Real reviews and instructions for using the myostimulator belt for abdominal weight loss Ab Gymnic

Finding a suitable weight loss product is very difficult, since almost every one of them has contraindications. But you want to lose weight without harm to your health. If you dream of a beautiful and proportionate figure, then your choice will definitely be the Ab Gymnic belt.

Ab Gymnic is a belt with a myostimulator. Its main advantage is losing weight without dieting or sports exercises. The myostimulator is completely safe for health, which is confirmed by an international quality certificate. Manufacturers assure that the effect obtained from it will be long-term.

What's included

The Ab Gymnic belt is a kind of exercise machine for the abdominal and back muscles. In addition, it can relieve long-term and painful lower back pain. In the set you will find 6 pads that stimulate the muscles of the middle of the body. If you want to work on the back area, then the pads should be placed in the back; if you plan to use them for the abs, they should be placed in the front.

Removing fat from the back, waist and lower back is quite difficult, sometimes it takes months of training. The belt copes with this task much faster and more efficiently.

The device has built-in special programs:

  • reducing parameters and toning the body;
  • massage aimed at recovery;
  • body-building;
  • elimination of lower back pain.

The Ab Gymnic stimulator affects the muscles, forcing them to work. The belt is specially designed for home use, since wearing it does not require additional trips to the gym.

How to use it correctly?

This myostimulator contains the following items:

  • black massage belt with blue neoprene trim;
  • belts for fastening – 2 pieces (long and short);
  • a case with a monochrome display, a microcomputer and buttons for setting modes, turning on and off;
  • lithium thin batteries CR 2032 - 2 pieces;
  • bottle of gel 100 ml (volumes may vary in different sets);
  • handbag;
  • instructions for use in Russian.

After purchasing the myostimulator, you should remove it from the package, connect the battery to the case, and apply the gel. Then you need to put on the product and tighten it on the body. It is worth remembering that without the conductive gel, the device will not work, so it must be applied under the belt.

The simplest belt for getting rid of fat and cellulite “Ab Gymnic” has the following control buttons:

  • ON/Hi – turns on the device and increases the intensity of the pulses. There are 10 operating modes in total, each press increases it by 1 step, the muscles contract more strongly.
  • OFF/Low – designed to reduce the intensity by 1 step and completely turn off the device.
  • MODE – button to set one of 6 possible modes. Which one is currently installed is shown by the indicator light. The Super Ab Gymnic model uses a display instead.

You can turn on the device in the following order. The CR 2032 battery (1 piece) is placed in a special compartment located in the front part of the case with the positive pole facing up. On the back of the device, the silver parts are lubricated with a small amount of electrically conductive gel included in the kit.

Then the massage belt is adjusted to the required length and put on the desired part of the body: the abdomen, shoulders, thigh or lower leg. It fastens with convenient Velcro. You need to tighten it tightly, but not to the maximum, so as not to feel discomfort.

After tightening, you need to turn on the device by pressing the ON/Hi button. One of the indicators lights up, but pulses at the zero level are not yet generated. Then this button is pressed again - the required number of times. When working, a slight but not uncomfortable tingling sensation is felt. You must choose the required mode in such a way as not to experience strong unpleasant muscle contractions. The operating time should be set independently, but the device itself turns off after 10 minutes - this is included in its program itself.

If the belt or neoprene pad gets dirty, unfasten the electronic housing and wipe the back with a cloth soaked in warm water and soap. Then you need to wipe the belt again with clean water and wait until the surface dries. Then you need to reattach the electrical part. You can store the belt in the bag included in the kit.

The gel or other electrically conductive liquid must be applied in such a way that it covers the entire area of ​​the silver contacts, otherwise you may feel an unpleasant tingling sensation during use. Both the back surface of the pad and the skin should be clean and free of fat. This must be monitored before each procedure. Under no circumstances should you wash the “Ab Gymnic” belt by hand or in a washing machine, crumple the pad, or use it if it is very frayed or worn out. Do not peel off the insulating sticker on the back of the appliance. If it is still missing, then this place should be covered with tape.

Operating principle

The weight loss belt stimulates the nerves responsible for the activity of muscle groups. When using Ab Gymnic, you will feel all the power and depth of its action, but without experiencing discomfort. This feeling is associated with the gradual training of abdominal muscle tissue, as a result of which excess weight is lost and the fat layer decreases.

Ab Gymnic will give your body a sculpted and beautiful shape if you use it daily. If this condition is met, you will see the first results within a week. The abdominal and back muscles will become stronger, your body will be visually more toned.

At the beginning of so-called training, use Ab Gymnic every day. Only over time, when you achieve what you want, will you be able to use the belt 2-3 times a week. This is required to maintain the achieved results.

You can achieve a greater effect by first applying anti-cellulite cream to the affected area.


It's no secret that excess weight is the result not only of overeating, but also of other factors. For example, genetic predisposition, problems with the endocrine system, insufficient physical activity. The Ab Gymnic stimulator can be used even with such problems, especially if doctors have prohibited you from playing sports for health reasons.

Manufacturers guarantee that you will lose weight just by lying on the couch. Ab Gymnic will do everything for you!

Some people think the Ab Gymnic belt is a scam. The researchers conducted a series of tests in laboratory conditions, where they found that 15 minutes of using the device is equivalent to:

  • 60 minutes of running;
  • 120 squats;
  • 200 abdominal exercises;
  • 300 side bends.

Therefore, if you still think that this is a scam, you have the opportunity to check. The effect of the exercises will be the same as that of Ab Gymnic.

The Ab Gymnic device will quickly, and most importantly, absolutely safely, make your figure luxurious and attractive. However, if you add proper nutrition and feasible exercise to using the belt, you will achieve more obvious and faster results!

Who is it suitable for?

Ab Gymnic is suitable even for athletes who want to stay in shape, but due to circumstances are unable to regularly visit the gym. If you don’t need to get rid of excess volume, but just want to correct your figure, then the new Ab Gymnic is exactly what you need.

Secure the device at your waist and lie down on the sofa to watch your favorite movie. And after a couple of weeks, enjoy a beautiful natural curve of the body, a flat stomach and toned sides. With the help of a belt, you will forever forget about the problem of cellulite. AbGymnic will get your figure in order without your participation.

Ab Gymnic will help you get in shape after childbirth. However, consult your doctor before use.

Ab gymnic phenomenon

What is the difference between this weight loss belt and its many analogues? The ab gymnic has a built-in special myostimulator, a device that sends micro-discharges of current to stimulate muscle contraction. Muscles contract, but not due to physical activity, but due to stimulation by impulses. According to the manufacturer, in this way, from a sagging, ugly belly you can get pumped up abs, the dream of anyone and everyone. And the main thing is that you don’t need to strain yourself especially when doing abdominal exercises, you don’t need to go to the gym - you can “work out” just without leaving the couch, miracle - the belt itself will do everything for you. But are these assurances true? Let's look at them in order.

Pros and cons of the device

The muscle trainer appeared on the consumer market in 2021 and immediately attracted increased attention. Stylish, safe. More and more people decided to try its action. Based on reviews from real users and manufacturers, a list of undeniable advantages has been compiled:

  • affordability;
  • can be used as a massager;
  • affects not only the abs, but also other parts of the body;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • improves the appearance of the skin.

At first, manufacturers planned to present the device as just a belly slimming belt, but then they improved the design. Now you can slim your thighs, legs, and arms just as effectively as you can tone your abs.

But still, Ab Gymnic also has negative sides, which were identified by customers:

  • not always comfortable, may cause discomfort when worn;
  • there are contraindications;
  • not suitable for people who are too overweight.

The myostimulator has undergone laboratory tests and proved that all the positive aspects are true. After several weeks of use, those losing weight notice the first results - the skin has become tighter and the muscles are firmer.


Despite all the positive aspects, Ab Gymnic also has contraindications.

Be sure to read their list before use:

  • pregnancy and the first month and a half after the birth of a child;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • menstruation period;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • colds, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • epilepsy;
  • phlebeurysm.

The belt is suitable for men and women who want to achieve ideal parameters. Reviews from doctors confirm the effectiveness of the device and safety.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that a weight loss belt is a relatively safe device, it still has a number of contraindications, here are the most common:

  • pregnancy. The effect of electrical impulses on the intrauterine development of the fetus has so far been little studied, so it is not worth the risk;
  • The belt cannot be attached to the chest and head;
  • During menstruation, exposure to impulses from the belt may cause increased bleeding;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • colds and flu, which are accompanied by fever;
  • skin inflammatory diseases, urticaria
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • epilepsy;
  • postpartum period.

Based on the above, before using a weight loss belt, you should consult a doctor, especially if you suffer from any chronic diseases. Unfortunately, possible contraindications are practically not mentioned in commercials.


The belt activates muscle function using stimulating signals. You will get strong and deep sensations from its action.

The pulses last from 80 to 400 µs, with a frequency of up to 80 Hz and an amplitude of up to 100 V. By the way, Ab Gymnic consumes a current of 50 mA from the most ordinary battery.

The instructions in Russian describe in detail the effect of the device on the body.

How to use

The AbGymnic package includes a special gel.

So, the instructions establish the rules for using the device at home:

  1. Apply the gel to the affected area. This liquid conducts current better to achieve greater results.
  2. Secure the Ab Gymnic with the special strap.
  3. Press the power button on the device's control panel. Choose a suitable pace, relax and enjoy working your muscles.
  4. One session lasts up to 10 minutes.

The instructions for use will tell you how to properly adjust the belt, because the parameters are set individually, depending on the desired result. If you have difficulty setting up, watch the instructional video.

Gel analogues

Also, many customers are concerned with the question of what to replace the Ab Gymnic belt gel with? After all, it is this conductive liquid that affects the action of the current. Experts say that it is almost impossible to replace the substance. This is due to the fact that the gel has a certain viscous structure, which prevents it from evaporating quickly.

The only substitute for a special gel is salt water, but the effect of the procedure will be much lower than expected. The liquid quickly evaporates from the surface of the skin, which can make the massage painful.

Do not use distilled water; in this case, the procedure will not be effective.

The best muscle stimulants for effective weight loss - top 5

Electric massagers have proven themselves to be effective in the fight against excess weight, cellulite, and muscle flaccidity. The cost depends on their characteristics and can vary hundreds of times. There are budget options with a minimum set of programs for home use. But they also produce professional, multifunctional models used in fitness, sports medicine in medical and spa centers, fitness clubs, and beauty salons.

Compact body training machine Ems-trainer

The Ems Trainer brand muscle stimulator (butterfly trainer) is a product of 2017. With its help you can lose weight or gain a muscular body. Under the influence of a slight electrical impulse, the muscles begin to contract. The electrical stimulator is suitable for men and women who are unable to go to the gym or limit their food intake. The exercise machine can be worn under clothing, runs on batteries, and has 15 modes. With its help, the muscles of the abdomen, legs and arms are trained. Effectiveness after a month of use – weight loss, muscle tone. The cost of the simulator is 1990 rubles.

Bradex electronic myostimulator belt

The Bradex weight loss massage belt is a belt that is attached with Velcro to a selected part of the body. Uniqueness lies in the simultaneous contraction of the muscle fibers of the area being worked on, to which the electrodes are adjacent. Electrical impulses contract and relax muscles at a selected frequency and speed. The belt has 4 built-in programs - cellulite treatment, weight loss, muscle relief formation. 40 minutes of electromyostimulation with this electronic belt replaces 1.5 hours of training in the gym. The cost of the Bradex myostimulator is 3883 rubles.

Ab Gymnic slimming belt

The Ab Gymnic abdominal muscle training belt eliminates excess weight by muscle myostimulation and gives relief to the muscles. Electrical impulses cause the abdominal muscles or other area to contract. The device is attached with two Velcro straps to the area being treated - the abdomen, thigh or shoulder. Has 6 built-in programs and up to 10 load levels. Ab Gymnic corrects figure imperfections, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, relaxes and relieves fatigue. The positive effect is visible after a course of 3-4 months. The cost of Ab Gymnic is 970 rubles.

Miha Bodytec exercise machine with a special vest

The Miha Bodytec exercise machine is a special vest with many belts, on the surface of which a separate butterfly exercise machine is attached. This works up to 95% of all muscles that can be used in strength training. It is suitable for training athletes and people with medical purposes, beginner athletes and anyone who wants to play sports. The simulator programs are suitable for people who want to gain muscle mass and those who want to lose fat. The results of the classes are noticeable after a month of training. The cost of the simulator is 550,000 rubles.

Electronic Muscular Activation Trainer (EMA/EMS) Amplitrain

Professional, multifunctional simulator Amplitrain is an innovative method of activating the body muscles (EMA/EMS), a global development in the field of fitness and sports medicine. This is a 6 channel EMA/EMS simulator with 35 programs, including: weight loss, rehabilitation, lifting, lymphatic drainage, increasing strength and muscle frame. Fitness centers are equipped with it and are suitable for athletes.

EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) training works in three directions: stimulating deep muscles, activating metabolism, increasing muscle volume without stimulating nerves. When exposed to impulses, muscles execute commands with a frequency of up to 100 contraction/relaxation cycles per second. 20 minutes of training replaces 3 hours in the gym. Comes with custom pads and suits in different sizes. The price of this professional simulator starts from 750,000 rubles.

Order and price

Due to the fact that reviews of the Ab Gymnic belt indicate its effectiveness, online stores are overflowing with counterfeits of the popular device. You can buy a muscle stimulator for burning fat on the official website at a fixed price.

In the online store you will be offered a simple form where you indicate your contact number and initials. A few minutes after submitting your application, you receive a call from an operator who clarifies the order and answers your questions. After confirmation, you just have to wait a few days until you receive the parcel. You can pay for the goods in cash at the post office where your AbGymnic will be delivered.

The price of a fat burning machine is about 1000 Russian rubles and may vary slightly depending on the exchange rate and country of residence.

Beware of fakes. Order the Ab Gymnic stimulator only on the official website.

What experts say

The new Ab Gymnic aroused great interest in the community. Based on reviews from doctors, it becomes clear that it is unnecessary to rely only on a belt when losing weight. Positive results can be achieved in combination with exercise and proper nutrition.

The belt brought to life the dream of those who only dreamed of losing weight quickly without much effort. This is a great option for busy people whose schedule does not allow training in a fitness club. I recommend Ab Gymnic to all my students, because achieving results requires more than just practice. In my opinion, the main advantage of the device is that by wearing it you can not follow a diet, but simply enjoy the work of your muscles. And if you want to achieve greater efficiency, do not forget about exercises in the gym.

Kopylov Denis, fitness trainer

After studying the reviews about the belt, I realized that it cannot help everyone losing weight. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body, which reacts differently to Ab Gymnic. I believe that it is better to combine wearing the device with proper nutrition, only then can we talk about losing weight.

Volnova Ekaterina, nutritionist

Customers' opinions

Customer reviews of Ab Gymnic show that the device only works if you strictly follow the instructions and purchase it from official suppliers.

My Ab Gymnic arrived just 2 weeks after ordering. I used it for a month, but I still didn’t notice any weight loss effect. But the muscles appeared, the skin became elastic, and the general condition improved. Basically, I'm happy with the result.

Irina, 39 years old

Abzhimnik gave me faith in myself in the literal sense of the word. I used it on my buttocks and stomach. Thanks to him, I got rid of cellulite, which had been tormenting me for 5 years. Before using the belt, I applied anti-cellulite cream, which helped to increase the positive effect. And cubes even began to appear on the abs! This is what I have dreamed about all my life! I recommend Ab Gymnic to everyone!

Alevtina, 28 years old

I came across an advertisement for a belt on social networks. The price was simply ridiculous, so I immediately decided to buy AbGymnic. Came a month later, and it was literally just a belt! No control panel, nothing! Of course, the fault here is mine, since I ordered a non-original product. Mine, by the way, cost about 200 rubles, and the price of the real one is no less than 1000.

Ksenia, 43 years old

I bought Abzhimnik on the official website at a good discount. The girl operator who called back about my application was very polite and answered all my questions. Having received the long-awaited parcel, the first thing I did was test the purchase. But I not only wore a belt, but also adhered to proper nutrition. After just 2 weeks I noticed the effect. I lost a few centimeters from my waist and my skin improved noticeably. I'll continue the experiment!

Marina, 26 years old

As I got older, my belly appeared and I decided to go to the gym. I worked out for several months, lost a little weight, but my stomach didn’t go away much. Therefore, I ordered a myostimulator to focus the effect specifically on my problem area. I wear it outside of training. I like that you feel the load on your abs, and you seem to be pumping them, but in reality you are just sitting at the computer. And the result is visible! The belly began to gradually disappear.

Igor, 35 years old

Photo reports

Myostimulator Ab Gymnic has a proven effect of fat burning and muscle formation. You will see the first positive results after two weeks of use. The new belt will become an assistant for busy people who want to keep fit.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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