Jump rope for losing belly fat: exercises on a jump rope to remove belly fat and sides

A flat stomach, a beautiful waist, slender legs are what every woman strives for in order to feel attractive, young, and sexy. For some, a beautiful figure is given by nature, for others, they work all their lives to achieve their ideal. One way or another, in the life of every woman there comes a time when the need arises to correct her shape (after childbirth, due to age-related changes, lifestyle, health). During this period, the search begins for a way to regain its former attractiveness. Many people don’t even realize that something as simple as a jump rope can help you lose weight, get rid of your belly fat and improve your figure.

How do jump rope exercises affect the body?

A jump rope is an inexpensive and effective exercise machine that has a complex effect on the body. This type of class is a good alternative for people with limited free time or finances who are unable to attend the gym. At the same time, jumping rope allows you to achieve very impressive results - significantly lose weight, improve your figure and appearance. Jump rope promotes:

  • maintaining athletic shape and the body in good shape;
  • figure correction (jumping rope helps to remove the stomach, sides, “ears” on the hips, make the legs more slender and toned);
  • breathing training;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fight against cellulite and its prevention;
  • improving heart function;
  • maintaining a good mood for the whole day.

During training with a skipping rope, the abdominal muscles work, the buttocks, thighs, and calf muscles tense. Due to the active work of these areas, fat reserves are lost, including subcutaneous fat, which manifests itself in the form of cellulite.

Due to the fact that many muscles are involved in the process of exercises with a jump rope, the body burns a lot of calories. Therefore, it is important to monitor the calorie intake so that it does not exceed the amount of energy expended - then fat burning occurs.

Jump rope training program for girls

The set of exercises selected in this article is designed to be performed 3-4 times a week . By maintaining a regular routine of effective exercise, you can quickly lose weight.

If you are a supporter of intensive training and the fastest results, exercise daily according to the intensive scheme , correctly distributing the load (the program is shown in the photo):

If weather conditions permit, exercises with a skipping rope are best done outdoors. If the weather is bad, we advise you to warn your neighbors, if you live in an apartment building, open a window, vent or go out onto the balcony.

Types of jump ropes

In addition to the usual jump rope, there are several other types of this gymnastic device:

  • jump rope with weights (weighted cord or handles). This is professional equipment used by athletes, in particular boxers;
  • high-speed (it is designed for 5–6 rotations per second). Exercises with this rope correspond in load to a three-kilometer cross-country race;
  • electronic (this jump rope is equipped with a counter that counts jumps and calories).

Selecting a jump rope

To begin with, let's choose a suitable projectile. To determine the correct length of rope to suit your height, stand up straight, place the rope under your toes and pull up. The handles of the projectile should reach armpit level. Approximately, if your height is, for example, 155 cm, a projectile with a length of 2.1 m is suitable, 165 cm - 2.4 m, 173 cm - 2.6 m.

There are several types of jump ropes:

  • Electronic jump ropes . The projectile is equipped with a calorie burn counter. Before training, you enter your weight, when finished, the number of calories burned will appear on the display.
  • Heavy or weighted. They put more stress on the muscles and help increase their volume.
  • Expressways . The most common type of jump rope among women losing weight, since the high-speed apparatus allows you to increase the number of jumps and burn more calories.
  • An ordinary jump rope with a rubber rope. The most affordable and common option

To lose weight quickly, it is important to follow a diet or simply stick to proper nutrition, do not eat sweets at night, completely give up bad habits and develop a daily routine. For very busy women, a jump rope is an excellent assistant in the fight against excess weight.

Keep a positive attitude, this will help you lose weight quickly and pleasantly. Think about the ultimate goal, or better yet, visualize your goal using a photograph of the desired figure, convincing yourself that this is exactly what you will achieve.

How to choose the right jump rope

The choice of jump rope determines how effective and comfortable the exercises will be. It is necessary to select it according to height. To correctly calculate the length of the rope, you need to stand on it with both feet, pull it tight and raise the handles up. If the handles are at the level of the armpits, it means that the jump rope corresponds to your height. The handles should fit comfortably in your hand; it is best to choose wooden ones with an anatomical shape (they will not slip in your hand).

You also need to take care of the comfort of your shoes for exercise; choose sneakers or sneakers with shock-absorbing soles.

Jump table for weight loss program

Noticeable training results are visible if you follow the training schedule within a month. You can create your own program based on your level of physical fitness, or use ready-made tables.

Remember that fat tissue begins to be actively burned after 30 minutes of jumping, but this duration of exercise is dangerous for beginners.

To familiarize novice athletes with an approximate skipping program, we offer a table of jumps against cellulite and excess weight.

This does not mean that the specified number of repetitions must be performed non-stop. If you have not played sports before, you need to give your body time to get used to the stress. That is, even 100-200 basic jumps can be divided into 3-4 approaches with short rest intervals. Gradually strive to jump for as long as possible without stopping. During the day you can do 2-3 such workouts.

Exercise program and jumping technique for losing belly fat

Like any training, exercises with a skipping rope require compliance with jumping technique, load standards, training time, etc. Efficiency and results directly depend on this.

You need to start jumping from 10–15 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 35–45 minutes. You shouldn’t immediately take on a fast pace, trying to set the maximum load in order to lose weight in the shortest possible time - you need to start with low-intensity jumps. It is advisable to exercise every other day, and if possible, every day, so that the result is more noticeable.

15 minutes of jumping rope can burn up to 250 calories, respectively, about 900 calories per hour. A ten-minute intense workout with a jump rope is comparable to 30 minutes of jogging, but jumping rope is more effective.

The technique of performing the jump is also important - the elbows should be as close to the body as possible, the back should be straight, the rope should be rotated only with the wrists. The torso must be fixed in one position during the jump. You should try to push off and land on your toes, without touching your heels to the floor. You should not try to jump high, hoping to increase the effectiveness of the exercises - such jumps will not bring any benefit, in addition, there is a risk of injuring the knee joints or spine. You need to monitor your breathing so that it does not become disrupted during training; if it is difficult, reduce the intensity of the load.

When exercising with a jump rope in order to lose weight and shape your figure, you should jump several times a day, bringing the total training time to 1 hour. The first results will appear within a week - the contours of the body will improve, the figure will become slimmer and more toned, there will be real, visible prospects for removing the stomach and sides.

How to jump rope correctly for weight loss

The first stage of physical exercise is warming up. This will help avoid injuries, damage and sprains. A joint warm-up of the whole body is carried out: starting from the neck, moving lower to the arms, body and ending with the muscles of the legs. That's it, now you can start jumping, changing the pace and exercises. After finishing an aerobic workout, a cool-down is important: the muscles will stretch, become elastic, and the pain the next day after the workout will not be as strong.

Execution technique

Knowing how to jump correctly will help you avoid unwanted injuries. There is a special technique for doing this:

  1. Start your workout at a medium pace. Movements should be moderately active to allow the body to warm up and prepare for more serious stress.
  2. Rotations occur thanks to the wrists; the elbows do not work in the exercises; they must be pressed firmly to the body.
  3. Land on your toes, not your entire foot. You will avoid injury and pain during exercise.
  4. During exercise, your gaze is directed forward, straight ahead.
  5. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

How long to jump rope

The length of time it takes for people to see results varies greatly. Some may notice the effect within a week, while for other people even a month is not enough to lose more than 1-2 kg. All this depends on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the person’s starting weight. It is known that 2-3 regular workouts per week will be the best option for gradual (not sudden!) weight loss.

A set of exercises with a skipping rope

Jumping rope is not as boring as it might seem. By adding variety to your workouts, you can not only increase their effectiveness and lose weight faster, but also have fun:

  1. Simple jumps: you need to try to jump and land on your toes. One jump - one rotation.
  2. Double jumps: for each rotation - two jumps, keeping a low pace.
  3. Jumping with alternating legs (in this case, the free leg can be bent at the knee back, or held in front of you. Good results are obtained by an exercise alternating the position of the free leg during jumps).
  4. Jumping back and forth on two legs.
  5. Alternating jumps (sets of 10 times on each leg).
  6. Lateral jumps: on the first jump move to the right, on the second jump back, then jump to the left and the next jump back to the starting position.
  7. Jumping with knees turning: the technique is to turn your knees left and right while jumping. This exercise is very valuable because the abdominal and waist muscles are trained, it becomes slimmer and more toned.
  8. Jumping with double rotation of the rope.

In addition to jumping, to lose belly fat you can do other stretching and abdominal exercises with a skipping rope:

  • sitting on the floor and stretching out your legs straight, try to reach your toes with your hands with a folded rope;
  • bending: fold the rope in half, holding it with your arms raised up, feet shoulder-width apart;
  • sitting on the floor and stretching out your left leg, fold the rope in four and rest your right foot on it. Pull the knee of your right leg towards you, leaning back, so that you feel the tension in your abs.

When exercising with a jump rope for weight loss, it is important to consider the importance of related factors:

  • diet, control over the amount of calories consumed;
  • water balance;
  • correct execution of exercises;
  • regularity, consistency of classes;
  • appropriate attitude, focus on achieving results.

A very important point is self-discipline, regular training, and a positive attitude. Only the presence of internal motivation can help cope with attacks of laziness and despair while waiting for the first results and get rid of belly fat.

Jumping on both legs

The most common method of movement is to simultaneously push off the ground with both legs. In this case, the main load should fall on the front of the foot. Perform the first 100-150 jumps at a slow or moderate rhythm, gradually accelerating.

To work additional muscle groups, try varying this exercise. Jumping on both legs with turns is effective. That is, when touching the floor, the feet should be alternately directed to the right, then to the left.

Be sure to read: The best static exercises for weight loss

You can also jump from side to side without turning your body. For those who are confident in using the apparatus, you can twist the rope twice in one jump.

But during a break, you can slowly perform two jumps in one turn of the rope.

Another option is to alternate legs together, then apart. The exercise is reminiscent of the favorite aerobic element “jumping jack”, adapted for a jump rope. Your feet should not be placed too far apart; the distance between your feet should be slightly wider than your shoulders.

Contraindications when exercising with a skipping rope

You need to understand that jumping rope, like any other sport, is not suitable for everyone and has its limitations.

For an unprepared body, jumping rope can become a serious test: the load on the heart is quite intense, so people with cardiovascular diseases need to exercise carefully, monitor their condition, measure their pulse before and after exercise, consult a doctor about exercises to avoid exacerbations . It is also necessary to consult a doctor for those who suffer from diseases of the joints and spine.


How does a jump rope work?

Exercises with a skipping rope are an aerobic type of exercise, so the process is primarily aimed at burning fat deposits. And secondly - to pump up and tone the muscles. The main advantage of the jump rope is that it works with the most problematic areas - thighs, buttocks, calves - since the main load falls on the lower part of the body. However, the effect of the jump rope also extends to the abdominal muscles, so the volume will also be removed from the waist.

The faster you jump, the more calories you will burn during your workout. Start at a slow to medium pace and gradually speed up. After just a couple of weeks, you will notice that jumping becomes easier and easier, and you can jump longer.

Regular training with a jump rope helps not only to lose weight, but also to get a number of other useful and pleasant results:

  • break down cellulite by improving lymph flow in tissues;
  • strengthen the heart muscle;
  • improve your mood due to the release of endorphins;
  • strengthen leg muscles;
  • increase endurance.
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