Hoop for weight loss: which hoop is better, how to twist correctly, how much, reviews

The training apparatus, known as a hula hoop or a fitness hoop, has long attracted the attention of women who are struggling with extra pounds and dreaming of a slim figure. Such hoops are now available in various modifications, which sometimes makes it difficult to choose them for certain purposes.

This article will help you decide on the types of exercise equipment, tell you about its correct use and answer the main question - is it possible to lose weight with a hoop?

Is it possible to lose weight with a hoop?

Yes, you can lose weight with a hoop - this apparatus provides an effective load on the areas of the waist that are most problematic for fat deposits. But there are a number of common myths associated with this, which are best dispelled right away.

Common myths about losing weight with hoops:

  • You shouldn’t expect miracles from training with a hoop: losing extra pounds quickly and easily - for results you need to work and follow certain rules;
  • There is no “breaking” of the fat layers at the waist with the hoop - this is physiologically impossible;
  • As an independent means of weight loss, the hoop is not very effective;
  • Without accompanying adjustments in nutrition, such training can have results close to zero;
  • A hoop is one of the simplest fitness equipments, but it is not the safest of them.

Hula hoop exercises for weight loss are most effective:

  • In combination with other fitness activities;
  • With regular training;
  • With sufficient load in time and intensity;
  • With dietary adjustments, especially when limiting the consumption of fast carbohydrates and animal fat;
  • With the correct individual selection of the size and type of projectile.

Most of all, a fitness hoop helps beginners with little or no training experience in losing weight.

It will not only provide acceptable physical stress for a beginner, but will also accustom the body to physical education discipline, because twirling a hula hoop is much more fun than running or doing abs.

In the first month, the hula hoop can be used as the only fitness equipment . Then you need to gradually increase the load using additional exercises.

After achieving serious results in fitness, the hoop can be used to warm up before the main workout or quickly tone the body.

Note! After gaining experience, you can spin a fitness hoop with full or partial concentration: during the training process you can not only listen to music, but even watch TV - the effectiveness of the exercises will not suffer from this.

How can a hoop help shape your figure?

The principle of the influence of this simple object on the figure is that when a person twists it in a certain area of ​​the body (hips, waist, and so on), the hula hoop literally hits the body, fat deposits under the skin begin to break down, and being smaller , these fat particles are removed from the body much easier and faster.

using a hoop daily - you can lose several kg without additional manipulations

If you exercise regularly, monitor your diet and eating schedule, and give up bad habits, the results will not take long to arrive. This is the advantage of hula hoop - real getting rid of extra centimeters in a short time.

Hoop for weight loss: effectiveness and benefits

In some sources you can find statements that a few ten-minute exercises with a fitness hoop a day are enough to lose weight.

This is not true. In fact, working with hula hoops is considered low-intensity fitness, so long-term one-time approaches are needed for serious results.

According to generally accepted rules, effective calorie expenditure begins after 20 minutes of cardio training, provided that the pulse is at the level of fat-burning indicators.

Some people believe that it is better to use heavy equipment to lose weight. Indeed, weighted fitness hoops work more efficiently, but only if there is sufficient rotation amplitude and tempo. And not every woman can do this, given the required minimum time for one approach.

in terms of effectiveness, the severity of the projectile is in third place after the intensity and duration of training .
The fat-burning effect increases the complexity of the exercises - for example, fitness dancing with a hoop or balancing on one leg while rotating the apparatus.

Often, to build an ideal figure, losing extra pounds alone will not be enough - hula hoop allows you to remove cellulite and tone your muscles, tightening your waist. The anti-cellulite effect depends most on the massage properties of the hula hoop, which requires its increased weight. Therefore, it is better to have several hoops of different weights and shapes in your arsenal.

At the same time, you need to keep in mind that a fitness hoop is not entirely suitable for fully working out muscles. Yes, it can put a significant load on the muscles of the entire body. But it is inferior in terms of the amplitude of muscle contraction, since the legs take on a significant share of the work. Therefore, for the full effect of muscle tightening, you need to add special strength exercises to the waist.

This is what you get with the right approach to training with a fitness hoop:

  • Blood and lymph circulation in the waist area is activated, which brings additional oxygen to the cells, oxidizing fat;
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular, respiratory and excretory systems;
  • Posture improves , the waist is modeled, the muscles of the legs, buttocks, abdomen and back are strengthened, and the flexibility of the spine develops;
  • The vestibular apparatus is trained , spatial coordination and overall endurance are improved;
  • Biologically active zones are stimulated , peristalsis is improved, varicose veins and cellulite are prevented;
  • Maintains body tone and relieves stress.

Important to remember! You should not go to extremes during training, experiencing increased stress and discomfort - when rotating a hula hoop, there should be a feeling of pleasant warmth in the waist, not pain.

How to choose a waist hoop?

There is a very large selection in stores, and among this variety, hoops differ primarily in their appearance, as well as in their functionality. So, there are: simple, weighted, massage hoops, hoops with calorie counters and folding hoops.

A simple hula hoop has been familiar to us since childhood. Hollow inside, it is made of aluminum or plastic. It is very light, and it will not be difficult at all to unwind it, even if it is unusual for you.

A weighted hoop, compared to a regular hoop, is a little more difficult to untwist, but it is easier to twist, since its movement occurs to a greater extent by inertia. Unlike a simple hoop, it is not hollow, and its weight can reach up to two kilograms.

A more modern analogue is a massage hoop , which has massage balls on the inside that allow you to activate the muscles of the abdomen, back, hips and gluteal muscles. A massage hoop can increase blood circulation in the waist area, thus toning the muscles. However, in order to avoid bruises on the body, you will have to use it together with the use of a weight loss belt, or simply while in a robe.

The most popular massage hoops are NewbodyHealthHoop, Torneo and DynamicHealthHoopS.

Folding hoops for a thin waist are hoops consisting of several removable parts, the number of which ranges from two to four pieces. They are very convenient in the sense that they do not take up much space and are easy to disassemble and assemble.

There are also hoops that have a calorie counter on the outside that can count the number of calories burned based on the rotations made around the waist.

Which hoop is best for weight loss: how to choose

From 1958 (when the fitness hoop gained wide popularity) to the present day, many varieties of this apparatus have been developed. Its correct choice plays an important role in achieving results and should be based on:

  • On individual body composition;
  • Taking into account the fitness of the body;
  • Accordingly for the purpose of use.

The main parameter of body composition is height. In accordance with it, the diameter of the hula hoop is selected: with increasing growth, the diameter of the projectile increases.
When choosing, you need to place it on the edge next to you - the one that reaches the waist or just above it (40-60 mm) is suitable. The limit is the level of the false edge. Sometimes it is advised to buy a hula hoop that reaches only to the thigh, but this recommendation applies to hoops used for gymnastics, and not for cardio training and weight loss. The most universal diameter is from 90 to 120 cm.

The weight of the equipment used depends on the degree of fitness of the body.

For women who do not have fitness experience, first they need to buy a light hoop weighing from 1 to 1.5 kg.

Gradually you can increase the weight to 2 - 2.5 kg. Heavy projectiles weighing 3 kg or more can only be used if you have experience, strong core muscles and the absence of medical contraindications.

If you know how to spin a hoop, then you need to try it before buying - the process should not cause any significant difficulties or painful sensations.

Not every fitness hoop model is suitable for weight loss, so below are the characteristics of the main modifications of this equipment and the purposes for which they are used.

It is important to know!

At first, even a light hoop may cause bruises on the waist, so beginners are not recommended to rotate the apparatus on unprotected skin. Use thick sportswear or a special protective belt.

What kind of hoop should be for training with it to be effective?

Next, let's try to figure out what a good waist hoop is - that is, let's talk about modern hula hoops. Today, you don’t need to put rice or sand into a hoop to make it gain weight. There are plenty of hula hoops to choose from for weight loss (reviews of which you will find below): with massage elements, magnetic balls, flexible hoops, collapsible and other models - which one to choose?

The main tasks that a weighted hoop should perform:

  • thermal effect, which promotes the breakdown of fat;
  • physical activity on the abs and waist.

Sometimes reviews about which hoop is best for weight loss advise choosing a hula hoop that is not too heavy, because a heavy hoop will cause bruises.

We would advise you to choose a hoop with a weight of at least 2.5 kg - bruises on the body will be caused by both light and heavy ones. To prevent their occurrence, sympaty.net advises carrying out the first workouts in a sweater - the body will gradually get used to the “impacts”, then you can wear a light T-shirt or work out in a tank top.

If we talk about all sorts of balls, magnets and other “add-ons”, then this will not make the hoop any worse. Here's what the developers promise:

  • Massage elements massage internal organs, crush fatty tissue, and train muscles. This helps improve the functioning of internal organs, in particular the intestines, and also improves blood circulation;
  • Magnetic balls create a magnetic field that improves blood circulation and supplies organs with oxygen;
  • A hoop with a calorie counter is very convenient because it counts how many calories you have consumed during your workout. This is a good incentive in the classroom - because you immediately see the result of your work;
  • Collapsible ones are convenient for their mobility. They are convenient to carry with you when you go on a trip, that is, the exercise machine is always with you;
  • The “Make a body” hoop, like the “Make a waist” option (flexible), performs several functions, so it can really replace several devices for practicing at home.

Massage hoop for weight loss

This type of fitness hoop has a smoothed wave-like structure on the inner surface - this is the most universal massage modification. It can be used without restrictions as the main projectile.

But more specialized models are also produced, the inner surface of which has built-in massage modules.
Usually these are freely rotating balls that give a pronounced massage effect. However, it is better to use such hoops as an additional exercise machine, since the time for a relatively safe active waist massage is 10-15 minutes , and this is not enough for a full workout.
It is recommended to use a massage hoop if there is cellulite on the waist and if there are problems with intestinal motility. Contrary to popular belief, massage hoops do not have any special benefits for losing excess weight.

Hoop with spikes for weight loss

This is a specialized type of massage fitness hoop designed to actively stimulate the skin of the waist.

Instead of smooth bulges or balls, angular spikes or modules with suction cups are built in . Both have a stimulating effect on the biologically active zones of the skin. Therefore, such a device is more of a reflexology tool than a fitness machine. It should be used with caution in sessions of 10 minutes. Bruises from this variety appear most often. It is also the myth about “breaking up fat” with spikes that is usually associated with it.

Hula hoop for weight loss

Hula hoop is used as a general collective name for a fitness hoop - this name was chosen by its popularizer R. Knerr, who found the similarity of the torsion of the projectile with the movements of the Hawaiian dance “Hula Hoop”.

But hula hoop is also called a classic lightweight type of hoop, made in the form of a hollow plastic tube , originally used as a toy for children and adults.

The hula hoop is often used in gymnastics, but it is of little use for weight loss. But this is an excellent tool for those beginners who do not know how to spin a hoop at all - it is easiest to learn this with it.

Interesting fact!

In the 50s of the last century, Richard Knerra tried to patent a fitness hoop as his “invention,” but he failed. Despite the fact that hula hoop entered mass culture precisely after this man’s extensive commercial campaign, willow, grape, rattan, grass and even bamboo hoops have been twisted around the waist by many peoples since ancient times.

And the first wave of popularization occurred back in the 14th century. - English aesculapians attributed the spinning of wooden rings on the waist to pain in the womb and heart disease.

How to choose a hula hoop for weight loss?

If you are buying a hula hoop as a toy for your child, you can safely give preference to lightweight hoops made of bright plastic

But if this is equipment for serious body shaping exercises, you will have to pay attention to completely different parameters: diameter, weight, presence of bulges, massage rollers, etc.

You need to understand that comfort during exercise is considered one of the components of effectiveness, otherwise the exercises will soon become boring or they will have to be constantly interrupted due to pain (we are talking about those same bruises or, in scientific terms, hematomas). For this reason, the choice of hoop must be approached very responsibly. It is quite possible that you will even have to change the projectile a couple of times if it no longer meets the requirements that you place on it.

If you belong to the category of beginners, in this case it is better to choose a simpler projectile. For example, a plastic or light aluminum hoop weighing up to 1 kg without any bells and whistles. By the time you learn how to spin the hoop, it will repeatedly hit you on the sides and fall to the floor. The low weight of the hoop will allow you to avoid injury to your legs when the hula hoop falls and the appearance of painful bruises on the waist.

At the beginning of classes, not only the weight, but also the size of the hoop is very important. It is considered ideal if the first hoop is about 1.2 m in diameter. And it is not at all necessary to take a tape measure with you to the store. It is enough to place the hula hoop vertically on the floor and see where its highest point is. It is best if this point is at the level of the lower rib.

In principle, this can be any area between the chest and waist. But you need to take into account that it is much easier to rotate a large hoop at the waist than a projectile with a small diameter. For training, the first option is more suitable, the number of rotations per minute is less.

As the training comes to an end and the skills of spinning a hoop are consolidated, you can start looking for the next copy. It should be slightly smaller in diameter and heavier. The weight of weighted plastic and metal hoops ranges from 1-2.5 kg. Before making the final choice, you need to try to twirl hula hoops of different weights, deciding which option will be more comfortable for you. You can keep your first hoop as a keepsake, pass it on as an inheritance to your daughter, or give it to your best friend if she also decided to take care of herself.

By regularly practicing with a hoop, you will feel when you need to move on to a more effective version of this simple but effective sports equipment. Perhaps after a while you will have to change the second hula hoop to a hoop of a smaller diameter (about 90-100 cm) or try to practice with massage versions of the hoop, which have different bulges, rollers, and spikes.

Why buy a smaller hoop seems understandable. A smaller diameter means more rotations, which means a more intense massage that removes cellulite and bulky fat. But why take a heavier hoop? And here everything is logical: the heavier the projectile, the more difficult it is to rotate and the greater the pressing force. From such a hoop we get a more effective massage, and we spend more energy on its rotation and holding it in a horizontal plane, which is taken from our own fat deposits.

If you try to spin a regular hoop and a weighted one for 10 minutes, while counting the calories expended, it turns out that in the second case, significantly more calories are consumed, which means that the effectiveness of the exercise is much higher. For those who are interested in the topic of calories and duration of exercise, we can recommend a “smart” hula hoop, which thoughtful manufacturers have equipped with a calorie counter.

When buying a hoop, you need to take into account the parameters of the place where you plan to practice. If this is an apartment, then its rooms have limited sizes, and if you also take into account the furniture, then there may not be much free space left.

To make your purchase completely safe, you need to pay attention to the quality of the material from which it is made. You need to understand that in budget options, savings come to the fore, including on materials

You shouldn’t demand too much from such hoops and, of course, it’s better not to rely on them too much. Low-quality plastic can break very quickly and easily, and metal can acquire incorrect bends not intended by the manufacturer. Believe me, practicing with an oval hoop is much more difficult than with a round one, especially if you try to rotate it at the waist, and not use it as a support.

When purchasing a collapsible hula hoop, which is very convenient to store, you need to remember that it is not recommended to lean on such a hoop, unless, of course, you want to experience the full force of gravity.

Heavy (weighted) hoop for weight loss

Heavy and weighted fitness hoops are considered to be equipment weighing more than 2 kg. There is an opinion that they are ideal for losing excess weight, but it was stated above that this is not entirely true.

In any case, beginners should not use them because... They will not be able to develop sufficient amplitude and maintain the required approach time . Severe bruising and even contusions to the ribs or legs are also possible if a rigid model is used.

A weighted hoop differs from a heavy hoop in that its weight can be adjusted with external attachments or internal fillers. This allows you to gradually increase the weight without changing the projectile. However, the balance of models with water or sand fill is poor, making training difficult.

Soft hoop for weight loss

A soft outer shell often found on heavy-duty fitness hoops helps minimize bruising and bruising around the waist.

But full-fledged soft projectiles are considered to be models that do not have a rigid frame and that can be bent in arbitrary directions. They are made from reinforced polyurethane or rubber. Lightweight polyurethane models are mainly used as safe children's toys, and heavy rubber ones are used as a universal inflatable resistance band called "GymFlextor".

The Gymflextor (gymflexor) is the most effective apparatus of all hula hoops - it allows you to perform many strength exercises, although not everyone will be able to spin such a hoop around the waist, since it is a classic heavy variety. But buying such a universal exercise machine is a win-win option and it won’t hurt in your fitness arsenal.

Hoop with magnets for weight loss

A fitness hoop with magnetic blocks is produced as a type of massage hoop. It is believed that magnets enhance the preventive and fat-burning effect of massage through the effect of a static magnetic field and weak currents on the cellular and intercellular environment of living tissues.

Magneto-therapeutic effects change the physicochemical orientation of ionized macromolecules and free radicals, which optimizes the metabolic rate. This gives an increased effect of oxidation of fatty tissues, and also improves immune and nervous processes in the body.

In most CIS countries (including Russia), the therapeutic effects of magnets are considered scientifically substantiated, although controversial. However, in Western countries (for example, in the USA), magnetic therapy is considered a pseudoscience and restrictions are imposed on the sale of corresponding accessories (as therapeutic ones).

Important to remember!

When losing weight through cardio training, loads should be added gradually, since a sharp increase in them can lead to problems in the functioning of the heart and liver due to toxic products of the breakdown of fatty tissue.

Aluminum hoop for weight loss

It is a lightweight version of the metal hula hoop. Best suited for beginners who can confidently spin a hoop, but have no experience in fitness.

Such a projectile leaves fewer bruises, does not cause contusions, but in its unsheathed form it stains the waist from friction. If handled carelessly, modern aluminum models can break.


Now on sale you can find collapsible hoops of any modification. This is very convenient, but keep in mind that cheap models often have weak connections, which is why they fall apart during training or even break at the joints.

Exercises (exercises) with a hoop for weight loss

Before any fitness activity, the body needs pre-warming. It is advisable to do the warm-up with a massage apparatus.

Warm-up with a hoop

Take the starting stance - feet shoulder-width apart, holding the hoop in your hands straight in front of you.

With a gradually increasing amplitude, make turns of the body left and right (you can roll the projectile along the waist), bends back and forth. Try to always keep your back straight.

Basic exercise

Starting position – feet at a distance of 10-20 cm from each other, a fitness hoop is put on the waist and supported by two hands. Select the direction of rotation and spin the projectile in that direction, simultaneously picking up the given acceleration with rotational movements of the waist.

Having achieved stable retention of the rotating projectile at the waist, begin to increase the speed and amplitude. Raise your arms up and try to control the height of the hula hoop rotation on your body.

Horseback Rotation

While rotating the projectile, you need to try to spread your legs wider and squat down a little. This exercise is effective for the buttocks and thighs.

Spinning on your feet

Bring your feet together and try to rotate the hula hoop only on your legs - hips or knees. This complex exercise allows you to get rid of the “breeches” effect.

Spinning to the rhythm of a fitness dance

While spinning the hoop, gradually add elements of fitness dance to the rotational movement: perform leg lifts, simple and cross steps back, forward, and to the sides.

Add arm movements and body tilts, try balancing on one leg. The hoop should be constantly rotating. This exercise replaces running and puts stress on the entire body.

How to spin a hula hoop correctly for weight loss

To successfully perform weight loss exercises with a hoop, you need to follow a number of rules.

Rules for performing exercises with a hoop:

  • Follow the principles of gradualism – start with light hoops, simple exercises and feasible loads;

  • Exercises should be regular and done with pleasure, and not as a duty. To add drive and tone, use fitness music or dynamic clips;
  • Any cardio exercise should be performed indoors with fresh air , or better yet, outdoors. Breathing should not be shallow - oxygen saturation of the blood promotes intensive oxidation of fat reserves;
  • During the exercise, try to smile, keep your shoulders turned and your back straight;
  • The direction of rotation of the fitness hoop does not matter, but it needs to be changed between approaches;
  • Rotational movements should not be too sharp - try to move without unnecessary jerks so as not to accidentally injure the spine;
  • The speed and amplitude of rotation should not be maximum - try to maintain a uniform pace so that you have enough strength for the entire recommended time of the fitness session;
  • Try to concentrate rotational movements in local places (waist, hips, etc.), rather than rotating your entire body;
  • At first, keep your hands spread to the sides or clasped above your head in a “lock” - this way they will not interfere;
  • From the very beginning, if you do not know how to spin a hula hoop at all, it is better to carry out the first rotational movements without a hoop;
  • Watch for tension in the muscles of the waist area - they should not be relaxed;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the position of the feet: the wider they are separated during rotation, the less concentration of tension in the waist - it is distributed to other parts of the body.

Be careful!

Hula hoop exercises are contraindicated for older people, with diseases of the pelvis, lumbar spine, exacerbations of skin, kidney and liver diseases, pregnancy, and on menstrual periods.

What is a hula hoop for?

Anyone who is interested in purchasing a hula hoop knows that the main purpose of exercises with this machine is to lose weight and form a beautiful waist, but in addition to this, this hoop has many more useful properties.

Exercises using hula hoops contribute to:

  • strengthening the muscle corset in various areas (buttocks, legs, back and, of course, abs);
  • burning hated calories and fats;
  • improving blood circulation processes;
  • intensive training of the respiratory organs, cardiac muscles and vestibular apparatus;
  • reducing the volume of the hips, waist and abdomen;
  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • positive effect on intestinal function.

How long do you need to hula hoop to lose weight?

From the very beginning, beginners should temporarily forget about losing extra pounds and focus on the regularity of exercise and technique, so that the body gets used to the additional loads and the exercises are consolidated on a subconscious level.

The first fitness sessions with a hoop should be short-term – 3-6 minutes in 2-4 approaches at a comfortable pace.

The main goal is to learn how to confidently twirl the hula hoop so that the execution technique becomes reflexive and does not require attention. During this period, the load should be gradually increased by 1-3 minutes per day. After the 1st week, you can increase the amplitude and rate of rotation of the projectile.

After 1-2 weeks, the technique will be perfected, the pace will be increased, and the training time will exceed 20 minutes, which will begin to give the first results in losing weight - the body will spend not only glycogen reserves, but also break down stored fats.

By the end of the first month, the training time at an average pace should be 35-45 minutes. You cannot increase it to an hour or more - this has a negative effect on the spine. From this period it is allowed to train not every day, but at least 4 times a week.

After the first month, you need to add additional exercises with hula hoop to the main ones - this will speed up the weight loss process. Here is a sample weekly program for the second month of classes.

The first day:

  • Basic exercise (hula hoop) – 30-40 minutes;
  • Additional exercises – abdominal pumping (15-30 repetitions in 2 sets), leg lifts (15-30 repetitions in 2 sets);

Second day:

  • Basic exercise (hula hoop) – 30-40 minutes;
  • Additional exercises - squats (20-40 repetitions in 2 sets), push-ups (10-20 repetitions in 2 sets);

Day three (day off):

  • Warm-up hula hoop with a massage apparatus – 10 minutes (including with hands);

Day four:

  • Basic exercise (hula hoop) – 30-40 minutes;
  • Additional exercises – abdominal pumping (15-30 repetitions in 2 sets), leg lifts (15-30 repetitions in 2 sets);

Day five:

  • Basic exercise (hula hoop) – 30-40 minutes;
  • Additional exercises - squats (20-40 repetitions in 2 sets), push-ups (10-20 repetitions in 2 sets);

Day six (day off):

  • Basic exercise (hula hoop) – 30-40 minutes;

Day seven:

  • Any other physical activity - swimming, cycling, skiing, sports games, hiking, housework/dacha, etc.

Important to remember! Classes should be carried out 1 hour before and 2 hours after meals. Drinking water during training is allowed, but little by little and without gas.

Types of hoops and their characteristics

The following classification of exercise equipment will help you choose a suitable hoop.

Gymnastic hoops vary in weight:

  • simple. Classic aluminum or plastic. They can be made heavier by pouring sand or flour into the hollow pipe. And if you tightly tie 3-6 hoops, the area of ​​their influence will increase;
  • weighted options for weight loss from 200 mg. up to 2.5 kg. It is believed that the heavier the hoop, the faster the figure is corrected.

According to the material:

  • the usual plastic or aluminum;
  • rubber or caoutchouc;
  • soft spring - special exercise equipment made of soft polymer with a spring base.

For additional elements:

  • hula hoop with suction cups;
  • protrusions;
  • thorns;
  • massage balls;
  • magnets;
  • with a counter.

In addition, hoops are either solid or collapsible.

Results: how much weight can you lose by spinning a hula hoop?

The rate of weight loss greatly depends on excess weight - the more it is, the more noticeable the result, since fatty tissues act as additional “weighting equipment” during fitness exercises. That is, it is much more difficult for a slender girl to lose 1-2 kg than for a woman who is 5-6 kg overweight.

In the first initial month of classes, you should not expect stunning results, but they will still be there - you will be able to lose 1-2 kg in any case, subject to nutritional adjustments.

From the second month, when the body can tolerate high loads, daily training with a hoop for 45 minutes can remove 3-4 kg per month. But if you do not have a lot of excess weight, then it is better to avoid such a pace, because it is harmful to your health. A safe rate of weight loss is 1-1.5 kg per month.

Exercises with a hoop for 35 minutes 4 times a week will help you lose weight by one size within 1-1.5 months - this is a more gentle and justified regimen.

In one session lasting 35 minutes, you can burn from 200 to 600 kcal, depending on the set pace. Typically, 300-350 kcal are burned during a moderate intensity workout.

What types of hoops are there?

Determining which hoop is best for losing weight in the abdomen or other parts of the body is not difficult. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the existing types, and then, depending on personal preferences and the recommendations of a specialist, make a choice.

The following hoop options are available:

  • heavy;
  • ordinary;
  • providing a massage effect;
  • easy to fold;
  • having a built-in electronic calorie counter.

How much does a weight loss hoop cost, price and where to buy

Weight loss hoops can be purchased at sports stores. But the prices there are not always adequate and the same models are offered 30-40% cheaper by specialized market bathyscaphes.

There are many offers on the Internet, but this option is more for those who know exactly what model they need. For beginners, it is better to have the opportunity to choose a projectile for themselves using direct testing.

Prices for fitness hoops depend on the manufacturer, model and all sorts of additional options . These shells are affordable to anyone - the average price range ranges from 200 to 2000 rubles.

For example:

  • A decent quality metal hoop like the Russian “Larsen” costs only 250 rubles;
  • Aluminum Chinese of unspecified quality – 300 rubles. ;
  • A regular plastic hula hoop of good quality costs 200-300 rubles. ;
  • A simple massage hoop without additional modules – 350 – 450 rubles. ;
  • Massage-magnetic model of the “Orbit” type – about 1000 rubles. ;
  • Massage hoops with spikes cost from 500 to 1000 rubles.;
  • Modular massage equipment (balls, suction cups, etc.) – from 700 to 2000 rubles. ;
  • An expander hoop of the gymflexor type costs from 1,300 to 2,000 rubles. ;
  • Chinese folding hoop with a built-in revolution and calorie counter - on average 1000 rubles .

It is important to know!

When training for the first time, it is useful to monitor your pulse to determine its fat-burning level. To do this, you need to subtract your age from 220 and multiply by 0.5. The resulting value is your fat burning indicator, which you can compare with a heart rate monitor.

Experienced fitness trainers are confident that losing weight with a hoop is quite possible , but not every piece of equipment is suitable for this. Also important for the result is the initial stage of mastering the rotation technique, the regularity of training and its sufficient duration.

How to choose the right simulator?

A simulator is selected according to several criteria:

  • human build;
  • physical training;
  • the goal that needs to be achieved is to pump up, remove belly and sides, improve metabolism, get rid of cellulite, etc.;

Soft hula hoop is convenient for travel

Selecting the weight

The weight of the hoop is a fundamental indicator when choosing a simulator. For beginners, it is better to buy 900-1500 g. For intensive training, a 2 kg hoop is suitable, but for women with a fragile build it will be too heavy, and those who are not physically prepared for the load may experience bruises

Therefore, when choosing, it is important to take into account all the criteria together.

For children's sports, the ideal option is up to 1 kg. The hula hoop 1.1 kg is considered universal for all categories; it is suitable for advanced users and for beginners taking their first steps in the sport. For trained people, the optimal solution would be a hoop of medium weight - 1.7-2 kg, and for professionals who have been training for more than six months, you can safely switch to a heavy simulator up to 3 kg.

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Size matters too

One more question remains: what size should a hula hoop be, which one is better to choose for maximum comfort during exercise. Experts recommend placing the hoop on the side; its top point should be at the level of the lower rib or 50 mm higher, but not lower.

Important: At the initial stage of training, the hula hoop massage hoop can leave bruises on the body, so it is better to buy a special thermal belt that will protect against bruises and significantly speed up the weight loss process

Creative hula hoop, photo glowing model for children and creativity

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