Fat Burning Foods: Meal Plan for Weight Loss


Express weight loss and mono-diets do not promote fat burning. With a meager diet menu, you will really quickly lose a few kilograms, but consider the following features:

  • It is not lipids that are lost, but water;
  • when returning to the usual diet, the weight returns;
  • a state of hunger is stress, which helps slow down metabolic processes;
  • There is a deficiency of nutrients (vitamins, minerals), which leads to a deterioration in well-being and disruption of the functioning of organs.

What burns subcutaneous fat in the human body quickly? For good results that will last for many years, you need to adjust your daily diet and abandon strict diets. Elena Morozova's clinic can offer competent and effective weight loss programs that will not only help you get a toned figure, but also acquire healthy eating habits that will help keep your body in good shape.

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If you want to say goodbye to unsightly deposits, eliminate fast carbohydrates (baked goods, sugar, sweet drinks, fried potatoes, corn flakes, chips). And also eat more fresh vegetables, herbs and protein foods.

How to prevent fat deposits - maintain the following balance: 30% carbohydrates, 10% lipids, 60% proteins. The scheme should be finalized together with a nutritionist, who will take into account health characteristics, age and level of physical activity.

There is a misconception that to lose weight you need to give up fatty foods. Actually this is not true.

Comment from the clinic's nutritionist

Consumption of oily foods is necessary, as it helps absorb certain vitamins, build cells of various tissues, maintain the functions of the nervous system, protect organs, and fight inflammation. You just have to choose “good” lipids over “bad” ones. The first list contains unsaturated fats, the second list contains trans fats.

Foods called fat breakers

What you need to eat regularly to speed up your metabolism and quickly say goodbye to excess weight:

  • grapefruit and lemon;
  • a pineapple;
  • coffee;
  • ginger;
  • green tea, almonds;
  • papaya;
  • apples and pears.

But in pursuit of accelerated metabolism, one should not forget about other healthy foods. What burns fat in the body in women? Proper nutrition, based on several simple but very important principles.

Eat small, frequent meals

5-6 meals and a small amount of it is the main condition for speeding up metabolism. By increasing the metabolic rate, the body increases energy consumption, which in turn accelerates the fat burning process. Regularity strictly leads to the acceleration of metabolic processes, as a result of which fat burning is more intense. If you stick to portioned meals, you can “instill” in your body that food is always available and there is no need to stock up. Such a system will require attention to the organization of the working day, since a pie from the cafeteria is not considered a healthy snack. The menu should consist of a large proportion of proteins, poly- and monounsaturated lipids and complex carbohydrates. Small meals will allow you to avoid feelings of hunger, stress, and absorb all nutrients well. The body says goodbye to reserves more calmly.

Pay attention to breakfast

Remember that the most important meal of the day if you want to start the process of losing weight in your body is breakfast, don’t ignore it. And if you don't like to eat in the morning, you should try to change your attitude. The fact is that during sleep your metabolism slows down and you can activate it again by having a good and healthy breakfast. Therefore, if you postpone your first meal until later, then before lunch your body will destroy much fewer calories than it could if you had breakfast. It is customary to start your day by eating food high in complex carbohydrates, the digestion of which takes longer, which means you will not feel hungry soon.

Eat protein

This component is indispensable when creating a menu for those who want to reduce weight and accelerate its loss. To assimilate protein foods in the body, much more energy is needed than, say, products containing lipids or starch - therefore, the process of losing weight is more intense. An undeniable advantage of the element can be considered the effect of weakening the feeling of hunger. Include proteins that contain all the essential amino acids in your diet, as these foods will provide the greatest nutritional benefit for the fewest calories. And keratin, vitamin B12 and omega-3 are suitable as food for the brain and will help improve cognitive function.

Don't forget about dairy products

An important place in the diet of a person losing weight is given to dairy products, which deliver essential nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calcium and phosphorus and other useful elements. Low-fat milk and kefir can also have a beneficial effect on the weight loss process. The calcium they contain speeds up the metabolic process and allows you to burn excess fat faster. The condition of the intestinal microflora is also regulated and improved, and the feeling of hunger is dulled. The daily recommended serving of dairy products is 1200 mg.

A few words about fish

It is indispensable in a healthy diet and serves as a source of easily digestible protein, fatty acids, iodine, zinc and other minerals. It is recommended to choose varieties with medium and low fat content. This list includes: trout, haddock, tuna, pollock, flounder, cod. With regular consumption of seafood, the level of the hormone leptin in the body decreases, which directly affects metabolic rate and obesity.

Iron intake

This is another important factor for metabolism. With its lack in the blood, the muscles are poorly supplied with oxygen, and fatigue and lethargy are noted. This way, fat is not burned, but, on the contrary, increases, because the body seeks to compensate for the deficiency, which is associated with increased appetite. You can maintain iron levels with pumpkin and sesame seeds, chicken hearts and liver, halva, parsley, dried apricots, almonds, and lentils.

What about citrus fruits

Fruits containing vitamin C and included in your breakfast menu are an excellent option for effectively starting metabolism, and therefore losing weight. They fill the body with the energy necessary for metabolism, and vitamin C itself is actively involved in the chemical processes of fat breakdown.

Fruits and vegetables for weight loss list

Fruits and vegetables are one of the components of proper nutrition and various diets for weight loss, since they contain micro- and macroelements that accelerate the process of losing weight. Why are vegetables and fruits so important when losing weight? These foods contain a large amount of fiber, which requires the body to spend a lot of calories to digest. During digestion with insufficient calorie intake, the body draws energy from fat deposits, which are most often localized in the sides and abdomen. In addition, the amino acids contained in fruits and vegetables help speed up metabolism and burn fat.

There are a large number of fruits and vegetables, but not everyone knows which ones contribute to weight loss. Nutritionists have compiled a list of fruits and vegetables that help cleanse the intestines, remove toxins and burn fat.

Fat-burning fruits include:

  • a pineapple;
  • grapefruit;
  • blueberry;
  • kiwi;
  • raspberries;
  • pears and apples;
  • pomegranate.

Fat-burning vegetables include:

  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • green pea;
  • broccoli;
  • avocado;
  • green beans;
  • celery;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • radish;
  • tomatoes;
  • beet;
  • cabbage.

The list of the most fat-burning vegetables and fruits includes:

  1. Beetroot is a vegetable with a mild laxative effect, helping to remove toxins and stagnation from the body. Beet salads saturate the body with beneficial acids: nicotinic, lactic, malic, tartaric and citric, thereby maintaining the acid-base balance. Beets are perfectly filling, have a pleasant taste and can be combined with many foods.
  2. Cabbage: Chinese cabbage, broccoli, white cabbage, cauliflower - any type of cabbage will help you lose weight without harm to your health. Cabbage contains fiber, proteins, calcium, potassium, thiamine, Vitamins K, C, B6 and A, and does not contain fat at all. Despite the presence of carbohydrates, the vegetable is often used in diet menus.
  3. Pineapple is a fat-burning fruit, but due to its high glucose content, consuming more than 150 g per day is not recommended. You should also take into account that only fresh pineapples are suitable for weight loss, since sugar is used in canning. Pineapple can be replaced with kiwi or papaya.
  4. Cucumbers are one of the leading low-calorie vegetables; they contain only 15 kcal per 100 g, which allows them to be consumed in unlimited quantities. Cucumber is rich in vitamins PP, C and B, essential for the body, as well as potassium, keratin and fiber, which improve digestion and intestinal motility.
  5. Tomatoes are a source of L-carnitine and natural fat burners. The vegetable should be added to salads, used as a single product or combined with pepper and cucumber.
  6. Zucchini is one of the types of zucchini, distinguished by its tenderness and softness, so it can be cooked with the peel containing a large amount of useful substances. Zucchini can be used in casseroles, stews, soups and vegetable stews, it is very filling, has a pleasant taste and helps reduce weight.
  7. Celery – both raw and boiled vegetables have fat-burning properties. Celery soup will help burn fat in problem areas. If this product is not to your taste, it can be replaced with artichoke, watercress or head lettuce.
  8. Broccoli is a type of cabbage that has a fat-burning effect. You can cook broccoli in several ways: stew, boil, steam, bake with cheese or make a casserole.
  9. Apples – green, tart apples promote fat burning due to their pectin content. It is recommended to consume 1-2 fruits per day.
  10. Grapefruit is a leading fat-burning fruit and should be consumed 30 minutes before or after a meal, or as a snack. You are allowed to eat 1-2 grapefruits daily; you can replace the fruit with tangerines or.

It is worth remembering that, despite all the benefits of vegetables and fruits, there are some contraindications for their consumption, in particular, people with diabetes, those with a tendency to allergies, and disruption of the digestive tract need to be careful.

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Grapefruit is considered the most popular representative, and not by chance. It contains only 35 calories, but at the same time, it can satisfy your hunger with just a couple of slices. Try grapefruit juice and you will get the same effect. Another healthy fruit is everyone’s favorite tangerine. Contains all 33 calories, as well as such a useful component as flavonoids, which promote fat burning.

Water and drinks

Drinking regime plays a significant role - you need to drink 2 liters of liquid to maintain a high metabolic rate. This factor has a positive effect on overall health:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • promotes the removal of toxins;
  • increases skin turgor and evens out complexion.

Water, like no other, is necessary for the liver to process fat, since it is bile that breaks down complex lipids. If there is a lack of moisture in the liver, there is no energy or time left to break down fats, as it works to cleanse the body as a whole. As a result, the metabolic process slows down and water accumulation begins.

In addition, water helps eliminate decay products and toxins. Under the influence of oxygen, fats oxidize and break down into the following components: carbon dioxide, water and adenosine triphosphate. It is the last component that represents the source of energy for all processes carried out in the body.

Comment from the clinic's nutritionist

If you are concerned about how and with what to burn fat, you need to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed to 1 glass of dry red. Such a portion, as part of weight loss, will not cause harm, but a larger volume is undesirable.

Speaking of liquid, we mean not only non-carbonated purified water, but also tea without sugar, green or herbal. Green tea is also a powerful antioxidant and a source of minerals, so drinking it in reasonable quantities will benefit weight loss. Catechins and EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) accelerate metabolism and are found in high concentrations in green tea and its extracts.

Fat burning products for legs. List of fat burner products

All fat burner products can be divided into two groups: liquid and solid products.

The first include:

  • Plain water (It improves metabolism, which eliminates excess weight, and it is good to drink it in the morning, 20 minutes before breakfast, to get a visible effect. And in order for the metabolism to always be at a high level, you need to consume at least 1.5 liters of water, preferably 2 liters).
  • Barley water (This natural fat burner actively removes accumulated toxins, waste and other unnecessary substances from the body, as a result of which excess weight is lost).
  • Lemon water (Everyone knows that lemon contains lemon juice in large quantities, and it is this juice that helps the body fight excess weight, reducing appetite and promoting better burning of fat deposits).
  • Green tea (This natural fat burner perfectly speeds up metabolism, and in almost all cases it is the cause of extra pounds and fat deposits).
  • Coffee (It improves metabolism and increases body temperature. Many argue that drinking coffee is much more effective before training, literally 10-15 minutes before it).
  • Various freshly squeezed juices (They contain a huge amount of different minerals and vitamins that are very necessary for the body. Some, for example, orange, kiwi, the same lemon, contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps fight excess weight. This natural fat burner can be used in some In cases, for example, once every few days in the evening, use it instead of dinner, since freshly squeezed juice will provide the body with the necessary substances and will perfectly satisfy hunger).
  • Red wine (Literally one glass of red wine, drunk before lunch, will reduce your appetite by half. This helps you eat much less at a time than you would eat without drinking wine).

Healthy body and mind

Metabolism directly depends on the state of health, and specifically on the functioning of the thyroid gland. What, how and when fats are burned in the body - during training or when consuming pineapples - is a secondary question. Check your thyroid first. It produces many hormones that affect physique.

Comment from the clinic's nutritionist

If such verification is necessary, you should contact competent specialists. At Elena Morozova’s clinic, you will see an endocrinologist who will conduct a thorough examination and identify all the reasons for the slow production of hormones and make the necessary recommendations for normalizing your health. This will make the weight loss process even more effective.

Don't exercise while hungry

When you feel hungry, this does not mean that the body begins to burn fat - it is worth understanding how to eat before training. A good choice would be low-carb food (meat, low-fat cheese) for strength training; 60-90 minutes should pass after eating. Before cardio training, you need carbohydrates (oatmeal, buckwheat, vegetables). It is better to avoid lipids and products containing fructose.

The fact is that by skipping lunch and going out to expend a lot of energy, you create stress. In this state, he is extremely reluctant to use up supplies, fearing that this will happen again. Regular exercise on an empty stomach can slow down your metabolism.

Spices and seasonings


This is a godsend for those losing weight. Therefore, ginger is included in all lists of healthy foods for weight loss. The composition contains a substance that removes toxins from the body, regulates metabolism and normalizes digestion. Accelerating metabolism and activating fat burning are the main properties for which ginger is valued in nutrition.

It can be used as a seasoning, to prepare ginger teas, combining it with honey and lemon. The calorie content of the product is about 80 grams per 100 grams. In general, hot seasonings are often included in weight loss product lists due to their ability to accelerate fat burning.


This seasoning can be a great alternative to sugar and is always included in foods you can eat while losing weight.
It lowers blood sugar and helps control appetite, fights bad cholesterol. You can add it to dishes like sugar or just eat half a spoon at lunch. Calorie content – ​​247 kcal per 100 grams. Great recipe – “Cinnamon with honey for weight loss”


Flaxseed is a valuable source of omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid. It helps activate genes responsible for burning fat and inhibit genes that lead to fat accumulation. It is known that Madonna herself uses flaxseed to keep herself in shape. The seeds can be consumed on an empty stomach or added to food, such as porridge or fermented milk drinks. Calorie content – ​​534 kcal per 100 grams.

Nervous system

The body forgives excess weight much easier if the mind is in a calm state. During times of anxiety, worry, toxic feelings of guilt, and protracted conflicts, the hormone cortisol is produced. It makes it difficult to lose weight because it slows down your metabolism.

Let's remember the importance of sleep - if you don't get enough rest, you're unlikely to lose weight quickly. Do not limit your rest to 4-5 hours a day - disruption of sleep patterns negatively affects metabolic processes.

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To transform your body and gain a toned, slender figure, you should take care of yourself: eat healthy meals, don’t feel hungry, sleep enough and enjoy life. For individual weight loss programs, contact Elena Morozova’s clinic - specialists will help you choose an individual course so that weight loss is effective and beneficial to your health.

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