How to lose weight with Lipromix: reviews and instructions for use

A common cause of excess weight is a problem with metabolism. This is a hereditary predisposition or a factor influenced by an unbalanced diet. But even with exercise and a nutritious diet, difficulties may arise in burning kilograms. You cannot do without additional stimulants of metabolic processes. The dietary supplement “Lipromix Metabolism” intensively produces energy, due to which accumulated fats are absorbed. An additional benefit of dietary supplements is appetite suppression. After a week of use, the feeling of hunger and craving for your favorite food will disappear.

Composition of the drug and principle of action

Lipromix is ​​a dietary supplement for combating excess weight. The drug is produced on the basis of a fat burning catalyst (“Liposuction”) and a metabolism regulator (“Metabolism”). In addition, a dietary cocktail, anti-cellulite and modeling cream are offered.

The composition of Lipromix Metabolism and Lipromix Liposuction is based on similar elements. The difference is in the number of auxiliary components. For the first remedy, this is a group of metabolism accelerators. For the second - microelements that absorb subcutaneous sebum cells.

We also recommend that you read information about a new product that fights 10 kg of body fat in just 2 months without negative health consequences. How much Reduslim costs, how to take it and how not to return to your previous weight, find out in the article at the link.

"Metabolic product" includes:

  • L-carnitine;
  • Coenzyme Q10;
  • lipoic acid;
  • vitamin E.

Reviews of Lipromix Liposuction indicate the presence of elements from “Lipromix Metabolism” and the following additional substances:

  • L-tyrosine;
  • L-ornithine;
  • extract of garcinia, green tea, guarana;
  • vitamin B6;
  • Chromium picolinate.
SubstanceFunctionSource of replenishment
L-carnitineAcceleration of metabolismProtein products
Coenzyme Q10Energy generationFoods rich in natural fats
Lipoic acidReducing blood glucose levelsBy-products, vegetables
Vitamin EDetoxificationNuts, oils
Vitamin B6Digestion of proteins and fatsBy-products, bran, brewer's yeast
L-tyrosineFat burningBean products
L-ornithineNormalization of acid-base balancePlant products
Garcinia extractDecreased appetiteGarcinia fruits and juices
Green tea extractParticipation in the process of urine formationTea
Guarana extractProducing energy from your own fat depositsSupplements with guarana
Chromium picolinateControl of insulin secretion (sugar regulation)Fish, meat, poultry

Reviews from those losing weight prove that Lipromix (Liposuction/Metabolism) helps you lose weight by 10-15 kg, provided you maintain a balanced diet and physical activity.

Fat burning capsules reduce appetite

Review left by Luxin
Rating: 3

(out of 5)


Natural composition, fast action, feeling of satiety, no adverse reactions


Very expensive

Of the entire Lipromix complex, I decided to use only the fat burning activator Lipromix Liposuction. Of course, other products from this set were recommended to me, but I could not buy them purely financially. I’ll say right away that the capsules have an excellent effect on metabolism and do not cause any harm, because they are a dietary supplement. Therefore, it consists of components of natural origin. Specifically, Liposuction Lipromix contains substances such as vitamin E, lipoic acid, coenzyme Q-10, L-carnitine. They regulate biochemical processes in the body, which is important for effective burning of fat deposits. Probably based on this, I chose these capsules, although they were very expensive. The capsules are placed in a bottle, but there is no cardboard packaging, which alarmed me. Yes, and there are no instructions as such, but everything is written on the bottle, albeit briefly. I liked the fact that there is data about the official website, which contains the necessary and important information. For example, documents and certificates are presented (safety, compliance with production technology standards, etc.).

The capsules are yellow, tasteless and odorless, easy to drink due to the gelatin shell. By the way, if anyone still finds it difficult to drink, they can be dissolved in water. Besides, it seems to work faster this way. But I don’t like messing around, so I took it in capsule form.

One package contains 90 units, which corresponds to a monthly course (3 capsules every day). My results by week:

  1. In the first 7 days, I began to feel that my appetite was dulled, but I did not notice any weight loss.
  2. On the second, my performance increased and kilograms began to disappear.
  3. On the third I weighed myself - minus 4 kg.
  4. On the fourth - another minus 5 kg.

In total, I lost 9 kg, which suited me quite well. At the same time, I ate as usual and did not exercise. So I recommend it.

Indications and contraindications

The problem of fat deposits is an indication for use. Excess body weight is caused by overeating, which provokes a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Real reviews after taking Lipromix for weight loss focus on effectiveness for:

  • increased appetite;
  • addiction to sweets, fatty foods;
  • overeating.
Features of the body's conditionNegative consequences
PregnancyDegenerative changes in the fetus
LactationLoss of milk
Individual intolerance to componentsAllergic reactions
Diseases of the cardiovascular systemHypertension, tachycardia
Chronic gastrointestinal diseasesExacerbation

Even in the absence of contraindications, a neutral effect is possible – without improvement or deterioration in the body’s functioning.

Mode of application

The drug "Lipromix" is not a medicine. It can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.

The rules for taking the drug are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to take the product in the amount of one tablet three times a day.
  2. To achieve the best effect, the drug should be used for at least a month.
  3. After treatment, you need to take a break and then resume taking it. The best option is to conduct four courses of the product throughout the year.

Reviews about Lipromix indicate that people achieve the best results when they take two types of the drug (“Metabolism” and “Liposuction”) at the same time. Thanks to their complex action, after getting rid of extra pounds, the skin does not lose its tone and looks flabby.

The drug should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, the product is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to the components included in its composition. The tablets should not be consumed after the expiration date. Before using them, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist.

Instructions for use Lipromix

How to take Lipromix? The permissible daily intake, the method itself, and the duration of use are indicated in the table below.

CapsulesDry powderGel
Mode of applicationOralOralRubbing, local exposure
Features of daily use1 capsule 3-5 times1-2 times (as a full meal)2 times – morning, evening
WellNo more than a month

Taking the fat burning activator Lipromix Liposuction, metabolism regulator, cocktail, Thermo cream should not exceed 4 courses per year. It is recommended to take a break of 2-3 months after 30 days of use.

Features of use during pregnancy and lactation

The supplement is incompatible with pregnancy. Herbal extracts (guarana, garcinia), chemical compounds (L-carnitine, L-tyrosine), judging by reviews, cause the following symptoms in pregnant women:

  • rash;
  • itching;
  • redness;
  • lacrimation.

Provoking foods lead to the end of lactational amenorrhea (the postpartum period when the egg is not capable of fertilization), less milk is produced, and the need for supplemental feeding appears.

Possibility of use with other medications

Metabolism regulator Lipromix Metabolism, fat burner Liposuction, Zdravititel cocktail do not react with other drugs, but affect changes in the effectiveness and duration of action of medications:

  • efficiency – increases;
  • the duration of action is reduced.

The description of medications containing caffeine is separately considered. This combination with dietary supplements provokes an excess of energy, rapid heartbeat, and hypertension.

Fat burning capsules reduce appetite

Review left by Luxin
Rating: 3

(out of 5)


Natural composition, fast action, feeling of satiety, no adverse reactions


Very expensive

Of the entire Lipromix complex, I decided to use only the fat burning activator Lipromix Liposuction. Of course, other products from this set were recommended to me, but I could not buy them purely financially. I’ll say right away that the capsules have an excellent effect on metabolism and do not cause any harm, because they are a dietary supplement. Therefore, it consists of components of natural origin. Specifically, Liposuction Lipromix contains substances such as vitamin E, lipoic acid, coenzyme Q-10, L-carnitine. They regulate biochemical processes in the body, which is important for effective burning of fat deposits. Probably based on this, I chose these capsules, although they were very expensive. The capsules are placed in a bottle, but there is no cardboard packaging, which alarmed me. Yes, and there are no instructions as such, but everything is written on the bottle, albeit briefly. I liked the fact that there is data about the official website, which contains the necessary and important information. For example, documents and certificates are presented (safety, compliance with production technology standards, etc.).

The capsules are yellow, tasteless and odorless, easy to drink due to the gelatin shell. By the way, if anyone still finds it difficult to drink, they can be dissolved in water. Besides, it seems to work faster this way. But I don’t like messing around, so I took it in capsule form.

One package contains 90 units, which corresponds to a monthly course (3 capsules every day). My results by week:

  1. In the first 7 days, I began to feel that my appetite was dulled, but I did not notice any weight loss.
  2. On the second, my performance increased and kilograms began to disappear.
  3. On the third I weighed myself - minus 4 kg.
  4. On the fourth - another minus 5 kg.

In total, I lost 9 kg, which suited me quite well. At the same time, I ate as usual and did not exercise. So I recommend it.

Overdose and possible side effects

Vitamin complexes and medications with similar microelements have a strong effect on “cleansing” the body of toxins; fat is burned, causing diarrhea and increased stomach acidity. Individual intolerance is accompanied by the following unpleasant consequences:

Gastrointestinal tractNausea, disorders
Nervous systemDrowsiness, severe fatigue
The cardiovascular systemIncreased heart rate, dizziness
Allergic reactionsSkin rashes, lacrimation

Side effects and overdose are identical to each other. If mild symptoms occur, rinse the stomach; if severe, call an ambulance.


Lipromix analogues are components from dietary supplements or functionally similar microelements. Substances are found as regulatory elements of vitamin and medicinal complexes and as an independent source of fat breakdown.

MicroelementSimilarity of impact
Ascorbic acidImproving the process of assimilation of products
Omega 3Reduced hunger
CaffeineAcceleration of metabolism

Pharmacy groups are represented by the following medications: Calcium Gluconate, Magne-B6, Supradin, Duovit, Vita Active.

MedicineAppetite suppressionSimilarity of impact
"Calcium gluconate"due to micronutrient balancing
"Magne-B6"due to effects on the central nervous system
"Vita Active"Preventing the destructive effects of oxidative processes

Reviews of Lipromix confirm that an active lifestyle and diet correction act on the body in a similar way to the supplement itself. Energy is generated that can burn accumulated deposits.

Efficiency of use

The result is noticeable in the loss of kilograms and volumes. Slimness appears in a short period of time.

Manifestation period3 weeks
Weight loss (after three weeks)2-3 kg
Weight loss (after a month)Up to 7 kg
Volume indicators1-2 sizes

The quality and duration of weight loss depend on the initial weight in relation to height and muscle mass.

Customer reviews about Lipromix

There are many positive reviews among buyers. Consumers claim the effectiveness of the drug after a week of use. But people who have tried the supplement agree: “If you want to see results, approach the issue of losing weight comprehensively.”

“A friend bought a supplement. In two weeks, Yulia managed to lose only three hundred grams. This is because she often ate cakes and took pills. But when Yulia excluded bread and sweets from her diet and signed up for step aerobics... over the next two weeks she managed to lose as much as three kilograms.”

“The first 4-5 days of taking the capsules, I did not notice any results at all. In 5 days I lost 200 g. By the end of the first week, I discovered that my constant hunger had disappeared. During the second week, energy appeared. My complexion became smoother, the number of acne decreased... In a month I was able to burn 5.4 kg. This is my best result. I order the complex regularly.”

Storage conditions

Storage conditions are standard for dietary supplements:

  • temperature not higher than 25 degrees;
  • shelf life – 2 years.

Lipromix Liposuction serves as an auxiliary tool for normalizing metabolism, correcting lifestyle, and preventing overeating. The dietary supplement has practically no contraindications for use, except for the period of gestation, feeding a child, the presence of allergies, and chronic diseases. The main rule is not to neglect dosage and health - buy the complex no more than 4 times a year.

Anti-cellulite cream Lipromix Thermo - reviews

Neutral review


Stylish design, unobtrusive scent, convenient use, well moisturizes and nourishes the skin, does not cause allergies, spreads easily and is quickly absorbed.


Doesn't get rid of cellulite.

I had high hopes for Lipromix “Thermo” Anti-cellulite cream. Cellulite has been haunting me since I was 15 years old, and after two pregnancies the problem got worse.

The reason for cellulite, according to my massage therapist, lies in the fact that I drink little water and genetics. But even when I tried to drink a lot of water, the cellulite did not go away.

Neither manual massages, nor hardware cosmetology (Vacuum roller massage on the STARVAC device), nor all kinds of expensive and cheap creams, nor sports activities helped.

Therefore, I did not have high expectations from Lipromix “Thermo”. I just wanted to moisturize and tighten the skin, which after 5 months of pregnancy still remains sagging.

Let me start with the fact that when placing an order, the operator called me several times, due to the fact that I did not hear the phone. And I finally got through, which indicates a high level of service from the online store that sells Lipromix products. She clarified the most convenient delivery method, explained everything in detail and explained where the pick-up point is located. And all this while being in another city!

After 1.5-2 weeks (I think) I received an SMS notification on my phone stating that my order had arrived at the pick-up point, its address and opening hours. The delivery point of the transport company DPD was not so easy to find because there were no signs. I had to call their office. It turned out that the delivery was carried out by their partner in the 220 Volt store. My order was quickly found by polite employees and issued with my passport.

Lipromix “Thermo” anti-cellulite cream was securely packed with tape in a thick white package. Although the packaging, which seemed so reliable at first glance, turned out to be not so good. The cream leaked a little in the area of ​​the screw cap.

The miracle cream is packaged in a white matte plastic bottle with a volume of 250 ml. I would like to note the very stylish design. No bright flashy colors or pictures. Everything is very strict and concise.

But there is plenty of information on the bottle.

I immediately began to study contraindications, because I am currently breastfeeding. And what a joy it was to find out that lactation is not an obstacle to the use of this product. And in general the list of contraindications is scanty. This is just an individual intolerance to the components in the composition.

The composition of the cream is indicated in English. But here the manufacturer made me very happy by deciphering the ingredients and listing them in Russian on the official website. And although water comes first, the consistency of the cream is medium thick, that is, it does not spread over the palm, and therefore is used economically.

Next in the composition are emulsifiers, which act as a thickener. I was pleased that there are no silicones in the composition, which means the product should be pleasant to the skin.

The cream also contains natural ingredients such as vitamin E, caffeine, paprika, bergamot oil, orange oil, and mate extract. These ingredients are last on the list.

Anti-cellulite cream Lipromix “Thermo” is produced in the city of Tomsk, but the copyright holder is in Biysk. The package contains contact numbers for both parties.

The shelf life of the cream is 2 years. For me, this is a lot, because I am used to using natural cosmetics, the maximum shelf life of which is no more than 12 months, subject to certain conditions. Lipromix has no problems here - at temperatures no higher than 25 degrees, no lower than 0 and without direct sunlight.

It also turned out to be easy to apply this cream.

It is enough just to apply it daily with massage movements onto clean, steamed skin. At the same time, every other day I also practiced wrapping with cling film. And after that she sat down on a fitball to rock the child. The greenhouse effect was very strong. On average, the film was removed after 30 minutes. Sometimes it was forgotten and unwound after an hour.

During the first use, I thought I experienced a slight tingling sensation on my skin. But then I didn’t notice such sensations. Therefore, I think that the first time it seemed out of fear, because I had read that it contained paprika.

I honestly and conscientiously used Lipromix “Thermo” Anti-cellulite cream daily for 2 weeks in accordance with the instructions according to the lazy butt principle. That is, without combining it with physical activity.

And I noted the following for myself.

  1. The cream spreads easily over the skin and is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy film.
  2. The product does not cause allergic reactions or discomfort (burning, redness, etc.).
  3. During use, the skin became softer and silkier.
  4. Cellulite has not gone away.
  5. The skin has tightened.

And yet, of all the expensive creams that I have used, Lipromix turned out to be the best.

I will continue to use the cream and add physical activity. After which I will add a review. Since the reviews from my colleagues on the review site impressed me very much and motivate me to fight cellulite.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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