Mangosteen syrup: instructions for use, reviews from real customers and doctors

What is this miracle fruit?

This little-known fruit in our country grows in Malaysia, but our tourists encounter it more often in Thailand.
And anyone who has once tried mangosteen (mangosteen, mangosteen) remains amazed by its taste: under the dark purple unsightly skin hides tender, juicy, sweet and sour white flesh. Mangosteen is most prized fresh, but it is also canned, juiced, and syrup made from ripe fruits. It is in the form of syrup that mangosteen is known as a weight loss product.

According to the manufacturers, they have developed a special gentle type of heat treatment, during which the valuable extract from the fruit is transformed into a tasty syrup while preserving mega-doses of a wide variety of substances beneficial to the body. But the product, as mentioned above, is considered a new product, so its effectiveness has not yet been scientifically proven.

Beneficial properties of mangosteen

The main component of an overseas remedy for those who want to lose weight is the fruit itself, which, thanks to its composition rich in antioxidants and vitamins, can help the body in the fight against extra pounds. But is this really so or is this just another trick of the developers of miracle weight loss products?

  1. Xanthones. One fruit contains more than 35 types of these antioxidants, which are the most active fighters against free radicals. In addition to preserving youth, xanthones help maintain a healthy weight. The recent discovery of these substances by scientists has made mangosteen syrup for weight loss a valuable product for combating excess fat deposits.
  2. Kakheti. There are as many of them here as in green tea. These substances help restore immunity and fight inflammation in the body.
  3. Anthocyanins. Similar in composition to those found in grape seeds, mangosteen anthocyanins are an excellent preventative against vein diseases.
  4. Provitamin D3. It is synthesized in the body into vitamin D - an activator of growth and development, also a valuable vitamin that inhibits the growth of fat mass and promotes the growth of muscle fibers.

In addition, the fruits contain vitamins A, C, E, all representatives of B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, and iron.

Description and composition

Mangosteen syrup has a viscous substance and a reddish tint. All parts of the garcinia fruit, including the peel, are used to make the product. The concentrate is placed in a jar with a screw cap. The dosage of the drug is calculated using a regular spoon.

The main active ingredient in the syrup is garcinia fruit extract. It contains practically no auxiliary substances. The plant extract contains many useful elements that have the effect of reducing body weight.

What is included in Mangosteen syrup:

  • vitamins A and C;
  • B vitamins;
  • provitamin D3;
  • fatty acid;
  • xanthones;
  • potassium;
  • thiamine;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • flavonoids.

Unique composition and benefits of each component

The fruit contains a record amount of beneficial xanthones - natural antioxidants that strengthen the immune system, accelerate the healing of cuts and wounds, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, treat skin diseases, sciatica, arthritis, reduce hunger, and improve brain activity.

Mangosteen contains 43 times more xanthones than aloe. In addition, there are vitamins and microelements:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • gland;
  • riboflavin;
  • sodium;
  • catechins;
  • thiamine.

The unique composition of mangosteen syrup not only effectively affects weight loss, but also fights premature aging of the body, restores metabolic processes, improves flatulence and removes toxins, destroys parasites.

One package of natural concentrate contains 25 fruits, the ripeness and integrity of each is tested in the laboratory. From the moment of picking the fruit to heat treatment, no more than 3 hours pass. Thanks to this, vitamins A, C and E and beneficial components are preserved 100% in the product. The active effect of the concentrate is confirmed by a certificate.

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Composition of Mangosteen syrup

Mangosteen is a plant that is grown throughout Thailand. Indigenous people consider it a natural panacea for all ills. The fruit is used to treat more than a dozen diseases due to the fact that this fruit contains special amino acids - xanthones, which have important antioxidant properties. They are 15 times more effective than vitamins and 30 times more effective than aloe amino acids.

Mangosteen fruits contain important microelements - calcium, iron, phosphorus. Thanks to them, metabolic processes are accelerated, immunity is increased, the proliferation of viruses is stopped and the normal functioning of internal organs is restored. The use of Mangosteen syrup will bring the body to its normal state, restore the affected microflora and remove toxic substances from the body.

One package contains juice from 25 fruits. Apart from this component, there is absolutely nothing in Mangosteen syrup for weight loss. Since the drug does not contain sugar, preservatives and other harmful chemicals, it can be used even by children. A pleasant bonus of this syrup is that it tastes sweet, and this is exactly what people miss in the process of losing weight.

Thanks to fast production (the syrup is poured into containers 2 hours after picking the fruit), the beneficial properties are preserved 100%. The exclusive technology for creating Mangosteen syrup guarantees sterility and preservation of beneficial substances unchanged.

The effect of the drug on the body

Mangosteen for weight loss in the form of syrup, according to the promises of the developers, has a positive effect on the body in several directions:

  1. Appetite control. The substances in the drug trigger the body’s mechanism for the synthesis of glycogen, a substance that can suppress even a strong feeling of hunger. At the level of chemical reactions, the brain receives a signal from the body that it does not need to eat.
  2. Acceleration of metabolic processes.
  3. Hormonal stabilization.
  4. Removing toxins and toxic compounds from the body.
  5. Normalization of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Destruction of free radical molecular chains.
  7. Powerful source of energy.
  8. Beneficial effect on the skin.

The action of the syrup is based on a gradual and gentle cleansing of the body from substances it does not need: bad cholesterol, toxins and excess fluid. Manufacturers claim that the drug allows you to lose weight up to 15 kg per month, using the hidden potential of your own body. All its systems are automatically activated to burn fat mass, so you feel an unprecedented surge of strength.

Let us note right away: there are very few truthful reviews about this drug on the Internet. Therefore, we do not recommend taking stories of miraculous transformation seriously, even if there are supposedly real photos of people before and after taking the drug posted nearby.

Clinical researches

Medical scientists have fully proven the high effectiveness of mangosteen concentrate, which far exceeds all currently known weight loss methods. For this purpose, clinical studies were conducted in which women suffering from extra pounds took part. The volunteers were divided into groups, each of which sought to obtain results in one way or another, namely:

  • diets;
  • physical activity;
  • diets and sports;
  • taking mangosteen concentrate.

As a result, the last method turned out to be the most effective. Neither diet nor physical activity could compare with taking a natural drug from an exotic fruit. Daily use of syrup allowed women to lose five extra pounds. During the same time on a diet, the subjects lost only 0.5 kg, while playing sports - from 1 kg, and a combination of food restrictions and physical activity corrected their figure by 1.5 kg. These results literally stunned doctors.

Effect of the drug

Reviews from those who have already lost weight with the product in question are impressive:

  • giving up sweets, fatty foods and baked goods is easy and without emotional breakdowns;
  • the amount of food eaten decreases by 3-5 times;
  • a feeling of complete satiety appears after ½ glass of kefir or fermented baked milk;
  • no feeling of hunger even in the evening;
  • in one weight loss course you can get rid of 7 - 12 kg of excess weight.

The number of kilograms lost during weight loss with Mangosteen syrup is indicated inaccurately, since it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The lifestyle of the person losing weight also plays a big role: if he is engaged in sedentary work, then you should not count on large weight loss.

Nutritionists warn that despite the assurances of the manufacturers of the weight loss drug in question that exercise and food restrictions are unnecessary, these measures can improve the effect of taking the drug. The combination of a moderate diet, physical activity and Mangosteen syrup helps to get rid of 10 - 12 kg in 30 days.

It is noteworthy that after stopping the weight loss course with the drug, the weight does not return. This happens due to the fact that all body systems undergo restructuring, and kilogram loss occurs gradually. In addition, the “forced” decrease in appetite in the future makes it sufficient to satiate the consumption of small portions of food.

Benefits of concentrate

The modern market for weight loss products offers consumers a lot of drugs. However, many doctors advise opting for mangosteen concentrate. Its advantages are that it is completely natural. The exotic fruit concentrate does not contain any synthetic additives that can harm humans. In addition, the miraculous syrup has a unique composition. Thanks to this, the drug begins to act within three hours after administration.

In addition to its effective components, the syrup has balanced proportions of components. All this allows you to speed up the process of burning unnecessary fat deposits by 10 times. Consumers also like the pleasant taste of the product.

Indications for use

The main indication for using Mangosteen syrup is the presence of excess weight. Body weight assessment must be approached objectively. You can use special calculations based on height and weight standards. In addition, it is important to consider the reason for the appearance of extra pounds .
If rapid weight gain occurs as a result of the development of pathological processes, then before taking the drug you should definitely consult a doctor. We recommend reading: Oscillococcinum during breastfeeding

Indications for the use of syrup are the following factors:

  • obesity prevention;
  • being overweight;
  • weight correction after pregnancy;
  • the formation of excess weight during menopause;
  • eliminating the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.

Contraindications to the product

It is strictly not recommended to take Mangosteen syrup during pregnancy and breastfeeding. All other pathological conditions are a conditional contraindication. Consultation with a doctor is required, although this point is not specified in the instructions.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are absolute contraindications to losing weight using Mangosteen syrup

If someone who is losing weight has a history of hypervitaminosis, then this may also become a contraindication, since the product is so rich in vitamins that it can provoke a relapse of the disease.

Mangosteen syrup - a chance to quickly lose weight or a waste of money

Natural mangosteen syrup for weight loss appeared on the world market at the beginning of 2021. For its production, fruits of the same name are used, which have a number of unique properties. If you believe the instructions for the product, then with its help you can quickly and without much hassle achieve weight loss. Unusual and not very common in Russia, mangosteen was the first to be used for weight loss by residents of Thailand. Concentrated syrup from exotic fruits can start the metabolism and speed up the process of burning excess fat. It also effectively fights hunger.

Real reviews from doctors and buyers about mangosteen syrup

On the Internet you can find positive and negative reviews from nutritionists, doctors and buyers about mangosteen syrup for weight loss. Participants in the debate are trying to figure out whether the fat-burning effect of the drink is true or myth. The manufacturer claims that the effectiveness of the fight against extra pounds depends on the correct intake of the mangosteen-based product.

All negative comments on the forum boil down to three points:

  1. People buy the product in unofficial online pharmacies or secondhand, after which they remain dissatisfied with the result. Real syrup can only be purchased on the manufacturer’s official website. All other products are fake. It is not intended to combat excess fat.
  2. Consumers claim that they do not see the effect after consuming one can of the composition. The instructions for Mangosteen syrup clearly state that it must be taken for at least one month. During this time, at least 3-4 cans of product are consumed.
  3. The price of an offer that is considered new to the market. The production of one can of liquid requires at least 25 rather expensive fruits, plus additional components. Today it is difficult to find cheap, effective remedies that help you lose weight.

Here are some real reviews of the Mangosteen product:

Before buying a much-hyped new product, I read a lot of reviews about it and became familiar with all the available information. To complete the full course, I purchased three jars of the product at once. I believe that the amount spent on mangosteen for weight loss was justified. In a month I lost about 8 kg, without limiting myself in anything.

Natalya, 23 years old, St. Petersburg

I myself do not have problems with weight, so I have not tried the product, but over several months I have collected a lot of feedback on its use. I can say with confidence that this product is not a scam or a marketing ploy. The syrup components satisfy hunger and allow you to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, thereby helping to get rid of excess fat.

Dmitry Nazarov, nutritionist

What are the benefits of Mangosteen syrup?

Research has proven that if you eat fresh mangosteen fruits every day, the risk of cancer will decrease three times, you will be able to avoid problems with the cardiovascular and nervous systems, restore normal sugar and cholesterol levels, and normalize hormonal levels.

Mangosteens are extremely beneficial for overweight people. It is to combat the gained kilograms that Mangosteen syrup is made, which is not possible to purchase in a pharmacy in Moscow, since this product is distributed through official representatives such as Pharmacy Promo.

Mangosteen syrup works as follows:

  • activates the metabolic process
  • slows down fat absorption
  • activates stimulation of intestinal motility
  • gives a boost of vivacity and energy
  • keeps you feeling full for 5 hours
  • quickly satisfies hunger

The fruits have a pleasant taste, which is preserved during the creation of the product. It is extremely difficult to buy the drug Mangosteen for weight loss in Moscow, and it will not be cheap. However, the purchase is worth the investment - it is a tasty supplement that will stabilize your weight.

Mangosteen also affects lipid metabolism in a positive manner and normalizes hormonal levels. After taking the syrup, acne decreases, pores become narrower and age spots that have probably tormented you for months disappear.

Does it really help you lose weight?

The components that make up the syrup have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. Due to this nuance, metabolism is accelerated and digestion is normalized. Most of the food consumed is converted into energy, eliminating the formation of excess fat deposits. The result of the drug is a decrease in body weight. Additionally, Mangosteen syrup has a healing and rejuvenating effect, improving the condition of the skin .

The effect of the drug is due to the following properties:

  • fat burning effect;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes in the body;
  • preventing constipation and diarrhea;
  • increased energy consumption;
  • decreased feeling of hunger;
  • satiety effect of small portions of food;
  • toning and strengthening blood vessels;
  • strengthening the body's immune system;
  • preventing oxidative damage to cells;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • converting an acidic environment into an alkali;
  • improving the bowel movement process;
  • increased vitality;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • cleansing the body of harmful substances.

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Contraindications and side effects

Mangosteen syrup should be taken with caution if you are prone to allergies. An exotic fruit can provoke a negative reaction from the body .
If any adverse symptoms occur, it is recommended to discontinue the drug and, if necessary, undergo examination at a medical facility. A similar reason prohibits taking syrup during pregnancy. The following conditions are contraindications for the use of syrup:

  • pregnancy at any stage and lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • a course of treatment with drugs that have the ability to thin the blood.

Where to buy Mangosteen in Moscow

Losing weight with health benefits is about Mangosteen syrup. It can only be ordered from an official supplier. Such suppliers include Promo Pharmacy. The drug is supplied in a limited series and is not sold in chain pharmacies. It is important to know that syrups sold in online markets are frivolous fakes that usually cost more than the original.

Pharmacy Promo does not change the price in Moscow for Mangosteen syrup and it remains the same as that of the manufacturer. Order a portion of this magical remedy and enjoy the results!

Buy Mangosteen at Pharmacy-Promo in Moscow for 990 rubles. you can right now. This is quite easy to do. Click the “Buy” button on the Mangosteen product page, fill in your Name and Phone number, and within 15 minutes our specialist will contact you to clarify the terms of delivery of the product, and also advise on all necessary questions about the product.

Instructions for use of mangosteen syrup

Following the instructions for using natural mangosteen syrup is the key to its effectiveness. The basic regimen involves taking half a teaspoon of the composition three times a day before meals. The concentrate can be diluted in tea, water, milk, juice or yogurt. If you feel hungry, you should take the drug one teaspoon at a time as a snack. Using the product in the evening can replace dinner. According to consumer reviews, you can drink it even before bed.

The duration of the standard course is 30 days. You must strictly follow the plan developed by the manufacturer, otherwise the desired weight loss will be delayed or will not occur at all. If you plan to use the product for longer than the specified period, you must contact a nutritionist to make sure there are no contraindications to use.

How to take weight loss concentrate

The instructions indicate that Mangosteen syrup should be taken 1 teaspoon three times a day 20 - 30 minutes before meals. If you have a strong feeling of hunger between meals, you can have snacks, but before them you also need to take 1 teaspoon of the product.

For those losing weight, evening meals and night snacks are a big problem, and they are mainly the main provocateurs of weight gain. To satisfy hunger and reduce appetite, 2 hours before a night's rest you should take Mangosteen syrup in the usual dosage.

Some manufacturers offer to lose weight using powder from the same exotic fruit; this pharmacological form of the drug is quite acceptable. And you also need to take it 1 teaspoon at a time, but always in dissolved form, adding it to tea, compote or plain water. When preparing a drink for weight loss, you should not pay attention to its color - it will be purple, which is the norm.

The duration of the weight loss course with Mangosteen syrup is 30 days. Then you need to take a break for 2 - 3 weeks, and if necessary, you can repeat the course.

The only caveat: if there is a history of endocrinological diseases, then a repeated course of weight loss should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

Where to buy, price

It is dangerous to buy mangosteen syrup from untrusted places. It has recently appeared on sale, and only trusted suppliers are responsible for the quality of the drug. But they have already begun to counterfeit it, since it began to be in demand.

When purchasing by order on the official website, no advance payment is required; the goods are paid upon receipt and inspection.

The price of Mangosteen depends on the seller. Delivery is carried out by mail, no advance payment is required - the parcel arrives cash on delivery.

The drug is supplied to Russia and neighboring countries at the following cost:

  • To Russia for 990 rubles;
  • To Ukraine for 399.00 UAH;
  • To Kazakhstan for 5,600.00 KZT;
  • To Kyrgyzstan for 1,590.00 KGS.

The cost is quite affordable; anyone can purchase the product.


Mangosteen syrup has a certificate of conformity called the State Registration Certificate of the Customs Union countries. The concentrate also has documents confirming the hygienic safety of the product, that is, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Without these official papers, the distribution of syrup in Russia is prohibited.

If the concentrate does not have the necessary documents that confirm its harmlessness, then sellers may even face criminal liability for this. Therefore, it is best to buy the drug in trusted places - in pharmacies or on the manufacturer’s official website. Mangosteen syrup (instructions for use must be included in the package) can be taken as a preventive measure for many diseases. You can also order the concentrate on the official website on the Internet.


Mangosteen syrup has no structural analogues. This weight loss drug is unique in its composition, but if necessary, it can be replaced with other fat-burning agents with a similar mechanism of action. The search for analogues can be carried out in the range of sports nutrition products. Any fat-burning drug will be an alternative to taking Manugstin syrup.

Examples of drugs that can replace Mangosteen syrup:

  • Lipoxin (the drug contains extracts of orange, cayenne pepper, white willow bark and other plant components; a distinctive feature of the weight loss product is to increase physical activity and eliminate fat deposits);
  • Kankura tea (the product is highly effective in eliminating excess weight, but produces a laxative effect; consultation with a doctor is necessary before taking it);
  • GojGinger with beans (a natural product that can burn fat deposits in a short period of time without causing harm to the body).

Recommendations for use and contraindications

The syrup has gained popularity thanks to media figures who quickly bring their weight back to normal before important filming or public events. Now this “star” product is available to our compatriots. Record weight loss in a short time - isn’t this what everyone who wants to lose weight dreams of?

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The syrup is effective for overweight and any type of obesity. He will come to the rescue regardless of the reason for the gained kilograms: be it systematic overeating, hormonal disorders or genetic predisposition.

Synthetic weight loss products provide a positive effect only at the intake stage. Subsequently, the process of weight gain resumes, since the artificially synthesized active substance, which suppresses the feeling of hunger, has only a temporary effect. The appetite returns, sometimes with a vengeance, and the weight lost with difficulty again takes its “place of honor.” Systematic use of such drugs undermines the normal functioning of the body, disrupts the function of vital organs and inevitably affects the quality of life.

When using Mangutin Syrup, you don’t have to worry about the toxic effects of the product, since only natural raw materials are used in its production. For the same reason, the syrup is not addictive, does not affect the psyche in any way and does not disrupt the functioning of the systems and organs of the human body.

The process of losing weight is achieved by activating metabolic processes and cleansing the body of waste products. The general improvement of the body while taking syrup leads to normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, reduction of appetite to a natural level and stabilization of weight.

Thanks to its natural composition, Mangosteen Syrup has no contraindications. It can be taken by all healthy people with the exception of pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as people prone to individual reactions to exotic foods.

Although the product is completely natural, it is still better to consult a doctor before using the drug, especially if you have chronic diseases.

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