Fitness for the lazy: simple exercises at home

Morning exercises for the lazy

Do you want to look good, be more energetic and healthier, but at the same time you have absolutely no desire, and often no time, to spend a third of your life in fitness centers? Charging for the lazy is what you need. You need to spend very little time on it, you won’t feel tired after it, but you will be guaranteed a surge of strength and blush on the first day. A week will pass, and you will notice better shape, a month - toned muscles. We have selected the ten best exercises for lazy people, or, on the contrary, incredibly busy people who want to look great, but not spend a lot of time on fitness.

Get up early and have time to exercise

Exercise for the lazy on the back

Exercises on your back
Open your eyes, look around, take a deep breath and start the first exercise.

EXERCISE No. 1 . Clench your palms tightly into fists 20 times. This will send a signal to the brain that the body has woken up and begun physical activity. The blood flow will speed up, and despite the fact that a minute ago I didn’t want to move even my little finger, now I have the strength to do the remaining exercise. EXERCISE No. 2 . Now let's wake up our legs. We pull the left foot towards ourselves as much as possible and fix it, now we pull the right foot in the opposite direction. We change the position, left as far back as possible, right as far forward as possible. Repeat slowly 20 times. The muscles stretched and blood flow in the legs improved. EXERCISE No. 3 . Now we simultaneously clench our fists and move our legs as in the previous exercise 20 times. We noticed that a smile appeared on his face. It's hard to do this exercise and not smile. EXERCISE No. 4 . Extend your arms along your body. Raise the right one up and lower it, now the left one. For each hand 20 times. EXERCISE No. 5 . Fun bike, but don't rush, do the exercise carefully, bending your knee to 45° each time. In total, the same 20 times for each leg. EXERCISE No. 6 . Now for the fun. Wave your arms in delight with a bicycle and a smile. Only 20 times. EXERCISE No. 7 . Bend and bring your knees together, your heels as close to your pelvis as possible. Raise your pelvis and waist so that your spine is as straight as possible, hold in this position for a few seconds and lower yourself. Reps 20. EXERCISE No. 8 . Raise both arms on the pillow, straighten your legs. As you exhale, lift your straight right leg and left arm, try to cross them and lower them. Repeat with your left leg and right arm. A total of 20 repetitions. EXERCISE No. 9 . Vacuum. The legs are bent at the knees, the body is relaxed. Inhale deeply through the nose and exhale sharply through the mouth, while the stomach is pulled inward as much as possible. We freeze for 5-10 seconds. How long will it last for you? Repeat 15-20 times. EXERCISE No. 10 . That's it, you're ready to get up. Sit smoothly in bed “Turkish style” with your legs crossed, and slowly draw a circle with your head 5 times to the right, and the same amount in the opposite direction.

Charging is complete. You can have breakfast, get ready and start your work day!

Day 1: Firm buttocks

The program begins with training for the lower half of the body. The emphasis is on the gluteal muscles, namely rounding, tone and elasticity. The complex consists of various swings from a pose on all fours and variations of gluteal bridges. An excellent start to fitness training for girls at home by working out a large amount of muscle, where fat often accumulates. The program can be complicated with leg weights.

We recommend watching:

  • Program for Brazilian buttocks without jumping (3 days)
  • Workout for buttocks at home for girls for 20-30 minutes

Diagonal swings on all fours

Place yourself on all fours, palms under your shoulders, knees under your pelvis, your back should be straight. Straighten your right leg and lift it to the line of your body. Start swinging from side to side, lowering your toe down toward the floor on either side of your left shin. Then repeat with the other leg. Thanks to this exercise, the buttocks are lifted and rounded.

How much to do: 12-15 repetitions, first on one leg, then on the other.

Bend + raise leg on all fours

Stay on all fours. The back is straight. Straighten and then bring your right leg parallel to the floor. From this position, bend your knee so that your shin is vertical, then push your leg up, return it, repeat. Change legs. The thigh biceps will strengthen, the buttocks will become stronger, and their shape will improve.

How much to do: 12-15 repetitions, first on one leg, then on the other.

Pulsating bent leg swings

Raise your bent leg from a position on all fours, bringing your thigh parallel to the floor. Start performing pulsating lifts and lowers from this position in a short amplitude. There is a targeted load on the gluteal muscles, which means that it is mandatory to include it in the home training program for beginners.

How much to do: 18-20 pulsations, first on one leg, then on the other.

"Fire hydrant"

Maintain the pose on all fours with a straight back, palms under your shoulders. Move your right leg clearly to the side, without changing its position relative to the body, so that the thigh is parallel to the surface. Lower back down, repeat. Next, perform with your left foot. The outer sides of the buttocks and thighs are pumped.

How much to do: 12-15 repetitions, first on one leg, then on the other.

Pull up + push out of bent leg

Remaining in a pose on all fours, lift your bent leg up and bring your thigh parallel to the floor. Move your leg slightly to the side diagonally. From side to side, pull your knee toward your shoulder, bending your leg. Then bring your straight leg back and push it behind your back. Perform a full set on one side, then switch. All muscles of the thighs and buttocks work actively. Additionally, the oblique abdominal muscles are activated.

How much to do: 12-15 repetitions, first on one leg, then on the other.

Glute bridge on heels

Lie on your back, place your arms along your body. Bend your knees, pull your legs slightly towards you, place your feet on your heels. The back is pressed. Now begin to lift your pelvis up until it is in line with your body. Then lower yourself down. This bridge will load the gluteus maximus muscles, hamstrings, and lower back. One of the best exercises for toned buttocks.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions.

Glute bridge + leg swing

Stay on your back, just close your legs and place your feet completely on the floor. Lift your pelvis up until it is in line with your body, hold, and complete the movement by straightening and swinging your right leg. Lower your pelvis back and lie down, now make a bridge with your left leg. The thighs will be tightened and the buttock muscles will be strengthened.

How much to do: 8-10 repetitions on each leg.

Pulsating Bridge with Leg Raised

Straighten and lift your left leg up to the vertical from a lying position in front of the bridge. Raise your pelvis until there is a single line to your body. Keep your back straight. Start doing pulsating ups and downs in a small amplitude. Next, change legs and repeat. There is an emphasis on pumping the buttocks, one of the best exercises for a round butt.

How much to do: 18-20 pulsations, first on one leg, then on the other.

If you wish, you can repeat the workout in 2-3 laps.

Fun exercises in bed

Fun exercises in bed
MASSAGE . After opening your eyes, it is best to wake yourself up with a light massage.

Light a fire in your palms - rub one against the other, as if you were trying to start a fire in the forest. After this, massage your hands and forearms. Move to your face - smoothly move your warm palms along the massage lines.

That's it, the body is warmed up and ready to charge. EXERCISE No. 1. Rotate your feet and palms clockwise and counterclockwise. Now try the right side clockwise and the left counterclockwise. EXERCISE No. 2

Sit on the bed. Rotate your head as if your neck is the earth's axis, and your head is a faithful satellite of the Earth. EXERCISE No. 3. Now we set off on a voyage; whether it will be calm and smooth or with storms depends on the smoothness of your movements. You need to lie on your stomach, clasp your ankles with your hands and bend back, forming a nice boat with your body. Imagine that there is a quiet lake around you and you are gently rolling back and forth on the waves. In total, you should pump at least 20 times. EXERCISE No. 4. Everyone knows scissors. Raise your straight legs 15 cm from the bed and quickly cross them for 2 minutes. It is important to ensure that the legs do not rise higher or fall lower. EXERCISE No. 5. Bicycle. Now twist your legs as if you were riding your bike down the alley on your day off. Just a few minutes every day and your legs will become much more attractive in just a few weeks. EXERCISE No. 6. Spelling. In this exercise, if necessary, grab the head of the bed with your hands, stretch and lift your legs like scissors and write beautiful large numbers from 1 to 10. If it becomes difficult, you can stop at 5. EXERCISE No. 7. The plane is preparing for takeoff. While sitting on the bed, straighten your arms to the sides - these are your wings, and your shoulders are the blades that you need to quickly rotate in order to take off. Rotate forward for one minute, then back. Didn't take off? So you still need to practice. EXERCISE No. 8. Pose “Turkish”, arms crossed, palms on shoulders. Rock from one side to the other. Just 15-20 swings. EXERCISE No. 9 .
Get out of bed, stretch your arms toward the ceiling and inhale. As you exhale, bend forward and touch your hands to your feet. The legs remain straight. That's it, charging is over, you can rush about your business. And in conclusion, a video lesson of bed morning yoga

Exercises while sitting

You can do this workout at work in between tasks or at home while watching an exciting movie.

  • "Cat" on a chair

This exercise will stretch tired shoulders and back. Place your hands on your knees. Transfer your body weight to your sit bones, bend your knees at a right angle and press your feet to the floor. Round your back and tuck your chin to your chest. Then squeeze your shoulder blades together, arch your back and stretch your neck. Try to arch your chest more. Alternate the deflections, staying in each for 1-2 seconds, until the working time is over.

  • "Lumberjack" sitting

This exercise will strengthen your oblique muscles and increase spinal mobility. Sit upright, straighten your back and press your feet to the floor. Place your palms together, turn your body to the right and raise your straight arms to the right and up. Then move your arms to the left and down, accompanying the movement by turning your body to the left. Make sure that your pelvis does not lift off the chair during the exercise. Do 30 seconds each way.

  • Raising your legs on a chair

This way you can pump up your abs and hip flexors. Place your hands on the edge of the chair on either side of your pelvis and bend your knees. Lift your hips off the chair and back.

Exercises for the lazy for weight loss

You are an office worker who has no time, not only for fitness, but for proper sleep. Is your neck and back starting to ache more and more often, is it difficult to hide your stomach under a shirt, and are your hips no longer as attractive as in your student years? The thought constantly comes to mind that I need to go to the fitness center, but the question arises when?

This set of exercises needs to be done 7-8 times a day, in those very 10 minutes when you need to take your eyes off the monitor. It’s easy to set aside time for it: the first time is in the morning, the last time is before bed.

Distribute the remaining times so that they alternate no more than once an hour, and no earlier than two hours after lunch. Kommersant Set an alarm clock so you don’t forget and on your way to a slim figure. Thanks to this complex, you can lose weight, tighten muscles, and improve the condition of your body in just a few months.

EXERCISE No. 1 . Stand up straight, hands on your waist. Rise onto your toes, hold the position for 3 seconds and lower down. All approaches in this complex are 20 times. EXERCISE No. 1 . Now we remain on our heels, raising our toes and fixing the position for 3 seconds. EXERCISE No. 1 . Stand up straight and squeeze your buttocks as hard as possible, hold for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat as before 20 times. A simple exercise with regular repetitions will transform your curves and even significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite. EXERCISE No. 1 . Let's move on to the hands. Straighten your arms shoulder-width apart to form the letter “T”. The arms are extended and tense. We clench our fists forcefully and hold them for 5-7 seconds, then unclench them.

EXERCISE No. 1 . Swing your arms straight up and down. The right hand alternates with the left hand. EXERCISE No. 2 . Now we fold our hands in front of our chest, palm to palm. Only the fingers touch. We tense our arms and squeeze our hands with force, as if there is a ball between our palms that needs to be crushed. After 5 seconds, relax and repeat. EXERCISE No. 3 . The arms at your sides, the torso, the head and the arms themselves are not mobile in this exercise. Rotate your hips as if on hinges left and right. The exercise is dynamic, no need to fix the position. EXERCISE No. 4 . We squat 20 times. Your legs should form a 90° angle, your knees should not go beyond your toes. EXERCISE No. 5 . And finally, the slopes. Feet are shoulder-width apart, knees do not bend, legs are perfectly straight. Tilt to the right toe, lift, tilt to the center, lift, tilt to the left toe.

With the help of this complex, you can get rid of that annoying belly in just a month and go on vacation with a chic waist.

How to do a plank correctly

A universal exercise with maximum efficiency, which involves almost all muscle groups and which can be modified depending on the fitness of the body, is the plank. It is performed as follows. The exercise is static. Depending on your fitness level, you can stay in each pose for anywhere from a few to 30 seconds. It is advisable to remain in each pose for the same amount of time.

  1. The body is positioned horizontally, supported only by the elbows and forearms, spread to shoulder-width apart, and the toes, which are also shoulder-width apart. The entire body and legs are extended in one line. Stay in this position for some time.
  2. Move your straightened arm to the side. Hold it suspended parallel to the floor, then return to its original position. After this, move your other hand to the side in the same way. Also hold it suspended and return to the starting position.
  3. Raise one leg without bending the knee. Hold the weight and then return to the starting position. Raise your other straight leg, hold it up and lower it. And repeat the starting position.
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