How to exercise on a fitball? Expert opinion, simple exercises

Recently, the use of various fitness equipment has become popular both in the gym and at home. Dumbbells, a gymnastic mat, a tubular expander - every adherent of a sports lifestyle has these items. One of the most popular fitness tools is a fitball: it is inexpensive, can be found in any store, and is multifunctional. Together with World Class coach Alexander Karpov

Let’s figure out how a fitball can be useful, whether it helps you lose weight and whether it’s worth buying.

What is fitball?

Fitball is an elastic gymnastic ball, usually medium or large in size (from 45 to 95 cm), which is most often used during sports training. Previously, fitballs were used exclusively for medical purposes. Its creator is physical therapist Susan Klein-Vogelbach, who in the 50s of the last century began to use a large rubber ball in the process of rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy. Soon, thanks to the fact that exercise on a fitball contributed to a dramatic improvement in the condition of patients, it began to be used in the treatment of various pathologies, strengthening the vestibular system, and also during the recovery period after spinal injuries.

Now fitball is actively used not only in medicine, but also in the fitness industry. It has gained mass popularity due to its versatility. The exercises that can be performed on it are suitable for everyone. The classes are very gentle and do not require special physical training.


Lower body exercises

Exercises with a fitball for the whole body are best structured so that at the beginning of the workout the main load goes to the lower part (legs, hips, buttocks). Considering the direction of lymph flow in the body, this method of organizing the lesson will allow the body to enter the training process as naturally as possible.

Exercise with fitballTechnique for its implementation
Squats with arm raises
  1. Take a vertical position; place your feet shoulder-width apart; move your chest forward; Take the fitball in your hands and press it to your chest.
  2. As you exhale, bend your knees, lower your buttocks to the supporting surface until a parallel is formed between the back of the thigh and the floor. At the same time as squatting, raise your arms up, holding the fitball strictly above your head.
  3. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds.
  4. Slowly return to the starting position (IP).
Wall Squats
  1. Turn your back to the wall; squeeze the fitball between the wall and the lumbar spine; back straight; Place your hands on your belt.
  2. As you exhale, perform a classic squat, making sure that the main point of support is on the fitball. At the moment of squatting, the ball rolls upward to the thoracic spine.
  3. At the lowest point, an angle of 90 degrees should form at the knee joint.
  4. Without fixing your legs in a bent position, return to the IP, while avoiding sudden movements.
Squats with a fitball clamped with knees
  1. Stand up straight; hold the fitball with your knees; Place your hands on your belt or in front of you on a supporting surface.
  2. As you exhale, perform a deep squat, making sure that the ball and upper body remain in the original position.
  3. Fix the body at the lowest point for 2-3 seconds, then slowly take the IP.
Gluteal bridge
  1. Lie down on the floor; place your feet on a fitball; raise your buttocks as high as possible above the floor; leave your hands in a free position along the body; direct your gaze upward.
  2. As you exhale, without changing the position of your legs, pull your knees towards your chest, using as many muscle groups of the lower body as possible.
  3. Stretch your legs, moving the fitball away from you to the IP. When performing this exercise, it is important to ensure that when changing the position of the lower body, the height to which the buttocks were initially raised remains unchanged.
  1. Stand with your back to the fitball; place the lower part of your right leg (up to the knee) on the ball, having first bent the limb; put your hands on your belt.
  2. Bend your left leg and at the same time extend your right leg back, moving the rubber ball away from you.
  3. Return to IP, avoiding sudden movements.

How to use a fitball?

It’s not for nothing that we have already mentioned the versatility of the fitball. This is almost the only sports equipment, when used, the vestibular, motor, tactile and visual apparatuses are simultaneously activated. Depending on what exercises you perform, a fitball can help you solve many problems of the body: strengthen the muscles of the whole body, improve posture, get rid of spinal pain, develop the vestibular system and recover from injuries. You just need to choose a set of exercises that suits your goals. And fitness trainers are trying to find use for it in almost every area of ​​training: from stretching to aerobics.

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It can be used for many types of workouts. As a rule, all exercises using a fitball are divided into two types: on a fitball and with a fitball. For example, bending the torso while lying on a fitball and squats with your back resting on a fitball. It can be used to teach the correct technique of squats, to complicate the coordination complexity of some exercises, to diversify the training process, and it is also suitable for people with health conditions, such as excess weight or back problems.


Warm up with fitball

Working with a gymnastic ball requires a lot of physical effort. After the first workouts, the muscles hurt a little until they get used to it. Before starting serious exercise, you need to do a warm-up. This will warm up the body and relax the muscles. Let's do a series of simple steps:

  • Open steps in different directions. We don't use the fitball yet.
  • We hold the ball with outstretched arms and move with side steps to the left and right thirty times.
  • We perform the same additional steps with the removal of the projectile in the direction of walking.
  • We put the ball aside. We do hip raises up to sixty times.
  • Run in place for two minutes.
  • We hold the fitball with outstretched arms and lift it from the waist level upward, the ball above the head. At the same time, we perform a step in place.
  • We hold the apparatus in front of us and squat up to twenty times.

After warming up, you can begin the main exercises.

Will exercising on a fitball help you lose weight?

Definitely yes. Even overweight people can perform exercises on a gymnastic ball, since the fitball relieves excess stress on the joints. Some sets of exercises take only 15-20 minutes, but make the whole body work at once. Almost all muscle groups are included, which will contribute to fat burning in problem areas. Thanks to high-speed exercises with a ball, the body is forced to expend more calories, which will also have a positive effect on weight loss. In addition, intense exercise helps speed up metabolism.


Any exercises, including those with a fitball, can help with weight loss if they correspond to the tasks implemented during the training and the level of training of the performer.


A set of exercises for beginners and not only

These exercises on a fitball act as gymnastics or even exercises. With their help, you will not increase muscle mass, but you will be able to create an excellent toned figure.

Rotate your hips

We sit on the ball, straighten our back, hands behind our head, look forward. We twist our hips, drawing 20 neat circles clockwise and counterclockwise.

The legs rest on the floor and stand next to each other. Now you understand why working on a fitball is more suitable for girls.

Step march!

From the same position, lift your right and left knees in turn, as if you were on the parade ground. Imagine that you are a soldier on parade.


This is a very interesting and enjoyable exercise as it massages your lower back and back. The idea is this: you sit on the ball, with your hands slightly behind you leaning on the ball. Your legs begin to literally walk, pulling your body along with them.

You will end up lying on your back on the ball with your pelvis hanging in the air. From this position you will need to return back in the same step. No need to take giant steps, mince.


You will need a wall. The ball should be between your back and the wall. Orient the top of the ball to the level of your shoulder blades. Lean on the ball to prevent it from falling. Squat 20 times. At a more advanced level, you can pick up dumbbells.

Raising the pelvis

This type of ball exercise tightens and strengthens the buttocks and pelvic muscles. It is done like this:

  1. Lie on the ball with your shoulder blades, the angle of bending your legs at the knee is 90 degrees.
  2. Lower your pelvis to the floor as much as possible, lift it up.
  3. In the future, after a month of training, you can use additional weighting in the form of 5-10 kg pancakes. In this case, you need to press the ball against something so that it does not fly back out from under you.

Perform 15-20 times.

And the reverse version of this exercise on a ball - throw your legs over the ball (everything above the knees should hang in the air up to the shoulder blades). On the floor you lie on your shoulder blades, your arms along your body also lie on the floor.

Lower your pelvis to the floor, lift it back up. Repeat the exercise 15–20 times. A more complicated option - there are no shoulder blades on the floor, only your palms. That is, in the initial position you stand on your hands and your feet on the ball.

Hyperextension on the ball

Get on your knees, lie on your stomach on the ball so that your feet are as close as possible to the surface of the fitball.

Cross your arms behind your head, relax your back - you will push the ball and go lower, your back will be rounded. Now your task is to straighten your back, leaning your stomach on the fitball.

Do the exercise slowly 15–20 times.

Press on the ball

Twisting or lifting the body on the ball is done like this:

  1. Lie on the ball with your lower back. The legs either rest against the wall, or simply against the floor (it’s harder this way).
  2. Bend at the waist as many times as necessary.

If it’s easy for you, you can pick up a weighted ball or dumbbell and do this exercise with it. The number of repetitions is 15–20.

How to choose the right fitball?

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the gym to use a fitball, you can buy sports equipment yourself and use it during home workouts. You should choose according to several criteria:

  • Size:
    it is worth starting from your height and arm length (the result of measuring your arm from the shoulder joint to the fingertips). If your height is less than 152 cm and your arm length is less than 55 cm, then a ball with a diameter of 45 cm will suit you; height from 155 to 169 cm and arm length from 56 to 65 cm - ball with a diameter of 55 cm; height from 170 to 185 cm and arm length from 66 to 75 cm - ball with a diameter of 65 cm; height more than 185 cm and arm length more than 75 cm - a ball with a diameter of more than 75 cm.
  • Appearance:
    you can choose a smooth, massage (pimply or with pinches), with horns or an oval gymnastic ball. It all depends on your preferences.
  • Quality of the ball:
    It is important that the ball is made of quality material, has an ABS system (or anti-blast system), is elastic, does not deflate and can withstand the weight of a person.
  • Color:
    everything is individual here too. It’s worth choosing a color that will be pleasing to the eye and can lift your mood;)


Fitball training for strength, flexibility, coordination

The diameter of the ball should correspond to your height and range from 45 cm to 85 cm.

Fitball exercises can be carried out without preliminary warm-up if you are not going to do intense exercises. In the latter case, you need to warm up. You can warm up using the same fitball, or you can take a 5-10 minute jog around the gym, around the fitness club or on a treadmill.

Gymnastics on a fitball can be performed in the form of a complex or in the form of single exercises. Here are the main ones.

Maintaining balance

Before learning a set of exercises on a fitball, you need to learn how to balance on this ball. This will be the first training session. For 30 minutes, sit on the ball, take your feet off the floor and try to maintain your balance for as long as possible.

If you fly backwards, put your hands up to soften the fall. Do the same when you roll to the side. Ahead of you will be protected by your legs, which you will press to your chest with your knees.

When you manage to keep your balance still, move your pelvis to break it. This will make things more difficult.

There is no point in immediately starting to do other exercises; you will spend a lot of strength and energy on balance rather than on the exercise itself.

Warm up on fitball

Exercises with a fitness ball can be performed as a warm-up. For example, sit on a ball and jump on it with a straight back for 2-3 minutes, spin on the ball 10 times in each direction (depending on your vestibular system). Try moving the exercise ball solely through the movement of your pelvis.

Who is contraindicated for exercising on a fitball?


There are no specific contraindications; it all depends on the exercises chosen and level of training. Almost everyone can do trunk bends while lying on a fitball, regardless of their level of training and health status, but not everyone can do squats while standing on a fitball.

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And if you don’t take into account heavy activities that require special physical skills, for example, developed coordination, then almost everyone is allowed to perform basic exercises on a fitball. Children, elderly people, pregnant women - everyone can afford to train on a gymnastic ball. The main thing is to monitor the technique of doing the exercises so that the exercises are beneficial.

Exercises on a fitball for the back and abs

An integral part of any set of physical exercises should be working out the abdominal area. The abdominal muscles, being in good shape, maintain normal blood circulation in the area of ​​the woman’s pelvic organs, which ensures good health of the genitourinary system.

Exercise with fitballTechnique for its implementation
Lifting the body at an angle
  1. Lie down on the floor; place straight legs on a fitball; extend your arms above your chest; direct your gaze upward.
  2. As you exhale, lift your body off the supporting surface and assume a sitting position. In this case, it is necessary to bring your arms forward without bending.
  3. Lower your body to the floor, avoiding sudden movements.
  4. Without pausing to rest, repeat steps 2-3 as many times as necessary.
Transferring a fitball between limbs
  1. Lie down on the floor; raise your arms and legs above the supporting surface; hold a fitball in the lower extremities; look up.
  2. As you exhale, synchronously bring your limbs closer to each other. Move the fitness ball into your hands.
  3. Lower your arms and legs into the IP without touching the floor.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 as many times as necessary, alternately moving the fitball between the limbs.
Leg raises while lying on the floor
  1. Lie on the fitball with your back; fix your hands behind your head; Bend your legs at the knees and place them on the floor, keeping your feet together as much as possible.
  2. As you exhale, without changing the position of your upper body and the fitness ball, bend your right leg and bring it closer to your chest.
  3. Place the left limb in the IP and perform similar actions with the right foot.
Body turns
  1. Sit on the fitball; extend your arms in front of you; Without bending, lift your legs off the supporting surface and raise them as high as possible.
  2. As you exhale, move your interlocked legs to the right. At the same time, without bending, move your arms to the left.
  3. Repeat step 2, changing the direction of movement of the limbs.

Any type of fitball helps not only improve the appearance of the athlete’s entire body, but also improve her health, and also minimize the risk of premature aging of the female body. Regular exercise of this type trains muscles, improves blood circulation, providing vital systems with sufficient oxygen.

This video contains one of the most effective sets of exercises for beginners:

With the correct preparation of the complex, as well as following the technique of conducting training with a fitness ball, a woman will notice the first positive changes in her condition after 1-2 months of regular training.

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