Calorie content of ready-made oatmeal porridge with water - without sugar and with sugar, with butter, honey, raisins

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk

Useful properties of oatmeal

Oatmeal is an indispensable product for restoring the body ; it brings great benefits to the body:

  • It has a high content of coarse fiber, it cleanses the intestines, normalizes stool and rids the body of toxins.
  • High protein content helps build muscle mass.
  • The dish prevents the occurrence of heart disease and blood clots, and the slow carbohydrates contained in it saturate the body for a long time.
  • Porridge helps concentration and improves performance.
  • Porridge is low in calories and very nutritious, and can help you lose excess weight.

Calorie content of oatmeal

  • Oatmeal with milk and butter.

The most common recipe for preparing the dish. Due to the milk and butter content in the recipe, it becomes quite high in calories. 100 grams of oatmeal with milk and butter contains:

  1. Protein – 4 grams.
  2. Carbohydrates – 16.60 grams.
  3. Fat – 6 grams.

Calorie content: 132 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

  • Oatmeal with milk.

It is prepared without oil, therefore it contains less fat and, accordingly, has less calories:

  1. Proteins – 3 grams.
  2. Carbohydrates – 14 grams.
  3. Fats - 4 grams.

102 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. The calorie content of one serving of a dish made with milk is 220 kilocalories.

  • Oatmeal with fruit.

Tasty and light, ideal for those who want to lose weight:

  • Protein – 5 grams.
  • Fat – 4 grams.
  • Carbohydrates – 18 grams.

Oatmeal on water

Traditions that go back centuries cannot, by definition, be bad. Breakfast consisting of oatmeal is a classic not only in Great Britain and Scotland, but also in Russia. Those who prefer a healthy lifestyle prefer oatmeal with water to any other cooking options.

Calorie content of oatmeal with water

The calorie content of oatmeal with water is 88 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of oatmeal with water

Oatmeal with water contains in its chemical composition gluten, vitamins B1, B2, E, H and PP, as well as minerals necessary for the human body, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and sodium. Dietary fiber, contained in large quantities in oatmeal, stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract, working as a kind of “brush” that removes unnecessary accumulations from the walls of the stomach (calorizator). The jelly-like consistency of oatmeal with water envelops the intestines and is very useful for any inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and especially for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Oatmeal cooked in water helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Oatmeal in water is a supplier of natural, easily digestible protein; due to the presence of starches, it has high nutritional value and provides energy for a long time.

Harm of oatmeal in water

Persons allergic to gluten are not recommended to eat oatmeal with water or milk. In rare cases, if you eat oatmeal excessively, the body may accumulate phytic acid, which helps remove beneficial enzymes from the body.

Oatmeal with water and weight loss

Oatmeal is the basis of many diets and eating methods; on our website you can get acquainted with some of them: the Hercules diet, the Berlin diet, the six-porridge diet, the oatmeal diet, the 1000-calorie diet, the fasting day on oatmeal. But even if you eat a portion of oatmeal with water for breakfast several times a week, you are unlikely to gain extra pounds.

Cooking oatmeal with water

The traditional recipe for making oatmeal with water is to pour ¾ cup of oatmeal with 2 cups of cold water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 10 minutes. Often oatmeal is simply poured with boiling water overnight, in the microwave for a minute in the morning - a plate of healthy oatmeal is ready! If you have time and desire, then pour cold water over the oatmeal for 10-12 hours, then add berries or nuts, and optionally honey or jam; this option is an excellent prevention of constipation.

For more information about oatmeal, watch the TV show “Do you want to live long?”, with Dr. Mukhina and Galina Konshina.

What types of oatmeal are there and which types are best for porridge?

Oatmeal is divided into three main types:

  • Instant cereal. This is oatmeal that has been pre-steamed. They are the fastest to prepare; you can pour boiling water over them and they will be ready. Thanks to steaming, they are soft and ideal for the dish, but they contain much less vitamins than other types of oatmeal.
  • Hercules flakes. Much thicker and tougher than instant oatmeal. Does not undergo steam treatment and retains more nutrients than the first type. You need to cook this porridge for about 15 minutes.
  • Crushed oats. This is an ordinary oat grain, cut into pieces. Crushed oats retain all their beneficial properties. The preparation time for a dish from it is 30 minutes.
  • Whole oatmeal. Retains the most fiber, useful for weight loss. The porridge from it turns out to be very tasty and aromatic, but it will take a long time to cook, a whole hour.

How to properly cook oatmeal with milk

Cooking oatmeal with milk is quite simple. The recipe does not require strict adherence. The only condition is to bring the oats to readiness (the boiled product is a slimy mass) and there is a sufficient amount of liquid in the porridge so that constipation does not occur.

  1. If oatmeal with milk is cooked from whole grain cereals, then it should be rinsed first. After this, the cereal should be poured with water in a ratio of 1:2 and cooked until tender. Boiling milk is added to the finished cereal, butter and sugar are added to taste, as well as vanillin or other spices.
  2. You can prepare oatmeal from cereals containing a large amount of fiber and complex carbohydrates. To do this, you need to pour the required amount of Hercules flakes into a pan (not enameled) and add water. Boil and cook over low heat for 3 minutes. After the flakes swell and absorb water, add hot milk, sugar, salt, butter, and spices to taste.

Instant cereal porridge is not a healthy diet.

How to cook oatmeal and preserve its benefits?

During the cooking process, it is very difficult to preserve the maximum beneficial properties of porridge, which is so necessary for the body. Here are some tips to help make your dish healthier .

  1. Always fill the cereal with warm water before cooking; after this manipulation, the grain can be cooked less, and the benefits of such porridge will double.
  2. Cook it not with milk, but with water. After cooking, you can add heated, but not boiled, milk to it.
  3. It is better to eat the dish without added sugar or with honey.
  4. Try to add more fruits or nuts, they will add vitamins and nutrients to the body.

Oatmeal with milk and water: preparation methods, composition, calorie content, BJU

Oatmeal is a traditional English breakfast that has successfully caught on among Russians. It is usually prepared with milk, but adherents of a healthy diet prefer recipes with water. It occupies a leading position among the entire variety of cereals in terms of nutritional and energy value. And its low calorie content allows it to be considered a dietary dish.

When you eat oatmeal in the morning, you feel quickly and long-lasting, and the dish gives you energy for the whole day. For taste, fruits, berries, honey, sugar, nuts and other ingredients are added to it.

Oatmeal, in all its interpretations, always turns out tasty and nutritious.

  • vitamins B, K and E;
  • minerals: potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese;
  • beta-glucan (soluble fiber);
  • antioxidants.

Oatmeal is rich in vegetable protein and carbohydrates, but is easily digestible. The lightness of the dish allows you to easily lose weight, and the beneficial substances in its composition help improve the health of the body.

In dry form, 100 grams of oatmeal contains 340 kcal. Amount of BZHU: proteins - 12.2 g, fats - 6.2 g, carbohydrates - 59.3 g. Since during the cooking process all cereals increase in volume, the energy value becomes less.

The calorie content and nutritional value of oatmeal vary depending on the ingredients. The distribution of BZHU and the number of calories per 100 grams of product is presented in the table:

Type of porridgeCalorie content, kcalProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, g
On water with/without sugar87/153,1/0,51,66/0,2615/2,53
From cereals with milk with/without sugar83/773,3/3,12,39/2,3912/11,6
With milk, butter and sugar/without135/1184,5/3,75,1/518,5/15,2
In water with butter and salt9332,515
From whole grains on water, with sugar and salt80,22,51,513,7
Whole grain with milk57,32111
With meat32511,917,337,5
With kefir (without cooking)1506,23,425,5
Steamed20011,87. 255

The caloric content and nutritional value of a dish when certain additives are added to a 100-gram portion changes as follows:

Product (10 g)Calories , kcalProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, g

With the addition of every 10 grams of sugar, the number of calories in a dish increases by 10 units. For a dietary diet, it is recommended to cook oatmeal with skim milk; this will help reduce the calorie content to 10 kcal per 100-gram serving.

Instant porridges have a nutritional value and calorie content that is 5 times higher than those cooked in water.

Recipe: Oatmeal porridge with butter. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “Oatmeal porridge with butter.”

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie content83.2 kcal1684 kcal4.9%5.9%2024
Squirrels1 g76 g1.3%1.6%7600 g
Fats6.7 g56 g12%14.4%836 g
Carbohydrates4.7 g219 g2.1%2.5%4660 g
Alimentary fiber0.5 g20 g2.5%3%4000 g
Water87.4 g2273 g3.8%4.6%2601 g
Ash0.203 g~
Vitamin A, RE49.6 mcg900 mcg5.5%6.6%1815
Retinol0.045 mg~
beta carotene0.029 mg5 mg0.6%0.7%17241 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.025 mg1.5 mg1.7%2%6000 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.014 mg1.8 mg0.8%1%12857 g
Vitamin B4, choline4.46 mg500 mg0.9%1.1%11211 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.072 mg5 mg1.4%1.7%6944 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.013 mg2 mg0.7%0.8%15385 g
Vitamin B9, folates0.838 mcg400 mcg0.2%0.2%47733 g
Vitamin D, calciferol0.114 mcg10 mcg1.1%1.3%8772 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE0.196 mg15 mg1.3%1.6%7653 g
Vitamin H, biotin1.503 mcg50 mcg3%3.6%3327 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone0.7 mcg120 mcg0.6%0.7%17143 g
Vitamin RR, NE0.3329 mg20 mg1.7%2%6008 g
Niacin0.069 mg~
Potassium, K25.94 mg2500 mg1%1.2%9638 g
Calcium, Ca13.36 mg1000 mg1.3%1.6%7485 g
Magnesium, Mg11.4 mg400 mg2.9%3.5%3509 g
Sodium, Na3.74 mg1300 mg0.3%0.4%34759 g
Sera, S6.99 mg1000 mg0.7%0.8%14306 g
Phosphorus, P26.1 mg800 mg3.3%4%3065 g
Chlorine, Cl5.49 mg2300 mg0.2%0.2%41894 g
Iron, Fe0.286 mg18 mg1.6%1.9%6294 g
Yod, I0.36 mcg150 mcg0.2%0.2%41667 g
Cobalt, Co0.376 mcg10 mcg3.8%4.6%2660 g
Manganese, Mn0.2872 mg2 mg14.4%17.3%696 g
Copper, Cu40.09 mcg1000 mcg4%4.8%2494 g
Selenium, Se2.085 mcg55 mcg3.8%4.6%2638 g
Fluorine, F3.59 mcg4000 mcg0.1%0.1%111421 g
Zinc, Zn0.2412 mg12 mg2%2.4%4975 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins4.516 g~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)0.2 gmax 100 g
Essential amino acids
Arginine*0.064 g~
Valin0.05 g~
Histidine*0.022 g~
Isoleucine0.036 g~
Leucine0.058 g~
Lysine0.038 g~
Methionine0.011 g~
Methionine + Cysteine0.036 g~
Threonine0.035 g~
Tryptophan0.019 g~
Phenylalanine0.048 g~
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine0.087 g~
Nonessential amino acids
Alanin0.043 g~
Aspartic acid0.08 g~
Glycine0.088 g~
Glutamic acid0.172 g~
Proline0.057 g~
Serin0.046 g~
Tyrosine0.04 g~
Cysteine0.025 g~
Sterols (sterols)
Cholesterol14.42 mgmax 300 mg
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids4.2 gmax 18.7 g
4:0 Oil0.284 g~
6:0 Kapronovaya0.063 g~
8:0 Caprylic0.055 g~
10:0 Kaprinovaya0.143 g~
12:0 Lauric0.184 g~
14:0 Miristinovaya0.596 g~
16:0 Palmitinaya1.967 g~
18:0 Stearic0.575 g~
Monounsaturated fatty acids2.195 gmin 16.8 g13.1%15.7%
14:1 Myristoleic0.064 g~
16:1 Palmitoleic0.217 g~
18:1 Oleic (omega-9)1.888 g~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids0.365 gfrom 11.2 to 20.6 g3.3%4%
18:2 Linolevaya0.237 g~
18:3 Linolenic0.009 g~
Omega-6 fatty acids0.2 gfrom 4.7 to 16.8 g4.3%5.2%

The energy value of oatmeal porridge with butter is 83.2 kcal.

Primary Source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

Calorie content of porridges with water and milk: table

We have already written about which porridge is the healthiest, now it’s time to evaluate the calorie content of porridges . Note that the product is quite nutritious, and you shouldn’t get carried away. Mainly in the first half of the day, ideally in the morning.

  • Of course, the calorie content of different cereals is different (and we will make sure of this).
  • how you cook it and what you serve it with when assessing nutritional value Additives such as butter, condensed milk, honey, sugar, fruits and berries, dates, nuts, raisins, dried apricots and others significantly increase the calorie content of ready-made porridges.

Porridge calorie table

Calorie content of dry product (kcal per 100 g)Calorie content of boiled porridge with water (kcal per 100 g)Calorie content of boiled porridge with milk (kcal per 100 g)
Millet porridge
Rice porrige
Wheat porridge
Barley porridge
Pearl barley porridge with chicken – 103
Pearl barley porridge with vegetables – 82
Corn porridge
Barley porridge
Pea porridge
Pea porridge with chicken – 93

The calorie content of porridge with butter, honey, sugar or condensed milk is easy to determine: just add the calorie content of sugar or butter to the nutritional value of the porridge.

  • 1 teaspoon of butter “on top” about 33 kcal
  • 1 tablespoon of butter “on top” – 112 kcal
  • 1 teaspoon honey – 26 kcal
  • 1 tablespoon honey – 32 kcal
  • 1 teaspoon topped sugar – 32 kcal
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar “on top” – 99 kcal
  • 1 teaspoon of condensed milk about 40 kcal
  • 1 tablespoon of condensed milk about 98 kcal.

When calculating the calorie content, do not forget that there is the calorie content of milk porridges or porridges with water and the calorie content of cereals and dry product. These are two big differences.

You can weigh the cereal before throwing it into the cooking pot (in this case, we take the number from the first column). If you put a finished dish , use it from the third or second column, respectively.

Calorie content of oatmeal porridge

Hercules porridge, known as oatmeal, is produced by processing oat grains. Oats are a cereal crop; in order to obtain oat flakes, they are processed using a special technology: the hard shell is removed and the grains are flattened.

Oatmeal received the name “Hercules” from the trademark of the same name, which over time became a household name.

Benefits and harms

You should know what benefits or harms can come from eating oatmeal. Hercules porridge belongs to the group of “slow” carbohydrates. The concentration of vitamins and microelements in rolled oats is very high; it is very rare to find such a versatile useful product.

Contents and benefits of microelements and vitamins per 100 grams of dry rolled oats:

NameContentDaily requirement %
E (tocopherol)3.4 mg23
H (biotin)20 mcg40
I (iodine)6 mcg4
PP Groups4.6 mg23
K (potassium)330 mg13
Ca (calcium)52 mg6
Mg (magnesium)130 mg32
B10.45 mg30
B20.1 mg6
B50.90 mg19
B60.24 mg12
B923 mcg6
Fe (iron)3.7 mg20
Mn (manganese)3.83 mg191
F (fluorine)45 mcg1

Recipe: Oatmeal porridge with milk and butter. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “Oatmeal with milk and butter.”

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie content82.8 kcal1684 kcal4.9%5.9%2034
Squirrels1.9 g76 g2.5%3%4000 g
Fats2.7 g56 g4.8%5.8%2074 g
Carbohydrates12.7 g219 g5.8%7%1724 g
Alimentary fiber1.3 g20 g6.5%7.9%1538 g
Water81.3 g2273 g3.6%4.3%2796 g
Ash0.8697 g~
Vitamin A, RE10.7 mcg900 mcg1.2%1.4%8411 g
Retinol0.009 mg~
beta carotene0.007 mg5 mg0.1%0.1%71429 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.058 mg1.5 mg3.9%4.7%2586 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.017 mg1.8 mg0.9%1.1%10588 g
Vitamin B4, choline14.85 mg500 mg3%3.6%3367 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.142 mg5 mg2.8%3.4%3521 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.043 mg2 mg2.2%2.7%4651 g
Vitamin B9, folates4.581 mcg400 mcg1.1%1.3%8732 g
Vitamin D, calciferol0.031 mcg10 mcg0.3%0.4%32258 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE0.292 mg15 mg1.9%2.3%5137 g
Vitamin H, biotin3.16 mcg50 mcg6.3%7.6%1582 g
Vitamin RR, NE0.684 mg20 mg3.4%4.1%2924 g
Niacin0.161 mg~
Potassium, K57.48 mg2500 mg2.3%2.8%4349 g
Calcium, Ca20.33 mg1000 mg2%2.4%4919 g
Silicon, Si6.793 mg30 mg22.6%27.3%442 g
Magnesium, Mg19.83 mg400 mg5%6%2017
Sodium, Na190.9 mg1300 mg14.7%17.8%681 g
Sera, S13.84 mg1000 mg1.4%1.7%7225 g
Phosphorus, P55.6 mg800 mg7%8.5%1439 g
Chlorine, Cl293.95 mg2300 mg12.8%15.5%782 g
Aluminium, Al110.6 mcg~
Iron, Fe0.639 mg18 mg3.6%4.3%2817 g
Yod, I0.71 mcg150 mcg0.5%0.6%21127 g
Cobalt, Co1.13 mcg10 mcg11.3%13.6%885 g
Manganese, Mn0.7991 mg2 mg40%48.3%250 g
Copper, Cu85.94 mcg1000 mcg8.6%10.4%1164 g
Molybdenum, Mo6.635 mcg70 mcg9.5%11.5%1055 g
Nickel, Ni7.63 mcg~
Fluorine, F13.27 mcg4000 mcg0.3%0.4%30143 g
Zinc, Zn0.4298 mg12 mg3.6%4.3%2792 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins9.103 g~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)3.6 gmax 100 g
Galactose0.0126 g~
Glucose (dextrose)0.0142 g~
Lactose0.0079 g~
Maltose0.0221 g~
Sucrose0.0632 g~
Fructose0.0095 g~
Essential amino acids0.0084 g~
Arginine*0.1144 g~
Valin0.0847 g~
Histidine*0.0403 g~
Isoleucine0.0721 g~
Leucine0.125 g~
Lysine0.0753 g~
Methionine0.0257 g~
Methionine + Cysteine0.0655 g~
Threonine0.0627 g~
Tryptophan0.031 g~
Phenylalanine0.0895 g~
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine0.163 g~
Nonessential amino acids0.0112 g~
Alanin0.1051 g~
Aspartic acid0.1562 g~
Glycine0.1001 g~
Glutamic acid0.501 g~
Proline0.1101 g~
Serin0.1071 g~
Tyrosine0.0737 g~
Cysteine0.0413 g~
Sterols (sterols)
Cholesterol4.03 mgmax 300 mg
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids1.3 gmax 18.7 g
4:0 Oil0.0637 g~
6:0 Kapronovaya0.0291 g~
8:0 Caprylic0.0156 g~
10:0 Kaprinovaya0.0358 g~
12:0 Lauric0.0408 g~
14:0 Miristinovaya0.1882 g~
16:0 Palmitinaya0.6717 g~
18:0 Stearic0.1664 g~
Monounsaturated fatty acids0.8419 gmin 16.8 g5%6%
14:1 Myristoleic0.0365 g~
16:1 Palmitoleic0.0581 g~
18:1 Oleic (omega-9)0.7427 g~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids0.4166 gfrom 11.2 to 20.6 g3.7%4.5%
18:2 Linolevaya0.3944 g~
18:3 Linolenic0.0222 g~
Omega-6 fatty acids0.4 gfrom 4.7 to 16.8 g8.5%10.3%

The energy value of oatmeal with milk and butter is 82.8 kcal.

Primary Source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

Calorie content per 100 grams

Energy value of porridge per 100 grams of dry product and daily requirement in %

SubstancesContents per 100gDaily norm
Fats7 g12 %
Carbohydrates65 gr26 %
Squirrels12 g27 %
Calories371 kcal

With milk

Those who always want to be slim are afraid of the high calorie content of porridge with milk. Hercules porridge with milk and water contains about 112 kcal/100 grams, depending on the fat content of the milk, the presence of sugar or butter and the thickness of the porridge. It is not advisable to add full-fat milk to baby porridge - skim milk is better, because... does not overload the child’s liver with excessive fat content.

Calorie content of porridge with milk table:

NameQuantityFatsCarbohydratesSquirrelsTotal kcal
Hercules60 gr4.2 g39 g7.2 g222.6
Milk125 ml5.4 g4 g64.6
Water100 ml
Total calories per serving250 gr86.4 kcal156 kcal44.8 kcal287.2

On the water

Hercules porridge with water without milk and without sugar contains about 89 kcal/100 g. The more liquid you add to the porridge, the more the calorie content of the dish will decrease. For those who want to lose weight, you can achieve a very liquid consistency of rolled oats - “slush”.

With sugar and butter

Don't want to eat bland and tasteless food? Cook oatmeal with milk or water. Add sugar, salt and butter to the porridge and you will get a very tasty and healthy breakfast. The calorie content of oatmeal with milk or water with the addition of butter and sugar increases by approximately 50 kcal/100 grams.

Cereals are high in calories. However, almost every porridge is a dietary product.

Therefore, when calculating the calorie content of oatmeal, do not think of giving up its regular use, because what great benefits it has. In addition, oatmeal with water or milk is a very filling product and you are unlikely to be able to eat so much of it that it harms your figure!

Calorie content of oatmeal with water

We welcome regular readers and guests of the blog!

People still remember oatmeal from childhood. During this period, parents, by hook or by crook, try to convince their child to have a healthy breakfast. Talking about all the health benefits of oatmeal is more likely to interest more responsible adults. Modern girls who always want to be fit will also probably want to know how many calories are in oatmeal with water.

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