Is it possible to lose fat from the abdomen and sides by running?

Perhaps one of the reasons to start running is the desire to get in shape. A sedentary lifestyle, as well as the abundance and availability of food, lead to the fact that for modern people, excess weight becomes a common problem, and for some reason it is quite often concentrated in the abdominal area.

Head coach of the Marathonica running school Ekaterina Preobrazhenskaya told how to deal with this unpleasant “life preserver” in the waist area by running.

The most important thing that any person who embarks on the path of weight loss and a healthy lifestyle needs to learn is that there is no “magic pill” that can be used to quickly lose excess weight. Any such methods are either deception or extremely harmful drugs that will ultimately lead to the return of kilograms.

It won’t work without effort, so you need to immediately set yourself up for work.

Why problem areas arise

The second important point: you cannot lose weight in any particular zone. “Targeted” exercises and diets are just a marketing ploy to sell your training or nutrition system. We do not lose weight in zones, but by reducing the overall percentage of body fat.

In turn, if your legs lose weight first, and only then your stomach, then this is a feature of the structure of your body, and if you don’t like the proportions, you can change them by adding muscle mass to one or another area (then it will be problematic in comparison appear smaller). Simply put, to make your waist appear narrower, you need to pump up your hips.

Remove a man's belly by running

The most unpleasant thing about excess weight is how it is distributed throughout the body.
A man calmly reacts to excess volume in the area of ​​the shoulders, legs and face, but the appearance of a belly and sides aesthetically spoils the figure, and in more advanced stages it is a problem that can affect the health of the body as a whole. There are many ways to get rid of belly fat, but the easiest way for a man to get rid of belly fat is to run. This method is effective, popular, and is used by both young males and older people.

If you get rid of your belly, you will prevent the occurrence of a number of diseases:

  • development of diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • risk of heart attacks and strokes.

To all this, a big bonus will be a pleasant appearance, aesthetic beauty, sexuality, which will certainly lead to success with the female sex and admiration from the beloved.

How to start losing weight

But let’s get back to how to lose belly fat by running. It is a myth that only through running (like any other sport) you can lose weight. Weight loss occurs only in a situation where the number of calories consumed is less than the calories expended.

Of course, running, as one of the most energy-intensive sports, helps to burn more calories. In other words, if you start running regularly without changing your eating habits, then the 300-500 kcal you burn during a run may be enough to create a negative calorie delta.

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But if you start “eating” your jogging and regaining the calories you burned, you won’t lose weight.

You also need to understand that if the initially positive delta of calories was more than 300-500 kcal, then one run will not be enough to burn them, but to lose weight you need to create a deficit.

Which run is more effective for getting rid of belly fat?

In order for jogging to be effective and quickly contribute to the elimination of belly fat, you need to decide where the training will take place - in the gym on a treadmill or on the street. A treadmill provides some advantages - you can exercise at a convenient time and in any weather, but running outside is certainly healthier.

Important! Regardless of where a person runs, the belly will decrease in size only with regular exercise.

The first results can be seen only a month or two after starting regular training for an hour a day. Experts recommend using interval training to lose weight - first jogging, then speeding up, then switching to jogging again, and so on in a circle. Calorie consumption depends on the speed of acceleration.

But novice runners shouldn’t try too hard - they need to speed up gradually and always monitor their own sensations. A change in load is necessary not only at the beginning of running, but when the body is already accustomed to changing the pace of running and rebuilds the work of the heart and internal organs, and also uses all reserves to normalize vital processes.

There are some rules that will make running as effective as possible:

  1. Be sure to choose the right clothes and shoes for running. Clothing should be optimal for the season, and also absorb sweat well, shoes should be comfortable and well cushion the foot from the surface.
  2. Choose the right place for jogging - the best places are stadiums, parks, paths near water bodies, not recommended - pedestrian paths and highways.
  3. Class times should be selected individually. Jogging in the mornings and in the evenings contributes equally to reducing abdominal volume. If it is more convenient to run in the morning, it is recommended to go for a run about half an hour after waking up. This is necessary so that the heart muscle has time to prepare for the load.
  4. Before running, be sure to warm up. This can be bending, turning the body, squats, or just walking at a fast pace - the body must put all its forces into work.
  5. To burn fat more effectively, you need to constantly increase the load. During the first 15 minutes of running, the body uses up glycogen reserves, and only then begins to use up visceral and subcutaneous fat.
  6. Some experts recommend wrapping the abdominal area with cling film; such running provides a sauna effect. However, this is individual, and this method is not suitable for everyone. If, after wrapping your stomach with film while running, it becomes difficult to breathe, or other uncomfortable sensations appear, it is better to discard the film.
  7. It is recommended to use the abdominal muscles while running, so you can quickly lose weight in this area.

The first lesson should not exceed 15 minutes. You need to walk at a fast pace for a minute, then run for a minute, and alternate this way throughout the workout. Then the running time should be gradually increased, and only then replace the step with a jog.

What to do

Everything is quite simple: you need to find out your daily energy intake, subtract about 300 kcal from it and try not to exceed this value in your daily calorie intake.

To find out the norm, you can use online calculators (they already contain all the necessary formulas) or take a bioempidance test. At the same time, it is important to honestly indicate all your parameters: height, weight, age, as well as activity level. This is where running comes in handy: a few runs a week will move you from the “inactive” category to the moderately active category.

In turn, to know how many calories you consume per day, start writing down what and how much you eat.

How and how much to run

Having practiced in mathematics and setting specific, expressed in numbers, goals, you need to move on to practice.

To start running, you first need to walk. More precisely, alternating walking and running will be optimal for the first training. For example, 5 minutes of walking, then 10 repetitions of 1 minute of running and 1 minute of walking and again 5 minutes of walking. Then you can lengthen the running segments: 2 minute run, 1 minute walk, 3 minute run, etc.

So, by finding a comfortable distribution of load between running and walking, you will gradually reach 30 minutes of continuous running. As a rule, for an inactive person it takes 1-2 months.

The most important thing here is regularity. Do not exercise every day at first, because it is important for the body to recover. But 3, and then 4 runs per week is the preferred minimum if you are still determined to achieve results.

Add light physical training to running, exercises for the feet, knees, and core - this will be an excellent prevention of injuries, and will also have a beneficial effect on muscle development and body toning.


The effectiveness of exercise directly depends on running speed, regularity, as well as diet and the number of calories consumed per day.

Online calculators will help you “deal” with calories; there are quite a lot of them, including in the form of applications for your phone.

With proper organization of running, the body consumes fat that is deposited on the hips, abdomen, sides, and buttocks. It is these “strategic reserves” that are converted into energy on the treadmill.

The main recommendations for maximum training efficiency are:

  • maintain regularity of classes - they should be daily;
  • jog at least 20 minutes a day;
  • consolidate performance with abdominal exercises and jump rope;
  • adhere to proper nutrition and water balance;
  • follow the four-hour taboo rule: do not eat for 2 hours before and after training;
  • use auxiliary methods: belts, breeches for weight loss;
  • while jogging, alternate the pace: jogging and acceleration;
  • exercise in comfortable shoes and clothes;
  • Before jogging, do a warm-up - this will help avoid injuries and warm up the muscles;
  • For weight loss purposes, morning jogging is more effective, but if this is not possible, then the optimal time is after 17-00.

You can exercise both in the gym and at home on a treadmill, in a park, or at a sports stadium. Of course, the most beneficial pleasant jogging is in the fresh air, so in the warm season you should not refuse the opportunity to train outside. Such jogging is also an additional motivating factor: not a single sports track can compare in sensations and mood with the charge of vigor and freshness that you can get by running in the park. Those who have pets can combine business with pleasure: dogs are excellent companions for jogging in the morning.

And yes, an important point about abdominal exercises: they are aimed at building muscles, so running is the ideal solution for the initial stages. It will help burn fat, and then you can start pumping up your abs as additional exercises.

In general, running is an excellent and simple exercise that will help you achieve the ideal and much desired figure.

When to expect results

Take your time, because rapid weight loss is harmful to health, and also, as a rule, entails weight gain back. Moreover, if we limit ourselves too much, a breakdown is inevitable.

Finally, a severe calorie deficit slows down metabolism, and the body will try to create reserves for future use, that is, fat deposits will appear. That is why calculate the calorie deficit in the comfort zone, about 300 kcal per day. But do not forget that the result will only be achieved by systematically following the rules: this applies to regular training and nutrition.

It may sound difficult at first, but remember that after a few months, eating healthy and being active will become a habit, and your legs will invite you to go for a run.

Useful article on the topic: Why I run but don’t lose weight

The benefits of running for losing belly fat

How to find out if running helps you lose belly fat? Look at the runners - not a single one of them is overweight. In the process of movement, the body receives the optimal amount of load, while metabolic processes are activated. Harmful substances come out with sweat, calories are lost and as a result, the runner normalizes his own body weight.

To the question: does running help to remove the stomach and sides, the answer is yes. Intense anaerobic exercise involves the muscles of the thigh, lower leg, buttocks, back, and neck. By starting to run, the patient forces both muscles and internal organs to work. Benefits of training:

  1. The organs are saturated with oxygen, which means migraines, aching bones and muscle spasms will go away;
  2. During running, the heart works with increased intensity, improving the functioning of blood vessels, thereby reducing cholesterol levels and minimizing the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  3. Jogging burns excess fat not only on the stomach, but also on other parts of the body;
  4. Intense movement causes the body to produce a large amount of hormones responsible for pleasant emotions, so after a run a person is always in high spirits.

Thus, jogging removes the fat layer on the stomach, legs, buttocks and sides, gives a lot of positive emotions and improves health.

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