Lawyer diet

Published: 03/01/2017

We offer another weight loss system for those who are overweight and like to experiment on themselves - a technique known as the lawyer's diet. It is not known exactly what kind of lawyer this is, who and why named the diet after him. But what is known is that the average lawyer, as a rule, does not deny himself anything, while the described technique suggests seriously limiting your diet for as long as 40 days.

So, today you will learn everything about the lawyer’s diet - its menu, foods allowed and prohibited for consumption, possible results and contraindications (if any). We will also look at some reviews from those who have experienced all the “joys” of the lawyer’s diet. Well, dear ladies, let's get started?

Lawyer diet for 40 days

Basic principles of nutrition on the lawyer diet

A distinctive feature of the diet is that the entire course (40 days) is divided into 4 10-day cycles. But if you take a closer look at the set of products, you can draw an obvious conclusion: for each of the 10 days of the cycle, the nutrition is almost the same, with the exception of a few not so important points. In any case, you will be able to eat only one specified product all day, and in strictly limited quantities.

On a note! The menu includes products that contain both fiber and proteins; In addition, the diet includes foods containing a certain amount of carbohydrates (for example, buckwheat and potatoes).

An important component of the lawyer's diet - in fact, as well as most other weight loss methods - is kefir. And the required amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements is provided by the presence of vegetables and apples. The course, as noted earlier, consists of four cycles - let's look at the detailed menu of each of them.

The Lawyer's Diet will help you lose 15 to 20 kg

What is the lawyer's diet and its principles

The lawyer's diet is a nutritional system aimed at weight loss. It is not known for certain who gave the diet such a name. But it is known that the average lawyer does not deny himself anything, while the specified nutritional method involves a serious restriction of the diet for 40 days.

The main feature of the diet is the division of 40 days into 4 courses of 10 days each. If you study the menu more carefully, you can conclude that the food on all days will be almost the same, with the exception of some points. At the same time, you can only eat one product during the day and in limited quantities.

The diet menu consists of foods containing proteins and fiber. The diet should also contain foods that contain a certain amount of carbohydrates (for example, buckwheat or potatoes).

Another important product of the lawyer’s diet, like most weight loss methods, is kefir. The presence of vegetables and apples in the diet helps saturate the human body with essential vitamins and minerals.

Important: throughout the diet you need to take multivitamins, otherwise there is a high probability of deterioration in the condition of your hair, nails and skin.

First cycle of the lawyer diet

Day No1. Today you can eat 5 boiled potatoes (preference is best given to jacket potatoes), as well as some vegetables (250 g).

Day No2. The next day you can eat the same amount of vegetables. You are also allowed to drink 1 liter of kefir.

Day No3. Traditionally, you are allowed to eat 250 g of vegetables (in order not to repeat ourselves, note that the same amount must be consumed every next day of the cycle) and low-fat cottage cheese (500 g).

Day No4. Today, eat boiled eggs (4 pieces).

Day No5. Just milk - 1 liter (+ vegetables, of course).

Day No6. Chicken meat (1 kg).

Day No7. Fresh apples (1.5 kg).

Day No8. Kefir again, but already 0.5 liters.

Day No9. Buckwheat (really, can a diet do without it?), no more than 500 g.

Day No10. Everything is the same as for the first one - 5 boiled potatoes + vegetables.

First Cycle of the Lawyer Diet (Days 1-10)

On a note! Additionally, you should drink 1 liter of Narzan (or just still water) daily. This rule applies to all cycles without exception.

Narzan - what is it?

Lawyer diet menu

Depending on the diet cycle, you should adhere to a certain menu for 10 days. Below is the menu for all 40 days, based on the diet cycle.

First cycle

While losing weight, it is recommended to drink 1 liter of Narzan or plain water without gases daily.

The menu for the whole day is presented in the table below.

1st day250 g vegetables, 5 boiled potatoes
2nd day1 liter of kefir, 250 g of vegetables
3rd day0.5 kg low-fat cottage cheese, 250 g vegetables
4th day4 boiled eggs, 250 g vegetables
5th day1 liter of milk, 0.25 kg of vegetables
6th day1 kg chicken meat, 250 g vegetables
7th day1.5 kg green apples, 250 g vegetables
8th day500 ml kefir, 250 g vegetables
9th day0.5 kg buckwheat, 250 g vegetables
10th day5 boiled potatoes, 250 g vegetables

Second cycle

If you have steadily endured 1 cycle of the lawyer’s diet, then you can begin to follow the next one.

11th day500 g buckwheat
12th day1 kg apples
13th day500 g low-fat cottage cheese
14th day500 g lean cooked meat
15th day500 g lean boiled chicken meat
16th day1.5 l low-fat kefir
Day 171 kg carrots
Day 181.5 kg green apples
Day 19500 g buckwheat
20th day6 boiled chicken eggs

Third cycle

Still moving towards your goal of minus 15 kg in 40 days? Then eat as indicated in the table.

Day 211 liter low-fat kefir
Day 22500 g green apples
Day 230.4 kg low-fat cottage cheese
Day 245 boiled chicken eggs
Day 251 l kefir
Day 26250 g low-fat cottage cheese
Day 271 kg grated carrots
Day 284 bananas
Day 29500 g buckwheat
30th day5 boiled eggs

Fourth cycle

The menu for the last stage of the lawyer's diet is presented in the table below.

Day 311 l kefir
Day 321 kg green apples
Day 33500 g low-fat cottage cheese
Day 34500 g boiled lean meat
Day 351 kg boiled chicken meat
Day 361.5 l kefir
Day 371 kg grated carrots
Day 381.5 kg apples
Day 39500 g buckwheat
40th day6 boiled eggs

Due to the meager diet, exercise is prohibited throughout the diet. You should also remove salt, sugar, oil, and alcoholic beverages from your diet.

Second cycle of the course

Day No11. The beginning of the second cycle is not very pleasant - today you can only eat buckwheat (500 g).

Day No12. And on this day - only apples! In total, 1 kg.

Day No13. No more than 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Day No14. 0.5 kg of boiled meat.

Day No15. Everything is the same as yesterday, but the meat must be chicken.

Day No16. 1.5 liters of kefir.

Day No17. Today you will have a hard time - eat only grated carrots (only 1 kg).

Day No18. 1.5 kg of fresh apples.

Day No19. 0.5 kg of buckwheat is the same as at the beginning of the cycle.

Day No20. Finally, today you can eat 6 chicken eggs.

Second Cycle of the Lawyer Diet (Days 11-20)

Fourth decade of the lawyer's diet

Day No. 31 : already familiar 1 liter of kefir

Day No. 32 : apple diet - 1 kg of fruit

Day No. 33 : up to 500 g of cottage cheese

Day No. 34 : 0.5 kg of boiled lean meat - veal, rabbit or beef

Day No. 35 : 1 kg boiled chicken breast

Day No. 36 : 1.5 liters of 1% kefir

Day No. 37 : grated raw carrots - 1 kg

Day No. 38 : 1.5 kg apples

Day No. 39 : 500 g boiled buckwheat

Day No. 40 : 6 hard-boiled chicken eggs

Third cycle of the lawyer diet

Day No21. All you are allowed today is 1 liter of kefir.

Day No22. Only apples (total – 0.5 kg).

Day No23. No more than 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Day No24. Eat 5 boiled chicken eggs (below you can find detailed instructions for preparing them).

Day No25. Only 1 liter of kefir.

Day No26. Today's maximum is 250 g of cottage cheese.

Day No27. And again grated carrots - this time only 1 kg.

Day No28. You can eat ripe bananas - 4 pieces.

Day No29. 0.5 kg buckwheat.

Day No30. Boiled eggs again - today only 5 pieces.

Boiled eggs are one of the staples of the lawyer's diet for 40 days

Features of a lawyer's diet

As we said, this weight loss plan is for 40 days. They should be divided into 4 courses of 10 days. You will have to eat fairly monotonously throughout the diet; at each of the 4 stages there will be slight changes in the diet. During the day you are allowed to eat only one product in limited quantities.

If we talk about the lawyer’s diet in general, her menu includes foods containing proteins (cottage cheese, chicken, eggs), carbohydrates (grains, potatoes), and fiber (vegetables, fruits). One of the main products is low-fat kefir.

The amount of food provided for the day should be divided into 4-5 meals and consumed at regular intervals. By eating small meals - often and little by little - you will keep your blood sugar at an even level. This will help cope with the feeling of hunger.

An important condition: throughout the course you will need to take a multivitamin complex so that the condition of your hair, nails and skin does not worsen.

Otherwise the rules are standard.

  • The diet should not contain fatty foods (fatty meats, cheeses, sausages, sausages, etc.), sweets (from cookies, sweets to glazed cheeses and juices), as well as smoked and canned foods, ready-made sauces and dressings, and salt. The only fruits allowed are apples. Vegetables can be consumed fresh, stewed or boiled.
  • Drink enough fluids (at least 1.5-1.8 liters per day). Most of this volume should be ordinary water. You are allowed to drink table mineral water and weak green tea.
  • When leaving the diet, you should not suddenly change your eating rules and return to your usual diet. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the lost pounds will return.

The fourth cycle, also the last

Day No31. Today you can drink only 1 liter of kefir.

Day No32. 1 kg of apples is your current diet.

Day No33. No more than 0.5 kg of cottage cheese.

Day No34. Prepare and eat 0.5 kg of boiled meat.

Day No35. Only boiled chicken - only 1 kg.

Day No36. 1.5 liters of kefir.

Day No37. We return to grated carrots - again 1 kg.

Day No38. A small holiday - 1.5 kg of ripe apples.

Day No39. Again, good old buckwheat - 0.5 kg.

Day No40. On the last day of the lawyer's diet, eat 6 boiled eggs.

Grated carrots are an important diet menu item.

During the entire course, you must completely avoid consuming salt, sugar, oil and alcoholic beverages. Also, stop exercising! Catalog of individual prostitutes Gelendzhik Call girls

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How to get out?

During cycles 1 and 3, volume and extra pounds are lost. But during cycles 2 and 4, weight, as a rule, does not change. In any case, if you have endured until the end of the last cycle, you should know that leaving the diet (that is, returning to your previous diet) should be done carefully - the stomach should not be burdened with excessive amounts of food or the wrong foods.

On a note! Most likely, during the course you will be forced to take vitamin/mineral supplements, since along with excess weight it is quite possible to lose your nails and hair.

When losing weight, the most important elements are: B vitamins; vitamin C; calcium; zinc; chromium; magnesium.

Lawyer Diet: Disadvantages

The technique is essentially one of the varieties of nutrition plans with protein-carbohydrate alternation. This change in diet speeds up your metabolism. Similar techniques are often used, for example, if athletes need to quickly get in shape and lose 2-3 kilograms before competitions. During protein days, carbohydrate reserves from glycogen (which is stored in the liver and muscles) will be consumed first, then from the fat depot. On carbohydrate days, glycogen will be partially replenished. Part of the carbohydrates will go to the body’s needs, the missing volume will again be extracted from fat cells. The diet products themselves are chosen correctly. Another thing is that the calorie content of the proposed menu is below 1000 kcal. In principle, at some stage of weight loss, such energy value is appropriate for certain people, but not for everyone. After achieving optimal body weight, the energy content of the daily diet should be increased by 300-500 calories. Otherwise, to maintain its own existence, the body will first destroy muscles, then other tissues of the body. The lack of carbohydrates on the protein days of this diet will also sooner or later make itself felt. This will lead to loss of strength, deterioration of emotional state and cognitive functions. This is due to the fact that our brain requires about 100 g of glucose per day just to maintain normal all its functions. Of course, it will last for some time on their reserves, which are deposited in the liver, but they will not last long. But it will not be possible to replenish them in full during a day of carbohydrate loading with such a diet.

Let's not forget about the psychological aspect - sticking to a balanced diet is easier than dividing your diet by day, forming it strictly from groups of permitted foods. People are designed in such a way that it is difficult for them to accept any restrictions, especially those related to food. It’s easier for us to eat a little, but varied and loved. Otherwise, there is a high risk of breaking down and in a couple of days eating everything that you have been getting rid of for two weeks.

The lawyer’s diet may also seem uncomfortable because you need to stay on it for quite a long time - 40 days. Moreover, with each new cycle the diet does not become more varied. The method also does not provide for concessions - you cannot afford even a light dessert, even occasionally.

This method of losing weight has many contraindications. While practically healthy people can experiment with it, it is not suitable for those who suffer from any disease. You should not risk it if you have diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, impaired cholesterol or protein metabolism, obesity, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems. It is also not suitable for children, teenagers and the elderly.

Master Class. Cooking eggs correctly

Now let’s look at how to properly boil chicken eggs - an important product of the described diet (you never know, maybe someone doesn’t know).

Table. How to cook eggs correctly - step-by-step instructions.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Step 1

First, decide what kind of eggs you want to cook - soft-boiled, hard-boiled, or something in between. Once you have decided, prepare the required number of eggs.

Step 2

Take the prepared eggs and wash them thoroughly.

Step 3

Next, take a saucepan and fill it with cold water.

Step 4

Place the required number of eggs in the water. Remember that you cannot put them in hot water - this will cause them to burst. But to ensure that nothing bursts, add a teaspoon of salt or 9 percent vinegar to the water before immersing the eggs. And lastly: directly during cooking, the eggs must be completely covered with water.

Step 5

Place the pan on the fire and cook for 5 minutes (for soft-boiled eggs) or 7-10 (for hard-boiled eggs).

Step 6

When the specified time has elapsed, remove the pan from the heat and pour cold water over the eggs themselves.
Step 7Break the finished egg on the table or forehead of your beloved spouse and peel off the shell. Eat the right amount and lose those extra pounds!
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