Features of Anna Kurkurina’s “burn fat by drying” method. Workouts with Anna curkurina for drying the stomach and sides

Features of Anna Kurkurina’s method “Drying and burning fats”

Anna Kurkurina is the absolute world champion in powerlifting, the strongest woman on the planet, athlete and coach. She has developed her own training methodology, released a number of video lessons and runs her own YouTube channel. Anna's fitness system is suitable for both beginners and those who have already played sports before. Kurkurina’s “Drying, Burning Fat” technique is aimed at strengthening muscles and burning excess fat.

The story of Anna Kurkurina

Anna is from Ukraine. Has a higher education majoring in biology. She worked at the city zoo, and in order to cope with heavy physical work, she began working out in the gym. Gymnastics and aerobics seemed too easy for the future athlete, so she began training with men. You can read more about how Anna Kurkurina lost weight here:

After some time, the girl herself became a trainer and began to develop exercises for adjusting weight. In 1998 she opened her own sports club. Anna successfully runs a channel on YouTube, where she shares new training programs and helps everyone who wants to get their figure in order. The method of losing weight with Anna Kurkurina is very popular, because in addition to effective results, the trainer captivates with her charisma, cheerfulness and kindness.

Constant training has made Kurkurina’s body look more like a man’s, but she’s quite happy with it. In 2008, 2010 and 2012, she was the overall world champion in powerlifting and fulfilled her dream of becoming the strongest woman on the planet.

A set of exercises for drying the body

According to the trainer, rapid weight loss does not mean exhaustion of the body. There is no need to chase instant results; physical activity should be constant. Drying helps not only to lose weight, but also to change the condition and volume of the body as a whole. Thanks to drying, cellulite goes away, the body becomes sculpted, and the volume of the arms, legs, abdomen, and thighs is reduced and thickened.

Anna Kurkurina's exercises are designed both for the whole body and for its individual parts. For example, an arm workout is performed using dumbbells. The exercises are simple, but they work out the necessary muscles perfectly and make the triceps “burn.” After training, do push-ups. Anna believes that you need to work to the limit, perform the maximum number of approaches, even if you are a beginner. If you can't go to the gym, you can do the exercises at home.

Before training, be sure to do some warm-up exercises. Drying your entire body with special exercises should take at least 40 minutes a day. An example of Anna’s exercises, which involve all the muscles of the body:

  1. Place your feet wider than your shoulders and hold a 1.5-2 kg dumbbell in your hand. Perform a half squat (back should be straight, arm bent at the elbow, knees turned left and right). Turn your whole body to the left, bend your left knee at a right angle (it should not touch the floor). Place your right foot on your toes. Stretch your arm with the weight forward and return to the starting position. After this, change your hand and side of the tilt. Start with 20 times, gradually increasing the number.
  2. Get on all fours, back straight. Stretch your left leg back and fix it in this position (make sure that the knee is not bent). After this, the leg is moved to the left all the way and returned to its original position. The leg should move parallel to the floor. After completing 20 approaches, change legs. After the exercise, sit on your knees and rest your hands on the floor. Turn your hips to the right, then to the left, stretching and relaxing tense muscles one by one.
  3. Take the position as in the first exercise. Tilt the body above the floor at an angle of 45 degrees. You need to feel how tense your buttocks and back are. Take a dumbbell in your left hand, bend your arm at the elbow and sharply stretch it at the top, after which you bend it again. The same is done with the other hand.

Workouts at home

Many women prefer Anna Kurkurina's weight loss program because of its simplicity and accessibility. The Ukrainian fitness trainer has developed a set of exercises that will help get rid of fat deposits in any problem areas.

In her weight loss method, Kurkurina pays great attention to the fight against cellulite. But before you start training, you need to warm up, and after it apply a special anti-orange peel cream to your skin.

She suggests doing three simple exercises every day that will help enhance the effect of the product and quickly get rid of cellulite. You can easily do them at home:

  • Jumping rope. It is believed that this simple exercise is almost the most effective in the fight against cellulite. But to achieve really good results, you need to jump for a long time - at least 15 minutes a day. If you feel very tired, you can take a break and walk around the apartment, but under no circumstances sit down.
  • When the body has recovered a little from the load, you need to return to jumping. In addition to getting rid of the “orange peel”, jumping rope will help you lose weight.
  • Twisting the hoop. With its help, the areas where cellulite most often appears - the waist and hips - are massaged. In addition, hula hoop helps improve digestion and straightens your posture. The principle of performing the exercise is the same as with a skipping rope. You should spin the hoop for at least fifteen minutes. If it drops, it doesn't mean it's time to stop training. You need to lift it and continue to rotate it at the waist and hips.
  • Entering the hill. To perform this exercise you will need a step or some kind of low bench or stool. You need to put one foot on it, then stand up completely and go back down. The exercise is repeated in a circle as many times as you can stand.

Regular implementation of this simple complex will quickly lead to a reduction in cellulite and will also help get rid of fat deposits.

How to lose weight quickly?

The most effective weight loss is achieved by training all major muscle groups. It burns a lot of calories and, as a result, you lose a lot of energy. Moreover, the exercises in these videos themselves cannot be called easy. The load is good, noticeable and corresponds to Kurkurina’s eternal principle - “muscles need to be surprised.” Her exercises for weight loss are intense movements that alternate with slow repetitions (the slower, the more the area of ​​the body being worked is loaded). And in the end - what we need - losing weight with Anna Kurkurina!

One of the workouts is aerobic in nature. Boxing aerobics or tai bo burns 900 calories per hour, far behind exercises such as running or even jumping rope. If you don’t have a partner for these exercises, then just stand in front of the mirror and “fight” with yourself. By the way, boxing is also an excellent stress reliever, allowing you to throw off all the accumulated negative energy.

Many of Kurkurina's workouts can be done at home. But as a professional athlete, she cannot ignore the exercise equipment completely. One of these videos was filmed in the gym and will be useful to those girls and women who visit it.

Anna Kurkurina talks about how to quickly lose weight without neglecting the topic of nutrition. She talks about the need to follow a diet at almost every training session. If you regularly watch the Lose Weight Fast video, listen to the trainer, and do everything right, get ready to buy smaller clothes very soon.

Exercises for weight loss

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Recipes for quick weight loss

You can use the proposed options as dishes for the diet according to Anna Kurkurina’s method.

Pancakes for losing weight

For cooking you need to take the following products:

  • milk – 200 ml;
  • two tablespoons of bran;
  • one chicken egg.

All ingredients must be combined and blended using a blender. The dough should not be too liquid; if it is not thick enough, you can add more bran. When you have achieved the desired consistency, you can start making pancakes. Pour a ladle of dough into a preheated frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown. If you don’t want to eat empty pancakes, you can add cottage cheese or boiled chicken breast with mushrooms as a filling.

Protein cocktail

To prepare this drink you will need:

  • milk – 250 ml;
  • white from two chicken eggs;
  • oatmeal - two tablespoons;
  • natural yogurt – 100 ml;
  • a tablespoon of honey.

Preparing the cocktail is extremely simple. You just need to immerse all the ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth. This meal option is ideal for those who have little time to cook and cannot skip meals.

Watch 3 protein shake recipes in this video:


Features of Anna Kurkurina’s method - We burn fat by drying

Anna Kurkurina's exercises are designed both for the whole body and for its individual parts. For example, training for the arms is done using dumbbells. The exercises are easy, but they work the right muscles perfectly and make the triceps “glow.” After the exercises do push-ups. Anna believes that it is necessary to work to the limit, to do the greatest number of approaches, even if you are a beginner. If you are not able to work out in the gym, you can do exercises at home.

Dear friends. We want to give some basic tips for maintaining your health.

It doesn’t matter when you eat: at night or before 18:00. The main thing is that the amount of Kcal consumed does not exceed the amount expended! Be young, healthy and happy!

Warm-up exercises

The warm-up that precedes the main training program consists of familiar and simple exercises. Anna Kurkurina specially developed her weight loss method in such a way that everyone could do it, regardless of their level of training. Kurkurina suggests the following as warm-up exercises:

  • rotate the pelvis clockwise, then in the opposite direction,
  • do 30 squats, you don’t need to go down very deep, your back is straight,
  • bending the body first to the right and left, then forward and backward, the knees do not bend when performing the exercise,
  • do 30 jumps on your toes, you need to try to stretch the top of your head up,

running in place for a couple of minutes, lunges, it is important when performing this exercise to squat until both legs are bent at a right angle.

If after such a load you still do not feel a feeling of “burning” in the muscles, you should increase the number of repetitions. The muscles must warm up greatly to avoid further injury and get the maximum effect from the workout.

Weight loss technique from the famous champion and trainer Anna Kurkurina

For effective weight loss, it is important not only to balance your diet, but also to give your body physical activity. Specifically, correctly selected exercises will help achieve the desired result: strengthen muscles without increasing their volume, and burn excess fat tissue. This particular technique was developed by the world favorite in powerlifting and an excellent coach, Anna Kurkurina. The exercises, developed by her, are designed to quickly dry muscles and burn lipids.

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