Potato diet for quick weight loss weekly menu

Is it possible to lose weight by eating potatoes?

Potatoes have never been considered a dietary product. Quite the contrary, the vast majority of lightweight nutrition systems recommend that you stop using it. In fact, this starchy tuber and weight loss are not antagonistic words. Contrary to popular belief, the product has a relatively low calorie content - about 80 kcal per 100 grams.

The results of a study by the US National Center for Nutrition proved that people can safely include potatoes in their diet without fear of gaining weight. The vegetable, undeservedly criticized by nutritionists, is ready to become the main product of the diet if it is not consumed in the company of fish and meat.

Potatoes are considered low-calorie only when eaten fresh. The longer it is stored, the more starch it accumulates. In this regard, it is better to plan a potato diet at the beginning of summer. At this time, the product contains a minimal amount of carbohydrates and a high level of protein.

The vegetable contains a significant dose of potassium. The substance is involved in the regulation of acid-base balance in the blood, establishes the water balance of cellular and intercellular fluid, and normalizes blood pressure. It is potassium that is necessary for protein synthesis and the conversion of glucose into glycogen, as well as for improving carbohydrate-protein metabolism. Among other things, it improves intestinal functionality.

The content of ascorbic acid in the root vegetable is no less enviable. Known as vitamin C, it strengthens the body's defenses, helps muscles recover faster after intense workouts, and improves the absorption of microelements.

Fully or partially limited products

The Julia Roberts diet is a healthy low-calorie diet that excludes both “harmful” foods (canned food, snacks, packaged sauces and juices, ice cream, sweets, baked goods, sausages, fried and smoked foods), and just meat, be it dietary veal, chicken breast or steak.

But the main and main prohibition is salt. You should avoid it completely, while drinking up to 2 liters of water so that the body is “washed” and removes toxins.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

potato flakes7,01,183,0369
canned corn3,91,322,7119
canned carrots0,60,13,623
canned tomatoes1,10,13,520


potato chips5,530,053,0520
caramel popcorn5,38,776,1401
salted popcorn7,313,562,7407

Flour and pasta

wheat flour9,21,274,9342
pancakes with ham8,913,533,9292


candy caramel0,00,196,2362
chocolate covered fruits0,815,611,0179

Ice cream

strawberry milk ice cream3,82,822,2123
ice cream sundae3,215,020,8227
ice cream3,310,019,8179

Raw materials and seasonings


Meat products

liver pate11,628,92,5317


boiled chicken sausage15,516,22,3223
smoked Krakow sausage16,244,60,0466
smoked sausage9,963,20,3608


boiled chicken breast29,81,80,5137



Fish and seafood

fried fish19,511,76,2206
boiled fish17,35,00,0116

Oils and fats

creamy margarine0,582,00,0745
animal fat0,099,70,0897

Alcoholic drinks

vermouth martini0,00,017,0145
white wine sherry0,00,03,0126
* data is per 100 g of product

The essence of the potato diet for 3, 5, 7 days

The “Potato Diet” is suitable for those who want to lose weight quickly. The essence of the diet is to eat low-calorie dishes with potatoes without salt, fats and spices. If this suits you, then go ahead to a beautiful figure! On such a diet you can lose from 2 to 6 kilograms. But remember that you should use such a diet no more than once every six months.

The potato diet is one of the cheapest and, at the same time, affordable diets (potatoes can be bought at any store).

100 grams of potatoes contain 70 kcal.

It has been proven that regular consumption of potatoes does not lead to excess weight gain. Additional caloric content is given to the finished dish by various sauces, butter, and also by eating it not as an independent dish, but as a side dish for fatty meat. In order to lose weight, extract benefits from vegetables for the body, and also normalize metabolism, a special potato diet has been developed, which is presented in various variations.

Strict potato diet . Lasts from 3 to 5 days and helps you lose weight by 2-4 kg. The essence of a strict diet is to eat 2 kg of boiled potatoes, or in the form of mashed potatoes with water, divided into 5-6 meals. According to individual preference, you can bake the vegetable in the oven, but without oil and salt. Spices should also be completely excluded. You can season the vegetable only with lemon juice. With a strict diet, you need to drink a lot of liquid, at least 2-2.5 liters of still water. In between meals, you can drink a cup of green tea without sugar, a decoction of herbs or berries.

The potato-egg diet is designed for a period of 3 to 7 days; in one day using this method of losing weight you can “say goodbye” to 500 grams of excess weight.
The daily diet includes the following products: 6 small potatoes (boiled in their jackets), 3 chicken eggs (soft-boiled or hard-boiled), 1-2 onions, 2-3 tbsp olive oil. spoons, herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro).

Potatoes are healthier than you think

Snezhana Shabanova

November 12, 2010

The image of potatoes has recently been greatly damaged by the emergence of fast food fries, chips and, at the same time, the obesity epidemic throughout the world. Now the most famous tuber is, to put it mildly, a non-dietary product and has almost left the tables of healthy eating advocates. But are potatoes as dangerous for weight and well-being as is commonly thought? In addition to the aforementioned French fries and chips of various stripes, potato “sins” also include its high glycemic index (GI) due to its high starch content. Let me remind you, just in case, that foods with a high GI contain fast carbohydrates, which are instantly broken down, causing a sharp rise in blood sugar levels and an equally rapid drop. And, therefore, the desire to have a snack again. In short, after such a meal you want to eat more, more and more. The glycemic index of baked potatoes is 95. The same as white buns or rice. But if baked skinless potatoes are mashed - with a little butter or milk - their GI drops to 90. Fried potatoes already have a GI of 80, boiled potatoes, which we know well, have a GI of 70, and if they are boiled in their jackets, then all of 65, like black bread. So we can draw the first conclusion: potatoes and their starch are not as scary as they scare them. The main thing is to prepare it correctly: boil it peeled or in its jacket. In general, potatoes are not a very high-calorie product. 100 grams of boiled potatoes before adding butter or sour cream contain only 77-87 kcal, 20-25 g of carbohydrates and about 2 grams of protein, containing almost all the amino acids found in plants. Potatoes are one of the record holders among plants for the content of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. It also contains a lot of magnesium, which is required to maintain bone density. And about 200 g of young potatoes, boiled in their skins, contain almost the daily requirement of vitamin C. So, if you cook potatoes “in their own juice” and add a small piece of butter or low-fat milk to it, the result is not too high in calories, not dangerous for the waist, but it’s quite a healthy dish for everything else. By the way, the calorie content of potatoes greatly depends on its variety. Starchier potatoes, which produce a crumbly, fluffy puree, will make a greater contribution to your daily calorie intake than dense, yellowish potatoes that boil well in their skins. The age of the potato is no less important. Shriveled tubers stored in vegetable stores all winter are practically useless. Not only will they have to be cleaned “squarely” due to rotten and frozen barrels, eyes and other suspicious inclusions. So such potatoes are no longer suitable for boiling in their skins. It doesn’t even fry beautifully – it falls apart and burns even in a finger-thick layer of oil. And the main disadvantage of “spring” potatoes is the almost complete absence of vitamin C in them, more than two-thirds of which is lost during winter storage. Therefore, we choose dense, fresh and not frozen potatoes. And in the spring we try to find another side dish - we buy frozen vegetables or master the preparation of legumes. And finally, let’s remember the products that gave potatoes such a bad name. We have already dealt with French fries and chips, and you can read a whole material about these products and other fast food. But other popular inhabitants of offices and bachelor’s cupboards remained unnoticed: instant puree and small bags “for one cup of crackers.” In addition to the large number of calories, these products also contain too much salt and other additives that are not related to a healthy diet. Frozen French fries aren't very healthy either. Nothing can be done with it other than drowning it in oil, and this method of preparation, as we found out, is too burdensome in terms of calories. So “live” potatoes are definitely safer and healthier than their semi-finished counterparts, and should take their place on your table. Moreover, this is a common product that does not require difficult storage conditions.


  • Vegetables
  • Overweight
  • Kitchen

Available pros and cons


  • The product is very nutritious and quickly satisfies hunger
  • Very useful, there is a strengthening of the immune system and positive changes in the activity of the central nervous system (CNS)
  • Easy to prepare dishes and little time spent on them
  • Potatoes are available, you can buy them in absolutely any store and market. It is available in abundance.


  • This diet is strict and therefore, when following it, you need to consume a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins
  • It is possible that you will feel very thirsty during each meal.
  • Constantly eating potatoes will quickly get boring for you. Soon food will no longer bring any taste pleasure
  • This diet is not suitable for people with diabetes, pregnant women and nursing mothers

Features of the Julia Roberts diet

The actress supports Nicholas Perricone's diet. The diet, in addition to losing weight, slows down aging, which is very important for actresses and actors.

The essence of Julia Roberts' diet

The diet is quite simple, but at the same time varied. You should completely avoid some foods and give preference to others. It was found that the best foods for youth and longevity are avocados, berries, bell peppers, melon, spinach, cabbage, fish of the salmon family (salmon, etc.), tomatoes and pumpkin. It is worth noting that it is better to cook fish products in the oven, steam or boil.

In addition, Julia Roberts says that not all carbohydrates are dangerous for your figure. You should refuse:

You can and should eat:

Some important nuances of the diet:

  • include dietary meat, fruits of plant origin, and nuts in every meal;
  • consume 200 ml of low-fat yogurt for three days;
  • in one week, a lady should eat no more than 400 grams of protein in equal proportions per day;
  • drink ten glasses of water a day;
  • It is better to eliminate caffeine or strong tea or limit the amount;
  • break between meals - no more than five hours;
  • exclude anything fried or stewed.

Menu for 7 days

The potato mono-diet is difficult to adhere to due to the lack of calories, so not everyone can do it. The potato-kefir diet is easier to tolerate. It involves eating only baked or boiled root vegetables in the first half of the day, and a glass of low-fat kefir for dinner.

Another option for the week:

  • breakfast: low fat milk;
  • lunch: mashed potatoes (250–300 g);
  • dinner: potato salad with boiled egg, seasoned with vegetable oil.

The only drinks allowed are tea and water.

Sample menu for 7 days for a light potato diet:

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayOmelette with fresh tomatoesLight potato soup with black bread croutonsLow-fat kefir - 1 glassWhite cabbage salad
TuesdayJacket potatoes - 2 pcs., pure yogurt with chopped herbsPotato casserole with minced meatGreen appleBaked tubers - 2 pcs., grated carrots with lemon juice
WednesdayMashed potatoes, milk - 250 mlVegetable soup, boiled potatoes with dillGrapefruitBaked potatoes, sauerkraut with olive oil
ThursdaySoft-boiled eggs - 2 pcs., pearPotato zrazyRyazhenkaPuree, beet salad
FridayLow-fat cottage cheese with natural yogurtPuree, soft-boiled eggFruit freshBoiled potatoes with vegetable oil and herbs, cucumbers and tomatoes
SaturdayHard-boiled eggs, apricotsCasserole with potatoes and mushroomsCurdled milkJacketed root vegetables, arugula salad
SundayCottage cheese with raspberriesDiet broth with rye crackers, stewed vegetablesCitrusMashed potatoes, coleslaw

During breaks, you can drink green tea or rosehip decoction. If you feel severe hunger, you can eat a spoonful of honey. For snacking, it is recommended to boil the tubers in their jackets. To achieve results in losing weight faster, you need to give up dinner. In the classic case, it should occur no later than 18-00 pm.

Characteristics of the selected product

Potatoes contain starch. This substance helps you gain extra pounds. But it also supplies the body with energy. The “older” the vegetable, the more starch it contains. This means that for the diet you should choose younger tubers; they do not contain enough carbohydrates and sufficient protein content.

Moderate potato diet menu

Positive effects of diet

The reasons in favor of such a restriction are the positive results of such a diet.

What are the benefits of the potato menu:

    A good result: at first you can lose about 2 kilograms, then the daily weight loss will be 200-300 g; The fast-acting diet allows you to lose weight in a short time; Availability and low cost of the main product; Ease of preparing dishes; Frisky and long saturation.

For those who love potatoes, this weight loss method will bring pleasure. Moreover, a lot of tasty dishes can be prepared from vegetables.

Disadvantages of a potato diet

The duration of such abstinence should not exceed fourteen days.

Disadvantages of the potato diet:

    from time to time it is difficult to find a young, fresh vegetable; monotony of the menu; you need to take vitamin-mineral complexes because the diet is insufficient in terms of necessary substances; there are contraindications.

Ancestors should know that such restrictions are harmful for children.

Contraindications for the diet

In case of certain diseases, a potato diet will not only not bring benefits, but can be harmful.

In what cases are there contraindications:

There are two diet options - they are very identical in composition, find the option that suits you best:

pregnancy regardless of its duration; lactation; liver problems; kidney diseases.

For those who suffer from gastritis, it is better to use a potato-kefir diet as a diet. In addition to vegetables, it includes 1.5 liters of fermented milk product. The potato-kefir diet is not carried out during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

How to cook potatoes

Because young tubers are used for dishes, it is necessary to prepare them correctly. There is no need to buy a huge amount of product, it quickly deteriorates. For cooking, take tubers of approximately size 1. The water should slightly cover the vegetables.

Potato diet for three days

During the cooking process, garlic, herbs, onions, and seasonings are added for taste. Cooking time depends on the variety. “Young” tubers are prepared faster than “old” ones. It is better to bake potatoes in foil.

Extreme weight loss in three days brings a beneficial effect, provided that all requirements are met. To achieve the desired result, it is useful to increase physical activity, visit the pool, and sign up for a massage.

So, the daily menu consists of the following products:

    Breakfast. Lactic acid product - two hundred g. Obed. Boiled potatoes - three hundred g. Dinner. Boiled egg. Potato salad with herbs and cabbage.

It is not recommended to eat this way for more than 3 days.

Anyone who has ever been interested in the topic of losing weight knows: potatoes are not recommended to be included in diet menus. But, this product is still not as unsafe for the figure as famous nutritionists describe. Moderate consumption of potatoes allows you to lose weight rather than gain it; the only important thing is to keep the energy value of your diet under control.

For a longer diet, you need a gentle and more varied diet. It is better to start it before the weekend.

The right way out of the diet

Regardless of the duration of the program, the exit rules are the same. Moreover, the longer the course of the potato diet, the stricter their adherence should be.

On the first day after finishing the diet, it is important to continue the diet, but include vegetable oil and spices. For 4 days you should eat small portions, sticking to 5-6 meals a day. High-calorie foods should be avoided for at least a week. Instead of a hearty sandwich, use a vegetable mix or lean porridge.

Remember, however, to take precautions. While on a potato diet. If you have any serious health problems. Before starting a diet, be sure to consult your doctor.

Pasta diet for weight loss.

Reviews and results

  • Alena, 23 years old: “... This actress is a real example of femininity and success, and at the same time a wonderful mother of 3 children, so it’s worth learning from her. I tried to follow her weight loss tips and lost three hated kilograms in 5 days. It was difficult without salt and sugar, but it was worth it.”
  • Katerina, 28 years old: “...I resorted to this express method before the wedding. I already wanted a healthy diet - vegetables, fruits and cottage cheese, and potatoes turned out to be a lifesaver for me, they gave me a feeling of satiety and strength to cope with the wedding bustle. Bonus: minus 6 kg and my perfect appearance on the most important day.”
  • Ilona, ​​39 years old: “... I really love spending time at the dacha, and I was looking for a diet that would be most suitable for outdoor recreation with my family. Baked potatoes, salads and fruits, farm cottage cheese - this is exactly what pleased me, my husband and children. Of course, the boys were additionally grilled meat and fish, but my hardships were rewarded - minus four kilograms on the scales.”

Reviews from those who have lost weight about the potato diet

Oksana I regularly arrange fasting days on my favorite root vegetable. Anyone who does not believe in the effectiveness of this method of cleansing the body has simply not tried it! In fact, just one day is enough for the weight loss process to begin and cleansing to occur. Unloading is especially effective when combined with green tea, which, as you know, is also not bad in the fight against excess weight and sludge. If I need to lose more than 1-2 kg, I go on a potato-cabbage diet, which lasts 3 days. The results are encouraging: during this time I lose at least 4 kg. On my own behalf, I will add that it is very important to drink more clean water or rosehip decoction. Then the weight will come off even better.

Irina Until recently, the potato diet raised doubts in me. A vegetable that can’t be called light and losing weight? After I managed to lose 6 kg in a week on the potato diet, I have no doubts anymore. The technique has many advantages. Firstly, it is much more economical than others, because apart from the usual vegetable, nothing special is allowed. Secondly, there is a feeling of satiety. And you can easily diversify the menu. I ate not only boiled and baked dishes - I prepared potato pancakes and salads, and cooked soups. I drank a lot - at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day. I don’t do sports as such, but during the diet I included 30-minute walks in my usual daily routine.

Anna tried the potato diet more than once to lose weight, but not in its ready-made version, but slightly modified to suit herself. In the morning I add a cup of strong, unsweetened coffee (otherwise I won’t be able to regain my energy), and in the daytime I always eat a piece of rye bread. In the evening I drink tea with mint and honey. I especially lean on greens: spinach, sorrel, parsley and dill. On such a diet, 400 grams of weight are consistently lost per day. I stick to the diet for no more than 5 days.

Anna I love potatoes very much, but I always had a prejudice - I believed that not only can you not lose weight on them, on the contrary, potatoes lead to weight gain. From the article I learned that this is far from true and first tried several short-term combined diet options, and then switched to the menu from Julia Roberts. In a month I lost a total of about 7 kilograms, I wasn’t hungry, so I liked everything.

Galya The potato diet did not suit me either for short-term use or for 14 days. Most likely, the body is accustomed to potatoes and does not react to them even despite other cooking methods. I think that you should give it a try, to see if it’s the right one for you! After all, until you try, you won’t know whether the diet works for weight loss or not. Moreover, potatoes are not expensive now!

Top 7 best drugs for weight loss

Black Latte for weight loss99 rub.
NATURAL Fit Calorie Blocker Powder990 rub.
Purple tea "Chang-Shu"499 rub.
Fat burning drops “Honey Spas”1980 rub. 99 rub.
(until 08/24/2021)
Detox cocktail for weight loss147 rub.
Lipocarnit for weight loss990 rub.
Reduslim weight loss product149 rub.

Views: 3,273

General rules

Now the main beauty of Hollywood, Julia Roberts, has turned 50, but age is not about her, she has long ago subjugated time and products. And now they work for her, making her health excellent and her appearance unsurpassed. Moreover, she was able to build an effective diet for weight loss using potatoes. The main thing, the actress believes, is to consume this root vegetable in moderation, strictly controlling the daily calorie content of the menu, and then even such a product will work to stimulate fat burning processes, release toxins , and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
You can stick to Julia Roberts' potato diet for 2-10 days, depending on your goal - the number of kilograms you need to get rid of. On average, you can get a good result in a week – minus 2-5 kg. The diet has two menu options, so you can choose the one you like and suits you.

Julia Roberts menu

The time required to maintain the diet is at least a month. Time should fly by quickly, given the lack of strict food restrictions.

Breakfast is practically no different from the usual one: a protein omelet, dietary fish, natural yogurt with honey, etc. are allowed. In general, you can eat everything except fried, stewed, fatty and “heavy” foods.

Lunch should include at least one hundred grams of protein. A salad dressed with olive oil is also quite appropriate; fruits, of course, are not excluded.

For dinner, it is preferable to cook light food, such as fish and fruit. Fruits can be used to make great desserts, some of which are presented here.

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