Instructions for using Senna herb for weight loss

Why take senna to lose weight?

No diet will help achieve 100% results if you do not cleanse the intestines. That is why the process of losing weight must begin with cleansing the body of waste and toxins.

Only after improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary systems will the body be able to easily absorb microelements and vitamins. Senna for weight loss has a list of useful qualities:

  1. has a laxative effect, allowing you to eliminate harmful substances that have accumulated over the years. It is created thanks to anthraglycosides - these are natural ingredients that act as a laxative;
  2. increases muscle contraction in the colon;
  3. prevents valuable components from accumulating in the form of fatty deposits due to decreased secretion;
  4. improves liver function;
  5. eliminates excess bile.

Senna is not used as a monotherapy for weight loss. The herb is combined with other substances that tend to have beneficial effects, and decoctions and infusions are created.

Another form is capsules, which are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It is important to follow the dosage here. If this is not done, complications may arise.

Effect on the body

Senna is a medicinal plant belonging to the legume family. Its composition is unique. It contains a lot of active substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. In folk medicine, not only the green parts of the plant are valued, but also the fruits and leaves.

It has been proven that cassia has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and secretory effect. It also improves the absorption of nutrients and significantly increases appetite.

Recently, senna has been widely used as an effective product for weight loss. Yes, this plant accelerates the removal of waste and toxins. Cassia also cleanses the digestive tract of stagnant feces, which has a beneficial effect on the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract. If the gastrointestinal tract works like a clock, a person will not be afraid of any fat deposits.

Senna has a significant laxative effect, which is why it is often used to cleanse the body. Due to this action, the intestines quickly get rid of accumulated toxins and waste. It is they that negatively affect the functioning of the intestines, which is why the metabolism is significantly inhibited.

Meccan senna is not used alone. Mixtures are made with it and other medicinal plants are added. Various infusions and decoctions are prepared from these products, which provide a laxative effect.

All waste and toxins accumulated in the intestines quickly leave the body. This affects the intensity of metabolic and biochemical processes, which prevents the accumulation of excess weight.

With the help of senna, it is possible to quickly restore peristalsis and gastric motility.

The product also prevents excessive absorption of lipids. The herb prevents excessive absorption of lipids into the blood, which helps normalize many blood test parameters.

Senna leaves help you lose weight due to the following properties:

  • has a laxative effect. Able to cleanse the intestines even of old feces. In this case, defecation is not accompanied by painful sensations;
  • increases peristalsis and motility in the large and small intestine;
  • reduces gastric secretion, which prevents the absorption of fats;
  • prevents the deposition of lipids and prevents their redistribution into fat;
  • removes waste and toxins from the body.

Senna restores liver function

What are the risks of taking senna for weight loss?

The use of senna has a strong laxative effect, so it must be taken in accordance with the rules. First, senna cleanses the body of impurities that have stuck to the intestinal walls.

But if taken uncontrollably, then, in addition to unnecessary substances, useful substances will leave the body, which will lead to the appearance of serious diseases. Senna for weight loss is drunk as a means to carry out cleansing activities in the intestines.

That is, the extra pounds remain in place - the fat will not evaporate unless you resort to other measures.

What harm can grass do? Let's note the following:

  1. if senna is taken in large quantities to reduce body weight, gastrointestinal atrophy may occur;
  2. also, long-term consumption of drinks using the plant as the main substance leads to a malfunction of the kidneys;
  3. if you prescribe a dosage uncontrollably, then intoxication of the body occurs, pain in the gastrointestinal tract and vomiting appear;
  4. The use of laxatives becomes addictive over time, and then in the future there will be difficulties with natural cleansing of the intestines.

Due to very high risks, it is better to use senna inflorescences for weight loss or tablets after a heavy meal and maximum twice a year.

Features of use for weight loss

Senna is a healing product. This plant has been known to people since the times of Ancient Egypt. It has been proven that both the leaves and fruits of cassia have a healing effect. It is on the basis of this herb that most medications to combat constipation have been created.

The laxative effect of senna helps stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, which has a positive effect on digestion

All waste, toxins, and stagnant feces quickly leave the body and are practically not absorbed by the intestinal walls. This prevents you from gaining extra pounds and promotes weight loss. Keep in mind that the laxative effect after using the medication does not appear immediately - you need to wait 6-9 hours.

The result of the therapy depends on the body and its individual characteristics. You can take medications no more than once a month.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out such therapy for people suffering from chronic duodenitis, increased stomach acidity, and ulcers. When using, follow all precautions.

Only people over 16 years old can lose weight using senna tablets. It is strictly prohibited for younger children to use it for weight loss. They may experience digestive problems from the use of medications.

Cassia really helps achieve significant results in losing weight. The body will get rid of waste and toxins, which will significantly improve its functioning.

Side effects of using senna herb

Taking into account the conclusions that scientists have made, with large amounts of senna in food, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also get a list of side effects:

  • headache;
  • spasms in the stomach, accompanied by colic;
  • frequent diarrhea, which leads to the appearance of cracks in the anus, inflammation of the anus;
  • malfunction of the organs that provide excretory processes;
  • bloating, nausea, vomiting;
  • confusion;
  • injury to the intermuscular fibers of the intestine;
  • weakness due to loss of water;
  • allergies accompanied by itching.

Even in the reviews you can read that senna for weight loss can only be used under the strict supervision of a doctor and in accordance with the exact dosage.

If side symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking the plant. If this is not done, then chronic complications in the functioning of the main organs are not far off.

Reviews from doctors

Alexander Potekhin, nutritionist. Senna is a medicinal herb. It helps to quickly and carefully cleanse the body. However, using it for a long time is very dangerous. Often addiction develops. This leads to the fact that a person cannot go to the toilet at will. Intestinal dysfunction also develops, which leads to even more tragic consequences. You can use senna-based medications only if you urgently need to get rid of a couple of extra pounds. There is no point in using grass for radical weight loss.

Marina Onisimova, general practitioner. If my patients come with the problem of constipation, I advise Senadexin or other similar drugs. I have long been against these medicinal laxatives - they very quickly wash out the intestinal microflora. Senadexin works much more gently and is less likely to cause side effects. However, it works exactly the same.

In what form is it implemented?

It will not be possible to collect plants from the field yourself to prepare an effective remedy (the grass grows in eastern countries) and is not recommended, as there is a risk of stumbling upon low-quality grass. You also cannot buy via the Internet, as you may stumble upon a fake.

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Therefore, it is necessary to buy the herb at the pharmacy. Only there you can buy high-quality and certified products.

The grass can be produced in the following forms:

  1. capsules. Sold in blocks of 30 pieces. The maximum number per day is 4. Duration of treatment is 1 week. It is important to take the tablets strictly according to the instructions;
  2. vegetable granules. It is sold both in natural form and in combination with other plants that have similar effects. The leaves are packaged in bags weighing from 20 grams to 200 grams;
  3. You can also make tea. In this case, the maximum number per day should not be more than one mug. Senna tea is the most common option for those who want to lose extra pounds. It is created in the form of inflorescences ground to a powdery state, which are folded into small paper bags.

Every year, the volume of production of herbal products decreases due to the undesirable use of extracts, which, if the rules of administration are not followed, can cause severe disruptions in the functioning of the body.

Recipes with senna for weight loss


Classic recipe:

  • pour one tablespoon of leaves with a glass of boiling water;
  • let it brew for 3-4 hours;
  • drink small sips at night.

You can prepare the infusion differently: combine 1:10 senna leaves and water, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. The mixture should infuse for one hour. Take a tablespoon three times a day. Duration – 3 months.


With holosas

A very effective remedy for weight loss is a decoction of senna leaves with raisins and the addition of holosas:

  • white raisins – 150 g;
  • senna leaf – 30 g;
  • Kholosas (syrup containing rosehip extract) – 150 ml.

You need to rinse the raisins in advance, then pour boiling water over them and leave for 5 minutes. simmer over medium heat. Add senna leaf to the decoction and simmer for another 10 minutes. Cool the resulting mixture, carefully strain and add holosas to the mixture. Take the medicine 1/3 cup an hour after meals and no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime.

This drink will not only help you lose weight, but will also saturate your body with vitamins. It is best to store the decoction in the refrigerator, the duration of use is two weeks.

With herbs

A decoction of medicinal herbs, which includes senna, dill seeds, dandelion, fresh parsley leaves, and nettle, gives an excellent effect. All ingredients in a dosage of 20 g, peppermint - 10 g.

To prepare the drink, pour one spoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for three hours in a warm place, then filter through cheesecloth. You need to drink the decoction after meals in small sips, every day increasing the dose from one glass to two, then again reducing it to one. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month.

With honey and dried fruits

There is another incredibly useful composition in terms of vitamin content: chop senna leaves (1 pack), dried apricots and prunes (400 g each), and mix with liquid honey (200 g). If desired, you can add raisins or figs.

Take one teaspoon per day after an evening meal with warm water. If you intend to try this method of losing weight, remember that you will have to stop eating after 18 hours.

Senna tea for weight loss

Pharmacies sell special laxative tea made from senna leaves, which is a crushed drug in bags. To obtain the desired effect, it is enough to brew 2 bags of this tea.

You can prepare iced tea yourself: for this you need 1 tsp. pour senna leaves into a glass of cold water and leave for 24 hours, strain and drink one glass at night.


Chewable tablets with senna for weight loss are taken 1-2 lozenges for 5-7 days. If there is no effect, the dose can be increased.

Reviews from those who drank senna

If you use plant-based drinks correctly, you can get rid of excess weight in one week. Many women got rid of 5 kg this way. According to reviews, final achievements largely depend on certain factors:

  1. features of the diet used and the menu compiled;
  2. human willpower;
  3. the result that a person who wants to lose extra pounds wants to get;
  4. genetics. Some people like a small enough amount of herb to get the long-awaited results.

That is why it is necessary to take into account not only the reviews of those losing weight about this herb, but also the recommendations and testimony of doctors.

How to drink senna grass correctly?

To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to correctly approach the use of the herb as part of the diet. To take a herbal infusion to cleanse the body, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • finely ground senna herb;
  • medicinal dandelion;
  • parsley;
  • dill.

You need to take 20 grams of senna, 10 grams of mint and dill seeds. Mix all these substances, immerse them in a container and fill with hot water. In order for the infusion to gain valuable qualities, you need to let it inhale for three hours, placing it in a warm place. Before serving, pass through a fine sieve.

You need to drink the product slowly, taking sips, slowly increasing the dosage from one glass to two over the course of a week and further reducing it to the initial dose.

How to take the herb?

Senna perfectly cleanses the body of harmful toxins and sludge, promoting weight loss. Thanks to this remedy, there is a real opportunity to lose those hated kilograms in seven to ten days (usually you can lose 2-3 pounds).

The result is not always the same: for some, even a very modest dose can cause a strong reaction; in other cases, senna does not force the body to react properly to its use at all. Therefore, it is very important to choose the optimal dosage and the most suitable method of use for yourself so that you can significantly lose weight.

You can consume senna in the form of herbal decoctions, teas, tablets, in which the plant is the main ingredient. However, before use, you should consult a gastroenterologist who will help you adjust the dosage to achieve the desired result, since senna can affect the body in different ways.

Before you thoroughly begin to correct your figure with the help of senna, try the selected decoction or tea once, check how your body reacts to taking this laxative. If there are no negative effects (stomach upset, intestinal pain, nausea), feel free to proceed to full use. Period of use – no more than 7 days, before bedtime. The relaxing effect is expected after 6-8 (sometimes 10) hours.

How to store the product?

Like any other drug used for therapy, senna leaves must be stored in accordance with specific conditions. Regardless of the type of manufacture, the leaves must be packaged. You should also consider:

  • store in a dry and dark place;
  • room humidity should be kept to a minimum;
  • inaccessibility from children.

After creating the decoction, it must be refrigerated. Take within two days. The expiration date is written in the insert for the product. It can last from two to three years - it is detected in accordance with the dosage form and compliance with storage rules.

If the plant suddenly changes color or a strange aroma appears, it should be thrown away immediately.

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