Kuaymy for weight loss. Reviews and results, instructions for use, price

Indications for use

Kuaym for weight loss, the reviews and results of which have been studied quite well, is a popular supplement. Used for weight problems and metabolic disorders in the body. A dietary supplement is useful for cleansing the intestines and normalizing appetite.

Indicated for obesity (mild, moderate and severe), caused by genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, and compulsive disorders. Helps get rid of the consequences of overeating and return your figure to normal after pregnancy. In the latter case, the course should be started after the end of lactation.

The manufacturer is Technology Co, Ltd. It should be understood that capsules alone will not be able to completely get rid of excess weight; this is only one of the means for losing weight, which must be supplemented with a proper moderate diet and regular physical activity.


A popular variety of the drug is Kuaymy, based on red pepper, available in capsules.

The basis of the composition is components of natural origin:

  • red hot pepper extract and capsaicin normalize metabolic processes and stimulate fat burning in the body;
  • Zuoyuanzhou alkali helps reduce acidity, therefore stabilizes digestion and relieves heartburn;
  • jiaodulan glycoside – a component to reduce appetite;
  • natural protein – suppresses hunger, tightens the skin and helps get rid of sagging;
  • vitamins and nutrients - help the body get rid of the deficiency of components necessary for full functioning.

Since capsaicin is irritating to the stomach and mucous membranes, an alkali is added to the drug, the purpose of which is to neutralize the negative effect of the main component. Capsaicin destroys bacteria that penetrate the gastrointestinal tract with food, is beneficial for the heart muscle, and removes waste and toxins from the intestines, including old ones.

After taking the capsule, a person will feel hot, but this is normal and should not be a cause for concern. A slight increase in temperature in the subcutaneous zone indicates that fat burning processes have started.

In addition to red pepper extract, the dietary supplement may contain natural ingredients:

Component nameShort description
SpirulinaSeaweed enriched with vitamins normalizes metabolic processes, enriches the body with essential amino acids, micro- and macroelements.
MusselsThey contain a lot of taurine, an amino acid that stimulates blood circulation. It has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, blood vessels and heart muscle, and helps speed up metabolism.
GuaranaEnriched with caffeine, it will convert fat into energy, which stimulates its breakdown. The effect of guarana is revealed only in combination with other components.
ChitosanThis is a natural sorbent, the source of which is the shells of sea crustaceans. Helps remove toxins from the body.
LotusL-carnitine, the main component of lotus, burns fat well during exercise.

Capsaicin, the main component of Kuaymy, is non-addictive and stimulates the synthesis of the happiness hormone.

Kuaymy: contraindications and warnings

The most important thing is not to buy a dietary supplement until you have consulted with your doctor and received his firm approval.

You should not take this dietary supplement

  1. Before 18 and after 60 years, because this remedy has not been tested enough to take risks when the body is growing and developing, or when it is already weakening due to age-related changes.
  1. Is it possible to take during menstruation? A common question, the answer to which is no. During menstruation, stimulation of metabolism can lead to increased bleeding.
  1. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, for the same reasons as in point one.
  1. With gastrointestinal diseases - due to the aggressiveness of the ingredients included in the drug.
  1. With cardiovascular diseases, because it is unknown what the consequences may be.
  1. For epilepsy, nervous and mental diseases.
  1. With kidney ailments.
  1. With a tendency to allergies to plant agents.

What else can you expect?

While taking Kuaymy, you should give up smoking and alcohol, coffee and tea.

You shouldn’t expect an effect if you lead a sedentary life, eat baked goods and confectionery items, eat fast foods, chips, fatty foods, season all your dishes with mayonnaise and like to snack on pizzas and fried pies. You won't lose an ounce of weight.

And if you adjust the menu, eat right and do gymnastics, you can lose weight without pills and capsules. Moreover, their price is not so attractive: from 700 rubles for a pack of 9 capsules.

Accelerating metabolism by artificial means, which includes taking various drugs (for example, which include red hot pepper) is one of the most unreliable ways to get rid of extra pounds. What you accelerate artificially will slow down as soon as you stop swallowing your capsules.

The body will certainly take revenge for the experiment and you will gain new kilograms faster than before. And it’s also good if you don’t manage to get some new sore that didn’t exist before. For example, the same gastritis or ulcer, cholecystitis or pancreatitis.

In what form is it produced?

The release form of dietary supplements is exclusively capsules. The frequent mention of “Kuaimy tablets” is due to the fact that an error was made when translating the instructions for the drug from Chinese. Capsules are packed in blisters of 9 pieces. The package may contain 1,2 or 3 blisters.

Price per package (data as of February 2021, depending on the number of capsules):

  • 9 – from 800 rubles.
  • 18 – from 1500 rubles.
  • 27 – 2000 rubles, depending on the city and the specific pharmacy chain.

Kuaymyy drugs for weight loss are presented on the Russian market in several varieties:

  • capsules with the key chili component;
  • "The best of the best";
  • 4-in-1;
  • based on seaweed;
  • based on medicinal plants.

When and how to take

“Kuaimy” tablets are available in jars of 30 capsules and in strips packed in a cardboard box of 27 pieces. You can purchase weight loss products in online stores. The price of the drug is 1000-2500 rubles. It is possible to buy samples that cost from 500 rubles.

Be sure to read: Rules for using the Turboslim line of creams

Under what conditions is the use of Kuaymy capsules indicated:

  • Excess body weight (BMI 25-29 kg/m²);
  • Binge eating;
  • Metabolic disease.

According to the instructions for use for the weight loss drug "Kuaimy", you need to drink it 1 capsule per day 50 minutes before breakfast. Take the tablet with plenty of water. It is recommended to consume up to 3 liters of pure mineral water per day for better evacuation of toxins, ballast substances and fats. The maximum duration of treatment is 2 months. A repeat course is possible no earlier than after 60 days.

During the treatment period, it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages. The manufacturer warns that alcohol neutralizes the effect of the active ingredients, which will affect the final result.


Kuaymyy - Chinese-made weight loss capsules, a synthesis of traditional oriental medicine and innovative developments of the pharmaceutical industry.

The manufacturer promises that the drug, which is not classified as a medicinal product, will help get rid of fat deposits, including old ones, and will also prevent the formation of new ones. Stimulating metabolism helps rejuvenate the body.

Kuaym for weight loss, reviews and results of taking which indicate a positive effect, is distinguished by the following effects:

  • Minimum side effects.
  • Natural ingredients are completely safe for the body.
  • Easy to use.
  • Not addictive.
  • In addition to the main effect - getting rid of excess fat - metabolic processes are normalized, skin elasticity is restored, and the body is saturated with vitamins and minerals.

The capsules are good at reducing appetite, eliminating swelling, removing toxins and feces, including old ones. One course of taking dietary supplements will allow you to get rid of 7-12 kg. The drug cleanses the body of decay products, eliminates cellulite, and makes the skin more beautiful and toned.

At the same time, the person taking the drug will not suffer from hunger, since the natural components suppress appetite. During the course, due to the chili extract included in the composition, the hormone of joy is produced, so those losing weight feel burgundy, charged with energy, and not broken, as with most diets.

What distinguishes Kuaymy for weight loss from synthetic drugs is that it is well absorbed by the body and does not interfere with the functioning of internal organs. Reviews from users and the results they achieved indicate that the process of losing weight proceeds quickly, but without stress on the body.

Kuaymyy “Best of the Best” capsules are enriched with aloe extract, thanks to which they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin . This dietary supplement helps get rid of pigmentation and freckles and is indicated for use after childbirth.

The spirulina algae included in the product stimulates natural metabolic processes, and phthalein has a delicate laxative effect. Lingzhi, another component, saturates the body with vitamins, micro- and macrocomponents, and amino acids.

These capsules:

  • help block fat synthesis;
  • normalize weight;
  • remove excess fluid;
  • reduce appetite;
  • cleansed of impurities and toxins.

The drug based on medicinal plants has the following effects:

  • Green tea is a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process of the body.
  • Nanjing perilla plant extract improves the appearance of the skin and stabilizes the digestive process.
  • Lotus leaves help get rid of cellulite.
  • Light diuretic effect due to the content of hawthorn.
  • Vitamin C improves immunity.

In addition, these capsules have a gentle laxative effect.
They help remove toxins and breakdown products from the gastrointestinal tract and stimulate the breakdown of fats. Finally, the algae-based preparation is considered the most useful due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. Sea kale triggers self-cleaning of the body and promotes the removal of toxins. Red algae has a beneficial effect on the appearance and condition of the skin. Green algae is a natural antioxidant, brown algae has a slight diuretic effect.

Seaweed capsules are useful for normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland, reduce appetite, and help activate the process of fat breakdown.

The “4-in-1” product includes components of all four previously described dietary supplements. It is good for the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins, and promotes fat burning. It has a lymphatic drainage effect and helps moisturize the skin.

The product allows you to get rid of 5 to 15 kg. However, doctors do not recommend extreme weight loss at a rapid pace; to reduce stress on the body, it is allowed to lose a maximum of 7 kg per month.

Two types of drug

The most important question: how does the drug “Kuaimy” exert its effect? Reviews often contradict each other, some say that the drug is great for helping you lose excess weight, others claim that you will get nothing but harm to your health. Therefore, you need to figure out what is contained in the mysterious capsules.

While studying the composition, we noticed another feature. There are two types of the drug “Kuaimy”. Reviews of those losing weight tend to praise more the merits of the one whose active ingredient is seaweed. Women claim that taking these capsules is easier to tolerate than similar ones with red pepper and does not cause adverse reactions.


The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the following steps:

  1. After entering the body, the active substances promote the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  2. The metabolic process is stimulated and fat begins to be burned.
  3. At the same time, a person feels a surge of strength and vitality.
  4. Gradually the weight decreases, the figure acquires the desired silhouette.

The first results, according to user reviews, can be noticed after 10-12 days of proper use. The drug allows you not to experience hunger, since it suppresses this feeling, the process of losing weight is easy, without unnecessary stress. The composition of the capsules, enriched with vitamins and minerals, helps to get rid of the deficiency of substances necessary for the body.

Real reviews say that you can lose weight by 5-7 kg, and there is no need to deny yourself everything , but you should stick to a healthy diet. The instructions indicate to drink 2.5 liters of water per day, but those who took the capsules say that strong thirst forced them to drink at least 3-4 liters. However, I didn’t feel like eating at all.

Let's sum it up

Do Kuaymy diet pills help? Reviews for the most part say that there is an effect, but this only applies to tablets with red pepper. Many people say that capsules with algae did not give any results, although there are also directly opposite reviews. After reading a large number of opinions, we come to the conclusion that everything depends on your mood, motivation and willingness to work on yourself. Tablets are only a small help, which may also have its own side effects and contraindications. The great danger of drugs that suppress your appetite is that you will not learn to eat differently this way and will gain those pounds back. The only thing that really helps is diet and exercise.


Features of the use of the drug depend on the age and health status of the person. Despite the fact that the dietary supplement is not a drug, you should consult a doctor before starting to take it.

For children under 18 years old

Those who have not reached 21 years of age cannot use Kuaymyy.

For adults

Kuaym for weight loss, reviews and results of which must be studied before starting the course, is intended for the age group of 21-64 years. At the same time, you can achieve your goal only if you follow the instructions.

The course includes 27 days. In the morning before breakfast, take one capsule with plenty of cold liquid . The product can cause sleep problems, so consumption at night is strictly not recommended.

Repeated completion of the course is permissible no earlier than after 1-2 months. Women should wait until the end of menstruation and only then start taking dietary supplements. If menstruation begins during the course, a pause is made.

Before you start taking Kuaymy, you should cleanse your liver and gallbladder with the means intended for this.

Throughout the course, at least 2.5 liters of clean water are included in the diet. If you wish, you can drink juices and compotes, but they are not included in these 2.5 liters. Strong tea, coffee, and alcoholic drinks should be avoided.

For pregnant

Pregnancy, as well as subsequent breastfeeding, are contraindications to the use of dietary supplements.

For the elderly

Persons under 64 years of age are allowed to take dietary supplements on a general basis in accordance with the instructions.

Safety first

Really, what should we be concerned about in the first place? Of course, the reliability of the medicine that we are going to use. What do they say online about the drug “Kuaimy”? Reviews call it nothing more than a herbal medicine, but is this true? Analyzing the composition, as well as the information on the packaging, we can come to the conclusion that this is not a drug, that is, not a medicine, but a biologically active food supplement. A little later we will talk about the effectiveness of the Kuaymyy supplement. Reviews will help us a lot with this. In the meantime, let's understand further.


You should stop taking the drug Kuaymy in the following cases:

  • Acute pathologies of the heart, kidneys, liver.
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Kuaymy slimming capsules should not be taken by nursing mothers

  • Ulcers of the stomach, duodenum.
  • Inflammatory processes of the biliary tract and pancreas.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Gastritis.
  • Individual intolerance to components.

One of the main components of the dietary supplement is enriched with caffeine. Therefore, with great caution, only after preliminary medical consultation, you can take the drug with high blood pressure. Kuaymy is not recommended for neuropsychic disorders.

Chili pepper is a strong allergen; persons predisposed to a reaction should use it very carefully.

Side effects

Kuaym for weight loss, the reviews and results of which are discussed above, also has a negative effect on the body.

Side effects, despite the manufacturer's promises, are present. Here they are:

  • Chili is a strong allergen that can cause relapses of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Guarana contains caffeine, which can cause overexcitation, anxiety, and tremors.
  • Sleep disturbance, headaches.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Dry mouth, constant thirst.

If side effects occur, stop taking the drug. You should drink plenty of water and take a sorbent (for example, activated carbon, Polysorb). Be sure to consult a doctor to prescribe symptomatic therapy.


In Russian pharmacies you can purchase several drugs in the category of dietary supplements for weight normalization.

They have approximately similar composition:

  • Fresh chili pepper Iermay. These are fat burning capsules. One package contains 64 capsules, the principle of action is similar to Kuaymy, however, the dosage regimens are different.
  • Magic beans. These are Chinese-made capsules created on the basis of natural ingredients. Contains fiber, marine collagen, chitin. The course includes taking 36 capsules.
  • Herbal plant of Chinese medicine. Also slimming capsules made in China. The main components are lotus, ginseng, hawthorn. This means of rapid weight loss allows you to drown out the cold and cleanse the body. Gives you the opportunity to lose up to 10 kg, the duration of the course is a month.

However, these similar drugs cannot fully be called analogues of Kuaymy, which has a unique composition. Moreover, all drugs have a complex effect, not only help to get rid of extra pounds, but also improve the appearance of the skin, stabilize the functioning of internal organs, and normalize metabolic processes. The body is cleansed of toxins.

This is the Chinese drug in capsules Kuaymy. Many users have already appreciated its effectiveness for weight loss. However, reviews indicate that to achieve results it is important to strictly adhere to the instructions and follow all recommendations.

But you shouldn’t think that capsules are a miracle remedy; taking them should be combined with proper nutrition and sports training, only in this case weight loss will become a reality.

Author of the article : Ariadna Koshkina

With medicinal plants

A variety of tablets called “Kuaimy” promises to preserve youth and health.

Composition of the product:

  1. 1. Green tea. Cleanses the body, normalizes metabolism, regulates digestion processes and blood sugar levels;
  2. Perilla Nanjing. A plant with a spicy taste. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces cholesterol levels;

  3. Hawthorn. Relieves bile stagnation and removes excess fluid from the body. Has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas, improves metabolic processes;
  4. African safflower. Improves intestinal motility, cleanses the body and promotes fat burning. Blocks the feeling of hunger;
  5. Chitosan;
  6. Lotus;
  7. Chinese components;
  8. Ascorbic acid. Slows down the aging process, prolongs the youth of the skin, reduces cholesterol and triglycerides, and has an antioxidant effect. Vitamin C is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the production of hormones responsible for metabolism.

With seaweed

As you know, seaweed is rich in vitamins, macroelements and has beneficial properties for humans.

What algae are included in “Kuaimy”, and how are they useful:

  • Kelp. Rich in iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Provides vitamins and minerals, accelerates metabolic processes, removes waste, toxins and heavy metals. Improves digestion, reduces appetite.
  • Brown algae. Improves skin quality and cleanses the body.
  • Blue-green algae. They stop the feeling of hunger, protect against intoxication, tone up, and reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Kombu seaweed. Valued for its high content of iodine and dietary fiber.
  • Vegetables Qilin. It can be assumed that we are talking about a Chinese mythological creature that ate plant foods. It is unknown what products are hidden behind this name.
  • Sea herbs. A general name for plants, which should also alert the buyer due to the lack of accurate information.

Be sure to read: What diuretics can be used for effective weight loss?

4 in 1

This type of weight loss product “Kuaimy” is advertised as a drug with an improved composition and maximum effect. According to the manufacturers, by taking the capsules, you can lose 15 kg.

“Kuaymyy” 4 in 1 contains components that are found in other types of the product:

  1. Spirulina;
  2. Chili pepper extract;
  3. Guarana;
  4. Bivalve mussel extract;
  5. Lotus Leaf;
  6. Seaweed;
  7. Chitosan.

All types of Chinese capsules “Kuaimy” should be taken once a day in the morning. The duration of the course is no more than 2 months.

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