Sandwich with butter and cheese: calorie content depending on ingredients

Calorie content of food

This is the name given to the energy value of foods that the human body needs to function. To measure it, there are special quantities - calories.

This indicator depends on the intensity of the work performed by the body. The more active a person’s lifestyle, the more carbohydrates, fats and proteins he needs.

If a person consumes more calories than he expends, the excess is stored in the body. This is how a fat layer is formed. If much more energy is consumed than is consumed with food, then the person loses weight.

For the normal functioning of all organs and a beautiful physique, it is necessary to maintain a natural balance. Therefore, some young people carefully count calories. This allows you to maintain the “golden mean” - not to be painfully thin and at the same time not to gain excess weight.

The most common way to satisfy hunger without harming the body is such a universal product as bread and butter. The right ingredients will help you maintain balance and stay in good shape.


Common dish: a slice of bread with various foods on top. There are many types of sandwiches and ways to prepare them.

Most often, white or black bread is used, on which butter is spread in a thin layer. The composition is completed with a piece of cheese or sausage on top. This is the most common type of quick saturation.

The most common sandwich is made with butter and cheese. Its calorie content may vary depending on the ingredients used. Additionally, sausage, pate, jam or a variety of herbs are added.

Don't be afraid to eat oil. The average daily norm is 10–20 grams. Thanks to it, the body receives cholesterol of animal origin. If you do not abuse it, there will be no harm.

Calorie content of sandwiches for those watching their figure

When losing weight, the most difficult part is organizing lunch and snacks at work so as not to exceed the permissible calorie limits per day. One of the most common dishes in the “take with you” category is sandwiches. They consist of a base and filling.

The calorie content of each of them depends on the following factors:

  1. A type of bread. A loaf, braid or other roll made from white wheat flour per 100 g has a higher energy value compared to black bread or rye brick. The lower the nutritional value of the base and the thinner the piece, the lower the calorie content of a sandwich with sausage and cheese.
  2. Filling composition. Different types of sausage have their own fat content and, accordingly, calorie content. The “lighter” boiled products (Molochnaya, Doctorskaya), the heaviest ones are raw smoked, since they have little moisture and a lot of lipids. Among hard cheeses, the differences are not so significant. The filling also includes fish, cottage cheese and sweet varieties, such as honey. Combinations like the classic set of cheese and sausage are possible, then the product will be more nutritious. To reduce the calorie content of a sandwich, you should choose fillings with a minimum amount of fatty acids and a maximum protein content.
  3. Presence of oil or mayonnaise. They add satiety to the dish, but this is the “heaviest” ingredient in terms of fat content. Even a thin layer of mayonnaise adds 31 kcal. When losing weight and on a strict diet, it is better to exclude it. A sandwich with butter and cheese has 1.6-1.7 times more calories than without butter.
  4. Presence of vegetables. A leaf of lettuce, a couple of slices of fresh cucumber or tomato will make a boring product more vibrant, aromatic, and juicy. In addition, they contain fiber and vitamins, minerals, are low in calories, and do not contain fat. It’s good to add dill and parsley; they not only give a pleasant taste, but also speed up metabolism.
  5. Serving size. It depends on what meal you are planning. For a snack, you should prepare small canapés; for breakfast, fairly satisfying options are acceptable.

The average weight of a piece of bread is 30 grams. To calculate its energy value, it is enough to divide its value (it is indicated on the label per 100 g) by 3.

The most dietary bread is rye; its calorie content per 100 grams is 165 kcal. Following him are Borodinsky and Darnitsky with 208 kcal. Buckwheat, oatmeal and whole grain have 225-230 kcal. The heaviest option is a loaf (260 kcal) and white toast, it has an indicator of 285 kcal. About the same amount is found in hamburger buns.


It contains many nutrients, trace elements and amino acids that the body needs daily.

The product is well digestible and does not allow you to gain extra pounds. That's why you can often find a sandwich with butter and cheese on the table. Its calorie content is on average 500 Kcal.

Smoked cheese is widely used for making sandwiches. This is due to its appearance, nutritional value and taste. It is produced in 2 ways: hot and cold smoking. Depending on the type and quality of the starting material, cheese can be produced from 7 to 30 days. The energy value of such a product is 380 Kcal.

During the production process, all the nutrients contained in milk are not only preserved, but also increased. And thanks to fats, cheese satisfies hunger well. It stands out for its beneficial properties and nutritional value - desirable factors for the human body.

Unfortunately, smoked cheese can also be harmful. This happens when it is made from low quality milk with added chemicals and preservatives. They can lead to deterioration of health, cause allergies, and in some cases, serious illnesses.

Favorite sandwich - amazing taste and extra pounds?

In the morning, of course, you need to have breakfast. And the first meal should always be balanced, nutritious and healthy. Porridge, omelettes and other delicacies are good, but preparing a sandwich is much faster. What is the calorie content of this dish?

If we take the average nutritional value of the products included in the sandwich as a basis, then this figure will reach 150 kilocalories. And in a 100-gram serving of a sandwich, the number of kilocalories will reach 1100, which is almost the body’s daily need for energy.

What is considered a standard sandwich? A slice of bread, regardless of the type, should weigh no more than 30 g. Butter, even with the maximum concentration of fat, is added in a proportion of no more than 10 g. One sandwich will fill you with energy and satisfy the feeling of hunger, but its calorie content is too high. Therefore, during dietary nutrition, you have to refuse this treat.

How many calories are in a sandwich with butter and cheese? The nutritional value of a slice of one bread with this additive will be approximately 252 kilocalories. And if you add sausages instead of delicious cheese, the calorie content will be even higher - about 280-380 kilocalories.

Bread and butter

This traditional dish is used for breakfast. It can be considered a light snack or an additional dish. The recipe is very simple and does not cause any difficulties. This is a small piece of white bread with sandwich butter applied to it.

Let's calculate the energy value of such a breakfast:

  • A slice of loaf weighs 25–35 grams. Its energy value is 80 Kcal.
  • Butter contains 70–80 kcal. As a result, the calories in the sandwich will be 150–160 Kcal.
  • The body will get the same amount if you eat 3 large ripe apples or a medium piece of chicken breast.

Determining the exact number of calories is very difficult. Initially, it is determined by the type of bakery product. Black, bran or white bread has completely different nutritional values. For example, rye bread, often used by nutritionists, contains 50 kcal.

In addition to organic substances, the body needs minerals and vitamins. Therefore, their content cannot be brought to a critical situation. Sometimes you need to give your body nutrients and eat something more nutritious and valuable.

Calorie content of bread

As you know, there are several varieties of bread alone. Rye, wheat, bran, white - the choice is practically unlimited. Perhaps the energy value, which is so carefully calculated by all those who lose weight. Therefore, when analyzing the calorie content of a sandwich with sausage, the first thing you should do is turn to its basis - bread.

In general, flour products are the most high-calorie, so you need to be as careful as possible with them. For example, the most high-calorie one is about 230 kcal per 100 grams of product. Borodinsky - about 207. Rye - 165. The most high-calorie one is wheat. It contains as much as 242 kcal. More, perhaps, is the one that has additives in the form of dried fruits and nuts. Its energy value can reach up to 342 kcal.

But there is one good news: when calculating the calorie content of a sausage sandwich, pay attention to the fact that the entire value is determined by 100 grams. One piece of bread weighs approximately 60 grams. This means that instead of 165 kcal, we get 99. It must also be said that the value of the product also changes depending on the recipe, so it is better to use the information on the packaging.

A sausage sandwich

Unfortunately, this product does not stand out for its beneficial properties for the body. Therefore, you should not consume it daily as breakfast or a light snack.

To prepare, take the common “Doctor’s” sausage. The nutritional value of 100 g of product is about 255 Kcal. But for a sandwich you don’t need that much - a small piece is enough, with an energy value of 30–40 Kcal. The nutritional value of the slice of bread itself is added to it. As a result, the calorie content is 120 Kcal.

What if “Doctorskaya” is replaced with smoked sausage? The calorie content of 100 g of the most common type (Cervelat) reaches 400 Kcal. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that one small sandwich is not enough to fill you up.

Hot sandwiches

This dish is also a good breakfast or a great addition to a set table. It differs in duration and method of preparation.

In this case, you should not rush and spread the butter on the bread carelessly. The process requires a serious approach and patience. Otherwise, you will end up with a burnt piece of dough with an unappetizing filling.

As a hot dish, you can bake a sandwich with butter and cheese. Its calorie content will not differ from the standard one, however, the aroma and taste will be more appetizing. When this little work of art comes out of the oven, it's hard to imagine how effortlessly it's made with just the simplest ingredients.

Hot sandwiches with cheese

This is almost a separate category of dishes and one of the most pressing issues for dieters. Cheese that is heat-treated and melted on a sandwich is perceived as fattier and therefore heavier for the body. As a result, there is a desire to find out not only how many calories are in a hot cheese sandwich, but also how much more dangerous such a snack is for your figure.

Experts say that the calorie content of the product does not change in any way due to this heat treatment. If you put a slice weighing 10 g on bread, it contained 350 kcal (if it was Russian), so it will contain them when it spreads over the bread. And even if you keep the sandwich in the microwave until the cheese darkens and dries, the same 35 kcal will remain in it, although the weight will decrease.

The issue of calorie content of hot sandwiches can become acute when it comes to original recipes. For example, for baking, you usually spread a little mayonnaise on the bread before placing the cheese on top. Thanks to this, the final product does not dry out during the process. Here the calorie content will actually increase exactly by the number of calories in mayonnaise.

Popular recipes

Housewives often prepare baked sandwiches with ham and eggs. They are very easy to make in any kitchen. In the oven, on the grill or on the fire - everywhere they turn out hearty and rosy.

The preparation is based on a sandwich with butter and cheese. The calorie content of the new dish will be higher, since additional products have been added. However, putting aside thoughts about energy value and nutritional value, you can enjoy delicious food.

To do this, you need to have the following ingredients with you.

  • base bun: 1–2 pcs.;
  • chicken eggs: 2 pcs.;
  • ham: 2-3 small slices;
  • cheese (any choice);
  • salt;
  • seasonings to taste.

Let's consider the simplest method, taken from the experience of home cooking. While the oven is preheating, the soft core is removed from the bun. Instead, add a few pieces of bacon. For each you need to break one chicken egg. Add salt and seasonings to taste. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and wrap in foil. All you have to do is wait 15–20 minutes and the dish will be ready.

The calorie content of sandwiches is generally low, which, in combination with optimal physical activity, will bring tangible benefits to the human body.

Cheese sandwich recipe. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Recipe Description

Cheese sandwich

You can create your own recipe taking into account the loss of vitamins and minerals using the “My Healthy Diet” recipe calculator.

Product calculator

Not all foods contain the full range of essential vitamins and minerals, so it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet your body's nutrient needs. The calculator will allow you to easily see the pros and cons of a product and help you create a diet that is completely balanced.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “Cheese Sandwich”.

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible portion.

The nutritional value

Calories 403.2 kcal Proteins 16.9 g Fats 35.8 g Carbohydrates 3.6 g Dietary fiber 0.3 g Water 17.5 g Unsaturated fatty acids 0.7 g Cholesterol 125 mg Mono- and disaccharides 1.2 g Starch 0.5 g Ash 0.5 g


Vitamin A0.5 mgVitamin PP0.1 mgVitamin A (VE)500 mcgVitamin B1 (thiamine)0.04 mgVitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.3 mgVitamin B5 (pantothenic)0.3 mgVitamin B6 (pyridoxine)0.09 mgVitamin B9 (folic )10.1 mcgVitamin B12 (cobalamins)0.7 mcgVitamin C1 mgVitamin D0.6 mcgVitamin E (TE)1.2 mgVitamin H (biotin)4.7 mcgVitamin PP (Niacin equivalent)2.9054 mgCholine58 mg


Calcium 469.6 mg Magnesium 46.6 mg Sodium 421.1 mg Potassium 121.9 mg Phosphorus 330.4 mg Chlorine 36 mg Sulfur 40.6 mg


Iron 3 mg Zinc 2.0347 mg Iodine 4.6 μg Copper 50.5 μg Manganese 0.051 mg Chromium 0.9 μg Fluorine 12.7 μg Molybdenum 1.4 μg Cobalt 2.3 μg

The energy value of a cheese sandwich is 403.2 kcal.

Product calorie analysis

The energy (calorie content) of food is accumulated in nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). It is known that 1 g of fat provides 9 kcal, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal, and 1 g of protein - 4 kcal. The energy balance diagram shows the ratio of these substances in a product based on their contribution to the calorie content of a given product. Why do you need this information? Many popular diets are based on this knowledge. For example, the US Department of Health recommends that 60% of calories come from carbohydrates and only 30% from fat. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake. Whichever method you choose, our chart will show you how different foods fit your goal.

Calorie content and chemical composition of the ingredients in the “Cheese Sandwich” recipe per 100 g.

What to cook:

  • Nutritional analysis - how healthy the product is!
  • Diagrams - chemical composition in graphs.


How to make a cheese sandwich, calorie content 403.2 kcal, chemical composition, nutritional value, what vitamins, minerals, method of preparing a cheese sandwich, recipe, calories, nutrients.

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How to prepare the Butter and Cheese Sandwich dish

  1. Cut the bread into pieces.
  2. Let the butter melt a little and spread the butter on the bread.
  3. Place a slice of cheese on top of the butter.

Bon appetit!

Ingredients for Butter and Cheese Sandwich recipe:

  • Bread - 40 gr.
  • Oil - 5 gr.
  • Cheese - 10 gr.

Nutritional value of the dish “Sandwich with butter and cheese” (per 100 grams):


310 kcal.


10.3 gr.


13.6 gr.


35.6 gr.

Number of servings: 1

Ingredients and calorie content of the recipe “Sandwich with butter and cheese”

ProductMeasureWeight, gBel, grFat, gAngle, grCal, kcal
wheat bread40 gr403.240.419.5296.8
butter5 g50.034.130.0437.4
Russian cheese10 g102.412.950.0336.3
1 serving555.77.519.6170.5

How to prepare the dish “Sandwich with butter and melted cheese”

  1. Lightly toast a slice of loaf in a toaster.
  2. Spread butter on the loaf.
  3. Place melted cheese on top.

Bon appetit! Recipe author: NR

Ingredients for the Butter and Cream Cheese Sandwich recipe:

  • Loaf - 12 gr.
  • Butter - 8 gr.
  • Processed cheese - 16 gr.

Nutritional value of the dish “Sandwich with butter and processed cheese” (per 100 grams):


368.4 kcal.


10.1 gr.


24.3 gr.


27.7 gr.

Number of servings: 1

Ingredients and calorie content of the recipe “Sandwich with butter and processed cheese”

(calorie content and nutritional value are calculated approximately, excluding boiling and frying)

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