Express diet for quick weight loss: about a flat stomach and menu for 7 days

I would like to start the story about what an “express diet” is with a warning. This name brings together many areas of rapid weight loss in a short time. They are considered tough and effective, but are not suitable for systematic work on burning deposits of fat that have accumulated over the years. Using an express diet for quick weight loss is suitable for those who have a problem of a couple of kilograms, which they want to get rid of “before the sea” in order to fit into their favorite swimsuit.

Hello friends! Remember the old joke: “What is better for losing weight: green tea or green coffee? Green sausage! Minus three kilos a day is guaranteed!” Jokes aside, I have to admit that, unlike most harsh diets with low calorie intake, designed for 7 days, 2 weeks or more, the express diet does not have time to greatly harm the body.

Menu variations allow everyone to choose what they like best. It’s easier to endure restrictions for 2-3 days, while eating something that doesn’t cause disgust. But, despite its advantages, any express diet is only a disguise of the problem, and not a solution. Why? Read about it below.

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What is the basis of the method?

There is only one way to burn a large number of fat cells in 2-3 days: eat almost nothing and work out intensely until you break a sweat. For example, unloading a hundred bags of potatoes every day or running a marathon. An untrained person accustomed to moderate exercise can pay with his life for such weight loss.

The express diet is gentler and involves reducing the number of kilograms due to the removal of fluid from the body and increased intestinal peristalsis. Results are achieved by reducing calories by 30 or even 50 percent. But not in comparison with how much you are used to eating, but in comparison with your calorie intake rate, which is calculated using the basal metabolism calculator.

If, at the end of the weight loss experiment, you return to your usual overeating, everything you lost will also come back, and even double. But even if, at the end of the express diet, you stick to the norm, the weight will still return. After all, only water has left you, and your body will take care of accumulating it again.

Minor burning of fat cells in this scheme does not play a decisive role.

Express diet: variety of types

For 2 days

You should not stick to the mono method. Any of the directions implies a light variety of dishes. In order not to bother yourself with food lists, just eat what is prescribed.

Apple method

You take 2 kilos of local apples and 200 grams of lean meat (chicken breast, beef). You boil or steam the meat. You eat apples fresh. Meals a day - at least four.

Sample menu for the day:

  • breakfast - one hundred grams of meat and half a kilo of apples;
  • lunch - another half kilo of apples;
  • lunch - the same as for breakfast;
  • dinner is the same as for lunch.

Last meal no later than 20 pm.

You should drink at least 2.5 liters of water. Green tea and still mineral water are acceptable.

Salt and sugar are not used.

I am a model!

This method allows for greater variety. Menu for one day:

  • in the morning - a boiled chicken egg and a cup of green tea without sugar;
  • in the afternoon - another egg and freshly squeezed pineapple juice;
  • afternoon snack - juice without eggs;
  • in the evening - 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and tea without sweeteners.

It is clear that there is a similar ban on salt. In addition to the above, be sure to drink water!

Cucumber Diet

It involves eating a salad of cucumbers, herbs (parsley, dill, celery), sprinkled with olive oil. Without salt!

First day diet:

  • breakfast - salad in any quantity and 100 grams of boiled chicken;
  • lunch - only salad;
  • afternoon snack - like lunch;
  • dinner is like an afternoon snack.

Second day diet:

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  • in the morning - only salad;
  • during the day - aka 100 grams of chicken;
  • for a snack - the same as in the morning;
  • in the evening - the same as for a snack.

Theoretically, you can lose a couple of kilos due to the lack of salt and the removal of fluid from the body. It is especially important to drink plenty of water.

Curd with honey

You choose one product. Definitely non-greasy.

The menu implies a real feast! You can eat 150-200 grams of the selected product and half a teaspoon of honey every three to four hours, washed down with pure water or green tea without anything! In a couple of days, your weight will decrease by 1.5-2 kilos.

Three-day methods

On juices

I warn you that you can only drink juices that you prepare yourself. Store-bought ones are full of sugar and preservatives.

Juice can be squeezed from:

  • apples;
  • citrus fruits;
  • pineapples (if you find ripe ones);
  • pomegranates;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrots;
  • beets;
  • pumpkins;
  • celery stalks.

You will need two liters per day, which you will divide into several doses. It is better to dilute juices, especially beet juice. If there are several different ones per day, that’s great!

You can't put salt and sugar.

Your plumb line is 5 kg for 3 days.

On kefir

The same result is achieved very simply: you buy yourself one and a half liters of kefir every day. You need to drink 4-5 times.

You bring your drinking regime to the norm of 2.5 liters by drinking clean, non-carbonated water. All other products are prohibited for you.

Diet according to "Cosmopolitan"

This express diet is considered one of the most effective. It is more comprehensive in terms of diet composition. Meals six times a day. Plumb - 2-3 kilos, if you're lucky.

The daily menu looks like this:


1 - half a liter of water, a glass of milk with a spoon of cocoa and honey.

2 - the same water plus a glass of kefir;

3 - the same as the first.

Water is consumed immediately after waking up, the rest after morning exercises.


1 - grape;

2 - 150 g. curd;

3 - absent.


1 - 200 grams of chicken fillet, salad with olive oil;

2 - vegetable broth, as much as you can fit;

3 - 150 grams of cottage cheese and a glass of fermented milk product without sugar.


1 - a glass of yogurt without anything;

2 - juice from 2 grapes;

3 - absent.


1 - cook carrots, onions, tomatoes, strain and drink the liquid as much as you want;

2 - a piece of fish or turkey (200 g) and a side dish of fresh vegetables;

3 - vegetables or turkey fillet (200 g).

On the first day before going to bed, you can additionally drink a glass of kefir.

Multi-day techniques

There are schemes for a week, for 14 days or more. The coolest thing is to extend it for 1 month, but I don’t recommend it. This, without options, will lead to loss of health.

The famous nutritionist Dukan offers a seven-day diet, which is based on the principle of excluding certain foods and following food preparation methods. In general terms it looks like this:

  • We cook only by steaming, baking or boiling;
  • exclude fatty, salty, anything made from flour and any canned food;
  • We don’t eat grapes and bananas, potatoes and beets (it’s not clear why), any legumes (including soybeans);
  • We drink everything without sugar or water;
  • We eat only low-carbohydrate cereals;
  • Be sure to add bran to your food;
  • We eat lean meat and fish.

The menu is compiled from personal preferences. The result is small, but physiological.

The Mediterranean option is not suitable for those who live far from warm seas. With this, you need to switch to eating seaweed, fish and seafood. All this is expensive and is not delivered to us in freshly caught form.

A good method for a flat stomach is considered to be weekly diets with mandatory consumption of protein foods and avoidance of carbohydrate foods. Mono-diets are also praised: only natural yogurt or only boiled rice or only chicken.

For men, the protein option is preferable so as not to lose muscle.


There are a lot of quick diets on the Internet and in books; study in detail the menu offered by each of them in order to choose the one that will be easier and tastier to follow. Of course, mono-diets are especially popular among express diets due to their simplicity and effectiveness. However, sticking to a diet that includes a variety of foods is more comfortable. The decision is yours.

For 3 days

A controversial method of express weight loss, which can only be used by people in perfect health.

First day

  • Breakfast. A glass of freshly squeezed orange or apple juice.
  • Dinner. Raw vegetables or fruits in quantities of no more than two hundred grams.
  • Dinner. A glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Second day: throughout the day you are allowed to drink only clean water in the amount of 3-4 liters.

The third day

  • Breakfast. Half a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice.
  • Dinner. Grated carrot salad.
  • Dinner. A glass of tea without sweeteners and a slice of toast.

Or, throughout the day, eat 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and drink 1.5 liters of kefir in equal portions in five doses.

For 5 days

Its essence is to divide the entire period into days, with separate express meals. Meat, vegetable, fruit, cereal and curd-water, that is, you have one mono-diet every day. Under no circumstances should we mix different products within one day. Here is a sample menu:

Day one: meat

  • Morning. Boiled or steamed beef – 150-200 g.
  • Dinner. Boiled or steamed chicken – 100-150 g.
  • Evening. Boiled or stewed turkey – 200 g.

Salting meat is not allowed, but use various spices and dry herbs to improve the taste. If you are a vegetarian, instead of meat, you can make a diet of low-fat cottage cheese, tofu and legumes.

Day two: vegetables

  • Morning. Vegetable salad of cucumbers and radishes.
  • Dinner. Eggplant stewed with garlic and 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil.
  • Evening. Boiled kohlrabi cabbage – 200 g.

Day three: fruits

  • Morning. Avocado and a little honey.
  • Dinner. Four tangerines.
  • Evening. A bunch of dark grapes.

Day four: cereals

  • Morning. 100 g of boiled brown rice and two tbsp. spoons of pine nuts.
  • Dinner. 150 g of boiled brown rice and some almonds.
  • Evening. 100 g of boiled brown rice and three walnuts.

Day five: water and cottage cheese

  • Morning. 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and thirty minutes later a glass of still water.
  • Dinner. 150 g of cottage cheese and three glasses of still water.
  • Evening. 100 g of cottage cheese and two glasses of water.

In this express diet, it is very important to follow the sequence of days, since each of them has its own role. Meat day nourishes muscle tissue and supplies the body with protein; vegetable - enhances intestinal motility, thereby helping to remove toxins from the body. Fruit replenishes glucose levels in the body, thanks to which a person is filled with strength and energy. A cereal day satisfies the body's need for complex carbohydrates, so there is no feeling of hunger. And finally, a water-curd day restores the water-salt harmony of the body.

This express diet does not require any special solution, you just shouldn’t immediately eat fatty and starchy foods; give preference to foods containing protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates.

For 7 days

Here you need to gain courage and determination for the whole week. During the diet, take vitamin and mineral complexes.

It resembles a 5-day express diet in that it consists of several one-day mono-diets. Reviews say that on such a diet the weight gain is 3-7 kg without much effort and suffering from malnutrition. Approximate diet:

First day: fish. Eat any kind of fish all day long, baked or boiled; you can cook fish soup without potatoes and eat it with broth. Eat no more than 1.2 kg of fish per day in small portions of 200-300 g.

Second day: vegetables. Any, except potatoes and green peas, in any form. It is also recommended to drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices. No salt, sugar, dyes or preservatives. You need one and a half kilograms of vegetables per day.

Day three: chicken. Boiled, grilled without fat, steamed without skin. You can add mild seasonings and chicken broth. During the day - one kilogram of chicken meat.

Day four: porridge. Any porridge made from whole grains except semolina and corn, which increase appetite and have a high glycemic index. However, in some versions of the diet both semolina and corn are allowed. During the day, eat porridge made from one glass of dry cereal.

Day five: cottage cheese and yogurt. Cottage cheese up to 0.8 kg, yogurt up to 1.2 liters per day, without sweeteners and low-fat.

Day six: fruits. Fresh and preferably not very sweet. Up to 1.5 kg of each type.

Day seven: unloading. All day long only water or mineral water without gas, with a small amount of salts.

For 10 days

The basis of such an express diet is protein products, due to which weight is lost due to fat deposits, not muscles: lacking carbohydrates, the body begins to burn fat tissue at an accelerated rate to obtain energy. Thanks to this diet, you can really lose 5-10 kg, while feeling good: without drowsiness and the oppressive desire to chew something.

In the morning you need to drink a glass of clean water on an empty stomach, you can add lemon juice. You should forget about fried foods during the diet; foods are cooked in the oven, grilled or steamed. During meals, drink only coffee or green tea without sweeteners or milk.

Sample diet menu for 10 days

Breakfast. On the 1st, 4th and 8th days: two boiled eggs, a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, Chinese cabbage and wheat germ, dressed with olive oil.

On the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th days: an omelet of 2 eggs with onions and two tomatoes, two pieces of low-fat cheese or a glass of drinking yogurt with berries.

On the 3rd and 6th days: low-fat cottage cheese, mashed with berries or a cottage cheese-berry smoothie.

Lunch. On days 1, 4 and 8: two pieces of low-fat cheese and lettuce.

On the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th days: 200 g of kefir with fresh berries or berry yogurt.

On the 3rd and 6th days: Caesar salad with chicken breast or vegetable salad Salsa. Below are dietary recipes for these salads.

Dinner. Days 1 and 8: two grilled chicken breasts. Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce and sprouted wheat, dressed with olive oil.

On days 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10: mackerel, salmon or flounder fillet and vegetable stew (broccoli, tomatoes, zucchini, leeks) or tomato soup with leeks and broccoli, or in addition to fish, mushroom noodle soup.

Day 7: Tuna fillet and baked potato.

Afternoon snack. You can choose different snack options yourself: it’s either a glass of kefir with a handful of berries; cucumber or tomato stuffed with grated cheese; three to four rolls with cucumber or salmon, or two pieces of low-fat cheese with celery.

Dinner. On the 1st, 5th and 8th days: halibut or salmon fillet, oven-baked vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, tomatoes, eggplant.

On days 2 and 9: two grilled beef steaks and a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, arugula, spinach and avocado, dressed with olive oil.

On the 3rd and 10th days: pork fillet, baked in the oven, steamed cabbage (any type - cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli) with olive oil.

On days 4, 6 and 7: two chicken breasts with zucchini pancakes or steamed asparagus with grated cheese or guacamole.

At night, be sure to drink a glass of kefir or low-fat milk. A quick diet for 10 days is one of the most effective and painless.

Diet salad recipes

Caesar salad. Mayonnaise is, perhaps, one of the main enemies of a beautiful figure, therefore, in dietary Caesar, a sauce made from sour cream, mustard and spices or raw food mayonnaise is used instead. You will also need Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, low-fat cheese, chicken fillet, a pinch of salt, spices, crackers without salt, and low-fat sour cream.

Wash the Chinese cabbage and cut into large pieces. Cut tomatoes and cheese into cubes. Boil chicken fillet and chop finely. Chop a bunch of dill. Mix all ingredients in a salad bowl and season with sour cream and mustard sauce.

Salsa Salad. It requires the following ingredients: tomatoes, an onion, a pepper, one clove of garlic, three green onions, a handful of chopped cilantro, the juice of half a lime, half a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt and black pepper. Chop all ingredients and mix. Season with olive oil.

Guacamole. Finely chop the peeled tomato, cilantro and half the onion. Squeeze two cloves of garlic into the resulting mixture. Place the avocado pulp there, which must first be removed from it with a spoon. Pour lemon juice over it all and blend thoroughly in a blender until smooth. The resulting sauce goes well with grilled vegetables: new potatoes, zucchini and carrots.

For 14 days

This express diet is also called the Japanese salt-free diet. Experts say that the lost weight will not return for at least 2-5 years.

Diet menu for 14 days

The first day

  • Breakfast. A mug of black coffee without sweeteners.
  • Dinner. Boiled Brussels sprouts, two tomatoes, one soft-boiled egg.
  • Dinner. 200 g boiled or stewed tuna.

Second day

  • Breakfast. A mug of black unsweetened coffee and toast.
  • Dinner. Boiled salmon, cauliflower salad, tomato juice.
  • Dinner. Boiled or stewed mackerel.

Day three

  • Breakfast. Black coffee and toast.
  • Dinner. Stew from one large zucchini.
  • Dinner. 200 g of boiled veal, 2 eggs, Chinese cabbage salad, dressed with olive oil.

Day four

  • Breakfast. A cup of coffee.
  • Dinner. A piece of low-fat cheese, a boiled egg, carrot stew (3 large) with dill.
  • Dinner. Apple, pear and banana.

Day five

  • Breakfast. Grated raw carrots seasoned with lemon juice.
  • Dinner. Boiled halibut and a glass of tomato juice.
  • Dinner. Apple, pear and banana.

Day six

  • Breakfast. Black coffee.
  • Dinner. 200 g of boiled chicken and grated carrot salad.
  • Dinner. Two boiled eggs and a glass of apple juice.

Day seven

  • Breakfast. Green tea.
  • Dinner. 200 g boiled or stewed beef, avocado.
  • Dinner. Dinner of any previous day, except the third.

Day eight

  • Breakfast. A cup of black coffee.
  • Dinner. 300 g boiled chicken, white cabbage salad.
  • Dinner. Two boiled eggs. Grated carrot salad.

Day nine

  • Breakfast. Raw carrot salad dressed with lemon juice.
  • Dinner. 200 g of boiled hake and a glass of tomato juice.
  • Dinner. Pear, watermelon or melon.

Day ten

  • Breakfast. A cup of black coffee.
  • Dinner. One raw egg. Carrots stewed with vegetable oil and cheese.
  • Dinner. Dates or other dried fruits.

Day eleven

  • Breakfast. Green tea with toast.
  • Dinner. Stew from one zucchini in vegetable oil.
  • Dinner. Boiled or stewed beef, Chinese cabbage salad, seasoned with lemon juice.

Day twelve

  • Breakfast. Black coffee with toast.
  • Dinner. Cucumber and tomato salad, boiled or fried salmon.
  • Dinner. 100 g of beef and a glass of kefir.

Day thirteen

  • Breakfast. Green tea.
  • Dinner. Two boiled eggs, Brussels sprouts salad dressed with olive oil, a glass of tomato juice.
  • Dinner. Any fish, boiled or fried.

Day fourteen

  • Breakfast. Black coffee.
  • Dinner. Salad of boiled white cabbage and two boiled eggs, a glass of tomato juice.
  • Dinner. 150 g of boiled beef and a glass of kefir or yogurt.

It is important to follow not only the specified menu, but also the sequence of days.

Express diet: disadvantages that outweigh the advantages

Medical approach

Doctor's consultation required! This appeal accompanies any low-calorie diet. It does not mean that the author of the diet is concerned about your health, but that he is abdicating responsibility. Of course, you need to go to the doctor and he, if not a fool, will explain with his fingers why you can’t lose weight in the advertised way.

Conclusion: go to the doctor, but first read what the side effects and contraindications of the next “miracle fasting!” Maybe you won't have to go anywhere.

What's good and bad about it?

The advantages of the method discussed above include the ability to quickly lose a couple of kilos in order to prepare for a planned celebration or a trip to the seaside. That's all!


  • a constant feeling of hunger, which if you diet for more than three days will become unbearable;
  • deterioration of mood up to nervous attacks and depression;
  • gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, flatulence);
  • muscle pain, spasms, cramps (sodium deficiency will affect);
  • dizziness, lethargy, absent-mindedness;
  • slowing down metabolic processes;
  • the result, despite all the advertising, will not last, the weight will return, because you lost 90% water, not fat;
  • muscle mass will “melt”, the body needs protein to repair internal organs and the heart, and skeletal muscle can be sacrificed.


  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • age (childhood, adolescence or old age);
  • ailments of the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, blood vessels, etc.;
  • allergy;
  • decreased immunity;
  • physical activity (sports, hard work);
  • mental stress (passing exams or just mental work);
  • driving vehicles, working on machines and conveyors;
  • any nervous and mental disorders;
  • tendency towards anorexia.

Fortunately, it’s no longer a secret for you that such methods can lead to a slowdown in metabolism and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and other organs. At the same time, the expectation of the result “minus 10 kg in 10 days”, as a rule, does not come true.

There is hope!

Why is it pointless and harmful to endlessly gain and lose even a small amount of kilograms? The express diet is aimed at just such an effect.

Because the body does not tolerate constant abuse of itself! Either you overfeed it, or you leave it without energy for life and “building material” for the synthesis of new cells. Isn't it easier to eat functionally?

Are you ready to say: “This is too difficult for me!” Then it doesn’t hurt you to think about the consequences, evaluate your condition and decide whether short-term pain is needed for ephemeral purposes, if you can be beautiful all the time and without pain?

To draw the right conclusions, you need to brush up on your knowledge of biology and physiology. It is not difficult! Moreover: now this process can become interesting, exciting and enjoyable for you. And this opportunity is provided by our online Healthy Body Academy!

These are not articles by unknown authors whom you have never seen. This is an interactive video course curated by its creators. We will be happy to talk with you, explain anything unclear, answer questions, support and guide you.

If the express diet and other diets have not helped you, come! I'm sure you won't regret it!

That's all for today. Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog. And let's move on!

Diets for quick weight loss

Such programs are based on a sharp reduction in the intake of calories into the body. Quick and effective diets for weight loss can include both one main product (mono-diets) and a set of dishes. Each option is designed for a certain period of time, for example, there is an express diet for 2 days, there is a “6 petals” diet, which is scheduled for 6 days. At the moment, the most popular options are:

  • diet from Malysheva;
  • bride's diet;
  • kefir;
  • orange;
  • buckwheat;
  • egg;
  • protein.

Express diet for 2 days

According to reviews from girls, such a quick diet for weight loss is perfect if you really need to get your body in order in a short period of time. It is much easier to endure two days of restrictions than several weeks of cutting calories. An express diet for 2 days does not require any special financial costs; reducing the consumption of unhealthy foods will benefit the body.


  • high efficiency;
  • short-termism;


  • irritability;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • Contraindications include problems with the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.
Express diet for 2 days
Eating 1 day Day 2
1st One boiled chicken egg, 200 g of oatmeal in water. Oatmeal with water and bran, 3 tangerines.
2nd 2 potatoes, baked in the oven, raw grated carrots, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 orange. Unsalted salmon 50 g, 200 g fresh cabbage salad. several whole grain breads with a glass of kefir.
3rd Salad from one beetroot baked whole in the oven, buckwheat porridge 200 g, a piece of boiled lean meat. Several tangerines. 2-3 oven-baked potatoes, 100 g piece of baked veal. 1 orange, a glass of low-fat kefir.

For 4 days

This diet is divided according to the foods that should be eaten. An express diet for 4 days helps to achieve quick results, during which time your weight will be minus 4 kg. The diet is classified as a super diet that will ensure dramatic weight loss by getting rid of fluid in the body. The express diet looks like this:

  1. During this cleansing day, you can consume freshly squeezed juices of any fruits and vegetables in any quantity. Do not add sugar to them; drink green tea throughout the day.
  2. This is a kefir-curd day. Throughout the day you can eat low-fat cottage cheese (up to 500 g) and low-fat kefir (up to 1.5 l). The total amount of food will have to be divided into 5 meals, the interval between them should be about 3 hours. 30 minutes before this, you should drink green tea or a glass of still water.
  3. Vegetable or salad day. You need to prepare and eat 1.5 kg of salad (any green leafy vegetables).
  4. The last day repeats the first (freshly squeezed juices and tea again).

For 3 days

This is a popular option for an express program to lose weight. An effective 3-day diet does not last long enough to cause any ailments in the body, but it is enough to get rid of 3 kg. The nutrition plan for three days looks like this:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 Freshly squeezed apple/orange juice. 200 g of fresh vegetables or fruits. Fresh carrots (no sugar).
2 Still mineral water. Still mineral water. Still mineral water.
3 Half a glass of carrot juice. Grated fresh carrots. A slice of toast, tea without sugar.

For 5 days

In this express program, all five days are divided into specific products. You will have a vegetable, meat, curd-water, cereal and fruit day. If you mix products during the course, the effect will decrease. A quick diet for 5 days consists of five different mono-diets that will give your body all the substances and elements it needs. Below is the diet for this express weight loss.


You cannot salt it; you can use dry herbs and spices. If you follow a vegetarian menu, you can eat legumes throughout the day. tofu and low-fat cottage cheese. The meat express mono-diet looks like this:

  1. For breakfast, steam or boil beef, 150-200 g.
  2. For lunch: steamed or boiled chicken, 100 g.
  3. In the evening you can have stewed turkey, 200 g.


  1. In the morning, salad of radishes and cucumbers.
  2. In the afternoon, make a salad of stewed garlic and eggplant, season with a tablespoon of olive oil.
  3. In the evening, prepare 200 g of boiled kohlrabi cabbage.


  1. For breakfast, a little honey and avocado.
  2. Eat four tangerines for lunch.
  3. In the evening you can have a whole bunch of dark grapes.


  1. In the morning, prepare 2 tbsp. l. pine nuts, boiled brown rice 100 g.
  2. Prepare almonds and brown rice (150 g) for lunch.
  3. Dinner: 3 walnuts, 100 g boiled brown rice.

Cottage cheese, water

  1. Eat 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese in the morning, and after half an hour drink a glass of still mineral water.
  2. In the afternoon, 150 g of cottage cheese, then 3 glasses of still water.
  3. For dinner, 2 glasses of water and 100 g of cottage cheese.

In this express program, it is very important to follow the sequence of days. Each of them performs its role and for maximum efficiency they must go specifically in this sequence. Each time you receive specific microelements, substances that nourish the body, preventing deficiency and disrupting metabolism. Only if you fulfill this important condition will you be able to achieve weight loss.

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For 7 days

It will be more difficult to withstand a whole week than 2-3 days. An express diet for 7 days involves taking vitamin complexes so that the body receives the necessary minerals and elements. This diet is similar to the 5-day option; it also consists of mono-diets that last for 24 hours. According to reviews from girls, you can lose 3-6 kg. A sample diet looks like this:

  1. Fish all day. You can prepare fish soup from any variety, bake or boil it. There should be no more than 1.2 kg of fish per day, divide the primos into 200-300 g.
  2. Vegetable day, anything except green peas and potatoes. You should include freshly squeezed juices in your drinking regimen. Sugar. There should be no salt or dyes with preservatives. You will need 1.5 kg per day.
  3. Chicken. Meat can be steamed, boiled, grilled or baked. For taste, mild seasonings and chicken broth are allowed. You should eat 1 kg of meat per day.
  4. Porridge. Any whole grains except corn and semolina, which have a high glycemic index, increase appetite. You need to eat porridge a day, using 1 cup of cereal.
  5. Yogurt, cottage cheese. Fasting day for the intestines in the express diet. Per day you need 1.2 liters of yogurt, 0.8 kg of low-fat cottage cheese.
  6. Fruits. Not sweet, fresh, 1 kg of each type.
  7. Unloading. You can only drink non-carbonated mineral water.

Express weight loss in 2 weeks

This type of nutrition refers to espresso weight loss using the salt-free method. It is not as easy to withstand two weeks as several days, but the result will be noticeable and tangible. Express weight loss in 2 weeks will help you lose kg, which will not return to you for a long time. The menu looks like this:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 Black coffee without sugar. Soft-boiled egg (1 pc.), 2 tomatoes, boiled Brussels sprouts. Stewed or boiled tuna (200 g)
2 Toast, unsweetened coffee. Tomato juice, cauliflower salad, boiled salmon. Stewed/boiled mackerel.
3 Toast, black unsweetened coffee. Make a stew out of a large zucchini. 2 eggs, 200 g of boiled veal, Peking salad dressed with olive oil.
4 Coffee (unsweetened, black). Boiled egg, low-fat cheese, dill stew and 3 carrots. Pear, banana, apple.
5 Seasoned with lemon juice, raw grated carrots. Glasses of tomato juice, boiled halibut. Pear, banana, apple.
6 Coffee. Fresh grated carrot salad, 200 g chicken (boiled). Glasses of apple juice, 2 boiled eggs.
7 Green tea). Stewed/boiled beef (200 g), avocado. Dinner on any day (except the 3rd).
8 Coffee. White cabbage salad, 300 g boiled chicken. Grated carrots, 2 boiled eggs.
9 Seasoned with lemon juice, carrot salad (raw). Tomato juice, boiled hake (200 g). Watermelon, pear, melon.
10 Coffee Raw egg, stewed carrots in vegetable oil with cheese. Dried fruits, for example, dates.
11 Tea (green) with toast. Stew in vegetable oil from 1 zucchini. Stewed/boiled beef, Peking salad, dressed with lemon juice.
12 Toast and coffee. Fried/boiled salmon, tomato and cucumber salad. A glass of kefir, 100 g of beef.
13 Green tea. Tomato juice, Brussels sprouts salad dressed with olive oil, 2 boiled eggs. Fried/boiled fish (lyuba).
14 Coffee. Salad of two boiled eggs and white cabbage, tomato juice. A glass of yogurt/kefir, boiled beef (150 g).


Galina Zh. (27 years old)

An express diet is my option when you need to tweak yourself a little so as not to get overwhelmed in all directions. I can’t even count how many times I’ve done this. And nothing, she’s still alive. Just think, there is some malaise or something hurts. Who said that gastritis is associated precisely with the fact that you are losing weight? Prove it! I don’t understand how you can spend so much time on food. It’s clear that at 18 you were slim, but then you get torn apart. It's all genetics, including diseases from it. Or from the evil eye. A sea of ​​envious people, there's no escape. I think that if I start to gain weight even more, I’ll just start spending even less time eating. I read somewhere that they will soon invent such a pill, which I took - and you no longer need to spend two-thirds of your time on food every day. Imagine how many hours will be freed up for other things!

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