Save: monthly weight loss plan from Mila Gritsenko

Motivating weight loss trainer and star coach Mila Gritsenko told us what nutritional principles to follow when losing weight quickly, and explained why it is better to give up strength training at this time.

Mila's Instagram profile is followed by 352 thousand people. The motivating trainer helped Katya Lel, Irina Slutskaya, Anastasia Zadorozhnaya lose weight, and developed eight weight loss programs, which can be found on her personal website. Mila herself weighed 84 kg, having lost 36 kg since then (she talked about how it happened in this material).

Especially for BeautyHack, Mila spoke about the features of express weight loss in 30 days, explained what and how to eat, what it is better to avoid and how to keep your skin toned.

Get rid of excess liquid

The basis of any express weight loss is lymphatic drainage. If someone has lost 5 kg in two weeks, keep in mind that a significant percentage of this weight is water. Fat is lost at a rate of 0.5-1 kg per week, depending on the initial weight. But sometimes a girl just needs to remove the puffiness after the holidays or vacation, and she gets a different picture. Puffiness makes the face appear puffy. Volumes go away along with it.

Lymphatic drainage plays a big role in losing weight. The faster you remove excess water, the faster fat will begin to disappear. In a week or two you can get rid of 5 kg of liquid, then the process will slow down and fat will begin to be consumed, 1-1.5 kg per week (30% of which will be water and 70% fat).

At the same time, you need to give up smoked meats, marinades, and pickles for the entire month, because they retain water. If speed is not so important, you can allow lightly salted salmon or include lightly salted cucumber in the menu. And of course, exclude soda and fast food.

Mila Gritsenko is the author of a book describing the diet

The young Kiev woman is a nutritionist. She first tested her weight loss method on herself, and after that she shared it with other women. Her weight loss courses are known both in Russia and Ukraine. Mila Gritsenko organized her own weight loss studio, wrote the book “Eat and Lose Weight,” which describes in detail the essence of her diet and presents recipes for healthy dishes. It can be downloaded for free on the Internet by going to the author’s official website, or purchased in paper form.

One of the author’s favorite dishes is “Lazy” oatmeal, which is great for breakfast. To prepare it, mix banana, apple, cinnamon, cottage cheese (100 g), oatmeal (3 tbsp), and a little honey in a container. Then milk is added, the resulting mixture is sent to the refrigerator overnight.

In general, the essence of the diet is to consume healthy natural foods. Dishes need to be steamed or boiled. It is forbidden to eat fried, smoked, spicy, or too salty foods. You need to give up processed foods, flour and other harmful products. Special attention should be paid to the drinking regime. Up to 8 glasses of water are required per day. If it is difficult to cope with such a volume at once, it can be increased gradually, starting with 1.5 glasses.

On a note! It is advisable to drink the first glass of water 15 minutes before breakfast. This will help start the digestive system.

Five meals

The scheme is as follows: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. During express weight loss, choose dishes that are steamed, grilled or baked in the oven. At the same time, their fat content should be minimal. I don't advocate counting calories because it complicates your lifestyle. You won’t sit in a restaurant and calculate the amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in your food. But counting what you eat in grams is important.

Breakfast – 250 grams, snack – 150 grams, lunch – 220 grams, snack – 100 grams, dinner – 200 grams.

Mila Gritsenko's diet menu for the week

On Monday, the nutritionist recommends doing a fast to cleanse and detoxify the body. The menu can be protein or carbohydrate. In the first case, eat up to 1.5 kg of 1 of the following products per day: buckwheat, kefir, cottage cheese, boiled or stewed fish, chicken, turkey. Oranges, watermelon, apples or any vegetables (except potatoes) are suitable for carbohydrate unloading.

For drinks, you can choose rosehip infusion or unsweetened tea. The remaining days of the week include 3 main meals with snacks in between. The menu could be like this:

Monday is a fasting day.


  • breakfast – cottage cheese with honey, nuts;
  • lunch – pasta without sauce, stewed vegetables;
  • dinner - steamed omelette.


  • breakfast – hard-boiled egg, a piece of hard cheese, fresh vegetables;
  • lunch – chicken fillet with fresh vegetable salad;
  • dinner - fruit.


  • breakfast - steam omelette;
  • lunch – vegetarian soup;
  • dinner - vegetable casserole.


  • breakfast – cheesecakes baked in the oven;
  • lunch - seafood salad, boiled egg and fresh cucumber;
  • dinner - vegetable stew.


  • breakfast – fruit salad with yogurt and honey;
  • lunch – chicken in garlic sauce with herbs;
  • dinner – fish baked in the oven.


  • breakfast – steam omelette with vegetable salad;
  • lunch – boiled potatoes with herbs;
  • dinner - baked apple.

Eat at intervals of 2-4 hours

I don't like to tie breakfasts, lunches and dinners to a specific time. This is inconvenient because you may be at work, on the road, or traveling. The intervals between meals should be from 2 to 4 hours maximum. You need to manage to meet this time.

If you want to have a snack, for example, 1 hour after breakfast, fermentation will occur. This negatively affects metabolic processes and lymphatic drainage. If you eat later than 4 hours later, metabolic processes will slow down and the effect will also not be achieved. I even conducted an experiment. One of my clients decided that she would only have lunch and dinner. I agreed, and as a result, after two weeks she lost only 1.5 kg. At the same time, another client with similar parameters lost 5 kg on five meals a day during the same time. You can skip snacks, but you should definitely eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Compliance with the diet in this diet is the main rule for achieving results. Meanwhile, the nutritionist emphasizes: a sharp reduction in food volumes and disruption of the usual eating pattern can cause disruptions in the functioning of the body in many people. Subsequently, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disruptions in the metabolic process and a new increase in body weight may occur.

To avoid such complications, Mila recommends a gradual transition to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. A smooth transition consists of 2 stages:

  1. Reducing portion sizes. This preparatory stage lasts 2 weeks. During the week, the diet should consist of 4 meals, but the volume of each serving cannot be more than 300 g. Small snacks are allowed between main meals. It could be some biscuits, an apple or a pear. From the beginning of the second week, portions are reduced to 200 g. Snacks should be abolished.
  2. Reduce portions to 150 g and switch to 5 meals a day. In this case, you can use any permitted products on the menu.

When moving to the second stage, it is important to follow several rules:

  • meals are taken strictly at the same time;
  • on an empty stomach, 15 minutes before meals, drink a glass (200 ml) of clean water at room temperature;
  • It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water during the day;
  • evening meals should be no later than 18 hours.

One of the requirements of such a scheme is strict adherence to the diet. The author of the diet recommends adhering to the following time frame:

  1. Breakfast. The time of the first meal can be at 7–10 am (this depends on the rhythm of a person’s life).
  2. Snack (second breakfast) at 10–12 noon.
  3. Dinner. Depending on the regime, lunch can be between 12 and 14 o'clock in the afternoon.
  4. Snack (afternoon snack). The second snack should be taken at 14-16 hours.
  5. Dinner. It can be held at 17-18 hours, but always at the same time.

Eat most carbohydrates before 12.00-14.00

Consume some foods before 14.00 (and for best results before 12.00 noon). These are breads, grapes, pears, bananas, beets, potatoes, beans, corn, all cereals.

After 14.00, make a menu of fiber in the form of watery vegetables, light fruits (oranges, tangerines, kiwi, pineapple, watermelon) and foods containing protein. By the way, watermelon is great for lymphatic drainage.

If you are not in the mood to lose weight quickly, you can afford a homemade burger on a bun made from whole grain flour (there are a lot of recipes on the Internet), but in the express program the products should be as light as possible.

There is no need to completely give up carbohydrates. A carbohydrate-free diet means a lack of energy, loss of space and a threat to the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas.

Rules from Gritsenko

Mila Gritsenko’s diet, like any other, has its own rules, the implementation of which guarantees good results:

  1. There should be at least 3 main meals.
  2. Products made from white flour, baked goods, and yeast breads leave the table.
  3. The morning begins with one glass of clean still water.
  4. You should drink from 8 to 12 glasses of liquid per day.
  5. Fast food, sweets, and food from bags are also prohibited.
  6. Dinner - until 18.00, before bed only a glass of kefir is allowed.
  7. Carbonated water, packaged juices, and canned food are excluded.
  8. Fried food is replaced with boiled or steamed food.
  9. Regular physical activity is introduced, at least 30 minutes a day.

People who are not accustomed to maintaining a drinking regime complain that even 8 glasses of water is too much. But if there is a lack of fluid, the body will accumulate it in the tissues, and the weight will come off much more slowly. Mila recommends just taking control of your water and forcing yourself to drink a little throughout the day. Gradually, a stable habit of drinking more will form.

The simplest possible snacks

Have a snack with a glass of kefir or 150 grams of berries (apples). The product should be one and light. You can indulge in nuts as your first snack. They are high in calories, so you shouldn’t get carried away. You can eat nuts no more than 1-2 times a week. An important principle works here: if you want to lose weight quickly, the diet should be stricter (no healthy sweets). If you are ready to lose weight slowly, you can sometimes allow yourself a piece of chocolate, Turkish delight, marshmallow, marmalade, fruit salad, cottage cheese and dairy products of any fat content.

Consumption of drinks

In addition to following a diet, it is necessary to saturate the body with water. This helps normalize the functioning of all organ systems and prevents tissue dehydration. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of clean water a day. Many people drink less fluid as usual. To reach the required figure, you need to increase the volume gradually. You can start with 3 glasses a day. Every day an additional glass is added to this amount.

In addition to clean water, it is necessary to include other types of liquid in the diet. This can be tea, coffee, herbal teas and decoctions. However, a mug of tea and coffee is already a complete snack. In addition, Mila Gritsenko does not recommend drinking liquid during meals. It is best to wait 30–40 minutes.

You should not drink more than 3 cups of coffee per day. White and green tea can be consumed in the same amount. Herbal teas are the most beneficial. You can drink them as much as you want. In addition, it is worth trying several recipes for making tasty and healthy drinks:

  1. Orange fresh. To prepare it you will need 1 orange and 100–150 ml of water.
  2. Sassi water. To prepare such a drink, add chopped cucumber, lemon, mint leaves and a piece of ginger to 2 liters of water. Place the container with the liquid in the refrigerator overnight. Drinking Sassi water helps eliminate toxins, waste and excess fluid.

"Roller Coaster Mode"

Allow yourself fasting and detox days once a week. And separate them into regular days with a five-day meal plan. Fasting days can be protein and carbohydrate. The latter are more difficult to tolerate.

Take a drinking detox once a month. During the day, eat cream soups, smoothies, vegetable and fruit juices.

I am against cheat meals during an express diet. This is confusing, and it will be more difficult to limit yourself further. But you can arrange a cheat meal as a reward for the 30th day. Because the habit of a certain diet will already be formed.

Myths and truth about diets. Interview with nutritionist Mila Gritsenko

Mila's personal experience At 12 years old, Mila's weight was 64-69 kg, and at 19 years old in the postpartum period - 82 kg with a height of 155 cm. A huge number of weight loss methods: mono-diets, fasting, vacuum massage, pills, teas for weight loss - did not work to the desired result. Moreover, in the postpartum period there is a danger of harming the baby altogether if you start using medications for weight loss. As a result, over the course of a year, Mila independently, without resorting to existing methods of losing weight, developed a weight loss technique for herself, which turned out to be effective: Mila lost weight to 46 kg, and then even opened her own weight loss studio.

Mila, when describing a particular diet in the media they often pay attention: “Consult with a nutritionist first.” It turns out that it’s completely impossible to lose weight without a nutritionist? But you did it. Yes, as a rule, many people begin the process of losing weight by trial and error, often rushing to extremes, which can lead to fatal consequences for their health. My trial and error method also did not go without a trace, so it is still advisable, at a minimum, to consult a nutritionist and receive detailed instructions on proper and healthy weight loss. In the end, if you don’t have the money, time or patience to see a nutritionist, I recommend starting with just proper nutrition and forgetting the word “diet.”

Please tell us about how you lost weight? What was the most difficult thing for you? My vast experience in losing weight is divided into two stages: life before pregnancy and after. Before pregnancy, I was always a big girl, in the most literal sense of the word, and had absolutely no complexes about it. As a teenager, I fell madly in love, but they responded not with reciprocation, but with the definition of “fat cow.” I decided to act to prove to the unlucky boy that he would, they say, bite his elbows again, and rushed to look for a miracle diet on the Internet. And such that for sure, minus 10 kg in a week. The diet, of course, did not help me, after which pills, dietary supplements, teas, and hunger strikes were tried, but all to no avail. I call this stage my trial and error method, which taught me a lot. My second stage of weight loss began after pregnancy, when in 5 months I lost 36 kg. Like many women after giving birth, I saw myself twice, if not three times bigger in the mirror. Then the point of no return came for me, I said to myself: “STOP.” I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this was the postpartum nursing period, when you cannot resort to miracle drugs, although it is psychologically simplest, but this does not help at all. The most difficult thing for me was discipline and motivation, because the hardest thing is to instill the habit of eating in a new way. But the right mindset and a new approach to business can do wonders.

Nutritionists suggest drinking from 1 to 4 liters per day per day. So how much water should you drink per day? I don’t recommend starting with 2 or even 3 liters a day right away if you’ve been drinking a little before. By sharply increasing the amount of fluid consumed, you risk overloading the kidneys, and this already threatens edema and weight loss due to the accumulation of fluid in your body. I recommend starting with 3 glasses of water a day, and drinking one glass more every day. You should reach the norm of 8-12 glasses a day. Please note that less water intake leads to swelling as well. The kidneys begin to function less. You can easily navigate: with a weight of up to 50 kg, 1.5 liters (8 glasses) are required, with a weight greater - add a glass (up to 10-12 glasses per day).

In order to lose weight without harm to health, what is better: diets or proper nutrition? It depends on the goals. For example, you come to a fitness club and you have a lot of extra pounds. In order to start working on body contour, you first need to run on a treadmill to lose excess weight. When you lose weight, you begin to work out every muscle in your body. Same with diets and proper nutrition. If you are overweight, you need to follow a healthy diet designed for you. Once you have reached your optimal weight, you need to switch to proper nutrition and a new lifestyle.

Tell me, can fasting be therapeutic? For example, Gwyneth Paltrow recommends fasting one day a week. It makes sense? I am categorically against fasting. Since one day of fasting slows down metabolic processes by exactly 4-5 days. That is, after such a day, the body will begin to intensively store and in the next 4-5 days the weight will remain stable. I consider days like this to be stressful for the body and a direct path to weight gain, since the appetite after a hunger strike is incredibly strong. But this should not be confused with fasting days. They are useful once a week. There are protein (cottage cheese, chicken, fish) and carbohydrate (fruits, vegetables). Select one option and consume the selected product throughout the day.

Many of us have seen the beautiful headlines of articles “Lose weight forever.” Is it possible to do something - go on a diet, eat miracle pills - and lose weight forever or is it just a myth about diets? Of course not. It's all hard work. You can consolidate the result by staying at the new weight for a certain time. But if you return to the old regime and start overeating, the weight will gradually begin to increase and - hello, extra pounds! Therefore, it is important to start losing weight by talking to a nutritionist so that he can at least point you in the right direction.

Does it make sense to consume any foods that accompany the diet (porridge or teas for weight loss) or dietary supplements? I advise you not to take anything other than fish oil, calcium and vitamins. All this is making money from those who are lazy to make efforts and achieve results. So to speak, I’ll eat porridge and lose weight! Remember, there are no easy ways!

I read that without stress a person should lose an average of 3 kg per month. Is it so? It depends on what method you use to get rid of extra pounds. If, for example, 7-9 kg are lost in a month from proper nutrition and accelerating metabolic processes through frequent meals and small portions, sports, then this will not be stressful for the body. Another thing is that if you get rid of these kilograms through diets, fasting and grueling workouts, this will already have a significant impact on your health.

You just talked about accelerating metabolic processes, metabolism. Tell me, are there any negative consequences from too fast a metabolism? Well, what is too fast a metabolism nowadays? No matter how much we speed it up, there are still many factors that influence and slow it down. For example, the environment, not always a healthy lifestyle, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, lack of sports. In general, no matter how a person tries to do everything right, at least one of these factors is still present in his life. Therefore, it is better for us to think about how to make it work to its fullest, rather than about the fact that it can fail from overly active work.

I remember a video where they say that you can lose weight up to a few cm in 3 days. Even if you can, is this normal for the body or not? In the first week of any diet, minus 2-4 kg is normal. Because at the very beginning, the body removes excess fluid, and it flies away instantly, with centimeters for company. But in the second week I am sure that the result will please you much less. During this period, the first superficial layer of fat begins to disappear. You need to get rid of it with the help of a proper diet, patience and time.

Mila, tell me what you need to do before deciding on this or that diet and what you definitely need to know about yourself or your health before losing weight? The first thing you need to know is your diseases and dietary habits. Therefore, before you seek help, get examined by a doctor so that there are no problems later. Well, a good nutritionist will always choose a diet for you, taking into account all your body characteristics.

There is an opinion that losing weight is not as difficult as maintaining it. Is it so? Are there any general rules for maintaining weight? If you lose weight on diets, then you are unlikely to be able to maintain the weight, and if you do, it will not be for long.
As a rule, after diets, a terrible appetite and eating breakdowns wake up. With proper nutrition, maintaining weight is not so difficult. Gradually add calories to your meals, for example, add one extra snack in the evening, it could be grapefruit, egg white or cottage cheese. Within 6 months, the weight will be fixed, even if you slightly disrupt the overall system.

Last meal two hours before bedtime

Under no circumstances should you eat too heavy a meal after 6 p.m. A salad with cheese and chicken and a sauce of low-fat yogurt and mustard is already a heavy option. But you can eat chicken or fish separately. For variety, add a cucumber or tomato to your dinner. At this time, protein is best absorbed and does not block fat burning at night. The volume of dinner should be no more than 200 grams. Other options: cottage cheese, seafood, steamed protein omelette without salt. Casein always saved me in the evening. Mix it with kefir or milk in a blender, add cottage cheese for thickness and eat like yogurt. This dinner fills you up for four hours. This is a great idea for those with a sweet tooth (casein has different flavors) and those who cannot sleep due to hunger.

Express weight loss stages

Losing weight according to the Mila system involves going through three stages.

Stomach contraction

This stage lasts at least 2 weeks and consists of observing the following rules:

  • food can only be cooked by steaming or baking in the oven;
  • the menu should be dominated by vegetables, fruits and dishes made from whole grains (porridge);
  • meals should be three times a day, snacks are strictly undesirable, but acceptable in the first days;
  • the last meal should be no later than 18-00, and if hunger bothers you, it is better to stop it with water or weak tea without sugar;
  • The weight of one serving of food should not be more than 300 g.

This stage is considered the most difficult - a person is just starting to lose weight and such drastic dietary restrictions bring discomfort, moral dissatisfaction, and irritability into life. But there is no need to interrupt the started “event” - after waiting 3-5 days, you can make sure that the body enters the proposed schedule/regime and no longer requires additional food.

Weight loss

If the first stage is some kind of preparation for solving the task, then the second stage is obtaining the first results . Its duration is one and a half months (6 weeks), during which it is necessary:

  • reduce food portions exactly in half - they should correspond in volume to 150 g;
  • the menu begins to include meat and fish, seafood, and dairy products;
  • both vegetable and animal fats are used in cooking;
  • sweets and baked goods are prohibited, and all fast food, alcohol, and sweet carbonated drinks are included here.

The diet has been maintained since the first stage - three meals a day, breaks between meals no more than 4 hours, meals are prohibited after 18-00. During this month and a half, plumb lines will be clearly visible.


This stage does not have a specific time, it is individual for each person. Its essence lies in the slow introduction of previously prohibited products into the menu and at the same time maintaining the achieved weight results. Mila warns that this stage is not mandatory, because if you stop at the previous one and continue to eat/live according to its rules, then weight gain is excluded.

At any stage, a situation may arise when the weight stays the same for several days - and this after such a confident reduction! There is nothing strange about this, the process is considered natural and you just need to be patient - literally in 7 - 10 days (for some, even earlier than the indicated period), weight loss will continue. But for this to happen, you must continue to follow the rules of nutrition and exercise.

Weight stabilization during weight loss according to Mila Gritsenko’s system

Start with cardio training

The best option for express weight loss is cardio training and aerobic exercise. For 30 days, take at least 10-12 thousand steps per day (download the Steps app).

Before morning cardio, eat protein; it will not block fat burning (for this reason, you should not eat carbohydrates before cardio). After 15 minutes of training, fats will begin to be burned (glycogen is consumed first). Walk at a fast pace uphill for 30-40 minutes. If you want fat to continue burning after your workout, don’t eat carbohydrates for two hours. Immediately after class, you can drink a protein shake.

The essence of Mila Gritsenko’s weight loss method

The system includes a strict diet with regular cardio exercises. A calorie deficit from food forces the body to use up its own fat reserves. Eating foods rich in protein and complex carbohydrates helps prevent the loss of energy caused by low daily caloric intake. Cardio training increases the benefits of the diet: it speeds up metabolism, promotes weight loss, and maintains muscle and skin tone.

Judging by the reviews, the main advantages of the diet are:

  • easy tolerability (no strong feeling of hunger, excessive physical exertion);
  • ease of preparation of permitted dishes;
  • variety of diet;
  • rapid weight loss.

The disadvantages of Mila's diet include the following:

  • It is suitable only for relatively healthy people - without chronic diseases of the digestive system.
  • Drinking 2 liters of liquid per day additionally loads the intestines and kidneys.
  • A low daily caloric intake negatively affects the well-being of people engaged in heavy physical labor.

No strength training in the gym

Many girls believe that if they go to the gym and start pumping up their biceps, triceps, and buttocks, they will immediately turn into a fitness guru. In fact, this is hard work (and not just one round of bulking and cutting). It is clear that you will not achieve such an effect in a month. Therefore, I do not recommend strength training during express weight loss. But you can go to the gym after: in a “dry” body, muscles are pumped much better and relief is acquired faster.

If you work hard while losing weight, the muscles will begin to swell out of habit, the weight will either remain stable or increase, and in a month you will lose a maximum of 2 kg.

Social media

Mila Gritsenko can be found on Instagram on this page - Here Lyudmila posts her photos from training and her photos in various images. The girl’s page has more than 500 thousand subscribers and more than 3 thousand posts.

Mila is also on Facebook, you can find a girl there on the page -

We were unable to find Gritsenko’s Odnoklassniki page. But the girl is an active user of the VKontakte social network. You can find her in the official group at the link -

Today there is nothing left of the former fat Mila. A slender, fit lady with abs goes in for sports and teaches celebrities the basics of losing weight. The girl was able to overcome the habit of eating a lot, and most importantly, she was able to overcome herself. Therefore, I want her to carry her formula of proper nutrition to the masses further.  

Monitor your skin condition

Regularly moisturize your skin with oils or lotions if your skin itself is oily. Olive and coconut oil make her more well-groomed and fit. Use a scrub twice a week (maybe before a bath) to remove the stratum corneum and speed up the renewal process. Mesococktails help remove sagging while losing weight; they improve skin turgor. Anti-cellulite massages are best done after losing weight or when you have two or three kilograms left to lose.

In addition to external work, there is also internal help. Drink collagen with vitamin C, fish oil - they nourish the skin from the inside. Olive oil, flaxseed oil and avocado oil also help. Don't forget about wrapping. I use Guam products or make a mixture of coffee, honey, and olive oil at home. Apply it to the skin, rub and wrap in film for 40-50 minutes - the skin will be velvety.

Important: when talking about these ways to improve the condition of the skin, I do not mean losing 60-70 kg, because there are situations when only plastic surgery can truly tighten it.
Text: Yulia Kozoliy

Doctors' opinion about Mila's diet

Reviews from doctors about the diet are positive. After all, proper nutrition is the key to health. Doctors often recommend eating this way for various diseases, especially those related to the digestive system. In addition, when losing weight, it is possible to get rid of many health problems and reduce the load on the heart and other organs. Doctors cannot help but be pleased with such results.

In practice, it has been proven that Mila Gritsenko’s diet works. Moreover, she verified this from her own experience. The advantage of this type of nutrition is that it uses familiar products. The main thing is their volumes and proper preparation. It’s better to pay attention to your diet, as Mila Gritsenko’s diet recommends, than to buy harmful fat-burning pills at an exorbitant cost.

Did Mila Gritsenko's diet help you?

Cycling menu

Mila Gritsenko's diet is cyclical. She offers a rough description of the diet for seven days, which can then be repeated as many times as it takes weeks to achieve the desired result. Fast carbohydrates are excluded from the diet as much as possible. Animal fats are replaced by vegetable fats, and their quantity is also significantly reduced. And the basis of the menu is:

  • fruits and vegetables;
  • low-fat dairy products (but not low-fat!);
  • lean meat and fish;
  • seafood;
  • herbs, spices (dry).

It will be useful to drink at least one glass of rosehip decoction daily - this will strengthen the immune system and activate metabolism.

We remind you that every morning begins with a glass of clean water.

First: fasting day, mono-diet - protein, fruit or vegetable. To choose from:

  • 1.5 kg of fresh vegetables or unsweetened fruits;
  • 600 grams of medium fat cottage cheese;
  • 350 grams of lean meat with vegetables;
  • 400 grams of fish and kefir.

Food is divided into 6 parts, which are eaten throughout the day at approximately equal intervals.

Second and subsequent ones:

  1. Breakfast: 200 grams of porridge in milk with berries, fruits or nuts.
  2. Second breakfast: 100 grams of cottage cheese/a glass of kefir/1 fruit/1 vegetable/100 grams of salad/10 nuts.
  3. Lunch: 100 grams of meat or fish/100 grams of side dish (porridge, pasta, vegetables).
  4. Afternoon snack: 100 grams of protein food and vegetables.
  5. Dinner: 100 grams of fish/seafood/2 eggs and 100 grams of vegetables (stewed, baked, grilled).

Seventh: fasting, the same as the first, but it is better to choose a different type of mono-diet.

Plus a day - minus weight

A reasonable approach to organizing your diet and daily routine allows you not only to get rid of extra pounds. Such a system affects the entire body, bringing it undoubted benefits:

The only disadvantage of Mila's diet is the inability to quickly part with unwanted kilograms. To achieve the desired result, you will have to systematically work on yourself and your body. But with each new day, the arrow of the scale will smoothly move down, and the body will acquire harmony and beautiful shapes.

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