How to properly twist a massage hoop for weight loss to remove belly and sides: trainer’s recommendations, reviews

There are many methods for losing weight, hula hooping is one of them. Next, the process will be described in detail, how to properly twist a massage hoop for weight loss, and how long it will take to lose weight.

Many girls want to lose weight by summer, but diets alone cannot do without sports training; you also need to keep your skin and muscle tissue elastic. Probably a hoop would be perfect for this task. Not only will the extra centimeters on your waist and hips go away, but you will also feel fresher and more energetic. All areas of your body will be actively working. The main thing is to know how to spin the hoop correctly. You can find further information in detail.

How to spin a hoop correctly: does hula hoop help you lose weight?

Back in the last century, in the sixties, talented Americans invented the hula-hoop . These were the creators of children's toys A. Melin, R. Knerr. Previously, a hula hoop was called a hula hoop. Why? Because the movements that girls perform while rotating the hoop are similar to the famous Hawaiian dance. A massage hoop differs from a regular hoop in that it has special convex devices inside its surface for influencing the body.

Hoop for weight loss

You should do the exercises correctly, and choose a heavier hula hoop. Then you will be able to lose weight much faster than with a regular hoop that we know from childhood (hollow inside and light). When performing rotations, the main thing is not to be lazy. If exercises with this equipment are not frequent and last only about five minutes a day, and the diet is not followed, then there will be no weight loss.

You should perform rotations every day , you will have to learn how to spin the hoop correctly , and reduce the usual portions that you are used to eating, especially at dinner. According to user reviews, thanks to the hula hoop, many girls managed to remove several centimeters from the waist and hips. Training with this massager is equivalent to fitness classes.

It is recommended to perform movements rhythmically, then all the cells of the body become toned, the pulse quickens, the strength of breathing increases, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism, i.e. Fat mass is burned, muscle tissue is strengthened, and overall body volume decreases. The local effect is strikingly noticeable . For example, if you twist a hula hoop on the waist, this part of the body decreases; on the hips , then the size of the hips decreases . Experienced trainers advise using a hoop with bodyflex; in this case, the process of losing weight happens even faster.

You need to be prepared for the fact that you won’t notice immediate results immediately after your first hoop training. To lose weight, you need to exercise for a long period of time. On average, in order to remove a centimeter from your waist and hips, you will need to hula hoop for about two months. And at the same time, training will not exhaust you too much, because you can combine it with watching your favorite television shows or programs.

How to spin a hula hoop?


Start spinning the hula hoop for five minutes a day. Especially if you choose a heavy massager. After all, unaccustomed muscles and skin will ache after exercise, and bruises will still remain on the skin. Some coaches advise starting this sport with lighter hoops. And then start using heavy hula hoops. You can also protect your skin with thick clothing, then the likelihood of bruising will be less.

Useful tips

Don't you know how to make a hula hoop rotate around your waist? The problem needs to be fixed urgently! A few simple rules will help you master your inventory:

  1. Don't eat before meals! After eating, wait an hour before exercising with a hula hoop. If you exercise with a full stomach, you will get a lot of unpleasant sensations in the form of nausea or sharp pain.
  1. Train for 30-40 minutes. Persevere in the exercise even if the “circle” keeps falling. To begin with, small training sessions are suitable for you to learn and understand the principle of rotation well. Then feel free to start longer sessions. The more intense the physical activity, the faster you begin to lose weight. Aerobic exercise will help you lose weight if you are not lazy.
  1. Feet closer! How to learn to spin a hoop? You need to learn the main rule: put your feet closer to each other. The further away they stand, the more difficult it will be for you to perform the exercise. And while you are not a professional, take my advice.

  1. Breathe! Without air, the result of your efforts will be zero. So don't hold your breath, because you are not a diver. Open the window and ventilate the room to make your workout more enjoyable.
  1. The body should be tense. You have to keep your body tense, otherwise you will get tired of constantly picking up the hula hoop from the floor.

After just a couple of lessons, you mastered the circle, made it rotate around its “orbit”, there are no limits to happiness, but there is a problem: the weight has not changed. In a panic, you turn to the Internet in search of an answer. It's all about proper nutrition! More than half of your success depends on the foods you eat daily.

How to spin a hula hoop correctly, how long to spin a hula hoop for weight loss?

How to spin a hoop correctly, how long to do it to lose weight - these are the questions asked by the most impatient women who need to lose weight faster. First of all, before answering these questions, you should decide on a hula hoop. For beginners, as already mentioned, it is better to choose not heavy massagers. Then you need to be able to twist it without dropping it; this task is not easy for some athletes.

How to hold your hands when spinning a hoop?

But when you learn how to handle this equipment, observe the following conditions:

  • Losing weight does not happen immediately and unnoticed, so you will first have to reach a minimum level - this is half an hour of exercise with a hula hoop . After this, you can move on to the next level and practice with a hoop for 45 minutes. And already change your light hoop to a heavy analogue.
  • Your body should gradually accept the load . Try not to keep your feet shoulder-width apart when working with a hoop; it is better to increase the amplitude of your body’s oscillations. Let the muscles work at full capacity.
  • When you can hold the hoop for a long time without problems, start adding steps to the rotations . Walk sideways, forward, backward, keep your hands behind your head. This will make it easier for you to maintain your balance.
  • To effectively lose weight, it will be enough for you to start spinning the hula hoop every day for about 45-50 minutes , the only condition is that you need to do this without rest or stop. It is then that muscle tissue will begin to strengthen and fat cells will melt before our eyes. The first results will be noticeable in about a month. A person loses 4-5 kilograms with such training.

As you can see, the result will not come immediately; to improve your performance, supplement exercises with a hoop with additional physical training and moderate nutrition.

How to prepare for training

Before class, it is advisable to do a short warm-up to “warm up” the muscles and prepare them for the load. A standard warm-up includes turns, bends, squats, limb swings, and walking in place.

Basic moments

First you need to learn how to twist the hoop so that the execution technique is correct:

  • Enter the center of the hula hoop, lift it to waist level so that the rim touches the lower back;
  • The projectile should be supported with your palms facing the ceiling;
  • Close your legs or spread them slightly apart;
  • Push the rim in any direction and begin rhythmically moving your waist back and forth, pushing the projectile so that it continues to rotate.
  • Try not to make high-amplitude movements with your entire body; only the abdominal wall muscles should work.

The most comfortable positions for the arms are crosswise on the shoulders, behind the head (the hands are locked together) or spread to the sides.


As experts recommend, in order to quickly remove the stomach and sides, you need to twist the hoop correctly with your feet together. If you place your feet shoulder-width apart, part of the load will be transferred to the hips and gluteal muscles.

You need to rotate the hula hoop alternately clockwise and counterclockwise. When you have thoroughly mastered the technique, complicate the task - gradually move the rim from the waist to the hips and back.

Advanced Techniques

Complex hula hoop exercises will help make your workouts more complex and use more muscles:

  • Without stopping the rotation, move around the room forward, backward, sideways with side steps;
  • Squat with the hoop as deep as you can;
  • Do the same exercise with bending forward;
  • Twist the hula hoop in a lunge - alternately put your right and left legs forward, while it is permissible to stretch your arms up to maintain balance;
  • Hang a light plastic hoop on the forearm of your outstretched arm, rotate it on your arm, moving it up and down;
  • Lie on your back, lift your straightened leg perpendicular to the floor, put a hula hoop on it and twist it at shin level.

How to spin a hoop correctly to lose weight at the waist - trainer's recommendations

Many women are concerned about their waist size. Especially when after childbirth the tummy does not subside for a long time, but you really want to return to your previous appearance, a hula hoop will help. The main thing is to perform the rotations correctly and your waist will become slender, like a wasp’s.

Exercises with hula hoop

Let's look at how to properly twist a waist hoop .

  1. First, take the starting position, spread your legs a little and place them at level with your shoulders , spread your feet to the sides .
  2. Take the hula hoop in your hands and set it in motion . Hold the hoop at your waist using a rotating motion. And you can raise your hands to your head.
  3. Pull your stomach in a little so that the hula hoop bounces when it touches it. Spin the massager as long as possible . If it falls, start all over again. The duration of the exercise depends on your endurance and habit. Many girls with trained muscles are able to rotate the exercise machine for about 1.5 hours a day, and more is not necessary so that the body does not accept such activities as stress. Otherwise, over time, he will begin to store up energy and demand high-calorie foods, which will lead to the opposite consequences of losing weight.

You can also do exercises with a hoop around your waist and additional step movements. This will improve not only your figure in the waist area, but also your heart will begin to train its endurance, this is useful for the functioning of the organ.

IMPORTANT : Any trainer who has experience will confirm that rotating a hula hoop is useful for the beauty of the body and for improving health.

How to choose the right hoop for classes

The following types of hula hoops are common:

OrdinaryThe most popular type of hula hoop, which has become widespread in the USSR since the early 60s and has not lost its relevance to this day. Its diameter is 95 cm. It is a hollow iron or plastic structure. The hoop is relatively light, so it is suitable for beginners .
FoldingThis is an improved design of a regular hula hoop that can be folded in half or in four. It is very convenient for those who are used to training at any time of the day, when they have a free minute, because when disassembled it takes up very little space.
Weighted This option weighs up to two kilograms and gives a significant load on the waist and hips during exercise. This is the type of hula hoop you should choose if you decide to lose extra pounds and noticeably improve your figure.

But the heaviness of this hoop can also be a disadvantage, as people with sensitive skin may experience bruising after a long workout. On the other hand, when you start spinning a hula hoop regularly, your body will get used to the stress and new bruises will not appear.

Massage The surface of the hula hoop has massaging elements in the form of small suction cups that will stick and detach from the skin during rotation. This increases blood circulation and stimulates metabolic processes in problem areas.

There is also a type of massage hoop, the surface of which has rotating balls (about 30 pieces) built into it. They are not only a massage element, but also make the apparatus heavier.

With magnetsUnder the influence of magnetic fields, the supply of oxygen to tissues increases and blood flow improves. Blood and lymph are moving conductors, and weak currents arising in them under the influence of a magnetic field improve metabolic processes.
With calorie counterIt will help you monitor your workout results, taking into account the amount and speed of rotation. The disadvantage of this type of hula hoop is the large error of the counter, which does not take into account your individual characteristics, height and weight when counting calories.
GimFlexorThis is one of the most modern types of hoop, made of reinforced rubber. Before training, it needs to be inflated with air. Thanks to its flexibility and ability to take any shape, this hula hoop can not only be rotated, but also perform non-standard exercises while training major muscle groups.

To have an attractive figure, you need to remove fat from the sides and abdomen.

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What to consider?

The following points should play a decisive role when choosing a hula hoop:

Massage hoop type of projectile helps speed up metabolism

  • Your build and physical fitness. If you are practicing hula hoop for the first time, then start with light hoops - from one to one and a half kilograms.
  • Training intensity. The greater the weight of the hoop, the more grueling the workout will be. If you are already accustomed to moderate physical activity and decide to complicate the exercises for greater results, then choose a hula hoop of medium weight - up to two kilograms.
  • Class experience. With good sports training and sufficient regularity of exercise, you can switch to heavy massage hoops, weighing from two to three kilograms.

Carry out hula hoop classes in thick clothing and a neoprene thermal belt. Clothes will protect your body from bumps and bruises, and the belt will speed up fat burning.

How to spin the hoop correctly: before or after meals, at what time of day?

Many girls who take care of their health are interested in the question: how to properly spin a hoop before or after eating? The optimal training option is two hours after a meal and one hour before eating. This way you will not disrupt the digestive process in the gastrointestinal tract during exercise.

It is also recommended to drink water after hula hoop exercises. Just drink the drink non-carbonated. What time of day to train is not that important, the main thing is not in the evening before bed, otherwise you may have insomnia.

When is the best time to hula hoop?

How to spin a hoop correctly so that it doesn't fall?

Representatives of the fair sex spin the hula hoop in different ways. Firstly, it can be rotated clockwise and counterclockwise. And it doesn’t matter, you can do it this way and that way. After all, it is convenient for some to start on the right side, and for others on the left. Circular movements are made both on the waist and on the hips, and at the same time girls can lower and raise the massager without problems by increasing or decreasing the rotation speed of this equipment.

Side rotation of the hula hoop can also be used . More precisely, move your body from side to side, so the hoop can be held on your hips for a long time, the main thing is to catch the rhythm of the twist. Place your hands and elbows above the hoop so that they do not interfere with its rotation, and you can hold your legs in a way that is comfortable for you.

However, beginners sometimes find it difficult to hold the hoop on themselves for a long time. To rotate it for a long time and hold it , do the following:

  • When the hoop begins to fall from your waist to your hips and is about to fall, try to bend your knees under the hula hoop and begin to rotate the massager with greater speed and push your body upward .
  • Again, when the hoop is lowered onto your hips, lower your shoulders back a little, make rotational movements with your body in the same direction as the massager rotates, quickly push it up with your hips - onto your waist. Use the flexibility of your body, make twisting, smooth, but strong movements .

How to hold a hoop?
As you can see, to prevent the hoop from falling, you should spin the hula hoop more strongly and throw it up a little with your body. And it doesn’t matter how you do it, the main thing is: the result.

How to learn to spin a hoop

It’s not at all difficult to learn this; for more serious results, it’s important to choose the right hoop just for you. Namely, if you are tall, the hoop should be wider in diameter. To check, you need to place the hula hoop on the floor next to you and if it reaches your thigh, then this is ideal. A hoop, also known as a hula hoop, is a round-shaped exercise machine. It is often used as one of the accompanying equipment in rhythmic gymnastics lessons. Also, it has different types, for example, there is a massage, which consists of several parts, with attachments on the inside. There is also a magnetic one, which also carries the heaviest load, but for beginners it is best to purchase an aluminum one, it is lightweight and more like getting used to for the first time.

How to twist a hoop correctly: is it possible to twist it during menstruation, after a cesarean section?

Despite all the benefits of practicing with a hula hoop for the human body, some contraindications to the use of this item should be taken into account. There are times when hula hoop training has to be postponed for a while, or maybe it’s not worth doing such exercises at all.


  • Complications in the postpartum period, painful periods, gynecological pathologies.
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, kidney diseases, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis - these are all diseases that are a contraindication to hula hooping.
  • This type of weight loss should not be used by pregnant women.
  • Patients with diseases of the spinal column, hernia, myositis.
  • Women with skin injuries in the area affected by the hoop.

You should also not engage in this sport after Caesarean surgery. It is allowed to start training only after six months of rehabilitation, when everything has healed. During menstruation, if they are painless, then you can exercise with a massage instrument, but it is better to reduce the intensity of training and time.

Can you spin a hula hoop while you're on your period?

How many calories does a massage hoop burn, reviews

How many calories does a massage hoop burn? According to average estimates, ten minutes of hoop twirling can burn about 50-90 kcal. And some say that in an hour the figure goes off scale to 450 kcal. And this is all true. After all, a lot depends on the strength of the training. If you exercise faster, then fats will be burned much faster. Experienced instructors claim that hula hoop classes are akin to aerobics classes in burning calories. The only thing that matters is the intensity and duration of the classes.

Next, look at the reviews: Elena, 29 years old :

I immediately started twirling a heavy hula hoop, at first I could only twirl ten times and it was very painful, bruises appeared on my body. But despite this, I continued to spin and now I can freely spin the hoop for half an hour, I noticed that I had lost two centimeters in my waist.

Arina, 25 years old:

Since childhood, I loved twirling a hula hoop, but then I abandoned this business, work, home, family, child. Now I decided to lose weight and wanted to get back to my favorite activity. I’ve been training for two weeks now, and without rest I can spin the hula hoop for 40 minutes. My hoop is made of aluminum, and when it is twisted, a massage occurs inside with rubber balls. They are a little stiff but shape the waist well. During this time I lost two kilograms. Because in addition to exercising, I cut down my portions for dinner.

Let's move to the next level

Once you get used to the hula-hub and have mastered the technique, you can make the task a little more difficult for yourself and begin to change the direction of rotation of the projectile. In the beginning, it will be very difficult for you to achieve balance, but then you will get used to it and will be able to change direction without interrupting the twist. This exercise is very useful and will contribute to faster weight loss.

Try lowering the hoop down your hips. If you can already twist it at your waist, then you can easily do this exercise. Start spinning the hula hub as usual, in the lower back area, and when you “catch” the pace, let the hoop go down to the hips. When he is there, speed up your movements a little, trying to keep the hula-hub.

This way, you will expand your range of exercises and be able to train more productively.

Start by twisting the hoop clockwise around your waist, then rotate it in the other direction. After about ten minutes, you can lower the hoop onto your hips, and then, making an upward movement with your pelvis, lift it back up to your waist.

Such a workout will be more productive than twisting a hoop only in the lumbar area.

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