Fitness workouts for weight loss: strength, cardio, interval, EMS, Tabata, anaerobic

Types of fat burning workouts

Fitness training for weight loss, aimed at destroying subcutaneous fat, can be divided into 3 main types:

  • cardio: strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • interval: involve performing exercises at the limit of physical capabilities; represent an alternation of high load and rest;
  • strength: they start the process of burning fat by increasing energy consumption (circuit training), using free weight (barbells, dumbbells).

Which sport is best for losing weight?

For 1 full-fledged cardio session you can burn from 500 kcal. Cardio exercises are good for the cardiovascular system and lungs. One of the disadvantages of cardio exercise is that it burns not only fat, but also muscle mass. Without including strength exercises in the program, muscles will not recover.

If you follow a training and nutrition regimen, the weight will come off, but the body will not become as toned as possible with strength training.

Strength exercises help to achieve significant changes in appearance, improve muscle tone, and increase their number. Strength training has longer-term effects. The absence of this type of load can lead to loss of muscle, body elasticity, and slow down metabolism.

Interval training, which puts a high-intensity load on the body, is also considered one of the most effective for burning calories. Monotonous, monotonous and habitual exercises will not lead to the desired effect. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to combine different sports.

As a result of using more muscles, efficiency will be significantly higher. It is not necessary to complete all types of workouts on 1 day. They can be alternated. When choosing a specific type of activity, it is important to consider possible contraindications.


Some express doubts that it is possible to organize weight loss training in the gym. For most people, this place is associated with pumping muscles, bulking, cutting, bodybuilders and powerlifters lifting iron. In fact, this is where you can structure the lesson in such a way as to start the fat burning process, which will continue even after the end of the training for another 24 hours. This effect is difficult to achieve at home due to the small number of simulators and equipment.

Why gym exercises are so beneficial for weight loss:

  • allow you to burn a lot of calories;
  • accelerate metabolism;
  • activate the synthesis of testosterone and somatotropin, which prevent muscle catabolism and trigger the breakdown of fat cells;
  • increase sweating, which also contributes to weight loss;
  • increase muscle tone, thanks to which a beautiful figure is sculpted.

Properly organized training in the gym allows you to combine cardio with strength exercises. This leads to weight loss, but not to painful anorexia, when the muscles atrophy and the skin hangs in folds from the thin body. Anaerobics pumps up muscles and preserves muscle fibers, protecting them from splitting to produce the necessary energy. Aerobics forces the body to use up fat reserves. This applies to both men and women.

On a note. Women who work out in the gym will lose weight more slowly than men because, due to their natural capabilities, they have to focus on cardio and their metabolism starts much more slowly. But thanks to this, pumping of muscles does not threaten them.

Cardio training

Cardio training is one of the key workouts in the weight loss process.

Cardio exercises:

  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • contribute to the enrichment of blood with oxygen;
  • improve metabolism;
  • relieve stress and psychological tension.

To achieve the maximum possible weight loss results, you must comply with the following basic requirements:

  • the room should be well ventilated; outdoor activities will be more effective;
  • The optimal time for 1 workout is considered to be from 40 to 60 minutes: the fat burning process begins after 30 minutes. after the start of the lesson, 60 minutes later. “muscles” begin to burn;
  • the pulse should be from 120 beats/min: you can calculate the optimal rhythm depending on age as follows - from the maximum heart rate of 220, you need to subtract the age, then multiply by 0.65 (minimum limit) or 0.85 (maximum permissible limit);
  • It is recommended to alternate exercises of different intensity and duration.

Calorie expenditure varies by age, weight, and type of workout. The table shows examples of common cardio exercises, indicating the number of calories burned.

Type of activityCalorie consumption
Race walking2 thousand steps/day will help keep your figure in shape; in order to get rid of extra kg, the load should be increased by 5-7 times; in 1 hour you can burn from 417 kcal with a weight of 70 kg.
RunOn average in 30 minutes. By running, a person weighing 60 kg can lose about 249 kcal.
Exercise bike exercisesTrains most of the muscles, serves as a prevention of cellulite; in 30 min. training at a speed of 10 to 15 km/h can burn about 10 g of fat; for 1 hour of training at an average load you can spend from 490 kcal.
EllipsoidActs primarily on the lower body; 1 hour of training consumes from 340 to 540 kcal.
Jumping with a rolling pinIn 1 hour, with a weight of 70 kg, you can lose from 700 kcal; The exercise is especially effective for those who want to get rid of excess weight in the hips; Despite the fact that this activity affects a specific area to a greater extent and does not have a local effect, jumping with a rolling pin helps eliminate lymphatic congestion.
Rowing machineMore suitable for working the muscles of the upper body; in 1 hour of exercise at a moderate pace, a person weighing up to 90 kg will spend approximately 470 kcal.

Alternative types of cardio exercises also include:

  • skiing, skating, roller skating;
  • swimming;
  • athletics;
  • team sports (badminton);
  • rhythmic gymnastics.


Classes in fitness centers mean orderliness and system. You can’t come here without any plan and randomly go through the simulators: first sit in a Hack machine, then lie on a Roman bench, finish with rocking in hyperextension. You need a specific training program.

Ideally, it should be compiled by a personal trainer who will take into account goals, objectives and individual parameters. If this is not possible, when working on it yourself, rely on ready-made templates. Below will be presented several approximate options of different types - for both men and women.

For convenience, the program can be downloaded to your phone so as not to forget the sequence of exercises, the number of repetitions and approaches, and the time intervals between them.

Interval circuit for men

Beginners perform in 2 circles, advanced - in 4, professionals - in 6. Rest intervals between circles are 1.5-2 minutes. Frequency: three times a week. Every week, increase the number of repetitions by 2-3. After 1-1.5 months, change the set of exercises to avoid addiction.

Interval for girls

Monday and Friday:

Wednesday - interval cardio training on a stationary bike. Stages II and III are repeated in a circle several times, depending on the level of physical fitness.

HIIT for men

Performed in 2 circles three times a week. After a month, increase the intensity of training, after 2, change the program to another.

Fat burning for women

It will allow you not only to lose weight, but also to develop an ideal, seductive figure in 3 months.

Circular for men

Each set of exercises is performed in 2-3 circles (depending on the level of physical fitness). The rest interval is 1.5-2 minutes.

Interval training

One of the modern methods of losing weight is interval training. This type of sports activity helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to form the correct body contours in a shorter period of time and significantly increase the body's endurance. 1 lesson lasts from 20 to 40 minutes. The principle is to alternate physical activity of varying intensity.

During training, the body works to the limit of its capabilities. Therefore, in order to avoid harm to health, it is recommended to consult with a specialist about the absence of contraindications when conducting this type of training.


Tabata was developed in Japan. This is a super-intensive class that works all muscle groups. Each exercise must be performed to the limit of physical capabilities. The lesson includes 5 cycles of 4 minutes each. every. 20 seconds are allotted for 1 exercise in a cycle with a break of 10 seconds. The second part is about stretching to avoid muscle spasms.

Every minute of training, about 15 kcal are consumed, which is almost 2 times more than during jogging (up to 9 kcal/min). In total, a person loses an average of 480 kcal in 20 minutes.

At the end of the exercises, fat burning continues for another day at the same pace as during Tabata. As a result of research it was proven: 4 min. Tabata, which includes jumping squats, increases the metabolic rate by 2 times for 30 minutes.


Fitness training for weight loss can combine several areas.

Fitmix is ​​a dynamic workout that includes elements:

  • yoga;
  • dance;
  • stretching;
  • aerobics;
  • fitbox.

The following can be used as equipment:

  • fitball;
  • special platform;
  • rubber bands;
  • dumbbells.

The combination of statistical and energetic exercises of fitmix promotes: uniform use of all muscle groups and strengthening of body contours; improving posture; effective weight loss. In 1 session you burn 360 kcal.


Workout involves working with your own weight. Exercises are performed at an explosive pace. This could be: alternating pull-ups/push-ups with squats, jumping rope at different paces, plank (performed during rest).

For 1 workout, women can spend from 300 to 600 kcal, men from 500 to 1000 kcal. The benefits of the exercise include all the benefits of interval training.


Fartlek means “game of speeds” in Swedish. The exercise process consists of cyclically repeating alternating running at different speeds at several paces. Explosive acceleration doubles energy consumption. After class, the calorie burning process continues. In 40 min. you can burn from 300 kcal.

Fartlek is an effective weight loss method that helps: maintain the body in good shape; activation of the body's metabolic processes; general strengthening of the body as a whole.


Interval running training - alternating 10-30 seconds. acceleration with measured running. A calm run should last no more than 2-3 minutes.

Benefits of interval running:

  • improving body performance;
  • cardiovascular activity and lung function improves;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • fat burning occurs faster: in 6 weeks of regular exercise you can get rid of 12.4% of fat;
  • energy consumption (calories) continues up to 48 hours after the end of the lesson.

Using cardio equipment

Cardio equipment can be used during interval training. The most effective for these purposes are: treadmill, exercise bike, ellipse. The treadmill can be used to alternate between high and low levels of exercise: sprinting, jogging, walking.

Thanks to the saturation of the body with oxygen and interval training, fat deposits will disappear quite quickly. Energy consumption in 30 minutes. classes is up to 425 kcal. To increase efficiency, you can use a sharp change in the inclination angle of the running belt in different ranges (25%, 65% of the maximum height).

Cycling cardio exercises at a vigorous and leisurely pace will also be an effective method of burning fat.

It can be:

  • squats;
  • jumping rope;
  • jumping out;
  • push-ups from different starting positions.

Power training

Strength training is work with a constant increase in weight load, with your own weight or iron.

The positive effect of these classes is manifested in the following:

  • the skeleton, ligaments, tendons are strengthened;
  • the risk of sagging skin is reduced;
  • the size and strength of muscle fibers increases;
  • metabolism improves;
  • As a result of losing excess weight, the body becomes not just thin, but toned.

Workouts for weight loss in the absence of regular strength loads become ineffective as the body gets used to it. When doing fitness without elements of strength training, a person begins to lose muscle mass. On average, over the age of 20, you can lose 250 g in 1 year; after 60 years, the figure becomes 2 times greater.

Muscles are the main consumers of calories obtained from food. The greater their mass, the higher the metabolic rate (1 kg of muscle tissue uses 15 kcal every day, 1 kg of fat uses 5 kcal).

Calories are consumed not only during training, but also after training for 24 hours. By performing strength exercises, the body works for the future. If the sports regimen is followed correctly, the results last for a long time.

Power yoga

Power yoga is one of the latest trends. The following types of power yoga are considered the most effective (the number of calories burned is indicated for 1 person weighing 60 kg per 1 hour of classes).

Namely :

  • Hatha – 189 kcal;
  • Ashtanga – 351 kcal;
  • Bikram – 477 kcal;
  • Vinyasa – 594 kcal.

After classes, the fat burning process continues. First of all, yoga is a spiritual practice, so in order to lose weight, it is recommended to combine yoga with other strength and cardio exercises.

The benefits of power yoga include:

  • effective muscle strengthening;
  • excess weight loss;
  • alignment of posture, strengthening of the back;
  • relief from joint pain;
  • improved stretching and flexibility;
  • positive effect on spirit and mind.


Strength aerobics refers to a whole group of fitness classes. This workout can combine several types of loads. The set of exercises necessarily includes strength ones, which involve working with your own weight and equipment. The intense pace of the classes requires physical fitness.

The tasks that strength aerobics copes with are getting rid of excess fat and toning muscles. In 1 lesson you can burn from 500 kcal. Aerobics will not help you build large amounts of muscle mass, but it will be an effective way to stop the loss of existing muscles that burn with age.

Anaerobic training

During anaerobic exercise (eg, jogging, weight lifting), unlike aerobic exercise, the body produces energy without oxygen. For best results, it is recommended to combine both types of loads. Anaerobic training is very stressful for the heart, joints, and nervous system.

The positive effect of classes leads to:

  • development, strengthening of muscles, joints;
  • development of “explosive” strength;
  • increasing the rate of metabolism and elimination of toxins;
  • increasing bone density;
  • positive effect on regulating blood sugar levels.

For 1 hour of weight lifting, the average consumption will be 420 kcal. Due to active growth and strengthening of muscles, weight may remain the same, but changes in body shape for the better will be noticeable.


Circuit training - performing 4-8 exercises for different muscle groups and then repeating them. The rest period between cycles should be absent or last 1-3 minutes.

Benefits of this training:

  • the ability to use different muscle groups in 1 session;
  • ability to adjust the load;
  • positive effect on the functioning of the heart and lungs;
  • an effective way to get rid of fat (in 1 session you burn 30% more fat than with standard strength training) and increase muscle mass.

Circuit fitness training for weight loss helps you control your weight.
Calorie consumption depends on the intensity of the program. The average is about 560 kcal/1 hour.

Other workouts

Fitness training for losing weight, bringing the body into the desired shape, and combating fat deposits in a certain area additionally includes the following types of strength training.


  • sets of exercises with overcoming your own body weight (without weights) - shaping, push-ups, pull-ups (on average consumption is 560 kcal/1 hour with intense exercise);
  • exercises with weights and external resistance (use of dumbbells, expanders, strength training equipment);
  • isometric exercises, which involve static or dynamic tension while trying to hold or lift a load (helps strengthen the buttocks).

Workout program for men to lose weight. Strength training for weight loss

Strength training for men for weight loss in the gym is not heavy weights and an endless number of repetitions, it is a light weight that always slightly strains the muscles, but nothing more, and a maximum of 20-25 repetitions of 3-4 sets.

  • Warm up - 20-30 minutes of cardio and joint stretching.
  • Deadlift - 15 reps, 3 sets.
  • Lunges with dumbbells - 10 repetitions for each leg, 3 sets. To begin with, it is better to train your legs one at a time. If doing 10 repetitions is still difficult, reduce to 8, but after a couple of days start building up strength.
  • Dumbbell flyes lying on a bench - 15 repetitions of 3 sets.
  • Seated dumbbell press - 15 reps, 3 sets.
  • Pull-ups - 15 repetitions, 3 sets.
  • Squats with a barbell - 12 repetitions of 3 sets. During the first classes in the gym, it is best for a man to use only the bar, and it is fundamentally important not to put pressure on the spine.
  • Cardio on the machines for 20 minutes.

EMS training

EMS – stimulation of muscle contractions through electrical impulses. Scientists in Taiwan conducted research to study the energy expenditure of the body under the influence of electrical stimuli.

The results showed that at maximum intensity of EMS exposure, caloric expenditure was up to 76 per hour. At the same time, at rest the consumption was 65 kcal/1 hour. Based on the research, conclusions were drawn about the ineffective use of EMS as a means of losing weight. EMS can be used as an addition to the main technique.

Cycle aerobics

Cycle aerobics uses almost all muscle groups and effectively works the body. Cycle can be a cardio workout or high-intensity interval training. Cycling is much more effective than an elliptical, treadmill, or exercise bike.

The lesson takes place in sitting and standing positions. In the latter case, more muscles work. Cycle allows you to work out not only your legs and buttocks, but also your abs, arms, and shoulders. Cycle is a good remedy for burning fat and getting rid of cellulite. 45 min. classes, depending on the intensity and level of difficulty, can save from 400 to 800 kcal.

During exercise, blood circulation improves significantly. Oxygenated blood flows to the muscles and helps accelerate their growth.

Healthy weight loss means, among other things, including cardio and strength fitness training in your daily plan. In the absence of contraindications, these types of exercises can become part of an intense workout, which will significantly speed up the process of losing weight.

Weight loss exercises for women

Girls love to pump up their abs and buttocks, but it’s better to do a full body complex: many arm exercises perfectly pump up the abs.

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Russian Twist

We sit on the tailbone. Legs raised at an angle of 45 degrees. Symmetry is important: if the legs are raised high, the body should also be high. We round our back in the thoracic region and stretch back with our chest, but not with our shoulders. As you exhale, turn your body in one direction and the other. The oblique muscle exercise is best done without dumbbells to preserve your waist. We perform 3 approaches for a minute, with a break of 30 seconds.


We lie on our back, legs raised at an angle of 90 degrees. The knees should be directly above the hips. Hands are placed behind the head, elbows pointing forward. As you exhale, twist forward with your elbows, trying to reach your knees. We fixate at the top point for a couple of seconds and smoothly lower down while inhaling. Place your back completely on the floor. We perform 3 approaches for a minute, with a break of 30 seconds.

Plie squats

We place our legs wider than our shoulders, and our knees and feet must be turned at an angle of 45 degrees. As you inhale, we lower ourselves down to parallel with the floor, moving our pelvis as far back as possible. We shift the body weight onto the heels, a slight deflection in the back, and pull the chest up. As we exhale we rise up. At the top point, we do not fully extend our knees. We perform 3 approaches for a minute with a break of 30 seconds.

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