Quince: calorie content, beneficial properties and contraindications, use for weight loss

Quince is a healthy fruit of the rose family, which is considered to be a relative of pears and apples. The birthplace of the oldest plant is Azerbaijan. In Russia, quince is still considered an exotic plant. The fruits are widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. They have a tart, sweet and sour taste and a pleasant aroma.

Quince is used to make jams, marmalade, juices, compotes, preserves, purees, and even added to meat dishes. The fruits are consumed raw, stewed and boiled. They are also used to make medicinal decoctions and infusions, which are used in folk medicine to treat many diseases.

  • Beneficial features
      For diseases of the digestive system
  • For disorders of the cardiovascular system
  • Quince in the diet of people of different Vorzasts
      Adults During pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Children
  • Quince in weight loss
  • In cooking
  • In cosmetology
  • Contraindications for use
  • Popular folk recipes
  • Chemical composition and calorie content of quince

    The benefits of quince are due to its rich chemical composition. The fruit contains:

    • vitamins: group B (1,2,6,9), C, A, E, PP;
    • minerals: calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co);
    • sugars: glucose, fructose, sucrose;
    • tannins and nitrogenous substances;
    • pectins;
    • slime;
    • organic acids: malic, tartaric, citric;
    • essential oil;
    • nitrogenous substance;
    • phytoncides;
    • ash;
    • starch;
    • fatty oil;
    • water.

    Quince has an average calorie content: about 50 kcal per 100 g of product. Quince BJU: carbohydrates are 960 mg, proteins - 600 mg, fats - 500 mg, vegetable fiber - approximately 360 mg.

    Bju, vitamins, minerals, calorie content of quince in 1 piece.

    The average weight of one fruit is 200 g. Thus, the calorie content of 1 piece. quince is 96 kcal. One fruit contains:

    • proteins – 1.2 g;
    • fats – 1 g;
    • carbohydrates – 19.2 g.

    The composition of 1 piece of fruit is represented by the following vitamins and minerals (in brackets, % of the substance from the daily value of an adult):

    • A (37);
    • beta carotene (16);
    • B1 (2.6);
    • B2 (4.4);
    • B4 (3.4);
    • B5 (3.2);
    • B6 (4);
    • C (52);
    • E (5.4);
    • PP (2);
    • potassium (12);
    • calcium (4.6);
    • silicon (22);
    • magnesium (7);
    • sodium (2.2);
    • phosphorus (6);
    • iron (34);
    • iodine (13);
    • cobalt (58);
    • manganese (9.3);
    • copper (26);
    • molybdenum (4.2);
    • selenium (2,2);
    • fluorine (2.2);
    • chrome (78).

    Popular varieties of quince

    In total, there are more than 400 varieties of this plant in nature. They differ in the time of flowering and fruiting, the size of the flowers, the structure of the leaves, the shape of the fruit, as well as beneficial properties.


    The plant produces large yellow fruits with a lemon tint, weighing 400 g. This is the most delicious variety of quince. The fruit has a smooth skin and a ribbed surface.

    Quince is used in the treatment of throat diseases, cleanses the body of toxins, stimulates peristalsis and eliminates bleeding gums. Angers quince juice is indicated during pregnancy as an effective remedy for heartburn.


    The fruits are covered with a dense, fleecy, lemon-colored peel. They can be spherical or pear-shaped. The pulp of the fruit is hard, dry, astringent and has a sweetish taste. There are many seeds inside the fruit. The fruit can be consumed fresh, baked or canned.

    This variety is a leader in the content of nutrients. Common quince is used to prevent eye diseases and treat gastrointestinal diseases, helps get rid of helminthiasis and is an effective laxative. The fruit has a softening and regenerating effect, cleanses the body well, improves cardiac activity and strengthens the immune system.

    Japanese Chaenomeles

    The plant is distinguished by dense bronze foliage, which subsequently acquires a rich dark green color. The fruits of Japanese quince are yellow with green spots.

    The fruits contain a lot of pectin and iron. Thanks to this composition, the fruit is used to remove toxic compounds from the body. Quince restores strength after serious illnesses, is used for chronic fatigue syndrome and has the ability to lower blood sugar.

    Chinese quince

    Quince blooms with pink or white flowers, 0.05 m in diameter, and has apple-like oval or spherical fruits containing a large number of seeds. The weight of the fetus can reach more than 0.5 kg.

    A distinctive feature of this variety is the increased concentration of essential oil in the fruits and a high percentage of vitamin C. The fruits are rich in iron, pectin, citric and malic acid. They regulate the activity of the nervous system, control brain activity, normalize sleep and improve memory.

    Beneficial features

    The rich vitamin composition allows the fruit to be used to treat colds of viral and bacterial etiology. In addition, quince:

    • helps reduce intoxication in case of poisoning;
    • improves liver activity;
    • helps reduce blood cholesterol levels;
    • eliminates signs of anemia;
    • relieves symptoms when stomach problems occur and is an effective remedy for anemia;
    • has diuretic properties, helps fight swelling.

    Infusions from quince seeds have an enveloping and antiseptic effect and are successfully used as lotions for eye diseases, as well as to relieve inflammation and reduce cough during colds.

    For diseases of the digestive system

    A positive effect on the organs of the digestive system is achieved due to the presence of tannins in quince. Despite the sufficient amount of fiber, the fruit has a binding effect. Therefore, it can be used for gastrointestinal disorders, especially diarrhea and flatulence.

    In folk medicine, not only the pulp of the plant is used, but also the leaves and seeds from it. A laxative decoction is prepared from them, which helps with long-term constipation.

    For disorders of the cardiovascular system

    It is useful to eat quince for people with cardiac disorders. Due to the presence of large amounts of potassium in the fruits, they are indicated in the treatment of hypertension and functional disorders of the nervous system, and help cope with stress, as they have a calming effect.

    The fruits of the exotic plant are used to prevent cancer and various diseases of the cardiovascular system. They are useful for people who are obese, since the fruit contains very little glucose. In addition, thanks to its diuretic properties, quince can be used to remove excess fluid from the body.

    Dietary properties of quince

    Due to its low calorie content, quince can be used as part of a diet without any doubt. And for good reason, because it actually promotes weight loss, since:

    • does not contain fats and cholesterol;
    • the microelements it contains have a qualitative effect on digestion;
    • thanks to a considerable amount of valuable antioxidants, it helps to cope with stress, which invariably occurs during the process of losing weight;
    • has diuretic and choleretic properties;
    • has a mild laxative effect;
    • has a positive effect on metabolism;
    • cleanses the intestines.

    There are even several options for special diets, the main part of which is the fruit we are considering:

    1. Diet No. 1. Its essence is to exclude fatty, fried, smoked and other unhealthy foods from the diet. And during the morning and lunchtime meals, drink tea brewed from quince fruits. For dinner, you need to eat 1 more baked fruit every day. And so on for 21 days.
    2. Diet No. 2. Its essence is to drink a glass of quince infusion with a normal, healthy and light diet a quarter of an hour before each meal for 14 days.
    3. Fasting days. From time to time it is considered useful to spend so-called fasting days on quince fruit puree, which, for variety, can, for example, be combined with baked pumpkin puree.

    Quince in the diet of people of different Vorzasts

    Quince is useful for all people, but different categories have their own characteristics.


    Japanese pear is a healthy fruit for adults and the elderly. Tea made from the fruits and seeds of this plant improves immunity, helps aging people eliminate swelling due to diseases of the cardiovascular system, cleanses the liver, improves peristalsis and is used as a general tonic and antioxidant.

    The seeds help women cope with the symptoms of menopause. It is recommended to use fruit juice to treat hemorrhoids. Quince fruits reduce blood cholesterol levels, relieve swelling, help get rid of excess weight and are used to treat many diseases.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding

    A woman’s diet during pregnancy should include a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements, since the health of the unborn baby depends on this. It is important for expectant mothers to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially fresh ones. I am one of them

    The fruit is a source of useful substances: copper, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, pectin, etc. Expectant mothers are recommended to eat quince three times a week. This way you can avoid stomach clogging and swelling under the eyes.

    Quince helps prevent anemia in the fetus, eliminates symptoms of toxicosis, restores blood circulation, saturates the mother's body with vitamins, strengthens the immune system, and increases the body's resistance. Quince juice and decoctions are absolutely harmless, so pregnant women can use them in the treatment of colds.

    Women who are pregnant can eat quince with virtually no restrictions. It is worth considering that this fruit can cause allergies, but this happens extremely rarely.

    When breastfeeding, eating quince raw is prohibited. Fruits can cause constipation in a baby and cause allergies. Raw fruits are harmful to the intestines of the youngest mother.


    Quince is recommended to be included in the diet of children from a very early age. Raw fruits of this type are too hard and tart for a child’s stomach, which is why they should be given to children only after heat treatment. A child can try the fruit for the first time no earlier than when he is 10 months old and only if he does not have a tendency to allergies or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    Boiled or baked fruit in the amount of half a teaspoon should be introduced into the baby’s diet, after which the child’s condition should be monitored for two days. In the absence of manifestations of food allergies and constipation, quince can be prepared twice a week, gradually increasing the portion from 5 to 50 grams.

    If digestive problems occur, the fruit will have to be excluded from the diet.

    An attempt to introduce a vitamin product into the diet can be repeated after a couple of months. The best option for a baby would be quince fruit compote. The drink is absorbed quite well, does not irritate the throat and does not cause a sore throat.

    Raw fruits can be given to children starting from the age of two. Before doing this, they should be washed well, peeled and seeds selected. Quince seeds contain a substance - the glycoside amygdalin, which has a toxic effect. Under no circumstances should it be allowed to enter the baby’s stomach, as it can cause poisoning of the body. The villi on the skin of the fruit irritate the laryngeal mucosa, and their use can lead to a prolonged cough.

    Contraindications to the use of quince are:

    • pleurisy;
    • bowel dysfunction;
    • individual intolerance of the body.

    When buying quince for children, you should choose unrotten, ripe and large fruits, with a uniform yellow color, without dents or green spots on the surface.

    Quince in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, children, diabetics and athletes

    Quince is very useful for pregnant women It contains folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the formation and development of the fetus. In addition, quince can help relieve constipation and toxicosis.

    Nursing mothers can also include quince in their diet, but start with a small piece. If the child does not have digestive problems or a rash, then you can gradually increase the norm to 1 piece per day.

    Children can start giving baked quince from 10 months. Fresh fruits are introduced into a child’s diet no earlier than one year.

    Diabetics can also consume quince, as its fruits contain little glucose and have a low glycemic index.

    Athletes can include quince in their diet, as it improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and also relieves fatigue after intense training.

    Quince in weight loss

    A weight loss diet with quince is very popular among adherents of a healthy diet. Weight loss is achieved thanks to the laxative, choleretic and diuretic properties of this fruit. It has the ability to improve metabolism, cleanses the intestines well and rids the body of toxins.

    The duration of diet therapy is three weeks. This involves complete exclusion from the diet of fatty, fried, salty foods, sweets, as well as cakes and pastries. The consumption of day-old rye bread and other dietary products is allowed. The final result in this case largely depends on the calories consumed.

    Sample daily menu:

    1. Breakfast - porridge from any cereal, one apple and tea from quince fruits and leaves.
    2. Second breakfast - dried fruits or any nuts.
    3. Lunch - soup, a small piece of lean meat, quince compote.
    4. Afternoon snack - a glass of yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk or a little cottage cheese, any fruit juice.
    5. Dinner - a dish with stewed quince, a glass of green tea or compote.

    The serving size for each meal should not be more than 200 g. For dinner, you should always prepare a quince dish. It can be pureed, stewed or boiled fruit. During treatment, under no circumstances should you eat at night. It is recommended to have dinner no later than 6 pm.

    It is highly advisable to combine diet with moderate physical activity.

    Quince composition:


    Vitamin:WITHIN 1AT 2AT 4AT 5AT 6RRE
    in mg. per 100 grams


    in mg. per 100 grams 232414144

    Quince is consumed baked, boiled, or canned; It is used to prepare sauces for meat dishes and game.

    Essential oils contained in the fruit, especially in the skin, give quince dishes a subtle aroma and sour taste. Quince is widely used for dietary nutrition.

    Quince slices are added to cabbage soup or borscht; they add a unique sour taste. Since ancient Greek times, quince has been baked with honey; in oriental cuisine, the fruit was stuffed with minced beef or beans. After heat treatment, quince is used as a side dish for poultry or meat, and also as a seasoning for preparing national dishes such as pilaf, beef soup with quince, bozbash (lamb) and many others.

    It is also used to flavor desserts and sweet dishes, prepare compotes, juices, and make jam. Quince added during the cooking process gives them a sour taste and a refined aroma.

    In cosmetology

    Due to the content of a large amount of fruit acids, the fruit is widely used in cosmetology. Masks, creams, balms, lotions and tonics are made from the pulp, leaves and seeds.

    Quince pulp helps get rid of acne, nourishes, cleanses and tones the skin, and has regenerating properties. A tonic is made from fruit juice to lighten freckles and eliminate age spots. The fruit is used both in its pure form and as one of the ingredients included in cosmetic products.

    Contraindications for use

    Despite the usefulness of quince, if used incorrectly, it can be harmful to human health. The seeds of the plant should not be crushed or chewed. When they are destroyed, amygdalin is released, the effect of which is enhanced in combination with vitamin C. The substance is toxic and can cause intoxication of the body.

    Contraindications to the use of quince are:

    • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
    • pleurisy, pneumonia;
    • chronic constipation;
    • allergy to components contained in the fruit;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • inflammation of the larynx.

    In all other cases, quince is useful, but it is recommended to use it within reasonable limits.

    Popular folk recipes

    There are many proven recipes with quince that can be used to treat various diseases.

    IndicationsRecipeHow to use
    Sore throat and dry cough
    1. Grind 10 g of seeds and pour 250 ml of boiling water.
    2. Then put the broth in a water bath for 15 minutes, then leave it to steep until it cools completely.
    Strain and take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals
    Asthmatic attack
    1. To prepare, you need to take 5 g of fresh leaves of the plant, pour one glass of hot water over them and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes.
    2. Cool, squeeze out leaves
    Take 2 tbsp. l. 4 times a day, regardless of meals
    1. Peel the ripe quince fruit, cut into pieces and pour two cups of boiling water
    2. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes
    Drink 3-4 tbsp of medicine. l. 3 times a day, preferably after meals
    1. Place the quince cut into slices in a small saucepan, add water and cook over low heat until soft, then squeeze.
    2. Remove the pulp and cook until the syrup becomes thick
    Take 3-4 tbsp. l.three times a day for anemia

    Before using folk remedies, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

    Quince: calorie content and nutritional supplements, health benefits and harms, traditional medicine recipes

    The healing properties of quince were discovered more than 4 thousand years ago.
    Decoctions were made from the pulp, seeds and leaves of the plant, which were used to treat viral diseases, diabetes and problems with the digestive system. In addition to the common quince, varieties cultivated in the East are popular. The Chinese variety contains large amounts of vitamin C, which is why it is popularly called the fruit of longevity. And in the fruits of Japanese quince, scientists discovered pectin substances that help remove heavy metal salts from the body. WEIGHT LOSS STORIES OF STARS!

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    Quince is a dietary product. Regular consumption of the aromatic fruit improves digestion and prevents the deposition of fats in the body.

    To speed up the process of losing weight, nutritionists advise eating fruit at least three times a week and avoiding fatty foods and sweets.

    Energy value and BJU per 100 grams of product.

    SubstanceQuantity in fruitsProportion of the daily value of an adult
    Squirrels0.6 g0,7 %
    Fats0.4 g0,7 %
    Carbohydrates11 g4 %
    Calories: 48 calories.

    The ripe fruits of the plant contain vitamins C, E, B1, PP, as well as iron, calcium and zinc.

    Quince has antioxidant and antiviral properties.

    Doctors advise people who want to maintain good health to include it in their diet. The benefits of fruit for the body of an adult and a child are discussed below.

    Medicinal properties of quince:

    • During heavy periods, doctors advise drinking decoctions from the leaves and seeds of the plant. They stop bleeding and replenish iron deficiency in the female body.
    • During pregnancy, the expectant mother should include fresh quince in her diet, as it contains folic acid, which ensures the normal development of the fetus.
    • Homemade compote and freshly squeezed juice help reduce symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant women.
    • To speed up metabolism and remove excess fluid from the body, it is useful to add a couple of quince cloves to freshly brewed tea.
    • You can remove inflammation on the skin using a homemade mask. You need to grate a couple of quince cloves and apply the resulting mixture to your face in an even layer. Keep the mask on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    The beneficial properties of the fruit are due to its rich composition:

    • Vitamin A (retinol) helps prevent prostate cancer in men.
    • Ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on potency and increases sexual desire.
    • Niacin regulates the production of the most important male hormone - testosterone.
    • Antioxidants reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, which affect men after 45 years of age.

    Fruit can be introduced into a child’s diet from one year of age. It is better not to give it raw to small children. Optimal cooking methods: bake without skin in the oven, cook homemade compote, make fruit or vegetable casserole.

    The plant has a positive effect on the physical and emotional state of the child:

    • Promotes mental development.
    • Increases brain activity and concentration.
    • Strengthens the immune system.
    • Improves the functioning of the digestive organs.
    • Facilitates the progression of viral diseases.
    • The chemicals in its composition are involved in the formation of bone tissue.

    Excessive consumption of quince can be harmful to health, so you should not eat too much of it. The fruit must be completely excluded from the diet if the following contraindications are present:

    • Digestive syndrome - enterocolitis.
    • Gastritis.
    • Increased stomach acidity.
    • Tendency to constipation.
    • Pleurisy.
    • Tendency to allergic reactions.

    Breastfeeding may cause bloating in the baby, so you should consult your doctor before introducing it into your diet.

    Quince is used to prepare medicinal decoctions, tinctures and teas.

    1. 1. To stop uterine bleeding, you need to pour 20 grams of dried quince with a glass of boiling water. The decoction should steep for an hour. Take 1 tbsp. l. before every meal.
    2. 2. Diuretic: 1 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the dried leaves and seeds of the plant. Cook in a saucepan over low heat for 5 minutes, then cool and strain through cheesecloth. Drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
    3. 3. Antipyretic: cut two quinces into slices, after removing the seeds. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the fruit and leave in a thermos for 1.5 - 2 hours. Drink the infusion in small sips throughout the day.
    4. 4. Our ancestors used quince juice to treat burns and skin inflammations. They moistened gauze with it and applied it to the affected area.
    5. 5. For colitis, it is recommended to drink a decoction of quince seeds. Pour 10 grams of plant seeds into a glass of clean cold water, leave the drink overnight to steep. Then strain through cheesecloth and drink throughout the day.

    The use of quince to treat children should be discussed with a pediatrician.

    After heat treatment, quince retains its properties, so it is widely used in cooking for making desserts, refreshing drinks, sauces for meat dishes and preparations for the winter.

    To prepare a delicious quince compote you will need the following ingredients:

    • quince - 1.5 kg;
    • granulated sugar - 200 g;
    • water - 1 l;
    • citric acid - 10 g.
    1. 1. Peel and pit the quince and cut into slices. To prevent the fruit from darkening, it must be immersed in water with the addition of citric acid.
    2. 2. Boil the fruits until soft in 1 liter of water. Then drain the liquid and place the quince slices in a sterile jar.
    3. 3. Add sugar to 1 liter of water and boil the syrup for 5 minutes.
    4. 4. Pour it into jars of fruit. Roll them up, turn them over and cover them with a warm blanket. When the compote has cooled, transfer it to a cool, dark room.
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