore, experts recommend choosing longer-term methods.

Recommendations from nutritionists

During the diet, you must follow the following rules and take into account the recommendations of nutritionists:

  • completely avoid salt and sugar;
  • You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day;
  • It is recommended to perform physical exercises, which will significantly increase the effect;
  • eat small portions, but often (at least 4-5 times a day);
  • You can eat your last meal 3 hours before bedtime;
  • temporarily refuse or limit the consumption of foods rich in starch (potatoes, cereals, some types of fruits and vegetables);
  • During the diet, it is useful to consume dairy products, herbs, fruits, and vegetables rich in fiber, which will speed up the process of burning fat;
  • You cannot adhere to the diet plan for more than 14 days, but the course can be repeated every 2-3 months;
  • products on the menu must be of natural origin, without pre-processing (pasteurization, preservation, etc.);
  • it is necessary to limit the amount of fried and smoked food consumed during and after the diet.

Have you decided to take care of your appearance? Are you overweight? We will help you lose unnecessary pounds with the following diets:

  • Liepaja from Dr. Khazan.
  • From Michel Montignac.
  • Dr. Nazardan from Houston.
  • Doctor Bormenthal.
  • nutritionist Ksenia Selezneva.


Since the honey diet for 6 days is the most popular, we offer a sample menu for it.

As a bonus, here is a sample menu for an egg-honey diet for 3 days.

If you can’t live without sweets, and the numbers on the scales hint that it’s time to lose those extra pounds, take a closer look at the honey diet. It has a lot of advantages over other weight loss systems and only one significant drawback: you can’t hope for quick and large-scale results. But, on the other hand, nutritionists recommend just such methods - with gradual and slight weight loss.

Honey can also be used for:

  • Baths
  • Wraps
  • Massage
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