Fat-burning herbs for weight loss: which ones to choose and how to use

Benefits of herbal medicine

It has long been known that by reducing the intake of high-calorie foods into the body and at the same time increasing physical activity, it will be possible to lose weight well. But not everyone can do this, so the only chance to find a slim figure is pharmacological help. Indeed, a course of taking capsules and tablets allows you to lose 10-20 kg per month. But in the vast majority of cases, they soon return, “taking” a couple more with them. Grass is a completely different matter.

What are the advantages of herbal medicine:

  • proper metabolism is gradually restored;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, due to the disorder of which a person can gain excess weight.

At the same time, physical endurance and motor activity increase, and the kilocalories received from food begin to be optimally spent.

Herbs that speed up metabolism for weight loss

Let's look at which herbs are useful for speeding up metabolism:

  • Nettle helps increase the speed of metabolic processes. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and chlorophyll grains. To speed up metabolism, you can use nettle decoctions and infusions; you can also add it to salads and first courses.
  • St. John's wort also has the property of accelerating metabolism. But you need to keep in mind that it is capable of removing from the body all the medicinal components that you take, so if you take certain pills, it is better not to use this plant.
  • Lingonberry leaves are used to normalize metabolism and lose weight. They also help saturate the body with vitamins, which is important for proper and healthy weight loss.
  • Chicory is also used to restore metabolic processes, and it is not only healthy, but also quite tasty.

Disadvantages of herbal medicine

The use of herbal teas in the treatment of obesity should be agreed with a dietitian or nutritionist. It will help you decide on doses, duration of use and time after which it can be repeated. It is advisable to use infusions in courses of 2-4 weeks to avoid possible addiction, preferably with a 1-2 week break. Otherwise, instead of a slim figure, you will experience intoxication with gastrointestinal disorders and headaches.

The list of contraindications to herbal medicine for obesity includes:

  • carrying a pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • childhood and adolescence.

With caution and preferably under medical supervision, treatment with plants is performed for severe kidney, liver, cardiovascular diseases, as well as for hematopoietic disorders.

What and how to drink herbal tea for weight loss: reviews

Collecting herbs for weight loss
If you are worried about excess weight and the struggle does not bring results, read the reviews of other people who have lost weight with the help of herbs. Moreover, for many it took a little time.

Ekaterina, 34 years old

I have been wanting to lose weight for many years. I gained weight after going on vacation. I liked the buffet so much that I couldn’t stop when I got home. I started eating a lot, even at night. I gained an extra 20 kg within 2 months. It was not possible to reset them so quickly. I tried different diets, the weight came back, and with interest. A friend recommended collecting Altai herbs for weight loss. I didn’t know which one to buy or where. Found it on the iHerb website . As a result, I not only lost weight, but also improved my health. Previously, I was also worried about my liver and kidneys.

Tatyana, 32 years old

I gained 10 kg after my third birth. I tried to lose weight, nothing worked. At most, I lost 2 kg. But with great effort, I had to starve. Then I gave up sweets and reduced portions. I lost another 3 kg. I read information about losing weight with herbs. I was scared to start taking it; I didn’t know how to drink it. I wrote to a specialist from the iHerb website because I ordered Korean herbs from them. They advised to start with 1 tablet (if the drug is in capsules or a tablet) per day, with meals. I ordered brown seaweed in tablets. It’s convenient to take, and in the end, I lost 8 kg in 2 months. Now I'm already taking my second course. I am pleased.

Elena, 25 years old

I learned from my sister that you can lose weight with the help of diuretic herbs. I live in a village, so I started doing the packing myself. I dry dandelion and burdock leaves, collect dill seeds, etc. I drink herbs either in collections or separately. For example, dandelion can be combined with rose hips, and dill seeds also help well on their own. I brew it immediately in a liter thermos, fill it with boiling water and let it brew. Then I drink it throughout the day instead of water. I have already lost 5 kg, albeit in 2 months. But I'm happy with the result.

Mechanism of action of medicinal plants

Any plant is a valuable source of biologically active substances. Some directly affect the process of losing weight, while others have a general healing effect. Which is important when gradually changing the body’s functioning against the background of weight loss.

It is wrong to believe that herbal medicine is aimed only at accelerating the removal of fluid and feces from the body. Laxative and diuretic effects are not at all the main thing for a high-quality collection or an individual plant. Taking infusions promotes the preliminary processing of fats to produce energy, and prevents their deposition on the sides, stomach and waist.

How does this happen:

  • improves the biosynthesis of enzymes that break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol;
  • organs and tissues are supplied with a sufficient amount of oxygenated blood, which leads to increased motor activity;
  • the transfer of fatty acids by transport proteins into cells experiencing “energy hunger” is optimized;
  • the subsequent transfer of fatty acids into mitochondria for their biochemical oxidation is ensured.

The effect of herbs on the body is much gentler than synthetic drugs. They are better tolerated and rarely cause side effects, including allergic reactions. They also do not have a cumulative effect, that is, they do not accumulate in the body.

Mechanism of weight loss

To remove fat folds, people most often resort to three proven methods: dieting, exercising vigorously, or undergoing liposuction. And few people think that there are ways that are much simpler and safer for health than all of these.

Hunger strikes lead to exhaustion of the body. Exercising either leads to dryness of the body or increases muscle mass, which does not contribute to the loss of kilograms. Surgical intervention is always fraught with many consequences and complications.

We suggest, as an alternative, to consider herbs for weight loss that burn fat, on the basis of which you can prepare healthy decoctions and infusions, drink them for a certain time (in courses) and get lasting results.

Here's how ordinary plants can change such complex biochemical processes occurring in the body:

  • they contain substances that can destroy fat cells;
  • they normalize metabolism, and with it lipolysis - the breakdown of fats into acids and their removal from the body, somatropin and glucagon take an active part in this, the production of which is promoted by plant extracts;
  • they slow down the production of inulin, which inhibits the process of lipolysis;
  • have a thermogenic effect, i.e. they contribute to an increase in body temperature, as a result of which fats are burned faster.

As a result, you can get excellent results that no diet can produce:

  • weight loss up to 10 kg per month;
  • the kilograms that go away will not return, since the process of lipolysis will be established and will not allow the body to begin storing fat in reserve again (however, for this it is advisable to normalize nutrition);
  • correction of the figure in the most problematic areas (such herbal medicine will remove visceral fat on the abdomen, folds on the sides, waist, hips, buttocks, arms);
  • The rejuvenating and regenerating effect of most medicinal plants will guarantee that after losing weight there will be no stretch marks or cellulite left on the body.

And most importantly, fat-burning herbs will simultaneously produce a therapeutic effect if there are any health problems. Diets and intense training are prohibited for many due to the presence of contraindications. But if you choose the right medicinal plant for your illness, then the prohibitions can be avoided.

This is interesting. When you exercise or go on a diet, the body begins to look within itself for energy reserves. It first uses adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is stored in the muscles. As soon as it ends, carbohydrates are consumed - glucose is taken from the blood and glycogen from the liver. And only when these storage facilities are emptied (and this will take a lot of time) will the subcutaneous fat cells finally begin to be used up. Therefore, fasting and training for quick weight loss are not an option. But herbs allow you to achieve the desired result immediately.

Herbs and causes of high body weight

The main reason for fat deposition both in problem areas and around internal organs is an upset balance between the intake of kilocalories and energy expenditure. This leads to weight gain and disruption of almost all vital systems of the body. Let's take a closer look at how drinking herbal teas helps eliminate one or another factor that provokes the gain of extra pounds:

  • Inactive lifestyle . Bioactive substances of beneficial plants increase vitality and invigorate, so a person feels a surge of strength. Physical activity increases, which leads to greater energy expenditure.
  • Genetically determined slow metabolism . Polyphenols, alkaloids, and terpenes reduce the activity of lipogenesis enzymes, the process by which acetyl-CoA is converted into fatty acids. At the same time, metabolism increases and the production of lipases, which intensively break down fats (lipolysis), increases.
  • Power supply errors . Taking infusions and decoctions helps reduce appetite and develop proper eating habits. The gastrointestinal tract is gently cleansed of toxins, digestion and intestinal peristalsis are optimized.
  • Psychogenic overeating . Herbs will help you cope with the habit of “eating stress”. They will calm, relax, and normalize sleep. The need for mindless consumption of food in large quantities will soon disappear.

Do not forget that the chemical composition of plants is represented by a huge number of organic compounds. And many of them can eliminate or reduce the severity of obesity symptoms:

  • shortness of breath;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • increased sweating;
  • drowsiness;
  • weaknesses;
  • irritability;
  • nervousness;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • peripheral edema;
  • pain in the spine and joints.

And most importantly, drinking aromatic herbal tea for weight loss helps prevent the consequences of obesity. The most dangerous of them are atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes mellitus, kidney damage, liver damage, disability and mortality from these diseases.


And yet, despite all their benefits for the body, fat-burning herbs must be used carefully. They contain a huge amount of active substances, which in high concentrations and with regular use can be harmful. To prevent this, it is advisable not to choose this method for weight loss if there are certain contraindications, which include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • life-threatening conditions requiring urgent medical attention;
  • oncology;
  • mental and venereal pathologies;
  • septic and infectious diseases;
  • diseases in the acute stage: bronchial asthma, hypertensive crisis, status asthmaticus, myocardial infarction, etc.;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • pancreatitis, ulcer (for these, weight loss is not recommended at all).

If, despite the presence of a contraindication, you still start drinking herbs that promote fat burning, this may result in unpleasant side effects:

  • allergic reaction (manifested in nasal congestion, constant sneezing, coughing, skin rash);
  • intestinal disorders (diarrhea, nausea, pain and discomfort in the stomach, flatulence, bloating);
  • exacerbation of existing diseases;
  • lethargy, decreased performance, drowsiness;
  • psychotropic consequences: irritability, sudden changes in mood, tearfulness, depressive states.

To avoid such complications, be sure to consider your health status and do not risk it. If you are not sure whether or not you can consume herbs that burn fat and promote weight loss in such an intensive mode (you will have to drink decoctions a lot and often), it is better to consult with specialists in your illness or a herbalist.

Do not forget! Medicinal plants have their own special contraindications, unique to them. So, when choosing this or that herbal medicine, be sure to find out in what cases it cannot be used for health reasons. For example, nettle is not used for poor blood clotting, plantain - for gastritis, etc.

List of herbs that have proven effective in weight loss

As mentioned above, the composition of medicinal plants that help you lose weight is very diverse. But each contains more of certain substances that are especially useful for weight loss. For convenience, we have divided them into groups. However, the same plant can appear in several herb lists at once.

Anorectic herbs

Anorectics are plants whose infusions reduce appetite. A person eats less often and does not overeat. With fewer calories coming in, the body uses up fat reserves.

This group includes:

  • marshmallow;
  • linen;
  • angelica;
  • garcinia;
  • mistletoe;
  • green tea;
  • spirulina;
  • Fucus vesiculosa;
  • kelp;
  • sesame.

Thanks to herbs, the lost balance between energy intake and expenditure in the body is restored. A prerequisite for losing weight by reducing body fat.

Thermogenic herbs

A thermogenic is a substance that causes a slight increase in body temperature. But its rise by 0.5-2.0°C is quite enough to accelerate the biochemical processes occurring in the body. Including those aimed at breaking down fats into fatty acids and converting them into energy.

Thermogenics mainly include plants cultivated to produce spices (spices, seasonings):

  • turmeric;
  • pepper of any kind;
  • ginger;
  • cardamom;
  • peppermint and lemon mint;
  • rosemary.

It is worth noting that taking thermogenic plants is not recommended for all obese people. They contain powerful physiological stimulants, under the influence of which not only fat is consumed, but also may cause undesirable effects.

Lipotropic herbs

Fats in the body are not only broken down. In the structures of the liver and cells of adipose tissue (adipocytes), their synthesis occurs from fatty acids and glycerol.

Lipotropics are herbs that prevent the synthesis of fats from fatty acids and glycerol.

Lipotropics include:

  • anise;
  • parsley;
  • sesame;
  • peppermint and lemon mint;
  • immortelle;
  • green tea;
  • fenugreek;
  • goldenrod;
  • lovage;
  • plantain;
  • rose hip;
  • linen.

The inclusion of infusions in the diet also helps to reduce the degree to which the body absorbs triglycerides and simple (“empty”) carbohydrates. It is the latter nutrients that are especially often converted into fat deposits.

Detoxifying herbs

Weight slowly but persistently increases due to malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Particles of undigested food and undigested metabolic products, including medications, accumulate on its inner walls. Under such conditions, the bolus of food moves too long, so all the fats have time to be absorbed (penetrate) into the bloodstream.

The following plants for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract will help prevent such developments:

  • anise;
  • dill;
  • fennel;
  • linen;
  • green tea;
  • dandelion;
  • yarrow;
  • sage;
  • birch leaves;
  • chaga;
  • oak.

They contain especially a lot of fiber, like a brush that cleanses from the walls of the gastrointestinal tract all toxins that upset digestion and intestinal motility. Now food does not stagnate, fermentation and rotting do not occur. Moreover, fiber serves as an excellent breeding ground for beneficial bacteria that inhabit the large intestine. The larger their population, the stronger human health.

Herbal diuretics

Diuretics are plants with diuretic effects.

Overweight people often suffer from swelling of the face, hands, and ankles. They are formed not only from the consumption of smoked meats, semi-finished products and other salty, spicy foods. Excess fluid is retained in the body due to upset water-electrolyte balance.

You can optimize your water balance using the following diuretic herbs:

  • corn silk;
  • erva woolly;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • horsetail;
  • senna;
  • bearberry;
  • birch leaves;
  • bird knotweed;
  • barberry;
  • immortelle;
  • calendula.

Under the influence of their biologically active substances, urination increases and the load on the kidneys decreases. Metabolic fat burning processes are also indirectly accelerated. By the way, green coffee, a recently popular means of weight loss, can also be classified as a diuretic plant.

Herbs with a laxative effect

Constipation is not only a natural consequence of excess weight, but also the cause of weight gain. Stagnation of the food bolus provokes increased absorption of fatty acids, slows down metabolism, promotes the death of beneficial bacteria, and leads to a fairly pronounced deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements. Therefore, in the complex treatment of obesity, mild laxatives are always used.

Plants with laxative effects include:

  • buckthorn;
  • senna;
  • fennel;
  • dill;
  • zhoster;
  • three-leaf watch;
  • yarrow.

Most of these herbs also have a mild choleretic effect. This means that after consuming infusions and decoctions, the smooth flow of digestive processes will not be disrupted. Stone formation in the gallbladder, which is characteristic of obesity, will also stop.

Main types of herbs for weight loss

When herbal substances enter the human body, they act in different ways. Some of them have a laxative or diuretic effect, while others suppress appetite. If you learn to combine them in the right combinations, you can quickly get the figure of your dreams. It is worth understanding this issue in more detail.

Appetite suppressants

Very often, what prevents effective weight loss is not a person’s laziness in going on a diet, but his appetite. The feeling of hunger does not allow you to concentrate on any type of activity. A person’s attention becomes distracted, forgetfulness and weakness appear.

All this can be avoided by eliminating the constant desire to snack. Seaweed will help people losing weight. They give a feeling of fullness, because they swell in the body and take a long time to be digested by the stomach.

Medicinal herbs for weight loss also include plants that have an adhesive and even mucous base.

.Among them, the most effective are:

  • marshmallow root;
  • flax seeds;
  • sesame.

A large number of recipes that concern the use of such herbs involve pre-steaming in boiling water or fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, kefir or sour cream (preferably overnight). They will help minimize the feeling of hunger and are also perfect as a diet lunch.


Losing weight can also be achieved by removing excess fluid from the body. It often stagnates in the tissues, causing the body to look swollen and voluminous.

Diuretic herbs also speed up metabolism and destroy fat layers of small thickness and density.

The following herbs are very good at removing large accumulations of fluid from the body:

  • chamomile;
  • horsetail leaves;
  • burdock root;
  • plantain leaves.

Drink the herb very carefully. To prevent problems with the functioning of the genitourinary system, you need, in addition to decoctions, to drink 1.5-2 liters of ordinary clean water daily.

To cleanse the body

There are also pharmaceutical herbs that have a laxative effect, cleansing the body of feces.

The most effective include decoctions from the following plants:

  • dandelion;
  • anise;
  • yarrow leaves;
  • hellebore.

It is very important to understand in what doses to take certain decoctions. On average, laxative phyto-infusions that promote weight loss are consumed between meals in a volume of 50 ml at a time.

Metabolism stimulation

In pharmacies you can buy preparations that speed up metabolism. They stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, break down lipid acids and burn excess calories.

To quickly lose weight, you need to add ginger, anise or hot pepper to your food. There are even various recipes for cooking with canned food. Also among the plants that help you lose extra pounds are turmeric and rosemary.

Fat burning

There are many weight loss herbs that burn fat.

They trigger complex biochemical processes in the body:

  • break down lipids;
  • regulate metabolism;
  • slow down the production of inulin (a hormone that promotes the formation of fat deposits) and increase body temperature, making fat breakdown much faster and more efficient.

Plants that stimulate the process of rapid fat burning allow you to lose up to 7-8 kg of weight in 30 days.

You can lose weight with herbs if you regularly take decoctions based on the following plants with meals or before meals:

  • anise;
  • mint;
  • parsley;
  • plantain;
  • cinnamon;
  • rose hip;
  • linen.

Lowering glucose levels

Our ancestors also learned how to properly use herbs for weight loss. They found that some plants have healing and medicinal abilities to lower blood sugar levels, which significantly reduces appetite and especially cravings for sweets.

Herbs for weight loss include:

  • centaury;
  • calamus;
  • mulberry;
  • flax seeds;
  • bearberry;
  • blueberry leaves.

There are many recipes for decoctions based on these plants that really help reduce sugar.

How to use correctly

Herbal drinks for weight loss require regular use (in most cases, every day) for them to have maximum effect.

Freshly brewed drinks that contain the maximum amount of nutrients bring the greatest benefit to the body. It is not recommended to leave infusions in the refrigerator overnight, because the fat-burning effect is lost.

If you do not know how to use various decoctions, it is better to drink them one at a time for weight loss: alternating different herbs accelerates the weight loss effect and prevents the body from getting used to the drink.

It is also useful to take baths with various herbs for weight loss. They make the surface of the skin soft and smooth.

Proportions and rules of admission

The most effective for breaking down fat in the body are considered to be plant decoctions that were prepared no more than 12 hours ago. After this time, it is better to prepare a new drink, because the old one begins to release organic poisons and toxins.

Basically, in one day, a person losing weight drinks from 0.5 to 1 liter of brewed liquid. In addition, seaweed can provide a feeling of fullness. They swell in the stomach and take a very long time to digest, so you should eat 2 tablespoons of powder daily.

You can also add some fat-burning folk herbs as spices to main dishes, but you need to be very careful with the proportions. Most of these spices, when consumed in excess, not only speed up metabolism, but also increase appetite. Fat-burning seasonings are best suited to meat, fish or desserts. In this case, it is better to choose low-calorie and dietary desserts.

A standard set for losing weight includes: granola, muesli, nuts, dates, mousses, marshmallows, etc.

How to brew herbal teas

To prepare a healthy mixture for losing weight, you need to have only three components:

  • thermos;
  • herbs;
  • boiling water.

Herbs can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected with your own hands, but only if you are well versed in them: there is a high risk of collecting poisonous plants.

To make your weight loss tea not only tasty, but also healthy, pour boiling water over the dry mixture and let it brew.

It is best to store decoctions in a thermos so that they infuse and retain the bouquet of aromas. In this case, you can be sure that herbs will help you lose weight quickly and without problems.

Nuances of using herbs

To effectively lose weight using medicinal herbs, you need to not only choose the right list of plants for yourself, but also become familiar with the various nuances of their use.

It is best to consume herbal drinks in small portions – 100 ml each. This will help the body get used to the new drink, especially if it has a specific taste and smell.

You need to adhere to the schedule for taking decoctions for weight loss. Basically, they are taken half an hour before meals, however, after consuming some of them, food is not allowed for several hours. That is why it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for the collection before using it.

There are also infusions that stimulate metabolism, after taking which you must definitely eat, because this way their effectiveness increases.

When consuming decoctions, it is recommended to follow a healthy diet, go to the gym or exercise at home. The main thing is that the loads are sufficient and regular.

Some experts are still arguing about which plants are good. The best of them are collected in our list.

Useful tips

Pharmacies sell medicinal plants in bulk, in filter bags and in collections. Everyone will have the desired effect, so you should focus on ease of use. From plant raw materials in bulk, you can prepare preparations, oil and alcohol tinctures. And with the help of filter bags, you can brew tea in a matter of minutes, even at work or while traveling.

After purchasing a herb for weight loss at a pharmacy, it is advisable to test it for safety. Each of the bioactive substances is a potential allergen, so it is worth determining the presence of hypersensitivity. Herbal medicine should be started with a minimum dose (a teaspoon) and listen to the sensations that arise. If no discomfort, including skin rash, occurs within 24 hours, then there is no individual intolerance to the plant.

Fat-burning herb Hellebore for weight loss and cleansing the body: benefits and harm, photo

Fat-burning herb Hellebore for weight loss and cleansing the body
Hellebore is a perennial herb with tall stems, long petiolate leaves, and beautiful flowers of various shades. Caucasian hellebore is used in medicine, as in the photo above. Indications for use:

  • Excess weight
  • Sand in the renal pelvis and gall bladder
  • Swelling on the face and limbs
  • Cellulite
  • Constant constipation

Now you can buy Hellebore in pharmacies in the following forms:

  • Rhizome powder
  • Ground root
  • Hellebore with fiber
  • Capsules
  • Oil
  • Ointment
  • Cream-gel

An infusion of the fat-burning herb Hellebore for weight loss and cleansing the body is prepared as follows:

  • Pour 10 g of ground dry roots with a glass of boiling water.
  • Leave in a dark place for 2 hours.
  • Drink 1 teaspoon before breakfast.

The oil is useful for fat metabolism disorders and excess weight. Eliminates metabolic products, supports immunity, resists neoplasms. For the desired effect, it is used for a long time, sometimes up to six months. The expected result usually occurs after a couple of months of treatment with this herb. Many people have to undergo treatment for a year.

But there is also harm from this herb. Cardiac glycosides, which are contained in Hellebore, in large doses can aggravate chronic diseases and provoke serious consequences, including death. There is also an opinion that weight loss occurs not as a result of cleansing the body, but as a result of intoxication and loss of appetite. Therefore, in many countries such treatment is prohibited, and preparations with this herb are not sold in pharmacies.

Rating of the most effective plants for weight loss

Recently, plants for weight loss, native to exotic countries, have become popular. But the unpronounceable names of such herbal remedies do not at all guarantee their high effectiveness. We have compiled a rating of herbs for weight loss and cleansing the body, which grow everywhere in our country and are sold in every pharmacy. It also includes spices that have long become familiar in the kitchen.


Delicious and aromatic ginger tea is not only an effective remedy for colds, but also an assistant in the fight against extra pounds.

Ginger has many medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • moderate thermogenic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • analgesic;
  • carminative;
  • immunostimulating;
  • anticholesterol;
  • diaphoretic;
  • tonic.

After purchasing fresh roots, they should be washed well and a thin layer of peel removed, and then soaked for several hours in cold water. Making tea based on one of the most powerful herbs for weight loss is simple:

  1. Place half a teaspoon of chopped fresh root in a container.
  2. Pour in two glasses of hot water (85-90°C), leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain, cool slightly and take 0.3 cups in the morning, lunch and evening, regardless of meals.

Ginger tea is contraindicated for people with gastritis or ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract.

Alexandria leaf - senna

Senna does not directly affect fat metabolism. Senna is used for obesity to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.

Senna is characterized by the following effects:

  • pronounced laxative;
  • moderate diuretic;
  • anesthetic;
  • antibacterial;
  • choleretic.

Senna is considered one of the most effective herbs for losing belly fat. After taking the infusion, stagnation of feces is eliminated, swelling is resolved, including in the waist area.

How to prepare the infusion correctly:

  1. Place a tablespoon of leaves in an enamel bowl and pour a glass of hot boiled water.
  2. Close the lid and simmer in a water bath for half an hour.
  3. Cool, strain, squeeze out the remaining raw materials, bring the volume to 100 ml with boiled water.
  4. Take half a glass in the evening after meals for no more than 3 weeks.

Senna contains resinous substances that can cause pain in the intestines if the dosage regimen is not followed.

Green tea

Green tea is a record holder among medicinal plants for the content of vitamins, minerals and other bioactive substances. Moreover, any of them is an indispensable participant in processes that constantly occur in the body.

The following beneficial effects have been found in this useful plant:

  • stimulating metabolism;
  • choleretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • wound healing;
  • decongestant;
  • antioxidant.

Green tea is suitable for daily use. But you need to learn how to brew it correctly:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of green tea into a ceramic container.
  2. Pour in 2 cups of hot water at a temperature of about 90°C.
  3. Leave covered for 15 minutes and cool.
  4. Drink 0.5 glasses 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications for use are nervous overexcitation, low blood pressure.


The polyphenol curcumin contained in turmeric prevents the absorption of fatty acids in the intestines and prevents fat from forming and accumulating in problem areas. And thanks to the presence of micro- and macroelements, including iron, manganese and potassium, its use promotes the resorption of edema.

Turmeric also helps:

  • activate fat metabolism;
  • cleanse the liver of toxins;
  • eliminate bile stagnation;
  • reduce the risk of gallstone formation;
  • reduce inflammatory processes;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • protect the body from viruses, bacteria and fungi.

The spice helps stimulate the process of burning calories, which is necessary to maintain normal weight.

The infusion should be prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Fill a 200 ml glass with warm water.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of turmeric and stir.
  3. Drink with breakfast for 2 weeks.

The spice reduces blood viscosity, therefore it is contraindicated for people taking antithrombotic drugs, including acetylsalicylic acid.

Flax seed

Flaxseed helps reduce body fat by reducing appetite. It swells and fills the stomach cavity, causing a feeling of fullness even after eating a small amount of food.

The following properties of flaxseed are also useful for weight loss:

  • acceleration of intestinal motility, stimulation of faster movement of the food bolus;
  • increased physical activity due to cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of toxins - a person moves more, calories are burned faster.

Flaxseed can simply be used to season salads and side dishes. But it is better to prepare a decoction of the fruits of this herb for weight loss according to this recipe:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of seeds into an enamel container and pour in a glass of hot water.
  2. Bring to a boil, simmer for about 15 minutes.
  3. Cool, strain, drink 100 ml during meals in the morning, lunch and evening.

Taking more than 50 grams of raw flaxseed per day can cause food intoxication.


Garcinia is one of the most effective herbs for weight loss. It is sold in the form of dried crushed fruits, saturated with hydroxycitric acid - HLA.

It is the presence of this organic compound that determines the fat-burning properties of garcinia:

  • launches processes aimed at reducing excess weight;
  • helps increase the production of serotonin and normalize blood glucose levels;
  • helps accelerate fat oxidation and glycogen formation;
  • stimulates biochemical reactions in the liver structures, which inhibit the deposition of fat in the depot organs.

Garcinia can be brewed alone or together with green tea. The optimal single dose is 3-4 pieces per glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, the fragrant, slightly spicy drink is ready. You should take it half a glass, 2 to 3 times a day for a month. It should be borne in mind that garcinia does not combine well with antidepressants.

Peppermint and Lemonmint

The pronounced aroma of mint is due to the essential oil contained in the aerial part. Its chemical composition is so diverse that mint can be classified as a lipotropic plant and a thermogenic plant.

The following beneficial properties are also in demand for weight loss:

  • sedative;
  • soothing;
  • normalizing sleep;
  • accelerating blood circulation.

Mint helps to cope with mood swings, nervous excitability, and depressive states that arise when excluding baked goods and sweets from the diet.

How to prepare an infusion of fat-burning herbs:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water into a teaspoon of dry crushed leaves.
  2. After half an hour, cool and strain.
  3. Drink a glass of infusion during the day during or after meals, 50 ml (about 2 tablespoons).

Losing weight with mint can negatively affect attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions. Therefore, it is better to refrain from driving a car.


Fucus, spirulina, kelp are saturated with iodine. A deficiency of this microelement often leads to the development of obesity due to disrupted regulation of the entire body. These sea plants contain a lot of essential amino acids, chlorophyll, vitamins, zinc, and dietary fiber.

How seaweed works:

  • strengthen immune and antioxidant defenses;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and harmful lipids;
  • improve metabolism;
  • restore normal intestinal microflora;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • regulate blood sugar levels;
  • increase stress resistance;
  • reduce appetite.

There is no need to brew the seaweed. You should take 1 teaspoon 1 time per day with water. Course - 15-30 days. This method of losing weight is prohibited for hyperthyroidism and other diseases complicated by an excess of iodine in the body.

Herbs for weight loss: description and properties

When a person takes decoctions in the hope of losing the kilograms that interfere with a normal life, he cleanses the intestines of feces that have accumulated in it for years. Thanks to this, weight is lost almost twice as fast.

You need to understand that the main purpose of using such plants is to regulate the functions of internal organs. Therefore, you should take ready-made infusions only as a supplement to sports and a proper diet. A healthy body is always harmony between the physical and mental components, so you can’t do without food restrictions.

You must also understand that there are no uniform rules for the use of medicinal herbs. Each of them has its own dosage and rules of use. Therefore, you must first consult a doctor, and only then begin therapy.

How herbs help you lose weight

When using the herbal medicine method for weight loss, you need to understand that the effect will not be visible after a week. This is a rather lengthy process, but the result will be long-term, and with normal use of herbal remedies, you can be sure that the weight will not return a couple of days after completion of therapy.

The main advantage of herbal remedies for weight loss is the restoration of normal metabolism and the general functioning of internal systems.

On average, when herbs are used for weight loss, results can be expected within 20-30 days. But you shouldn’t hope that after 2-3 doses of this or that drink you will be able to lose all those kilograms that have been put off for years as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Experts say that plants perform the following functions:

  • reduce fat deposits in problem areas (on the stomach, hips and legs);
  • remove water from the body that is retained in it due to excessive consumption of salts;
  • cleanse internal systems of excess bile, regulating liver function;
  • accelerate metabolism and prevent the appearance of new fat accumulations;
  • reduce appetite.

Thus, drinking herbs to lose belly fat is really effective, you just need to know the rules for using such plants.

Contraindications and who can harm

Some herbs that act as tools for eliminating disease and cleansing the body without fasting have very powerful effects on the body. If taken incorrectly or incorrectly, various malfunctions in the functioning of internal systems may occur. That is why, before using any herbal preparations, it is necessary to study contraindications and possible harm to the body.

There is no need to naively imagine how effectively cleansing and diuretic herbs will cleanse the intestines or decide on your own which herb can help you lose weight in 2 weeks if you don’t know your diagnosis.

Herbal infusions are prohibited for people with the following pathologies:

  • allergies to specific herbs;
  • intolerance to individual components of fees;
  • postpartum women who are breastfeeding and expectant mothers;
  • patients with gastrointestinal problems;
  • people with pathologies of the liver, heart or kidneys.

Before using herbal infusions, you should consult with your doctor and follow his recommendations, because someone losing weight cannot correctly determine how much he should drink per day.

Herbal collections

Herbal collection for weight loss is a combination of medicinal herbs, each of which affects fat metabolism to one degree or another. In combination, their beneficial effect is significantly enhanced and prolonged (extended). Below are herbal teas and herbal teas that have proven themselves to be particularly effective in practice.

Collection No. 1

A herbal collection with a sufficiently large number of components helps you lose weight and control your weight subsequently.

It is formed by the following herbs:

  • senna is a laxative, promotes rapid bowel emptying;
  • corn silk suppresses appetite and has a diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • Volodushka improves the secretory function of the pancreas, prevents food stagnation;
  • plantain normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • coriander eliminates spasms;
  • Rose hips normalize metabolism and replenish vitamin reserves;
  • mint soothes and helps break down difficult-to-digest foods.

To prepare the collection, herbs, fruits, seeds are crushed in a mortar and mixed. It is desirable that the pieces are approximately the same size. You need to brew tea this way:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of herbal mixture into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Cool, strain.
  4. Take 1 glass 2 times a day with meals.

The duration of the course is 1 month. The reception can be repeated if necessary after 1-2 months.

Collection No. 2

Tea prepared from this collection is not only useful for excess weight, but also tasty, aromatic, and perfectly quenches thirst.

What plants are included in it:

  • Sudanese mallow (hibiscus) accelerates urination, fights putrefactive and fermentative processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Alexandria leaf eliminates chronic constipation;
  • green tea normalizes lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • lingonberry leaves eliminate internal and external swelling;
  • Rose hips are a source of vitamins, minerals, and bioflavonoids.

To prepare the herbal mixture, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of hibiscus and Alexandria leaf, add a teaspoon of the remaining ingredients. You should brew tea like this:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of herbal mixture into 1 cup (200 ml) of boiling water.
  2. Cover and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Cool and strain.
  4. Take 1 glass day and evening with meals.

Duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Collection No. 3

A potent collection, which contains two components with a diuretic and laxative effect.

Its composition is represented by the following medicinal plants:

  • buckthorn and hay bark, which restore optimal bowel movements;
  • knotweed and corn columns with stigmas, which are characterized by both diuretic and choleretic properties;
  • Kuril tea, which increases the body’s immunity to negative factors;
  • nettle leaf, which improves fat metabolism, mainly due to iron salts and vitamins;
  • mint, which eliminates the psycho-emotional instability inherent in losing weight.

Herbs are included in the collection in equal proportions. But if the laxative and (or) diuretic effects are too pronounced, then buckthorn, senna, corn and knotweed should be taken in half. How to make tea:

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Simmer in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, leave for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Strain, squeeze, bring the volume to 200 ml.
  4. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day.

The duration of the course is from 3 weeks to a month.

Thus, the use of herbal teas, infusions and decoctions creates the prerequisites for smooth, reasonable weight loss, becomes a prevention, a guarantee that a person will not be overweight in the future. But it is not for nothing that plants are called medicinal. They contain biologically active substances that are often not inferior in effectiveness to common pharmaceuticals. This means that their side effects, including those of an allergic nature, are also similar. Therefore, herbal medicine must be agreed with a doctor.

Types of herbs and how they burn fat

Nutritionists identify a group of herbs that seem to “burn” excess fat deposits.

The use of decoctions and tinctures from them prevents fat from accumulating and being deposited on the body in unnecessary places.

Nutritionists identify a group of herbs that seem to “burn” excess fat deposits

The active components present in herbs help to lose excess weight, which allow you to:

  • normalize liver functions;
  • speed up digestive processes due to better absorption of food.

Burn fat: dandelion, milk thistle, corn silk, immortelle, barberry.

To reduce appetite and lose weight quickly

Systematic use of herbs that regulate appetite also ensures rapid weight loss.

Their action is based on the following:

  1. During the digestion process, the stomach walls become coated. This allows you to feel full faster.
  2. During the digestion process, herbs swell directly in the stomach itself, it becomes full, and a deceptive feeling of fullness appears. The person loses the desire to eat anything else. As a result, energy is replenished from your own fats.

Teas made from flax seeds, mint and nettle leaves, chamomile flowers, rowan berries, and blueberry shoots help cope with a “good” appetite.

After a course of treatment, a new nutrition system is developed. The stomach adapts to a smaller volume of food, decreases in size, as a result, significantly fewer calories enter the body and the person loses weight.

Diuretic herbs

Diuretic herbs
activate the kidneys, help the body get rid of unnecessary fluid, since excess fat deposits provoke its accumulation.

In this regard, weight correction fees include diuretics, which:

  • remove fluid;
  • wash away harmful substances.

As a result, diuretic herbs cleanse the body and promote weight loss.

Similar properties are found in: parsley, burdock, bear's ears, lingonberry leaves, horsetail, and meadowsweet.

Excessive use of diuretics causes dehydration, so they should not be taken frequently.

Laxatives to cleanse the body

Without normal bowel function, it is impossible to maintain a healthy weight. Laxatives cleanse the body of harmful substances and are an essential element in the fight against obesity.

The following have a similar effect: flax seeds, plantain, dill and caraway seeds, buckthorn bark, joster berries, senna.

Some drinks with laxative herbs, having an irritating effect on the intestinal walls, cause it to become quickly addictive.

Be sure to read: How to drink soda for weight loss without harm to health: recipes, side effects, benefits and harms

As a result, the intestines will no longer function independently. In addition, herbs also remove useful elements.

Nutritionists advise using laxative teas with caution and following the dosage.

To improve metabolism

Herbs to improve metabolism
Metabolic processes are directly related to the gallbladder and biliary tract. The accumulation of bile interferes with the normal absorption of food.

Metabolic processes associated with the absorption of fats and carbohydrates are restored thanks to the use of:

  • choleretic herbs, these include: chamomile, immortelle, calendula, chicory root, corn “hair”;
  • spirulina , which has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism.

Normal metabolism is not possible without hormonal balance. Regular intake of angelica chinensis helps restore it.


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Causes of obesity

The cause of obesity in most cases is a violation of the relationship between the amount of calories consumed and physical activity. In other words, a person eats a lot, receives an excess of calories, but does not expend them, which leads to the body carefully storing the remaining calories for a rainy day, in the form of fat deposits.

This leads to weight gain , which immediately negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. In more than 90% of cases, obesity is caused by overeating, addiction to junk food and lack of physical activity, and only in 10% diseases associated with metabolic disorders lead to the development of obesity.

For example, if the pituitary gland and hypothalamus are disrupted, the patient experiences eating disorders . Obesity can also develop when the synthesis of thyroid hormones is disrupted, or the production of somatotropic hormone, which is responsible for the process of breaking down fats in the body, is reduced.

The process of fat accumulation and breakdown depends on several factors:

  • the ratio of energy consumed and received by the body;
  • genetics;
  • the relationship between the breakdown and production of fat cells;
  • the amount of nutrients entering the body.

There are a number of factors that can trigger the development of obesity. These include:

  • errors in diet - overeating, non-compliance with diet, abuse of fast food and other junk food;
  • hereditary predisposition - if close relatives had obesity, this increases the chances of developing the disease in their descendants;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits;
  • diseases of endocrine organs;
  • some physiological conditions of the body - menopause, pregnancy, lactation;
  • mental disorders;
  • uncontrolled use of certain medications.
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