Infrared pants for weight loss - indications and contraindications, reviews with photos before and after the procedure

What are infrared pants

Infrared pants (IR pants) are a modern remedy that is indicated for removing fat deposits in problem areas and treating cellulite. Extremely popular in beauty salons and clinics in European countries. They are an excellent alternative to surgical methods for removing fat deposits without undesirable consequences in the form of sutures, scars, scars and other dangers that may arise during surgery.

The technique is based on heating the body with special infrared sources. The result of exposure to deep heat is fundamentally different from the effect of a sauna, since in the first case the depth of tissue heating is 10-15 times greater. After just 1 procedure, the volume of the waist and hips decreases by 1.5-2 cm.

Operating principle

The heat emitted by the pants penetrates approximately 3-4 cm into the tissue, warms the bones, muscles, joints and increases blood circulation. This helps remove harmful substances and excess fluid from the body, normalize metabolic processes, dilate blood and lymphatic vessels, and saturate body cells with oxygen. Such intensive therapy improves overall condition and burns fat deposits.

The material of the IR pants contains tourmaline, which is in contact with the skin, absorbing body heat and turning it into infrared radiation. This action helps to cope with the hated “orange peel”.

The average duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. Infrared therapy does not cause pain, but before using it, be sure to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Infrared pants

Whole body (40 min)

Legs (40 min)

800 rub.

600 rub.

Infrared heat penetrates deep into the tissues of the body (up to 4 cm), warming muscles, bones and joints, accelerating metabolic processes and blood circulation. Toxins are dissolved and removed from the body, cells are intensively saturated with oxygen, blood and lymphatic vessels dilate, and tissue nutrition improves.

As a result of these changes within the body, the general condition of the skin improves, the “orange peel” gradually disappears, and the elasticity of the skin is restored.

The natural process of sweating, which occurs at a comfortable temperature, has an excellent cosmetic effect. Plus, there is a charge of energy that gives you excellent well-being.

The very first session usually results in a loss of up to 1 kilogram of fat mass and 1.5 - 2 cm in volume. And after 10-15 sessions you will really notice the greatest effect - victory over cellulite and weight loss. During this time, the initial result will intensify and consolidate, the strength and tone of the working muscles will increase, movements will become graceful and easy, and your figure will become fit and slender.

During thermotherapy, tissue heating is 10-15 times greater than when visiting a sauna. When using pants, infrared heat acts specifically on areas that need correction and removal of excess fat deposits.

The effect continues after the procedure for 48 hours, so each procedure should be with a break of 3 days.

You can use infrared pants before working out on strength training equipment - this replaces the preliminary warm-up, as there is an abundant flow of blood to the muscles and their “warming up”. But undergoing the procedure after training is also useful, because it quickly relieves muscle tension.

Results of thermotherapy sessions:

  1. rapid removal of fat in problem areas;
  2. reduction up to complete elimination of cellulite;
  3. restoration of skin elasticity and firmness;
  4. activation of the removal of waste, toxins, salts of heavy metals and carcinogens;
  5. relief of pain from radiculitis, arthrosis, menstrual pain;
  6. activation of metabolic function;
  7. increasing the body's resistance to various infections;
  8. natural reduction of appetite and improvement of digestive function;
  9. improved well-being and sleep.

Thermotherapy has the greatest effect in combination with pressotherapy.

You can get a consultation by phone:

Benefits of IR pants

Infrared pants are an excellent procedure for those who want to remove extra centimeters from the waist and hips without dieting (by the way, the grassroots diet copes well with such problems). The pants are made in the form of a half-suit that needs to be put on your legs.

In just 1 session you can lose up to 1 kg and lose 1.5-2 cm of body fat. On average, it will take 10-15 procedures to achieve the desired result. The main advantage of the pants is the heating of those areas that require the most attention (hips and stomach). After the session, weight loss continues for 2 days, so you need to take a break of 3 days between procedures.

The sweating that occurs during the session has an excellent cosmetic effect. After the procedure, the body is charged with vigor, energy, strength, which has a positive effect on overall well-being and mood.

It is best to use infrared pants for weight loss before going to the gym or exercising on exercise bikes, as they warm up the muscles well, so you can skip the warm-up. It is also useful to use pants after training, as in this case they will help cope with muscle pain and relieve tension.

When a person wears infrared pants for weight loss, he experiences an increase in body temperature to 38.5 degrees, which gives the body a false alarm about the onset of the inflammatory process. This allows you to cope with bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms. Hence the conclusion is that IR pants are an excellent prevention of viral diseases.

A girl at home carries out the procedure of infrared pants for weight loss

Body Shaping Infrared Pants

Who's talking about what, but I'm always losing weight. Not only do I constantly experiment with diets, but I also took the INBody test and he wrote it in black and white. You have to lose another 5.2 kilos.

So, in order to lose weight and fight cellulite, I decided to use heavy artillery. Not only training and nutrition, but also various side manipulations. Which include infrared pants.

The principle of operation is based on infrared radiation, which penetrates deeply up to 4 cm into the tissues of the body and warms up the muscles, bones, and lymph nodes. So much so that the effect lasts for another 48 hours. And why can you go to the procedure no earlier than once every 3 days.

First they put cellophane pants on you, and IR on top. And here you are, so fat, lying and sweating for 55 minutes at a temperature of 60 degrees and firmly believing that it’s fat that’s drowning that’s draining from you, not water. And if there is water, it must contain toxins. I’ve already eaten so many of them, oh excuse me, I’ve accumulated them over the years.

The procedure is very inexpensive, now all respectable Tonus Centers do it for lazy people losing weight. The average price per session is 300-350 rubles.

The sensor records the heating temperature and time, how long to lie. At the end, he squeaks that it’s time for my darling to get out. It's warmed up, the fat has been heated, it's time to know the honor.

Despite the fact that the session is actively advertised as weight loss, the centers also promote it as a therapeutic event. Read it here.

When wearing infrared pants, the body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, thereby simulating the body's response to inflammatory processes and infection, and this leads to the death of viruses and bacteria. Therefore, the “infrared pants” procedure is an excellent prevention against viral diseases. And it is successfully used as a prophylactic for colds that have begun, stopping the disease at the very beginning.

Yeah! What if you already have an inflammatory process, but you don’t know about it?! How do you think your body will react to such warming up? Especially us women.

You didn’t come to the procedure with a certificate from the gynecologist that everything was OK with you! And it’s unlikely that you thought of going to him for this, although it is written in the contraindications.

Pregnancy; Tumors; Presence of diseases in the acute stage; Elevated body temperature; Serious dysfunction of the thyroid gland; Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis; Presence of implants; Oncological diseases (history); Skin infections;

Increased or decreased blood pressure at the time of the session; Use of creams with a pronounced cooling or warming effect.

Which it would be nice to sign. That you are familiar with and have no complaints.

So in these contraindications nothing is written about hemorrhoids. Which it turns out cannot be heated

exposure to high temperature on the affected area provokes dilation of blood vessels and increased blood flow. As a result, warming procedures can provoke another rectal bleeding. In addition, regular heating may weaken the vascular wall. Treatment, on the contrary, should be aimed at reducing blood flow and improving venous outflow.

And I’ll tell you, it warms up really strongly. And after the 3rd procedure, I found out something I didn’t even suspect.

Now hello proctologist.

And a gynecologist in general.

I started bleeding at night, sorry for the details, from the rectum, after which I was preparing for a not very pleasant procedure like sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. And as the doctor said, it was precisely this heating that provoked the bleeding.

What can I say in conclusion? If you are absolutely healthy, then the procedure will be beneficial.

But if you have even the slightest suspicion of diseases for which any heating is not recommended, it is better to play it safe and take care.

Besides, I didn’t notice any special effect, other than a lot of fluid leaving me.


To achieve maximum benefit and effect from using infrared pants for weight loss, you should follow certain recommendations:

  • It is necessary to take a 3-day break between procedures, since the effect of infrared pants lasts for two days.
  • During the procedure you need to wear tights and a cotton T-shirt. In some cases, tights can be replaced with polyethylene pants, which act as a disposable layer and ensure hygiene of the procedure in infrared pants due to the fact that all secretions remain in them. In addition, such pants increase the effectiveness of sessions, as they contribute to additional heat retention.
  • During the session, you cannot use lotions or creams that have a cooling or warming effect.
  • During the entire therapeutic course, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water without gases daily.


Using pants for weight loss and cellulite helps achieve the following effect:

  • reduction in waist and hip volumes;
  • reduced visibility, complete disappearance of cellulite;
  • imparting elasticity to the dermis;
  • rapid removal of fat layer;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • removal of waste, toxins, excess fluid from the body;
  • skin restoration after pregnancy or sudden weight loss;
  • pain relief from radiculitis, arthrosis, menstruation;
  • activation of blood flow;
  • relaxation;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • eliminating anxiety and nervousness;
  • increasing the protective functions of the body;
  • improvement of digestive functions;
  • whole body tightening;
  • modeling of the waist, hips, buttocks;
  • alignment of the waist, abdomen;
  • decreased appetite;
  • giving symmetry to the silhouette.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after the procedure infrared slimming pants

Results of using IR pants for weight loss

The effect of using infrared pants

Reviews from patients who used LMIT for joint replacement

Patient 1
I have been using the Rikta device myself, at home, for 6 years. I bought it after breaking my hip. Then he helped me recover faster: the bones fused quickly, and after the procedures there was practically no pain.

Now I have both hip joints replaced and implants installed. To correct the biomechanics of the muscular system of the femoral-pelvic region, I periodically conduct courses of treatment according to the method of Ph.D. E. G. Osipova.

I bought myself a tube with an electrical stimulation component. I note a good effect during physical activity. I also use Rikta for colds. I really like the device, I think that every home should have one.

Patient 2

We bought a RIKTA 04/4 device with a SHOWER attachment to treat our daughter, a disabled child aged 6.5 years. The first time we saw this device was at the Research Institute of Orthopedics and Orthopedics in Novosibirsk. Our daughter has congenital hip dysplasia. She needed many surgeries. The course of treatment and recovery took several years. From 7 months to 5 years, the child was in a cast almost all the time. Of course, the muscles almost completely atrophied from this. After the cast was removed, the legs were thin, weak, and could barely move.

After the first 7 procedures using the RIKTA 04/4 device with a SHOWER attachment, we noticed enormous progress: the legs became stronger, became mobile, the girl herself became restless and active. I had to learn to walk, which is not easy at that age. At the same time, the child began to learn to ride a bicycle. As a result, the bike was conquered earlier, our joy knew no bounds! A little later, my daughter learned to walk fully on her own.

Infrared pants and pressotherapy

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine the procedure of infrared pants for weight loss with pressotherapy, which helps to better eliminate the fat layer, so that the effect will be visible faster. This service is provided in most beauty salons.

At the initial stage, about 20 minutes, infrared heating occurs, then pressotherapy is added (procedures can be selected separately). This procedure is based on lymphatic drainage, during which excess fluid is removed from the intercellular space. In addition to these procedures, in addition to infrared therapy, you can use anti-cellulite wraps.


You can perform the procedure both in a beauty salon and at home. You can purchase IR pants in specialized online stores. But it is advisable to test them before purchasing in beauty salons that provide a similar service.

Average prices:

  • Infrared pants InfraSlim - from 55 thousand rubles;
  • Infrared pants BODYSHAPING Premium - from 95,000 rubles;
  • Infrared pants PH-2A - from 30,000 rubles;
  • Infrared pants with sleeves I-6200 - from 18 thousand rubles.

The average cost of 1 procedure in beauty salons is from 500 rubles.


Harm from using pants can occur in the following cases:

  • fever;
  • skin inflammatory processes;
  • heart pathologies;
  • hypotension and hypertension;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • postoperative period;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe menopausal disorders;
  • severe lymphatic, venous disorders;
  • the presence of metal prostheses and artificial joints.

Can infrared pants be used for varicose veins? A phlebologist will answer this question for you, since one of the contraindications to the session is venous disorders. In all other cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Contraindications for RF lifting

Radio wave lifting has a standard list of contraindications for any procedure affecting deep tissues. Relative ones include chronic skin diseases, exacerbations of acne, and sensitive skin.

Absolute contraindications for RF lifting include:

  • serious health problems: low-quality tumors, pathologies of the hematopoietic system, mental disorders, viral infection with fever, severe cardiovascular disease, hormonal disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • serious hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • presence of implants in the affected area;
  • a large accumulation of moles on the face;
  • allergies on the face and neck in the acute stage;
  • installed pacemaker.

Hiding certain health problems from a cosmetologist can lead to a negative external effect, adverse reactions of the body and aggravation of existing diseases.

Depending on the degree of sagging skin and other cosmetic problems, the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the type of radio wave lifting used, from 1 to 10 procedures may be needed over a certain period of time. To achieve maximum rejuvenation effect, it is recommended to undergo several sessions in any case. However, positive changes are clearly noticeable after the first time. Moreover, the tightening effect will increase within six months after the full course of procedures.

The effect of RF lifting will last depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the level of stress in life, proper nutrition, and the presence or absence of bad habits. On average, radio wave lifting tightens and rejuvenates the skin for 1.5-3 years, after which the course of procedures will have to be repeated.


Irina, cosmetologist

Infrared weight loss pants are recommended for women who want to become slimmer, but do not want to diet or exercise. In just 15 procedures you can lose up to 10-15 kg and this in 1-1.5 months.

Victoria, therapist

Despite the excellent results of infrared therapy for weight loss, pants can only be used if there are no serious illnesses and after consultation with a doctor.

Margarita, 29 years old, housewife

After giving birth, I decided to bring my body back to normal with the help of infrared pants. I used body shaping and it left me with burns on my legs. I don’t even know what this is connected with, maybe I used the device incorrectly.

Rimma, 36 years old, webmaster

My job requires a sedentary lifestyle, so the problem of excess weight is relevant to me. I read on the forum about the miracle remedy infrared pants and decided to use them for weight loss. I went to a beauty salon a couple of times for the procedure, after which I bought it for myself to use at home. I carefully read the instructions, then began the session. And after 5 procedures I lost 5 kg. Very impressive!

Infrared slimming pants are an innovative method for obtaining a slender silhouette, beautiful hips and eliminating cellulite. But at the same time, this method of losing weight has a number of features and contraindications that you need to become familiar with. The best way to lose weight is sports, but if you don’t have time for them, then IR pants will help you achieve a beautiful figure.

Infrared slimming pants

Every day new ways are being developed to lose weight, smooth skin and get rid of cellulite. One of the newer innovative ways to lose weight is infrared pants. Let's talk about them.

Photo gallery: Infrared slimming pants

Infrared pants – thermotherapy, during which the body is heated by infrared sources. Such procedures are very popular in Germany, Great Britain and other European countries. With this therapy, liposuction and other surgical interventions can be avoided.

These pants are suitable for almost everyone and, in addition, they are used to treat and remove many cosmetic problems.

Operating principle of infrared pants

They operate according to this scheme:

The heat that the pants emit penetrates deep into the tissue, approximately 3-4 centimeters, warms up the joints, muscles, bones, and accelerates blood circulation. Excess fluid, toxins and waste are removed from the body, metabolism is normalized, lymphatic and blood vessels dilate, and body cells are saturated with oxygen. Such intensive therapy helps not only improve your general condition, but also burn fat deposits.

The benefits of infrared pants

After the first session, up to one kilogram of fat is burned with the help of infrared pants, as a result of which you decrease in volume by 1.5-2 centimeters.

To achieve the best results in the fight against cellulite and for weight loss, you need to complete about 15 sessions.

These pants can warm up your body fifteen times more than when you go to the sauna. In addition, the warmth of infrared pants works specifically on those areas that require special attention (correction and fat removal). Even after the procedure, your body continues to lose weight for 48 hours, which is why you need to take a three-day break between procedures.

The sweating that occurs during the session has a good cosmetic effect. The body is charged with vigor, strength, energy, and this allows you to feel great.

It is recommended to use infrared pants before training or weight training, because... This miracle drug warms up the muscles and thereby replaces the warm-up. It's also important to do this after exercising because the warmth of the pants can relieve muscle pain and tension.

When a person is in infrared pants, his body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, so they give the body a false alarm that the inflammatory process has begun. Thus, all harmful microbes, bacteria and viruses die. We can conclude that such pants are a good prevention of viral diseases.

Results of procedures in infrared pants

So, we found out that infrared pants:

  • reduce volumes;
  • reduce and completely eliminate cellulite;
  • restore skin elasticity;
  • quickly remove fat deposits;
  • restore skin after sudden weight loss or pregnancy;
  • relieve pain from radiculitis, arthrosis, menstrual pain;
  • activate metabolism and remove toxins;
  • activate blood flow;
  • strengthen the body's immunity to various infections;
  • relieves nervousness;
  • reduce appetite and improve digestive functions;
  • improve sleep and relax.

Contraindications to procedures with infrared pants

It is contraindicated to undergo procedures in infrared pants if:

  • Febrile diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes of the skin;
  • Heart disease, low or high blood pressure;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Severe cases of lymphatic and/or venous disorders;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Post-surgical operations;
  • Severe menopausal disorders;
  • The presence of artificial joints and metal prostheses.
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