Herbalife herbal drink: composition, instructions for use, real reviews

General information

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Mark Hughes was once inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating products for healthy weight loss. It was he who created the Herbalife company in the USA in 1980. He released a line of dietary supplements for weight loss and proper nutrition, among which tea occupied a special place.

The company claims that the drugs contain only extracts, powders and extracts from medicinal fruits and herbs that affect the body without harm to health, helping to normalize metabolism, reduce weight, and improve the condition of skin and hair.

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Herbalife weight loss products have a convenient form of use. All supplements and teas are tested and developed in our own laboratories, and also have the necessary certificates. There are more than eighty company offices around the world, including in Russia. Therefore, it is easy to buy products from this brand.

Classic herbal drink 50 g

Wildlife is a world like a fairy tale, full of strange transformations. The metamorphosis that occurs with an inconspicuous caterpillar from which a butterfly is born can be called a miracle. A fragile, airy creature, like a revived flower, serves as an example for girls and women who dream of their own transformation. We are talking about the desire to lose weight. The natural power of plants, which Herbalife tea has chosen to contain, will help you achieve weightlessness of flight.

Herbalife herbal drink is the magic of tea leaves, the energy of coffee beans, the tenderness of mallow, the brightness of hibiscus, the spicy passion of cardamom... Six natural components that harmoniously complement each other will turn chronic fatigue into an inexhaustible source of energy, and extra pounds into a faded memory.

Unique herbal formula

Herbalif tea contains:

a complex of natural antioxidants to protect and cleanse the body of toxins, waste and free radicals (black and green tea);

caffeine is a natural fat burner that triggers metabolism;

mallow extract, which strengthens the immune system;

hibiscus, which promotes gentle cleansing of the body;

cardamom, which effectively combats digestive problems;

natural additives to improve the taste of the drink (lemon zest, raspberries), rich in vitamin C.

Thermogenics Herbalife tea is an effective remedy for safe weight loss and overall health of the body. The word “thermogenix” means that the drink contains natural fat burners (from “thermogenic” - “producing heat”). These substances include caffeine.

Surprisingly, Herbalife tea for weight loss is also a reliable remedy for strengthening the body. The secret of the drink lies in the harmonious combination of ingredients, the beneficial properties of which have been known to mankind since ancient times.

Herbalife herbal drink: components of health

Green tea is rich in tannins (tannins and phytoflavonoids), which are natural antioxidants. By binding free radicals, they prevent the degeneration of healthy cells into cancer cells. Tannin cleanses the liver of toxins and waste. Scientists from the University of Geneva (Switzerland) confirmed that green tea can speed up the burning of fat. They tracked how the weight of 10 healthy people changed over 6 weeks of daily green tea drinking. The experiment showed that the invigorating drink speeds up metabolism and can be used as a means of losing weight.

Black tea extract has a tonic effect and helps fight the symptoms of chronic fatigue and apathy that are typical for residents of modern cities. By activating brain activity, this type of tea improves performance and strengthens memory.

Black tea contains a unique substance – quercetin, which prevents blood clots. Essential oils, iron, polyphenolic compounds (tannin) make tea a drink of eternal youth.

Hibiscus is a medicinal plant that lowers blood sugar levels, relieves depression and promotes weight loss due to its mild laxative effect. Hibiscus has a high content of vitamin C and anthocyanins (organic compounds), due to which it not only heals, but also cleanses the body of toxins.

Caffeine is used in weight loss products to speed up metabolism and burn fat tissue. In addition, it improves mood, increases performance, and successfully fights chronic fatigue.

Silver mallow extract – relieves pain, strengthens the immune system, restores the body after colds, is a cleanser, effective in weight loss.

Cardamom extract is a digestive system stimulant, rich in vitamins and microelements necessary to maintain body tone. Iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and “elements of beauty” (B vitamins) are the secret to the appearance of spices in weight loss compositions.

How to brew and drink Herbalife herbal tea?

One serving of the drink is a teaspoon of concentrated mixture per 300 ml of hot water (to preserve the beneficial properties of the product, it is better not to use boiling water). Suitable for consumption during breakfast and lunch.

It is better to refrain from brewing tea before bed due to the invigorating properties of the drink.

Calorie content of the drink: the energy value of one serving of tea does not exceed 5 kcal. At the same time, the drink contains caffeine, which stimulates heat exchange by converting adipose tissue into energy. By drinking 0.5 liters of tea a day, you get rid of 80 calories with each cup.

The drink is suitable for daily use, but the course should not exceed one month.


age under 18 years;

individual intolerance to components;

renal failure;

cardiovascular diseases.

Time-tested quality

Herbalife, a company producing dietary supplements and healthy food products, was founded back in 1980. Its creator, Mark Hughes, achieved recognition of the products in Western Europe and North America, and in 1995, Russians first became acquainted with Herbalife products. Herbal tea, the beneficial properties of which have been tested by time, appeared shortly before. By now, he has already celebrated his thirtieth birthday, and isn’t this an indicator of his demand?

Now Herbalife is a reliable manufacturer of biologically active food supplements and an expert in the field of healthy nutrition. Twenty reputable specialists who are members of the Scientific Council are working on creating formulas for unique products. It is attended by nutritionists and qualified doctors. The delegate from the Russian Federation is Alla Pogozheva, head of the department of cardiovascular pathology at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Doctor of Medical Sciences).

Herbalife products are in demand in the market in 90 countries around the world.

You can buy Herbalife tea in the online store with delivery throughout Russia. Contact the official distributor of the company to receive additional information about products and discounts.

What are the benefits of the drink

It is worth immediately debunking the myth that the Herbalife herbal drink burns fat. Actually this is not true. The components that make up tea act differently. They cleanse the body of toxins, remove excess fluid, reduce appetite and improve intestinal motility.

The benefits of the drink are as follows:

  • metabolism is stimulated;
  • vitality increases;
  • swelling goes away;
  • excess water and toxins are removed;
  • cheerfulness and lightness appear;
  • digestion improves;
  • appetite decreases.

Composition of Thermozhetics tea from Herbalife and release form

This drink, like other types of products from Herbalife, is a biological supplement that contains only natural ingredients. They are made from extracts, extracts, powders of herbs, fruits and berries, and therefore do not have a harmful effect on the human body.

According to the manufacturer, regular consumption of tea and other products not only promotes active weight loss and improves metabolism, but also improves the condition of hair and skin color. As a result, overall well-being improves, vigor and good mood appear.

Taking Thermozhetics tea is easy. All products have a convenient form and simple instructions for use.

Thermozhetics tea is an herbal drink that helps control weight and increase energy in the body. According to the manufacturer, it contains 7 extracts of various plants.

The most important and active ingredients are: extracts of lemon peel, guarana, green tea, silver mallow and cardamom flowers, natural ground coffee powder, hibiscus or Sudanese rose. Objectively speaking, there are no “magic” components. Therefore, it does not have miraculous properties.

However, each component serves a specific role.

Green tea is recognized throughout the world as one of the most powerful antioxidants; it prolongs youth and eliminates harmful free radicals. It contains enough caffeine to energize a person. Green tea reduces appetite. It contains certain substances that lower the amount of glucose in the blood, and this prevents sudden spikes in insulin, which provoke a feeling of hunger and a desire to snack on something tasty.

Mallow extract also helps control appetite. Plant fiber substances entering the stomach take up space and leave no space for food. Mallow intensively stimulates the production of bile, which is necessary for the breakdown of fats. This improves metabolism.

The zest extract in tea serves as a source of citric acid, which cleanses the body well of excess toxins. It is also wonderfully invigorating.

Hibiscus, or Damask rose , activates metabolic processes in the body. It improves the functioning of the immune system and defense systems. Hibiscus is an excellent antioxidant and anthocyanin. The last component strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them more elastic.

In addition, hibiscus is a weak diuretic, which helps eliminate edema, reduces the amount of glucose, helps remove toxins and improves intestinal motility. And, of course, thanks to the Sudanese rose, the tea has a pleasant taste with a slight sourness.

Cardamom is needed to improve the digestive system and increase the breakdown of fats. It also relieves swelling and relieves inflammation. Cardamom also enhances the quality of green tea and gives a wonderful aroma.

Natural coffee extract energizes and invigorates, but is also a diuretic.

Guarana is a well-known laxative and diuretic. It’s rare that a weight loss product is complete without it. It stimulates active intestinal motility and removes fluid from the body.

The composition contains extracts that cannot harm health (unless an allergy occurs), but they will not actively contribute to weight loss either.

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Composition and properties of the main components

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The composition of the Herbalife herbal drink includes extracts of black and green tea, hibiscus, cardamom, coffee powder and mallow. Below we will take a closer look at each of these components.

  • Green tea extract. It has tonic and antioxidant properties and contains caffeine. The therapeutic effect is ensured thanks to vitamin P included in the composition. It lowers blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol. Catechins have antiviral and antimicrobial effects. Vitamins, enzymes and minerals have a beneficial effect on metabolism, increase metabolism, promote the elimination of toxins and the breakdown of fats. Antioxidant properties slow down the aging process, prevent cell oxidation and have a positive effect on the skin.
  • Black tea extract. Improves memory, activates mental activity, stimulates metabolism, relieves fatigue, normalizes heart activity, speeds up metabolism, and is good for teeth. In addition, it contains quercetin, which prevents the formation of blood clots. Black tea extract also contains organic acids, alkaloids, tannins, essential oils and vitamins. And manganese and iron have a beneficial effect on a person’s overall well-being.
  • Mallow extract. Strengthens the body's antioxidant defense as it is considered a source of anthocyanins. Caffeine tones and speeds up metabolism. Improves the effects of green tea, which helps eliminate fat more effectively.
  • Hibiscus flowers. They contain a special complex of fruit and amino acids, inorganic and organic microelements, and a large amount of vitamins. Hibiscus flowers also contain polysaccharides, flavonoids, and anthocyanins. All this helps cleanse the body, remove toxins, improve metabolism and slow down the formation of fat. A complex of microelements and vitamins provides the body with vital energy, helps overcome fatigue, and improves immunity.
  • Cardamom extract normalizes digestion. It is considered one of the best stimulants for the digestive system. Contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, B vitamins and beneficial essential oils. Removes waste and toxins from the body.
  • Lemon zest extract. Contains a large amount of bioflavonoids, which help better absorb vitamins and other beneficial substances.


Herbalife Thermojetics weight loss drinks contain plants and fruits:

  • lemon zest, which is a source of vitamin C, speeds up metabolism;
  • guarana extract, which has an invigorating and tonic effect;
  • green tea, which reduces appetite and regulates insulin levels in the blood;
  • mallow flowers, which accelerate the feeling of fullness due to the presence of dietary fiber;
  • cardamom, which improves digestion and speeds up metabolism;
  • ground coffee, which stimulates the exchange of fluids in the body, giving a boost of vivacity and energy;
  • Sudanese rose, which improves peristalsis;
  • hibiscus extract, which improves the body's defenses and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Herbalife Thermocomplete tea contains:

  1. Green tea – tones, removes fluid, eliminating swelling.
  2. Mint leaves - dilate blood vessels, tone.
  3. Cinnamon – regulates metabolism and insulin levels.
  4. Alfalfa – has a diuretic effect, stimulates the removal of toxins from the digestive system.
  5. Celery extract – replenishes the lack of vitamins, stimulates metabolism, accelerates saturation of the body when eating due to the content of dietary fiber.
  6. Cocoa – tones, invigorates, replenishes the balance of vitamins and acids.
  7. Fennel – promotes digestion, removes toxins and waste, relieves nervous excitability.

The NRG tea product contains: black tea extract, lemon zest, aloe, guarana and citric acid. Being a powerful energy booster, it increases vitality and energy levels. Contraindicated in pregnant, lactating women and people with high blood pressure.

Herbalife herbal drink: how to drink

Since tea contains quite a lot of caffeine, experts advise drinking it in the morning and afternoon, but no later than 17:00. The drink is brewed very simply: 0.5 teaspoon of powder is poured with hot, warm or cold water, it all depends on the person’s preferences. Tea is consumed several times a day, and the time of consumption does not depend on food.

The therapeutic course lasts one month, then a break is taken. Herbalife herbal drink can be used not only for weight loss, but also for loss of strength, chronic fatigue, and decreased performance. The calorie content of the product is only 5 kcal per serving.

How to drink Herbalife tea

The instructions for using Thermozhetix are simple. The drink is sold in the form

powdered concentrate. For preparation you will need 2 - 3 teaspoons of the product and plain warm water. For a drink, 1.5 - 2 liters is enough for the whole day.

However, due to the caffeine content in Thermozhetics tea, you should drink it in the first half of the day or in the afternoon, but before five or six in the evening, so as not to experience problems with sleep.

Water of any temperature is suitable for brewing: warm, hot or cold. This makes it applicable at different times of the year. You can also make tea right before drinking; to do this, simply dilute half a teaspoon of Thermozhetix powder in a cup.

The course of taking the drink should not last more than one month. The manufacturer also indicates that Thermozhetics tea is suitable for restoring strength, energy fatigue, depression, and decreased performance.

Side effects and contraindications

Long-term use of this tea can cause dizziness, insomnia and dry mouth. In some cases, the heart rhythm is disrupted, blood pressure rises, and a depressed emotional state occurs. Before using the Herbalife Tea herbal drink, you need to consult a doctor.

The drug is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • chronic stomach diseases;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • hypertension;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis.

You should also not drink tea for migraines and severe headaches until the causes of their occurrence are clear.

Does everyone lose weight?

During the time that the company has been selling its products, thousands of women and men have used the supplements. They drank teas, took protein shakes, ate nutritional bars, and tried to follow the consultants' recommendations.

Real reviews about Herbalife for weight loss only say that you can really get rid of extra pounds only in combination with physical activity and proper nutrition. If you don’t follow a diet and don’t exercise, no teas or nutritional supplements will help. Most people who have an unbalanced diet describe the company's products as useless products that do not help burn fat.

The opinion of doctors and those who have lost weight

On forums and websites you can find many real reviews about Herbalife. There are both positive and negative statements. After analyzing them, we can conclude that tea helps only those who refuse junk food and exercise regularly.

Many doctors are skeptical about the herbal drink for weight loss. Some admit that the drug can be used as an additional remedy when fighting extra pounds. In this case, it is able to increase the effectiveness of other methods by cleansing the body and accelerating metabolism. But the effect of tea is very small, and as an independent product for weight loss it is useless. Experts also emphasize that prolonged and uncontrolled use of the Herbalife herbal drink can be harmful to health.


The company has faced litigation and criticism more than once. Most often, the accusations were based on the fact that the supplements produced do not provide the promised effect and are even harmful. In the 90s, the first publications appeared on the hepatotoxicity of Herbalife drugs. At the same time, studies were carried out that revealed that the drugs can cause severe kidney failure. It is worth noting that the objectivity of the results has been questioned.

In the 80s, Herbalife was called a financial pyramid. This led to the company periodically being under investigation. But here, too, guilt was never proven. The company was also called a cult, suspected of connections with Scientologists and Freemasons, and criticized for the personality cult of Mark Hughes. All this continues today. But, despite everything, Herbalife continues its activities.

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